#y'all only liked it when i hid master list in here
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About me:
Oh about lil' ol' me? Well..
What I'd like to be called:
Wing woman, lady cupid
Favorite color:
I'd like to improve my writing skills while also making stuff for people to enjoy
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Pro shipper
The other normal stuff
Minors are allowed to interact
Any1 who doesn't meet the dni stuff
What I'll write
Head canons
Imagines/one shots will only be requested from mutuals no one else please
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Who I'll write for
❌:platonic only. ✔:romantically is acceptable
Detective Conan
Genshin impact
Eula(I can't write for her since I don't know her personality)
Childe ✔
Xiao ✔
Itto(don't know his personality)
Yea miko(don't know her personality
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Seto kaiba✔
Mai valentine✔
Yami yugi✔
Yugi muto✔
Duke dvelin(?) ✔
Rizzey (Joey wheeler) ✔
Yami bakura✔
Yami marik ✔
Brawl stars
All underage characters will only be written platonic for
Animals and monsters will not be written for
Every1 over 18 is fine
Die drei Fragezeichen
The good doctor
Shaun murphy
Neil Melendez
And also their hero forms
The kid at the back
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Current anons known:
Xixi anon
Naku weed anon
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More will be allowed the more I learn about them
The power of mutuals is strong on this account, they can request some characters that I don't write for and request one shots
About one shots I'm too afraid of making some cringe one and be judged so that's why I refuse to write them
I'm so sorry but any request that breaks a rule will be deleted:'( I also sometimes get a bit overwhelmed and completely stop writing
Master list
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17 notes · View notes
romanarose · 2 years
All fics master list here
Part 2 here
Seattle Masterlist
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Marc Spector X fem!reader (not super descriptive, but female pronouns are used.)
Fic Summary: A song fic to Seattle by Jason Walker. You call Marc late at night needing help from across the country. Over a series of lyrics and memories, it becomes clear that he can't help you when you won't help yourself.
WARNINGS!!!!: Domestic violence, child abuse, mentions of bodily harm, homelessness, talk of sex, the usual warnings when it comes to Marc Spector. No happy ending.
A/N: Reader is Jewish. Marc, as I hope you know, is JEWISH. I am a hopeful jewish convert. I tried my best to sprinkle little Jewish things throughout this fic, bc it's something I really love about Marc. If anything is wrong or offensive, LMK and I'll fix it. I am very very new to the process. I'll have translations in bold bc google doesn't translate Hebrew well. Also, I cried writing this. A lot. Not because I saw myself in the reader, but I saw myself in Marc. I was never in a DV situation, but my best friend was. And it was scary. As much as I tried to help, only she could make the choice to leave for good. It took years. By the end, she had lot a majority of contact with all her friends and family except me. It was the most terrifying time in my life. But now she's happily married to a great guy, and I was her bridesmaid last year. There's hope y'all.
Who else would be calling me at 3 am
Just to tell me you're still there
The sky's still falling
When Marc heard the buzz of his phone, he immediately jolted awake. A phone call at 3 am was never a great start.
Hm? What’s happen’n, Marc? Steven mumbled, waking up with less of a startle.
He saw your name on his phone and quickly answered “What’s going on?” 
“Jesus” He heard a short, tired chuckle. “Don’t sound so panicked.” 
Marc sat up “Are you okay? Talk to me.” He heard the sounds of the city around you. Why were you outside in Seattle at 3 Am in the fall? He pulled up his weather app where he already had Seattle saved. “It’s raining and it’s cold, why are you outside?”
There was a long pause. “Um. Me and Jack got in a fight, I needed to get some air…” You said this quietly, as if Marc wouldn’t hear you.
“Honey, you said you were leaving…” Marc tried not to chastise you. You had been married to Jack only a few years now, after a very short dating period. You hadn’t even been dating a year by the time you were married. That was intentional on Jacks part. He had always been controlling and as time went on, things kept getting progressively worse. He would go months without hearing from you. Jack was jealous. Marc had known you since childhood, growing up in the synagogue together. When you’re mom died, your dad became abusive. You and Marc were kindred souls. You never stayed in each other's orbit for very long, not after high school. But you always, always kept in touch. After all you’d been through…
 There was spring after he turned 18, when he left home. He wanted to drop out, but you convinced him to stay with you. You hid him in your room, that lasted all of one week. When your dad found him in your room at midnight, he kicked you out. After slapping you. You had to hold Marc back from fighting your dad. For that spring, it was youth shelters until graduation. It was a long, long road for both of you, but by the end, you were happy. Then Jack came along, and all hopes went out the window. 
Marc didn’t understand what you saw in him. Sometimes, with men like that, they are charming at first, but Marc never thought Jack even tried, and he looked average. Marc knew you had low self esteem, and Jack probably sniffed that out right away. Marc wasn’t exactly known for his self confidence, but he knew he was good looking. That was just a fact. And you? Well, you looked like heaven to him.
Tell me what you
Need to hear this time to make it count
And to get you out of
You steadied your voice, trying not to alarm him. “I know… I know… But he apologized and… things were going well for a while…” Marc could still hear your voice cracking, he could just envision your body language he knew so well. You were probably playing with your hair or rubbing your thumb along your other fingers. Nervous habit. “He’s my husband Marc…” you spoke softly, like you were trying to reason with yourself.
When you both became homeless, you and Marc would stay together when possible. Marc felt horrible for getting you kicked out, so he insisted on staying with you when he could, and knowing which Women’s shelter when he couldn’t. If there was only one bed, Marc insisted you take it. If there were no beds, you stayed together on the street. That happened a lot too. Chicago was a rough place. Marc’s dad sent him some money, Elias felt guiltier than shit. His home was always open to Marc, but he wasn’t going back there, he’d rather die. So instead, Elias sent money, and Marc paid your phone bill so he could stay in touch, no matter what. He paid for it all four years of college. Whatever the two of you had during those months, you shared.
“Can you please tell me what happened?”  Marc spoke softly, hoping it indicated concern, not impatience. He needed to know you were okay. He wanted you to be safe, but there was no rest from that when you were so far away and with a man like Jack. He tried to get you out multiple times, to no avail. This wasn’t the first late night call. “Husband or not, you don’t have to be miserable…” you were married in a baptist church, something he never could have seen you do. Even when you both were homeless, and you avoided the Chicago Jewish circles for fear your dad would find you, you still remained religious. You tried not to work on holy days, you said prayers, and always tried to have some sort of treat for Shabbat.
