#y'all seemed to like that unfinished edit
mllkymash · 2 years
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“This is your idea of FUN!?!?!?!”
- Cathy Turner after being forced to go camping with no WiFi
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theweirdhybrid · 5 months
Edit: This post is directed at people who also use Twitter/X or any other social media platform that Lego has a presence on, if you are not one of those people feel free to ignore this post (and leave me alone, please)
I haven't been in the LMK fandom for a hot minute, but holy SHIT you guys NEED to calm down about the animation team changing. It's literally fine. The animation quality is fine. It Is Fine. It changed SLIGHTLY. When I first heard about the animation being shitty, I thought "Oh man, it must've been really bad for people to be so upset over this." And then I actually watched the trailer. What the fuck, guys.
As far as I could tell, the animation quality was largely the same, just with a few minor differences in style that in the grand scheme of things, aren't that noticeable. It's just Different.
There is no reason to be throwing a hissy fit over Flying Bark having to hand LMK over to a different team because they couldn't keep up with the deadlines. None. Literally not a single one. Do y'all have any idea how lucky it is that all that happened was the animation style changed a little bit? If things behind the scenes had gone even a little differently, the show would've been cancelled in its entirety. (Not to mention we could be seeing the UNFINISHED PRODUCT. CALM. DOWN. And even if we aren't y'all STILL need to CALM. THE HELL. DOWN.)
And as far as I can tell, the story and writing itself seems perfectly fine as well, the ANIMATION TEAM changing has NO EFFECT on the WRITER'S TEAM.
Would you prefer the animation to have changed a little bit with the same quality of writing, or would you prefer the animation stay the same and the writing to go down the drain? Because I've seen that happen before. I lived through VLD. It's a lot fucking worse.
Seriously, I'm not joking. At All. If you make a big enough stink about LMK's style changing just a TINY BIT, sure, they COULD change it, but for a show that is relatively unpopular, barely has a foothold on any LEGAL streaming services and is hanging on to life by the SKIN of its TEETH, has only ELEVEN MINUTES PER EPISODE INCLUDING CREDITS, something a LOT worse is more likely to happen.
With the rate shows get cancelled these days, if people jump ship or complain too much over A TINY DIFFERENCE IN ANIMATION, the show could be cancelled.
Also, I get you're upset and sad to see Flying Bark go, and maybe that's where your anger is coming from, but please keep those thoughts to yourself or in private spaces. If you get too loud about disliking the show in ANY capacity, the entire thing gets nuked.
And if you're still planning on complaining publicly about it...
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speakergame · 2 years
Hello! I hope I don’t sound rude and I’m so sorry if I am but I remember you saying that a version of the demo to the idle hands game was on Patreon? I was wondering when you think you will release to the public (if you will at all)?
Super curious to have a taste 👀
This isn’t to pressure you, just curiosity
Love your game ❤️‍🔥
the Idle Hands demo I posted on Patreon is a very very early-alpha version of the prologue, pretty much just a proof of concept. I had started on it originally as a way to play with coding where I wouldn't have to worry about breaking anything in the main Speaker game.
it still needs a lot of work: in addition to a thorough editing/rewrite, the layout/themes need to be redone, it's missing stat/skill points, has no menu pages, has only the most basic descriptions of the different supernatural types you can choose from, and all the character customization choices need to be completely redone from the ground up. also the only characters introduced in the prologue are the Witness and Casey
it's pretty much just a bare bones version of the prologue, and the "full release" version will be very different from what it is right now.
however, if this is something a lot of y'all are really interested in seeing, and you understand that this is a pre-alpha unfinished sketch of what it will eventually be... I don't see why I couldn't share it 💙
actually, this seems like a good time to abuse the fact that I just got polls:
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batsandbugs · 3 years
Omgg hi! I just wanted to hop back onto tumblr and say how much I loved the IKEA Daminette story!! I literally fell in love of how you wrote Marinette in that. I was just wondering. I know you are in the middle of working on other fics. And no pressure, I was just curious…will you add more to the IKEA Verse??
