#yall the writers knew what they were doing when they gave them both mommy issues
sky-is-here · 1 year
So I've had this fic ides for Maddie and Wally sat in the back of my mind but I have no time to write anything right now, so here's the 'synopsis' version of the ideas that I do have (can't finish it fully because busy).
The week between 1x04 and 1x05 is excruciatingly long as Maddie and her friends wait for answers regarding Mr. Anderson and Claire to surface. During the wait, in hopes of eliminating the long hours of anxious uncertainty, the Split River Spirit Body sets out to keep Maddie occupied and entertained. Wally is especially determined in this endeavor (no longer having to hide his growing crush on the new ghost at Split River from his two friends (he'd been confronted by Rhonda and Charley as field day came to an end)).
Sunday - A small-scale picnic being hosted in the school's yard draws the attention of the Split River ghosts (as Sundays prove to be the least interesting day of the week). A determined Wally convinces Maddie to join him at the brunch. Exchanges occur, including;
Conversations in which the duo get to know eachother more (smaller things, interests, etc.)
An instance in which Wally gifts Maddie a Gardenia (fully unaware of the flower's meaning (Secret Love))
Maddie having butterflies
An unanticipated rainstorm that cuts the event short and leads Wally to giving Maddie his letterman jacket as a means of staying dry
Bonus points if they have an impromptu dance on the way back to the school.
Monday - Yesterday's storm, although brief, was enough to leave Wally Clark with a ghostly fever. Maddie, Charley and Rhonda watch over him as he rests on a couch within the gym, unsure of how to help him overcome his illness. Charley takes Rhonda to make chicken noodle soup in the cafeteria, leaving Maddie to watch over Wally.
Again, genuine conversations are shared
Wally admits small things he finds nice about Maddie
Maddie reciprocates.
Wally falls asleep and Maddie sits next to the couch. She observes with those same butterflies as she too starts to doze.
Bonus points if she admits anything while he's sleeping and he pretends not to overhear.
Tuesday - Friday - More spirit shenanigans
Saturday - With the weekend approaching once again, it comes time for another Movie Night (a consensus couldn't be reached the day before so Mr. Martin made the decision). Maddie was given choice over which movie to watch. True to her nature, she decided on a horror film. A certain football star agreed with her choice (even after she asked the support group if they wanted to watch something else), refusing to admit that he was less than confident when it came to the genre of film.
Rhonda, Charley, Maddie and Wally are on the pillow pile since they had the couches last week.
Wally, after a jumpscare, ducks beneath a blanket. Maddie joins him and they talk briefly. He admits to his cowardice. She's quick to refute it, and offers him her hand to hold, stating something along the lines of 'We'll be brave together'.
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