“I’m sorry I woke you” Your lip quivered, knowing he didn’t sleep well and you probably woke him from the precious few hours he got.
“Hey, hey, metuka, I was already up…” (sweetheart) A bold faced lie. He didn’t know what it was about you, but when he spoke to you, the Jew in him really came out. “You didn’t wake me, I promise.”
You didn’t believe him. You knew how he sounded when you woke him up. You’d done it enough times the last 2 decades “Can I… Can I maybe stay with you for a little? I’ll take the couch it’ll just be until I get on my feet, I have a little money saved so it wouldn’t be-”
“You can stay as long as you need, or want.” Marc’s heart jumped at the possibility, but he knew better than to get ahead of himself. Until you were in his arms, you weren’t really out of that god forsaken city that had done nothing but tear you down. “And hey, you’re already used to the cold and rain, so New York shouldn’t be that big of a change… just like home.” Those cold winters with you… how they stuck in his mind. Here’s gonna be your chance mate. Maybe…. If she comes. She said she was coming? Marc’s tone was playful, almost whimsical, but he got serious. “Did he hurt you again?” He knew the answer.
Seattle, I don't know why
You stand under the clouds expecting to stay dry
Can't you see the day you'll ever win
That battle
Is the day they'll take the rain out of
You sigh. You can’t hide anything from him. But you try. “It wasn’t bad this time, Marc, really-”
You rest your head against the cold building you were standing under, voice shaky “I just got out of the ER.”
You met Jack in Chicago, he insisted you both move to Seattle when you got married. Closer to his family, he said. Marc was in town at the time. He wondered if that had something to do with leaving. Jack had isolated you from all your friends but him. This was just the final move to cut you clean away from anyone who could help. Marc remembered the times in his life he was away from you for months or years, he always let you know he was alive. Sometimes, you couldn’t even grant him that. It wasn’t your fault, of course. Marc knew Jack hated him, and you were afraid of his reaction if he found texts or calls from him. Some days, he wanted so badly to reach out, but if you and him were in a wilderness period, he knew better. A text from him might get you hurt. There were times he could only assure himself that you were alive, because his dad would’ve called him if you weren’t. Elias and your dad still saw each other at the temple.
“Jesus! What the fuck did he do?” It had never been that bad before. The fact he ever laid a hand on you, let alone enough you needed first aid was bad enough, but you had never needed a doctor before. It was getting worse. He needed to stop this, to bring you home.
You and Marc spent a lot of time in Lake Michigan that summer on the streets, just trying to stay cool, sleeping by the beach during heat waves if there was nowhere to go. It was a long, hot summer. Horrible. On the hottest day on record, he remembers trying to keep you cool all day, but the shelters were full, businesses were shutting down because they couldn’t keep the air conditioning on. You had worked that day, and when he got you from your job, you seemed off. He remembers you passing out a few hours later, starting to seize in his arms. Heat stroke. A nurse stopped and helped, although there wasn’t much to do. You refused the hospital when you came too, you were saving up for college. He showed up at his parents house that night, begging his dad to help you. He did, of course. Elias is a good person. Marc was going to leave you there for a few days while you recovered, but you told him if he left, you were leaving. “Where you go, I will go, where you stay, I will stay.” You had quoted Ruth to him. How could he not love you after that? You and Marc stayed in the basement for 3 days. Elias sent you both off with money and food. You never saw his mom.
“He didn’t mean-”
“Tell me!” Marc, take a breath. “Please…”
The tears that you had been holding finally come, flashbacks from the night running through. “He slammed the door on my hand, I don’t think he meant to break it but… yeah.”
Marc disappeared that fall, when you began taking classes. For months you hardly heard anything from him, just the occasional text when you begged him to tell you he was alive. He showed up that winter, looking like he was dragged through hell, refusing to answer your questions. That winter… you’ll never forget. Marc asked his dad for one more favor, cosigning on a 6 month lease. Together, you and Marc lived in the tiniest goddamn efficiency apartment he had ever seen. You shared a bed, cuddling together in the bed just to save $5 on the heating bill. There was one night, you both had been so cold… You remained almost fully clothed the entire time, but you remember his hands holding you so tenderly… his hands in your curls, yours in his. Heat and the sound of gentle, tender kisses… You were each other’s first, but you never talked about it again.
Marc scrubbed his face with his free hand, trying not to break his phone in his grip. “How many?”
“How many what?”
“How many fingers did he break…” Marc spoke through gritted teeth. A long pause. “Tell me.” You have to meet her, she’s going to need help with her bags It was a very Steven thought.
He was going to kill Jack. He was going to break every single of his fingers and toes, one after the other. “I’m coming to get you.” Marc stood up, grabbing Steven’s laptop to search for flights. While Steven didn’t want you carrying bags with something broken, but Marc also knew you’d never leave if he wasn’t there.
He's still got that
Hold on you that makes you crazy
Your bags are packed
But you don't really plan on leaving
“Marc, no, I’ll come this week, I just gotta  take care of somethings” You don’t want him here, you know he’ll get in a fight with Jack. You don’t want Jack to hurt him, and you don’t want Jack to hurt you.
“That’s a lie and you know it!” Marc didn’t mean to raise his voice, even if it was over the phone. He knew how that made you wince. Even before Jack existed, your dad was a source of fear. “I’m sorry, sorry…”
For the next decade and a half, you and Marc’s paths would cross at various times. You graduated college and went on to do fairly well. No one would expect the year you spend homeless. Marc rarely visited, and he never saw his mom, but sometimes he’d come to town and see you and his dad. You and him would spend as much time with each other as you could, until he was on to his next adventure. That is, until you met Jack. Jack didn’t like Marc, didn’t trust him… Jack never forced you to stop talking to Marc, but slowly, slowly it was easier to just… stop sometimes. After the wedding, you would sometimes not talk to him for close to a year. But you always called on Rosh Hoshonnah. Always. The Jewish New year. You wanted a good start. And Marc was so, so good.
