#ya damn fineapples
arceal-doodles · 6 years
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Thanks to everyone who came to the stream! Damn flirts.
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Hello, you have interesting things her !
Can you do a scenario about female reader who tries to see Marco drunk (if he can) at a crew party with the help of Thatch and Ace , please ?
Thank you, lots of love
Hello hello my dear ! Aww thanx <3 I'm trying my best to create things. I hope you are enjoying them. YES I CAN! I will do anything for the love of my life. Marco you are a fineapple. I think for Marco because of his devil fruit it will be very very hard to get him drunk. Just my personal opinion dont come for me. Also please drink responsibly. I hope you enjoy <3
Marco x fem reader : How about another one
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"So we really doing this?" Thatch said rolling out the barrels of booze onto the deck .
"Oh yeah Marco needs to stop being so up tight and let loose and what is one good way to let loose get drunk." Ace snickered.
"I can't believe I let you guys talk me into this." showing them where to place the barrels.
The party was underway the booze was cracked open the music playing lively on the ship. Taking a drink your eyes scanned to see Marco sitting on and empty barrel he was enjoy seeing the crew taking it easy. "Hey take this to him." Thatch handing you another cold mug. "Let him know it's an imported ale we were able to get our hands on. The man enjoys his ales"
Nodding making your way to Marco. He noticed you approaching with a sweet smile as you held two mug. "For me yoi? Thanx hun" Marco said kissing your cheek.
"Of course It a special Ale we were able to get our hands on. Think you might enjoy it." handing him the mug. Marco watch he as he took a drink.
Few mins of talking him only seem him take two drinks of his mug. You decided to take it up a notch. "From what the crew has told me you used to be one of the best chugger is that true."
"used to I still am." Marco had a bit of chip on his shoulder when saying it.
"oh really now? I need to see some proof of that. I'd say a good old fashion chugging competition." taking another drink.
Ace jumped into the conversation "I'm in!!!! watch me beat this old guy. Marco you're going down!" with a cocky attitude.
"Yeah yeah so you say yoi." Marco looked at him responding in a monotone response. Like any kind of sibling rivalry between brothers one had come out victorious and get bragging rights. "your joining ______?" Marco asked you
"Not this time but i will cheer you know." a cheeky smile appearing on your face. Knowing you if you would join the chugging competition you would be out the first two rounds and no way you were going to miss Marcos drunken state of mind. "I volunteer Thatch to go in my place I will keep track."
" Suit yourself." Marco hummed.
"geez thanks for nominating me as your replacement." Thatch patted your back.
First round everyone finished with no issues. Round after round Ace was eating his own words. Just by his facial expression he was going to be out soon. "I'm not quitting just yet!" Ace said in a slurred speech. wagging his finger at Thatch and Marco who both seemed to be holding they're own.
Another round Ace was flat on his face. Marco and Thatched burst out in laughter as they seen he was out "one down one to go." Marco said looking at thatch.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Thatch said.
"why don't you try something else other than drinking the ale and beer." You suggested.
"like what yoi." Marco looked at you. Looking at all the different booze on the counters you stopped at one.
"Moonshine." you said. Moonshine just taking one shot of this could mess you up. "you both up for it."
"The only way I'm drinking is if you join us now." Marco said.
"I second that motion." Thatch said.
Pouring the three shots. Just the smell burned your nostril taking the shot quickly feeling the liquor burning your throat as it went down . Moonshine is super strong and it will sneak up on ya from experience you will feel fine at first but I kid you not it only takes a few mins you feel completely buzzed three shot I'm tapped out. What did I just do taking a deep breath. "Don't tell me that one shot got you buzzin _____ I expected more from you." Marco raised his brow with his sly smile.
"I'm fine. another shall we?" asking them pouring the shots.
"Imma have to pass I would like not to wake up with a hung over." Thatch said " but you two could. I mean _____ two mugs while we had about 6 maybe 7 mugs..... well I lost count after that."
"Are ya up to it." Marco said in a challenging way. "I understand if ya don't want to yoi." Marco said in a bit of a taunting tone.
"Your going down now." squinting your eyes at him.
The second shot. Oh crap not a good idea. " feelin alright yoi?' he didn't flinch as he took the shot. Two mins in your felt your head spinning. Feeling a bit off balance Marco steady you on your feet. "Easy now." he hand held yours " I think we should have you go lay down your done for the night yoi."
Accepting your defeat. He help you down the deck to the room. It was taking you much long because now the moonshine effect was kicking in. Marco felt the easiest way to get you there if he just carry you there. Picking you up bridal style. Few whistles from the drunken crew members. Instinctively hiding your face from embarrassment your buried you face in the crook of his neck. Marco chuckled you felt the vibrations from his throat. "your not going to drop me right?" you asked him.
"I promise I wont drop you I'm completely fine." he assured.
