#yabbyabb OCs
yabbyabb · 7 years
Heres  a go at my OC masterlist!
Fan OCs
Dixie- a young ghoul who’s age seems to be around 10. Extremely curious, adventurous, and imaginative, though naive with youth. She does not talk about her past, since she grew up an orphan “adopted” by cruel scavengers who abused her and eventually left her for dead in the glowing sea. After escaping and living on her own for a few years, she met Hatch who has truly adopted her as well as others who she considers family. Works as a courier around the wasteland, and loves any Nuka Cola- especially Quantum and Cherry! 
Hatch Hutton- fairly new ghoul who travels around the commonwealth as an easygoing, laid back musician. He’s never seen without his straw boater, wrapped hands/ gloves, and his guitar. Hatch is very empathetic, helpful and kind, wanting only to spread smiles and ease some of the hardships people face in the wasteland with his music. Like Dixie, he does not talk about his past and quickly dismisses any questions regarding his injured hands. He is currently in a very loving relationship with Vomer (@dunesand), to whom he’s engaged.
Quinn Dugell- My SoSu, who did not have a son like in game. She was engaged to her fiance before the bombs dropped, but she was killed through the cryopod malfunction. Quinn stumbled around the wasteland in a daze and in shock at first, but quickly adjusted to her new life by killing raider scum. Personality wise, Quinn is fun loving, sarcastic, laid back, and doesnt take things too seriously. She viewed her new life in the wasteland like a fresh start, and has little to no inhibitions. She also REALLY loves puns/mom/dad humor, and is a skilled sniper. Romanced Hancock and Curie in game, and is BFFs with Deacon and Nick. 
Donald Hutton- Hatch Huttons infamous, sleezy, greasy brother. Back in the good old days when Donald and Hatch were still humans, they traveled around as a performing duo. Donald has had strong vocals, while Hatch played the guitar/did backup vocals. Hatch is also very attached to his guitar because it was the one that him and Donald built together, and is a reminder of what Donald used to be like for Hatch. But then their mother fell ill, Donald became in debt with the raiders, and secretly sold himself and Hatch as slaves to pay for it, leading to the worst 2 years of their life- as well as turning into ghouls. Now that hes not only a ghoul, but a glowing GREEN ghoul, Donald makes a living in the wasteland by working under Mercury (@amummy) for her drug cartel and being a general informant by selling information. Hes a tease, a dog, and loves money and drugs/booze. He doesnt sing anymore due to holding a grudge against Hatch (found in their detailed backstory) and also through self hatred of what he did. He might sing again one day though, through lots of convincing. 
Bones- a new addition to the raider group called the Strangers (@ohmdo), Bones is a pre-war ghoul who is a wiz when it comes to hacking and coding and is a stealthy scout. Bones himself very rarely shows his face that he hides under his mask, but his personality is far less intimidating than his looks. He jokes about everything and is honestly kind of lazy, unless something piques his interest. He is neutral about pretty much everything, though can turn pretty serious and intimidating in a split second. Hes very good buddies Krip (@surke). 
Thorn- a 3rd gen/human hybrid who takes her job as Steph’s (@lemonlulz) bodyguard and right hand gal. Thorn is a deadly assassin/merc who utilizes her heavily modified syringe rifle, sting, as well as an assortment of poisons and chemicals to take care of her enemies. Since Steph runs an all girl raider group, Thorn is also a member and protects her comrades fiercely. Not much is known about Thorn aside from her serious, quiet, and lethal personality. She has a high interest in plants and science, due to her background. She has a sister, Calico, who she is low key looking for.
Fire Emblem 
Miyoshi “Miyo”- An unusual Basara who loves to fight and roughhouse. Miyo joined the service under the Hoshido family from a young age, and fell under Hinoka’s ranks. Though she is short tempered and hot headed/zealous, Miyo also loves and values meditation and focus. She has a longtime close friendship to Nobu (@dunesand) who constantly act like bickering young siblings though considers family and protects at all cost. Miyoshi is head over heels for Kagero, who she’s dating. 
Dragon Age
Fiiris Lavellan- Anxiety ridden with low self esteem and self worth, Fiiris is forced to join the Inquisition due to her mark, much to her horror. She is very reluctant and not at all confident in herself in the first part of the game, and tries often to push the responsibility she didnt want onto her advisors. But during the game, she slowly grows to have confidence in herself and in her skills/intuition, as well as getting help from her close friends she makes. By the end of the game, she is a highly skilled Rift mage who is a force to be reckoned with though she still has hints of her anxiety and humble personality. Shes very sweet, caring, shy, and loves Halla. Her closest friend is Cole, quickly followed by Varric and Josephine. I have two different files for her where she romances Bull and Cullen. 