“Don’t. Come. out here. Or I’m not coming with you. I mean it.”
Marc knows damn well you weren’t likely to be coming with him either way.
Why do you wait?
All that city does is bring you down
And you could get out of
Marc, you gotta get her. She asked me not too He broke her fingers! Do you want me to just pick her up and carry her to the plane?
“Fine… just… come here as soon as you can. Gina will get you work at the diner until you find something in your field. We’ll take care of everything…” Marc knew you were slipping through his grasp, he wanted to reassure you that you didn’t need to worry about anything. “Just get the important documents, we’ll get you clothes and-”
The rain picked up again, you attempted to stay dry. “It’s okay, I got clothes… It’ll just take a few weeks maybe a month at most…” You’d have to find a new job, leave Jack and his family… You didn’t have any other friends that weren’t through him… Your dad wouldn’t want anything to do with you, he would never support a divorce.
Seattle, I don't know why
You stand under the clouds expecting to stay dry
Can't you see the day you'll ever win
That battle
Is the day they'll take the rain out of
“Okay…” Marc knew he lost you. You weren’t coming. “Yeah maybe you can come out and we can… we can try this deli in town. Steven likes the soup.” He was entertaining himself to try to calm his mind. It’ll be okay, she’ll leave him, she’ll be okay…
You snicker “Damn, Steven lets you get food there? I thought he’d be strictly Whole Foods man” 
Hey! Marc smiles warmly. “He says since it’s kosher, he’ll allow it, as long as he doesn’t have to eat it.”
Fall, fall, falling
Oh, the sky keeps falling
And it gets so heavy on your heart
Fall, fall, falling
Oh, the tears keep falling
And you keep staying where you are
“Well that’s very nice of him…” You pause, thinking about how nice it would be to just live in New York with him, just you and him. It would be like your youth, the few years you and him spent drifting in and out of each other's lives. “Maybe we could go swim, like we used to?”
The thought of you in a swimsuit again… “Yeah.” He said. From the way he sounded, his thoughts were in your youth as well. “We could uh… we could go see Funny Girl and throw tomatoes at the actress you hate?” Marc don’t you dare Relax, she’s not coming. What do you mean? She never comes. She says she will, but she won’t.
You finally laugh. He could just imagine your face, all lit up and happy. “Yeah, that sounds great Marc, any chance to make Lea Michelle look stupid.” It’s how you deserved to be all the time.
Marc stood up to get a drink. He wasn’t sleeping tonight. “Yeah and… and Steven really wants to meet you.”
“I wanna meet him too. Hey! Purim is in a month, I think it’s only a few days before your birthday this year! Maybe we could go to a temple and celebrate?” Now he knew that you knew you weren’t coming. Marc hasn’t been to a synagogue since he left home. He knew you occasionally went, especially on the High Holidays. You would only ever bring this up if you never intended on coming. “Or maybe a different holiday, depending how long it takes me…”
Seattle, I don't know how
I'm supposed to help you if you won't leave town
Oh, can't you see the day you'll ever win
That battle
Is the day they'll take the rain out
The day they'll take the rain out of
Marc felt the familiar tightness in his throat when he was losing you, the tears that rarely made an appearance, threatening to spill. “Yeah, yeah. That sounds amazing, Yafah sheli.” (my pretty) Marc had to take a deep breath to stop himself from crying. He closed his eyes tightly, hand shaking. “I’ll tell you what. I promise you, that if you come out here.” His voice broke, he covered it with a cough and tried again. “You come out here, I’ll go to temple with you for whatever holiday you want.” Marc crossed his arms on the counter, resting his head there. He needed you here, with the way things were escalating it would just get worse and worse until you were dead.
“Yeah. It’ll be like old times, huh?” You knew he knew. You’d leave, eventually. Maybe. But Jack deserves a second chance. He’s you’re husband, he loved you. Marc didn’t know him like you did, he didn’t understand… Marc should know what love does to you, it isn’t logical… It doesn’t make sense… But Marc doesn’t have to understand. 
Somehow, you couldn’t help but wonder where you’d be if the two of you had actually addressed what happened that night in December. Sometimes, as much as you push it away, you get flashbacks.
Blurry, hazy vision. His black shirt, your face in his neck, the look he gave you when he came inside you. You knew damn well how irresponsible it was, given your situation, but in the heat of the moment… Oh, so much heat. It wasn’t world changing or mind shattering, but it was love. Young love, puppy love, who knows. But you loved him and you knew back then he loved you two. Those 6 months were domestic bliss, you lived as a couple in every way but name and sexual, save for that night. Cooking, cleaning, work. Hell, you guys put together a small bookshelf without committing homicide. Why didn’t one of you just… said something? Marc wondered that too. He could practically smell the dollar store strawberry shampoo in your hair, and sometimes, if he concentrated, he felt the grip you had on his shoulder as he entered you. He had loved you so much in the moment, he didn’t know how to express it, so he simply never did.
Marc’s left fist was clenched hard in anger and frustration. Not with you. Never with you. But with the cards life constantly dealt you. His nails are digging into his palm. He wanted you here, he wanted you safe. You didn’t have to love him, just let him help… “Just um… Text me when you know the day, whatever it is I’ll make it work. Okay?”
He was so sweet. So pure. Everything the world threw at him and he still was the kindest person you knew. No matter what he thought of himself, no matter how much he hated himself, he was still so, so kind. “Yeah. of course. Thank you, Lamed Vovnik. I love you lots.” Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. You step out into the rain to ground yourself again. (one of the 36. It's a Jewish tradition, it basically means you are a very, very good person)
Marc, I’m sorry… “I love you too, honey.” He clenched harder, as if he held on hard enough, you’d stay in his grasp. When he opens his fist, he’s sure there’ll be blood. “Be safe. Okay? You always have a home with me and Steven. Always.”
“I know. Hey uh. I think it’s best if you didn’t call or text or anything for a while, okay? He’s already suspicious…”
“I understand.” Marc knew what that meant. It meant he wouldn’t hear from you for months, maybe not a year. This was it for now. “Shalom. Ani mitga’gea elayich...” (goodbye, I miss you) His voice broke, and there was no hiding it this time. Marc covers his mouth and closed his eyes as a few rogue tears wetter his face. He should’ve been there. He should’ve told you he loved you, he should have stayed in Chicago to be with you and never let that piece of shit come near you. He should’ve never let you feel so low that you thought he was all you deserved.
