#yami token
sapp0w0 · 7 months
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Since I didn't do anything for Valentines, hopefully, this LONG over due lyric comic will suffice lol (sorry-)
Lyrics- Thread the Needle by Sleep Token
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
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halloween’s comin up, so here’s round one of some spoOOooOOOky possessed yugioh guys: Duel Monsters! >:3c
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ygoartreviews · 1 year
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Emissary of Darkness Token
Weird situation with this card: when it was very first created, it was a whole separate monster called "Kaien the Emissary of Darkness"; a counterpart to Gorz the Emissary of Darkness. BUT instead of making it into a full fledged monster in the card game... They turned it into a token. Wild. Anyway, this lady has some pretty badly designed armor, from the weird boob pyramids to the lack of any shoulder/upper torso coverage. I do still think the spiked armor on her arms is cool. Also the fact that her "hair"(?) just straight up looks like a bunch of blades is kinda sick tbh. Her sword is probably the part of her outfit that's most fitting with her name, however, with its black, pointy hilt. And of course, as an Emissary of Darkness, she is, in fact, standing in a dark, nebulous place; very cool and fitting.
Rating: 6/10
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strawberrystepmom · 2 months
yami x f!noble reader. post coitus walk down a strange memory lane. suggestive, sex happened. | divider by @cafekitsune, wc 1.3k
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“Why do you have that?”
Yami looks up at you from the end of the bed, his arm dangling over the side while he finishes pulling it all the way up. 
He holds up the small linen square he was working on unfolding into a larger square and you nod. 
Furrowing his brows, he shrugs. “Because you gave it to me…?”
The hesitation in his voice brings a small, soft smile to your face. You reach for the handkerchief and he hands it over without so much as a grumble, placing it gently in the center of your palm just as you did for him the day it became his. There would never be any denying this once belonged to you considering your initials and hand embroidery are slightly unraveled yet still stitched in the corner of the fabric. 
More than five years ago, a fresh faced newly minted noblewoman boldly pressed her favor into his hand. He was merely a Magic Knight back then, not yet designated with the honor of Captain. There’s no telling, then or now, what you were attempting to achieve with the move other than to get under his skin but it worked well enough that he has kept the reminder of you in his pocket ever since. 
For a moment, Yami debates asking for it back, simply to keep a piece of something that belongs to him and only him. A secret token of affection he should have parted with but has never quite found himself able to. It has been on battlefields with him. It has traveled deep in his pocket to neighboring countries and towns, up a lava filled mountain and back down. 
There’s history stored in the tidy stitches, even if you weren’t there to see it happen. And there is no longer any way to effectively hide what the insinuation meant to him. 
“Are you satisfied that it’s the genuine article now, your highness?” 
You glance up from the fabric in your hands and toward him, the pinched skin between his brows deepening with every passing second. The incorrect title is enough to indicate that you’ve managed to strike a nerve and the look on his face only solidifies it. Giggling, you lean in and press it into his hand just as you did years ago. 
“Passes my inspection although I wish I could go back and tell the younger me that her stitching needs work.” 
Your thumb lingers against the center of his palm. Yami sighs, aware that a barrage of questions is coming judging solely from the look on your face - those twinkling eyes and that deceptively innocent smirk.
“You’re under no obligation to answer me of course, but if I may, how have you managed to keep something so delicate intact for so long? I didn’t exactly put my best effort into making it a piece to be kept forever.”
Chuckling, he leans back down across the bed on his side. His bare chest rises and falls with each breath he takes, dark strands falling over his face messily. You reach out and push the hair away, exposing gray eyes and sharpened features, the same ones you first found yourself drawn to all those years ago, only slightly different. The breath in his chest stills for a moment when you glance down at him, cheek pressed against your knees which are quilt covered and pulled against your chest.
“Everything alright down there, Captain?”
When the two of you first started sleeping together he confidently assumed he could keep the whole ‘I remember you very fondly from every conversation we’ve ever had, no matter how brief’ situation under wraps. You’ve spent years passing by one another, two ships off to other destinations but sharing the water for enough time to get used to the weather. Only the fortuitous hand of fate can explain how the two of you ended up in the same tavern, on the same night, sending you both on a trail that has led here. 
Shaking his head, he smiles up at you, propping his head up with his fist. “Yup.” Popping the ‘p’ sound, he exhales a heavy sigh. 
