#i must love britney a lot
spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 2 months
Strawberries and Cream presents: ✨A Day with Buck✨
Pairing: Buck x reader
Word count: 3.7
Notes: This is literally born from the fact that I think chapter 3 was going to be close to over 9k if I didn’t do some serious editing. I literally took the end of chapter 3 and made it the beginning of chapter 4 🤣🤣 p.s it’s me again this was all in vain it’s still that long
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Buck is a cuddle monster.
He clings to you as you lay in bed, your arms crossed over your chest. He’d made you get in bed with him, said you guys used to share as kids anyway and that he’d stay to his own side.
Literally 10 minutes later he was curled into your back, and five minutes after that he had his arms wrapped tightly around you. This was so him, even as a child when you’d share a bed with him and Maddie you’d wake up to his legs over you and his head on Maddie’s stomach.
“Buck?” You poke at his arm, It’s around noon now. Eddie had dropped you off that morning with a kiss to your forehead and a promise that he’d text you when he woke up.
“Hm?” He groans softly, opening one eye. He looks up at you, giving you a sleepy grin “What’s up kiddo”
You roll your eyes at him, turning in his arms to shove him away
“Get your fat paws off of me, I have to pee” You whine, clawing your way out of his arms. He rolls over, letting you go and grabs his phone. You come back a few minutes later and he doesn’t look up
“Did you spray before you left?”
“I literally just peed!!”
“Pfft yeah okay sure. Miss Stinkypants”
When you were a child you’d accidentally soiled your literal diaper while you were in your car seat on a road trip and Buck never let you live it down. After 20 something years he still called you Miss Stinkypants even Maddie had done it a few times and both of them died laughing every time. Who needed siblings when you had these two
1:25 pm
Buck is sitting on the couch when you come back down from the bedroom, he’s playing animal crossing and cleaning up his island
“Charge your switch we can play together” He nods over to the charger in the wall and you grab yours from the coffee table, plugging it in. He proudly shows you around “BuckTopia” and all of his favorite villagers. Though he’s waiting to get rid of Hippeux, he hates him. He loves Bea and Fauna and he’s got a love hate relationship with Canberra. Eventually you show off your island, “Faeton” and he’s incredibly impressed.
“God it must have taken years to lay all of those paths” he gasps, staring at your pink walkways
“The initial lay down? God yes. But you know after that I just find 12 piece paths and overwrite the original 12 and it lays itself!”
You two spend the next 45 minutes running all over each other’s islands, beating each other with nets, and trying to hit the button at the same time so your little characters are dancing together.
“You know I’m glad they added this” Buck stretches his arms in the air, following along with the group stretching session
“It’s ridiculously cute” You agree, as you both bend forward and then push your chest out
2:10 pm
“I don’t think you’re ready for this. You’re so not ready for this” Buck bounces on the balls of his feet, and shakes out his arms.
You turn and kick his butt “I don’t think you’re ready for this!” You taunt him and he swings at you playfully, trying to smack you.
The game counts down and you and Buck start dancing in sync. You hadn’t played Just Dance in forever and apparently someone did like his life depended on it.
“I’m gonna kick your ass” He says in a singsong voice, Toxic by Britney Spears plays on the screen as the two of you dance along. He’s not even breaking a sweat
“You play this one a lot don’t you?” You ask him, panting a bit. He flashes you a shit eating grin and shakes his butt
“Oh I’m sorry, I have no idea what you mean” His voice is sweet and angelic as he’s hitting perfect nearly every time.
“With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slippin' under
With a taste of a poison paradise”
He turns to you with a whip of his head and you burst out laughing, singing with him.
“I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?”
2:45 pm
“So like… what is going on with you and Eddie?”
Buck holds his hand still for you as you paint his nails, his eyes covered with slices of cucumber complete with a hydrating face mask.
“I don’t know, if I’m being honest” You sigh and blow on his nails softly. Your hello kitty headband keeping the hair from your strawberry face mask
“I do really like him” you blush “But I’m not sure if I’m ready to take that step you know? Like what if he thinks I’m messy? I think? He likes me? But he doesn’t know about my past relationships and like what if that’s too much baggage?”
Buck rolls his eyes carefully under the cucumbers, dear god you two.
“Eddie has relationship baggage too Y/N. And you don’t like him any less do you? Even if you don’t know his?”
“I guess you’re right…” You say shyly, taking his other hand. “Same pattern or opposite”
“Opposite. And actually there’s something else we need to address”
“And that is? Sassy pants” you pull his hand closer and start painting
“You slept over and I haven’t heard any of those details yet”
“Okay promise you won’t tell him I told you?” He can practically feel your excitement, he takes one of his cucumbers off and bites into it
“He woke up hard” You blurt it out, dropping his hand.
Buck lurches forward, the other cucumber flying off his face “He what?!”
You squeal and nod your head fast “I- I was awake a bit sooner than I let him know and oh my god Buck. Oh. My. God. He’s-“ you look around like for some reason he’s gonna hear it “he’s huge” you whisper
Buck snickers, blowing on the nails on his other hand “Yeah I know we had a whole drunken measuring contest it was the funniest thing in the entire world. Are you telling me you felt it?”
Your cheeks flush even more and you nod your head slowly “Yeah…but that’s not even the whole of it because we started having a pillow fight and-“ you stop for a second, and Buck gestures wildly
“Okay but this part is embarrassing to tell you!”
“You once had to hold my hand while I got an anal exam because I was pushing too hard when we were younger. I don’t think anything is as embarrassing as that.”
You laugh hard, your body shaking as you wheeze and fall into the couch, remembering when you were teenagers. He was mortified the entire time because the nurse was cute as hell. Of course they had to be cute.
“Okay!” You wipe your eyes carefully and giggle a bit before taking a deep breath “Okay. Okay. We had a pillow fight and I ended up on top of him and I kind of just… did something? Like it was just supposed to be a joke I swear!!”
“What did you do!”
“I kind of sorta ended up grinding on him”
Buck’s mouth drops wide open and he just stares at you. You groan loudly in embarrassment and fall back on the couch
“What did he do”
You cover your face with your hands and Buck starts beating on your leg
“What did he do?!?!” He yells and you kick at him, fighting back
“He moaned! Okay god he moaned!”
Buck squeals, which is impressive to say the least and you roll off the couch in embarrassment
3:45 pm
“He moaned, can you believe that?!”
You, Buck and Maddie are on the couch eating lunch. She came over to drop off some stuff for him and brought lunch for the three of you. Buck spent the last 20 minutes retelling all the details you’d told him, and Maddie is listening with wide eyes.
“And you two didn’t do anything else?” She asks, stabbing at her chicken
“How many times do I have to tell you guys! No! We ate breakfast and that was it!” You stab at your own, glaring at the two of them and they’re both giggling at you
“You guys are literally so cute I could die” Buck sighs “I can’t wait to be related to Eddie it’s gonna be so fun”
Maddie laughs at him “Oh my god, you’re gonna scare her!”
“Related?! That’s not too fast?! I don’t even know his middle name!”
“He doesn’t have one. I’m thinking maybe a spring wedding? Or fall. You hate the heat which is hilarious considering he’s a Texas boy”
“Imagine Eddie with a cowboy hat” Maddie says
Buck perks up in his seat “With his shirt off? I���ve got a picture of that actually”
You all crowd around his phone as he goes through his “Eddie” folder. He’s got a lot of pictures of him. “Have you ever seen him shirtless? You need to see him shirtless”
“I literally slept with him shirtless” you mumble and Buck’s hand freezes. You slap your hand over your mouth and he and Maddie immediately pounce, screaming
“You! Left! That! Shit! Out!” Buck yells at you and Maddie points an accusatory finger
“What were you wearing?!!”
4:45 pm
Buck drags you to Target. Okay so it’s not really dragging when Target is literally the best place on earth and you’re eager to go with, he had to pick up some stuff for dinner. After dramatically singing all the way there you stop at the Starbucks first. You’re looking up at the menu from afar when someone covers your eyes
“Guess who”
He says in a weird high pitched voice
“My 7th grade math teacher?” You giggle and Buck snorts
“Wasn’t he a dude?”
“That’s a horrible guess, why would you guess that” Eddie snickers as he pulls you into his chest and hugs you. Your cheeks flush and Buck watches the two of you, all giddy and trying to hide it
“Can you quick stalking us” Buck pulls him away from you and you turn around, looking up at him. He looks relaxed in a white tank top with a flannel on and jeans. God it’s a good look on him too, those quarter length sleeves are to die for.
“We literally have each other on life 360? It’s impossible not to stalk you. Not that I actually was. Just needed a few things”
“Do you have Y/N?”
Buck takes Eddie’s phone from his back pocket
“No? Are you- you’re gonna- yeah okay sure”
Eddie rolls his eyes as Buck turns his back to them to add you
“Anyway… how are you? Having a nice day?” His hands rest on your shoulders before pulling you into his chest again for a hug
“Miss you, pretty girl” he says quietly, running a hand over your back.
Your cheeks flush as you bury your head in his chest “Miss you too…and yeah we’re having fun! Just like old times” you smile up at him, your chin on his chest.
He strokes your hair, just…looking at you. It makes you nervous inside, a good kind of nervous.
“You know what you want? I’ll get it for you”
“Oh no- no that’s okay” You say quickly “I got it”
“Actually I’ve got it” Buck hands Eddie back his phone and pulls you into his arms protectively
“No Eddie’s allowed, we talked about this” He scolds him and Eddie rolls his eyes, putting his hands up
“I know, I know I’ll back off. I’ll see you later cutie… and Y/N” He makes a little face at Buck, and you snort before waving at him
“See you later”
“See you later” Buck mocks you in a high pitched voice as you order your drinks. You punch him in the side and he laughs, dragging you over to go wait at the end
“So what are we having tonight?” You ask as you awkwardly and a bit embarrassingly climb into the cart. Buck holds it down for you as you get comfy
“Just spaghetti and meatballs, I know you miss my recipe”
You sigh dreamily when he hands you your drink and pushes the cart “Oh god you’re right”
He walks around the store, pushing you along and throwing ingredients at you instead of into the cart and snickering as he does it.
“Would you stop that!” You yell as you catch the Parmesan before it smacks you in the face
“Do you know how long it’s been since I was able to torture you? Honey I have years to catch up on!”
“Okay well you know what, don't go crying to Maddie like you always did when I get you back. And I will get you back Evan”
“I’d like to see you try”
Payback comes in the form of giving Buck a wedgie in the parking lot.
Maddie calls you 15 minutes later.
5:25 pm
“You think Eddie will like his tamagotchi?”
You’re sitting in the front seat of Buck’s jeep as he drives over to Eddie’s house. You’d found the cute little toys and bought the newest ones. Yes they cost a pretty penny but Buck chipped in and you guys bought three. One for each of you
“I think he’ll like it because it’s from us” He chuckles, pulling into Eddie’s driveway. He stops the car, leaving it running.
“Remember, in and out. We still have to make dinner”
“Aye aye Captain” you salute him as you jump out. Before you even raise your hand to knock, the front door is opened. Eddie leans against the frame, crossing his ankles.
“I didn’t… even-“ it’s embarrassing the way you gape at his chest. He’s shirtless now, sweatpants hanging low on his hips.
He holds his phone up, shaking it “Buck texted. Whatcha doin here sugar cube? Miss me that much?” He slips his phone back in his pocket, crossing his arms over his broad chest and you know you’re drooling and you also know, in your heart Buck absolutely set this up.
“I uh…I-“
Eddie snickers and steps away for a second, coming back with a hoodie on.
“Use your words, Princess. Focus now”
Oh god he’s such a little shit
“Oh neither of you deserve shit!” You say, shoving the gift bag in his hands and practically running back to the jeep. Buck is laughing his ass off as he drives away with you punching him in the side
5:55 pm
Triple C: Sent 1 Attachment
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I've named it Apollo
6:03 pm
You giggle as you stare at the picture on your phone, you never actually expected him to play with it, which is stupid considering you bought it for him. Buck is making you babysit his while he makes dinner. You’re both tempted to buy one for Chim.
6:45 pm
“Have you considered moving in with me?” Buck asks as he serves you both a plate of spaghetti you frown a little and set the tamagotchi down on the table
“Yes. If I’m being honest. It seems… a bit more ideal than sharing a house with a married couple and a baby… but you don’t really have the space for me here and before you say it- there’s no way in hell I’m making you sleep on the couch! This is your house Buck”
“First of all,” he puts Parmesan on your spaghetti and pushes the plate towards you “I honestly wouldn’t mind the couch if it meant you staying here. Please Y/N that is an option and I’m willing to make that sacrifice for you… maybe we can share the bed! We’ve had to before, we know we can. Second of all, please don’t shut me down right away. But have you given any thought as to staying with Eddie? Like have you actually? Because that’s a really good option. What if you went between our places? You know… part time there, part time here. You’re not a burden Y/N. Not in any way, shape or form.”
“I feel like one, sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t have come here” You tell him, playing with your spaghetti, twirling it on your fork. “In all honesty Evan?… I want to move in with Eddie. He’s the best option, I know that. But it seems so serious making that move and I’m very nervous about what it could do to whatever the hell our friendship is. I don’t… have many friends Buck, you know that... I never have. I don’t want to lose him because we can’t stand living together”
“I really don’t think that’s going to happen. He’s really serious about you taking his spare room Y/N. It’s just collecting dust at this point. Hell, what if I moved in with him instead! And you took this place? I sleep on his couch more often than I do here” he says, chuckling a little as he digs in to his spaghetti
You’re a bit stunned to say the least. You love the studio. But kicking Buck from his own place is too much, and you know your cousin would do it for you in a heartbeat. It’s been a long time since anyone has done anything for you out of love.