Sorry, I don’t want to sound demanding or pressuring. But I was just curious because I am kinda excited to see how it progress if you decide to add more to it. ❤️
No! This is a great question and I should probably answer and let everyone here know what is going on.
So, the short answer is YES I will be adding more to the IKEA Game Universe. I fully intend to expand into Marinette and Damian's relationship and Marinette's relationship with the rest of the batfam.
However, I was so ready to be done with IKEA Game that I just wanted to shelve it for a while. I have a TON of other daminette stories that I am working on. Right now. When they will be out... well, that's another question altogether.
My current list of Projects includes (but isn't limited to):
- Help (I need somebody) Help: currently stuck in limbo, because I have no clue where I'm going with it and there are some heavy themes involved with the story and I want to do them right and I don't have the mental energy at the moment to pull it off.
-Bats, Bug, and Boomerangs: Currently not interested in writing. In desperate need of inspo.
-Daminette December: I'll return to those prompts eventually, but maybe I'll just combine them with whatever we come up for this year and just make a small and unfinished collection I can go back to.
-Summer prompt list story: Okay, currently working on this which is going to be an exploration of Damian and Marinette falling in love over the course of 30 summer prompts, I'm currently 12,000 words in and only finished with prompt 3. So... we have a long way to go. I'd like to be about a 1/3 of the way down before I start posting, but we'll see how long it takes me to get there.
-Four seasons field trip fics: Four unconnected field trips, in all four seasons, where Damian and Marinette meet and shenanigans ensue. The current lineup is: Winter - Switzerland, Spring - Paris, Summer - Greece, and Fall - Gotham. YES, I PLAN TO DO A GOTHAM FEILDTRIP FIC! At some point.
-Amnesiac!Damian and Forest Hermit/Miraculous Gaurdian!Marinette: Yeah, this one I love and can't wait to write it eventually. It's pretty self-explanatory: a girl finds a mysterious injured boy with no memories, nurses him back to health with magic, the boy learns about the strange and secretive girl. Eventually, they leave the safety of the forest to explore the outside world, boy's past gets revealed, and all hell breaks loose from there. You know, your classic love story.
Like a solid dozen historical AU's of varying complexity, including but not limited to:
Paris during the nazi occupation
Mermaids and Golden Age pirates
I’m a painter decorating a church and I kinda gave one of the angels your face, now you are sitting at that church and you’ve just seen it, just kill me now.
French Revolution AU - soooo many ideas
American Revolution - just as many ideas
Founding Gotham AU (There's bound to be some weird miraculous mumbo jumbo that explains why Gotham is creepy AF. I'm fully on board with doing a reincarnation explanation and a parallel modern-day and founding story)
Reverse Aladdin AU (okay I know not exactly history, but.. sort of?)
Titanic story
1920's Gangster
1920's Bonnie and Clyde
1920's murder mystery (invited, in a mansion, in Wayne Manor, in Paris)
1920's superheroes (Can anybody tell I love the 1920's)
Those are only a handful...
I would love some feedback on what, in particular, you guys would want to see first. I don't have a lot of this written down, and right now I have ideas floating in my head and I need a good way to get them down and in what order I should. Any ideas on where to go next would be so appreciated.
In non-daminette news I have a Marvel story I need to work on (and the first part needs re-editing) I have two jobs, and I'm going into my last semester at school. So I have quite a bit on my plate, and it seems like not a whole lot of time to do it.
I should have some new daminette content out by the end of the month. I don't think it will be IKEA Game, but I hope y'all will enjoy it all the same. Hopefully, I can get my head back into writing for that universe and you'll be able to enjoy more shenanigans from the whole batcrew.
OH! I also have a ko-fi now! If you like my stuff and want to show a little appreciation a stop by and a donation is always appreciated. You can visit that here!
Love you all!
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Since you really seem to love Sherlock fanfiction, I wondered if you did ever write something yourself? And would like to share it with us? 😊 Sorry, I'm curious. 😂
Hey Nonny!
No, don't be sorry, I'm honoured!