You pull at your hair, Seattle’s signature rain hiding the fact you were crying too. “Shalom, Marc Spector. Ani ohevet ot’h’a” (good bye)(I love you)
Oh, can't you see
You'll never take the rain out of
If this fic gets 100 notes, I'll write a part 2 with a happier ending.
Tagging a few people I thought might enjoy
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @ahookedheroespureheart @howaboutcastiel
109 notes · View notes
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Help wanted
Summery: Boarding house with the occasional unwanted tenant.
Note: I don’t think Arvin is dark in this, but it might be for other people.
Warning: non-con/dub con, dark theme, choking, slight spanking, cream pie
Grey Arvin Russell x Reader; Dark Lee Bodecker x Reader
The bell rung on the door of your boarding house. Drying your hands with a dish rag you got yourself ready to meet whoever it was coming through the door. When you crossed through the archway you were shocked still.
He had a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, his clothes looked all greased up, the hat that hid a thick tuft of hair peaked out looked like it had seen better days.
His type weren't known for being on this side of town so you figured he was either new to town or looking for someone.
You welcomed him with a soft smile and gave your name.
"How can I help you today sir?"
"Hello Ma'am." He said politely, tipping his hat slightly at you. His thick country twang confirming the former. "I saw the help wanted sign out side. Y'all still hiring?"
"Um..Y-yeah... I need a handy man, job includes free room, and board, but I won't just hire anybody though. There is a washer in the basement, if you fix one of them the jobs yours."
Waddling to the basement with your Daddy's old toolbox, the heavy rusty thing knocked at your knees each step. He jogged over to you, taking the kit from your grasp and you thank him for it.
"The left one broke down a month ago and the other I'm guessing couldn't handle the over use. Dryers work just fine though."
Before he could reply you heard the door bell ring again. You excused yourself and left him to work.
"I'm coming, just a minute!" You shout down the hall as you hurried.
"Sorry it took so long."
"Saul right Ma'am" he said rising from the floor. You watched from the door as he twisted a dial. The hum of the machine filled the growing awkward silence.
"Well aren't you something! I guess that means your hired."
He lifted his hat to smooth back stray strands of hair, his shy smile hid as he looked down to the floor.
"Your room's on the third floor. Has a bed and a little sitting place. It's really small just enough room to lay your head really." The sound of foot-steps coming down the stairs halted you. Your eyes watch their back disappear into the night, until he cleared his throat bringing your attention back.
"That'll do just fine Ma'am." Something about his southern accent made your heart flutter. He picked up his duffel, throwing the strap over his shoulder as you dug out your ledger.
"Just down there is the supper table. I cook breakfast and dinner. You can eat in your room if you like, a lot of them do."  You explained as you watch him sign the book. Arvin Russell it read.
He adjusted his strap as you talked, his deep brown eyes made it hard for you to keep his gaze, making you fidget nervously in place. "Most folks are gone during the day so I don't make lunch, but if you like no problem just give me a holler. Bath rooms are at the end of each hall."
Digging in your desk you find the master keys and a list of things that needed to be fixed. His fingers grazed yours lightly in the transfer, Arvin's touch sent a ripple of heat up to your face. He flipped through the wrinkled papers, scanning over the chores with a wrinkled brow.
"S-sorry to put so much on you, but when my daddy got sick things got out of hand and I never been one for fixing things."
"No problem Ma'am."
During the day you kept busy. Scrubbing windows and mopping the halls of each floor. Arvin crossed paths with you on occasion. Gently brushing past you with his tools as he headed to his next assignment.
The door to Odis', one of the tents, room was left wide open when you walked by. Curious you glanced in, catching sight of Arvin lifting his shirt. Your legs stop moving as you watched him wipe away beads of sweat from his brow with the hem. You couldn't stop yourself from ogling his well toned exposed stomach.
The clanking of the dust pan hitting the floor caught his attention. Your face burn with embarrassment when he found you standing outside the room. Panicked you quickly picked up the pan and rushed off to the ground floor.
You heard Arvin call your name. "Yeah?" You replied weakly still embarrassed.
*Relax he isn't thinking about you. Probably just thinks your a clumsy dits.
He came halfway down the stairs, looking down at you from the banister. "You got a minute? I need a little help" he asked politely.
"Oh sure... Uh sure" you reply looking up at him. Arvin abandoned his cap, his dark hair sticking to his forehead, curling from sweat. More sweat pooled on his shirt, the dampness helped stick the fabric to his lean figure.
Following him up the stairs he led you to a room on the third floor. In the corner of the room there was a large metal pipe leaning against the wall.
You watched as Arvin lifted the heavy pipe, angling it vertically in position.
"Can you hold this?" he called over his shoulder.
Walking over you grabbed it and Arvin moved to get behind you. He took your hands and placed them along the pipe as you steadied yourself to hold it still while it slightly wobbled.
"OK hold still just like that." He bent over beside you, digging into the tool box that rested on the floor. When he rose, Arvin stayed close behind you. You could feel the heat coming off him, he smelled like sweat and after shave. Your hands felt sweaty as you felt rattled a bit by his closeness.
The pipe shifted a bit, you tried nudging it slightly, but couldn't get it back in place.
"Stay steady" his breath tickled your ear, you gasped making him chuckle lightly. "Just like that" he moved the pipe back into place, pushing into your butt when he stepped closer. "Just hold right... here." He placed a hand on your hip and you tensed. His fingers lightly squeezed your softness. You had to fight hard to bring your mind out of the gutter, he just needed your help, nothing more, the spot between your thighs thought otherwise.
With his arms raised above you, Arvin tightened the nuts to secure the metal tube. You swallowed thickly when you heard him grunt as he forced the wrench to move. Looking over to your right you spied his exposed arms. His muscle flexing as he moved.
"Almost done" he said to you, pushing you almost flush to the steel, bumping you gently with each twist of the wrench. You only nod, unable to conjure words to speak properly. Through the cheap fabric of your dress you felt something hard poke at you through his jeans.
