#yadnere au
tamayakii · 7 months
guys ok i know i havent posted anything for their angel au for AWHILE (work + life and lack of motivation) but what if reader was the child of Rhea Royce and Daemon Targaryen? Rhaenrya would be the first yandere for her in my head, when Rhae Royce dies, maybe Rhaenrya takes her in, or makes Viserys. So depending on my mood, reader would be Viserys "daughter" or Rhaenryas,
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yan-purgatory · 5 years
NCT yandere profiles part 2
Possessive – 95
Violent – 80
Egotistic, superior, conceited…however you choose to describe Lucas it wouldn’t matter, because he knows it. He’s proud of it. So what if you felt that way? He doesn’t care. Why should he be bothered by something so insignificant as your feelings? He know’s how important he is. Lucas has girls lined up ready to sleep with him every. God damn. Night. It’s only his right to do so too. He will have you tied up and gagged in the closet while he fucks a girl into oblivion right in front of your face. He would never personally admit it but he did feel a sense of attachment to you for some unknown reason, that’s why he’s got you on a very tight leash, collared up. However Lucas see’s this attachment as a weakness, so it’s only in his nature to show you that he is the very best, that he could have anyone he wanted, but he has chosen you so you should be eternally grateful that you managed to bewitch him(wether you feel lucky or not). Due to his arrogant nature he cannot tolerate the idea of not being good enough, he will never relinquish his hold on you, so you won’t have the opportunity to prove him wrong.
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Possessive –  85
Violent – 1000
Xiaojun is one man you had better not anger, or better yet, never cross path with. This man will find faults in everything you do, from your looks to your personality, anything could be the cause of your punishment. His anger could never be contained by you no matter what you do, no amount of years spent by his side or the rare sweet moments, could quell his anger and need for violence. A vase smashes into a million pieces just inches away from you, looking up and crying from the shock, you were currently curled up in the corner looking for protection. “YOU BITCH! I’VE TREATED YOU SO WELL AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?” He screams at you. With wide eyes, you steal a glance at him, as you feel his fingers curling around your neck, tightening it’s hold…
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Possessive – 100
Violent – 85
Jealousy redefined. This boy was easily worked up even about the smallest things. He HATED anything that would take your attention away from him. Even just for a second. Renjun once had to fight the urge to leave you starving because you looked away to focus on eating. He wasn’t stupid, he knew he was pushing it with the extremities, the problem is he couldn’t give a fucking damn about it. Why should he? You couldn’t do anything to stop him anyway. He would never let you go out, use a cellphone and sometimes you weren’t even allowed to read a book. The worst that has ever happened is when you lost focused whilst he was talking, you didn’t answer his question and he immediately got jealous. You were thinking of someone else weren’t you? That incident earned you a week chained to the bed, you weren’t able to do anything at all, even feed yourself. He made sure the only contact with anyone or anything would be him. If you were ever able to escape him, if that’s even possible, anyone you would’ve come into contact with would immediately die by his hands, he wouldn’t want anyone else to even remember his angel but him.
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violent -1000
Possessive - 10000
He is not only a sadist but he is also full of himself. Yuta sees himself above everyone. He is a god and anyone who is not willing to admit it, should die. Yuta thinks he is above human weaknesses including love. So, when he met you he couldn’t understand what was going on. Why he couldn’t stop thinking about you? Why did he need to see you so badly? Yuta wouldn’t hesitate to kidnap you. In his mind it was all about fucking. He was sure that after fucking you a few times he would forget even your name. Alas, his obsession with you only worsened. That’s when he decided he couldn’t let others to know about his weakness meaning you. Since that day you are locked up in his house. Yuta expects you to worship him as a god he is. If you manage to satisfy him, then you are a lucky. If not…. Yuta is a violent man and you better not to get on his bad side.
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Violent – 90
Possessive - 90
Obsessive. That’s the only right word to describe him. Mark is obsessed with you to the point where he can handcuff himself to you only to spend every possible second with you. Everything about you is a mystery to him which should be solved. Mark can seat on your bed for hours while you are sleep and watch you. It’s one of his favorite things to do. He is not delusional. No! He knows you are imperfect but at the same time he can’t let you go. That’s why he has to fix you. By fixing you Mark means to mold you into his perfect little kitten. If he needs to hurt you in the process… Well, it’s worth it, isn’t it?
