#yah truth
whenthegoldrays · 1 month
and like, despite the deliciously shippable couples it has, Twinkling Watermelon is not a romcom, it’s a fantasy coming-of-age. the theme is family, the main relationship is between Eun Gyeol and his father and while their respective romantic storylines are crucial, they’re not central.
which is nice, on the one hand, because it offers a slightly different (and beautiful) kind of story, but then because instead of being [main couple] > [second couple] it’s [son and dad] > [son’s gf and mom], it ends up letting down Eun Yoo and Cheong-ah a bit and leaving their resolutions a bit rushed / open ended (you know, like how in other shows you’ll see the second couple standing together at the main characters’ wedding but no actual, solid resolution).
so the final scene of the show is primarily a bonding moment and a resolution for Yichan and Eun Gyeol, and you don’t get much of Cheongchan and a very quick last-moment wrapping up of Euneun (and like. what happened to our girls in the years in between?? we need answers!)
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kiwibirdlafayette · 8 months
ok chat dont let me forget to apply for the mianite zine i am forcing myself to get it done by the end of this upcoming weekend
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frostbytte · 9 days
Hey guys I think my copy of Hercules and the Hostage Crisis is messed up what do I do?
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abbey-abdominal · 6 months
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teeth--king · 8 months
Oghhhhhhh, I was watching some videos while I drew, and during one of them on a topic I was interested learning more on, they did an extra search in the middle of it and revealed that they were using Chat-GPT as their search.... I died a little inside.
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churrorat-art · 11 days
Yes, I'm probably already a little tired with my questions. But did you have any kind of outdoor game, like catch-up or hide-and-seek
(I had a huge variety of outdoor games with my small gang. So I want to find out if someone else played this)
I USED TO LOVE HIDE AND SEEK! Mostly though I remember playing truth or dare a lot as a child or mostly playing with my toys. We also just picked flowers a lot.
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theonlyadawong · 6 months
it is my truth (my headcanon that is correct and non-negotiable) that the first time ada used the grappling hook, she wasnt prepared, and so she permanently damaged her left shoulder
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I know that you've written extensively about why forcing the Order to allow 'attachment' (which...99.99% of the time is either a misunderstanding of what that means and really just means "marriage is allowed") is not really Jedi positive (and I agree). I was wondering though, do you think there could be a way for fic to have the Order allow for marriage without totally disrespecting how attachment works in Jedi culture? I ask because there are married Buddhists and I have a few ideas how it may
I'm not familiar enough with Buddhism to comment on the real-world parallels here, but just from an in-universe perspective, there could be some wiggle room without disregarding everything that's established about the Force, how the Order works and why it works like it does. I can see two types of exceptions: - Jedi in situations like Kanan's (isolated from the Order, with his team as only support system, in a committed relationship - since there's no Order to be committed to - but aware of the risks; when feeling emotionally compromised, he asks other people to make the call, like Ezra in the mission to rescue Hera) - for a 'normal' Jedi in the 'normal' Order... intra-Order marriages. The way I figure this would work is that they'd be pretty rare and pretty regulated, but at least they've got a safety net in the form of all the other Knights and Masters who can point it out and step up if things aren't working out. They can be assigned to different missions when impartiality is needed and to the same when it's routine stuff and they work well as a pair.
Why just Jedi marrying Jedi? In an ideal case, both would be equally devoted to their duty, would understand that missions come first in daily life (so no arguments like 'you're never around for me, like Padmé and Anakin had) and that innocent lives come first no matter what (so no sacrificing other people for your personal happiness). I mean, Jedi do have very close friends and other Jedi they consider family and that's basically how they treat those bonds. What's different imo about marriage is that you promise to your spouse to always put them first, which is incompatible with the same vow made to your duty as a Jedi - but if they're both Jedi it might be like they'd be both married to the Order (which in essence is what being a monk is) and to each other. Risky, but who knows.
We see that Jedi raised within the Order from a young age tend to do leagues better than Anakin where dealing with loss or duty is concerned, so I imagine it could, hypothetically, work sometimes.
Ironically enough, that's how Karen Traviss' Altisian Jedi went about it iirc (minus the carefully making sure it doesn't go horribly wrong because 'there's nothing wrong with love ever')? She's not what I'd call positively inclined towards the Order lmao. I also vaguely recall that those relationships she wrote about ended rather terribly. Then again, the main philosophy behind her Altisians was 'Jedi bad, being free and not participating in the war and having sex good.' But as long as that's not the underlying idea behind the fic, yeah, it can work 😂 I mean, it's fic. Almost anything can work.
I wouldn't want it to ever become canon - I prefer my Jedi celibate, tbh, I love that aspect of their characters (yesIknow in canon they don't have to be celibate, but from what we see most never choose to pursue a relationship and I love that about them and tbh I prefer no romantic relationships at all rather than flings) but if I had to write a fic that's how I'd do it. I don't know if they'd call it marriage though
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
Claumitri - Obsession ?
Claude pored over the map of Fódlan his grandfather had given him. School would start soon, he should know all the major towns in Leicester before he left. Not that anyone would quiz him -- except maybe that “Gloucester boy” Judith mentioned-- but it would add to his confidence. He could do this. He could blend in. No one would have to know he’d only lived in Fódlan for about a year.