Yes, I actually have! My first forays into fandoms WAYYYYYYY back in the 90's was writing fanfiction for the Sonic Fandom (I am the author of the Metallic Touch Series, if any of y'all are still around and are now here). These days I stick to little ficlets when I do write, for multiple fandoms (the one I'm actively TRYING to finish is a Red Dwarf fic) and I have published a few on Ao3 (I have a few more ficlets on Tumblr I haven't published yet but they are on my google drive to edit and post). I do write off and on here and there, and it sounds weird, but I don't really promote my own work because it makes me feel bad (I know, hypocritical of me to tell everyone to promote their stuff, but not me, hah). That and I genuinely don't believe people like them.
I want to eventually write a meta-fic for S4 based on the Secret Episode ficlet I wrote years ago. I've been planning it for years, but my self-esteem is shit and motivation is zero.
Anyway, since you asked (and thank you for asking, I'm legit humbled and honoured), here are the ones I've currently published and links to the tumblr posts of ones I haven't posted on Ao3 yet (they will be eventually, I just nitpick so much edits that after drafting to Ao3, I end up losing it because I keep picking at it (drafts save for only a month), hence the google docs now):
See also:
Untitled/Not-on-Ao3 First Kiss Ficlet
Untitled/Not-on-Ao3 Hudders POV Caught in the Act Ficlet (this is the next one I plan on publishing, but I keep nitpicking it)
Not-on-Ao3 "The Secret Episode" Ficlet Snippet
And my first unfinished smutfic has been drafted on Tumblr for over 2 or 3 years... if you're interested in reading it, let me know, I'll try to actually finish it and post it.
And not Johnlock, but I have written a published Megamind fic on FFNet, After Shock.
My Sonic fics are no longer online, as far as I know, and got wiped when Crosswinds wiped all of their free users' websites. I have them somewhere on a harddrive.
Soft. Happy. Content. by inevitably_johnlocked (G, 223 w., 1 Ch. || Sleepy Cuddles, Bed Sharing, Slice of Life, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Spooning, Morning After, Sherlock POV) – Sherlock reflects on his state of mind. Part 6 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
I Knew You Loved Me by inevitably_johnlocked (T, 743 w., 1 Ch. || Morning Cuddles, Fluff, Clingy Sherlock, Idiots in Love, Slice of Life, Morning After, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Declarations of Love, Pet Name, Bed Sharing, Snuggles) – John and Sherlock share a lie-in the morning after their first time. So fluffy and gross your teeth will fall out. Part 4 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
Do You Wanna Study Together? by inevitably_johnlocked (G, 824 w., 1 Ch. || Kidlock || POV Sherlock, Different First Meeting, Fluff) – All he wanted to do was to be left alone and study in peace. Part 1 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
Loved. by inevitably_johnlocked (G, 1,231 w., 1 Ch. || First Sherlock POV, Slice of Life, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Nose Kisses, Morning After, Love Confessions, Morning Cuddles, Emotional Sherlock, Sentiment, Bed Sharing) – Sherlock reflects on his relationship with John. Part 5 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
The Healing Touch by inevitably_johnlocked (G, 2,307 w., 1 Ch. || Caretaking,  Domestic Fluff, Stroppy Sherlock, John Loves Sherlock, Love Confessions, Sofa Cuddles, Insecure Sherlock) – Sherlock's broken his foot and he's becoming unbearably stroppy. Good thing John has the healer's touch... ;) Part 3 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
Corn Dog Daddy by inevitably_johnlocked (M, 2,719 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock POV, Fluff and Crack, Corn Dogs, Fairgrounds, Coming In Pants, Euphemisms, Military Kink, Flirting, Sexy John, BAMF John, Smol Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Humour) – Sherlock and John wind down after a case in a small town at a county fair. Sherlock's imagination goes awry as John's sexiness drives him crazy. Also: John knows how to handle a meat stick. Part 2 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
Date Night by inevitably_johnlocked (G, 4,451 w., 1 Ch. || Anxious / Worried Sherlock, Caring John, Schmoopy Fluff, Fidget Cube, Baking / Cooking, Date Night, Established Relationship, POV Sherlock Holmes, Understanding John, Grumpy Sherlock, John’s Bum, Kisses, Hugs, Domestic Fluff, Touching, Hair Petting, Light Humour) – It's John and Sherlock's first Date Night as an official couple and Sherlock needs it to be PERFECT. Mrs Hudson helps. Part 7 of I-J's Tumblr Ficlet Collection
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rains-inky-mind · 3 years
So, if I was planning to *WRITE* a 170,000 word book (that's a nice size) in just 6 months, let's do some math...
