louistonehill · 8 months
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Akko for 6 fanarts challenge on bluesky
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em0ticonz · 11 months
very late day 7 </3 i love lil shit akko can u tell..
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85yahir · 7 months
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I'm practicing a new style for a project I'm going to do
lena as the basis of the style, an akko eating a burrito, marcille tasting the local food and nobara psycho killer
estoy practicando un nuevo estilo para un proyecto que voy a hacer
lena como base del estilo, una akko comiendo un burrito, marcille digustando la comida local y nobara psico killer
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tulipselfships · 6 months
Atsuko Kagari, Michiru Kagemori, and Kaede Akamatsu with sister! Reader. (Reader as their sister.)
Sister! Reader who is haunted by Ben Drowned. Atsuko, Michiru, and Kaede protects Reader from the Ben Drowned creepypasta.
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Michiru Kagemori, Atsuko Kagari, Kaede Akamatsu & Sister!Reader.
CW: BNA Spoilers
(OOC: Thanks for the request! I'm not sure i can do the Ben Drowned thing any justice, so I'm just axing it.
THIS IS WRITTEN AS PURELY PLATONIC!! I do not condone incest in any form.)
Requests are Open!
Request Rules
Fandom Masterlist
BNA: Brand New Animal Masterlist
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Masterlist
Little Witch Academia Masterlist
Michiru Kagemori
Michiru is quite playful. Being her sister would be quite the experience.
She's just a Lil bean who loves her sister /plat
You go to every one of her basketball games, waving little banners to show your support.
She notices you in the audience and flashes a peace sign at you briefly.
Then, there was the bicycle crash that changed it all.
You visited her in the hospital almost every day until she recovered.
When she became a beastman, you were almost her only company. She was thankful for you in that time of need.
Michiru running away was a time of confusion for you and the rest of the family.
Seeing her safe and well on the news renewed your hope.
Upon them allowing humans into Anima City, you went to visit her as fast as possible.
She was overjoyed to see you.
Atsuko Kagari
Of course, you had to deal with her ramblings about Shiny Chariot
She brings her up every opportunity she can. She can connect anything to her.
She's so playful. Harmless pranks and tickle fights are common.
She pretends to wave her wand around, and cast magic spells on you.
When she went to Luna Nova, you made sure to keep frequent contact with her.
She didn't have a phone, so you communicated through letters.
With all of the chaos that happened in her second semester, and the forming of the New Nine Witches, you just had to fly to England yourself to congratulate her.
You had to meet in the city, as Luna Nova doesn't allow visitors.
She greets you in the same way you always knew. Sneaking up behind you and hugging you.
Kaede Akamatsu
From the very beginning of Kaede's musical career, you were her audience.
As she grew in her talent, you cheered her on.
You couldn't be at all of her concerts, but you were at as many as you could.
She supported you as much as she could, being at all of your events.
She loves to help you through your day.
She makes you food sometimes, or at least she tries. She puts out an outfit, something she thinks you'd look nice in. She plays a nice soothing sonata to lull you to sleep.
When she got invited to Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Pianist, she happily accepted.
When she left for the school, you knew you were going to miss her. But, she would come back eventually, you knew it.
