#yall lucky im on that spectrum
whateverthought · 2 months
Aemond is 19.
I'll be honest, an interview isn't really that great of proof, especially when it contradicts the show itself.
Not to say I know and am even truly sure of the show's timeline.
Because,— lets start with Aegon, I guess. We see his Second NameDay, in which we are told the War for the Stepstones has been going for 3 years, and we know it started in 112AC. We know that because the show starts with the War, explained more in the Game of Thrones: House of The Dragon: Inside the Creation of a Targaryen Dynasty, a book detailing the BTS of Season 1. Apparently. So, three years after 112AC, means its 115AC, where Aegon is 2. Two years before that, 113AC. The year he was born.
And a book isn't really the show either, but at least its produced by the people themselves.
Outside of that, we see Alicent about to pop at Aegon's 2nd Birthday, so we can agree Helaena is 2 years younger. The rest? We only know, at the current time of the show (132AC), Daeron is 16.
Stay with me here. We know its 132AC because Season 2 has no major time skips, episode 1 "A Son for a Son" has both Daemon and Otto say its only been days since Viserys died, and we know he dies in 132AC because the episode, "Lord of the Tides" starts with 'Six years later' and the previous episode was in 126AC. We know that, because in "The Princess and the Queen" Laenor says its been 10 years since he married Rhaenyra, they married in 116AC. We know that because in that episode, "King of the Narrow Sea", Daemon states its been 4 years since he left Kings Landing, Rhaenyra was 14 at that time, the premiere, and last episode, "Second of His Name", it was stated she was 17. And Aegon was 2. And Helaena was in utero.
Despite all of this Aemond's birth and age is never talked about. The closest we get is Harwin Strong referring to Jacaerys and Lucerys as younger than Aegon and Aemond in "The Princess and the Queen". Now, we do not get in-universe confirmation on what year Jace is born. In the script he is referred to as 16 in "Lord of the Tides", or 132AC. But, in the script, Aemond is referred to as 18. Which isn't possible. But we see baby Helaena and we do not see Jace and we know Daeron is 16, and Aemond is between them, so...
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fortemelody · 5 months
weowww just realized i never did an intro post and i like talking about myself (egotistical i know 😜) so uhmmm let’s do that!
my name is forte! i’m cool with any pronouns but i prefer he/him at the time of posting
i’m 17, gender-fluid, asexual, and possibly on the aro spectrum…? im still figuring shit out lmao
im a cosplayer of 3 years and an idol of less than a year with 2 performances under my belt! i post my cosplays on @fortayee on tiktok a whole lot and that’s also where my biggest following is 😎 anyways i have like 3 ish more performances this year that i haven’t even started prepping for LMAO pray for me. i usually like to perform with the group mikupa live which is focused on vocaloid charcters and music and it’s an amazingly fun group!
for other big hobbies i like to write (i wanna be an author when i grow up) and draw sometimes- but i don’t finish much nor practice enough to get better bfjfkgkfksdjdk
i really love emo music it’s so yummy and ptv is my fav band!!!!!
i’m also super into sonic (wow bet you definitely couldn’t tell from my posts). i would say it’s my biggest interest rn and it’s probably here to stay for awhile…
some other fandoms/things i like however are: PTR/UJL, space channel 5, DDR (ok i should’ve just listed like all rhythm games ever HELP) scott pilgrim, splatoon, kirby, death note, lucky star, monster high, collecting consoles/figures/physical media/lots of other junk, ultimate frisbee, singing, photography, nature, and playing the cello
uhm you can prob find me on every social media tbh becus i use similar usernames, i like hopping from place to place but i’m just more active on certain ones at different times 💀
oh and i like to use a lotta emojis tee hee 🤭
ya i think that’s it yall baiiiiiiii!!!!!!!
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banavalope · 6 years
is morres came out a lil wrong what do the 'proper' ones look like?? i love your fantroll idea!!
GEE THANKS!!! this is fun im excited that everyone’s gettin into it~
Anyway I imagine you mean blackbloods who pupate properly! The short answer is they come out lookin like his honorable tyranny, but if I had to come up with some bullshit alien biology it’d probably be something like… They hatch as normal grubs and pupate into trolls, nothing special. Blackbloods would be heavily pigmented as grubs for the sake of survival through stealth, and a little darker grey than other trolls bc of their blood color. They’d be a bit stocky in build and have rougher skin that has a tendency to crack and crease around the joints, but would otherwise not appear any different and you wouldn’t really be able to pick them out of a crowd.
