mentally ill girls when the lessons of fionna and cake were that self sacrifice is damaging and does more harm then good and that we need to break cycles and that you cant go back and makes different choices but you can accept the things you cant change and move forward and that a life being mundane doesn't make it any less special and that sometimes we just dont realize how what we do damages the people we love and and and and
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swallowtailed · 17 days
palisade 52 / finalisade pt. 7
"I think if Valence saw me now, part of them would be proud of me. And I'm happy enough with that" what if i just cried forever
like, it's such a resigned sentence. they're not sure valence would approve of how they've reshaped their entire life in their honor. but it still feels like such a victory.
also, like, fucking obviously valence would be proud. ofc brnine does not know that. but c'mon.
three years and seven months, by the way, since pzn 38, which i believe is the last time ali said "valence" in character as broun or brnine.
and to say this to jesset to convince him not to throw his life away for his ideals--not to sacrifice himself to take out one of a thousand antagonists--brnine saved jesset from valence's death. god. fuck
and then jesset replying, "it's this. it's tears forever. you don't get to win. you just have to keep trying, and losing people." and "it's a vow to fail." season about grief. this is the flip side of the blue channel making it through the stellar combustor arc because they're willing to barter with their own mortality. it's an awful way to survive. but you have to.
i mean, there's no real way to answer "how do you keep living when death is inevitable". that's one of the big ones. but also thinking back to... idk, maybe the violet cove arc?? not entirely sure but i remember glossing an early arc as "how do you continue in the face of opposition" (this was back when the faction game kept doing massive smackdowns). getting increasingly abstract but it's the same question basically. and it's a good act 2 question! it is perhaps the only act 2 question! so, anyway. enjoying this.
think jesset needs to talk to perennial honestly. compare notes on how it all repeats and how to find hope knowing that. especially with future having shown him (reflected to him?) the world he's dreading. (fucked up, btw. fucked up!!!) (also, "i've seen the future, and no one is going to be sad about me" immediately reminded me of "i have seen the stars and they will not save us".)
hearing motion speak again after jesset left the exoskeleton and realizing that he'd been speaking with her voice was spine-chilling, great voice acting on austin's part
the hug..... the forehead kiss.......... they're just two bros
really pleased that levi was part of the scene, given how he mirrors jesset. i'm actually very excited to see where he goes in p3
other episode notes
glad we got some explicit discussion of where clem's actually going in this story. i still think her storyline is played out but i would accept her merging fully with the iconoclasts and floating around in space forever.
cas'alear's pitch is an interesting bit of setup. it does feel like we're kind of just waiting to be told what the big shift into p3 is gonna be, which takes some of the steam out of the palisade finale.
congrats to leap on winning
thisbe struggling with the weight of free will... i love her
august dreaming about a reunion with wakeful is so upsetting and good
maidstone cross feels like a character from an entirely separate season lmfao. it has been so long
are there... only two episodes left of palisade????????
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
anyway. grabs y'all. amnesia!alan au song.
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toxickeyboard · 4 months
I’ve been meaning to draw a certain Faith character I’ve never drawn before but I keep getting distracted. Gah.
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florietiae · 21 days
 it’s almost a little unbelievable , how easily she can picture her life here. visits for holidays, birthdays -- warm hugs, laughter. and just because. time is a curious, funny thing. it wasn't too long ago that you were eighteen and unsure. free from the cult that raised you, but on a planet that you don't entirely understand, you feel judged for the magic in your veins, and especially so for your father. unable to really fit anywhere else. but by nineteen, you have friends turned family. friends you would fight alongside. friends you would give your life for. you are twenty - one when you start college, and twenty - three when you meet william. you aren't friends instantly, but eventually, you get there. then he's your best friend. then more than that. a year and a handful of months into dating, and you're sure that you will , at some point, marry him.