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akemitime · 2 years
Akko headcanons English/ Español
. Whoever decided that akko plays Minecraft you're absolutely right, she rather explore the world, the nether and mines (wich is funny bc sometimes she gets scared of them), while her house is just a bed, a chest and a furnace all covered by blocks of dirt
.Loves basketball and knows how to play it very well, least favorite sport is football/soccer
.Undiagnosed adhd(but she knew she had many symptoms) till the finals of the series wich she finally got a proper diagnosis
.Watches kids cartoons as comfort
.Had a hiperfixation on flowers at twelve, she now can't recall all the knowledge she had but knows more than the basics, because is an interest that comes and goes
.Loves Pokemon and her favorite region is Alola
.She doesn't like being called a gamer but knows and plays too much for being just a enjoyer
. Dislikes being constantly reminded about something but if she doesn't have her reminder ( wich is an application on her phone that is in Japan) there's a 70% she will forget
.She already knew about vines but started quoting them thanks to Amanda
. Still anonymously sending support messages to the yeti
.Isn't into books but will pass a lot of time in a library reading tons of novels and think if Lotte or Diana would like them, to give the books as birthday present
.Isn't into books like I said but loves manga and anime, her favorite genre is Shounen
. Actually really likes English and is also a fast learner so it wasn't so hard to master it, but sometimes she will look at Ursula/Chariot with the most dead expression and asks:" Professor, what was the way to the book ranch?"or look at Sucy and says:"So just asking, you put some of your mushrooms in UuuUUUHHH,.. a cold keeper?" or recalls numbers in Japanese and then she translate
. Unable to read lips
. Knows the basics of sign language in Japanese and English thinking that maybe in one of her performances a deaf kid gets lost she will need to comunicate with them
.Tried to keep a pet rock and she lose it somewhere
. Really knows how to draw, she will spend time as a kid drawing the best parts of Shiny Chariot performances, but even though she can draw people decently realistic she draws in a cartoon style
. Glitter lover
.As a kid wasn't allowed in the kitchen but before getting into Luna Nova she managed to became a decent cook
.As a kid had a conformt song that is called " No friends" wich she doesn't completely relate anymore but still loves it
. Besides having "high hopes" on loop in her head , she obviously likes both pop and K-pop, up beat happy music, no obscene rap and some anime music, surprisingly for some people including herself, loves phonk
. Doesn't like make up on herself but if she sees someone with a cool one she goes" YASS B### SLAYYY" regardless of gender
. Tried to eat crayons when she was five and randomly thinks about doing it again 💀
.Thinks all her scars were worth and isn't ashamed of showing them
.Akko gay awakening was Megara from the Hércules movie by Disney
.A quién sea que se le ocurrió que akko juega Minecraft, tienes toda la razón, ella preferiría explorar el mundo, ir al nether o a las minas(cosa que es gracioso por qué algunas veces se asusta), mientras que su casa es una cama, un cofre y un horno, rodeados de bloques de tierra
.Ama el basketball y sabe cómo jugarlo muy bien, su deporte menos preferido es el fútbol
.Tenía Tdah sin diagnosticar( pero sabía que tenía varios síntomas) hasta el final de la serie y por fin le hicieron un diagnóstico
. Be shows de niños por conformt
.Tuvo su obsesión ( osea la hiperfijación pero es que suena rarísima la palabra) con las flores a los doce, actualmente no puede recordar todo el conocimiento que tenía sobre ellas pero sabe más que lo básico, es un interés que va y viene
.Ama pokèmon y su región favorita es Alola
.No le gusta que la llamen gamer pero sabe y juega demasiado como para no serlo
.Le desagrada que constantemente le estén recordando algo pero si no tiene su recordatorio a la mano( una aplicación que tiene en el celular que se encuentra en Japón) hay un 70% de probabilidad que se le olvide
. Ya sabía de los vines pero empezó a recitarlos gracias a Amanda
.De manera anónima le sigue mandando mensajes de apoyo al yeti
.No es muy metida en los libros pero pasaría un largo rato en la librería leyendo a montones novelas pensando si a Lotte o a Diana le gustaría para regalarles un o unos libros
. Cómo ya dije, no está muy interesada en los libros pero ama el manga y el anime
. Realmente le gusta el inglés y es una aprendiz rápida lo cual hizo que no fuera tan difícil dominar el idioma, pero algunas veces mira a Úrsula/Chariot y le pregunta:" Profesora, ¿Dònde queda el rancho de libros?" O le dice a Sucy," Oye una pregunta, ¿Tú pones algunos de tus hongos en UuuUUUHHH,... Un container de frío? O dice los números en japonés y luego lo traduce
. Incapaz de leer los labios