What can he say that won’t make him sound either creepy or foolish? It’s not like he has spent years pining over you, he’s too busy for something as nonsensical as that, but he’d be lying if he were to insinuate it has been sitting forgotten in his pocket. There’s a blood stain on the upper left corner from when he wiped his nose with it after a fierce competitor got the best of him up close. It’s slightly discolored, off-white from years of rubbing against the dark leather of his pants. 
“I’ve never seen any reason to get rid of a gift someone else has given me, why would this be any different? Besides, sometimes a man just wants something that reminds him of home when he’s on the road.” 
Smirking, you gradually slide your legs beneath the covers and join him in lying down. Shifting to your side, you keep your hand extended to finger comb his hair back from his face.
“So you’re saying I make you think of home?”
Sukehiro is no stranger to women or their wiles and charms but you have always been somewhat unique compared to your peers. Bolder than most women he’s ever met, the perfect mixture of sharp tongued and soft hearted. Memorable and not just for the admirable beauty that has won you suitors and friends, allies and enemies alike. 
He harrumphs. You giggle in the way that makes the bridge of your nose scrunch, irresistible to a man that hasn’t been able to find a place to store all of that fondness outside of his pants pocket. Reaching toward you, he squeezes your nose gently which makes you laugh and distracts you long enough he doesn’t have to dignify your question with a response. 
Feelings are tricky, after all. It’s why he stays away from them.
“Are you gonna let me clean you up or not?” He asks, remembering why he pulled the kerchief from his pocket to start with. You shimmy closer to him, leaning to press the tip of your nose against his. “I don’t know. Are you going to answer my question or not?”
He peels the quilt back from your body with a smirk, ignoring you completely. You make no moves to actually prevent him from doing so, even staying still and patient when he gently pulls your thighs apart. The handkerchief makes its way between your legs, carefully and tenderly sopping up the mess of your release and his that has left your folds glossy and sticky. 
“Yeah, you do remind me of home. That there’s something worth protecting around here, at the very least.” 
The honesty pierces you and the comfortable quiet in one well aimed shot. An unexpected and slightly awkward laugh leaves you, mouth hanging open and shutting as quickly as possible, visibly taken aback. The corners of your lips twitch and your mind races, struggling to find the right thing to say which is almost unheard of for you. 
“All done.” 
Yami holds out the damp and sticky cloth for your review. Giggling, you scrunch your nose again. He laughs while tossing it on the floor with his clothes, making a mental note to wash it so he doesn’t pull it out of his pocket still crusty. Not that it would be the first time.
He rolls over onto his back, lying down by your side once again. Your hand easily finds its natural home in the strands of hair in front of his face, petting them backward.
“I’m relieved you kept it.” You finally admit, now that you can look into his eyes and say it. “I always wondered what you thought of me doing it in the first place.”
Sighing, he turns his head fully to look at you.
“I’ve never been one to turn down a free gift from a pretty girl. My manners aren’t that bad.”
Tugging on the strands of his hair between your fingers, you laugh and shake your head.
“Go to bed, Yami.” 
He leans in and smiles against your mouth, kissing you.
“After you.”
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saijspellhart · 2 months
I just wanted to tell you how much i enjoy your writing- like I've been reading and rereading your stuff for years now and i find it funny I'm only just now telling you how much I like your stuff, but it's true! The way you write is so well thought out and I couldnt mistake it for anyone elses cuz of how your voice rings through it (idk how best to describe it, but its so specific to you and it works so well with the stories you tell). You do some really good work and I hope you keep taking your time with it cuz it turns out so good when you do (hope this doesn't feel like I'm being too much, but I thought I should tell you- please keep up the great work ^-^)
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You don’t know what this ask means to me. Please have this sketch of scary Shadow Yami that I whipped up just for you. A token of my gratitude. I reread your ask several times over the course of the day, then showed it to my husband and my best friends. It made me feel so good. So thank you. Thank you for reaching out to say this.
