#yagumo matsuri
himetsuri · 5 months
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pinup of ageha and the ladies from another call 2
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dailypsyren · 2 months
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nyashling · 1 year
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Something has gone wrong but I am continuing. Yagumo Matsuri from shounen-manga "Psyren".
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 3 years
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Psyren Vol. 9-16
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bestwizzard · 8 years
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ariellamartinez · 11 years
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[八雲・祭] Matsuri Yagumo
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dailypsyren · 3 months
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dailypsyren · 3 months
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dailypsyren · 4 months
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dailypsyren · 5 months
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himetsuri · 8 months
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insert images from a man's fight
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dailypsyren · 8 months
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himetsuri · 1 year
A Man’s Fight
It was because she believed in him. He would definitely come save her. He would break everything about this horrible situation to pieces. He might be in a bit of trouble now, but he definitely won’t lose. After all, he'd promised her as much–––"I'll never, ever die." That's why she wasn't scared. That's why she was smiling. “Jus’ look at me! Can’t believe I’m…what am I wussin’ out fer!?” Azumi believed that she was only alive due to her mother's sacrifice. There was value in experiencing death firsthand–––without that knowledge, it was difficult for one to truly know the value of life. But she was still young, and so she was scared, terrified of "losing something precious, and it was all her fault.” At this rate, Azumi would, in her fear of getting hurt, become unable to care for something ever again. "Azumiii! Jus’ lie dere a li’l bit longer, ‘cuz I’m comin’ fer ya!” Kagetora tossed aside all his hatred for Kurotaki and fear of being hurt. There was only one feeling driving him now. He wanted to let Azumi know. He wanted to let her know that "in this world, there are things that you don’t have to worry about ever breaking," that if a child like her was to splay her arms and legs out and fall back, someone would be there to catch her.
"Kurotaki! Yous only got five shots left in dat finger gun ya love so much…go ahead an' hit me wit’ all of ‘em!” He spread his arms out wide and egged her on; Kurotaki was, of course, apprehensive. "What…are you…" "I ain’t gonna dodge an’ I ain’t gonna run! I win if I’m still standin’ after takin’ dem all, an’ yous win if I bite da dust…howzzat, piece ‘a cake, right!?" He threw away his broken sunglasses and licked the blood dripping down from his forehead, a daring smile spreading across his face. (What is…he thinking?) Was it a bluff? Or did he have some sort of ulterior motive? Many thoughts swirled around in Kurotaki's mind, but she just couldn't understand what in the world Kagetora was thinking. "What sort of…such foolish…ah!?" She realized that Kagetora’s unfathomable yet intense resolve had caused her to unwittingly take a small step backwards. Kurotaki always wore a smile and an expression of unyielding confidence. It was always oozing with both her delight and just how much she looked down on her opponent. (Afraid…? Me? Of some foolish little punk!?) At some point, she had begun to fear Kagetora, and being forced to recognize this meant her pride took a severe blow. "Very well…I shall take you up on that offer with all I have…please, do not think my ability is a mere pistol knockoff!" When she raised her left hand, holding it level, all five of her fingers from thumb to pinky began emitting light. "Fifth Finger Bombs!!!" Five "Finger Bombs" shot out at the same time–––her Burst had been charged up into bullet-form, a synergy that caused an explosive spike in power that would be able to obliterate a person without a trace. Rrroooooaar!! Kagetora was engulfed in flames from the explosion, the blast whipping up a violent wind. "Ahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" Certain of her victory, Kurotaki burst out laughing, unrestrained. She would always cover her mouth with her hand when she smiled. It was to hide a smile brimming with malicious glee that seemed to reflect her twisted personality. However, there was no need to hide it any longer. That punk had just been blown to smithereens––– "Ahahaha–––eh?" The dust that had been kicked up was slowly starting to clear. And within it stood a man's shadow. “Impossible…such absurdity…” His suit was burned away, his shirt was in tatters, his skin was covered in burns, and he was bleeding from countless areas. But even so, Hyoudou Kagetora was still standing. “’Ey…looks like it's my win, huh…?” Death was something he no longer feared. Pain was something he could endure if he readied himself for it. But the one thing he could never do was betray someone who believed in him. If he did, "he was better off dead."
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That fierce resolve granted his body a power that far surpassed Kurotaki's Finger Bomb. "Impossible…this is inconceivable…" Step Kagetora took one step forward. "Eek!" Kurotaki took a step backwards as if she'd been shot. Step Again, Kagetora took a step forward. "S-Stay back…" At this point, Kurotaki couldn’t care less about her pride. She was simply terrified of the man before her, slowly approaching, who resembled some sort of demon. That fear made half her body go rigid; she lost control of her legs and collapsed right where she stood. From this position, Kagetora was coolly staring down at her as he continued to come closer. "A-Aaah…forgive me…I-I lose…” The image of him closing in like the incarnation of strife, after powering through an attack that she put everything into, finally made Kurotaki let out a shriek as loud as she could. Kagetora had won without their fists meeting even once.