170,000 words divided by 6 months ... that's roughly 28,334 words per month.
Now let's say we write every single day and the average month has 30 days ... that's roughly 945 words per day.
Maybe this sounds like a lot, so let's give a little more time to meet the "deadline".
Let's say 9 months—the length of the average pregnancy, seems symbolic. Let's birth some stories, y'all.
So 170,000 words divided by 9 months ... about 18,889 words per month.
Now let's say we take one day per week off from writing, but write every other day— 26(ish) days a month ... that's about 727 words we'd have to write per day.
Maybe 727 words per day is still too much. So let's add three more months.
Okay so 170,000 words in 12 months ... 14,167 words per month.
Let's break this one down further and say a month has roughly 4.5 weeks ... that's about 3,149 words per week.
And finally 6 days per week... 525 words per day.
Okay, so not everyone gets all their writing for the day done in one go. Let's consider this: maybe you write three times per day, even just in short bursts that only last a few minutes. ... that's just 175 words!
I don't know. Spending 6, 9, or 12 months writing the first draft at this speed might seem like it'll take forever. But if we stuck with it— we could have the full first draft of our WIP(s) done in a year. Then spend the next x amount of time editing and revising... It's better than letting a WIP sit unfinished for 5 years.
But hey, I'm all talk. I just like numbers, and smaller numbers seem more manageable. I know that there are people who can crank out over 3,000 words in one sitting. If I'm focused just right, I can. So maybe I start the plan and finish early? The turtle won the race, right(?)—or however that saying goes (/j).
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superbatson · 5 years
into the spider-verse: a review
it took me a little too long to finally get around to watching this movie and for that, i apologize. i honestly did consider watching it before but found myself a little distracted by the animation style. but in finally giving the movie a try during a road trip yesterday (downloaded for offline viewing on netflix), i realized that said style is actually pretty cool.
it may look like an unfinished 3d animated film at first, but the characters are actually a bit of a blend of 2d and 3d animation. they have the edges and shadows of 3d animation but the lines of 2d animated characters. and i've heard that the movie is supposed to be like reading a comic book, and even without Those editing choices, it's true. the characters look like they lept right off the page and even the somewhat choppy way they move goes along with that comic book feel.
and a movie like this just couldn't be done right in live-action form because of that. it's so stylistic - the other spider-people like peni and ham have completely different animation styles to correlate with their universes! - that it would have just seemed boring if done in live-action like as an mcu movie. i can easily see why it won the best animated feature oscar and why so many people online say it's the best spider-man movie ever. i can neither agree nor disagree since it's only the second spider-man movie i've seen (the first being homecoming), but i still think those who have made that statement are completely valid. this is an excellent movie all around, and even with the other spider-people, it's still definitely miles' story.
of course, this movie is shameik moore's film, and everyone else just more or less has a cameo in is. he owns the entire movie and really makes you feel for miles. his miles is really a better and more capable spider-man than tom holland's peter. he has more powers than him, but also a lot more confidence by the end. they both have similar "come on, spider-man. get up" sort of scenes, but by the end of their films, well, mcu!peter is still kinda living in iron man's shadow and forever trying to live up to him. miles assumes the spider-man mantle and makes it his own. he's his own hero. he is spider-man.