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setokaibassoulmate · 7 months
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The Rivals✨I wanted to share this really cool Seto Kaiba & Yami Yugi Token! I paired it up with this clear file of them together, the artwork of them (but especially Kaiba of course) is so cool! I always liked seeing them pair up and join forces to duel together💙
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llondonfog · 8 months
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thanks to @kage-kitsune-no-yami for reminding me to finally spend my room tokens on, quite frankly, the most important musical track in the game 💚
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bakawitch · 4 months
Randomly remembered a gemshipping fic on fanfiction net that I have been trying to find for the longest time with no success :'(
Anyway, I remember that in it, Ryou got something that was called a miracle token from his father for his birthday or christmas. I think it was some sort of coin shaped object that in the fic was said to be given to people as an engagement gift in ancient Egypt from your lover, and you could make a wish with it and when the person who gave it to you would die you would discard it somewhere in the desert.
So Ryou does the usual 'I'm so alone and I can't believe my father didn't visit on such an important day again' shtick, and he makes a wish from the miracle token that lands tkb in his living room. This Bakura is the one from ancient egypt, the actual thief king, so he has no recollection of ever knowing Ryou. Ryou still grieves over Yami Bakura, stuff happens, and as Ryou is teaching tkb about the modern world, crushes get developed, and I think tkb tries to comfort Ryou with romantic affection once which Ryou gets upset over for some reason. So after Ryou gets upset, he somehow gets transported back into the past, and now it's up to tkb to get him back. Tkb gets Yami Yugi/Atem to help him, and they successfully rescue Ryou, I think they confess at some point, and Bakura gifts Ryou a new miracle token.
This is mostly what I remember, but I'm sure some details are probably incorrect lol
If anyone knows how to find this fic, I'd be eternally grateful, I remember it mostly fondly, and I would like to read it again if possible 🥲
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yugiohcardsdaily · 11 months
Have this random thingamabob combining two of my obsessions: Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dead By Daylight.
Ryou Bakura as a Survivor
Teachable Perks: Occult Recall, Shadow Insight, Roleplayer
Occult Recall "You have an uncanny ability--or is it a curse?--to never lose anything for long, even when you'd rather never find it again." Start the trial with 1 token. Whenever a generator is complete, gain another token, up to a maximum of 3 tokens at a time. While not holding an item, press the Active Ability button. The last item you interacted with will appear in your inventory with half of its total charges. If you use all the charges of the item after using Occult Recall, it is consumed, and cannot be recalled again. (This is a reference to the Millennium Ring always finding its way back to Bakura, no matter how many times it's taken or lost.)
Shadow Insight "Being possessed by a dark spirit has left you with an understanding of how such people think." The Killer's aura is visible to you whenever you are in the Killer's Terror Radius. This effect lasts for 3 seconds after leaving the Killer's Terror Radius. (This, of course, references the spirit of the Millennium Ring, also known as Yami Bakura or Thief King Bakura.)
Roleplayer "Games have always been a part of your life. Might as well be a part of keeping you alive, too." Every time a totem is cleansed, gain 1 token, up to a maximum of 3 tokens. When you have the maximum tokens, use the Active Ability button to change Roleplayer into one random Perk you have available for this survivor. You keep that Perk equipped for the rest of the trial. (Bakura's introduction in the manga involves a tabletop rpg, so naturally I had to work that into his abilities.)
That's all I got for now. Just Ryou. But I got inspired and decided to put it out there, anyway.
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vilandel · 6 months
Heyyyy! 😁 Can I ask 25, 9, and 15 for the excerpt game? Thank you!
Hello, Oighear! Thank you for your ask 💘
25 ☘️ … that I consider a favorite If I can make two again, let's do it from two of my bigger stories I absolutely love <3
“Yes, handsome?”
“I… I just want to forget… Just for a moment… It’s… so much right now… I know, it’s pathetic, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not. It’s normal that you feel that way. I would never blame you for feeling overwhelmed.”
Maybe she should. But Vanessa was too kind-hearted.
Nozel moved his head a bit so that their lips could meet. The kiss started out soft, but quickly became more fiery, more passionate. To a point that he started to curse the clothes they were still wearing and being grateful that he locked the door.
His lips started to wander across her jawline, her neck, her collarbone, making her moan and growing his desire for her. In the meantime, Vanessa tugged on his clothes and lead him to the couch. It wasn’t a small one, but not large either, maybe they would finish their embrace on the floor again. From Key To The Hearts chapter 4, and yes, it's rather hot (nothing explicit, though...). I put Nozel and Vanessa in a very unique situation in this story... Let's just say that Charlottes confession in Spade and Yami being dense are indirectly a reason that Nozel and Vanessa came into said situation 😅
“I’m coming in.”