“‘Ey, yous okay, Azumi? Nuthin' hurts, right?" “Mm-hm…I’m okay…are you okay, Tora?" He helped her up and untied the rope binding her. "Ha ha ha, I'm good. One ‘er two more scratches means squat ta me by now.” Kagetora laughed heartily at Azumi’s concern for him. "Hey…Tora, what about…what about Kurotaki-san?” "…Aah." Kurotaki had acknowledged her defeat, her spirit broken, fear carved into her being. She was holding her head with both hands, curled up and shivering. Laws didn’t exist in the underside of society. In that world, it was “the law of the jungle,” “kill or be killed.” But that in itself was the reason why there was an implicit law. “Anyone who attempted to kill was fair game to kill”––– Kurotaki had killed four of the Shuueikai's members, at least that Kagetora had witnessed, and would've killed Kagetora himself ten times over if he'd been your average Joe. But above all else, she'd deceived Azumi and made her suffer. "Tora…I’m…I’m okay, see…?" Azumi, however, was looking at Kurotaki with a sad expression, as if she was looking at herself. "Ahh…nn…" The woman had to pay up for what she’d done. But Azumi was a kind girl. She took others' pain as if it was her own. She would never be able to accept using someone as a sacrifice in order to save herself, consider it “inevitable,” even if it was someone wicked. “Guess it would be…a bad lesson fer ya…” And in truth, raising a hand against a woman also left a bad taste in Kagetora’s mouth. Silently, he nodded an "All right" to Azumi. Perhaps a little reassured by this, Azumi went over to Kurotaki and politely lowered her head. "Kurotaki-san…goodbye, and…thank you very much for everything you’ve done for me.” It had been for no other reason than to get everyone to relax their guards, but Kurotaki was the one who took care of Azumi up until this point, ever since Azumi had lost her mother. It was unfortunate that their parting had to be like this, but Azumi tried to convey her gratitude and farewell candidly, even so. "Azumi-chan…" Kurotaki was trembling as she raised her head, her eyes open wide like she'd seen something unbelievable, and touched a hand to her mouth. Beneath it lay that smile filled with cruel joy. "–––!? Azumi! Get away from her!" Kagetora noticed it and shouted right away, but he was just barely too late. "Kyaa!" Kurotaki stood and grabbed Azumi's collar violently, pulled her close and pressed her right thumb to Azumi's head. “Might I have you refrain from moving…Hyoudou-san?" “Cut da bullshit…yous already outta ammo…!" Kurotaki had shot her "Finger Bomb" once to start things off, three consecutive times after that, once more to pierce Kagetora's gut, and then five times simultaneously to make ten shots in all–––she should have nothing left. "Now…Hyoudou-san…what makes you think that?" Upon hearing Kagetora's words, Kurotaki's smile grew even more smug, to the point he could practically hear it. "This is no third-rate novel…surely you do not believe your enemy would just tell you the limitations of her abilities?" A single charge would load all ten fingers on both hands one at a time. However––– "So dat was…another load ‘a bunk…” Kurotaki herself was the one who’d relayed that to him. “Are you aware of the concept of ‘reserves’?* A hunter will purposely leave her last shot unused in case of emergency…an ace in the hole remains concealed until the very end. This, too, is basic strategy.” "Kurotaki-san…why…" Azumi cared for Kurotaki from the bottom of her heart. She’d lost her mother and sunk into grief, and it was Kurotaki who comforted her and became a mother figure to her. “Do you…not like me anymore…? Though she was still young, it wasn't as if she couldn't understand that her grandfather’s “occupation” had something to do with Kurotaki’s deception. Despite this, she just couldn't believe that every smile Kurotaki had aimed at her up until now had been nothing more than fakes. She didn't want to believe it. "You read me picture books…" "Why, yes, you quite liked that picture book with the pig…I read it to you so many times, I now remember it word for word." "You made my…favorite hamburg steak for me…" "Why, yes, and you hated carrots…so I grated them up and mixed them in. You never realized." “You were…I…” The only reason Kurotaki had deceived her was because of that "occupation,” and in actuality Kurotaki cared for her as well–––Azumi was clinging onto that hope. "Azumi-chan…you truly are a kind child…but you are quiiiite the little fool…try thinking, if you would? Even should I survive, the ‘organization’ would not forgive me for failing my objective…and even should I escape them, my reputation has been tarnished; I have no means to live in the underworld…” Her “Finger Bomb" wouldn't work on Kagetora anymore. But it could still blow away the head of a young child like Azumi. Kurotaki was aiming an ability at Azumi that could steal her life in one shot. She was aiming it with a smile at a child who believed in her to the very end. "If you truly do feel so grateful towards me…then allow me to kidnap and take you hostage like a big girl. Honestly…for you not to understand something so simple…what a stupid little brat you are…” There were despicable, irredeemable people in this world. Kagetora had known this, yet he still let his guard down; even if it had only been for the slightest moment, he could not blame himself enough for that foolishness on his part. “Why you sonuva…how da hell d’ya think Azumi feels…" "Yes, that was also part of the plan." "What…was dat!?” Having considered the off-chance that things could go south and leave her in an unpredictable situation with her life in danger, Kurotaki had implemented a “slow-acting poison.” Her year-long infiltration was for the sake of getting everyone to relax around her–––but, at the same time, it was also so Azumi would grow attached to her and therefore “stick up for her” if that time came. "Just how…low can you be…yous irredeemable…” "The irredeemable ones are you and that brat. Would you not agree? To stand by the one who executed her mother…she must be an irredeemable little fool." “Exe…cuted? Bullshit, so yous sayin’ dat ‘er mother died…” "Yes, under the pretense of an accident, you see?" In order for her to make her entrance as a "kind lady" that Azumi could take a liking to, she first needed to eliminate the one preventing that from happening. If a professional was someone who completed their objective, even using others’ hearts and emotions to their advantage to do so, then Kurotaki was undoubtedly an exemplar. "Mama…you killed…my…" Azumi was trembling in a vortex of anger, grief, hatred, and countless other emotions. "My…no…nooo…" The torment from this preposterous fate wasn't something a five-year-old girl could bear, and her heart seemed as if it would burst. "Now, let us cease the small talk! Hyoudou-san? Would you kindly forgo any attempts to resist? Simply relax, do not utilize Rise, and obediently allow me to pierce your heart with my 'Finger Bomb.' If you do…I shall, at the very least, guarantee this child's life♪" "…I'll never…ever forgive you…" “Like I give a fuck about that, you shitty thug! If you regret how this turned out, then curse your own idiocy for not killing me when you had the chance!" He no longer had any means of resisting. Azumi's life was irreplaceable. He had to do as Kurotaki said. "Don't you dare…hurt Azumi…" He relaxed, lowering both arms and closing his eyes to signal his compliance. "Yes, that is perfect." Bang! A bullet of light shot from Kurotaki's thumb.
