#ya gurls just been going through the trenches
allastoredeer ยท 1 month
Hey! I just want to say, you are my gateway into Radioapple and Hazbin fics as a whole, and boy did you set an expectation for me!! I'm always afraid of coming across OOC fics, and I'm especially picky with what I choose to read at first when I'm still so new to fandom portrayals of characters. When I read the summary and tags of Just Kiss Already, I couldn't believe my eyes because it had everything I was looking for?!? Post season 1, Alastor whump (I squealed at the concept of the angelic wound), Luci having to face the public and his lack of knowledge regarding politics, jealous Vox, Overlord meetings, and! Fake/pretend relationship!! With the sprinkle of rumors and speculation from the public (Idk what it is with me and loving this trope). You delivered a full course meal! The characterization was so so amazing, I love the banter, and I just adore the concept of Alastor being vulnerable in front of someone stronger than him (that someone being Lucifer, who despite being the king of hell, doesn't use his powers to take advantage of Alastor's vulnerable state is ahhhhhh so good). The pacing is incredible, the interactions are golden, and I applaud you for writing POVs that feel real and authentic to canon!
One major thing that made me extremely picky about choosing and reading fics in the fandom was my fear of authors not being able to handle Alastor's Asexuality well. Thank you for doing Alastor justice, I'm so amazed at how well you wrote him in this regard. Like when Vox yelled at him "What does Lucifer have that I don't?", it didn't even cross Alastor's mind that this is a confession of sorts, and instead he thought Vox was talking about power. I love the subtleness of this so much!! The last chapter you posted was amazing in this regard, with Alastor's thoughts about relationships in general. Just, thank you for sharing your work with us, I enjoyed all of it, and I'm so excited to see where the story goes <3333
Another thing I'm still skeptical about is reading explicit fics, because... well, I'm not sure if they will handle Alastor's Ace identity well. Do you happen to have a recommendation for someone like me who's never read Radioapple smut before? And I would also love to know your overall favorite Radioapple fics as well, I've bookmarked some stuff and I don't know where to begin haha. Again thank you, and your blog and asks are so interesting to read!!
HI! HELLO! So this has been sitting in my inbox for a while and its not because I was ignoring it, its because I have come back to read it over and over and over again as I've been writing the next chapter to "Chaggie's Dating 101," and I didn't want to lose it in the void of my blog.
Thank you for this ๐Ÿฅบ not only is it cool being your introduction to Radiapple/HH fics, but I'm so glad you've been enjoying it too!! Hahaha I'm definitely having a lot of fun with "Just Kiss Already" and all the shenangians that are already happening, and knowing that other people are having just as much fun makes me just dlkfnvsdkgjslkgj ๐Ÿ˜ญโค๏ธ
I totally get it about being picky. I'm a very picky reader too ๐Ÿ˜… Alastor's aceness is definitely something that I can get picky about. Like, it doesn't have to be the focal point every time I read a smut fic--or any fic in general--but when it feels like its either brushed aside altogether or there's underlying aphobia (unintentionally, I'm sure), I nope out real quick. I base a lot of my own ace experiences, thoughts, and emotions on how I write Alastor, and it is so, so validating to see so many other people feeling the same way.
I'll admit, I can be a little more slack with smut fics so long as the smut itself is fantastic, but yeah, there are certain pairings or dynamics I don't stray into because I hate how Alastor is typically depicted, especially in smut fics.
I've slowly been going through all my Hazbin 'marked for later' fics, but here's some radioapple smut fics I have bookmarked (Warning: I enjoy dark and very explicit fics so be sure to read the tags when you look through these):
Bayou in the Mountain by lelepandewritium
With a Coffee and a Caress by winterveritas (<- my current fav radioapple smut fic)
Together In My Pocket by keelywolfe
Unhealthy Attachments by keelywolfe
And, of course, I always recommend checking out keelywolfe's Lucifer's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Relationship radioapple series! I haven't had time to finish it, but I think I'm up to fic 9 or 10 and I'm been loving it so much! It's so much fun! And I love the radioapple smut :3
I'm...just now realizing this is all the Radioapple smut I have in my bookmarks.
