#yall this was one of my favorite twitter ss to translate lmao
moonlit-manifesto · 3 years
[5/4/21 - ALIVE Twitter]
In which Mamoru has social anxiety trying to talk to his fellow Purple members. They reference the arainu and tsukiusa LINE stickers so I will post pictures of them as they get mentioned!
☆Speaking of the Most Intimidating Group Meetings☆
Kensuke: “It looks like each color group has been hosting meetings for Golden Week. Team Orange is online with each other almost every day☆”
Ryota: “You guys are playing online games together, right?”
Koki: “I’ve also been getting invitations for the Light Blue group, but I haven’t been able to make it. I’ll go to the next one though.”
Mamoru: “I’m jealous...”
Everyone: “Oh.”
Ryota: “Mamoru’s image color is purple, and Team Purple is...”
Kensuke: “They’re like the Tsukipro Avengers!”
Ryota: “In other words, purple is very much a ‘leader’ color.”
Mamoru: “Exactly! All the members are such high-level!”
Members of Team Purple =  Mutsuki Hajime☆, Takamura Shiki☆, Mamiya Takaaki☆, Fujimura Mamoru, and Kira Ouka
Ryota: “Wow.”
Mamoru: “The busy of the busy, the popular of the popular, the aura to end all auras - the three ☆ are a triple threat!!!”
Kensuke: “You can totally tell just by looking at them (lol). Even the kanji in their names gives off a strong impression. You must feel weird in the group.”
Ryota: “Mamoru...”
Mamoru: “Yes?”
Ryota: “Looks like you should change your image color then.”
Mamoru & Kensuke: “That’s your solution???”
#Ryota is joking
Mamoru: “It might be difficult for all of them to make it, but it would be nice if we could have a Color Meeting too.”
Koki: “...”
Mamoru: “Hm? Kou-kun?”
Koki: “Maybe the Purples think it’s too much effort to put something together so no one started anything. But actually, I think you guys would have a lot of fun during your meetings. Mamoru, why don’t you step up and invite everyone in your group for a meetup?”
Mamoru: “Me... invite them...?”
Ryota: “That’s his ‘I never thought of that’ expression which is easy to read.”
Kensuke: “Yeah... That’s right. Okay, Mamoru! Come on, you have to say to Hajime-san, ‘You wanna catch these hands?*’”
Mamoru: “Stop it, I would die!”
Koki: “I think it would be surprisingly interesting (haha).”
#they’re joking of course
*the literal phrase was ‘let me borrow your face for a bit” which is what someone would say during a fight lol
Mamoru: “What would I do if Hajime was inadvertently amused by that and it ignited his actual fighting spirit?! I have no combat power at all!! I’m the type that can’t come back up from a single push up!!!!”
Koki: “Just do your best then.”
Ryota: “By the way, hand-to-hand combat is like second nature to Hajime-san.”
~Somehow or another, Mamoru-san decided to persevere~
Mamoru: “...Urrgh~ Errr~ O-Okay!!”
Kensuke: “You can do it!”
Mamoru: “Here’s what I typed so far: ‘With the end of spring fast approaching, I’d like to thank everyone in Team Purple...’”
Ryota: “No, that’s too longwinded!”
*in the Team Purple group chat*
>>Mamoru: “’Thanks for all your hard work, everyone!! Do you want to have a Team Purple meetup!?’”
Mamoru: “AAAAAAHHHHH, I sent it... I hit send...!! I thought it would be weird if the message was too long, so I wanted to keep it short. But I added an extra exclamation point at the end to express my emotion! Will they think I’m crazy!?”
Ryota: “Dare I say you sound a bit crazy now...”
Kensuke: “Hey! Don’t worry Mamoru, I understand your feelings!”
Mamoru: “S-Sticker...! It’s times like these that call for a sticker in the chat!! Forgive me for trying to distort their views using stickers!!!”
Kensuke: “Don’t worry you’re not distorting anything lolol.”
Mamoru: “Go on, arainu sticker!!! Save me ‘cause I’m a chicken!! Anddd senddd!!!”
*in the Team Purple group chat*
>> Mamoru: dogeza arainu sticker x2
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Mamoru: “I can’t, I can’t! Maybe I’ll delete my messages before anyone reads them...”
Koki: “Someone read it already though.”
Mamoru: “That was fast! Guys! I did it!!”
Kensuke: “Calm down, Mamoru (lol).”
*in the Team Purple group chat*
>>Hajime: “Thank you for the invite. Of course I’d be happy to go.”
>>Hajime: bowing tsukiusa sticker
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Mamoru: “He’s an angel...”
Kensuke: “Hahahaha!”
*In the Team Purple group chat*
>>Takaaki: “Yay! A Team Purple meetup! Let’s do it ♪ All we need is Shi-kun’s [Shiki’s] wallet and we’ll be good.”
>>Ouka: “I’ll go.”
>>Takaaki: “I’ve been wanting to do something together for a while. Thanks for reaching out, Mamo-chan! Let’s get it on our schedules right away.”
>>Ouka: dogeza arainu sticker
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>>Ouka: “Takaaki, you type so fast.”
~Later on~
Mamoru: “All right...! Looks like we’ll be having a Team Purple meetup soon!”
Koki: “(chuckles) Aren’t you glad you set it up, Mamoru?”
Kensuke: “You were able to bring everyone together.”
Ryota: “Great job, Mamoru.”
Mamoru: “Thanks! Shiki-san didn’t reply yet, but we decided his wallet will participate either way...”
*in the Team Purple chat*
>>Shiki: “Let’s do our best too coordinate a day!!”
Mamoru: “Ah, I’m glad he’s ok with it!”
~They decided to meet sometime in mid-May~
Mamoru: “The Team Purple meeting is gonna be fun!”
~The End~
#we hope everyone is having a nice Golden Week holiday
#and that you have a fun May
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