#yaki texti
yakiattaki · 1 year
someone help a team member at work has just. informed me about something called the 'Testing Tickler' and then not explained herself.
what the fuck is that. what does that mean. i'm legitimately scared now.
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yakiattaki · 2 years
fuck laptops that only have 2 usb ports like. fuck am i supposed to do with you.
i have to buy a fucking usb-c hub to connect a webcam to my work laptop when i wfh like. come on man just put another fucking thing in this bitch
not like it doesnt have the space
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yakiattaki · 2 years
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yakiattaki · 2 years
i love snakes so so so much and most of them are just little guys!! they're just little dudes!!! they dont want to hurt you but they will if they feel threatened!!!
even venomous snakes don't particularly want to fight you!!! yes they have the advantage of venom which is highly toxic and can kill quick, but they'd rather use that on their prey than use it defensively!
if you see a snake, its best to leave it alone. it wont actively seek you out and hurt you. if you think its in danger maybe just cautiously approach and try to get it to move and stuff like that but just. respect them and know that they dont want to hurt you.
so many people are unjustly afraid of snakes or think they're evil or whatever and it just breaks my heart. my brother in law literally said if he found a snake in his backyard he'd chop its head off and im just sat here like ??????????? why???? its just minding its own business???
i think more people should have experiences with reptiles when they're young. my uncle had uh, these big big pythons when i was a kid and i loved going over to his house to hold them and see them, and i think that really changed the way i look at snakes for the better because i know they're just animals trying to survive and, like most animals, find humans fucking terrifying because we're big and loud.
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yakiattaki · 2 years
goodness exists in the world
i walked across the plaza to get a breadroll only to find out i had literally nothing in my account and i was just gonna give it back to the lady at the counter and she just smiled and said "nah, just take it"
i said "are you sure?" and she nodded and said "yeah take it :)"
maybe she felt bad that i couldnt even buy a 90c roll but. goodness exists
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yakiattaki · 2 years
ok i guess i have a new pinned dashboard tab :/
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yakiattaki · 2 years
love that i can make polls now.
hate that i don't know what to do with them.
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yakiattaki · 2 years
oh hey btw
i seem to exist in some sort of cursed dashboard tab?
whenever i close and reopen firefox it goes to a post from like. at least 2 weeks ago as the most recent thing, if i open dashboard in another tab i get the sparklies on the store.. cursed life im in
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yakiattaki · 1 year
oh ok i just watched the video of elongated muskrat's shitass rocket exploding and everyone cheered when it fucked up and failed and blew up lmfao
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yakiattaki · 2 years
does anyone remember that post where its like. "a movie where a guy wakes up with amnesia and the only clue he has is the photo of a woman on his phone but it turns out hes trans"
bc im thinking about it now and i hope the OP knows they described basically the plot of stalker: shadow of chernobyl
marked one wakes up after crashing in a truck heading out of the zone and the only clue he has is a message on his pda telling him to 'kill strelok' and surprise surprise marked one is strelok
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yakiattaki · 2 years
oh i was going to complain about the sparkle animation on the stupid store but uh. that actually made it possible to block the little sparkles lol
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