#yaa im rambling!! blarg!!!!!!
tinycatstars · 1 year
Could I mayhaps please get some regressed Mituna and caregiver Kurloz writing... my sillies :)
YESS of course!! the sillies!! im so sorry this took like forever, ive been having a lil writing block recently D: so this may be kinda bad and kinda simular to something i've written before. but please enjoy!! thank you for requesting!! <3 <3 <3
Mituna was grumpy.
He was regressed today and hanging out at Kurloz’s hive with the other troll. The two had originally made plans to go to a nearby park, but it was storming extremely hard outside, so plans had to be changed.
Mituna didn’t mind storms, he actually really enjoyed the rain! He loved the sound of it, the smell, how cozy he felt when it started to pour. But he really wanted to go to the park today, and unfortunately, Kurloz wasn’t going to let Mituna run around in the storm and possibly hurt himself. He was much safer inside, at least until the weather got a bit better.
The little was sitting in the living room in front of the T.V. He had been trying to focus on playing with his colorful building blocks, but it was really hard. He just kept thinking about how mad he was that he couldn't go outside!
He huffed, arms crossed tightly across his chest. Kurloz was sitting on the couch, silently monitoring the smaller to make sure he didn’t need anything. He tapped on Mituna’s shoulder to get his attention, he had noticed how restless the little had been ever since he told him he wasn’t allowed outside yet.
‘What’s wrong?’ Kurloz signs. Mutina huffs in response, grumbling something to himself with an angry expression on his face.
“Wanna-wanna go ou’side!” he said, a pout on his face.
Kurloz shoots him a look, signing ‘I know, but it’s not nice outside right now’.
Mituna just turns around, grumpily muttering to himself as he tries to keep his attention with his blocks again. The caregiver was left confused, Mituna never really had any interest in going outside this bad before. Maybe he was just bored?
The two sit in silence for a while, before it’s interrupted by Mituna asking “Food?”, a scowl still covering his face. Kurloz nods, getting up and making his way into the kitchen, a little bee following close behind him.
‘What do you want to eat?’ He asks once they reach the cooking area.
Mituna shrugs, leaning against the kitchen counter. “Y-you pick”, he mumbled, beginning to fidget with his hands. He picked at his nails, only for Kurloz to hand him his yellow fidget cube from his pocket. The other troll always kept Mituna’s fidget toys on hand, just so he wouldn’t accidentally hurt his arms or hands by picking (which seems to be the case most often).
Kurloz looks over his pantry and fridge; he really didn’t have too much food he knew Mituna would eat. He does find some cheese slices and bread, though, and an idea pops into his mind.
‘Is grilled cheese okay?’ he signs to Mituna. He looks up for a minute and nods, then all of his attention goes back to the cube that was in his hands. The boy could be entertained for hours by the littlest things.
The caregiver grabs the bread from his pantry, some cheese from the fridge, and a pan and spatula in order to prepare their lunch. It’s not until he’s unwrapping one of the cheese slices when someone is grabbing his sweater sleeve, pulling on it gently. Mituna had moved right next to Kurloz, grabbing his clothes to get his attention. 
‘Yes?’ Kurloz signs to the little.
“Help!” Tuna chirps, a wide grin on his face.
‘You want to help cook?’ the older confirms. Mituna nods so hard he thinks the little may hurt himself. 
Kurloz smiles, nodding back to indicate that it was okay. The regressor cheers, jumping a bit as he celebrates his little victory; he got to help!
‘Can you put the butter on the bread?’ Kurloz signs to Mituna. He hums happily, grabbing a butter knife from the drawer and the butter from the fridge. Kurloz knew he was old enough in his regressed state to use the dull knife without hurting himself, thankfully.
Mituna carefully spreads the butter across the bread as the older troll turns on the burner, setting the pan on top of it. The little’s hand shook a lot, as per usual, but he took things slow to minimize the mess. He smiles at his finished work, feeling so proud of himself. He didn’t get butter anywhere else, which was a rare occurrence.
“Look! Look!” He says to Kurloz, repeating himself until the other looks over. Kurloz grins with closed lips, signing ‘Good job!’ to the other.
Kurloz takes over from there, not wanting Mituna to accidentally burn himself. He lays the first piece of bread on the pan, butter side down. The troll then adds the cheese slices on top, then the final piece of bread to finish off the sandwich. All that was left was to let it cook.
They both knew that Mituna didn’t really need to eat in the dream bubbles. He just really, really enjoyed grilled cheese. It was his number one comfort food currently, Kurloz had made so many that it was practically just muscle memory at this point.
He flips the sandwich, patiently waiting for the other side of bread to cook. Mituna wiggled next to him, getting eager to eat his lunch.
Once the other side was golden brown, Kurloz quickly grabbed the grilled cheese with the spatula, putting it on a plate and cutting it in half for the little. He hands it to Mituna, who scarfes down the sandwich so fast the other troll is afraid he’s going to choke himself.
Thankfully, he doesn’t, and soon Mituna is handing Kurloz the empty paper plate to throw away.
‘Good?’ Kurloz asks, and Mituna nods.
‘Are you feeling less grumpy?’ 
Mituna thinks for a minute before nodding again, smiling to his caregiver. All he needed was food, apparently, to get him out of his grumpy mood.
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