.Sabe lo básico de lenguaje de señas tanto en inglés y japonés por qué pensó que quizás en algunos de sus shows un niño sordo se pierda y necesite comunicarse con este
.Intento tener una piedra mascota y la termino perdiendo
. Realmente sabe cómo dibujar, de pequeña dibujaba las mejores escenas de Shiny Chariot, pero a pesar que sabe dibujar a la gente de forma decentemente realista prefiere tener un estilo más de caricatura
.Amante de la escarcha
.De niña no la dejaban pasar a la cocina, pero antes de entrar a Luna Nova se las arreglo para saber cocinar decentemente
.De niña tenía una canción de confort que se llama " No friends" en la cual ya no se identifica completamente la sigue amando
. Además de tener " high hopes" en bucle en la cabeza, le gusta tanto el pop y K-pop, canciones animadas y felices, raps que no sean obscenos y una que otra canción de anime, pero para sorpresa de algunos entre ellos ella misma le gustó el phonk
. No le gusta ponerse maquillaje pero si ve a alguien luciendolo ella grita:"MATA LA LIGA CAB###"
.Intento comerse unos crayones cuando tenía cinco y de forma random piensa en volverlo a hacer 💀
.Piensa que todas sus cicatrices valieron la pena y no se avergüenza de ellas
.El gay awakening de akko fue Megara de la película de Hércules de Disney
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thetraumaking · 1 year
“I Believe in You.” ch.1
Summary: With your mother's last words echoing in your mind, your perspective shifted. The weight of your family's expectations, your father's relentless training, and the tragic loss of your mother fueled your growing resentment towards magic. Determined to forge your own path and defy your family's reputation, you agreed to attend Luna Nova, a prestigious magical academy, with the intention of tarnishing your family's name.
The Forest Of Arcturus, a place shrouded in enchantments and mysteries. Once you step inside, the air becomes thick with an otherworldly energy that tingles your skin. Sunlight struggles to penetrate the dense canopy of ancient trees, casting dappled patterns of light on the forest floor.
The foliage is vibrant and lush, displaying a kaleidoscope of colors unseen in the ordinary world. Towering trees reach for the sky, their branches intertwining like skeletal fingers, creating an eerie yet captivating silhouette. Moss-covered rocks and fallen logs, adorned with delicate mushrooms and vibrant flowers.
Within the depths of the forbidden forest, magical creatures roam freely. Mythical beings like unicorns, glowing nymphs, and mischievous sprites can be glimpsed among the foliage. The air resonates with the melodic calls of unseen birds and the rustling of unseen creatures. It is a place where the laws of nature are twisted, where the improbable becomes possible.
However, the forest holds an inherent danger. Unpredictable pockets of wild magic surge through the air, creating shimmering ethereal barriers that deter unwelcome intruders. The fauna can turn hostile, and the shadows hold unseen perils. Legends speak of ancient guardians and mythical beasts that protect the heart of the forest, ensuring its secrets remain hidden.
The Arcturus forest is a place of both awe and trepidation, drawing in those who seek its arcane wonders but reminding them of the risks that lie within. It is a realm where magic intertwines with nature, where the forces of light and darkness dance in a delicate balance, and where the founder of the great Ravenwood family, Morwen the Grim, one of the Nine Olde Witches, first ever made contact and tamed a shadow beast.
"Welcome back, everyone. I hope you all had a good holiday," the headmistress's voice echoed through the sea of students. The air bristled with excitement as old friends reunited with one another. Quiet murmurs of greetings and introductions passed through the young girls as the elder witch continued with the ceremony.
Suddenly, like rain in a clear sky, the welcoming ceremony was interrupted by a loud boom. Smoke and dust blinded the witches present in the auditorium, spreading panic like wildfire as the professors and teachers held their wands at the ready in case of an attack.
"We made it!" Akko cheered, laughing like a maniac while the rest just stared at her and her newly made friends. Whispering amongst themselves about the new faces that seemed to pop up out of nowhere, their eyes quickly picked up on their disheveled forms. Snarky comments and mean-spirited laughs slowly started to buzz among the young witches.
Using the commotion as a cover, Ursula quickly and quietly took her place among her fellow Luna Nova staff, praying that none of her co-workers noticed her absence. She had been scolded countless times by the elders, and she had no intention of receiving more. Once she made sure she was in the clear, she looked toward the animated girl cheering in the middle of the room. Her mind eased once she saw her with no added injuries or bruises. She made a mental note to check on her in the future, but for now, she'd enjoy the display of childish wonder from the new witchling.