"God, are you an idiot? You die here and that kid'll be sad forever! You really think that'll count as protecting her!?"
(Eh…?) He thought he was just hearing things. But when he opened his eyes, standing before him like a valiant and noble god of war was none other than Yagumo Matsuri, stopping the bullet of light from coming towards him. "Y-Yous…” "Hmph! What a lame peashooter!" In the blink of an eye, Matsuri effortlessly shattered Kurotaki’s bullet of light. Her "telekinesis" had forcibly canceled Kurotaki's "Finger Bomb.” It was an impossible feat, unless the difference in power between the two was as great as the distance between Heaven and Earth. "Wh-Who the hell are you!? S-Stay back…I've got a hostage–––huh?" Her “Finger Bomb” might’ve been used up, but a run-of-the-mill Psychicer like Kurotaki could still kill a child with her bare hands. But that little girl had disappeared from her grasp. "Is this who you're looking for?" And there, resembling a kitten with the back of her collar in Matsuri's grasp, was Azumi. "Wh-When did you–––!?" It wasn't just Kurotaki. Kagetora and even Azumi joined in. “What’s with the shock? I just snatched her up faster than your brains could process what was happening." In other words, she'd saved Azumi “faster than the eye could see.” "Anyways…so you're Azumi-chan?" Matsuri aimed a bright grin at Azumi, resembling the ladies on children's television shows. "Y-Yes…" "You're a good girl, huh? So kind, honest, and brave! Your big sis here loves kids like you. But…as things stand, a 'cute woman’ is all you’re gonna be.” "Y-You…tell me who you are! Which organization are you–––“ "Shut your trap! We're in the middle of class here!" "Eek!?" Kurotaki, who'd tried to interrupt, was silenced with just one lion-like roar. "Today's lesson is 'how to become a good woman.'" After saying this, Matsuri gave Azumi to Kagetora and slowly approached Kurotaki. “You listening? Now, in this world, there are foolish women who use the fact that they're women to their advantage, use devious means to get what they want, and sneer at people. For some reason, they think this makes them cool. They are, in a sense, the number one 'enemy of women.' You might say that leaving such idiotic women alone is a danger to the world as we know it! And that is when ‘the good woman steps in'!" Kurotaki could feel an aura of pure rage, or maybe something akin to a battle aura, welling up behind Matsuri and the terror broke her spirit. Her legs had already given out on her. "W-Wait! It is my loss! I shall return that child to you, yes? And then I shall never dare to appear before you again! So, please–––" The frantic pleas for her life only added more fuel to the fire of Matsuri's rage. Matsuri had appeared so suddenly out of nowhere for some unfathomable reason and Kurotaki didn’t truly understand the reason why she was so angry. As a fellow woman, Matsuri could never forgive Kurotaki for using a child’s yearning for a mother's love against her; for sneering at Azumi, who'd never forgotten how to be kind despite all the pain she was in, and calling her an "irredeemable little fool.” "Shut your fuckin' trap!!!" It was over in a heartbeat–––Matsuri's slap was enhanced to the utmost by Rise, launched as if to destroy the twisted reality that had spread itself before the young girl in its entirety. "Gwaughh!!!?" Kurotaki let out a foolish sound and flew back, hitting the wall like a pinwheel before peeling off and falling to the ground like a squashed bug moments later. “Make sure to finish things off with some flair, just like that! Just don't forget to hold back some." Kurotaki's arms and legs were twitching. It was undoubtedly an incredible feat, to use such tremendous strength and still hold back enough to not kill. "You got it? Little girl." "Y-Yes!" "All right, good answer!" Azumi's eyes were practically sparkling as she looked at Matsuri. Kagetora was of the opinion that “he just wanted her to grow up healthy and strong, even at the cost of a little mischief.” At the same time, he couldn’t help but think, “Did it really have to go this far?” "God, you're a dumb man. Can’t even launch a shitty woman like that into next week…well, you're still leagues better than the trashy men who hit a woman and then gloat about it." Matsuri drew closer to Kagetora and lightly poked his scarred chest. "Ah…" Kagetora had only exchanged words with her for a little bit, but long enough to tell that she was plenty holier-than-thou–––and now, it felt like she’d just acknowledged him. "Uh, what's wrong? Is there something on my face?" "N-No…I, er…" He'd fallen hard. For her striking and noble eyes. “…I mean. O-Oi…how didja manage ta sneak in here?" There should've been dozens of members, if not more, hanging around the "Dakugoukai's" headquarters. "Haah? 'Sneak in,’ what, are you trying to make me look bad? Do I look like a phantom thief babe to you? I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, for your information. I came in through the front door and walked here like a normal person." “Dat's impossible!" Flustered, Kagetora opened the door of the "Execution Room"–––and his mouth fell open as he found himself dumbfounded. "What…da hell…" What greeted him was a landscape of ruins. Aside from the "Execution Room" that Kagetora and Kurotaki had fought in, everything of the "Dakugoukai's" vast and vaunted estate had been reduced to mountains of rubble. Throughout the rubble, yakuza members lay strewn about, half dead. "Ha–Haha…hahahahaha…" On this day, the extensive criminal group, the "Dakugoukai,” enemy of the Kantou Shuueikai, had been completely wiped out by one self-proclaimed extraordinary pianist babe.