Orianna Cousland- My Grey Warden who is the fierce Queen of Ferelden, alongside her husband Alistair. She is similar to Miyo- short tempered, loves to fight, and loves to help people in need. A nimble rogue with the Duelist spec, she hates nobles especially after dealing with Howe. Even though shes Queen, she doesnt act like it- but in all honesty she uses her royalty to get away with some wild stuff lmao. Is off finding a cure to the blight to save her and Alistair. Her mabari pupper is named Meatball. 
Rillan Lavellan- Fiiris’s cousin, who is nothing like her at all. He ran away from the clan to help/support Fiiris, and to also get a taste of the world and put his skill to use. Hes a charming rogue who specializes in duel blades and eventually becomes an assassin under Lelianna. He is arrogant, a flirt, and likes to show off as much as he can. He teases Fiiris all the time, though he does deeply care for her deep down though he has odd ways of showing it. Hes often running away from Cassandra’s Ire. 
WIP OCs- Jeca Cadash, Wyatt Trevelyan, Ozol & Yasin Adaar 
Personal Project OCs
Hunger Pains (based on WoD)
Twinny Okuda- young and brash, and hates school.  Very level headed about most things, and seems to come off as cold and unsympathetic. Wont go off on someone randomly, but if pushed to her limits and emotionally strained, she can get hot headed and make angry outbursts.She loves to tinker with things and figure out how they work. Very loyal to her close friends, and will always be Ride or Die. Her parents are almost always working, so her relationship with them isnt the best. Eventually it is revealed that she is a force mage. 
Jai Kamaat- Dragon Beast passed down through his bloodline. Radical; lives life on the edge (or tries to, but he can be pretty lazy too). Parkors and hangs with Twinny a lot. The two are pretty close, and even though twinny wouldnt admit it, she considered him her best friend. Had a troubled past, but is working to fix it. Hides a dangerous temper that comes out only if poked enough. Confident, likes to tease/pull pranks, hides insecurities with overconfidence. 
Estelle LaFille “Bloodhound”-  an ancient beast with the Rake monster soul inside of her. Born in the 13th Century, Estelle was born in the French countryside but quickly showed signs of “possession” of a demon, to which her fear stricken parents gave he away to the church to be saved. There, Estelle was raised and entered nunhood. She dealt with night terrors and random sporadic hallucinations/visions of horror from her Beast, until one day it tried to take her over. Estelle, possessing a tremendous amount of willpower and fueled by her religion, made a pact with the Rake. She would comply to its hunger- but act as a righteous hand of God on Earth, delivering his judgment onto the worst of the sinners. The Rake, who was sustained through carrying out acts of punishment, agreed. Quickly becoming a legend, Estelle had stayed true to her code, never giving into the Beast’s desire for carnage for simple “sins”. The early years adjusting to her killing almost broke Estelle, who knew her soul was bloodied from her sin- but justified her actions with “religious righteousness”, receiving small “signs” from god that her path was a just one and it was meant to be. Bloodhound became a stone cold, efficient, deadly killer, striking fear into the underground all over the world
Celio- A local renowned tattoo artist, who also happens to be a powerful Mage and protects the city. Celio used to have a troubled past because of growing up a mage, but has come into his own pretty well and made a name for himself. He is covered in tattoos that he did himself that are inscribed with magic, each one holding its own spell. He utilizes unpredictability, and constantly tattoos new spells onto himself when he has used them. He is a mentor to Twinny and Jai, and also uses his tattoo parlor as a safe haven for supernaturals. He is stubbornly neutral when it comes to turf wars in the supernatural world, much to the dismay of groups around the city. 
WIP OCs- Osirus, Emmett 
Jinorin- a Desire demon who runs a high end brothel in the Monster Realm. IN the human world, they are a high end CEO to a company, considered a business shark. Jinorin is gender-fluid and a hermaphrodite, and takes good care of his service workers. They offer housing to workers if they need it, as well as good pay and living essentials. 
Yarah- Assistant to Jinorin and self proclaimed “Hostess” to the Brothel, Yarah is a seaslug monster who works at the brothel and helps keep things running. She loves exotic plants, especially aquatic plants. 
Saurii- another worker in the brothel, Saurii is a small, stout Stingray monster who resides at the brothel. He spends a lot of time in the hot spring bath, as well as the lavish pool. Saurii is playful and mischievous, loving to tease both friends and clients.