*Stomp it now get your mind out of the gutter.
You don't know what had gotten into you lately. First staring at him like a creeper now thinking about his manhood. Maybe its about time you started going back to church you thought to yourself. Cause right now it felt like the devil was leading you to temptation.
When Arvin stepped back you had to choke down a whimper from the loss of his feel. Pressing your lips together you prayed he aint hear you.
Tapping a hand on your shoulder you turn to look at him. "All done." He smiled at you, your hands release the pipe and you backed away.
"Thanks Ma'am."
"You're welcome Arvin" You smiled shyly then rushed off back to your desk.
No matter how hard your days were the nights were by far the worst. Lying in bed you felt the mattress dip. The fear of the impending figure behind you prickled your skin.
Your eyes squeezed tightly shut as you tried to force yourself to sleep. Holding your breath in a dumb attempt to force yourself to pass out. The blanket covering you pulled away and you felt water fall from your closed eyes.
Propping your head on your hands you leaned on your desk. Your eyes drooped as you zoned out, looking into space.
"You alright Ma'am?" Arvin startled you as he walked down the stairs.
"I couldn't sleep." You stand up and stretch, yawning a bit. He walked closer to your desk, dressed in his work pants shirt.
"Try some warm milk. Used to help me." He passed by your desk, walking down the hall with tool kit in had to the washers. The old machines acting up again since last time he fixed them.
"Oh Arvin" you shouted at him before he passed through the door. "Um.. can I add something to your list. No worries if you can't get it done today, but I would much appreciate it if you could."
Placing the box down by the laundry door he walked back over, digging the sheet from his back pocket. You grabbed a pen hopeful it was a task he wouldn't mind sorting right away.
"If you can't fix the lock today no problem. I will just go sleep in the attic." You spoke casually as he slipped you the paper to write on. He read over your assignment and you watched as his lips made a hard line.
"I locked myself out of my room, didn't want to wake you to get the spare, sorry. Now I done made more work for you" you laughed, but their was no humor in it. His features softened and you hoped he wouldn't press the issue.
Pushing the paper back to him, you bid him a due and turn to face away to pretend to make a call. When you heard him walk away you let out a breath.
Arvin was a saint among men. You don't know where he found the money, but he added a chain lock to your door. You smiled at the shiny gold. Sliding on the chain and the bottom lock you prepared for bed.
Laying in bed the thought of the extra lock helped sooth your nerve as you slipped into sleep.
You felt an uncomfortable lump at your back rousing you awake. Your eyes shot open and a hand covered your mouth before you could scream out.
"You think your smart, putting that chain on that door" the beer on his breath hit your nose. Your tears soaked his hand as he held you.
You shake your head 'no' repeatedly in reply. He was still dressed in his work clothes as he laid next to you. The sound of his belt jingling made the tears fall harder.
"I told your daddy I would look out for you. How am I gonna do that if you lock the door?"
Lee, a local cop, only came around when his wife was either on the mends or she just flat out kicked him out. Your father had offered the man a free bed whenever he needed. His way of thanking him for keeping the neighborhood safe.
Lee pushed up your night gown and tsked when he felt your panties. The hand on your mouth slipped down your neck and you blubbered out your apologizes. He hated panties, too much work he called it. "What I told you about these?" he grumbled, forcing the fabric down.
"I-i'm sorry I thought my monthlies were coming on." You sniffed. You tried hard not to cry, you just hopped he would squeeze hard enough to make you pass out.
You heard him spit in his hand, he bumped into your back as he lubed himself up. You yelped when he smacked your ass hard, the sudden sting of pain loosening your locked legs.
"Yea you said that last week. I aint forget girl." He shoved himself inside after he found your opening. "Fucking bitch. I run the house gawd damn it!" Lee was mad at his wife agin. What ever his spite with her, you were paying for it. "Not gonna tell me what to do. Fucking bitch." He growled, panting heavily as he pumped.
You jolted with each thrust, no matter how many times Lee did it, it never got easier.
"Please." You panted desperately. "Please don't come in me" you choked out, his hand tightening his grip around your throat. You had been lucky so far, but you knew it was only a matter of time before your luck ran out.
Lee didn't like back talk, this was his show and you were just here for the ride. Pushing you completely flat you grip the fabric of the sheets. Lifting your ass as he rose to his knees he fucked into you harder. You cried out unable to adjust to his lengthen. He chuckled darkly at your pain, slamming into you repeatedly with a punishing rhythm.
He cursed your name. Reminded you of your place as he came deep in you. His seed filling your cunt as you pressed your head into the mattress and cried.
He slipped out of the bed. His pants once again jingling as he fixed himself up and headed out the door.
It was that time of the month again.
Whenever he shouted he spit. It was disgusting. You had given him chance after chance, but he used them all. "I'm sorry Tommy if you don't have the rent by Thursday you are going to have to leave."
"Fuck you bitch you let that boy stay here rent free!"  He shouted. Trying to make sure tent knew.
"He works here. He earns he keep."
"Then let me earn mine? or give me another week." He barked. His tone more of a demand than a request.
Sighing you hung your head low. Rubbing your temple with one hand you hugged your stomach with the other. First of the month was the worst. Tents ducked and dodged. Begged and pleaded or straight up demand just to not pay rent.
"Next Friday Tommy... That's the last time you hear me." You try to sound strong, but you knew he didn't give a shit as long as he won. "If you aint got it then, then I'm changing the locks and putting your stuff on the street."
He slammed his door in your face and you turned on your heels headed to the next delinquent.
"You alright Ma'am?" Straight ahead, Arvin poked out from the bathroom. You had to fight yourself from looking down at his lower half. In your peripheral you could see he was just in a towel that hung around his waist.
His wet hair seemed to curl under the towel on his head. Strands sticking to his forehead, his face still damp from the shower.
"Umm yeah. Uh just rents due and folks get a little uppity around this time of the month." You dry chuckle turning your eyes up at the ceiling. Fighting yourself from venturing further.
You couldn't tell if it was the steam that came from the bathroom or you. Whenever he was close, your body would react. The heat would turn up making you sweat.
"Well alright then. You have a good night Ma'am."