And so, "the organization's" plan of using the "Dakugoukai" as a stepping stone to further expand into Japan ended in failure. The underworld placed a heavy value on reputation. News of their plans being thwarted by only two people was fatal, and therefore it was impossible for them to be any threat to the Shuueikai–––in other words, peaceful days had returned to Azumi as well. And several days later… In a seafood restaurant in a certain port district, Yagumo Matsuri and Hyoudou Kagetora sat with a table between them. “So what’s up, calling me out to a place like this?" Kagetora had wanted to meet Matsuri, no matter what. He tried calling her a number of times, but it was clear she was pointedly ignoring him. With no other choice, he left a message of, “I know a place where y’can drink super rare wine not found easy in Japan.” He received a reply of, “Tell me more” immediately. “Ahh…well…dat’s…” With Matsuri gulping down her drink right before him, Kagetora was uncharacteristically, unusually, and extremely nervous. “Yous been…a big help ta me…” “I told you back then, too, but I didn’t do anything for your sake. It’s too much of a pain to have you feeling like you owe me. Well, I’ll have you foot the bill, though, since you were the one who asked me out here. He~ey, Mr. Waiter! Fetch me a bottle of this wine here with the nice six numbers for the price!”
After everything was over, Kagetora had asked Matsuri while carrying an exhausted and sleeping Azumi on his back. About why she’d come to save him after telling him, “See if I care” and, “Go ahead and die.” And Matsuri had replied to that question with an indifferent expression on her face. “Don’t get any wrong ideas. I really couldn’t care any less for you.” To Matsuri, those who “wasted their lives” were the epitome of idiocy. If people wanted to throw away their lives for some sort of moral code, then she’d let them do as they pleased and look the other way. “If you guys want to get excited over ‘Battles Without Honor and Humanity’ and go out in a blaze of glory, go right ahead. I don’t really care, I won’t stop you…however, this child is unrelated.” As she said this, she gently stroked Azumi’s cheek. “For her to be tossed about in an absurd fate…and then ultimately lose her life…who’d leave that be!?” For a brief moment, Matsuri’s eyes took on a grim shine, as if she was remembering something. “The reason I saved you–––the reason you ended up being saved was because this girl wished for it. Because she was scared out of her wits and still believed in you ’til the very end and I didn’t want to make her sad.” “Mmmnn…” Perhaps in response to the talking, Azumi began mumbling in her sleep. “Mmmnn…good woman…mmmnnmmn…flair…mmmnn…” “Ahahahahaha, reviewing in your dreams? She’s gonna become a fine woman. Kind, clever, strong, and extraordinary.” Azumi’s heart had sustained deep wounds because of Kurotaki. But Matsuri’s words and actions had, without a doubt, taught her “strength” and “fortitude.” In a sense, she had saved Azumi’s life and heart both. “Well…I may have said ‘I couldn’t care less,’ but I can’t deny that seeing you risk your life for a child made me reconsider you a little. You were kiiiiinda cool, just a little bit.” As she spoke, Matsuri smiled softly like a goddess.
“Dere’s somethin’…I gots ta tell ya…” “For the hundredth time, I don’t need your gratitude–––” Fwoosh! Abruptly, Kagetora whipped out the bouquet of roses he’d been hiding underneath the table. “I…I’ve fallen for ya.” “Huh?” “Yer noble, strong, cool…no…er, I mean…I’ve fallen fer everythin’ about ya! I love you…” Days after he and Matsuri had separated, he couldn’t get her face out of his mind. She was all he could think about whether asleep or awake, to the point he started wondering if something was wrong with him. Even just seeing “Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa” in a newspaper headline got his stomach doing flips. And then he realized–––this was love. “…” “…” Matsuri drank from her bottle with a cool expression, while Kagetora stared at her with sweat pouring down his cherry-red face. “U-Um…?” “Ah, excu~use me. I’d like more of this wine! Preferably the whole cask.” “Yer just gonna ignore meeeee!?” Kagetora fell right where he stood, the roses scattering into the air. “Sorry, but I’ve got no interest in guys weaker than me! That’s that, there’s your answer.” “N-No waaaay!”