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Then when they hit the age for their second pupation - idk around 13-16 earth years that’s around the time you usually hit a growth spurt right - a thick exoskeleton would grow underneath to replace their rough skin through a kind of shedding process. They’d be small for a Tyrant since they’d still be young, but they’d look like a drone to a troll and be around the size of one.
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*shrugs at my attempt to draw a drone-like creature* :y me tryed
During the pupation their horns would go black, they’d grow an extra set of eyes and progressively grow more horns and spikes and get more grotesque as they molted. From this point as they grow bigger they’d shed their exoskeleton regularly like a cicada or something until they reached full, gargantuan adulthood.
The second pupation process, I also imagine, alters so much of their anatomy to something so bug-like that they’d be reduced to chittering and lose the ability to communicate, it would rob a blackblood of their sense of self, agency, and thought. Legal proceedings on Alternia are for the most part lead by highbloods anyway and the honorable tyrant, as we know for now, acts more like a bailiff or as the muscle in case the prosecution or defense tries anything funny and need to be swiftly “overruled”. They’re sort of there for intimidation and don’t do much else in the way of mandating Law in the courtroom (and that could be wrong, depending on what we learn with more friendsims/act 2 maybe). But blackbloods would see their lot in life as a figurative death sentence, they’re being granted the gift of individuality and having it unavoidably taken away at a pin-pointable time in their life. That’d be hell, I’d guess.
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getofy · 4 years
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matchup: #1 - hq boy w/ an extroverted fem reader!
—a/n: wow im genuinely so sorry for taking so long. literally school is ruining my life and i also um,, haven’t been doing the best this past month. i really hope this makes up for it !! it’s kinda long so my bad...also this is NOT proofread lol i apologize if it sucks aaaa.
DISCLAIMER: while this is a personalized matchup, they’re still headcanons, so basically anyone can enjoy them! :]
hello @/meremoomoo ! you are so cute and tysm for being patient about ur request. i debated who you would go well with for a while, but in the end i came up with...
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suga has a personality type of INFJ, which compliments your ENFP personality type well.
“...you may benefit from perseverance in this relationship. your sensitive, sympathetic nature may at times overtake you, leading you to make decisions that feel right but are not really the wisest option. this person, whose approach seems so cold at times, can help you to tune into your powers of objective reasoning and ensure that you are not letting emotions rule your life.” —some website i found
while INFJs are not the most compatible with ESFPs, your other personality type, wonderful things can still come out of INFJ/ESFP dynamics! 
“your differences mean that you actually have a lot to offer one another. your counterpart may inspire you to slow down and think more deeply about the meaning of things, rather than just doing what feels right in the moment. in turn, you can help them to get out of their heads and enjoy life for what it is.” —some website i found
sugawara and you did not start off on the right foot at first...
the two of you were in the same class and sat very close to each other so he decided that he really wanted to get to know you.
he also just really likes becoming friends w/ people lol
since you were always laughing loudly with your friends during break time, he deduced that you had a good sense of humor.
he decided that jokes seemed like the right way to get to your heart win you over!
easy enough, right?
apparently, he had caught you on a bad day because his attempts to be friendly were not received well. at all.
poor suga.
he does his best to be kind to everybody, but at the same time, he does love to poke fun at others. he probably took one of his jokes too far or something?
or maybe you really were just having a bad day?
who knows.
anyways, after that awkward encounter, he did his best to avoid you.
it’s not that he hated you, it’s just that he thought you hated him. it sort of bummed him out because you seemed cool, but he wanted to be respectful of your feelings!
*sorry it’s not enemies to lovers, but it’s close enough i hope ?
the class had finished testing early, so the teacher decided to put on a movie.
(basically it’s just an incredibly depressing dog movie. like, if you’ve never seen it then just imagine the saddest movie you’ve ever seen 10x)
anyways, you ended up crying. very loudly.
sugawara was incredibly concerned for you, since you seemed to be genuinely distraught, but he didn’t say anything
eventually, the teacher caught on to your disarray and excused you from the room so you could go calm yourself down.
after some time, the teacher tells suga to go check up on you to make sure ur not dead or whatever lol (you were taking a while).
he was hesitant to do this since he knew you weren’t too fond of him, but suga decides to do it anyways since he didn’t want to be a disobedient student.
he finds you sitting on a bench with tears streaming down your face
and MAN!!