"You drank more than me how could that be possible?" you said confused.
"It has to do with my devil fruit. As I gotten older and was able to control my abilities more alcohol doesn't effect me like it used to. It been a long time since I've been drunk yoi."
"Well damn." you sighed. "so trying to see you drunk is damn right impossible."
"trying to see me drunk?" he stopped still holding you in his arm he looked down at you. "Is that why you suggest the chugging competition yoi?"
"well...…. maybe...yes." you finally said.
He sighed. "you are something else you know that....but I applaud your efforts though." managing to get to your room her placed you down on the bed. He looked as you buzzed confused face. letting out a small laugh "But just so you know they only time I'm feeling intoxicated is when my lips touch yours." kissing your forehead.
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toshisae · 6 years
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ok so jaemin is the type of fuckboy to get away with anything
because he’s THAT™️ good looking
also because he’s charming and sly
he knows how to make the ladies go wild™️
and he uses that to his advantage
you often see him literally flirting with everyone in sight
i mean literally anyone
no joke
he may flirt with the teacher if he’s feeling it
but that’s not the point
you’ve seen countless cat fights just because jaemin claimed them to be the “love of his life”
nah sis you’ve been played
but he seems to enjoy girls fighting over him
what a narcissistic bitch
so he does it countless of times
and you bet his ass has been to the guidance councilors office countless times too
because of two girls fighting over him lmfao
all he does is smile then he winks and he walks away
also there were times that he would ask random people to do stuff for him because he’s lazy and people do what he asks them
because people like him
so it was science class and your class are going to head to the laboratory to do some science shit
and of course, you need a lab partner
but everyone already had partners so you were alone
coincidentally, jaemin had no partner too
so the teacher obviously made you two partners
can i get a horrah? horrah!
and jaemin was like ‘oh shit, she’s pretty’ pretty u? sTREAM YOU MAKE MY DAY TOMORROW YA NASTIES
so he pulled those cringey pick up lines like “are u a fruit? bc you’d be a FINEapple”
and you lowkey gagged
he was feeling himself like ‘oh shit im the shit waddup’
then he hears you muttering “what the fuck is wrong with him? his pickup lines are shit. girls actually like this? wtf”
“EXCUSE ME??” - nana
oops sis you hurt his ego
“you heard me”
renjun, the art student suddenly pulls him away from you
“sorry about him, he’s not used to get rejected. since nobody but you I WANT NOBODY NOBODY NOBODY BUT YOU rejected his ass”
“tHIS ISN’T OVER Y/N!!” jaemin shouts as renjun drags his pathetic ass away
and now jaemin’s mission is to find out why you don’t like him
so he asked markhyuck since you’re classmates with them to talk to you and gather up some information
“heyyy y/n” - hyuck
“what makes you don’t like THE na jaemin?” - mark
you rolled your eyes with their attempt to gather information from you
“save yourselves from the bullshit y’all are just wasting time. toodles sissys”
“damn,, she fiesty i like her” - hyuck dreamily
“shut the fuck up mark, just ziP yOUR daMn mOuth!!” - hyuck
so obviously they failed to gather information so the king himself had to take matters into his own hands
we love a brave shishtar
then the dreamies are like: ‘k’ ‘like this is any of our problems but u do u’
fast forward days later
you were at your locker putting your books back since it’s dismissal time
then you see jaemin advancing towards you with a straight face
then he slams your locker shut
“yikes am i in trouble?” - you
“oH nOoO what did i dooo??? is it because i don’t like THE na jaemin?? boohoo” you batted your eyelash
“WHY DONT YOU LIKE ME?? :-((“ he pouts
you shrugged
“don’t SHRUG ME OFF”
“meh make me”
being the frustrated, stubborn brat he is he did a bold move
and that bold move was to peck your lips
after seeing your flustered, shocked face he had this smug look going on
after coming back to your senses, you rapidly wiped your lips and smAcked that bitch
“idk, felt like it”
k ur a blushing mess now
then suddenly he holds your hand and kisses it
cue in your uwu’s busting
“based on your reaction right now, i can assume that you’re busting uwu’s and since now you’re like this, we’re having a date later at 6,, see you later!”
he kisses your cheek and walks away in triumph
and you roll your eyes but smile and text him a quick ‘k idiot see ya’
obviously he got the text
so he looks back at you, then he winks
and you laugh at his idiocy
and that’s how jaemin scored a date and a girlfriend later on that day ;)
the end!
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blackpantherismyish · 6 years
Walls (3)
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Word Count: 1.7k
Warning(s): NSFW, just nasty...
