#yaker ankelle
elavoria · 8 months
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Miscellaneous Hellknights, featuring Paralictor Renth in the sleek Gate armor I think he deserves, one Yaker, and spouse’s Aurora, a signifer of the Order of the Pyre.
More about Aurora under the cut for those interested~
She’s a LN angelkin aasimar atheist oracle purifier 20 / Hellknight signifer 10 / fighter 10, with Hellbound curse, beneficial Blackened curse, and flame mystery who went from demon path to legend path [succumbed to demon only because she couldn’t control the rage] and fights with a flaming rapier and sickle. Her wings are black erinyes wings due to the Hellbound curse, and she has bright coppery red hair, eyes, and lips as befits the fire theme. She is “a constellation of contradictions” tied together by her purpose as an atheist purifier of the Pyre: opposing the destructive extremes of religion particularly as found in cults, which is why she was operating in and around Kenabres in the first place.
She is very cool, very beautiful, and very powerful, and a non-mythic version of her will be making cameos in Isanna’s fic. :3c
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lordcaptains · 1 year
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yaker ankelle abandons his armor and his post (even though he knows he'll be punished for it) and makes his way alone across the worldwound from reliable redoubt to the crusade's war camp to find help for the hellknights. he swims through the acrid waters of the sellen river and stumbles into the commander's tent with his clothes torn and his boots in tatters, his skin cracked and inflamed, bleeding and trembling from exhaustion.
he gets a drink of water and a health potion (if he's lucky), delivers his report and his request for assistance, and turns right around to go through it all over again just to rejoin his squad. and when the knight-commander arrives, he joins the fight against the gargoyles wielding nothing but a cold iron masterwork dagger.
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
Mino's relationship with Yaker is so good to me. He's the clearly Regill's Favorite even if he'd never admit it. She can tell instantly. So he joins the rank of Younger Brother to her and he hardly knows her, like what's that got to be like?? Especially when she regains her memories and it's really like, "well you're Regill’s favorite so that means you're my favorite too"/"Ah, he has a protégé! >nods< I will die to keep him safe and see him live up to the potential Regill sees in him."
From his perspective this bizarre woman, a ganzi and the knight commander, appears that has history with his role model and commanding officer and now she's giving him extra attention too. Like, congrats on your adoption? Especially because she's so personable and friendly and easy-going in comparison, and he watches stunned as Regill permits her flippancy and casual demeanor with him with no comment or reprimand. He even seems to... no he doesn't enjoy it Regill doesn't enjoy anything. ... or does he?
Thinking of what is was like for him when Regill ordered him to take her and escape Thrune's assassination attempt, leaving himself behind to die. How he was injured too but he's also a Hellknight so grappling with those awful feelings in private while he's recovering of leaving his officer/role model behind while the woman that loves him screamed to be let go and desperately tried to break free.
And then she is the one that hugs him--hugs him tight--thanking and apologizing in the same breath for what he had to do. They both left their most cared person behind.
Then theres their friendship through the years as they appoint him the honor of being their Master Of Blades for the Order of the Vice.
From mentee to friend to trusted confidant and equal... and godfather and successor
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offsidekineticist · 1 year
I'm replaying WOTR for the billionth time, just finished the Lost Chapel mission, and I think I just found my new OTP.
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
63 on the sensory prompts list for Mino if you haven't done that one yet 👉👈
63. Indigo skies just before dawn - Mino~
The cold air steamed where it brushed against her scales, now hot to the touch from how crisp the morning frost was. Even in the dead of winter, here in Old Sarkoris where it was always cold almost all the time, she couldn't give up her old habits.
Without her armor, she felt light, and though she could very well do her laps in it if she wanted, the last thing Drezen needed was to hear their Commander clanking all throughout the streets on her morning run. Most people weren't up this early, when the skies were that rich, deep indigo before the sun's fingers began to crest the horizon. Even considering this was a military operation, the streets were deathly still and quiet.
The voice called out behind her, oddly chipper and yet nervous sounding. She turned and looked up until the face of the young Hellknight she'd taken under her wing: the wayward Yaker Ankelle. He looked still quite tall and imposing even without his armor, yet she'd seen him without it already, on that fateful day he'd crossed the Little Sellen to entreat her for help in saving the man that had meant the world to her so very long ago.
And still kind of did.
She gave him a smile as he trotted up to her, dressed lightly as she'd suggested. He rubbed his exposed arms and shivered as he came to a stop by her, and a great plume excited his mouth where he exhaled.
"Glad to see you joined me after all!" She nearly added in a bit about worrying if the cold would have scared him off, but decided to hold that comment. He was a Hellknight too, and he'd probably been here longer than she actively had--barring the time she spent dead.