But it was too late. Noelle already entered his room… and saw them. On his bed. In a very specific position.
Two things became clear to Nozel in this very moment. First, he forgot to lock his door. Second, his beloved little sister saw him on top of her squadmate and best friend. Said squadmate was naked and as for himself, he was only wearing his trousers. And they both were… In a position that could only mean one thing. They were lovers.
“Nozel, is that… Vanessa, what are you… Wait, is he… OH MY GOD!” From Silver Cats & Black Roses, chapter 23. Just Noelle finding out that Nozel and Vanessa are a couple...
9 ☘️ … with characters I love Would surprise no one, I suppose?
“Has Vanessa done this?” Noelle asked in a whisper while softly stroke his cape with respect.
“Yes, she did. That had been a while before we started to be a couple.”
“I can’t believe that the two of you have been spending time together even before becoming a couple and I haven’t realized one thing ever. How blind was I?”
“You’re not blind, Noelle. It’s just a surprising occurrence, it had been for Vanessa and me as well. Back then, she made this cape for me as token of gratitude for the sewing box I gifted her.”
“That was a really thoughtful gift. Speaking of… Nozel, have you been the mysterious person to give me presents all those years?”
Nozel felt himself flinch. It reminded him of those years of being a distant, cold older brother, of his mistakes with how to take care of Noelle. And still, it didn’t stop him to secretly send her gifts for each of her birthdays…
It had been of secret, because already back then he felt ashamed of himself and was convinced he didn’t deserve to make her happy with presents. How wrong he had been…
“Did… did you know?”
“No, I never knew. And the Black Bulls were always curious about who would give me those mystery gifts. I only started to have suspicions after I found out about you and Vanessa. That sewing box was a thoughtful gift and yours were very thoughtful as well. And… I’m glad that you always gave those to me. We both never had real birthdays after mother’s death, as far as I can remember.”
No, neither of them didn’t. The only time there had been some kind of party for Noelles birthday, nobles started immediately to talk about her reputation and Nozel was still so imprisoned in his cold soul that the only solution he saw to stop this was to never celebrate that birthday again. As for him, he was feeling so guilty after losing his mother that he started to believe he didn’t deserved to have his birthday celebrated and over the years, only a few people remembered. Like Noelle…
Wait a minute!
“Noelle, were you the one to anonymously putting birthday presents in my room all those years? Even after you joined the Black Bulls?”
“Yes, how did you find out?”
“It was just a guess…”
Noelle just looked at him with big, surprised eyes, before she gave him a soft smile. So, Nozel smiled back. This was actually something just between the two of them and it was actually a really nice feeling. From Silver Cats & Black Roses chapter 27. I love a lot of parts in this story 💘
15 ☘️ … from an old piece that I like Let's give something from one of my first Black Clover Oneshots, okay? One in which I created my own wedding vows for the Clover Kingdom 💘
Vanessa looked up as Nozel hold her hands firmly, his gaze all on her. The determination in his eyes made her heart race.
“Faith. Hope. Love. By the three leaves of the Clover, I, Nozel Silva, take you, Vanessa Enoteca, as my wedded wife. I will have Faith in you, with your life and trust you mine. I will have Hope, helping you to all hardships and happiness of life. I will Love you, cherish you in sickness and in health, be it forever.”
Those were beautiful wedding vows. Such a shame that today, they were used more for arranged marriages. Vanessa hoped now to say them without hesitation. She took a deep breath and looked into Nozels eyes.
“Faith. Hope. Love. By the three leaves of the Clover, I, Vanessa Enoteca, take you, Nozel Silva, as my wedded husband. I will have Faith in you, with your life and trust you mine. I will have Hope, helping you to all hardships and happiness of life. I will Love you, cherish you in sickness and in health, be it forever.”
In the end, that wasn’t difficult at all.
Vanessa smiled at Nozel, who smiled back. He was happy, finally. Gosh, he was so beautiful when he smiled. From Night of Vows. Nozel and Vanessa didn't really get married, but had some kind of rehearsal. And I'm so proud of the vows I created!
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apple-my-snapple · 9 months
lowkey a dumb request, but imagine an Atem/Yami fanfic but set to The Summoning by Sleep Token. like that would slap fr.
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queeriboh · 1 year
12 across the board, out the entire cast to me as you see fit.