*Bang Bang Bang
"Tommy!" You bang again. "Tommy! I will give you to the count of three. If you don't open this door and pay up. I am coming in and kicking you out!" You huffed tapping a foot.
"Morning Arvin. Sorry did I wake you?"
"No was working down the hall."
"Tommy, skipped out on rent I think." Taking a deep breath you lifted your master key ring and unlocked the door. When you peered inside the room was a mess, no sign of Tommy.
Arvin followed you in side, with a hand on your hip you groaned. The amount of clean up you would have to do to ready it for a new tenant would take all day.
"Arvin can you change the lock on the door. I hate doing this, but I gotta kick him out"
"Sure thing ma'am"
As you turn to leave you over at Arvin who was still assessing the damage to the room. "Oh and can you possibly stay close. If he comes around I might need your help."
Arvin only nodded in response as you took your leave.
Tommy didn't come back that day or the next. Putting up a sign you thought that you could clean up the room a bit, before the weekend. With the storm you figured not to many people would be coming around anyway.
Taking up a few boxes you get to tossing. One box you would keep in the addict. Somethings were just to hard to throw away sometimes, but a good chunk would go.
Thunder bashed down filling the room with a blinding white light. You yelped loudly bringing the sound of feet rushing down your way.
"You alright Ma'am?" Arvin looked in the room worried.
"Sorry Arvin, it’s just the storm. Lightening makes me a bit skittish sorry." You apologize as you get back to clearing the room.
"Well I am finished with my list for today, would you mind if I trouble you for some company?"
"U-um sure" you tried to fight off the smile.
His lips curled as he walked in the room. The instant he crossed the door frame you heard shouting coming from down stairs. When the voice made itself more clear you frowned.
"Oh uh sorry.. I need to tend to that" you say softly. With your head low you walked past him.
Lee was wet and agitated. "Fucking bitch had the nerve to accuse me of drinking again." He spat while you sat waiting on the bed. "I aint touch a drop today" he said smugly.
You looked at your feet as he undressed in front of you. The sound of a siren blared loudly from out side, Lee turned and squinted at the sound. "Shit!" He stopped undressing and ran out.
Getting up from the bed you grabbed your robe and peered out the hall. The front door was open and Lee wasn't there. The rain still coming down hard, blew in through the open door so you walked bare foot to close it and see if he had really gone. His car was gone that was for sure and as you looked into the rain it seemed he had disappeared too. You exhaled in relief, backed away and closed the entrance.
"Ma'am?" Arvin called to you out of breath.
"Shit!" You gasped, turning to face him. Your heart bashed in your chest as you stared at him crazily. He was soaked to the bone. "Your gonna catch a cold walking around like that" you scolded tightening your robe.
"Do you have any clean towels?" You asked, but you turn back to look at the door. Hoping that Lee wouldn't suddenly comeback.
"I think so.. I know I need to do laundry, not too good at it so I've been holding it off."
"Well, I don't normally do this, but if you like I can mix yours with mine. I don't have enough clothes to justify using all that water anyway."you shrugged.
"I don't want to put you out" he stepped closer to you. "The way his clothes clung to him you had to try hard not to stare.
"N-no trouble. Um wait here I'll give you a towel just in case." You leave him and head back into your room. Digging in your cabinet for the towels. When you turned around again Arvin stood in your living room, looking around your meager abode. "I know it aint much, but at least I got my own bathroom" you chuckled.
When he stepped closer and you had to hold yourself together. Arvin dragged his teeth over his bottom lip while his eyes fell to the opening in your rope.
"S-sorry" your face felt on fire, embarrassed you looked down to your feet. You held out the towel and closed the robe with the other. Arvin’s hand lifted your chin and your eyes went wild.
His lips felt so soft. You just wanted to kiss them all day. Arvin's arms wrapped around your waist and you wanted to melt into him.
Arvin turned you around and backed you up until you both fell backwards onto the bed. Arvin rested comfortably between your thighs while his manhood pressed on your mound. You didn’t know if it were his jeans or your nature making you go wet, but either way you welcomed it.
You gasped when he sucked on your neck, kissing the spot after pulling off. Arvin ground his hips into you making the warmth between your legs soak with desperation.
Holding himself above you, you forced yourself to finally look back at him without shying away. He smirked down at you as he peeled off his top, the wet garment hit the floor hard. His muscles moved and tightened as he freed his shaft. Biting your bottom lips you hummed when he rubbed the tip hard against your slit then lining himself up. Arvin pressed his weight down as he pushed inside slowly. You moaned his name at his fullness. The bed frame squeaked as he rocked.
Kissing you again swallowing your moans, you wrap your legs around his back urging him deeper. Ever the gentleman he obliged.
*Bang Bang Bang
The furious jiggling and banging was most definitely Lee. You were surprised he hadn't popped the lock as usual, but it was only a matter of time before he got through.
Arvin must not have noticed so you slapped his chest. Pushing him off, but he wouldn't stop. Instead kissing you again as you tried to speak.
"Arvin please, that's Lee... he's.. cop" you spoke on his lips, but your words meant nothing.
Arvin's eye were darkened with lust. You tried to spin away, but he hooked your legs keeping you there, fucking you with his slow pace. He was splitting your mind in two. You wanted to cum so desperately, but your reason told you that Lee wouldn't take kindly to this.
Arvin continued to rock into you as Lee screamed at the door.  Your back arched when Arvin took your nipple in his mouth.
"That's it. That's my girl. Come for me." He mumbled over your nipple. Licking the areola and sucking it again, you came around him, squeezing his cock making him hum with approval.
The banging on your bedroom wall brought your high down fast. "I will shoot through this gawd damn wall if you don't let me in!" Lee threatened. You looked at Arvin with panic in your eye. Arvin kissed you gently again as Lee screamed on. You were terrified, you hoped you could explain Arvin's presence away as a maintenance emergency, but before you could properly forma a though he pulled up his pants as you fixed yourself. Arvin didn't stop or look back as you called out to him. Paying you no mind as he opened the door and walked out.
The sound in the hall was so loud you thought lightening had broke through the roof. You rushed out of your room and found Lee out cold, with a pool growing around his perimeter. You looked at Arvin, the young man unconcerned as he began dragging the cop into your room by his feet.