Yet even as he mouthed the names of the different hamlets and cities of the Alliance, Claude’s eyes kept drifting west to the Kingdom. His fingers traced around the dot labeled Fhirdiad and his mind began to wander.
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd. Prince of the Kingdom and, like Claude, set to be a house leader at the Officer’s Academy. His father had been killed some years prior, but Dimitri was too young to take the throne. He favored the lance. He had quelled a rebellion not long ago. By all accounts he was a polite young prince-- though he kept company with a man from Duscur, which most people in the Kingdom disliked.  
There was a lot to learn about Prince Dimitri, and Claude had soaked up every story he could. He couldn’t explain why exactly. Something about the orphaned prince with strength beyond his years and a reputation for sincere kindness kept Claude coming back for more. Dimitri sounded like someone straight out of a storybook. But no one could really be like that, right? Something else had to be going on behind the scenes. Curiosity begged Claude to dig as deep as possible.
It shouldn’t concern Claude at all, truth be told. He had his own dreams to work toward. Figuring out the story behind every smile would take time away from that. 
Shaking his head, Claude rolled up the map. That was enough for one evening. Geography, and thoughts of the prince, could wait until the morning.
But that night, Claude’s dreams were full of golden hair framing kind blue eyes, of strong hands holding his own, of friendly smiles and easy laughter. Claude dreamt of caresses and whispers and heartbeats. 
Gradually, the dream turned to soft lips. Gasps. The scent of snow filling his lungs. Heat growing in his chest...
Claude awoke gasping, the blankets tangled around his knees and sweat sticking to his brow. He got up and groped around for a candle with urgency. Once he had light, he stumbled to the desk as if in a daze and pulled out his map of Fódlan once again.
He sat there, in near darkness, staring at Faerghus, for the remainder of the night.
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on-going · 1 year
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Man's Holidays vs. God's Holy Days (comparison): https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Holidays_of_Men#Man.27s_Holidays_vs._God.27s_Holy_Days_.28comparison.29 *Also See - Answers Only God Can Give: - Thus Says The Lord Regarding Easter: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Holidays_of_Men#Easter - Regarding The Holy Days of God: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_The_Holy_Days_of_God *And no, "Easter" in the KJV doesn't count, as it is a gross double mistranslation of the word "Passover": - First: Easter (which is filled with pagan-laced traditions and a name derived from a pagan goddess) for most is supposed to be "the resurrection day of Messiah" which is actually First Fruits. - And second: In the KJV "Easter" is put in place of the word "Passover" (which is the correct translation).
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todahyah · 2 years
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what truth of YAHusha say to me, i halleluYAH! todahYAHusha! praise YAH YAH! understand
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msclaritea · 5 months
History Time.
I'm not saying I'm completely there yet on some of his personal views, but the historical research done by this channel is unparalleled. This is part of a series, of approximately 9 videos (One of controversy, available on the channel's website)
Up to individuals if they want to watch the entire series. I recommend it. But get ready, because we have all been lied to, in the most abominable way.
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theinfinitedivides · 9 months
nahhhhhh they got them voting for their fav albums at the fan meeting
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faithofyahyah · 11 months
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believe in YAHusha your saviour
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theonlyadawong · 1 year
another thing that makes me go nuts (and i kind of touched on this before but i really want to make the comparison, so pretend all of this is brand new) , is that if you look at leon and adas stories in 4 in a suuuuper clinical (and very simplified) way that will give you one story of a white federal agent saving a high status white american woman, and another story about a woman of color who saves Billions of people (specifically Black people, as we see in 5) from a white supremacist/eugenecists planned genocide.
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sav-is-saved · 2 years
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📢URGENCY 📢 \🎙️#YAH'SSPOKENWORD🎙️\ #TheSeries 🎬 / ¬ Thus says Yah-Elohim👇🏿: “MANY OF You HAVE TURNED AWAY FROM ME ! You SERVE Your Own Selves ! You DO NOT LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SPEAK ! TAKE HEED , NOW , BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR You ! | Message from Yah-Elohim on March 2nd 2023 | . - ¦02-03-23¦ - #YahLove🙏🏿 #obedience🙏🏿 #TRUTH🙏🏿 #hardwork🙏🏿 #PATIENCE🙏🏿#Gratitude🙏🏿 #LoveYah🙏🏿 #Listen2Yah👂🏿 #ObeyYah💯 #TrueTruly #HisNAMEMatters #Faith #BelieveInYah💯 #SpiritualWarfare🤛🏿 #Pray #Believe #MadSoulLover🙏🏿 #MelaninLove✊🏿 #Looking🆙Above #REPENT🙏🏿 #NewestPodcast🎙️ #growth #Humbled🙏🏿 #SpiritOfYah🔥 #Rucha #YahRuach🔥 #StayWoke🔥 #FanTheFlame🔥 #YashaIsFaithful💯 #Qadash #Loving #ThroughTheFire #ThroughTheRain🌧️ #Lift🆙Praise🙌🏿 #ThroughTheStorm🌊 #TrustAndObey #Closer2Yah🙏🏿 #NearerYahToThee🙏🏿 #TruthSayersNotSoothsayers https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfgyNIosQj-tfI4zoQ5uZvFmLl8vsrjDUvPJk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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