12. Sexuality hc! oh boy this is going to be long okay. I'm going to do all the characters who come to mind as I go but I'm not going to get to like super obscure or one off characters, like the s0 villains or anything bsbssbwjsnx
Yugi: bisexual
Atem: Gay.
Joey: bisexual, but just figuring that out
Honda/Tristan: I usually headcanon him as the token cishet, but I'm down with bi Honda too.
Anzu/Téa: bisexual disaster
Bakura: agender asexual but also Gay
Yami Bakura: aromantic / asexual
Duke: pansexual
Mai: bisexual
Shizuka/Serenity: lesbian
Grandpa: bisexual legend
Kaiba: gay / demisexual
Mokuba: bi/pan
Noa: asexual
Rex: bisexual
Weevil: gay
Pegasus: bisexual
Bandit Keith: Super Straight. everyone has gay thoughts sometimes you just have to do the AMERICAN thing and ignore them, that's god testing you duh 🙄
Bonz: lesbian
Sid: straight
Zygor: gay
Ishizu: lesbian
Marik: gay
Yami Marik: aromantic / gay
Rishid: straight / asexual
Mahaad: gay / demisexual
Mana: bisexual
Set: asexual
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saijspellhart · 2 years
I wish AO3 let me give chapter kudos cuz ur writing is fucking gold each n every time.
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Not sure which of my fics you’ve been following but have a doodle my dear. Thanks for the amazing ask. Please have a shadow cat Yami as a token of my appreciation.
(I watched a silly YouTube short of a black cat perched in the edge of a pool and had to doodle it as Shadow Yami.)
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kssingh · 11 months
Title: Celebrating Bhaya Dooj and Strengthening Sibling Bonds
Bhaya Dooj, also known as Bhai Dooj or Bhai Phonta, is a Hindu festival celebrated in India and Nepal that marks the bond between brothers and sisters. Falling on the fifth day after Diwali, Bhaya Dooj is a significant occasion where sisters pray for the well-being and longevity of their brothers. This festival not only strengthens the bond between siblings but also reflects the deep-rooted cultural values of love and protection.
The Significance of Bhaya Dooj:
Bhaya Dooj holds great cultural and religious significance in Hindu mythology. It is believed that on this day, Lord Yama, the God of Death, visited his sister Yami (Yamuna) and blessed her with his eternal company. This story demonstrates the importance of the brother-sister bond and the protection that brothers offer to their sisters.
Celebrations and Traditions:
1. Applying the Tilak: On Bhaya Dooj, sisters perform aarti for their brothers and apply a tilak (a red vermilion mark) on their foreheads. This signifies protection from evil forces and blessings for a prosperous life.
2. Symbolic Rituals: Sisters offer prayers to deities for their brothers' well-being. They also prepare delicious traditional sweets and dishes for the occasion, symbolizing the love and care shared within the family.
3. Exchanging Gifts: Like many other festivals, Bhaya Dooj also involves the exchange of gifts. Sisters present their brothers with thoughtful gifts, whereas brothers reciprocate by giving tokens of love and appreciation to their sisters. This exchange signifies the deep bond and affection between siblings.
4. Family Gatherings: Bhaya Dooj provides an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate. Family members participate in the festivities, share meals, and spend quality time together, strengthening the familial bond.
Importance of Bhaya Dooj:
1. Strengthening the Bond: Bhaya Dooj celebrates the deep-rooted bond between brothers and sisters. It is a day to appreciate the love, protection, and support siblings provide for one another. It promotes love, understanding, and compassion within the family.
2. Expressing Gratitude: Bhaya Dooj allows siblings to express their gratitude for one another. Brothers and sisters honor and appreciate each other through rituals, gifts, and acts of kindness, reinforcing the importance of familial relationships.
3. Promoting Unity: Bhaya Dooj is a festival that unites families and strengthens the sense of belongingness. It brings all family members together to celebrate and cherish the bond they share.
4. Respecting Traditions: Festivals like Bhaya Dooj help in preserving and passing on age-old traditions and cultural values from one generation to another. It instills a sense of identity and belonging, enabling younger generations to appreciate their cultural heritage.
Bhaya Dooj celebrates the special bond between brothers and sisters, transcending geographic boundaries and reflecting the deep-rooted cultural values of love, protection, and unity. It is a day to cherish the sibling relationship, express gratitude, and create lasting memories. As we celebrate Bhaya Dooj, let us remember to appreciate the unbreakable bond that siblings share and strive to strengthen this bond throughout our lives.