"Get a bucket and a mop" he commanded, the pistol tucked deep in his pants. Without a word you followed his orders.
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generalfoolish · 3 years
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Rating: 18+ (minors take a hike)
Warnings: lots of bad space language, talk of Bo-Katan and Death Watch, mentions of lost family, Soft!Luke (needs a tag), maybe some lusting over Luke? He's handsome, y'all, mad!Mando, some Grogu because I can't help myself, some nightmare talk/horror type themes-blink and you'll miss it though
Word count: ~2.4K
Pairing: (eventually!!!) Din Djarin x F!reader
Summary: Two Mandalorians on the road to Dagobah, in search of a Jedi.
A/N: Hey babes! This is number six of the #mandomay2021 prompt list. This one is soooo self-indulgent, but it's pretty exposition heavy. Our sweet mandalorian doesn't know Mando's story like we do, so bear with me! Enjoy 💕
Masterlist | Cyare'se | Partaylir
Mando is silent as he toggles the destination into nav, and remains silent long after the jump into hyperspace. You don’t know what to do. The cockpit isn’t cramped, but you feel like your thoughts are too loud. You wonder if he can hear you thinking.
If he could hear you, he’d know that you were second guessing this whole quest. You had once been spurred on by hate and loss and grief, but in the starkness of this new ship you think you may have run head-long into something you couldn’t control.
You wonder, not for the first time since meeting Mando, if your resolve is weakening or if you’re simply intrigued by this mandalorian.
As if he could read your thoughts, Mando turned to face you.
“I’m not sure that Skywalker will be much help. I have hope, but I need you to know that it may not be productive.” He sounded so earnest, that all you could do was raise your shoulders in a pitiful shrug.
“Where is Skywalker?” You asked quietly.
“Dagobah. It’s a swamp planet.”
“I’m not sure I know it.” You thought back to the last time you mapped the galaxy. It had been a long time.
“You wouldn’t. It’s almost Wild Space. Further south than Naboo.” You nodded, then considered it.
“That’s across the galaxy?”
“Yeah, but he’s the only one who would know anything. Except for Bo-Katan, but we both have reasons to avoid her.” He added, wistfully.
“You do?” You asked, and Mando shook his head.
“Yeah, but it’s a long story.” You shrugged, it didn’t really matter. As long as you were on the same page when it came to clan Kryze. You sat back in the seat, and Mando turned back around. You wondered about his motives. He had mentioned having a son, one that could still be hunted by the Empire. But, he was alone. And there was no covert on Nevarro. If he was staying away from Bo-Katan, then the son wasn’t likely near Mandalore. You narrowed your eyes as you worked through it.
You didn’t have children, not your own. Your Tribe had been very closely knit, and you had loved and looked over the children. They were why you had thrown yourself into this plot. You would never leave them behind, though. If you had them in your arms, would your hate dissipate as well? He mentioned loved ones, and you wondered again about his entanglements. Was there a Tribe? More hidden? His son had been hunted, was his Tribe destroyed along with the covert?
You wouldn't speculate anymore.
“Mando, where’s your ad?” He stiffened visibly. You worried you had crossed a line, one that you couldn’t easily retreat from.
“Why?” His voice was terse, and his shoulders remained tense.
“If he’s alive, you should be with him? This is a suicide mission, you said so yourself. Why would you agree if you had a son who was waiting for you?” You prodded. It felt important to know. You needed to know what kind of man he was, that’s what you told yourself, anyway.
You needle people, that inner voice told you. You needle and push until they’re gone.
Minutes passed before you heard Mando sigh, long enough that you had started to regret ever getting on the ship.
“He’s in training. He’s a foundling.” You nodded, but didn’t fully understand. Training for what? Combat? Guns? A bounty hunting mandalorian should be able to handle that.
“Training?” You asked, no longer able to keep your question at bay. He exhaled loudly, and turned to face you, the tension released from his shoulders.
“He is with Skywalker. They’re Jedi.” He told you plainly. As if that explained anything.
“Jedi?” You scrambled trying to remember if your buir had ever mentioned Jedi in your lessons. You recalled their weapon, the jetii’kad, a laser sword, you thought.
“They use the Force.” He told you, confusion laced in his words. “I...I’ve seen it. They use their powers and laser swords to fight. I have seen things I can’t explain.” You listened intently. You had only heard the stories, the reason Mandalore needed a Mand’alor, and the reason mandalorians wore beskar. But even in your wildest machinations they weren’t true, just stories for the children to cling to. Something to believe in, when everything else seemed helpless.
“The jetii are real? You said “they,” are they more than one?”
“Mm. Two, well three if you count the kid.” You closed your eyes under the helmet, and wished you could rub your face. It didn’t seem real. You turned your attention to the streaking colors of hyperspace. It wasn’t impossible that Jedi would be real. The dark saber was real, you had heard the chatter. A mysterious mandalorian, one without ties, wielded it now.
Your eyes snapped back to Mando. A mysterious mandalorian, one without ties.
You rolled your eyes at yourself. This guy wasn’t the Mand’alor.
Why else would he be running from Bo-Katan?
He’s connected to the Jedi.
The Mand’alor a Child of the Watch from a backwater like Nevarro?
It would be impossible...right?
You snapped your eyes back to Mando. He had busied himself with the control panel, seemingly lost in thought.
“Mando?” He turned toward you slowly, his body language a question.
“Why are you hiding from Bo-Katan? I don’t care if it’s a long story.” He sighed at your request. He didn’t answer, he simply stood and left the cockpit. You sat up straight, fear creeping up your spine. You had pushed too far.
He returned after a moment, though it didn’t seem as though he had grabbed anything. Confusion replaced your fear, and you leaned forward on your knees.
“I kind of made a promise to her that I never intended to keep. She knows my face, and I have something she wants. I just need to keep space between us.” You narrowed your eyes again, his story sounding like bantha shit.
“Okay, Mando. We’ll stay off her radar.” You told him, but that dark voice crept up from your stomach and filled your throat with bile. Something was wrong. He was lying.