WIP OCs- Najii, Glowstick, Lucien
DND Characters
Tenna Galeborn- My first official DnD character. A classic Rogue, tenna is a sylph with messy, wind swept curly black hair, yellow eyes, and has light blue tattoos swirling on her skin. She is highly curious about people, and loves to travel and gamble. Shes a restless spirit, but also enjoys helping out others when they need it. (CG) 
Lucia- Captian Lucia is a pirate queen, who owns her own ship and ragtag loyal crew. Most notable about her is the three deep scars running along her right eye made of gold with its pupil made of glowing turquoise. Shes a Swashbuckler who, by putting ammo into her eye to charge, can make her own magic ammo with different effects. When she first finds people she wasnt to recruit into her crew, she convinces them to sign their name on a contract that magically binds them to her service- not to their knowledge of course. (CN/NE) 
Samiri- The Bastard child to a Lord, Samiri is a half orc Brawler who was hidden away in her fathers castle to hide his shame. She constantly snuck out and rebelled against him, until one night she got away for good. She’s naiive and was sheltered all her life, but wanted to experience the life of an adventurer and set out to make a name for herself to become more than a bastard child no one wanted. Has an Ogre skull helmet, an orcish warhammer that was her mothers that she named Pansy (her favorite flower), and two hands ready to whoop some ass. (CG) 
Ghastooth- A wandering skeleton (obito) Magus who is simply wandering around trying to find out who he is, his purpose, and to make up for whatever horrible sin he did in his past life that made him into what he is now. He has no past memories of his life before becoming an Obitu, only waking up in a decrepit overgrown temple. (NG)
Ellie Mae-  A sweet, upstanding southern belle Thri-Kreen Summoner who is passionate about her faith, spreading good will, and taking care of her dear Eidolon Alais who is a giant lion made of crystalline Obsidian, whose eyes and claws are a glowing white. He also has a cute white ruffle collar made by none other than Ellie Mae. Her parents are tailors, who passed down their craft to her- before she became an adventurer, of course. They send her a new ruffle dress every so often, since adventuring is never kind to your clothing. Some iconic props and accessories of hers are her white hand fan, parasol, and long smoking pipe with smoking tobacco. (Though this character was sadly part of a game run by someone i now hate, I still hope to bring her back in full force!) (NG)
Klinko- the newest edition to my beloved characters, Klinko is a small Grippli Warlock who worships the “Big Frog” in the sky (AKA Cthulu). Despite being a frog, he can actually be quite the charmer (thanks nat 20s!) and is also wandering the land to seek more knowledge about his faith and the arcane. He also really loves to eat meat. (CG?)
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skizoh · 7 years
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Secret Santa for @yabbyabb ‘s  sweet ghoul Hatch.
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paperose · 7 years
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quick drawing of Yabbyabb’s girl Umiko and my Megumi~! they’re gf’s~!
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lost-opium-artblog · 7 years
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“GOTTA KISS THAT NEW HUMAN PUPPY!” mlem mlem mlem <3
Sounds like Mardi-Gras love kids!!! Not like her pack sibbling :’D Also, @yabbyabb, I hope Dixie won’t die crushed by dog’s love <3 :’D
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Hi there!! I dunno if your still wanting kid/parent OC fluff but if you are, I have a ghoul kid named Dixie who had... a very rough life before ghoulification. But she was taken in by my other oc Hatch Hutton who is a wandering musician! He’s a very good dad and takes good care of her, though she’s pretty independent herself! She had taken on being the commonwealths tinniest courier, and has lots of fun adventures and friends in the Commonwealth 💖 I’m sure she would absolutely love Jay too!
aww! I LOVE THAT. I’m always always wanting kid/parent stuff honestly. :D
Dixie sounds like a sweetheart, and Hutch sounds awesome too! A wandering musician! Don’t see a lot of those! I’m sure Jay’d love her too! He has a HUGE soft spot for kids. ^u^
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red-flare-art · 7 years
Do you know any other artists with fallout OCs? Who do you recommend to follow with fallout ocs?
oh jeez, I follow a TON of artists with Fallout OC’s & they’re all great. I’ll list some for you & I apologize if I forget anyone, cuz there’s so many great ones:
& That’s just to name a few, lol. Again, I’m really sorry if there’s anyone I forgot. ^^;
You can also check out @theghoulcrew if you really like ghoul OC’s. It’s full of OC’s from a ton of different tumblr artists. :)
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dunesand · 8 years
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doodles of fe ocs from our discord chat!! > :^ )) my two kids and under are
@yabbyabb, @paperose, @jungdraws, @irrelevanthiccup, and @yopeppy
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sbeep · 7 years
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After @ohmdo‘s comic and seeing the very sweet Dixie ( @yabbyabb/ @hatchanddixie ‘s OC) , I did some tag surfing and doodled a Hi!
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lost-opium-artblog · 7 years
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Thank you @yabbyabb for giving a friend AND a job to Irupé >w< I’m sure Myrrh and Irupé will have fun mwohoho lot of fun.
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yabbyabb · 7 years
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my BNHA kids!!!! the UA rp server is tons of fun! <3 
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yabbyabb · 7 years
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Some doodles of my kid who's a squid! And also a hero in training 🐙🌟
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theghoulcrew · 7 years
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Congratulations to @free-hugs-for-ghouls for winning our 700 Followers Giveaway!  Please contact @yabbyabb to discuss your prize!
Thank you once again to everyone who participated! Keep submitting those wonderful OCs!  See you again at the 800 mark! <3
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