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celebmania01 · 1 year
The Significance and Traditions of Bhai Dooj: Celebrating the Bond between Brothers and Sisters
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Introduction: Bhai Dooj, also known as Bhai Tika or Bhai Phonta in different regions of India, is a joyous festival that celebrates the beautiful bond shared between brothers and sisters. This auspicious occasion falls on the second day after Diwali, when sisters pray for the well-being and prosperity of their brothers. In return, brothers vow to protect and support their sisters throughout their lives. Let's explore the significance and traditions of Bhai Dooj, and how it strengthens the sibling relationship.
Symbolism and Religious Beliefs: Bhai Dooj holds a special place in Hindu culture as it symbolizes the eternal bond between siblings. It is believed that on this day, Yamaraj (the God of Death) visited his sister Yami, who performed the traditional tilak ceremony and offered him sweets. Impressed by her love and affection, Yamaraj granted her immortality and promised to protect her. Hence, Bhai Dooj is observed as a day to pray for the long life and prosperity of brothers.
Traditions and Rituals: Bhai Dooj is marked by various customs and rituals that vary across regions. The celebration typically begins with sisters applying a tilak (vermillion mark) on the forehead of their brothers. This tilak is considered auspicious and is believed to protect brothers from evil forces. Sisters also perform aarti (ritual of waving lamps) for their brothers and offer them delicious sweets and gifts as a token of love.
One of the unique customs of Bhai Dooj is the exchange of heartfelt promises. Brothers pledge to protect and support their sisters, while sisters promise to pray for their brothers' well-being always. This exchange reinforces the bond between siblings and signifies their lifelong commitment to each other.
Diverse Perspectives: Bhai Dooj is not limited to the Hindu community alone; it is celebrated with equal enthusiasm by people of various religions and cultures. The festival transcends religious boundaries and serves as a reminder of the importance of familial relationships and sibling love. In fact, it is common to see people from diverse backgrounds participating in the festivities, highlighting the inclusiveness and universality of this festival.
Statistics and Cultural Impact: While specific statistics regarding Bhai Dooj celebrations may be limited, it is evident that this festival holds a significant place in Indian society. The exchange of gifts and sweets during Bhai Dooj contributes to the country's economic growth, with the market witnessing a surge in sales of traditional attire, sweets, and gifts during the festive season.
Moreover, Bhai Dooj fosters a sense of togetherness and strengthens familial bonds as families come together to celebrate this auspicious occasion. The festival promotes unity, love, and respect among family members, fostering a sense of belonging and emotional well-being.
Conclusion: Bhai Dooj presents an opportunity to celebrate the deep-rooted love and affection between brothers and sisters. It is a time to reflect upon the significance of this sacred bond that transcends all boundaries. This festival not only brings joy and merriment but also teaches us the value of nurturing and cherishing relationships throughout our lives.
As we celebrate Bhai Dooj, let us appreciate the incredible support, love, and guidance that our brothers and sisters provide, and cherish their companionship for years to come.
"Bhai Dooj" - CulturalIndia.net: [https://www.culturalindia.net/festivals/bhaubeej.html]
"Bhai Dooj - The Festival of Brothers and Sisters" - IndiaParenting.com: [http://www.indiaparenting.com/festivals-and-celebrations/205_5737/bhaubeej-or-bhai-dooj.html]
"Celebrating Bhai Dooj: Significance and Rituals" - ModuleKart Blog: [https://modulekart.com/blog/celebrating-bhai-dooj-significance-and-rituals/]
"Bhai Dooj: Festive Sales to Take Retailers Out of Covid Shadow" - The Economic Times: [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/cons-products/fashion-/-cosmetics-/-jewellery/bhai-dooj-festive-sales-to-take-retailers-out-of-covid-shadow/articleshow/71605166.cms]
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ygoartreviews · 6 years
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Kuriboh Token
Our good pal Kuriboh, now in token form! Do you want a literally infinite amount of Kuribohs, with no regard for how many monster zones you actually have open? If yes, then this card is for you! Not only can you summon an infinite number of these adorable fluff balls, but they make a pretty good impenetrable shield or a massive amount of furry explosions (depending on your mood). Use them well!
Rating: 10/10, I would LOVE this as a normal Kuriboh alt artwork (just saying)
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