This––– “Don’t say dat, Sis! Jus’ gimme a chance!” “Who the hell is ‘Sis’!? ‘The hell are you even saying? *kick*” This was the very first of Hyoudou Kagetora’s “Thousands of Proposals.”
~~~~~~ [Notes: *The word used here is 命玉 (inochidama), the definition of which is exactly as Kurotaki goes on to describe: it is a bullet that a hunter has but never uses for the actual hunt, instead saving it in case he needs to protect himself
The ‘Sis (nee-san)’ that Kagetora uses to refer to Matsuri is specifically the one used in the yakuza when referring to a well-respected, high-ranked woman in the yakuza, like the boss’ wife for example]
← Part 2 |
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himetsuri · 1 year
A Man’s Fight
After several hours–––no, in actuality, Kagetora had no idea how many hours had passed. But the sun had already sunk below the horizon, and there was no sign of either Kurotaki or Azumi in the estate. It was practically a miracle that he'd even regained consciousness. That he was still alive. Trying to stand and walk was a fool’s errand, let alone attempting to chase after Kurotaki when he didn't even know where she’d gone. Regardless, Kagetora left for the city, in pursuit of the kidnapped Azumi. His massive amount of blood loss, however, caused him to flicker in and out of consciousness, and his injured legs began to lose the sensation of the ground beneath him. Finally, his body tapped out and he collapsed.
‘It'd be a real pain if someone called the cops or an ambulance.’ His subconscious must’ve kept that in mind and led him to hide in a back alley. Crash He fell onto a plastic container filled with garbage and cushioned himself on a bag that reeked of rotten food. "…Fuck." He'd only just realized that it was raining. By no means had he lived a respectable life. He lived on brute strength alone. He wasn’t so full of himself to expect to go out like a decent man. He was fully prepared for the day to come where he’d be knocked into a garbage heap and die a miserable death. But––– (Sorry…Azumi…) His consciousness was fading. If he blacked out again, he’d surely never wake. "Bluuergh!" Someone was approaching from the main street, emptying the contents of their stomach all the while. “Mmm? 'The hell's up with you? Y’sleep inna place like this ’n yer gonna catch a cold, buddy boy?” “Uhhh~…” The drunk woman, who'd appeared out of thin air, began smacking his face. "'The hell's up with you? Yer drip-droppin' blood errywhere, ‘ello? …Wait a sec–––heeeeey, Ian, c’mere~ I’ve got somethin’ to show ya~” The woman pulled out a cellphone and started talking to someone. “Uhhh…” "Gyahahaha–! This guy's uhh~uhh~nnoyin'!" She relentlessly thwacked his head. Absolutely no mercy at all for a half-dead man. (Wh…What's dis chick’s deal…) She was in oddly high spirits. And she stunk of alcohol. Really stunk. "Urp!" (Eh?) "Bluuuuuueergh!" (Nooooooo–––!!!) He'd been prepared to die covered in mud. He’d been prepared to die covered in blood. But if there was one thing he never wanted, it was to die covered in "Miracle Shower" (euphemism).
"I-I'm alive…?" Kagetora awoke, after several more hours, atop a sofa in the room of an unknown apartment. He ran his hands across his body. His shoulder and both legs, the two areas on his stomach–––all the places Kurotaki had shot through had been treated. No, that wasn't it. They'd "reverted to how they were before." There weren't any scars to imply he’d had surgery; in fact, the wounds had disappeared entirely, as if a video tape had been rewound to a point before he'd been injured. "What's goin' on…wit’ dis…?” He thought back to the events before he'd passed out. “Dat strange, drunk woman came outta nowhere…an’ den…hrm…" He couldn't really remember. Though he had the feeling something truly unspeakable had happened. "Listen here, I only did this because you asked me to. If you hadn't, that filthy man could've just…do you understand? I'm not exaggerating. Why was that man covered in stomach contents and vital fluids?! And why was I the one who had to clean him? It was torture, I tell you, I was about to cry!" "Yes yes yes, I get it, I geeeet it. Thaaank you soooo muuuch♪" He could hear a man and a woman talking beyond the door, at the front entrance from what he could tell. The man spoke in an extremely furious tone of voice, though it sounded as if a weak point of his had been exploited or something. Kagetora couldn’t see the man, but he could tell he left after saying his very sour piece. "Oh? I see you're awake." And then the woman appeared. "Who’re…you?" He remembered her. She was the mystery drunk woman. "I'm Yagumo Matsuri, and as you can see I'm an extraordinary pianist babe.” “Don't get how I'm supposed ta see dat." He didn't know if the “extraordinary” was referring to “babe” or "pianist," but he couldn't deny that she was quite a looker. But the air she gave off was less of a "flower that blooms beautifully" and more of a "lioness with razor-sharp fangs." "Ha ha ha, you’ve healed up nicely if you can give a nice dig like that. So, Mr. I’m-not-gonna-give-my-name-or-any-thanks-for-saving-me-from-the-brink-of-death, who are ya and where're ya from?" "Mn…" The way she phrased it was irritating, but it was undeniable fact that she had saved him. So Kagetora expressed his gratitude, stated his name, and then