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Violent – 99
Possessive - 2000000
Jealous man. So fucking jealous that it’s definitely unhealthy. Anything you do can make him jealous. If you move away from his during your sleep then it’s because you are dreaming about someone else. “Don’t make me angry, sweetheart. We don’t want to spoil your pretty face. I own only the best things, don’t I?” In his attempts to make you his Hendery can go as far as completely isolating you. There will be no windows in your room and no tv or computer. Your days will be the same. All of this to see you happy when he visits you. “How are you doing, love? Oh, you really glad to see me, don’t you?”
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Violent – 10000
Possessive - 95
He is such a romantic. In his own way though. You may not agree with him when he brings you the head of your friend but the only reason why Jeno has done it is because he loves you. He sees himself as a hero who saves you from scums and he will be very offended if you don’t appreciate his efforts to help you. “What do you mean I shouldn’t have done it? Did you want them to use you as a toy? You are such a slut… Gosh I thought you were different!” He will make you to love him. The world has spoiled you but Jeno can fix it and he will use whatever he has to use to make you his.
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by admins   ✂
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daebak-dreams · 7 years
Yandere!EXO: Giving Them A Promise Ring
Anon Asked:  Hey! I adore your writing, especially your yandere au. Could you do one where yandere exos girlfriend gives them a promise ring? Stay awesome ✨
Here you go sunshine! I am so sorry about the wait! Enjoy!
He would be speechless as you held the ring in the palm of your hand, jutting it out in from of him.Of course he was beyond happy, he just couldn’t form any words, it was as if you took his breath away. Literally.  He loved you dearly so when he received this gift from you, he was for certain that you too felt the same way.
“I- I don’t know what to say...all I can say is, I really do love you.”
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Happiness radiated from him and you could tell by the way he beamed from you to the ring that now sat in his hand, then back to you. He had wanted the two of you to be official. Though you already were, he wanted something, anything from you that could mark him as yours alone. Now he had to do some looking for something to return the loving gesture. 
“This is so thoughtful..I promise to always keep it close to my heart.”
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 K Y U N G S O O
The moment he got your present, he became serious at first which put you on edge, worrying that maybe he didn’t really like it. At first he was so taken aback, he too was at a loss for words. He didn’t know you had loved and cared for him this much and it made him happy that he wasn’t alone in this. After some time, he pulled you into his arms and gave you a rough yet passionate kiss before slipping it on. 
“It’s perfect baby, just like you.”
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He was all sorts of emotions as you placed the ring in his hand. He was beyond happy because he loved anything and everything about you. and that included things that you gave him, he always cherished it all. He was nervous too, about how he should react, not wanting to be too excited and scare you off, but also not wanting to appear cold or shrug, making you sad. 
“Huh? No no! I’m really happy! This is the best thing I have ever received. Besides you.”
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This boy would admire it as if it were a piece of the finest artwork, the minute he slipped it onto his finger. He would flaunt it everywhere, especially around other women, letting them clearly know that he was taken by the best. He didn’t care if people soon got annoyed after some time, just like how he loved showing you off, this was an alternative to whenever you weren’t around.
“Do you see that sparkle? It reminds me of her eyes.”
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You might regret it sometime after, or not the minute you gave him the small band. He didn’t care if it was even from a toy machine, the minute that you gave it to him he immediately thought, marriage. Not wanting to scare you off or give you cold feet, he would smother you in gifts and his love and attention, until he knew was the time to give you your own ring and ask you to be his until death do you part. 
“I know that’s what you really wanted. But you were hinting at me, because it is the man’s job to do so, so...Will you marry me ___?”
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His happy-go-lucky smile faded from his lips which made you frown and pull back, but he quickly grabbed your hand and leaned into you with a serious expression and tone, asking you if you were sure that you had wanted to be with him forever, because he wanted the same, and the minute he would put on that ring, he would never let you go, even if you had wanted to go. 