as for other cast comments, well, jake johnson is great as a somewhat deadbeat (but also jewish!!! such a bonus) peter b. parker. but of course my personal bias had me more drawn to chris pine's peter parker, who is essentially just chris in animation form. gosh, he really looks just like him. and pine's voice acting is incredible, i really wish he'd do more animated stuff. (like an rotg sequel or series!!!) i was a little underwhelmed by how surprisingly small john mulaney's role is in the film. it was fun, but so small. based on fan hype & responses, i kinda expected him to have more to do, but most of his lines were in the trailers. i actually kinda liked nic cage's spider-noir a bit more. he was really funny. (and cage is another actor who should do more voice over work. go watch the croods, y'all. and support its sequel, out next christmas!)
overall, itsv was a great movie and further makes me wish people would take animation more seriously. it's a gorgeous art form and a unique way to tell stories. i really prefer it over live-action stuff.
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seouledbysisi · 6 years
A Time Like No Other
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Chapter 6
Misun’s outfit: 
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Misun had finally found a little time to go have lunch with Chris. When she got back home she was so tired from all of the activities that came long with Kcon that she just needed to recuperate before doing anything else. She sat at the restaurant anticipating his arrival. Her nerves were a bit on edge because she wasn't sure how well this encounter was going to go. She wanted to hear him out and let him say all of what he needed to say. Who knows maybe she had a few unfinished thoughts as well. She noticed him walk through the glass tinted door so she waved him over to their table. He nodded as he acknowledged that he had seen her.
He pulled his chair out to sit. “Hey, sorry I'm a little late. I got stuck at work for a bit.”
“No, you're fine. I was early actually.” She reassured him.
His eyes widened a little. “You must not be as busy as normal?”
Misun chuckled a little. “I'm trying to take it easy this week. Last week was tiring so I needed the rest.”
“How was it?” He asked. He sincerely wanted her to be the best that she could be and was genuinely interested in her time at Kcon.
A smile immediately formed on her lips. “It was amazing, Chris! Like I can't even put into words how great it was. It's funny because on top of our hectic schedule anyways we actually ran into Monsta X and they decided that they wanted to be on the show as well. They were really cool and down to earth. It was better than I expected. It was work but it was fun too.”
He noticed the glisten in her eyes as she spoke of her experience. He knew that she was in her element and he was so proud of her. “I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. How did you run into Monsta X though? Was it at Kcon?”
Misun giggle a bit. Her cheeks began to heat up. “No, actually we met at the hotel. Shownu bumped into me and it just kind of went from there. It's a long story that you don't want to be bothered with.”
Chris simply nodded, he didn't want to push her to talk more than she wanted. “He's the one that you've always been fond of, right?”
“I just like them as a group. They put out really good music.” She responded. She wasn't completely lying she just didn't expand on the truth. “How have you been, though? It's been a while since we've talked.”
“I've been holding up. Just been working. I took my mom to Hawaii last week since I had already paid for it. I didn't want to lose my money.” He said with a small smile.
Misun felt a little guilty when he mentioned Hawaii. “I'm really sorry how everything ended.” She said softly. She didn't know what else to say at this point.
He shook his head. “You don't have to keep apologizing. It's been a long time coming. It just isn't our time. You're not in a place in your life where you can sustain a relationship and I've finally accepted that.”
“I really wanted it to work. We've been friends since I moved out here three years ago and I would hate to lose you. Is there any way we can go back to that?” She at least wanted some type of relationship with him. Being together didn't work but them as friends was gold.
Chris thought for a moment. “I'd like that, I really would but I think we need time to build back up to that. Do you understand where I'm coming from?”
“Yeah, no rush. I just want us to be okay. No pressure.”
“For what it's worth I'm sorry for fussing at you all the time. I just couldn't cope with competing for your attention all of the time. It didn't seem that hard when we were just friends.”
Misun sighed. “I hate that I made you feel like you had to compete. I need to live a little more. I do work all of the time and I'm working on cutting back some.”
Chris laughed. “I'll believe it when I see it.
They finished their meals and both went their separate ways.
The guys had a small break before they had to start back with their touring. They had been laying around at the dorms all day. Shownu had been shut up in his room since he awakened. He hadn't even eaten so the guys knew something was bothering him.