asked, "Why’d ya save me?" “No big reason…not really. Weeell, if I had to I’d chalk it up to: ‘it might be entertaining.’” "What was dat…” This touched a nerve. Kagetora's eyes filled with anger. A person’s life had hung in the balance and the only word Matsuri thought to describe it as was “entertaining.” "Don't misunderstand now. As you can see, I'm just your everyday upstanding citizen, dutifully doing her job and paying her taxes. Consider what it looks like from my point of view: you all can go around preaching about your 'duties' and 'moral codes,' but in the end you're still just the dregs of society! If you really were living such a ‘noble life,’ then what are the chances I’d find you on the side of the road with a hole in your stomach, dyin' like a dog? Maybe not zero, but sure as hell not far from it. Anyone throwing their own life away shouldn’t expect any sort of sympathy from me.” She had a point. He couldn't even argue with it. But he couldn’t believe her claim of just being "your everyday good citizen." Not in the sense that he thought she was from the underside like him. His instincts were telling him that she was hiding something completely different. That ‘something’ was dangerous, exerting a pressure that didn't permit any objections. "So…what got yer interest?" “The yakuza have been utilizing Psychicers lately, right?" "–––!?" Kurotaki had said something similar. She said that they both possessed strange powers. "What yous…talkin' ‘bout?" "Are you for real…you're telling me you've been using it without even knowing it?" Matsuri took a pitcher from the table and poured some water into a cup. “…?” He thought she was going to take a drink, but instead she stuck her finger into it. “You heard me, didn't you? I'm just your everyday upstanding citizen…however–––“ And then she pulled her finger out. "Wha…!?" At Matsuri's fingertip was the water from within the cup–––but it kept its shape, like she’d pulled out jelly or pudding instead. "I know how to use my brain a little differently. That's all." Yagumo Matsuri was a PSI user, whose specialties were “Telekinesis” for “Burst” and “Strength” for “Rise.” "I've no clue how widespread these names of 'Burst' and 'Rise' are, but…I've heard them being used by people actively researching this sort of thing, so I use them as well, for convenience's sake." Several days ago, no doubt Kagetora would've thought this was nothing more than some complicated magic trick. But now he'd experienced it firsthand. Kurotaki's Finger Bomb. His own body, completely healed of its critical wounds. These were more than enough to corroborate Matsuri's words. “Your body was healed by an ability known as 'Cure.' Not my ability, mind you. You’re a lucky son of a bitch, I hope you know. You could dump millions before that guy, but he still wouldn’t lend you his ‘gift’ if he didn’t feel like it.” "…I gots somethin' ta ask ya.” "Nn?"
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Kagetora told her all about what had happened. About the woman named Kurotaki and her ability, but also about himself. Recounting his utter defeat was tough, but he was holding onto the hope that this woman would give him the key to turning the tides. "Hmm…this Kurotaki lady’s Finger Bomb is a type of Burst. She gathers PSI into her fingers and then shoots it out. By the way, I'd say you're a natural-born Rise user. Your bordering-on-religious pride in your own strength must’ve awakened it, maybe because you’re such a giant fool or because you’re way too zealous for your own good…” Matsuri's analysis flew right over his head, but what he did understand was that he was more suited for a close-range fight while Kurotaki was better in a mid- to long-ranged one. Kurotaki was using the same ‘Rise’ thing as he was, but he could tell from the way she moved that she didn’t favor a brawl. She focused more on defense and tai sabaki. “Just as I thought…I gots no choice but ta dodge ‘er attacks an’ close da distance…” "Oi?" Matsuri spoke up in a displeased tone, as if wanting to ask "Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" "You think you’re gonna go try again, do you? I'll be frank: you barely scraped by here. And it wasn’t because you’re ‘such a great guy’ or because that atrocious wine-red shirt of yours is your lucky color. It was because you had the good fortune that I so happened to pass by." She wasn't trying to get him to feel indebted to her. She was merely stating the cold, hard truth. “Maybe yous right…but I gots ta go, no matter what…" Kagetora stood. His feet were still unsteady. "Do you understand? Ian's Cure is miracle work. As long as your heart and brain aren't physically damaged, he can heal you up, good as new. He is not, however, creating something from nothing. He's increasing your life energy and recycling it. Your ‘body' might be healed, but inside? You’re still a dead man walking.” He understood what Matsuri was saying. If he went, he’d die for nothing. When he looked into this woman's eyes, he was reminded of a soldier he'd once met who'd returned from a land of strife. It was a world of boggy battlefields, human bodies scattering through the air, whizzing bullets, a mixture of madness and bloodlust. They were the eyes of one who had returned from an unimaginable hell. She wasn't worried about Kagetora. After witnessing a hell that made her question the “value of life,” she simply couldn’t help her anger upon seeing someone “squandering their life." “…Maybe yous right, but I gots ta go, no matter what…" "Even if you go, you aren’t winning. No way in hell. Your body might be back at 100% and you might know your opponent's abilities now, but you'll never be able to close the gap between you and her. I guaran-fucking-tee it. With such scared little fists, you couldn't kill a fly." "What…?" Scared–––He reacted to that word and shot her a sharp glare, but she took it head on and returned it even more fiercely. "Let me teach you something, buddy. The trick to Rise is 'image.' ‘My fists can bust iron.’ ‘I can run faster than the wind.’ No doubting yourself; you construct a stronger version of yourself in your mind and, using that image, make it into reality by using your own body as a medium. That is what Rise is." "…An’ what's dat got ta do wit’ me bein' scared?" "Everything! Every fight you’ve been in up 'til now hasn't been on equal grounds. They've all been weighted in your favor. But now you've finally met someone on equal footing–––“ Kagetora valued integrity more than anything. He hated deceit. Not once had he ever brought a weapon to a fight or relied on sheer numbers to win. But, while he hadn’t been aware of it, there was an insurmountable wall between a PSI user and an ordinary human when it came to strength. Even allowing that human to wield a firearm wouldn’t be enough to close the gap and make it a “good, clean fight.” "And her strange new powers have finally made you taste defeat for the first time. You can play the macho man act all you like, but you can’t change your base instinct to be scared shitless. You’ve only just come to learn of your power, and no image you construct will be able to overturn the reality of you getting your ass handed to you, no matter how much you want it to!” “Yeah, dat could be…but still, I gots ta…” "So I go through all the trouble of saving your life and your idea of saying thanks is to toss it back down the drain!? Hah, fine, go ahead. Go ahead and do what you want, go ahead and die! See if I care!” Frankly, he understood zilch about this mumbo jumbo of “turning PSI waves into bullets" or "unused parts of the brain." He wouldn't say that “these things he couldn't understand" didn’t invoke a sense of fear within him. Deep down, he knew and accepted that Matsuri's words were the truth. “Maybe yous right…but I gots ta go, no matter what…’cuz Azumi's gotta be cryin' ‘er eyes out." "Azumi? Your girlfriend or somethin'?" Matsuri's skeptical question caused Kagetora to scratch his head, trying to think of how to explain. "’Ey? Pie’s pie, but what's da pie yous never wanna eat?" "Hah? …Moldy pie?" "Buhahahahahaha!" He laughed as Matsuri fell for it the same way he did. "Wh-What’s so funny?” Seeing Matsuri flustered to the point he could see the question mark floating above her head–––this gorgeous babe who'd been so domineering up until now–––made Kagetora feel a bit fond of her. "She's da one wit’ da answer to dat riddle." "What are you–––wait, you couldn't mean…a child?" “Yous been a big help. If I’m still breathin’ after dis, I'll make sure ta pay ya back, even if it takes da rest’a my life.” Without saying anything more, Kagetora threw his jacket, full of holes, over his shoulders and left Matsuri's apartment.
Midnight––– He was standing before the large doors of the “Dakugoukai’s” headquarters. In order for their negotiations with Miyoshi to proceed without a hitch, they needed Azumi to be somewhere completely secure. And there was no place more secure than their own HQ. A yakuza home base would be like a fortress, jam-packed with members armed to the teeth. “Well…no use thinkin’ ‘bout it…” Taking on an enemy organization solo, straight through their front door: it was like an old yakuza flick made a decade–––no, two decades ago. "Oraaaaa!" Crash! His fist hit the door and utterly destroyed it. The moment he stepped foot through the gate, he was greeted by a growing mob of enemies. And they were carrying more than just the shivs* and Tokarevs your typical lowlife would have–––they even had LMGs and assault rifles used by the military. "Oi oi oi…'da hell're customs doin'? Dere's a limit on how much yous can waste our taxes, dammit." Most likely, these had also been provided by "the organization" lurking behind the scenes. Every single gun was pointed at Kagetora. "Heeeeeey, whaddafuck kinda beef ya tryna cooooook!!?” “Fuckin’ mofo’s gots sum big-ass cojones, huuuuh!” “C'mon n’ getsum, bro, yo’ ass is graaaaaass!!” He had no idea what language they were speaking, but they were all itching to kill. “Real sorry, buds…I hear my li’l squirt’s been a big pain in da ass here, yeah? Would be rude 'a me ta make ‘er stay another night. I came ta pick ‘er up, so bring 'er here, wouldja?" Kagetora walked towards them calmly, without any fear. He wasn’t afraid of rabble like this. They could try to shoot him, but he could just dodge by moving faster. Even if they hit him, all he had to do was bounce them back. The real problem was––– "Please cease." The real problem was that woman. “Do allow that gentleman in. I shall do my utmost to accommodate him, impeccably.”** Kurotaki, with her narrow eyes growing narrower still, appeared with an irritating smile.