“You know I love you and Maddie right?” You say a little teary eyed and he coos softly at you, coming around the table and hugging you
“Oh come onnn…don’t cry” He says softly, smiling “You’re gonna make me cry! Just think over your options and let us know what you decide okay?”
8:19 pm
You’re sat on the couch, your legs in Buck’s lap. He’s carefully painting your toenails to match your fingernails.
“Okay explain to me again why Simon is pretending like he can’t get Daphne pregnant?”
He asks as he blows softly. You tilt your head to him carefully, trying not to muss up the pink clay mud mask you’ve got on.
“Because he doesn’t want kids cause of his shitty dad and since Daphne hasn’t had sex or even been taught about it she doesn’t realize homie is just pulling out”
Buck nods slowly, turning back to the screen. Your phone rings and you grab it awkwardly, putting it on speaker
“Hi Eddie, you’re on speaker” you say, your words a little garbled with the inability to move your face as much
“Hey Sugar cube, hey Buck”
“Eddie this better be good I swear to god” Buck threatens him as he pauses the show. You giggle a little and you can hear Eddie scoff.
“I was actually calling for you, asshole. You didn’t answer your phone”
“I’m busy”
“Doing what?”
“Painting Y/Ns nails. This requires precision, asshole. What did you want?”
You giggle at them as you hold your phone out for Buck and he makes a little face at you
“You’ve never painted my nails” He says, sounding hurt
“You’ve never asked” Buck sasses him back
“Fine Buck, will you paint my nails”
“If you come here literally right now? Yes.”
“Bro, bet”
“Wait I’m not-“ before you can say anything Eddie hangs up. You sigh and set your phone down, crossing your arms over your chest
“I thought you wanted today to be just us” you say, your eyes narrowed. “And i'm not dressed! I don’t even have a bra on!”
“Okay, first of all, it’s my house, my rules, you wear whatever you want. Second of all…Does it bother you? Cause we can call him back. I just…. He’s my best friend and I miss him”
You lay back on the couch, laughing “Can’t go one day without your bestie huh?”
“They call us Buddie for a reason”
You decide to put one on just in case
8:54 pm
Eddie doesn’t just come over, he brings snacks. He opens the door, letting himself in, because of course he has a key
“Honey I’m home”
He shucks off his shoes and tosses his coat down. He sets the bags on the coffee table and starts taking things out, chips and pretzels, some candy and a couple different ice creams he puts in the freezer.
You move your legs from Bucks lap and Eddie sits in the middle of you two
“Bestie” He nods at Buck
“Sugar cube” he winks at you
Buck holds up four different face masks and he picks the refreshing pomegranate mask and you put a matching headband in his hair. Buck paints the mask on and the three of you curl up on the couch together, he wiggles his fingers at Buck who smirks and takes his hand, starting on his cuticles
“You wanna pick the color?” He asks, leaning his head on your shoulder. You smile at him when he hands you the box of nail polish and you start to rummage through it. You grab two colors, one that matches Buck and one that matches yours and hand them to Buck
10:32 pm
Eddie holds both you and Buck as you cry into his chest over Anthony’s dad. He tears up a little too
11:42 pm
“Why can’t I just be the judge?” You groan softly as Buck puts the joycon around your wrist
“Because we dance together as a family”
Both boys school you in just dance and they laugh about it and make fun of you when you throw popcorn at them.
Watching Eddie dance to “Treasure” by Bruno Mars is fun and it’s even better when he sings it to you. You’re halfway convinced Buck is picking all the dances he’s good at just to impress you because he doesn’t miss a beat
12:27 am
Buck goes to the bathroom, and you dance to “Havana” with Eddie, he doesn’t have to stare into your eyes the way he does, but he couldn’t look away even if he wanted to.
Buck watches quietly, leaning against the wall. The song ends and Eddie pulls you up his body, still staring into your eyes, his hands holding your waist firmly. Your heart is beating out of your chest and not just from the dance
“Man, I told you learning this dance was gonna come in handy one day!” Buck fist pumps the air and you groan loudly, crashing against Eddie’s chest
1:30 am
Buck clings to you and you cling to Eddie as the three of you pass out in Bucks bed
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Thank you random person in the photo 🤣🤣
80 notes · View notes
pastelsnowcat · 2 months
Three is a charm, two is not the same pt. 111
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» [3 - Britney Spears] «
1:25 ─〇───── 3:33 ⇄◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
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Third and final part to my first series 👀 hope y’all like it 👉👈
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Minors, do not interact or I will chase you like a dog with rabies :) The blog is an adult space
Pairing: Yuki x Shoko x fem!reader
Third part, better read Part I and Part II first! Polyamorous relationship, threesome, power dynamics with softdom Shoko and harddom yuki (not really but like.. a little) so be aware. Just in general lots of filthy lesbian smut with my favorite women<33 consensual somnophilia, bondage and free use! Choking! Consent declared within the text! Always make sure you got consent when you decide to be kinky!
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You were in bed, waiting for the return of your girls but even you couldn’t fight the exhaustion of the day that finally caught you. Before you drifted off into sleep, you left a note on the nightstand ‘Missing you.. feel free to wake me up however you please ;)’ - and therefore giving them consent to.. well, wake you up however they please. A cuddle, a kiss.. someone between your thighs, didn’t matter.
Yuki was the first to return from her mission, covered in curse blood and guts and other unidentifiable substances.
The blonde quietly enters the bedroom, aware that surely you must be asleep by now, and she was right. There you were, wrapped around her blanket with Shoko’s pillow tightly in your clutch.
“Hi Princess..” she greets softly, aware you’re not going to reply. She brushes away a loose strand of hair, her hand now resting on your cheek as she places a gentle kiss upon your forehead. With the intention of taking a shower Yuki stands up just as quickly as she sat down next to you mere moments ago.
Then the note catches her attention, and she reads through it in a haste, already having a hunch of what it might say.
And she’s correct, like usual.
“Look at you.. naughty girl” she chuckles to herself, and disappears into the bathroom.
A few moments, maybe 3 or 4 minutes after Yuki stepped into the shower, Shoko returned as well.
Her gaze wanders through the living room which connected to the open kitchen and the adjacent bedroom, and it halters at the glass of whiskey on the coffee table and another note directed at her.
‘Hi honey, hope the shift wasn’t too exhausting. Did you know that camel’s have very efficient livers? You know, because they don’t get to drink much and need to keep as much water as they can when they do, hence the efficient livers. Maybe you should get one of those for yourself ;)?’ You love telling Shoko all about the little facts you know and learn about, it’s practically a love language at this point. But so did she, always happy to listen to you. Your voice was comforting but so was just your presence. You, you were comforting. A bright sunshine illuminating the darkness of the sorcery world.
Cheeky little thing, she thinks to herself sipping the warm, smokey liquor as the corner of her mouth twisted upwards. A smirk at your sly little comment. Shoko knows she drinks a lot, but how else is she supposed to cope with the stress of her occupation?
The answer is clear: booze, cigarettes, you.
She enters the bedroom, although a little startled as she didn’t except to walk right into the blonde beast of a woman, Yuki.
“Hey Love.. how you doin’?” Yuki grins, wrapping her arm around Shoko’s waist and pulling her closer. “Have you seen the video already?” Shoko chuckles, her voice low and raspy and wanting. “Ugh, yes. Poor kid had to finish the rest of the curses, had to get home..” Yuki mumbles against Shoko’s neck while placing kisses on it, marking the brunette’s pale neck with a hickey and a bite mark. Shoko hums in agreement with lips slightly parted at the burning sensation. It’s easy to notice the change of Yuki’s voice. It isn’t as high and clear as usual, but an octave, or two, deeper, huskily whispering dirty words into Shoko’s ear “Missed you sooo much.. couldn’t stop thinking ‘bout my gorgeous girls..can’t wait to bend her o’er ‘nd fuck her nice and good, pretty princess can eat you out in the meantime. How does that sound?”
Shoko shudders at the image of Yuki’s proposal, leaning her head to the side so Yuki can reach more of her skin and a sigh escapes her throat. “Mhm, would like that. Had a shitty day”
“Let’s wake bunny then, hm? Don’t think she’d mind, considering video and note she left us ‘nd stuff” She grins, holding up the note and showing it to Shoko. The doctor is quick to read through it, and as a result of your lovely invitation is now crawling between your thighs, eager to wake you up.
Shoko loves your thighs, how soft and pretty they are, always marked up by her and Yuki with numerous love bites and hickeys and bruises, how they always wrap around her when she drags her own cunt across yours slowly, teasingly.
Shoko is a tease.
She’s quick to pull down your panties, her panties originally, and reveals your glistening core to Yuki and herself, and immediately latches onto it with her lipgloss stained lips. You shift slightly, but still fast asleep. Shoko hums, your sweet taste coating her tongue and driving her just a littttle insane.
“Fuck, how she tastes?” Yuki groans at the vulgar view in front of her as she lays down next to your sleeping, warm, so incredibly good smelling body and runs her much larger hand across your chest. Slowly it pulls the vintage shirt up your torso, finally exposing your braless tits. Soft, warm, so pretty. So easy to use, easy to handle and play with as they please.
Shoko only hums satisfied, working your hot, throbbing mess between your thighs with her tongue and lips. With half lidded eyes and a flushed nose -it always reddens when Shoko is aroused, it’s a telltale sign- she can’t ignore her own wet cunt anymore, and finally she musters up the motivation to let her hand snake down her lower body. Since your eyes are still closed, they find Yuki’s instead and fixate on them as she continues to lap at your continuously-growing-wetter cunt and shoving two pretty, long fingers up her own dripping hole.
“Fuck love, look at you..” Yuki hums, her hand pinching and rolling over your nipples and eyes wandering over your body, and then Shoko’s, following the doctor’s hand downwards with quite a fixation.
Shoko likes being watched. Shoko also likes watching. Yuki likes to record and film all of the filthy things the three of you do. Yuki also likes fucking you dumb while Shoko drags at her cigarette, touching herself.
And you?
You, sweet thing, are a kinky whore for them.
Doesn’t matter if it’s Shoko toying with you, simply because she wants to. Edging you until you’re a crying mess, begging her to finally let you cum, or placing a vibrator against your swollen clit and playing with it on her phone. She insisted that she can control the black toy through her phone and a strong enough connection for her to play around on her phone even if you’re not in her immediate vicinity.
Doesn’t matter if it’s Yuki overstimulating you instead, making you cum over and over again and torturing your poor cunt until you just can’t take it anymore. But if you think she’s done with you simply because you can’t cum anymore, you’re mistaken. Instead, she simply holds you tightly, making sure you can’t wiggle out of her strong arms while you cockwarm her strap.
It’s torture, sweet torture, your two favorite women on opposite ends when it comes to fucking you senseless. Strong, direct Yuki never getting enough of you and taking what she wants directly, bending you over the nearest surface or throwing you into the air, your core now in Yuki’s immediate reach as she holds you up with your thighs thrown over her shoulders.
And calculated, teasing Shoko driving you insane with her ghostly touches and faux sympathy, getting you all desperate and whiny and making you beg like a bitch in heat until she finally lets you cum- but never even stopping her cruel stimulation to let you catch your breath, never giving you the chance to hold back your orgasm as efficiently as you wanted to.
You’re their sweet girl, their precious Angel and the love of their lives, but you’re also their plaything. Entertainment for them. A way for Shoko to relive her stress after patching up sorcerers and students alike. Yuki’s very own workout, showcasing her strength, her endurance and making those muscles of hers work to catapult you into ecstasy.
Your sudden movement startles Yuki for a moment, not having expected for you to wake up so quickly. But you just can’t help it, the stimulation making you whimper even in your sleep. “Hnm..fuck..” you gasp and wrap your hand around Yuki’s wrist, something to hold onto while Shoko licks up your cunt, pressing against your clit.
The air was thick, heavy with need and love. “Hey there, bunny” Yuki greets but not stopping her determined touches and pinching your nipple between her index and thumb. The little squeak of yours at the subtle sting pulls Shoko out of her trance, and she pauses for a moment.
“Hi Angel. We missed you” the sultry purr of her voice causes you to breathe out heavily like you just ran a marathon, eyebrows furrowed and eyes screwed together.
“H-hi Sho.. ahh, please, please keep going!” You whine and wiggle and bury your fingers into her hair, trying your best to keep Shoko between your thighs. Barely awake and already chasing the dizzying high, cute. “Easy now, pretty girl” she warns, nipping at your inner thigh.
You knew better than to get impatient, to get greedy but you just can’t help yourself, can you? No, you can’t, you’re needy and aroused and you just need Shoko to finally eat your cunt like it’s her last meal in this world. Like it’s her very own, personal last supper.
“Shooo..” you draw out, pathetic whimper echoing through the bedroom. “C’mon.. just- just do it already!” You beg, or at least you try to, but it’s more like a command than anything else. Something Shoko isn’t pleased with. She trained you better than that, and she removes herself from between your legs entirely to remind you of that. Shoko adores you, she will reach out to the stars and pull the moon from the night sky if you had asked her to. But there’s no need for that, you got your moon right here, in front of you. And the sun, with her warm touches and soft breaths tickling your neck, laying next to you.