I've been reading a LOT of smut recently, but looking back, I think it's all been RadioStatic ๐Ÿ˜‚ if ya'll want any RadioStatic smut fic recs, let me know, I have a lot of those.
BUT ALSO! If anyone's read to this point! Here's an update on the chapter 3 of "Chaggie's Totally Legitimate Dating 101 Crash Course" :
The chapter is officially written and is being looked over by my beta's! I'm hoping to have it posted by Saturday or Sunday, so be on the look out for an update ๐Ÿ˜‰ because it's happening very soon!
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overseer-picard ยท 2 years
Sometimes I let the rose colored glasses of nostalgia try to convince me that season one of TNG isn't that bad and then I try to watch some episodes and get suplexed violently back into reality.
But here's the thing, they are so bad that they crash through rock bottom and rise from their own ashes as glorious phoenixes, wings glittering with cringe so powerful you can't help but stare in transfixed awe.
So, let's talk about this little space jaunt called "Lonely Among Us".
I do not succumb to cringe easily because I love displays of genuineness in all its forms... but I cringed. In fact, my whole body viscerally crinkled up like an ill equipped submarine sinking into the Mariana Trench
The story revolves around this blue lightening entity going from person to person and taking them over (and killing the chief engineer??).
It starts with Worf getting electrocuted and he's growl-screaming, as Klingons do, and Geordi does this amazing "gurl what?" slow turn that just kills me.
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So Worf goes to Sickbay where we get this magnificent number from Beverly. I simultaneously would have loved for this to be a regular thing, The Healing Hat, but I'm also convinced had they kept using it, it would've been the straw that broke the camel's back and caused instant cancellation.
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Meanwhile, B plot, these little rascals are trying to straight up kill each other. Great makeup, point to Westmore as always.
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And this dashing, incredibly charismatic, "unnamed crewman" with a lilting Irish accent is SO ANNOYED to be telling them to not kill each other.
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The blue energy naturally transfers to Picard eventually and he starts acting super weird and smiley. Smiley and a bit sweaty.
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And Riker and Beverly are DISCONCERTED (as they should be, look at him).
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And Riker is like "We believe you've been taken over by an alien, Captain." And Picard is like "Yep."
And Beverly is like "I need you to come to sickbay so I can scan you." and Picard is like "Nope"
But instead of, ya know, incapacitating their alien possessed captain who is controlling the ship and putting everyone's lives at risk, Riker states in his log, very somberly, that there's "nothing they can do, at least within regulation."
Damn that red tape!
So, Picard/alien zaps everyone (love everyone's electrocution acting) so he can BEAM HIMSELF INTO SPACE.
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And the crew is like "darn, the captain is just floating around out there somewhere but we don't know where. Guess we will just leave him." (remember this is only episode seven, there was no love between anyone at this point).
But THEN. Deanna senses "something" in the ship's computer and Geordi's console lights up with a big "P"
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And Riker is like "P? P for Peni-- I mean, Picard?"
And this is all the proof they need to know that PICARD IS INSIDE THE ENTERPRISE (platonically... presumably).
They beam Picard back and he doesn't remember anything and it was all a big nothingburger.
OH, oh, almost forgot, the entire episode Data is cosplaying as Sherlock with a pipe because Picard told him what a detective was. So that Data Detail was born.
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Like he is literally just straight up smoking during a staff meeting...
But here's the craziest part of this already insane episode.
Remember the rascally delegates trying to kill each other?
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Well, they succeed. Delegate for dinner.
And Picard is like "Ugh this is just so annoying that the delegates are eating each other and I am too tired from being possessed so I need you to take care of this, Numbah One."
And then the plucky, good-times music plays and we close on Troi's little smile to Riker that says "Haha, have fun dealing with murder things and broiled reptilian delegate meat, sucker."
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Just another day of silly fun times involving multiple people dying on the Enterprise.
Amazing episode.
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making this gif was the only reason I initially watched this episode
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