Listen to: PlayHouse By Trey Songz
A/N: Dedicated to @vanitykocaine
Song lyrics = Bold
Dialogue = Italics
The next few weeks between Vanity and Erik were filled with sporadic meetings and late night conversations. It's like Vanity couldn't function without Erik. And it seems neither could Erik. On more than one occasion, Erik called her at 2 o'clock in the morning. The time she would get off work and they would talk until either of them fell asleep on the phone. Most of the time, that one being Erik. With these visits and conversations Vanity feened for something she had yet to get from Erik. If you get the drift. Sitting on loveseat in her living room, she read through the messages her and Erik had exchanged.
Erik🤤😈: When you gonna let me slide through to yo crib?
VMonaé🥃😍: When I feel like it.
Well it seemed like tonight was the moment of truth.
Baby when ya lonely
U can find me in ya call log
Tell me that ya horny I'll kindly come
Over and get things popped off
Vanity finger hovered over the call button while she took in a deep breathe. Mentally preparing herself, she finally pressed the button. Putting the phone up to her ear, it rang twice before Erik picked up.
“Hey Babygirl.”
“Hey Erik… You busy?” Vanity played with the hem of the black lace boyshorts she wore under the damn near see through tanktop. She wasn't too fond of pants.
“Nah, why? You need something, lil mama?” Erik sat his gold rimmed glasses down next to him while he pinned his hair up on the top of his head. If he was a fruit, he'd be a fineapple.
“Yeah. I need you to come through.” Vanity giggled softly.
“Oh? Bet. What's your address?” Erik stood up from his office chair and grabbed a shirt from his dresser.
Vanity told him her address and they hung up. Getting up from her couch, Vanity walked into her kitchen and grabbed two of her favorite drinks. Hennessy and Apple Juice. They made an excellent concoction when put together. Mixing the drink in her cup, she sat back on the couch and waited for Erik to arrive. After about 25 minutes, there a knock on Vanity's door. Getting up, while still holding her cup, she walked over and opened the door. Erik stood at her door in a blue tanktop and some loose fitting basketball shorts. Biting her lip, Vanity moved out of the way to allow him to walk in. Looking around and sniffing, Erik surveyed her body as she closed the front door.  
“You got Henny, don't you?” Erik watched Vanity walk over to him.
“Yeah. How did you know?” She craned her neck to look up at his face.
“I drink it all the time.” Erik took the cup from her hand and took a huge gulp nearly downing the rest on the cups contents.
“Nigga… I know you didn't just… you know what. “ Vanity laughed shaking her head. She was starting to feel her buzz. Erik laughed along with her, finishing the cup.
“I did. And you gonna be okay with that shit.” Erik leaned against the back of the couch and let his eyes follow Vanity's body into the kitchen.
“Whatever. I know it's late, but you hungry?” Vanity searched through the cabinets that were within her reach. She really didn't feel like getting her stool at the moment.
“Yeah, but I ain't hungry for food lil mama.” Erik voice had dropped to a rumble that reverberated against the walls. Which walls you say? Well…
Get into ya favorite game we call it 4play
I wanna kiss up on ya neck i'll do it slowly
You know...u can get it whenever babe
The bedrooms the playground babe
Call me so we can play...house
“Huh?” was all Vanity could say as she turned around and bumped into Erik's sculpted chest. Grabbing her chin, he made her eyes meet his.
“You heard me. I've been watching yo body since I got here. You know what I'm tryna eat.” Erik's callused hands made their way to her throat and wrapped around it.
“O-okay Er-" Erik hand squeezed around her throat.
“It's Daddy until I tell you otherwise. Understood?” Erik raised an eyebrow, causing Vanity to bite her lip to hold back a moan.
“Yes Daddy.” Vanity stared up at him in awe. She had never been handled like this before and she was extremely turned on and surprised that she was enjoying this. Letting her throat go, they made their way back to the living room. Once they got around the couch, Erik noticed the Henny bottle on the table and picked it up. He spun the top off and took a swig from it, letting the excess drip down his chin.
“Ever had Henny drank off you?” Erik twirled the cap between his fingers as Vanity sat down on the loveseat.
“N-no. But I've always wanted to try.” Her emerald eyes peeked through naturally long lashes and Erik slowly dropped to his knees.
“Panties off.” He took another swing from the bottle and sat it on the floor next to him. His fingers found the hem of his shirt while Vanity's fingers shimmied down her panties. Pulling Vanity to the edge of the couch and propping her legs on his broad shoulders, he picked up the bottle and let his lips ghost against her clit. Tilting the bottle and letting the brown liquor dribble down her body, Erik's lip latched onto her clit and sucked the liquor off her body.
“O-oh fuck…” Vanity rubbed her hands down her body and grabbed onto Erik's head.
Erik's thick tongue slid up and down her wet folds while he poured more of the liquor down her body, sucking her clean in the process. Just as Vanity was reaching her peak, her phone buzzed on the couch.
“F-fuck.” She reached over and picked it up to read the screen. Putting the bottle behind him, Erik swirled his tongue around her clit before looking up at her.