And you? You’re their star. Shining bright, always leading them back home. Even after cruel night shifts at the infirmary, or exorcising one curse after another. The moon and the sun always return to their star.
“Needy little bitch” your favorite doctor sighs, circling the bed to reach into the nightstand, retrieving some rope. “If you can’t be patient, I ought to remind you of your manners. Don’t you think?” She explains calmly, rarely ever getting worked up. She doesn’t need to be, the slight change of her tone enough to put you back into your place. She doesn’t need to get worked up because you’re entirely aware that if she does, Shoko will make you cry and she will not stop until you call out your safe word. Since you intent to cum, you obey, like an obedient pup and nod.
She hums satisfied, her raspy voice causing a shiver to run down your spine right into your core, Shoko cooing and comforting you. “You’re going to be good for me, yeah? Going to behave now? I know you can do it, you can be a good pup, hm? Just need to be reminded, occasionally” the older woman hums, twisting and wrapping the rope around your wrists and securing them behind your back. Then, with practiced ease -it’s not the first time Shoko has tied you up with the same, delicate hands that also heal you when you get a little too reckless on your missions once again- Shoko places the rope down your chest right between your breasts and around your waist.
She’s subduing you, clearly not wanting you to be able to move around too much. But why? To edge you?
No. No, she isn’t going to edge you. Instead, after you’re rendered immobile, Shoko straddles Yuki’s lap, placing a tender kiss upon the bridge of her nose. Yuki had been patiently watching the both of you, lazily running her hand up and down her body to try and ease her own growing want.
Now, you might assume Shoko to always be the dominant one, considering how she treats you. Right?
Wrong. Not with Yuki. Around Yuki, even Shoko is docile, submissive.
And the only thing you’re capable of doing right now is watching them- your pretty girlfriends as they kiss and bite and claw at each other, watching as Yuki’s hands creep underneath Shoko’s turtleneck, her hands cupping her soft tits. You tried to rub your thighs together, create some sort of stimulation to ease the throbbing between your thighs but to no avail, Shoko had tied you up just too well.
Curse her skilled hands, may they be damned for eternity.
Now, if you look away you might be able to calm down a little, catch your breath but Shoko wouldn’t really like that. Besides, watching Yuki’s hand slowly moving between your doctor’s thighs, putting gentle pressure against her panties causing her to sigh..
Yea, you’d much rather keep watching, not caring too intensely about your own arousal. If you’re good and behave now, surely they will make you cum. Right?
“Fuck babe, look’t her.. poor thing can barely keep it together” Yuki chuckles amused, her left hand rubbing delicate circles on Shoko’s tense shoulders, the right one playing with her sopping cunt, the vulgar squelches ringing in your ears.
“Listen up, Angel. Be good and keep your eyes on us, okay? If you do that, we’ll make you cum” Shoko commands, her voice far too self-assured for it to be a simple offer. And you nod eagerly, your eyes wide and big and hopeful. “Yes! Yes any-anything you want, Sho” you bark like an excited puppy, ready to do whatever she wants, whatever she might ask of you.
Both Yuki and Shoko spoil you rotten, treat you like you’re sculpted by god herself, protect and take care of you.
But you better behave when they let their frustrations out on you in return, thighs spread and chest pushed out for their taking. Consensual, of course. Neither would ever do anything that could put you at harm or make you feel uncomfortable in any shape or form, but they loveeee pushing you beyond your limits again and again, slowly, taking you further each time they fuck you.
Yuki is splayed across Shoko, limbs twisted around each other, her muscular thigh dragging across her cunt. Both are undressed, finally, and you’re watching them closely. Yuki’s back and thigh muscles working to pleasure Shoko, her raspy moans causing you to shiver and the wet, sloppy noises of her cunt rubbing across the special grade sorcerer’s leg. Sinful, dirty.
It’s filthy, the image in front of you, your girlfriends making out with teeth clashing aggression, Shoko rutting against Yuki chasing her high while Yuki is mindlessly pumping two- or maybe three?- of her digits in and out of her plump cunt.
But you, poor puppy, can’t do shit right now. You’re stuck like Shoko has left you previously, body entrapped in rope and unable to move. Needy, so needy and desperate for a hand or two touching and grabbing at you. But you’re far too focused to keep your teary, glossy eyes on the doctor and special grade, blonde and brunette hair sticking to their forehead respectively and using each other’s body to reach their climax. It’s primal, animalistic with no regards to space or time. All that matters is fucking and fucking and fucking. Cumming over and over again, kissing and loving and touching each other.
Shoko’s eyes- have they always been so dark? ? And Yuki, the way she’s grinding and moving her digits, has her voice always been so high pitched? But fuck, they look so good, sound so good, smell sooo incredibly good. Shoko’s voice has always been a little rough, but it sounds so fucking pretty when she’s moaning and panting against Yuki’s neck. And just watching Yuki work to bring Shoko -and herself- to climax, it’s about the most attractive thing you’ve ever witnessed.
The blonde’s squeak tears you out of your trance as the doctor finally reached her orgasm, biting into Yuki’s shoulder without any regards if it hurts just a little too much. After all, Shoko may just be a little sadistic.
“Fuck baby, watch those teeth..” Yuki sighs, cheeks flushed and fingers twitching, sticky and glistening in the soft lighting coated in her own arousal. Her climax, obviously.
A few minutes pass, both of the older women coming down from their high and you still kneeling all pretty and behaved next to them, a single droplet of your saliva running down the corner of your mouth. A dog, a filthy bitch ready to be pushed over and taken, like an animal. You want, no, need it.
Yuki is the first to move and ties her long, golden hair into a ponytail. Fuck. Finally. A clear sign you’re finally going to get what you have been craving since you returned home- Yuki fucking you stupid with her pretty, clear strap, the ponytail keeping her hair out of her face as she bullies the silicone cock into your sweet cunt.
Now Shoko is crawling over to you, and releases the ropes while carefully caressing the red marks it left on your soft skin. “Ready, Angel? Think you can take it? Just relax, let her take control” She muses, kissing up and down your jaw and throat, her pearly teeth grazing your skin.
The mattress sinks at the sudden weight next to you and large hands hold onto your shoulders, massaging them as her hot breath fans across your nape. “How d’you want it, princess? Keep your mouth busy while I fuck you from b’hind?” She giggles, her bright voice cutting the tension built up around you, and you nod.
“Use your words, cutie” she hums, kisses tickling your shoulders, your neck all the way up to your ears. “Ye-yes! Yes please, Sir!” You bark out, voice whiny and trembling and breaking ever so slightly.
Sir. Sir.
You don’t remember when you first called Yuki the honorific, but afterwards she was relentless with you, didn’t stop fucking into you and coaxing one orgasm after another out of you. That day something snapped in her, and you’ve been addicted to the sweet violence since then. Yuki could snap you in two like a twig, if she wanted to. Of course she doesn’t, but she still makes use of her strength when holding you down to fuck into you while she’ll be telling you how much she loves and adores you.
Consensual, of course. Neither Shoko or Yuki would have ever touched you in the first place, if you hadn’t established a safe word. They might fuck and treat you like a whore in bed, but they still adore you more than words could describe, you’re still -and always will be- their sweet girl.
What’s that saying? Gentleman in the streets, freak in the sheets? Yea, that’s what they are.
Not a second too much, and you were pushed over, your ass flush against her groin with long fingers entangled in your hair which were pushing your head into Shoko’s cunt.
In other words: heaven. This was heaven right here, right now. Shoko’s enticing scent is making you dizzy, her taste makes you feel lightheaded. It’s like she’s choking you, without actually putting a finger on you. Kinky.
“Go ahead, Angel. Use your pretty mouth, won’t you now?” The brunette engages with quite the excited look on her face. She always gets a little.. giddy, actually, when you’re about to lap and lick at her cunt, well aware that you won’t disappoint. Your vigor and your excitement to be lucky enough for Shoko to wrap her legs around your head, as well as your -natural, if I might add- endurance and talent at such things makes for quite the exciting combination.
“Yea c’mon bunny, don’t mind me..” Yuki groans as she slowly, veeery slowly, bullies the tip into your twitching hole, eyes fixated and pupils blown wide. Yuki looks feral, and she very much feels the same.
Shoko? Shoko is lost, entirely lost in the feeling of your tongue pushing against her clit with a sweet mewl. Sometimes she wishes she was born a male, or at least had a dick like one, curious how it would feel like hammering into your mouth, pouty lips clinging around it. And fuck, she looks so good. So pretty, dark hair a little disheveled and darker eyes staring right into your soul. Can she see it? See your admiration and respect for her? How you’re just so eager to make her feel good, to be good?
The sudden snap of the blonde’s hips redirects your focus back on the strap buried in your cunt. The pleasurable pain of her stretching you out, filling the entire space and the tip kissing your cervix, it all just feels so fucking good. But when she starts to move, the fake cock dragging along your gummy walls and covered in your candy-sweet honey, it threatens to drown you.
As Yuki fucks into you over and over again, focused on making you cum -finally!-, the grasp on your hair tightens like a vice, reminding you of the task at hand. With a muffled moan you’re quick to lick and suck at the nub between your lips and Shoko involuntarily bucks her hips, still just a little sensitive from her former climax.
“So good, so damn good..” Yuki chants, each word accentuated with the snap of her hips towards you with a tight grip on your hips and hair.
“Atta Girl, just like that..!” The doctor praises at the same time, both of their praise encouraging you to surrender entirely.
Even the erotic sins of Sodom and Gomorra couldn’t compare to the events occurring in this very bedroom, your mewls and suppressed moans coaxed out one after another.
You were close, so very close to cumming, but would Yuki let you? No scratch that, would Shoko let you? Your lips tremble against her swollen cunt as your tongue runs along her slit, savoring the taste and how it’s sticking onto the tip of the muscle. If you make her cum, surely she’ll let you climax as well, so you shift your attention from the filling sensation of the special grade’s cock to the medic’s reaction and occasional twitch of her legs.
Picking up the pace a little, you’re now lapping at the sex like your life depends on it. Such an obedient dog. Shoko’s hand replaces Yuki’s, pulling at it, pulling you closer. But the blonde’s hand won’t stay dormant and finds its way to your hips, accompanying the other as her fingertips dig into the soft flesh, her strap thrusting into you relentlessly.
“Fuck, fuck pup, keep going!” Mrs. Ieiri pants huskily, gaze switching between you and Yuki, and with Yuki cowering over you and her errect nipples rubbing against your back even she can’t hold back quiet huffs and shaky moans.
You’re surrounded by them, their scent, their noises. Yuki’s tight hold on you, the stinging pain of Shoko scratching at your scalp, pulling your hair- it’s all too much. Fuck, is she cumming? Must be, your tongue and entire mouth is coated in her, drinking it up afraid to forthirst. Shit, Yuki is picking up the pace, isn’t she? It feels so good, so very good, the cock bullying into you over and over, her heavy panting against your spine driving you crazy. Too much, it’s too much it’s all just too much for you to take, poor thing. Threatens to spill over, your climax. Can’t hold it, can’t hold it back any longer, you have waited too long for this. What? What’s that? Oh god, Yuki’s hand circling your throbbing clit, is she trying to kill you? Whining and whimpering, like a puppy. Their puppy, such a good girl, so good for them.
Shoko’s moving, turning around, facing you. Finally. A bitemark on her bottom lip, did she bite it? Fuck, can’t think about that right now, not with her hammering into you like there’s no tomorrow. You can’t take anymore, the sensational sting combining with intoxicating pleasure, you’re so damn close to spilling. But you can’t, not yet. Not yet!
“Beg, and I might allow it..” she whispers against your ear, hands roaming over your body, lips pressed against your temple once again. A promise, or a threat? Might. She might allow it.
“Please- pret-pretty please, please! ‘M begging.. begging you, mhmpf please!!” You bark and mewl and beg, shaking all over, gasping every time she plunges back into your fluttering hole. “Please Sho, Sir, fu- fuck please!” A needy whine, desperate. You’re desperate, shameless. Nothing else matters right now. Fuck, shit, damn! The tip catches at the entrance, pulls at it slightly. Is it intentional? Yes of course it is, silly thing. She’s teasing, she always is. Not as much as Shoko, but enough. Enough for you right now to moan and pant. Bitch in heat, that’s what you are. So good, please Shoko just- just..!
“Look at you, so cute” she chuckles, clearly holding the reins right now. You wouldn’t have it any other way. Your face is flushed, big puppy eyes begging her, hopeful.
“Cum for me baby, go ahead..” Shoko finally allows, pulling your hair back so you look at her, sleepy eyes watching you closely. Finally, thank god finally! If Yuki heard? Oh fuck, she definitely did, proven by her deep strokes. Like a jackhammer, in and out. Deep, digging and drilling into your sore cunt, wet smacks and squelches combined with your pitiful moans and mewls the only sound within these walls. Her calloused hands, so used to delivering heavy hits and exorcising curses of all kinds of grades, massaging and kneading the soft, sweet flesh of your body trapped underneath her. Her lips kissing and nipping at your jaw, your throat, hickeys forming a trail, the same lips that wrap around her cigarettes or the opening of a bottle after another sorcerer lived or died. And you’re convinced you’ll surely die reaching your orgasm, but it’s worth it. It’s all worth it, for them. Just for them, only for your girlfriends.