In terms of power, "the organization" appeared to rank higher than the “Dakugoukai.” As such, the gang members abided by what Kurotaki said, despite their bloodlust, and Kagetora was led to the "Execution Room." The Execution Room was, simply put, "a room solely for private execution, made completely soundproof so no one outside could hear any voices from within.” "Who'da thought yous wanna go one-on-one…I thought fer sure you'd try ta pull another fast one.” Unlike what she wore back at the estate, Kurotaki had donned more traditionally Chinese clothes with wider hems, like those a daoshi would wear. "Oh, dear me…I decided to wear my very best apparel in order to receive you and yet you say something so awful. I thought I might attempt to respond to your chivalry in earnest, you see?” Obviously, this was a lie. Kurotaki had seen that his wounds were healed and surmised that there was clearly someone else involved with him who also had powers. If there was another person with powers, their intervention would cause problems. It opened up the possibility that they could throw a wrench into the plan she'd spent over a year setting into motion. It was for that reason that she’d invited Kagetora into the deepest part of the base, the "Execution Room," to prevent any interferences. “I find it quite surprising…it would not have been strange for you to have died–––or rather, it is very strange for you to have not died from how much I shot you…may I ask you a question? Is it, perhaps, that there is someone else with powers in the Shuueikai?" "Hah, yer finger guns were nuthin’. I jus’ had ta rub some spit here ’n dere ta heal up.” "Oh, my…well, I suppose if there were someone, they would have instructed you on how to use your powers a little bit better." For someone with an ally strong enough to bring a person back from the brink of death, Kagetora was far too inept at using his powers. Therefore, the owner of that power, Kurotaki reasoned, had merely healed Kagetora and decided against getting involved. "Azumi…where is she?" "Please, there is no need for such a scary face. I have no desire to harm her. I have merely–––“ She drew the curtain obscuring the back of the “Execution Room” and there lay Azumi, bound and unconscious. "Taken care of her." "…I'm gonna be takin' ‘er back now." “And I suppose you believe this is where I say, 'Yes, please go ahead'?" “I ain’t fallin’ fer nuthin’ no more…dis time, I’m sendin’ ya flyin'." "Oh, so very scary…whatever shall I do…I am so terrified, I might just shoot you full of holes!" "…" "…" Silence. From behind his sunglasses, Kagetora’s gaze met with Kurotaki’s as she pointedly covered her mouth with her hand. Bang! In an instant, Kurotaki shot a Finger Bomb and Kagetora quickly leapt to the side to dodge. There weren’t more than ten meters between them. But it was still just a bit too far to cross in one go. (Hard ta tell when she’s gonna shoot; ain’t no movements ta look fer like wit’ a real gun…but dere's nuthin' dat can't be–––) Dodged, he thought. However… slip "–––!?" Suddenly, his footing started to give. "Oh, no♪" Kurotaki didn’t overlook how Kagetora’s posture broke and shot off three Finger Bombs in a row. "Damn! ‘Da hell am I doin’!” He somehow managed to avoid them, but still came away with a grazed shoulder.
“Your ‘body' might be healed, but inside? You’re still a dead man walking.”
Yagumo Matsuri's words rose up in his mind. His body wasn't responding as he needed it to, more so than he'd anticipated. Rather, it wasn't in any condition where it could. He kicked off the wall and jumped to the side, and when he landed he immediately pretended to try and circle further into her blind spot–––only to instead come at her head on. He moved just like one would when trying a feint in soccer. And Kurotaki was like the goalkeeper. Unless he overcame her, he’d never be able to save Azumi. If he retrieved Azumi without defeating Kurotaki, he’d end up with a bullet through his back. "Gotcha!" His feint succeeded and he closed the distance between them. Just a half step more and he would be in range. If he could just reach her with his fists–––if he could just drag her into a close-ranged fight, then he would be victorious. "So sorry." Kurotaki's ring finger was pointed straight at Kagetora. An attack launched because she’d read his feint. A bullet of light was being launched. (Shit!) He had to dodge. His mind knew this, but his body screeched to a halt. (What–––!?)
"You can play the macho man act all you like, but you can’t change your base instinct to be scared shitless."
It was just as Matsuri had said: he recalled the first time he’d taken this attack and his reaction slowed. He was terrified. Bang! Once again, a bullet of light pierced through his body. "Guaah!" He was sent flying back and lost all the distance he'd worked so hard to close. "Haah…haah…haah…haah…dammit!" A terrible sweat oozed from his whole body. All it took was having his undisputed advantageous position ripped out from under him, having someone else appear who had the same strange abilities as him, to reduce him to such a pathetic mess. It was unbelievably frustrating. A stringy kid in his first fight was probably more gallant than him. "Goddammit all…" He tried to stand, but his arms, his legs–––they were trembling. “My, what is this? I hit you once, and you are finished? Well, that is fine. This time, I shall thoroughly–––“ Kurotaki's cruel jeering no longer reached his ears. Neither could he see well, his vision blurry. "–––?" But for some strange reason, despite this, he could see Azumi clearly. "Azumi…" Azumi, tied up and on her side, had regained consciousness and was staring at him. "Tora…" She smiled. She looked at him and faintly smiled. "Ah…aah…ah, uwooooooah!!" Ignoring the pain in his stomach, Kagetora forced his body to stand. Bam! And then, he smashed his clenched fist into his own face with all his might. Bam, bam, bam! Over and over, a heavy and dull sound echoed throughout the room. "Wh-What are…? Has your fear driven you crazy?” Kurotaki was disturbed by Kagetora's abnormal actions. "Hah haha…hahaha…" Kagetora laughed as blood dripped from his forehead. It was a laugh full of scorn towards himself. "How pathetic…am I…" Azumi had seen him and smiled. Despite being in such a hopeless situation, despite having no way to fight back, and despite being all tied up.
~~~~~~ [Notes: *Dosu is another way to refer to a short sword **Omotenashi is Japan’s take on hospitality, customer service, basically doing everything possible to ensure one’s guest/customer has the best experience possible]
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himetsuri · 5 years
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