Which was why he was here now, in a sense. Sure, she'd taken pity on him and had choice words with Regill about his treatment of the young knight, and now he was their 'diplomatic liaison' between the Hellknight Outpost and her own Crusade operations... but that wasn't why she'd really asked him to join her on her morning runs. He'd expressed a certain loneliness at being without his unit now that he was here in Drezen. Being a lone Hellknight now too, that was something she could relate with. Regill may have helped her regain her memories, but he couldn't help her with that sense of loss... She missed being around other Hellknights, rank and file Hellknights, and when Yaker had expressed the same, she couldn't help but invite him to join her for her morning run the next day.
"Of course, Commander, I wouldn't think of missing this save for if I'd somehow caught the demonic plague." He gave her a curt nod, but a sense of unease settled quickly into his expression as she frowned at him.
"Please, 'Minovae' is fine like this."
And it was. She was tired of being called 'Commander'. For just a short time, she wanted to be someone else... the old her. A Hellknight among peers.
To which Yaker unfortunately looked aghast at the suggestion. She sighed and waived the suggestion and expression off with a note of resignation, "Or, whatever you're comfortable with."'
He paused, seemingly puzzled by her reaction. She then noticed a glint in his eyes, one of assessment, with a bit of...
"Apologies... Minovae."
He'd said it awkwardly, but still, he'd said it, and there had been something in how he'd assessed her that'd felt oddly welcoming and like he'd seen something he'd recognized. She met his concession a little surprised before breaking into a warm smile, and a pleased rattle vibrated down the length of her tail.
"You don't need to force it, but if you're of the same mind as I... I'd like to just be a fellow Hellknight if it's all the same to you."
He nodded with a slight smile of his own. "Paralictor Derenge had expressed surprise to see you in such a leadership role."
"Oh! Did he now?" Her expression turned mischievous as his promptly turned to one of horror, realizing he'd overspoken. "Well, well, guess you'll have to tell me more. Come! Let's get a move!"
Her tail lifted and smacked him roughly across the back, nearly sending him down the stairs. She laughed, easily cleared their length with a leap, and called over her shoulder with a snicker: "If you can beat me I'll tell you more about him as I knew him!"
She'd hardly seen a knight scramble so quickly to their feet.
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Ah, future Master of Blades Yaker Ankelle to the Order of the Vice, most loyal and faithful friend of Minovae Arangeir and Regill Derenge. How I wish I could give him a big smooch on the cheek. Inspired by his dialogue in Drezen if you save his poor ass from Regill being so mean to him! If you think he's a good plant in bad soil then give him better water and sunshine, Regill!
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lordcaptains · 1 year
Yaker Ankelle had spent the morning kneeling in the courtyard, tracing out a large summoning circle in thick lines of chalk as the rising sun warmed the flagstones. The knight-commander of the Fifth Crusade leaned up against the wall of the keep, watching the Hellknight work. Beside her, back ramrod straight and hands clasped behind his back, stood Paralictor Regill Derenge of the Order of the Godclaw. "You know," the knight-commander said again, in the resigned tone of someone who didn't expect what she said to make a difference. "I've no intention of actually joining the Hellknights." "Irrelevant," replied the paralictor, sparing her a glance. "You have completed your armiger training. If you wish to continue under my instruction, you must undergo the initiation."
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lordcaptains · 1 year
🌧️ 📚 for Zephis?
🌧️ What is your OC's favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Go outside in it!
Her kinesis lets her wear a sleeveless tunic when most everyone else is wrapped in furs, and rain gives her just enough water to form armor or a shield, now that she's learned. She's comfortable dealing with the weather after years of wandering, too - she's able to keep the worst of the worst of the biting wind and driving snow off of them as they fight their way up the hill to the Lost Chapel.
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10-minute lecture on a topic of their choosing. What do they choose?
Well, it's not exactly a lecture, but she and Yaker Ankelle have argued for hours about the Abadaran faith and the doctrine of the Godclaw. 
It starts almost as soon as they meet and becomes something of an evening ritual for them as the army marches towards Drezen. She seeks him out around the fire of the Hellknight's encampment, drops down to sit on the ground next to him, and picks up right where they left off.
("And another thing - ")
If by the end of the evening she's leaning up against him and he has his arm wrapped around her, it's no matter. They're still arguing.
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lordcaptains · 3 years
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so during regill’s test at the hellknight barracks in act iii, you can find this pamphlet left on a table inside
and it’s this subtle little thing but i think it’s really...sweet? that in spite of regill’s insistence that he has no interest in friends and that ‘bonds based on simple affection are temporary and unreliable’ and that hellknights don’t love each other, one of his fellow hellknights does care about him enough to want to slow his bleaching
it’s yaker it’s definitely yaker
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