You’re completely silent for a moment. Neither of the two women stop the assault on your body. She’s a devil, the devil Lucifer, you know she can put a stop to this with ease. She’s sadistic, she likes to see you suffer and break you down so she can put you back together afterwards, heal your bruises and cuts. Please don’t, please Shoko, let me cum. Be good to me, I’m praying to you. Don’t be mean, not now, not this time, waited too long. Like an Angel she’s fucking into you and you could bet it’s the halo on top of her head igniting your skin, not her plump lips. She’s getting you there, Yuki will make you cum, surely she will. But will she stop afterwards? Will she show mercy on your bruised and swollen cunt? You doubt it, experienced enough to know otherwise. It doesn’t matter, nothing matters. Only this moment, being surrounded by the two most important people of your life and them making, and letting you cum.
But something is missing, you’re so very close but it’s just not enough, and it ruins you. Crying out for release, silently praying to your gods to touch you more, to help you get there. Shoko understands, knows you so well. “Cum for me, now” assertive reminder causing you to shiver, her hand tightening around your throat. Fuck yes, just like that Shoko, keep going. You never realized how much you liked to be choked, but Shoko, with her expert hands and great knowledge of the human body, opened a whole new world for you. She will take you to the brink of blacking out, and then release her grip on your throat for oxygenated blood to rush back into your brain. Like she is right now, all while whispering sweet words into your ears. Yuki slows down just a little, but only for her thrusts to hit deeper and deeper, filling you to the brim, digits circling and stimulating your clit, other hand leaving imprints on your hip.
As Shoko releases her grip, your climax crashes down on you, engulfing you and every little nerve of your body. You’re on fire, it feels like liquid magma replaced your blood coursing through your veins, and you cry out. Of course Yuki isn’t stopping, why would she? You’re like a drug, seeing and, at least she’s convinced of it, feeling you clench around her strap all while shaking and twitching underneath her, caging you in to coax another orgasm out of you- stronger than fentanyl, than any other substance.
“Another one?” Yuki hums, the question not directed at you but at Shoko. With a sly smirk and nod, the special grade picks up the pace again and Shoko’s hand finds its way back to your throat, enveloping it gently, her thumb grazing over your skin.
You’re at their mercy now, little bunny, enjoy.
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First series of mine is done!! Thanks for reading it hehe 👉👈 if you have any suggestions or requests for the next Drabble, lemme know 👀 Also I'm so sorry for the delay, oops.
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9800sblog · 1 month
hybe tarot reading
the group members vs current legal matters
this reading was concluded in 20th May of 2024
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the magician reversed, 10 of pentacles, 6 of swords, page of wands
good business, it requires safety, protection, health, newjeans is such a big group and hybe is such an influential company, these issues and their solutions affect the entire world and generations to come. they're breaking old curses, that are helping all types of workers, they know what they're doing and it's likely been planned and/or expected. there's only so much they could do before, this is like britney spears waiting til the right time to expose herself, to try and change the entire justice system.
the moon, the chariot reversed, 10 of cups, ace of swords, 9 of pentacles
a lot to show for, they're loving the consequences and how it influences them, but they're waiting for their own time to make their move. this is bringing very necessary change, in things the public isn't talking about (literally), the cards are diverse here, groups are having fun with them, they're so untouchable, it's a breath of fresh air for those involved, cracking jokes and seeing things for what they really are - not that frustrating situation that everybody's trying to get involved. this is probably the strongest/most powerful group at hybe.
3 of pentacles reversed, queen of pentacles, 7 of swords, the devil reversed, ace of cups
it's probably a good day for hybe/kpop/enhypen, leave behind stupid laws they have to answer to and stay in their own lane, doing their own thing. they must have broken ties with people that underestimated them and held them back, hybe is finally getting authority over their art, instead of a law-forced hierarchy, everybody's working towards the same goals. these dudes love science.
10 of wands reversed, 7 of wands, the high priestess, the sun, 6 of wands reversed
they trust those people with eyes closed, it's frustrating how people think it's because artists can't see what's happening, it's because they're strong as fuck.... they defend themselves when need be, and most of who they are is hidden, illit members are happy that people are starting to notice that public figures are bigger and smarter than they thought, somebody cracked the mirror of their reflections and they actually just don't care. you know how illit debut is clearly scientists that ran away from psychic wards and live in abandoned places, but people think it's just "innocent concept"? hm that's very true to real life. they're defying gravity running in isolated spaces, how is that similar to newjeans who's concept is just them and their culture?
le sserafim
8 of swords reversed, 5 of swords reversed, strength, strength, 3 of wands
I literally heard "so the plan is working! it was you, little devils!?" coming from the cartoon on the tv as I shuffled the cards (it's rugrats by the way, but I didn't catch which episode was playing), just like the lyrics in smart. very similar to enhypen, they're involved in a lot of meetings and planning, they're all protected by the things they did when they were kids and by family and friends, there's no need to worry about these groups as if the public knows their story because everyone dismisses that. public has been playing detective because they're bored, le sserafim is changing the industry, like they said, and kpop is part of government, so they're actually changing politics. they're all fine.
death reversed, 2 of pentacles reversed, page of pentacles, 5 of cups reversed
again from the tv "alright, but you're gonna regret it! if these rats wanna come in, let's give them a ride they're never gonna forget" right after the death card fell reversed. why is nobody paying attention to seventeen? they're really fucking things up for those that try to control people/the masses, this is a BIG company in every sense of the word, there is not a single small talent here, people are getting involved, posting and talking without even looking, they're everywhere! they're probably here too kkkkkkk this is not a joke, the cards really indicate that, they have a passion for design, it seems, meaning they have a passion for shaping the way people perceive the world.
king of cups, 9 of wands, 7 of cups reversed, 5 of wands reversed, 3 of pentacles reversed
again, have yall forgotten about these groups? they're really screwing things up, this feud is nothing about pedophilia or 1 vs 1, it's about politics and laws, it's obvious.. they may have many licenses, come from lawyer families or be lawyers themselves (yes, members), they've also been untied to something that tried to control them, they're hiding in the shadows, but damn they really know what they're doing.
ace of cups, 6 of cups reversed, 3 of cups reversed, 8 of pentacles, knight of pentacles
this is an adrenaline level legal feud, it's all to do with politics and science, just look at the cards. they may have been pushed to debut by governors that think people are numbers, but that's no issue to them, they're like musketeers. there's not much to say here, just they're fine, they're gonna solve this their own way and they could care less if the public will think they're bad people (much like hybe staff - min heejin and bang pd), they don't care about "they deserve an apology; they're victims", ruthless and they don't get tired.
I'm reminded of miroh by stray kids, uh oh by g idle.
the lovers, knight of wands, the emperor, 6 of cups reversed, the magician
they have ancient culture involved in this, spirituality, witchcraft and things like that - I don't know how people see things like these on music videos and pretend they're not associated with those people, like how many idols have had tarot and oracle on their images, that's like red velvet's entire concept and please don't pretend aespa aren't scientists and nct aren't businessmen, like kpop is still happening in real life, it's not a psychedelic trip. these members are way more in control than people think, because they relate to physics laws.
2 of swords, judgement, 4 of wands, 2 of cups, the devil
they're FINE, these are HUGE cards to have in a situation like this, OMG. the cards don't even need any explanation, like look at this combo, like if you have any doubts or worries, just watch newjeans music videos and listen to stray kids songs like this spread is so district 9 coded. "but I'm not gonna be the one to get hurt" [hurt - newjeans], "I'm going crazy, right?" [omg - newjeans] and "when you say I'm a dream, you don't even know my name, do ya?" [super shy - newjeans]
also, I found the strength card hidden under the 2 of cups LIKE-
like there's a reason why newjeans, le sserafim and txt are the ones public is paying most attention to, "don't forget the shoes I left behind, what more need I say?" [antifragile - le sserafim]
4 of pentacles, 8 of wands, 7 of pentacles, the world
"remember how he was obsessive over clowns? oh he'll be fine!" from the tv as I shuffled the cards again. it's like if you don't know anything about laws, of course this whole situation sounds scary, simple, yet unsolvable, these people train for YEARS, and their resumes are huge.
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itsblasttothepast · 5 days
Hey I know this is random af but I just recently found your deep-dive lore of Checo as his fan, if you don't mind me asking is there any deeper relationship between Lewis and Checo as driver since they never really become teammate to begin with? As new checo fans I feel like I missed a lot of his lore
Oh anon, you have no idea what you've done. You opened the door to a rambling from ages ago, so fasten your seatbelt, because it will be a wild ride my friend, as I'm getting into this mode:
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Checo and Lewis' story started with the first podium of my adorable Mexican: Malaysia 2012. He was P2, Fernando Alonso won, and Lewis was P3.
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Look how happy my boy was, so excited for his first podium, next to the big honcho (Alonso back then). As Checo was just starting in F1, honestly I didn't know much about Lewis before that moment, but he always looked reserved and aloof, too cool for this bunch (nothing against Lewis, I like him, but he gives me that vibe even now).
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In the press room, we all noticed Lewis looking at Checo like this, it was like 'what is this guy even doing here, with a SAUBER?' (Sauber was a middle-low table team).
We thought then that we would hate Lewis forever and ever for giving the evil eye to our boy, but to our surprise, they seemed to get along just fine... even more than just fine, if you get my drift.
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They always seemed to gossip in the interviews and press conferences, and to be honest, they were fairly touchy feely to each other.
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But the year I feel they were the closest, and I can't say if they had something bigger than a friendship because of course we cannot know that, but they were close for sure, maybe good friends, was 2015... oh, 2015...
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They shared a few podiums, and they were so smiley and touchy, like in Russia:
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Or... the thing that BROKE US back then (and still, honestly), México 2015 Grand Prix... a video of Lewis being a DJ in a club, with Checo next to him.... I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, alrighty?
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Happy and relaxed (and Checo was drunk as a skunk. Lewis apparently doesn't drink, or he does not drink excessively, that's why he made a non-alcoholic tequila, a sacrilege for me, as mexican) (also, I must admit that Checo parties hard, making him super idiotic and sleazy. I mean, I love the man, but he has his flaws). Anyways, here's the video if you want to check it out:
Sorry anon, I didn't find it on youtube.
So, naturally, all the fangirls (I'm a girl, BTW, too old for this DTS croud) were making crazy stories about a bromance-romance, that increased because we remembered this tweet:
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Roscoe is Lewis' pet, so adorable and famous like his dad. He jumped into Checo's car, and Checo took this picture and tagged Lewis. Something usual between them, tagging each other with things. So as other fans had pointed out, not only Roscoe knew Checo and his car, but felt comfortable enough to jump into it and chill there.
Also, in a team dynamic with Max, Checo remembered the tweet and clarified that Roscoe doesn't travel that far when Max suggested the picture was taken in Australia, and also knows that Roscoe is vegetarian.
This was the moment when we felt like this:
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We thought they were going to be the BFF of the F1, they seemed to be chillin' outside the grid and they seemed closer... but then... brocedes happened.
Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton were besties, we all know that (therefore the ship/frienship name). When they became teammates at Mercedes... oh boy, things got ugly. I believe that their friendship being in decline was something that influenced the closeness between Checo and Lewis, but that's just my opinion.
2016 was the year that decided everything. Lewis focused all his energy in beating Britney (sorry, I had to use that nickname at least once, I know Nico hated it, but I couldn't resist), and his friendship/whatever else was going on with Checo faded away.
Nico won the championship (but honestly, it was brutal, it destroyed their friendship), and he retired, and Lewis seemed to regain balance and focus again. But it was never the same with Checo, and if we hoped for something to revive, 2021 ended those dreams, when Checo was brought to RedBull to help Max win the championship, and that meant blocking Lewis path as long as he could. I don't want to enter to the whole 'Lewis was robbed' discussion, but it was a riot.
Additionally, on a side note, Checo also had a good relationship with Nico Rosberg, so it was like he was in the middle of their breakup.
Still, they seem friendly nowadays, Checo keeps making small talk with Lewis, and honestly, and I clarify, IN MY OPINION, Lewis always looks very fond of Checo, and he smiles differently with him. Again, in my delusional opinion.
Like for example:
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So, in conclussion anon, even when they WERE close back then, now they seem friendly and fine with each other. When they get together in the interviews, they always gossip and smile, and Canada 2024 gave us little Chewis crumbs (this was the ship name, until Charles Leclerc joined the party and now is also the name of the Charles/Lewis pairing).
Phewww, sorry anon, I know you didn't expected this rambling, but I hope you made it this far and I could answer your question.
And I'm glad to see more Checo fans around here, I was feeling like this all the time.
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Oh, and please, pleaseeeee, consider this my take on things, my opinion and fangirl delusions, if you don't agree and you think I'm crazy, that's fair, but no need to be nasty about it or call me names.
Who wants me to ramble about Checo/Nico next? O Checo/Esteban? Ohhh, that would be wild!
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blueberryarchive · 7 months
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sweet revengeೀ⋆⑅˚
So, surprise, it's the weekend and you've already finished all your uni exams. Guess who calls you to tell you that you won't have a partner for spring break? You don't want to admit that you've cried, or that you've let yourself rot for two days in your bed dressed in shades of pink, vanilla ice cream on your nightstand, a CD with every Monroe movie you love.
And the worst of all is that you don't have an explanation, he just said that he needed to be away from you, that you were a bad influence. The position that your daddy had offered him wasn't enough to have him by your side?
