#ya'll idolize Bella to much
seyvia · 2 years
.Beloved Cassandra.
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doubleddenden · 6 years
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I have a bit of new respect for Let's players. Like admittedly I used to think they were being kind of whiney about their cushy jobs. Admittedly I got better but I still kind of held a little contempt for such a fun sounding job. But like. My throat hurts from talking so much. My eye is hurting and watering from watching the screen so much. My thumb is kind of hurting and going a bit numb. Also it's just so hard to find shit to talk about. Then there's the waiting and work in editing.
I'm still gonna do it tho. I'm finally hitting good strides in it and I've got like 23 days worth of content if I choose to upload once a day, and I'll have more soon. I think I'll try to space it out on weekdays so the weekends will be catchup days for anyone wanting to watch or just to space out my uploads. That's roughly a month's worth right there? Amazing. So many thumb nails though :(
Also I think I've found good writing stride. It helps to play a game that fits with the themes of the story because I've picked up an old VR story like old times. It helps one of my game custom mc's looks precisely like what I'd want in a main character. God I've even got some good music to jam out to and picked it back up like old times :)
Also it was another hot one today. Ya'll please remember to drink water. It was apparently 103 today. My dad, famous for drinking 1 bottle of water a day, Asked me to bring him a big thermos of ice water. Remember your pets too! Bella drinks a whole ice cream tub of water a day these days.
Life: its important to learn the negatives your idols face. My throat hurts a lot man but I count it as a positive because I needed to learn it.
General: music is a powerful motivator in writing. Get you something high paced with lots of guitar riff and you'll have a hundred pages written in no time.
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