“Are you sure you want to do this? Putting this on will mean ,being chained together...forever.”
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This baby would be smiling from ear to ear as he put on the ring you presented him, and latched onto you with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. He couldn’t help but become giddy and excited as he swayed side to side. He was glowing with bliss and you couldn’t help but smile back. His happiness just surrounded you and made you feel the same.
“So this means you love me? Like really, really love me right? I’m so so so soooooo happy! I love you too!”
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He would look at it for a long moment without saying a word, which made you pull it back towards you with, “If you don’t want it...” But he quickly grabbed your arm and pulled it back towards him, taking the ring from you this time with a smile, kissing your hand before placing the ring on his finger with a happy sigh. Afterwards, you would receive a passionate and hard kiss from him.
“God...I really really love it..and I love you as well.”
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I hope you liked it!~
-Admin Bonbori
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daebak-dreams · 7 years
Yandere!BTS: Seeing You At The Park With Guy Friends
Anon Asked:  Bts Yandere see you at a park with a few guys friends
Here you go sweetpea! Enjoy!~
WARNING* Contains violent themes
He trusted you, he just didn’t trust these so called “friends’ of yours, let alone has ever met them before. So the minute he found the location of where you were, he just had to go see for himself just who these people were. He knew that you would kill him if you found him snooping around, but he worried for your safety. After a few minutes of cruising around in his dark vehicle, going up and down the same streets, he finally pulled up to the small parking lot of the park you said you were going to be at. But when he saw some man latch onto your arm and make you laugh, he completely lost his cool, got out, and treaded to where you were, after slamming the car door with much anger. The sound of the door, made everyone look at Jin who was now walking up to the man who had already back away from him.
  “Jin-” You tried to explain, but it was no use as he had punched the man across the face, sending him flying onto his back with a hard knock, before taking your hand and glaring at the man who was now sitting up with a look of pain across his face.
  “I don’t know who the fuck you are and frankly I don’t care, but this is my girlfriend and I suggest that if you don’t want anything more serious than that hit I just gave you, you better stay away from her.”
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He never liked the sound of you going out in fear of you never coming back but he never did said no either. He knew that you too had your own life to live and never wanted to keep you from that or smother you. But when he got a call from one of his friends, letting them know where you were and who you were with, all he could do was go blank and shake his head in disapproval as he put his jacket on and grabbed his keys, hanging the phone up as he headed out the door. upon finding you, he was already furious at these men for taking up your attention and for being around you. Of course he wasn’t upset with you, just hurt that you would decide to leave him at home and be around other men and it made him re-evaluate if he were in the wrong for letting you leave all the time without a care. 
When you saw Namjoon, you had tried to explain that these men were friends of yours and you were all waiting for them to get there, but he wasn’t having it. He would sternly tell you to get in the car and walk away with you, not even giving these men a second passing glance. Unless they said something under their breath, then he would take action and unleash his bottled anger out on them.
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Of course knowing how hot-headed your boyfriend was, you worried about hanging out with one of your close friend and her cousins, but after a while of giving it some thought, you decided to go. Secretly. You told Yoongi that you would be meeting your best friend who he did know about, just left out where you would actually be, and who you would actually be around. It didn’t take too long for him to get there though, for he had placed a tracker on your phone while you slept one night, which led him right to you. He couldn’t help but smirk at himself for being proud at keeping tabs on you, though he knew he had to be secretive about it, not wanting you to leave him. When he got there he promised to tell you that he had been driving around and saw you. He promised to keep it cool. 
But it was easier said than done because the minute that he saw you surrounded by these guys he couldn’t help but go insane. He quickly got out of the car and sprinted over to where you were, punching the man int the face who was closest to you. Earning a punch back from him, making his lip bust and you scream. Yes you were angry at Yoongi for meddling like this, but you were much angrier at the fact that this guy had hurt him. You reached out to Yoongi, and he threw and arm around him with a bloody smile and he laughed holding you close, reassuring you that he was okay. 
:That’s my girl. Still by my side. I’m okay. That was a weak hit. I’m not going to let anyone get near my girl like that without some bloodshed.”