You had several ideas about what happened: maybe Jonah, his childhood friend, who you fucked that night at the Christina Aguilera concert. Or maybe the time you kissed his older sister at your sleepover (you were both drunk and it was only because you were playing spin the bottle). Or maybe that time... or maybe when...
Or maybe it was Jimin.
Your cell phone rang with that Britney Spears song you had downloaded. Your long, pink nails hit the green button, listening to your best friend's scream on the other end of the line, you wrinkled your nose in discomfort.
"Bunny, I'm waiting for you in front of Heaven and Hell, are you inside?. I know the DJ and he can let us into the VIP area." He screamed, his friends making obscene sounds behind his back so you could hear them.
"Minnie, I want to die." You mumbled into your pillows.
"It's Marcus, he told me that he doesn't want to be with me anymore." You sobbed, lifting your head to see yourself crying in the mirror on your wall. "Am I ugly? Do you think he found someone prettier, Minnie?"
"That's impossible, Bunny. You're the hottest girl in all of New York."
You sighed, maybe it's true. It is impossible.
"Wait, don't tell me you've been crying over Premature Marcus." The laughter of Jimin and his friends echoed in your ear.
"No, of course not. Don't call him that."
Marcus had a little problem that you told Jimin about with great confidence, he was your best friend, after all, and now he kept calling him Premature Marcus. You didn't blame your ex, you were a hottie; Jimin was the only one who could last hours fucking you without losing stamina.
Jimin cleared his throat and whispered into his phone.
"Do you still have that sequin dress? The one you wore to Yoongi's party."
"The Baby Phat one?" Your eyes lit up thinking about that dress, your daddy had sent it to you for your birthday, it was beautiful.
"Yes, Baby Phat, that's what I said. Wait for me with it on, okay, Bunny? Maybe the gold necklace with your initial on it, the one that I gave you."
You nodded, wiping the tears from your face.
"Don't last too long."
"No, Bunny. I already got in the car."
You smiled. You knew you could count on your best friend for anything. Visiting that store was the best decision you made.
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The clicking of your heels, long legs circling near the fountain in front of your house. You checked your phone for the third time, Jimin said it wouldn't take long but it had already been more than ten minutes and you weren't one to wait.
A black car stopped in front of your house, you frowned because it wasn't Jimin's, it wasn't very elegant either so you were surprised when the passenger window was lowered and there was Jimin: his hair dyed pink (something you had done a night when you were bored and he didn't refuse), a baggy hoodie and a lollipop on his fleshy lips.
"Hello, Princess." He smiled, eyes scanning your glorious body.
"Heaven and Hell must be full at this time. We should go to Enigma, maybe I'll meet some paparazzi." You smiled widely, excited at the idea.
"You don't have to go to a club today."
You rolled your eyes. Boring.
You saw a head emerge from the darkness of the steering wheel, it was Jungkook, Jimin's roommate. Jungkook was from the New York alternative scene: spiked choker, lots of piercings, and homemade tattoos. That was the reason there was a screeching metal sound in the car. When he saw you he smiled evilly.
"You look cute today, Bubblegum."
"What are we supposed to do when I'm dressed like this?" You unintentionally ignored Jeon, whining.
It's not like you were going to go on a date with both of them, although you weren't entirely opposed to the idea.
“Get in the car,” Jimin tilted his head, and you obeyed.
The path was familiar, very, but you didn't ask until you were in front of Marcus's house.
"Damn, this house is huge." Jungkook turned down the music, looking at the two floors of your ex's modern house. The entrance illuminated as if it were the MoMA.
"Wait for me here." Jimin walked out, leaving you with questions in your mouth. His hand extended into the car, Jungkook handed him a compact black container before walking away around one of the corners and disappearing; shoulders tense and hands inside the hoodie that was twice his size.
"Is he like...going to spray his car or something?" You asked trying to fill the silence, Jungkook just chuckled seeing you in the reflection of the rearview mirror.
"Something like that, Bubblegum." Jungkook took a cigarette out of his pocket and passed it. You took it and waited with him until Jimin gave a signal.
A few minutes later, Jimin opened the front door with a Machiavellian smile, his hoodie was wet as was his hair. He took out his cell phone and seconds later yours vibrated.
JM: I'll wait for you in the main room.
"You can come down now, don't be gone for long" Jungkook assured you.
"What if someone comes?"
"I'll run away, do you think I'm going to save you guys? You immature fucks." Smoke came out of his pierced nose with a chuckle.
You got out of the car fixing your dress, your heart beating impatiently and confused beneath the golden necklace. You had rarely entered that house, none of them were experiences worth mentioning.
You entered through the wide double doors, the smell of sandalwood filling your space, even stronger than your Viva La Juicy.
That Britney song again, you picked up the phone.
"Jimin, where are you?" You whispered, looking around the halls in case someone appeared out of nowhere.
"I told you that in the main room, you dumb bunny." His honeyed voice made you stop your steps, and you rested your hand on the wall.
"Are you like...going to spray his car or something?"
"Um," Jimin hummed and then responded, "I don't see any cars in this room."
You laughed nervously, walking slowly up the stairs.
"Do you know what is here?"
"A California King bed, fresh sheets, and your best friend's shoulder so you can cry over your breakup. Legs and heart open."
You swallowed slowly. You really wanted to cry, how would you spend spring break without a boyfriend? Who would take you as a co-pilot in his Benz? Who would you model your bikinis for? It was so sad.
The call dropped just as you entered the room. Jimin's cargo dampened the fresh sheets laid out on the bed, his hair covering part of his eyes. His gaze focused on your walk and he bit his lip in a smile.
"Jungkook is right. You do look cute today, Bunny."
"Mm," You couldn't think about anything other than the bulge marked on his pants, just below the zipper until it ended on the side of his thigh, saliva pooling in your mouth. "Why are you wet?"
"Fell in the pool trying to enter the house."
Both laughed before intensely gazing at each other.
"Come here." Your best friend murmured and you gently approached until you were sitting on his lap that he was pointing to, you placed your head on his wet shoulder and the cold of his damp clothes made your skin crawl.
"I don't understand what I did wrong, Minnie."
"Me neither." His cold hand began to caress your hair, and you closed your eyes appreciating the treatment. The smell of the cherry lollipop in his mouth. "You're a good girl, even to those who don't deserve it."
You pouted and Jimin couldn't take it, leaving a chaste kiss on your lips. His fingers dug into your hair until he squeezed it and raised your head so you could look at him, surprised to see how Jimin's other hand held a camcorder pointing at your face.
"Look at me," Jimin demanded through gritted teeth. His pupils dilated to the point of losing yourself in that dark well. "Do you remember the time you told me you wanted to be a porn star for a day?" His voice was like a constant rumble, the ones its frequency were only felt by your heart and your pussy.
You nodded, one of those confessions you knew were stupid.
"Do you want to show your shitty ex how good you'd be if you did?"
You nodded, Jimin tightening his grip on your hair, the pain making your temples hurt.
"Answer, you're a big girl."
"Uh-huh, what?"
"Yes, Minnie." You bit your bottom lip looking into his eyes, his cheekbones jutting into a smile.
"Yes, I'm your Minnie." You purred into his lips as he collided with yours again. The lens of the device became part of the nebula that separated you and Jimin from everything else.
You opened your eyes to see how Jimin kept looking at the camera.
"Stand up, come on."
Jimin put the camera on the nightstand so he could see your entire body and stood right behind you. His invasive hands went to your breasts, massaging roughly. His lips rested on your neck, licking until he reached your ear.
Your hands held his on your chest. You were so weak when it came to him, he was so rough with you and you felt like you were always on the verge of breaking down in his arms. Strangely, that turned you on, so it was no surprise that the inside of your thighs felt hot to the touch.
"This is what I wanted to do that time you went to Yoongi's party, bringing your little boyfriend to make me jealous," Jimin whispered, lifting the dress just enough to reveal that you weren't wearing any underwear underneath it. A hiss from him.
"But you're my best friend."
"Best friends need attention too, baby bunny."
His fingers wandered until they reached the inside of your thighs, two curved fingers rubbing your clit.
"Why are you shaking?" His teasing plus the piercing of his tongue in your ear made a trickle run from your entrance to Jimin's wrist. "Dirty Bunny, I adore how sensitive you get with me."
"Only you." Your voice cracked as both fingers scissored inside you.
"I know."
His forearm anchored around your waist, bringing you closer to the camera.
"On all fours." A spank echoed off the sober walls of Marcus' room. You squealed, giggling as you reached your favorite part.
Jimin pointed the camera at your back, the dress bunching at your waist. His fingers traced the tattoo on your lower back.
"Why are you so sexy? It's not fucking fair."
"Give to me." You murmured, snatching the camera from Jimin's hands to record both of you, on the soft bed you left the device before Jimin choked you with his forearm to get you closer to his body.
His cock entered as if it had been custom-made for him. Designer pussy.
His head rested on your shoulder, and he smiled slyly along with your goofy smile. Each crash against your pussy sending shivers down your spine, your nipples hard in the air.
Jimin takes one last lick of his lollipop, the metal tangling in the cherry flavor. "Open wide, bitch."
With a smile you stuck out your tongue, letting Jimin pass the lollipop over your lips, smearing your lipstick.
The video ends in static. Too bad Jungkook didn't charge the camera before sweet revenge.
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if you want more from y2k minnie x bunny:
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. and ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
p.s: @hoseokshobagi thank u for the excuse so I could post it tonight
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chromateclipse · 3 months
Okay, so you like Velvet and Veneer? Well, if you get the chance, I want you to speak! TELL ME EVERYTHING!! I want you to give me headcannons please, as many as you can think of :)
pls and thx!!
AHHH! OK so I've never done anything like this but I put as many as I could think of. If I come up with anything else, I'll edit this and add it (or just make a new post) 
(lots of words ahead 💀)
General headcanons :
- They one hundred percent had the Barbie mugshot but with Velvet's deadly stare instead
- and Veneer made sure he looked good; they are taking a picture after all
- I think Velvet might be a little taller than Veneer but they're both taller than average
- never leaves the house without heels or platforms or both
- Veneer has must-be-wearing-a-crop-top syndrome. Can't be cured 😔 
- I'm sorry but they totally sang Circus by Britney Spears. That song is so V&V coded and has female and male vocals too 😩
- The sass is too hard to contain for this duo. Once a sly thought appears in their mind, they have to voice it (but I'm not complaining. They're iconic) 
- Veneer can be a little blunt or rude sometimes. I know ppl like to imagine him as just the caring and silly sibling but he did everything Velvet did. He just had morals that started to kick in once the threat of being a killer was thrown at him. 
(I mean did you see him nearly just toss Floyd down the toilet 💀)
- of course, I still think he is silly and kind and chooses to do so for a fair portion of the time but he's no stranger to being ignorant to most of his wrongdoings as well
- and I think they both have some trauma from practically killing Floyd. GET THEM THERAPYYY
- I think Velvet would like decorating and making things ✨Aesthetic✨
- like a little journal that she'd write her feelings in and then fill with beautiful stickers and photos (totally not a burn book....) 
- I think Poppy would love love looove to see Velvet's journal filled with beautiful stationary. She'd probably get her into scrapbooking and they'd make the cutest little displays or books just brimming with photos, cutouts, diagrams, and more. 
-Poppy and Viva can be a little overwhelming for Velvet at first but they'd totally become great gal pals and just chat all day. 
- and at first, Bergen features might be a little....alarming to Velvet but she'd learn to love Bridget just like Poppy does
-also both are invited to the broppy wedding... 👀
- she also of course become friends with the BroZone brothers but I get more into that below ⬇️
"Story" headcanons :
- So for Velvet, I think in the movie she was so blinded by her need for fame and luxury that she didn't notice how her family (Veneer) helped her and stuck around through all the things she said and did. This would separate her from being just a complete villain because I do believe that she can reform herself into something better
- In Jail, I think Velvet would really hate it and everyone around her. She probably wouldn't want to talk to Veneer at all at first but being alone might give her time to reflect on herself
- over a little time, I think she'd realize how Veneer was always there for her and understood her ways. She'd definitely come back around and they'd be back to being as close as they were before, maybe even more
-It would take some time for both Velvet and Veneer to adjust. 
- Veneer would dislike jail very much. He's so used to his life of luxury that I'm sure he'd be surprised by how little you get behind bars
- and with Velvet wanting to be alone, he would probably feel more alone than ever
- but he knows he did the right thing and even though prison sucks, he'd get through it
- Veneer would probably try to make friends with some of the people there but it is prison soo.... I'm not sure how well that would go. 
- if anyone came to visit him, he'd be so happy cuz jail is sooo boring and he'd finally get to yap away to somebody who knows him.
- you just know they'd be styling that prison jumpsuit the best the can
- can you sneak heels into jail??
- Velvet and Veneer are kinda "eye candy" for the criminals in jail and they might get targeted by those who are jealous or looking for a fight
-Velvet's not the only one with an attitude problem, Veneer can very well relay a comment or two that can easily get them into some trouble. He'll have to work on that along with his sister, learn how to correctly treat the people around them
 - After they become besties again, they'd have each other's backs like never before. I think Velvet really really does care about Veneer and if anything ever happened to him, she'd be devastated. This time, she'd really like to treat him how he deserves and nurture that sibling bond. 