As Akko calmed down from her high, she lowered her arms and excitedly looked around at the place she would be spending the next three years in. A high dome-shaped ceiling with a multitude of large skylights for easy broom entrance, three large wooden doors suited for giants and other mythical beasts, and countless rows of young witches filled her vision. This was the place of her dreams, the place she had wished and hoped she would be studying since she was a child, the place she begged her parents to let her go and spread her wings.
As she stood there, breathing in the air and feeling the breeze that weaved through the skylight, she truly felt alive.
The more her eyes roamed, the more excited she became. The mere thought and knowledge of her standing on the same grounds her idol, Shiny Chariot, once stood filled her up with nothing but absolute glee. Big doe eyes sparkled with wonder as she looked left and right, taking in as much of her new environment as possible.
As her eyes ran over the profiles of her new classmates, her exploration came to a halt as she saw the most striking shade of purple. She felt a shiver run down her spine the longer she held eye contact, yet for some reason, she couldn't will herself to break it.
Your face possessed a blend of sharp angles and delicate contours, creating an intriguing balance between intensity and grace. Your high cheekbones drew attention to your piercing amethyst eyes, smoky with the weight of ancient knowledge and power within their depths. Your gaze was intense and focused, reflecting both determination and a touch of enigmatic allure.
Her throat felt dry from the way your perfectly groomed eyebrows drew close, creating a perfectly crafted frown. She felt naked under your gaze as you took her all in and analyzed her. She felt shy from her previous actions of shouting and spinning like a child in front of so many people. She had made a fool of herself on the first day of school, in front of you. Something about you just seem to draw her in, for some reason, she felt the need to impress you. To ease that crease on your brow, and hear you voice praise her.
From that moment on, one objective became clear to you both.
No matter what, I definitely must stay clear of this girl...
A determined smile formed on Akko's face. 'I am definitely gonna be her best friend,' she promised to herself as she held your gaze.
You could almost see an incoming headache from the blinding smile the girl was sending you, and judging from the many scars and wounds that littered her legs, both old and new, it was clear to you that she's a walking disaster.
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amandaoneilsimp · 1 year
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loveephia · 1 year
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you were visiting your dear boyfriend suna rintarō at his own home, and what you saw, shook you to the very core.
it was suna's little sister, akko, tying his hair up with colorful ribbons and such.
you had to hold in a snicker. "wow, tarō. you look gorgeous." you joked. "hm.. not as gorgeous as you." suna replies, kissing the back of your hand. as silly as he looks, the gesture still made you blush.
"miss y/n," akko pokes at your shoulder, "when will you be marrying rin-nii?"
you choke on the air you inhaled too quickly from the sudden question, your entire face red and fuming out of mere fluster. suna laughs hysterically at the sight of his cute girlfriend panicking to respond.
so he, instead, answers with a "give it a few more years, akko." for you. he sat akko down on his lap, while the little girl's eyes sparkled up at him with a childish gleam, not realizing the effect of her innocent question.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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heeseungiez · 11 days
building keyboards! l.hs
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pairing! lee heeseung x fem!reader
synopsis! in which you want to celebrate your one year anniversary with your boyfriend
genre! established relationship, fluff
word count! 1.2k
author’s note! i have been cursed by a keyboard obsession since before i even got into enhypen, so ofc i had to write something short and cute with heeseung
currently playing . . . highway 1009 by enhypen !
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You met Heeseung entirely by chance. The two of you moved in completely different social circles, yet you somehow managed to find each other when it mattered the most. He was the popular guy on campus, whereas you were just a girl. A student trying to survive university life, juggling studying and a part-time job to keep yourself afloat.
The first time you met Heeseung was in the summer. After you managed to get through freshman year without failing a single class, you enjoyed your time off in a tech store, looking over different kinds of mechanical keyboards and computer components. You must’ve looked like an employee because Heeseung chose to approach you specifically to ask you a question about the new Keychron keyboards. And whilst you were not working at the store, you did know enough about the best, pretty affordable keyboards on the market. Including the new Keychrons. So you indulged him rather than telling him that you were not, in fact, working there.