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He could feel tears well in his eyes whenever you were to go off with your family or friends for a few hours. He knew it pained you to be around him all the time, but he hated being away from you ever for a few minutes. After finally calming him down and assuring him that you would be home soon, he hugged you and kissed you goodbye, with a ‘becareful’. Little did, he know you would be with some guys he had never seen before. 
When he saw you, being close with these strangers, he couldn’t help but feel his own heart and sanity breaking. He couldn’t understand why you would rather be here with them than with him. Wasn’t he enough? What was it about him that made you choose this? Maybe you were just growing tired of this relationship. Of him. No.
He wasn’’t going to take any of that into consideration and wanted to make sure you knew too. Even if they had been close friends that you were catching up with, he still wouldn’t take kindly to it as he took the crowbar he had from his trunk and walked to where you were with tears streaming down his face but a manic smile. He wasn’t going to hurt you of course. He could never. He had just wanted to make sure that these men would be taught a lesson to steal something from others, if it meant breaking their hands. 
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Now this boy wouldn’t even give you the chance to leave. If you didn’t give him much information on where you were going and who would all be there, then he wouldn’t let you go, at least not without him. If it did come down to it, he would follow you, even if you told him not to. He respected what you wanted, but for some reason he just couldn’t shake this feeling off as followed close behind while you walked down the sidewalke and veered into the open park towards the group of your two close girlfriends and two men. 
You smiled and waved their way as you told them to ignore Taehyung, but he wasn’t going to take that as he sprinted over to you upon seeing who you were walking up to and quickly picked you up, heaving you over his shoulder. Of course you kicked and yelled, telling him to put you down. Everyone had seemed stunned around you but knew not to take action, knowing how Taehyung was and his violent antics. He carried you all the way back home in silent until you got there and he sat you gently on the sofa and he kneeled down in front of you with a sigh. 
“___, I love you can’t you see that? Why do you have the need to be around people like that? All we need is eachother..I love you so much that I’m protecting you from people like that...I know you’re mad, but you’ll see..It’s for the best.” 
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Everyone knew of his reputation, and how you  were his woman so everyone steered clear away from you not wanting to get on Jimin’s bad side. But for two unfortunate souls they had gazed upon you as you were at the park, as you were taking in the nice weather by yourself, waiting until Jimin picked you up. 
The men came up and talked with you making you uneasy for the fact that you had a boyfriend and they were pushing up on you with their constant flirting, but also because you knew if Jimin saw you right now with these two, they wouldn’t know what was coming for them. You tried to cut the conversation short as you got up and started to walk away, seeing Jimin’s car pull up, but they wouldn’t shake off of you. When Jimin and his friends got out, you knew it was all over for them. He walked over to you with a beaming smile and then raised an eyebrow at the men asking who they were.
  “Who the fuck are you? We were just talking to this pretty little thing.”
  “Who the fuck am I?Did you hear what he just asked?!” He laughed manically to his friends who chimed in, “I’m the boyfriend of this pretty little thing. And she’s more than  that. She is my girlfriend. So you better show he some fucking respect.”
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When you told him that you were meeting with some friends he was in a panic frenzy on the inside but stayed cool, calm, and collected on the outside as he listened quietly. After agreeing with a long groan, that you could go out, you excitedly got ready, kissed him with a smile and left.
He knew where you where and who would all be there, but little did he know of the uninvited guest who would be going, until he drove to you, to drop off something you had forgotten at home. When he saw a man throw an arm around you making you cringe and move away he got off and flexed his arms angrily with a serious expression plastered across his face. Knowing that you never did like it when he created a scene in public he tried to swallow back his rage but it was no use as this man taunted him and became angry as you hid behind him and latched onto his arm, already wanting to go home. He tsk, tsk then spit near the man’s shoe on the ground before leading you to the car where he buckled you in and closed the door before getting in himself. He knew that your emotions were more important than his own. You always came first before anyone else.
“I’m not mad baby. I’m just glad I came when I did. Who knows what could have happened..”
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I hope you liked it :-)
-Admin Bonbori
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