- and you know once anyone throws hands with one sibling, the other comes swinging
- not the best thing to do if you want to get out of jail fast but hey, nobody messes with twins and gets away with it
- Due to other more serious situations being forgiven in the past, I think Velvet & Veneer wouldn't be in prison for too long. I can easily see BroZone forgiving them and offering to help the twins with whatever they'd need
- Veneer would definitely become great friends with Floyd and even Bruce. After all, he knows what it's like to be sensitive and a heartthrob 😌
- and I can see Velvet relating to Branch and J. D. She's probably a control freak (or was) and always wants everything to be perfect, just like John Dory. That's something they'd both have to work on. And I think Velvet and Branch can relate to one another's sassy sarcastic comments and occasional snide remarks. 
- I can also see them joining Clay's sad book club. I need to see a scene of Veneer just balling his eyes out after finishing a book while all the others just pat him on the back 😆
- @horrorartist23 did a couple of drawings of Velvet & Veneer(or maybe just Ven idk) working at Bruce's Beachside Bar and I LOVE THAT IDEA SO MUCH.
- ESPECIALLY since Bruce said his family was a total Veneer household. I think it would be so cute for not only his kids getting the chance to meet Vel&Ven but also for Vel&Ven to get a little bit of real work experience.
- it would be so good for them to work at a place like that to learn about themselves and a work environment.
- plus the whole island is gorgeous and pretty luxury, which would fit into they're ideal environment. AND everything is Rageon sized so they don't have to worry about being too big!!
- They'd literally be working hard and making it look easy 💀
- I think it's perfect and I love it
-after jail and therapy, I think Velvet would really love the life she has. She'd of course still make mistakes sometimes and her sass will never leave. That's just who she is and none of us would want to change that . But she'd have a way healthier mind and so would the people around her. 
- I think both of them might want to actually learn how to sing and dance like real performers 
- Velvet hates making mistakes or not being perfect at a skill immediately. I know how that is and it's really difficult to get past but with more encouragement from Veneer and even the Brozone brothers, she'd become the star she always knew she was. 
- And Veneer would take initiative for himself and practice performing like a real idol. I feel Veneer would also struggle with wanting perfection immediately but I think he'd really fall in love with dancing and this would help him keep up the determination. And he'd be really good at it too after some practice
- Knowing how good they can be if they put in the work would be a huge motivator too. Cuz they only stole Floyd's talent, not his voice. And because of this Velvet knows that she sounds good when she's at her peak in skill. They know that they can be amazing, they just have to work for it this time 
-Trying to become famous again for the right things would definitely be hard. They're reputation is awful
- BUT, I think Mount Rageous would give them a chance to prove themselves. Considering how all Rageons are obsessed with media, fame, and celebrities, I think they couldn't resist the bait of former popstars Velvet & Veneer coming back to the stage, this time with their own talent that they've truly worked hard to perfect. 
- And they'd deserve it for how much work they put into reforming their lives. 
- Plus, nobody can take away their love for the stage and performing. They're too iconic to forget 💅
- and you know I'd be keepin' my eye out for that V&V/BroZone collab 🌟
- First live performance with BroZone, Velvet and Veneer are getting their Perfect Family Harmony. And you can bet it will be the most amazing thing to ever grace the planet
- I'd die 💀
That's all that I can think of right now 🤔 I hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts on these two. I really really love them and getting to write this down was really fun. If you have any ideas you'd like to expand upon or thoughts you'd like to share, let me knooww! And of course, Thank you sweetgirl15161819 for sending this ask!! 💖 💖
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hallucie · 2 years
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✨Leo Mars✨ I’m so sorry but when they’re mad they make everything about themselves and can be very defensive. (Sometimes it’s just not about you) My Leo Lilith is showing lmao. They can also be very dramatic when they’re upset which draws attention on themselves. This is really stereotypical of me to say but these individuals have very strong egos but the nice thing about it is that no one is allowed to walk all over them— they really respect themselves. The bad thing is that it can cause a lot of power struggles. The great thing about this placement is that when they’re upset their heart is almost always in the right place. Just like Cancer Mars, Leo Mars stick up for people and really go the extra mile. They walk with a proud attitude and others look to them for advice in self-confidence. Leo Mars love to be acknowledged for their confidence & will gladly hype up another. Oh and in sports? Yeah it’s all about them. They’ll put on a show for everyone in the crowd, EVEN IF THEY ARENT WINNING. The one thing about Leo Mars is that they never go down without a fight.
✨Virgo Mars✨ Oh God… where to begin. They’re very similar to Gemini, but less passive. I have a love hate relationship with this placement because they tend to be so picky that they end up annoying themselves, but I feel like this comes from anxiety. Virgo Mars really focus their energy on the imperfections in life, which can cause them a lot of stress. To others they can seem very cutthroat or cold hearted. They can come off as rude or “too busy to be bothered”, but I genuinely think they just can’t stop being stimulated. Side topic they really don’t like unsolicited advice— I think this stems from the idea of “take your own advice before you dish it out to others”. Virgo Mars have very good advice and very high standards, so they’ll tell it to you straight. OH AND THEY ARE SO GOOD AT PRACTICING SOMETHING OVER AND OVER AGAIN— to the point of perfection! Britney Spears did this with her choreography before shows. They’re great teachers too. Side note, messy eating upsets them— something like a sloppy joe, or hard taco would annoy them.
✨Libra Mars✨ One thing I’ll say about this sign is they will yell. I don’t know where exactly it comes from but so many Libra Mars I know will just lose their shit and get into a screaming match. Honestly I feel like Libra Mars get pissed because they’re always putting other people before them. So it’s like they get mad when they realize someone is walking all over them. Libra Mars are willing to give you the shirt off of their back. I love a good Libra Mars placement. I’d say the only thing bad about this placement is when they do get upset it’s very hard for them to pin point what they’re mad about because it’s just one thing after the other. It’s like if they can’t be actively creating peace they get frustrated. It must be hard dealing with a planet in its detriment. I also notice that this placement is seen as clumsy in their first years. I don’t often see many Libra Mars being gym rats either— not to say they can’t because they definitely can once they fall in love with the way they look.
✨Scorpio Mars✨ Oof. Okay their fuel is just straight up spite. It’s so funny because I don’t even think they realize it. Some would say spite is bad, but honestly it creates a lot of passion. Sometimes holding onto anger gets you places. Scorpio Mars are so rejected because of it too as if its immoral or wrong— it’s normal to feel spiteful at times. And as much as people say scorpios are sex crazed, no. Scorpio Mars are SO secretive with their sex life majority of the time. I’ve also noticed the pain threshold is insane, even emotionally. These folks will investigate deep into something that eventually ends up hurting them in the end (like deep diving into socials to see if their partner is cheating). Why do they do this? I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like Scorpio Mars are subconsciously mad at themselves and they just blame others, even if the other person is wrong I feel like the native doesn’t see what part they played too. When these people are mad at you, they can’t see you as a good person. It’s very black and white for them, never gray. Scorpio Mars also have very sly remarks but I feel like they’re said behind closed doors more often, though they have no problem saying how they feel to your face. These people are ride or dies. Similar to Leo they will not go down without a fight, but their fights are usually emotionally motivated. Would kill out of love.
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maveras-posts · 1 year
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Art the Clown General Tingz:
Art is c h a o t i c to say the least
He sometimes is manic and does some questionable things (he’s in a silly goofy mood)
Some nights he just stays up and practices his ✨MaKeUp✨ (May or may not listen to Britney Spears while doing it😭✋)
Art is also a Barb ( I’ve walked into some dance routines 😂✋)
IS IT ME? AM I THE DrAmA?—YES my dear Art YES💅
Actually a big Teddy Bear if you can get him to warm up to you (Clingy VERY clingy)
Also LOVES the ✨TEA✨ he’s that gay bestie you tell everything to (Careful tho, ✨HE WONT HESITATE✨ to put a Bitch 6 FEET DEEP🙄✋)
Also loves cotton candy and ANYTHING flavored like it (Blood gotta be made from cotton candy syrup)
Also watch him he ✨NiBblEs✨ on arms and toes— ART DAFUQ. Art BIT ME— (ya know sometimes violence is the answer🙄💅)
Idk how to describe it but he smells like vanilla, blood and ✨DeViL’s LeTtuCe✨
Also LOVES Insane Clown Posse (Art is an insane clown and it feels nice to be represented)
He Shoplifts A LOT(EVERYTHING he owns is ✨StOleN✨)
Also the type of guy to be in Walmart at 3AM riding a bike or riding a shopping cart (The workers know him they leave him be)
Also has candy on him at all times (HE LOVES the ✨SoUr CaNDy✨)
Tbh one of my my favorites cause he is just fucking batshit crazy (Art is my homie for real)
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So…I watched both the Terrifiers and I must say… I LOVED IT— tbh these movies are very slept on and forgotten especially our mans of the hour/ post whatevs… ART THE MUTHAFUCKIN CLOWNN— Idk why but instantly when he entered the diner I fell in LOVE. Lmfao I kinda knew he would just be CHAOTIC (I was right) he’s just such a lil shit and he ✨SLAYS✨ (literally and figuratively) so I cooked up these headcanons, don’t worry he confirmed and denied…
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seancamerons · 8 months
i am sooooooooooooooooooooo glad finally the world is seeing what scum justin is. he profitted off slandering women. multiple women. unfaithful, scummy, cultural appropriating and made a career off of ripping off michael jackson. the beatboxin', the improvizational vocal styling, the layered tracks, the dancing, the slandering his 'crazy' exes, the luxury he must've had.
must be nice. what a little cry baby bitch boy. what goes around comes around, like it's a friggin boomerang. ew. it takes two to tango, you're the one with the victim mentality. a class act, and i mean that in the most downright low down way i can muster. he is horrible. the absolute worst. he did the women in his life so dirty, it's never his fault, god forbid. pathetic.
boo fuckin' hoo, your anniverary was interrupted by your own dirty laundry, so what? what else is new, besides the fact you slandered britney. you threw janet and her 20 year (at the time) career under a bus. idk what he else he did, but he also cheated on jessica "let's evolve" biel, but that's not about her but, bold words for someone who took back their scoundrel, cheating ex boyfriend who cheated on her. i guess she likes sloppy seconds, they seem like they're so great. must be nice, once again. even if he has the upper hand, or control of the narrative or had it for, oh wait, oh about 20 years.
you know what the ex, the puppy love turned real, your childhood love, arguably the once 'love of his fucking life', in a romantic sense best friend, the girl jt was so into that he apparently was about to give her his name, and you do her dirty? dude, you can be so dumb, sure it was a sly dick move, but damn. that says way more about him that it be about her. life hands you lemons, you blame others and squeeze the juice in their wounds, liar liar liar.
so justin, while britney nursed a broken heart and had to grapple with a decision you issued this 'ultimatium' whatever, you didn't say you were gonna be respectful? i imagine they probably talked beyond the text to be like, whatever it's done closure for the pair, par for the course. when you were the first to be cruel, you were the aggressor, you were the liar, you weaved this narrative that it was ALL her. remember this, there's not a relationship with you, there's the other half, who should be your 'better' half, who was miles humble and sweet compared to him.
not to be all will smith or nothin' but keep her name out your fucking mouth if you have nothing good to say, that goes for everyone. like who are people who don't work, have retail, food service, regular people jobs with regular people problems, middle class judging a woman who makes money when she shits, sleeps, eats, dances and posts videos on instgram. why is it such a thing as to have silence in the peanut gallery in regards. "it would never happen to anyone" sure, jan. keep sippin't he coolade. cool.
so weird flex, idk. i'm glad i never bought into "big bad britney" the worst girl, the delinquent deviant, the seductress Jezabelle manipulator, evil woman, ice, stone what have them, there's always gonna be haters, but like f that. I'm on the right side here, not that it's a contest, race, spill tea, money grab whatever. idc who you are, but britney should be referred to as someone who isn't a tabloid joke, but a survivor with resilience and humility and someone who had unrealistic sometimes or big dreams but never really gave up completely even if times were shitty. she always had things to live for, and to do, but some f the things she endured were totally beyond her control.
she was very much chewed up and spit out. adored and then hated, and all the people going, "oh i had no idea, i feel so bad" i really think it comes too little too late, because for years i always assumed there was a lot we didn't know, and that wasn't really anyone, especially her family who treat her like a prized racehorse or cash cow, and not a human.
for 13 years, almost 15 years, she was a second-class citizen in her own home, a literal prisoner, she had zero say in anything. she couldn't drive or vote for a president/elected official. she was unjustly put under a hold that turned into a little over quarter of a decade imprisoned, her civil rights were infringed upon. yes that is something to share that must burden her, sometimes the truth is something that will set her free. her speaking i believe, equates to her healing. i know i said i wouldn't say things about this until i finished up the woman in me memoir, but i can't keep this from coming out.