“Who is it?” Erik voice sent shivered up her spine as she stared at the phone.
“You better answer Daddy.” Erik's hand smacked the bare skin of her ass which in turn made her buck her hips.
“I-it's my boyfriend Daddy.” Vanity peered down at Erik who had lifted his head. With an eyebrow raised, he smirked.
“Answer it.” Erik grunted diving back between her plentiful thighs. Swiping her shaking finger against the screen to answer the facetime call.
“Hey baby.” Beamed her year long boyfriend Justin. He had been gone for a while and they tended to call each other when he wasn't busy.
“H-hey babe. How a-are you?” Vanity bit her lip, gripping onto Erik's dreads as he slurped and sucked on her clit while toying with her opening with his middle finger.
“I'm wonderful.” Justin raised an eyebrow, he could see that Vanity was flustered, like she had run a marathon. “You okay Van?”
Attempting to gain most of her composure, she nodded.
“Yeah. Just came from a late night gym run.” And she gave him a reassuring smile.
“Oh okay.. Well I'll let you get some rest. You go hard in the gym so you're probably tired as fuck right.” Justin chuckled.
“Yeah baby. I'll talk to you later. Love you.” Vanity smiled.
“Love you too, By-" Before he could finish, her finger slammed into the end call button.
“F-fuck!” Erik slammed his finger into her love cave and she shook violently.
“So why didn't you tell Daddy you had a boyfriend baby girl?” Erik stood to his feet, laying Vanity down on her back.
Baby it feels like heaven
Feels like breakfast on sunday morning
It feels right oooooh girl
I love makin yo love come down
We make those love sounds...we can do it
“I-I'm sorry Daddy. I w-was going to…” Vanity scanned Erik's body as he slid down his shorts and his boxers while climbing between her legs.
“I'm going to show you what happens when you don't tell Daddy things.” Erik grabbed the base of his fully hard dick and teased her swollen clit with his tip.
“D-daddy pl-" Vanity voice became caught in her throat as Erik pushed his dick into her without much of a word.
“Damn girl.. This lil pussy tight as fuck..” Erik began to surge his hips in and out of Vanity at a quick pace. Her juices coating him with the quickness. Vanity's fingers gripped onto Erik's keloid covered biceps, the keloids she had only learned about just days earlier.
“F-fuck, you're so big…” Vanity stared up at Erik, his face twisted with pleasure as he pounded into her with ease.
“I bet yo nigga can't fuck you like this, can he?” Erik drilled into you quickly. Her wetness coating her thighs and Erik's pelvic muscles.
“N-no Daddy he doesn't.” Vanity threw her head back and whined her hips against Erik's.
“Your pussy don't grip him like this does it?” Erik rocked himself into Vanity, causing the couch to rock with him. Erik reached up and grabbed her throat. With Erik deep inside of her and his hand around her throat, she couldn't really form sentences so she nodded.
“Use your words, lil girl.” Erik growled, leaning his face down to hers and staring into green eyes that were hooded with lust.
“N-no.” She whispered.
“No what?” Erik smacked her ass.
“NO DADDY!” She screamed arching her back off the couch.
Erik growled as her pussy tightened around his dick, she was close and so was he. Pinning her hips down with his free hand, Erik slammed into her gspot and her legs began to shake vigorously.
“You gonna cum on this dick? That pretty pussy gonna cum on this dick?” Vanity nodded frantically and bit her lip to hold back on a moan.
“You better cum then cause I'm right behind you.” Erik grunted, pressing her legs to her chest and pounding his hips into Vanity's. Crying out, she came undone under him, Erik followed suit. He panted, pulling himself out and watching his cum drip down Vanity's thigh and the tip of his dick.
Its dat role play role play
Show me what you bout girl
[Break it down 4 daddy]
We can play house girl
Role play role play
Show me what you bout girl
Her legs shook as she looked up at Erik, his lips twisted in a wicked smirk while he stared back down at her.
“I hope you know we ain't finished, lil girl.” Erik sat back and pulled Vanity on his lap cause her to gasp.
“O-oh god…” Vanity whimpered, glancing down at Erik's lap and back up at him.
“Don't call on him… He can't save you now…”
Taglist: @panthergoddessbast @sweetsexysavagery @blackpanthersmut @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-4evr  @hearteyes-for-killmonger @killmongersgurl @dreamingoftchalla @drsunshine97  @thehomierobbstark @texasbama @youreadthatright @kumkaniudaku  @hailerikmonger @wakanda-inspired @lunaerly @shesfromwakanda @wawakanda-btch @ange-sensuel @magic-madness-heavensin  @eriknutinthispoosy @muse-of-mbaku @sicksadgen @killmvnger  @allhailnjadaka @vanitykocaine @amethyst1993  @thickoreo @blackpantherimagines @kxnfuzed  @bidibidibombaclaat
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