Unbeknownst to you (he shared that later into your relationship), Heeseung continued going to the tech store during the summer in hopes of encountering you again, which was how he came to the conclusions that 1) you were truly not working there, and 2) he should’ve asked for your number.
It was only his luck that in the following winter semester, he happened to be a TA of one of the computer language classes you signed up for in your second year. He did not miss his chance to get to know you then, and the first time he asked you out was after the winter semester, when he was no longer the TA in your class.
It’s been a year since the two of you officially became boyfriend and girlfriend, and you got the most brilliant idea for how to celebrate your one year anniversary. It cost quite a good deal of money, but you knew it would be worth it in the end.
When you knocked on the door of Heeseung’s dorm room with two large plastic bags in hand, you knew he wasn’t home. However, at least one of his dorm mates should be, which was proven to you when Jay opened the door.
He looked at you with furrowed brows, and before he could tell you that Heeseung wasn’t there, you stopped him with: “I know, he’s not here. That’s the point.”
You didn’t even wait for the man to invite you inside. Rather, you made your way past him, taking your shoes off and heading toward the living room area to place everything on the dining table they had.
“What exactly are you doing, Y/N?” Jay asked, standing in the hallway like a father of three children with his hands on his hips.
“Preparing a surprise for Hee,” you replied simply, unpacking your boxes with mechanical switches, keycaps, keyboard cases, brushes, lube (for the switches), foam, tape, switch and keycap pullers and many other items necessary for building and modding your own keyboard. Since Keychrons were Heeseung’s favourite, you mainly went for components of that brand, but you were personally a fan of Akko keyboards, so you sneaked in a few switches from them for more options, too.
“Are you planning to build keyboards with him?”
You hummed with a nod of agreement, grinning.
“What do you think?” You turn to Jay once you have everything set up on the table.
“That Heeseung’s a lucky bastard,” Jay murmured under his breath, and you giggled.
“So it’s good, right?”
“Duh.” Jay shook his head, staring at everything you prepared. “Are you trying to one-up him? ‘Cause I don’t think he can come up with anything better than this.”
You shrugged, smiling. “I don’t really care. Seeing him smile is all I need.”
Jay rubbed his face. “Lucky bastard,” he repeated again. “I’ll make sure he knows that.”
“You’re too sweet,” you said, checking the time. Heeseung should be home from his class in about fifteen minutes. You knew only because he had texted you the approximate time when he would get home after you told him you had a surprise for him.
“So sweet that I’m gonna get lost and leave you two here alone.” He nodded, going to his room to grab some things. “Just text me whenever you guys are done, so I know I can come home.”
“Sure, sure, will do,” you mutter while eyeing your work. Not that spreading miscellaneous keyboard components was hard work, but you were already fighting the urge to start building a keyboard without Heeseung here.
After Jay left, you were alone in the dorm room for about three seconds. Heeseung burst into the dorm room with his backpack hanging over one shoulder, eyes already searching for you since he probably ran into Jay on his way here.  
You smiled, watching him drop everything on the floor just to approach you.
“Surprise!” you exclaimed, pointing at the messy table.
Heeseung blinked at you, glancing between the keyboards and you in confusion. “What—”
“I have everything! And for modding, I have lube and foam and tape! Isn’t it awesome?” you asked, picking up each item you named.
Heeseung laughed at how innocently you said that despite its many possible meanings. Running a hand through his hair, he felt a swelling in his heart at the sight of your excited form over building keyboards. It was an interest you both shared, and he was eternally grateful for finding you over it every day. 
“You know—” he grinned, picking up the lube— “when you said you had a surprise for me, I didn’t think the only thing I’d be lubing today would be keyboard switches.”
You giggled, shrugging. “But you like it anyway, right?”
“I love it,” Heeseung said, grinning. “I love you,” he added, sitting down next to you at the table. “That’s what matters the most, right?”
Leaning toward you, he cupped your chin and connected your foreheads. You couldn’t stop smiling as your heart drummed in your ears, your whole body seeping with love for the man in front of you.