it's just for once, this girl can catch a break and do what she loves. she speaks very candidly on her fans who she appreciates even at her lowest point, even if she wasn't necessarily 'running the show', she still had personality, passion and intensity that will keep her 'youthful' in the eyes of the world forever. her legacy is so strong, and i hate that it'd been marred by lies for years. slanderous, sensationalized journalism and south park, punch lines, digs, and general biased hate from other fans of pop (tbh all genres) music and more. if beyonce did any of the things briney did they'd (general public) turn their back too or they'd fight for her just as strong as barmy/fandoms related to britney spears/fans of other artists. some artists could get away with literal killing or unaliving someone, and britney would be like going to prison or some mental hospital for LIFE locked up till the 12th of never to be released and her family would assume control and she would die in literal captivity. people act like jamie was looking for brit's
his meal ticket, of course. of course she's married this guy who (i will say he takes care of mostly if not all of his multiple children with more than one mother, not that there's anything wrong with having biracial or even children who are from different mothers. out of his idk how many kids, he has 2 children with britney from when they were married for roughly three years who don't speak to her because they'd been fed this narrative for so long they see no different. federline literally implies she's nuts, so she's not credible so people find her narrative to be false, or use the rhetoric she has mental illness, while that could be something, if she didn't have dementia or some schizoaffective or bipolar diagnosis, well well, she might have some horrible version of post-traumatic stress disorder. everything i'd expected and even things i didn't know or weren't confirmed officially at any time are being corroborated like i didn't want to be right, but i was so on it and everyone thinks she's crazy, and gaslit, enabled this farce of a conservatorship, she needed to be taught how to be an adult, and her family mainly jamie failed her by making every decision for 13 years for her.
i was also ranting that, what kind of crappy luck to have a sister like who ignored her pleas, saw her struggle, and didn't do shit to help her, but freely went on dancing with the stars, the special corps for money grabs, looks so desperate.
she (jamie lynn) wouldn't even be a name out here if she didn't have a sister who was like it or not, britney spears. similar to the plight of ashlee simpson (jessica was the more 'famous' popstar sister, famously had a reality show with her ex-husband nick lachey in 2003 until 2005 or so which the show seemed to seemingly caused them to split by late 2005/2006) , nick & aaron carter (he was the 'kid' brother of one of the lead singers of the backstreet boys, famously dated paris hitlon, was accused by a former girllbander from the girlgroup in 2000-2001 dream.) if my sis was being talked neg about or was being infringed of her citizens rights, i rest my case. i'd go the f off!
i mean let's be serious for a sec, there was so much SO MUCH animosity and jealousy and "living in the shadow" or being "less famous" or too young to remember when things were normal in their families. ashlee simpson famously had a song called 'shadow' (Autobiography, 2004) not to be confused britney spears' "shadow" (In the Zone, 2003)
i do not sympathize with her. in wise the words of mean girl janis ian. listen up.
As Janis Ian once said, "There are two kinds of evil people in this world. Those who do evil stuff and those who see evil stuff being done and don't try to stop it."
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bookaddict24-7 · 7 months
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Books I’ve read so far in 2023!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
237. The Woman in Me by Britney Spears--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I will admit that I'm one of those people who sometimes turns on an audiobook and just lets it play, my attention coming in and out of focus depending on how invested I am. THE WOMAN IN ME had my full attention. I think, in part, this is because it brought back so much nostalgia for me.
Britney Spears's very first album was my very first cassette when I was a kid. To this day, I will never NOT sing to any of the songs playing in that album. I was the kid in the 90s who laid out with her walkman, listening to the words over and over again, pretending that I knew how to sing. I loved Spears and her music was one of my introductions to North American English music.
Of course, being a kid I had no idea of all of the things she was going through and how obsessed the media was with her. I remember the buzzcut incident, the hounding of her while she was out with her babies, and how tumultuous her love life. But a lot of it didn't hit until I was older and reading THE WOMAN IN ME, I'm reminded that what we see in the media is always going to be through a particular lens--what do they want us to see? What do they want us to be entertained with? Britney's life is falling apart? Perfect, that will get page clicks and sell magazines. The dehumanization of Britney and the sexualization of her portrayed innocence by the media put her on a nearly impossible pedestal, opening the gates for her family to take advantage of her. She's not falling in line with what's expected of her, so of course it means she's out of control.
Anyway, I loved that she was pretty candid about a lot of the pivotal moments in her life. I AM sad, however, that she didn't go as into detail about certain things, but I know a lot of that is also because of the cease and desist letters she must have gotten prior to the publication of THE WOMAN IN ME.
I wanted to cry for her while I listened, and I felt so much anger for her, too. I loved that she referred to herself as weird because there's a certain kind of pure honesty with that. There's also the topic of JT and every time I talk to someone about it, they say there are "two sides to every story", which is true, but I find it always entertaining how convenient it is to say that when it is a man being accused of something less than desirable. But you know, that's just me. *shrug*
Anyway, this was an insightful and heartbreaking read and while I wish we'd gotten more, I appreciate what we COULD get.
238. The Bungalow Mystery by Carolynn Keene--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I think this Nancy Drew story MIGHT be my favourite one so far. As the series progresses, the themes are seemingly getting a little darker while still maintaining the fun and lightness of Nancy and her mysteries.
THE BUNGALOW MYSTERY held a little more insidiousness, since it features some themes of kidnapping, grief, and greed. I've only read a few of the books in the series and this one kept my attention the most. I wanted to know what would happen next and though the twist and mystery were easily guessed, it was the journey there that was the most entertaining.
Onto the next one!
239. Pestilence by Laura Thalassa--⭐️⭐️⭐️
While I will most likely never read the rest of this series, I am content with PESTILENCE. I loved the angst between the characters and how they grew through each others' influences. And while it wasn't a perfect read for me, it was enjoyable and I'm a simple girly sometimes.
The reasons why I'm not giving this five stars are the morality of this particular concept--I kept asking myself how the MC was going to connect with the love interest when he is the literal harbinger of pandemics and sickness; the sometimes repetitiveness of the conversations had regarding the aforementioned topic; and how religious this book was. Yes, this is a book about the four horsemen but the conversation made me feel a tad uncomfortable.
To be honest, now that I'm not in the fog of reading this book and the immediate dopamine hit of finishing it, a lot of it is making me question how much I actually enjoyed it while writing this review. I think it fed this particular craving I had after reading a book like BOUND TO THE BATTLE GOD and I was hooked. But I started reading the second book in this series and it dealt with a very timely topic...and not in the best way.
So, now that I've gone off on a diatribe, I will say that I enjoyed this for what it was but I'm realizing that it could have been MORE or just dealt with some of the topics better. I'm just going to leave it at that.
240. The Android by K.A. Applegate--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
When I started reading this series, I had heard that it was very anti-war and while I've seen this in spurts here and there throughout the last few books, THE ANDROID is where I have truly seen the full extent of it (so far).
Applegate tackles this topic so powerfully in this--especially the idea that just because you can doesn't always mean that you should. The guilt and ghosts of war will follow you and change you for the rest of your life, no matter your intentions and the outcome. ANIMORPHS was truly ahead of its time.
I liked THE ANDROID, too, because it introduced us to something a little different from the at-times repetitive topics and fights that the kids face. I liked that they got to meet more beings fighting (in their own way) for survival in a universe fraught with dangers.
Onto the next one!
241. Go Eat Worms by R.L. Stine--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I won't lie, of all the GOOSEBUMPS books I've read, this is one of the ones that has genuinely creeped me out. The story actually felt like it had a backstory AND there were some serious creepy crawlies haunting the story.
I think kid me would have loved this one for how gross it was. I feel like I would have been itching my arms and hair, afraid that a worm would be there to greet me. I would have disliked the MC's sister and occasionally the MC too for being so callous towards living things. Did he deserve what happens to him? Absolutely. Leave the poor worms alone, my dude.
Again, I'm hit with that sense of loss I sometimes get while reading these books because I know I would have loved them as a kid.
242. My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine--⭐️⭐️⭐️
Listen, this book was FUN. It was adorable and a little silly and just pure fun.
While we don't get to see the story from the perspective of the love interest, the author gives us snippets of his thoughts and his side of things at the beginning of each chapter. I particularly loved those bits and looked forward to them.
The MC's artwork that is described sounds questionable, but I can't fault her her excitement and eagerness when she's creating it and talking about it.
Was this a work of art? No, but it was a surprisingly addicting read that kept me wanting more. I wanted the MC to find out her roommate's secret, and I wanted to see how she would deal with it all. I also wanted to see how their love would develop.
The story in itself is a bit simple and the conclusion was quicker than a two pump event, but I had fun. Like I said before, it was silly and fun. And honestly, sometimes, that's all I need.
243. The Cuckoo Clock of Doom by R.L. Stine--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I think this is probably the most thought out GOOSEBUMPS book I've read so far. It wasn't scary at all, but it had a pretty great storyline. Of course, it had the awful parents and the morally questionable sibling.
I think though, that my favourite thing about this, was the dedication to actually give us different phases of the MC's life and in a fun and intriguing way. This one, in my opinion, is one of the better GOOSEBUMPS out there.
I especially loved that ending.
244. Away Game by Ella Kade--⭐️⭐️.5
Was AWAY GAME slightly problematic? Yes. Did I devour the hell out of it all the same? Yes.
But listen, this was the kind of read that pulls you into a bubble but you can still see the pointy parts of the story fighting to pop said bubble.
What I enjoyed that kept me so hooked: ● I love bully romances because watching two characters get together when they hated each other is something I have a hard time saying no to. I love watching that character development and seeing that tension. ● How one character fell completely for the other. ●The sports aspect because I love a good sports romance.
Issues that I had with this book and why I probably won't read this author past this book:
● Who told this white author that she could write a mixed character and write about how hard it is to be mixed? As a mixed person, I could relate to the character but I found it kind of icky that the author used conversations like "will your father not like me because I'm half Black?" Like, in theory, I appreciate it, but it felt weird. Like, the topic of him being Black was brought up more than once and again, while I appreciate the representation, it felt tokenizing and just...not right? This was my major ick for this book. ● Also, adding to my comment about the mixed character's race being mentioned: the author kept referring to him as mocha-skinned. Like. Multiple. Times. White authors of course can write Bipoc and Black characters, but do it with respect. I was so uncomfortable. ● The romance was so quick--I love when there's a build up, but one moment one MC hates the other and all of a sudden, they're making out. It felt messy and a little too insta-lovey. ● The MC who's being bullied has no backbone. ● This needs a lot more editing. I know it's indie, but I've read a ton of indie romance and the editing in this one was distracting. ● The father confrontation was comical. I'm sorry, it's built up so much during the majority of the book and THAT is how he finds out/how the MC deals with the aftermath?
There's a few other things that irked me, but I don't want to say because I'm not educated enough in the topic to touch on it without potentially saying the wrong thing. I wish I could have loved this book, but alas, it was not for me.
245. Lie With Me by Philippe Besson--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This book. Omg this book. My heart wasn't ready AT ALL for this book.
Sometimes it's the smallest books that give you the biggest heart aches.
I see this story as a cautionary tale, but also the heartbreaking reality so many queer people may experience in their lives (and societies). Not everyone has the freedom to be who they really are and a lot of the times it can destroy them.
While LIE WITH ME deals with a forbidden and often chaotic teenage love at its heart, it is a story of the power of memories and experiences, as well as the decisions that may haunt us for the rest of our lives. Just thinking about this aspect of the book makes me want to cry all over again.
God, this book is beautifully heartbreaking. Especially when it explores the dark underbelly of what it means to hide who you are for the majority of your life.
Please read this book, but bring tissues. Definitely a favourite of the year.
246. Never Have I Evan by D.J. Jamison--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
NEVER HAVE I EVAN took me by complete surprise! I was craving a story that would captivate me fully and this one definitely did it for me in the most unexpected way. I loved these two men from the moment the story started.
We get complicated backstories and a lot of character development, along with fantastic tension. One of my favourite things about this book is the level of communication and the maturity of the two characters. I often forgot that one of the MCs is only 19 because of how he navigated the harder hurdles in his relationship with the other MC. I just loved their dynamic so much and how they overcame their pasts and the hardships they might face in their futures.
I also LOVED the small town aspect and how everyone is trying to set the one MC up on dates because they just want him to find the perfect guy for him. The grannies of the town LOL.
I definitely see myself re-reading this in the future. I loved it so much!
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts!
Happy reading!
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darrowsrising · 8 months
this is going to be rather chaotic so accept my apologies in advance but tonight I dreamt the gala scene of golden son with the circus by britney spears as the soundtrack, with “when I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus” in the moment of the big reveal during the duel. while this is kind of wild and random (and iconic) I though that dance and music was a big part of darrow life as a red , like during the carving he got that instrument as a gift to feel better, and as far as i remember he never got into that with all that happened after. i don’t remember if in IG or DA there was somthing said on the matter, but if not do you think we will see him play music again?
second part is not really a question but i would love to hear your thoughts on it, especially if you will start the reread. when darrow learned gold moves, there was the parallel between dance and fight and the fact that gold danced/dueled in pair and of all colors only reds danced alone because that’s how one is in life. i loved how it was presented as a strength but over the course of the story darrow realised he was not alone and the main fight in the end was them fighting in group, like a wolf pack. i’ve never seen anyone talk about this so i’m curious of your take on this
Finally got around to answering this one, thank you for the long wait.
The instrument is called a zither, if I remember correctly and according to google, it looks like this:
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I don't actually know if Darrow will ever play it again. He seems to value dancing, then singing and then making music in this specific order. Which is perfectly alright. He might do all of them in Red God, but maybe not. At this point I am just happy he solved some of the traumas he has (and gave me others lol, I love him so much).
As for Polemides - Child of War Dance - it resembles the Reaping Song, but it has a baton included instead of a slingBlade, I think. It does not mention if this dance must be executed in pairs, as Darrow performs it alone for Matteo.
However, Darrow is told Golds dance in pairs, while Reds are the only ones dancing alone. Weird, as Eo and Darrow dance as a pair for the Laurel celebration. Perhaps it just depends.