all at once, suga gets this overwhelming urge to make you feel better. but like, as in, he-never-wants-to-see-you-in-this-kind-of-state again-otherwise-he-might-breakdown kind of urse.
despite not being super close to you, he had gotten so used to your large smiles and extroverted demeanor, that watching you cry felt foreign to him.
he missed your smile.
he soon realizes that seeing you upset hurts him because he genuinely cares about your well-being.
so he decides to make it his personal mission to make you smile again.
suga takes the spot next to you voicelesslyand tries his best to talk you through your dismay.
you don’t seem to mind the company, and to his delight you don’t seem to hate him as much as he thought you did!!
suga is very grateful for this
anyways, he manages to cheer you up, and the tips of your lips turn up into a small grin—just like he wanted them to.
whew this man’s heart skips a BEAT baby and he is lowkey spiraling lol he’s so confused like why is this girl’s smile making me feel some type of way
he had been so focused on what you thought about him, but he had never once stopped to consider what he thought about you (until this very moment, of course).
turns out suga was incredibly fond of you
yeah, that’s how he knew.
suga brain go brr 4 pretti girl
you two had been hanging out more frequently as of late
and getting to know you was only making suga‘s crush grow EXPONENTIALLY
after many nights spent in long contemplation, he came to the conclusion that it was time to ‘man-up’ and just rip off the band-aid that was being honest about his feelings.
he buys a single flower (tanaka’s advice) and waits by your locker
very very simple and sweet confession typa beat :(
literally SO nervous pls help . he’s scratching the back of his neck and holding the flower out to you with a slight twinge in his cheeks.
“y/n...i know you weren’t too fond of me at first, but i...i don’t know i think we’re great together! and now that we hang out and stuff i was thinking that maybe we could-“
yeah you cut the poor boy off and said yes to put him out of his misery.
literally verbally celebrates when you accept his flower. does a lil victory dance and everything.
ugh yall r so cute.
somehow the most wholesome and chaotic couple to ever exist???
you guys spend like every waking moment together it’s adorable
noya and tanaka would jokingly hit on you and suga would pretend to be actually jealous.
i hc him as being a somewhat possessive-y boyfriend so do w that what you will
total best friend kind of lover but he’s also a sweetheart and rlly romantic + respectful abt ur needs:(
y’all r super comfy w each other !!
sugawara is usually the kind of person that’s always there for other people so he appreciates the fact that you’re the same way! you guys bond over your shared therapist/mom-friend tendencies, and quickly become the support systems you so desperately needed prior to getting together.
he’s there to listen to you about your problems and vice versa.
he adores how you can meet and sometimes even exceed his energy. it’s a nice change of pace since he usually gets scolded by daichi. </3
thinks it’s cute how much you care for animals! you’ll often find him staring at you in wonder as you pet a random dog on the street lol.
will spend hours on end watching you play video games on FaceTime. after a while, he ended up buying his own console and now you guys play together!
he’s fairly competitive, and will whine whenever you destroy beat him in a game!
he’s so cute pls
one of his favorite things to do after a long day is sit and play slower paced games such as minecraft and animal crossing with you.
whether it’s about your fav historical monument or about a new show you saw, suga will listen to you talk for hours and never get bored. usually he’s always got something to add to the convo though. sometimes you guys get overly excited together and end up speaking over each other in the same way.!
is INCREDIBLE at getting you to calm down?? like, if you ever need to be put in your place, suga knows exactly what to say to do it. does this make sense? lol. you guys have big ying and yang energy sometimes i feel.
you’re his BIGGEST supporter. whenever he’s put into games, you’re always the LOUDEST one cheering him one.
it really touches him to know that you’ll always be there to root for him!! even mr.refreshing gets down sometimes, so it’s incredible to have someone as positive as you by his side constantly reassuring him.
he’s a big animal person as well so you guys like going to volunteer at shelters together!
this was actually your second date HAHA.
if a dog is within a 40 ft radius from y’all, it is almost guaranteed that you guys will sprint to go pet them.
since you’re both athletic, you guys help each other practice sports together! suga’ll throw u soft toss and help you run drills and hype u up before games. & you’ll help him work on his technique and such <33.
y’all totally gossip together wow. you said you were a bit on the meaner side of the spectrum and lowkey he doesn’t mind AT ALL. he lives for it HAHAHAHA.
he literally thinks you’re stunning so it upsets him whenever you get insecure, but he’s always got the right thing to say to cheer you up! genuinely just,,,, so good with his words. if you’re having a bad night, he’s ready to come to your rescue with a gentle smile and funny one-liner and maybe a documentary if you’re lucky enough.
in his eyes, everything about you is beautiful. your hair. your freckles. your body. your laugh. your smile. everything!! he’s going to do whatever it takes for you to love yourself in the same way he loves you.
this man so whipped smh 🙄🙄
tl;dr: suga thinks you hate him. you don’t. you start hanging out. he confesses to you by the lockers. you start dating. you are infinitely better at gaming than he is and will never let him forget it.
