#yall qaeda no more
nirivenova · 2 months
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rated-r-superautist · 2 months
the autistic urge to make friends (i love talking to people) vs the autistic urge to isolate forever (i have no idea how to talk to people)
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blossomingasbeth · 2 years
YALL-Qaeda 🎉 Falling
The winds of change are blowing strong,
As justice rises up to right the wrongs,
For far too long, we’ve been held down,
By those who wish to wear the crown.
YALL-Qaeda, the insurrectionist crew,
Their reign of terror is finally through,
No longer will their hate-filled speech,
Be allowed to reach and breach.
Their white supremacist ideology,
Was always based on false mythology,
No more will their toxic views,
Be seen as acceptable news.
The LGBTQ community can finally breathe,
Their rights no longer up for debate or seethe,
No more will they be treated as less,
Their love and identity, no longer repressed.
A new day dawns, a brighter future,
Where equality reigns and hate’s a loser,
No more will we be held back,
By those who seek to attack.
So let’s stand tall and shout with glee,
For a world where all are truly free,
Where hate is banished, and love’s embraced,
And YALL-Qaeda’s finally been erased.
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White nationalists planned to murder cops and pro-gun protesters in Virginia
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From the bail hearings of three men arrested on gun charges, whom police claim were members of the white nationalist group The Base: the men planned on using the gun rally in Virginia to start a civil war by gunning down their fellow pro-gun demonstrators, and they discussed murdering police officers in order to obtain arms and tactical equipment.
The three men -- Brian Lemley, Jr., William Garfield Bilbrough IV and Patrik Jordan Mathews (a Canadian who apparently crossed illegally into the USA) -- were arrested four days before the rally. At their bail hearing, prosecutors entered evidence from a "sneak-and-peek" raid on the Delaware house that Lemley and Mathews share, including recordings made by hidden cameras and mics planted by officers during the raid.
The evidence included the parts to make a fully automatic assault rife as well as 15,000 rounds of ammo; literature from the Base; and Mathews' videos which "espouse violent, anti-Semitic, and racist language." It also included a video Mathews made in which he exhorts the viewer to commit acts of mass murder, including derailing trains and poisoning the water supply, concluding that "If you want the white race to survive, you're going to have to do your fucking part." In the video, Mathews wears a gas-mask that hides his features and distorts his voice.
The hidden camera recordings captured Mathews and Lemley fantasizing about murdering people, with Lemley telling Mathews that "I literally need, I need to claim my first victim." Lemley mooted ambushing and murdering police officers in order to steal their weapons and tactical gear, using language reminiscent of someone narrating a playthrough of Grand Theft Auto ("If there's like a PoPo cruiser parked on the street and he doesn't have backup, I can execute him at a whim and just take his stuff ... He literally has zero chance of not being ganked").
They were also recorded planning acts of violence calculated to create the conditions for civil war, including opening fire on the heavily armed attendees at the rally, which Mathews asserted "kick off the economic collapse of the US within a week." The men discussed "literally hunting people" in the crowd.
William Bilbrough was recorded comparing the Base to al Qaeda, and boasting that the Base was more militant and dangerous than ISIS.
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lionzkingsview-blog · 5 years
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SO YALL TRUST THE MEDIA WHO LIES EVERYDAY ON US BUT WANT TO TELL ME OVER AND OVER THAT THE ONION IS FAKE NEWS. Think about that for a second. WHAT MAKES FOX NEWS MORE CREDIBLE THAN THE ONION??? Either way do your own research PLEASE • CONTROL THE NARRATIVE BELIEVE NOTHING THEY SAY RESEARCH EVERYTHING • —Admitting that the organization had erroneously rushed to judgment in response to an unimaginable tragedy, CIA director Gina Haspel issued a posthumous apology Wednesday to the family of Osama bin Laden in light of new evidence which conclusively clears the former Al Qaeda leader of any involvement whatsoever in the 9/11 attacks. “The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency extends its most sincere and heartfelt apologies not only to Mr. bin Laden, but also to his grieving family and the many friends who stood by his side,” said an emotional Haspel, acknowledging for the first time that the CIA had based its entire 9/11 investigation on the testimony of a single, questionably reliable eyewitness who later recanted. “Our organization acted in haste and without full knowledge, and in doing so, took the life of a loving husband, father, businessman, and highly effective community organizer. We understand there is nothing we can do or say will bring Osama back, but we hope the bin Laden family will accept restitution of $18 million in recognition of their pain and suffering. No one deserves to endure what you have been through.” Haspel further confirmed that the agency was now operating under the assumption that Zacarias Moussaoui acted alone in perpetrating the events of 9/11. https://www.instagram.com/p/By0zXUXhmNv/?igshid=otyv22e5k37g
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