“I love you, too,” you replied, connecting your lips in a brief kiss. “But can we start with building our keyboards? I want to make mine sound creamy… or should I go for thocky? I can’t decide.”
Heeseung chuckled, shaking his head. “I hope you know I don’t have much space in my room anymore.”
“That’s a lie and we both know it.” You looked at him, narrowing your eyes. “Unless being able to play Twister in your room is a requirement.”
Heeseung rolled his eyes. “For the two of us? Might as well be.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you, and you lightly slapped his shoulders, your cheeks heating up.
“Shut up,” you mumbled. 
Heeseung giggled, capturing your lips in another, longer and much sweeter kiss. 
“Thank you for all of this, though,” he said after, pointing at the setup. “My surprise suddenly seems lame.”
“What is it?” You pouted, curiosity taking over you.
“I’d rather not say right now.” Heeseung shook his head. “Maybe you’ll find out later.”
“That’s so mean.”
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tag list! @moonpri (send an ask to be added to the permanent tag list!!)
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weird-fiiish · 8 months
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Mi motor de vida es comparar a Diana y a Akko con el rupphire, gracias
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read more'ing this for the the sake of my mutuals who i know plan to watch the show but still haven't. rambly spoiler-y post about Kill la Kill incoming:
it's kind of genuinely crazy to me how ryuuko killlakill is just canonically a lesbian and despite this show being insanely popular and seeing it posted everywhere ten years back, i somehow just never heard about it in the ten year span it took me to watch it. like just from internet osmosis i knew about the gay shit with kaworu in evangelion, and diantha and akko shipping is basically all i've ever heard about from LWA, and i vaguely knew how gay promare was before i watched it (though i didn't know there was an outright kiss).
but like, ryuuko is just gay and i never once stumbled on any posts about it. when she's in mind control land she makes out with nui on screen and the immediate assessment from ragyou afterwards is "she's horny and saw girl lips and pounced".
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the show's character designer is still drawing post-canon ship art of her with mako sharing a futon and swapping shirts.
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her fucked up mind palace that's presented as the unhappy ideal of her evil fascist mom's desires is depicted as her getting married to a faceless man, and she's ripped out of it by mako (and my goat senketsu) breaking up the wedding at the altar.
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she goes on a fucking date with mako at the end and there's a fucking kiss and mako specifically uses romantic terminology (to my understanding the loanword "deto" is used only for romantic intent) and imagery and ryuuko uses the promise of the date to keep herself hyped up in the final boss fight and the last spoken line in the broadcast airing of the show is about their date and like what the fuck?? i've looked up old discussion threads and i've seen people trying to argue about ryuuko/mako being canon and like, yeah, mako's date proposition is partially played for humor, but if ryuuko was a boy absolutely nobody would ever have a single doubt whether this shit is supposed to be romantic or not.
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the ova ends with these bitches holding hands.
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like i know how anime writing works and i'm not going to act like this is anywhere near the level of explicit depiction you'd get in like, an actual yuri manga or whatever—the kiss with nui is depicted as An Extremely Bad Thing done by a ryuuko who isn't in a right state of mind and the date with mako uses romantic terms but is coy about actually confirming anything—but like come on. mako is literally "me with the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic".
there's no ending to this post i just think ryuuko is cool. i already liked her a lot but the show ending with a big fat "SHE'S GAY" sticker slapped on top made me realize "oh i'm going to be annoying about this show for years."
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kiwis16 · 1 year
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Akko had a bad day and Diana plays her a nice song to comfort her.
Akko tubo un mal día y Diana le toca una linda canción para consolarla.
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llauriet · 5 months
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Siempre hago muchos sketchs de Diana, y en esta oportunidad es el turno de Akko. Así como probando estilos y esas cosas...
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mistercomix · 6 months
Diana: Akko, Im really tired. Lets get some beers, please
Akko: Of course Diana!!
🔵 Las actrices de voz en español de Diana y Akko hicieron un live hace algunos años y sacaron este audio. Tenía que ser dibujado
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tiger14czd · 8 months
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Todo se conecta diana y akko
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akemitime · 2 years
You have no idea on how funny was to make this/ no tienen idea de lo divertido que fue hacer esto
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