I think Darrow has finally learnt to rely on others in Morning Star and share the burden, though he still needs practice at times. It was hard on him to do so, because he felt guilty about dragging his friends in this war while deceiving them. Once they chose to follow him, he still had a hard time being reliant on them at times. We can discuss more about it for the tetralogy, but it would leave a bitter taste. Point is, it's good that Darrow found a new strength within himself and a bit more self-preservation so he can still rely on himself and delegate at the same time.
What I think works wonderfully and Pierce owrs it to us at this point is that Golds dance in pairs. And Darrow and Virginia are a very particular pair, a pair of opposites that just work together perfectly. They sort of exchanged roles in Light Bringer and it was supremely interesting (the editorial team can suck it) and I think an expansion and a reunion are LONG overdue. Basically, they should dance. And fuck. A lot.
Thank you again for your ask. I will keep an eye out for textual bits in my next re-read.
Howl on.
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the-pantry-of-art · 1 month
Judge my taste in music based on albums I love listening to!
Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys
Either/Or by Elliott Smith
Is This It by The Strokes
The Queen Is Dead by The Smiths
Magnolia Electric Co. (Deluxe Edition) by Songs: Ohia
Lent by Autoheart
The Last Stand by Sabaton
Heroes by Sabaton
Toxicity by Systen Of A Down
Graduation by Kanye West (I have lisened to nearly all of his albumes but this one I like the most[or just listen to the most})
Kids See Ghosts by Kid Cudi & Kanye West
Good Kid, M.A.A.D City by Kendrick Lamar (Same as above in KW)
Rodeo by Travis Scott (same as above in KW)
Plastic Beach by Gorillaz
An Evening With Silk Sonic by Bruno Mars
Oh My Heart by Mother Mother
The Sticks by Mother Mother
Eureka by Mother Mother
Touch Up by Mother Mother
Le Pop by Katzenjammer
A Kiss Before You Go by Katzenjammer
Ants From Up There by Black Country, New Road
Random Access Memories by Daft Punk
Discovery by Daft Punk
American Idiot by Green Day (fun fact on of my all time Fav T-Shirts is a black T-shirt with the ,Dookie' album cover on it ;)
The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
The Normal Album by Will Wood
Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum by Tally Hall
Good & Evil by Tally Hall
Hawaii: Part II by Miracle Musical
JJBA Intro's by Lito Munoz
The Doors by The Doors
Chłopi (Original Soundtrack) by L.U.C
All Things Must Pass (2014 Remastered) by George Harrison
Yellow Submarine Songtrack by The Beatles
My Head Is An Animal by Of Monsters and Man
Polka's Not Dead by The Dreadnoughts
Uncle Touchy Goes to Collage by The Dreadnoughts
Drunken Lullabies by Flogging Molly
Pelicans We by Cosmo Sheldrake
The Much Much How How and I by Cosmo Sheldrake
Hung, Drawn & Portered by The Rumjacks
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
The Glow, Pt 2 by The Microphones
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Haven by Godspeed You!Black Emperor
Hell's Comin' with Me by Poor Man's Poison
(I have lisened to all af this from cover to cover)
Other bands/musisians I listen to a lot but not to any particular album just some songs:
Tyler, the Creator
Dawid Podsiadło
Arek Kłusowski
Lady Punk
Mindless Self Indulgance
Smash Mouth
Panic!At the Disco
Bloodhound Gang (tbh they'r like top 7 on my list so <3)
Molchat Doma
Jeff Rosenstock
The Killigans
Sir Reg
Paddy And The Rats
The Rumpled
Smokey Bastard
The Cloverhearts
Rusty Cage
Nocny Kochanek
Bad Religion
Billy Talent
Black Sabbath ( & Ozzy Osburne ofc)
The Real McKenzies
Britney Spears
Death Grips
& more, theres just so meny I'm to tired to write everyone down XD
Uhh It was a lot of writing... I'm awaiting ur Opinion!
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cadybear420 · 1 month
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Jo Hunter, ILITW. Featuring some edits by me!
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
Now it's time to give the spotlight to the wardrobe of a different MC from Evie! Let's see how the outfts of ILITW live up to her standards!
Ch 1: Pajamas
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I like them, they suit her. Tank top and sweatpants are perfect for her.
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is.
Ch 1: "Paint it Black" Premium Starter Casual Outfit
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This outfit is pretty stylish. But for Jo, it's probably a bit too much, as much as she loves a good rebellious look. Plus she would noooooot like that short skirt. With very very few exceptions, I don't think she'd care for dresses or skirts unless they were maxi or floor length and fairly loose.
Verdict: Not quite a part of Jo's wardrobe. Maybe save some of the jewelry pieces, but ditch the rest.
Ch 1: "Da Bomb" Free Starter Outfit
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Sooooooo PB has this terrible habit that I really hate where whenever they give the f!version of a GOC character (usually MC) an outfit with a cool/tough-looking jacket, they almost always have to pair it with a crop top. Looking at you: Cas Harlow, ID MC, Channing Lowe, TH:M MC (double offender), HSS:CA MC, KND MC (even though she's genderlocked but still), Kaine Bell. I mean, it's pretty par for the course for GOC character outfits in general, but it's especially annoying in this particular case.
I wouldn't mind it so much if they did the same to the m!versions, but of course they don't because "wimin must show skin beecuze wimin sexee, must be sexee because wimin, but mehn can not show off thighs or hips or tummi beecuze mehn being sexee in ways that aren't about muscles and strength is ghey, har de har har har".
I know I already bitch about this issue a lot, but I bring it up because you can expect me to de-croptopify each of these sort of outfits whenever they come up.
Of the four starter outfits, this is the overall style I find the most fitting to Jo's character in the ILITW timeline: a tough but chill "cool guy". Luckily. not only does the cropped part not really show in the dialogue window, but I also don't have to spend diamonds on it. So I can in good faith use the outfit in the game.
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by lengthening the top, then use as her default casual outfit for ILITW.
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Here's the outfit in Jo's style. This is her official casual outfit for ILITW.
Ch 1: "Sweater Weather" Free Starter Outfit
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It's a decent outfit, but again, Jo does not like skirts that are higher than maxi-length and are form-fitting.
Even that aside, the overall style isn't quite for her.
Verdict: Not quite a part of Jo's wardrobe. Save the belt, but ditch the rest.
Ch 1: "Rock N' Roll High School" Starter Outfit
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Everything about this one is awesome (the shirts especially), except for the short shorts. I think the tights do improve the look, but still, it's just not her thing. Guess PB decided if they couldn't have a croptoppified tough f!outfit, they'll make it shortshortsified instead lul.
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by replacing the shorts and tights (and save for ILB/ILW).
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Here's what this outfit would look more like in Jo's style. This is what I think would be her casual outfit in ILB and ILW.
Ch 8: "All That Glitters" Premium Outfit for Britney's Party
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The dress fabric? Very nice. The heart choker necklace? Cute, though it's not quite Jo's favorite style... but she probably wouldn't be against wearing it. The purse addition? It looks very stylish, and is a very unique touch for a Choices outfit too. The dress length? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by turning the dress into a top and adding pants.
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This is how the outfit would look in Jo's style. Though I think she'd also be fine with going to the party in her regular clothes like everyone else does.
Ch 12: "Lovely in Lace" Premium Homecoming Dress
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Definitely not for her at all.
Verdict: Jo would not own this. Ditch it.
Ch 12: "Coming Up Roses" Premium Homecoming Dress
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God I love that shade of pink. I think Jo would like it too. I do think the net-looking thing around the chest is a bit odd, but overall it's a neat dress. And it meets Jo's skirt criteria perfectly.
However, it feels a lot more like a prom dress rather than a homecoming dress. I'm gonna headcanon she wears this for senior prom. With also maybe a little addition...
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is (but save it for prom headcanons, and maybe add some form of blazer to it).
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Although she wouldn't mind the dress as it is, she'd prefer it with a blazer. She likes wearing formal/suit jackets over long dresses.
Ch 12: "Casual-Tee" Free Homecoming Outfit
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Apparently some people found this ugly. IDK why. I quite like this style of top, and I find it fairly fitting to Jo's preferred style for homecoming.
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is, and use as her official homecoming outfit.
BONUS ROUND: Unused Underwear
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Definitely one of the better f!underwears PB has given us. Personally I like it, but Jo on the other hand isn't really a panties girl.
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by replacing the panties.
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Here's the underwear in Jo's style.
ILB: Stealthy Hoodie
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Unlike Evie's 2 outfits in HSS:CA, I don't think it's worth it to make a new post just for this one outfit Jo wears in ILB.
Anyways, I like this outfit, it's cool. Looks very cozy.
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is.
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Agree with you and anon about Britney’s memoir but have to say I LOVED it bc I listened to the audio book and Michelle Williams was an absolutely inspired choice. She sounds so warm and understanding, gently talking through these traumatic things (the clip that went viral is hilarious but doesn’t take away from the rest, imo). It probably helps that the audio performance was directed by Tommy Kail her husband! (directed Hamilton and also Fosse/Verdon which she starred in). Also fascinating to consider her own trajectory during that early-aughts time frame where a lot of the story takes place, and being about the same age as Brit how she must relate in some ways.
I so wanted to 'read' the audiobook and have actually been working on listening to more audiobooks this year. If you or any other TSSers have audiobook recs where the narration particularly served the story / plot I am so so so open to it.
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1800duckhotline · 1 year
i almost forgot to share my playlists oops. here is a very sloppy informal list of my current oc playlists and playlists in general
pure vibes you dont need to know these bitches to like the music. enjoy the ridess if you so wish to listen
SEWER_PARTY_RAMPAGE_199X (1h13m) - Rina playlist. Just Silly Crazy Girl Tunes. Some breakcore some weird stuffs but it is hard to describe I go for here... it's really a lot of things that spell out "Silly Woman Ahead" like that's it. if you listen you'll get it
The Haunted Building In Your House (1h33m) - General weird place playlist (vaguely counts as a Lucia/Haven Inc playlist)
Della Morte e Dell'Amore (2h23m) - Salice playlist and you can really tell I went crazy on this one - it needs to be fixed but mostly post punk, new wave, rocking tunes, songs about the devil and death, and Danse Macabre!
Contained (1h45m) - Eureka playlist... this one is fun... what if I was a silly girl with a demon inside of me and liked to kill and eat people etc... Needs some updates. Majorly on the heavy side with metal, rock, again with the post-punk industrial electronic stuff, #feminism
Vermiculous (1h2m) - Jenica playlist. This one is sweet and sad and fucked up at the same time. There's a little bit of everything (counts also as a general story playlist and isnt entirely Jenica-centered)
Monsters In Love (56m) - Karmina & Eden playlist... it's complicated but in a very pop and melancholic and horny way and so forth. Immortals having their rendezvous. Mostly pop music about love and whatnot. Lady Gaga and Britney Spears are there too obviously
Living Dead Man (1h26m) - Tisha playlist. THIS ONE IS A DOOZY I reccomend it if you like SAD songs about SAD MEN and Goth rock and some post punk and sleazy vibes here and there. It's a work in progress but it's one of my favorites so far (delusional). Bauhaus in this one was a must but there's also other goodies
Poppy Fields Where Lost Girls Go (1h51m) - Kuobakhaya playlist which is mostly very sad and about being high (which is definitely what she is most of the time, both of those). Laura Palmer's theme song is there which should tell you a lot about the character itself if you know the story behind that piece of music... anyway this one is a little sad. But I like it (the lenght backs this up)
i have even more than these but theyre works in progress enough that i dont wanna share em to the public Just Yet or they need to be updated/they're old/etc. One of the things I wanna do when im done being busy with school is do what my parents used to do which is actually make physical CD burns of my playlists with custom graphics etc... I'm not a musician but i like listening to music and like the idea of making graphics for compilations i like :-)
Let me know what u think of these if you listen to any, I am always curious to hear what ppl might say
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sciderman · 2 years
Weird Compliment Anon™️ back at it again!
Your work reminded me that Britney is our lord and savior and I must thank you for saving my soul by reminding me about her music.
What's your HC about Wade's aging? Are you in the camp that he never really ages because of his mutation, that it's slower, or that he ages somewhat normally? How do you think this would affect Peter's already existing views on himself getting older if he's watching Wade stay the same? And Wade?
PS. I left you a little gift in your inbox and in Twitter mentions to out myself. I hope you like it when you see it!
weird compliment (not-so) anon, my darling angel beloved!
if my legacy on this planet is bringing about more britney-love then it's a life well lived...
sexy question! sexy question! oh, so very sexy. fact is, i don't like to think about it too much, because it hurts. oh, it hurts.
i definitely think wade ages - i don't think he'll stay the same, no sir. i think just being around a maturing peter parker is going to impact wade's physicality. if peter's an old man with back-ache, wade's going to match that energy. he'll be an old man with back-ache too, in sympathy. i think they're just that tied together, that they influence each other on a physical level.
i think peter's going to live a long life, though - longer than most, if he goes by old age. he has a healing factor too - and a lot of perks that wade doesn't have, like an accelerated metabolism and like, super-strength, and other such things that probably mean he'll be kicking for a really long time if tragedy doesn't strike. peter will always be in great shape whereas wade - if he doesn't keep up his routine exercise, can very well wind up letting himself go. at 50, we could be seeing schlubby, tired, dad-bod wade wilson standing next to his perpetu-hunky silver-fox husband peter parker who still has abs of steel. in fact, i think this is 100% what will happen. and wade will hate this so very much.
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