Jooheon knocked on his door. “Can I come in?” He asked as he cracked the door open a little.
Shownu closed his laptop quickly and motioned for him to come on in.
“What are you doing?” Jooheon asked him. He knew Shownu was trying to hide something.
“Nothing! Minding my own business.” Shownu said with a smile.
Jooheon leaped onto Shownu's bed beside him. “Why are being so weird? You've been cooped up in this room since we got back to Seoul. What's wrong?”
Shownu gave him a peculiar look. “Nothing's wrong with me. Or at least I don't think anything is wrong with me.”
“If it makes you feel better, I haven't heard from Nori either.” Jooheon revealed. He had a feeling that Misun's absence was the source of Shownu's unhappiness.
Shownu looked up at him silently. “What makes you think that's the problem?”
Jooheon rolled his eyes. “I know you, man. You don't even have to admit it just know that I feel your pain.”
“But you don't, Jooheon. I've never felt like this before. I don't even know what I'm feeling.” He revealed with a sigh. “I feel so weird even having this conversation.”
“Why? Because you actually have feelings? There's nothing wrong with expressing yourself.” Jooheon reassured.
Shownu just shook his head. He hated that she had this type of control over his mood. He didn't even know what he wanted from her. Yes, she was beautiful but at times she seemed very closed off and cynical.
“Don't be ashamed of what you're feeling. You have a great heart, dude. And one day someone is going to notice it. It may not be her but someone worthy enough will. It'll be alright, but you can't stop living just because you didn't get a phone call or a text. Life goes on, at least that's what I've been telling myself.” Jooheon encouraged him as he rubbed his back softly.
Shownu nodded. “You're right. Maybe doing something other than watching their videos will take my mind off of it.”
Jooheon cracked a huge smile. “So that's what you've been in here doing?” He yelled and punched Shownu in the arm. “Come on with the rest of us, silly kid!” He pulled Shownu off the bed and yanked into the living room with the rest of the guys.
Nori had been editing a few videos all day. Trying to get the Kcon videos ready to be posted. They had so much footage so she was trying to sort out which ones would make the cuts. Her phone began to ring. The number didn't look familiar to her but she answered regardless. “Hello?” She sang into the speaker.
“Hey, Nori. This is Miranda. Is Misun with you?” Miranda was their manager. She kept track of getting the artists for their show among a lot of other things. She was a busy woman.
Nori frowned a bit. She hadn't heard from Misun in a couple of hours which was weird. “Uh no she isn't. Whose phone are you calling from?”
“Oh I had to use my husband's phone because mines died a little while ago and I'm not near a charger. Sorry. I have some odd news for you and Misun though. Should I wait until she's back with you?”
Nori became anxious. “I can relate the message. What is it?”
“Okay well I received an email from the president of Ktown Entertainment and-”
Nori gasped. “Like in South Korea, that Ktown Entertainment?”
“Yes, now let me finish. He saw your shows and he's wanting to speak with you and Misun to see if he can work out some type of contract with you guys.”
Nori raised an eyebrow. “Contract for what?”
“Well he wants to sponsor y'alls show. He also wants y”all to get into other things too. I told him that y'all would like to dab in singing, modeling and acting as well and he said that could be arranged for sure. He see y'alls potential and thinks you could excel there in Korea.”
Nori's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. “I can't believe this. I-I don't know what to say.”
“Talk to Misun and if she's okay with it, I'll schedule a meeting. It'll have to be in South Korea at Ktown's headquarters though because he's a busy man.” Miranda informed her.
“Definitely. I'm about to call her right now.” She hung up immediately and caught her break for a second before dialing Misun up.
Misun sat in the ice cream parlor devouring her chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cone. She was proud of herself for having a decent conversation with Chris so she decided to treat herself to some frozen sugar that she really didn't need but she wanted it so who cares. She was going to workout later anyways. Her phone began to ring. Nori's face popped up on the screen, she was wanting to FaceTime. Misun went ahead and answered it. “Yes?”
Nori face lit up when she seen the ice cream. “I want some!”
Misun giggled. “I'll bring you some when I leave here.”