YOUR ANTHEMS (in no particular order):
darling by christian leave
pleasantries (with your lover) by mustard service
upside down by jack johnson
sunflower, vol.6 by harry styles
what do you like in me? by nasty cherry
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pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit premission
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Daughter of the Honorable Thief - Harry Hook x reader - part 6
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Harry Hook x Daughter of Robin Hood!Reader
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 clothing reference:
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  ---(y/n) POV---
Ahhh, lunchtime, one your favorite times of the day. Breathing deeply through your nose as you entered the cafeteria, your eye caught the baked macaroni and cheese, just calling your name, along with the cornbread and chicken legs near it.
Oh!! (favorite beverage) sounded good too.
Erza skipped next to you, babbling about what she was going to eat. “im in the mood for something strawberry~ oh!!! Strawberry shortcake yum!!”
You snorted at her antics, “erza, real food before dessert, remember?”
Erza pouted before nodding, following you into the line of meals, glancing wistfully to the desert line. You rolled your eyes, patting her shoulder “don’t worry erza, it'll still be there when you're finished.”
The amber-eyed girl huffed, following your lead of the food choices, mac&cheese, cornbread, but getting sliced mutton thigh instead of chicken.
You turned, looking around for seats, before spotting gil waving you over, you smiled, bumping Erza then making your way over to the corner table.
“Hey guys” you cheered, sitting next to harry, erza plopping next to Uma, “ hows it going?”
Uma hummed, dipping a fry in her ranch, tossing it in her mouth. She shrugged, not really having anything to say.
“notin mush” she talked through her food, you snickered, the teal haired girl blushed and swallowed her food “hated goodness class though, it's nauseating.”
Erza snorted, “I would think so, I full hour stuff with FG and her baby talk? Just kill me now”
Uma sorted, looking down at her food. Erza wiggled her brows at you, you huffed and tossed a crumb of cornbread at her.
“Ewwww?!?! What the fuck!?!?!” Mals voice screeched, across the mess hall, Uma, gil, and harry jumped when she screamed and turned, seeing mal making a disgusted face at her oreos. You and Erza glanced at each other, before covering your mouths to prevent Mal hearing you laugh.
Harry blinked, surprised, what the heck? Glancing at Uma, he raised his brow, confused.
“Uma?” he mumbled “wha’ the hell is goin on?” Uma snicked, finally realizing what happened.
“(y/n) and Erza played more than one prank” Uma whispered, not wanting Mal to figure out anything or accuse her of the pranks.
“they also replaced the filling in Mals oreos with blended up baby wipe jelly beans~”
Harry was lucky he wasn’t drinking anything because if he was it would have squirted out of his nose, he snorted loudly, luckily not loud enough to overpower Mals screeching.
Uma reached under the table and low fived you, grinning as Harry began to wheeze. Gil was biting his lip to stifle his laughter, and you giggled, glad they enjoyed your prank so much.
“well,” Uma smirked looking at her boys, “I think that’s a good enough prank for her to be into our group, right boys?”
Harry was still wheezing, so he just gave a thumbs-up as tears ran down his face. Gil nodded, you would be a great addition to the group, you were fun!!
“thank you~” you hummed, taking a sip of your (favorite beverage), eyeing Evie as she turned to look at Harry confused, she raised a brow at you, you just shrugged, the blue-haired girl huffed and turned back to her food.
“what the hell happened’ and why is Harry wheezing?” Harriet had arrived, and she is baffled by Harry's laughter, raising her brows at her little brother.
Uma snorted, shaking her head, “Mal got pranked” Harriet nodded, slapping her bother on the back, she made her way to the food lines.
Harry finally regained his breath, “I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, lassie, yeh just keep surprising meh”
You giggled and gave a small mock bow, seeing Harriet returning and sliding to the side slightly for her to sit.
Harriet hummed thanks and glanced around the table, raising her brow at Erza.