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and now, a little less than half way to twenty six, you sit in his sister's apartment, not for the first time: smiling big and bright. your face aches from it. you don't care. ❛ you know, you really should. that noodle stir fry was amazing. ❜ raven's eyes shine, little bit of laughter in her voice. you should know that i really don’t mind continuing to cook this for you, jayne says, it’s no trouble at all, really. and it's such a small, simple gesture, but raven's heart is full to bursting regardless. ( a home isn't a home without love. ) ❛ i'd like that. usually i'm the one doing most of the cooking. ❜ and she adores it. but, ❛ might be nice to receive once & awhile. ❜ and here, raven stands, makes her way to jayne's refrigerator. gently lifting the rounded pans she'd placed there around half an hour earlier up, out, and onto the table. ❛ speaking of, this cake should be cooled enough now. wanna help me frost it ? ❜
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓. platonic / familial starters. ❛ i’ll send you the recipe, if you like! but, in the same breath, you should know that i really don’t mind continuing to cook this for you; it’s no trouble at all, really ! ❜ for jayne and raven. sent from @ladyseidr !
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renesassing · 1 year
tbh i think whether someone is trying to do 'art as a hobby' vs. 'as a profession' is a very important distinction in a lot of conversations about art (especially about advice/improvement) bc if you don't take your own goals into consideration when asking questions and getting advice, you end up with stuff like running into aspiring professionals or art students who don't how to use industry-standard software and don't want to because a twitter artist told them they don't need adobe. bc the twitter artist is right: you don't need adobe (or any other industry-standard software) to do art, but if you want to do art commercially, especially if you want to work in-house literally anywhere, you gotta at least know how to use what everyone else is using.
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manybrokenquills · 7 months
Hello :3
This is what my dog has to say so badly (I was writing a poem and he laid down and pushed my phone out of my hand with his paw, the goober.)
" entrants đ§ "
I don't know what that means but when I picked my phone back up and tried to delete it he got mad shrugs
So now this post is all about him lol
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crabbbage · 1 year
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tumblr said Stop posting for your own good
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ghostsontelevision · 1 year
we have hit... over 50k words on death of a video star..................... and it is not DONE.........
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wearerofsocks · 2 years
does anyone get a feeling of nostalgia for a time they didn't exist in when watching dinosaur documentaries
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castielsparkle · 1 year
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fagrights · 2 years
me: oh my god ive never been so hungry in my life i hate this i cant eat anything
my mom: look at this massive corndog i bought
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dolokhoded · 2 years
i need to start drawing vera in green more...... my standard color for her is maybe lilac or purple, a not very deep purple, maybe lavender,,, and blue was always my standard Rostovs color and there's just something about that irritating unpleasant yellow bleeding into the blue,,,,,, and the blue's still THERE y'know the blue is partly the reason why there's green in the first place but something went wrong with it and it didn't turn out that nice shade of blue that was intended,,,,,, and my berg is orange. he's always orange. he has that unpleasant yellow too, but he also has red,,, a red that would mix into that blue to make such a lovely shade of purple,,,,,, hmmmm
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skipppppy · 3 months
“You shouldn’t self-ID as ADHD/autistic, you’re turning a very real mental condition into a trend” Ok then stop saying delulu. Stop speculating on which cluster C personality disorder the criminals you hear about on the news have. Stop saying “schizoposting” and “acoustic” and “is it restarted?” Stop using “psycopath” and “sociopath” as catch-all ways of calling someone a bad person. Stop saying “the intrusive thoughts won” when you bleach your hair and then turn your nose up at people who suffer from very real, very scary urges of physical/sexual violence. Stop saying “I’m so OCD” as a way of calling yourself neat. Stop treating BPD/ASPD/Bipolar as inherently abusive. Stop saying “OP I am living in your walls” without tagging for unreality. Stop diagnosing complete strangers you’ve never met on r/AITA with NPD.
You first. If you don’t want our disabilities to be treated like trends then stop belittling and minimising them. I’ll NEVER judge a person for trying find labels for their symptoms when an apathetic, racist, sexist, ableist healthcare system refuses to. But I will absolutely judge a hypocrite. Which a lot of you are
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renesassing · 1 year
i want to eat something that tastes like how jazz album covers look
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raylangivins · 8 months
my dealer: got some straight gas. this strain is called “daylight savings time” youll be zonked out of your gourd
Me: yeah whatever. i dont feel shit.
1 hour and 5 minutes later: dude I swear it’s only been 5 minutes
my friend the oven, pacing: the smart devices are lying to us
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