“Yay me! So I have some really huge news for you that is going to make your head spin!” Nori began.
Misun scrunched her brows together. She knew it was probably nothing. Her best friend tended to make a big deal out of nothing most times but she loved that about her. “Try me!”
“So we may have to move to South Korea soon!” Nori revealed.
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quaymorris · 5 years
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Album: In The Zone
Release Date: November 12, 2003
The first album in what Britney fans call her Holy Trinity. The third album in this group is up for debate, but this album’s inclusion is absolutely not. This is the era casual pop music fans remember the most, but somehow know the least about. This era was amazing, but is now recognized as the beginning of the dark times. 
She released what I consider the greatest pop song of all-time, Toxic, as well as her best ballad, Everytime. She got married to her childhood friend and had it annulled 55 hours later. She met and married Kevin Federline (gag me). She blew out her knee while recording a music video with Snoop Dogg (unreleased) and canceled the rest of her tour (Onyx Hotel tour). She and K. Fed starred in an ill-advised tv show, Chaotic. She really turned into a little rebel: drinking, smoking, and this is most likely imo when her heavier drug use started.
The sex got tamed down and controlled a little on this album, but not too much. She seems more sure of herself, even as she was beginning to spiral.
Fuck all that, though, to the music we go!
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Me Against The Music | 7.5 /10
I love this song. The fanbase (and GP) pretty much rejected this when it came out, but y'all were wrong. Still don't think it needs Madge, though. Feels like a forced collaboration.
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I Got That Boom Boom | 4 /10
Ok, this is "fun" but kind of bad lmao. I want her to collaborate with rappers more (NOT IGGY), though - the sound is just about there.
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Showdown | 8.5 /10
INSIDE OUT'S RAUNCHY OLDER SIS. She needs to add this to Piece Of Me because it is a bop: sexy, the sultry low voice, the vocal effects - UGH, slay me bitch.
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Breathe On Me | 8 /10
I'm pretty sure Brit was trying to get us all pregnant with this album. Everyone who was shocked by the Onyx Hotel tour clearly didn't listen to this fucking album. Also should’ve been a single.
Early Mornin' | 7/10
CASE IN POINT. #pregnant I don't think this song gets enough love from the Army. I love the island-tinged sound, soft drums, breathy vocals, the voiceovers. Remember what I said about Soda Pop? Yeah, here’s island done much better.
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Toxic | 10/10
This is probably the GP's favorite Britney song, right? It’s certainly one of her best, the music video included. It is pretty much pop perfection. Catchy hook, infectious beat (listen to violin covers of this song, they're glorious), and the ever iconic music video. We stan a Grammy winning record. Brit. did. that. At 22 years old slay. 
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Outrageous | 2 /10
This is the song with the unreleased Snoop Dogg guest starring music video and honestly that’s ok because it turns out R. Kelly wrote this song. 
Touch Of My Hand | 7 /10
And our lord and savior Britney said, “Touch yo self, fool! Love thy self!” And we did, and we did. We stan the queen of self love.
The Hook Up | 5.5 /10
I remember my mama asking me if Britney really recorded an album about randomly hooking up with some dude she met in a club, and yes. Yes she did. And we like it.
Shadow | 2 /10
Yeah no. I feel like you can tell when she was singing on some forced shit on her ballads. I like hearing real emotion on ballads, not whatever's happening here.
Brave New Girl | 5 /10
I'm a get smacked for this one since I just dumped on Shadow, but I really like this song. It's carefree and relaxed and isn't trying to be more than it is.
Everytime | 10 /10
Ok, but the real gag is that Justin Timberlake is a douchebag. A N Y W A Y S, this is her best ballad, bar none. It SOUNDS like it's coming from the heart. You can hear the pain, anguish, the heartache. It's so real and moving and tragic. They should’ve kept the suicide scene in the MV.
The Answer | 3/10
She’s cute.
Don't Hang Up | 7.5 /10
Remember what I've been saying about Britney and (well produced) r&b-influenced songs! I think this song could've joined the rest of the standard edition record. Alas, it was relegated to bonus status.