“who are yeh?” Erza’s eye twinkled and she leaned forward towards Harriet, you rolled your eyes, dear god erza is such a disaster lesbian.
“me~? Erza, Erza Scarlet, pleasure ta meet ya.” Erza gave a flirty grin and Harriet huffed through her nose, looking down at her food.
“sorry lassie, I got meh eye on another lass”
Erza pouted but leaned back, respectful of Harriet.
You turned to look at Uma, seeing her glance between Harriet and Erza. She locked eyes with you confused.
Ah, she's confused by Erza’s obvious gayness. “Erza’s gay, she's known that since we were kids, big ol gay crush on wonder woman as soon as she saw her”
Erza turned to you, unbothered by your easygoing outing of her sexuality as she had given you permission to do so before, “bitch don’t lie and say you didn’t have a crush on her either,  you literally said you want her to crush you between her thighs”
“I’m not denying that” you teased, still grinning “I’m just saying that she was your sexual awakening”
“true true” erza nodded, Uma looked at her boys shocked, they looked back, shocked as well, they didn’t know sexuality was not really bothered with, accepted without a thought, they thought it would be like the isle.
“well,” Uma coughed, gaining yours and Erzas attention. “since we seem to be announcing our sexuality, I feel like I need to get this off my chest” you quickly interrupted, not wanting Uma to feel pressured.
“ you don’t have too, Erza and I are just comfortable with ours and pretty much everyone at the school is chill with that kinda stuff, but you don’t have to feel obligated to share your sexuality, that’s your business, your privacy.” Erza nodded rapidly, wholeheartedly agreeing with you
Uma stayed silent for a moment, glancing at her boys.
“well,” she mumbled, your mini-speech actually making her want to tell you guys even more “im okay with telling yall, as you seem to be people I can trust with it.”
You nodded, Erza grinning along, Uma softly smiled, Harry and Gil following her lead
“um alright okay…” Uma took a deep breath “Im Bi”
“sweet” you grinned, making Uma’s shoulders relax “im demi”
Uma raised her brow, “what does demi mean?”
“oh!” you didn’t know that on the isle, there were few known sexualities on the isle, I mean they were known, just not by the VKs “demi is the shortened term of demisexual, its when a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.”
“ah” Uma hummed, that made sense
“I think im demi too them” Gil spoke through his fries “I've never really been super attracted to somebody till I've known them for a while”
You hummed “well if you don’t know then you don’t know, there are lots of people who don’t know where they are on the spectrum and that’s okay, you don’t need a label for what you feel”
Gil brightened, wow you gave really good pep talks.
“im pan” Harry blurted, blushing slightly as you giggled, Erza joining you “wha’? why yeh laughing?”
“be-because,” you snickered “because you must have a fucking time with being attracted to anyone regardless of gender!”
Uma groaned, along with Harriet, “Oh my fucking god you don’t know the half of it!!! He's such a fucking disaster!!! He flirts with anything and everything that moves!!!”
Harry was turning scarlet, slamming his head on the table, covering his face with his arms. “oh really~?” you laughed, feeling slightly bad for Harry.
“yeah,” Uma groaned, “he's flirted with Carlos, evie, jane, Audrey, ben, everyone!!!” you burst out cackling but calmed down quickly when you saw Harry glaring at Uma.
“sorry” you coughed, Harry just nodded pouting, face still red. Uma was about to go on but you flicked her shoulder, causing her to realize she was making harry slightly uncomfortable.
“oh, sorry har” Harry just hummed, his face finally cooling down. “Is alright’ “
“well” Harriet hummed, stealing one of Harrys apple slices, he growled and swiped at her, she just snickered and brushed him off.
“That was an interesting conversation, but I’d rather we stop talking about Harrys fanatics and just go back to normal conversations”
The rest of the group agreed and continued on talking. From classes to sword-fighting styles, the six of you were quickly gaining a bond.
Then the bell rang
“well,” you stood, gathering up your tray, Erza following your lead, “time for the next class, see you later guys”
The four pirate teens nodded, standing as well and tossing their trash away.
You bumped fists with Uma and walked off with erza at your side.
“sooo~” Erza hummed, a shit-eating grin on her face “Uma's bi~”
“yep” you mumbled, tapping on your phone, texting your mother. “that means you have a chance, don’t fuck it up”
“I won't I won't”
“that’s what you said last time when we were taking the history test, and look at your score, 25 out of 100”
“fuck off hood!!!”
---end of part 6---
Comment or message me for part 7
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