U N R E L E A S E D  |  L E A K E D  T R A C K S
Girls & Boys | 0 /10 
She could've kept this one. There is nothing I like about this song.
And Then We Kiss (Original Version) | 8 /10
I first heard the remix of this when I was working a mall job in college and I instantly fell in love. The original only ranks slightly below the remix to me, but both are really good. That sound was hot during the mid-2000s. This leaked in 2011.
And Then We Kiss (Remix) | 9/10
Not a leak, but also not on this album. This is superior version of the song. This was recorded at the same time as Breathe On Me, but was scrapped for this album. It was instead included on the B in the Mix: The Remixes (2005), which why? This should’ve been a bonus track on here.
Love 2 Love U | 6.5 /10
I HEAR YOU, LA ISLA BONITA. This should've made the album because it fits in with the island flavor she already had going on. It's a solid mid-album song.
The Sin City Rap 7/10
No, I don’t know why she recorded this (I think she was joking). Yes, I still love it. True story: when I was young I wanted to be able to do the sexy Britney voice so fucking bad. She talks like pure sex.
Rock Star | 6 /10
Am I the only one who thinks this song sounds more fit for Blackout than ITZ? I can see why it didn't make the cut, but it is a solid song.
Get It | 2 /10
This sounds unfinished in more ways than one.
Look Who's Talking Now | 4/10
This is ... ok. It doesn't inspire me to sing along, dance, get emotional or anything, really. It's just kind of there. And that beat is generic af. Apparently it’s about Justin, but we can do better, sweetie.
Guilty | 6 /10
Money Love And Happiness | 1/10
This should've stayed unleaked. Keep it, Michelle Bell!
Ouch | 7/10
Yasss Britney! I love when she sounds like sex. I would love to see this one performed live. I do think this one sounds more like Blackout as well - it's dark, sexy, moody. So I get why it didn't make the cut for this album, but it's a great track.
Conscience | 5.5/10
Britney could take a few of these unreleaseds and put them on a little EP and it would be fucking solid. This is a good club/bar song and would sound AMAZING performed acoustically.
Instant Dejavu | 6.5 /10
This sounds so 80s and I kind of love it. Once again, did not fit the sound of ITZ at all, but it's a pretty fun track. Easy to sing along to, danceable, and I love the way she plays around with her voice when she says "deja vu."
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theragingthespian · 7 years
5, 10, 11 for the writers ask game!
my mvp right here
5. books or authors that influenced your style the most.just assume i’m answering all of these in terms of fandom and fics so. @nationalcitykara was probably the first where i really started trying to pay attention to the way they set things up and how, i dunno, present? it seems. we were part of a different fandom then, so coming to supergirl it was really cool seeing the different approach to different characters and helps me keep in mind perspectives between individuals. i dunno, aren’s awesome yall
and @forlornlyoptimistic has writing that i love and really strive for. it’s like if i could do everything i set out to do when i write fic, they got it, that's what it would be. kinda introspective without the words being bogged down? top tier my dudes.so yeah. read their stuff for fun of course but then i’ll read again and be just oh, that’s how they did this or that and try my best to make my writing smoother. that got long oh geez sorry
10. pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about tbh i barely subject y'all to the fics i finish, i couldn’t show someone- a writer- something unfinished. it’d be horrible
11. describe your writing process from scratch to finishoh wow. alright just gonna talk y'all to death.i’ll get an idea and think on it a few days. use docs to type down any lines or phrases or quotes that just really fit? yknow- like i know i need that detail to hit a point i’m trying to make in the fic. titles are really important to me, help keep direction of what i’m doing so that takes- i’m not even lying- a few days, probably longer than the fic itself.i’ll have writing days. music is a must. usually aim for at least 1k but it differs. every time i reopen the file i’ll reread parts i’ve written and edited so by the time i finish, i’m sick of the first scene.change the font to try and find typos. every time i find one, i restart my read through and post when i think it’s good.then i don’t look at anything for a few hours otherwise i’ll delete it lol
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