“Well, this is Dagobah. Nowhere to land. At least an X Wing will be easy to spot.” Mando muttered from the pilot chair. You said nothing. In fact, you had more or less kept silent for the few days it took to travel. Mando seemed to operate quietly usually, so it didn’t bother him. Or if it had, he hadn’t voiced it. You had been keeping in the hold, for the most part, as well. Keeping distance seemed the proper course for now. Until you could parce out why he had lied about Bo-Katan. A growing part of you was terrified you’d awaken to him standing over you, wielding that damn dark saber. Your thoughts ping ponged from the saber to Bo-Katan, and when you could finally put them out of mind, you were assaulted with the new information about the Jedi.
You were having trouble processing. And you had kept your crikking helmet on for far too long.
At last, you had seen the planet looming in the darkness of space, massive and green. You’d have answers soon. You had a mental inquiry for this Skywalker, ranging from Mandalore to the New Republic. The Empire side-lined for a moment, was queued up after your current thoughts were sorted. It was too much.
Mando piloted the ship easily down into the muggy swamp. You wrinkled your nose, and were actually thankful for your helmet. It would filter out the worst of the smell. Mando had set the ship down on the, seemingly, only piece of dry land. It housed another ship, the X wing, you presumed.
He motioned for you to follow, and you complied. Not speaking for almost a week had it’s advantages, the two of you had become masters of nonverbal signals. You looked around outside of the ship. Skughole, that was your only thought. Crikking skughole. Not even a port. Mando walked forward, and you followed behind.
You heard the man before you saw him. He was cursing a blue streak through the muggy air. He wasn’t what you expected. You weren’t sure what you had expected, but the lean, human male wasn’t it. He was dressed in tan, loose fitting clothes, and was covered in the bluish mud. His brown hair hung messily in his face, which was plastered with sweat.
You tore your eyes away from the only Jedi you had ever seen, and gaped at what you saw. A massive boulder was levitating in front of him. It was just floating there, in the open space. You turned quickly to Mando, and he nodded once at you. It felt like a confirmation that you weren’t insane. That what was happening was real.
Not that you had time to dwell on it. Before you could blink, the rock imploded. Tons of small rocks fell to the mud, and the man exhaled loudly.
“Mandalorian. I’ve been expecting you.” The Jedi panted, before walking over.
“Grogu?” Mando asked. You blinked in confusion. It wasn’t Mando’a. Or any other language you knew.
“He’s napping. We’ve been training hard. Searching for more of his kind. My Master was one of his species, and I believe there to be more here. This planet…” He trailed off before turning to face you. “Apologies, I am Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Master. The Jedi Master, I guess? There’s not many of us left. Not to worry,” he added, leveling a kind look at you, “You travel with a kind man.” Mando snapped his head down at you, but you were as confused as him.
“Can Jedi read minds?” Luke laughed and wiped his forehead off.
“No. I can sense that you are nervous though.”
“With the Force?” You asked, trying to keep your voice steady. You had never had to filter emotions more than through your voice. The beskar hid everything else. You felt Mando’s eyes on you, burning through what was left of your shield.
“Kind of. Let’s get some food, yeah? Grogu needs to eat, and I’m sure he’ll be excited to see you, Mando.” You followed Luke, but you could feel Mando’s eyes on you the short walk to the hut. Luke dipped into the small hole, and disappeared inside.
“You don’t trust me?” Mando asked, gruffly, as soon as Luke was out of earshot.
“No. You lied to me.” You leveled. He scoffed, putting his hands on his hips.
“You lied to me!” Exasperated, you yanked your helmet off.
Of course, you regretted that immediately. The smell of the swamp nearly gagged you. You hadn’t gotten acclimated to it at all, and it hit you full on. Mando took a neat step backward, hands mid air, helmet looking down. Luke was walking out with bowls, and peeking around his leg was a long green ear.
Your eyebrows pulled together, and you opened your mouth to say something--anything. But Luke beat you to it.
“Oh criff.”
You sat with Luke, helmet beside you on the log, and faced the fire. Mando had taken a walk with Grogu.
“What makes you so apprehensive to the warrior?” Luke asked, slurping stew from the bowl. You looked at him, aglow from the flames, and sucked your teeth. You didn’t know their relationship, but you couldn’t hide it from the Jedi.
“I think he has the dark saber.” Luke nodded.
“Would this be an issue?” You considered it for a moment.
“I don’t know. I keep having nightmares. He...strikes me down with it.” Luke drained his bowl, and sat it aside.
“Why would he do that?” Luke asked, full attention on you.
“That’s what I’m nervous about. He doesn’t have a reason. Unless, he thinks I’m a threat to him. Luke, do you know the story?” He shook his head, and you thought about it. “My buir, sorry my Mom, taught me many lessons of the mandalorians. My father was lost during one of the many civil wars. I saw the destruction and horror first hand, as I’m sure Mando did. The difference though, is that his people were the ones that murdered mine. It’s hard to separate the man from the myth.” Luke nodded thoughtfully.
“I am afraid I know little of Mandalorian lore, but I have seen my share of pain and betrayal. We cannot always know what path is right, but we can trust in the Force to lead us there. What does your gut tell you about Mando?” You sat silently, staring deep into the flames before you. You had been turning it over since Nevarro.
“He’s safe.” You told the Jedi, so quietly it was almost lost to the crackling fire. But the man beside you nodded, and patted your knee. You looked down and saw that his hand was mechanical. You snapped your eyes up to his face, and his eyes twinkled at you. You heard a twig snap and your eyes shot to the source, fingers wrapping around your blaster.
You saw Mando’s beskar reflecting in the low light, and the curl of his arm, before you heard the child’s babbling.
Mando was a mystery, but Grogu had stolen your heart immediately. He had been in Mando’s arms, cooing, since he woke up. Mando, for his part, had nodded and participated in the very one sided conversation.
You offered Mando a small smile when he approached, but he didn’t acknowledge it.
“It is a bittersweet reunion for him.” Luke told you quietly, when Mando dipped into the hut.
“Why?” You asked, watching the hut closely.
“He knows he must leave him. Grogu’s training takes precedence, but their bond is strong.”
“Ah, we have a word for this: aay’han. It is both mourning and joy at once.”
“Aay’han,” Luke echoed the Mando’a back perfectly, and you thought it sounded lovely. “Such a beautiful word, the meaning is interesting. I would like to know more of your culture, someday. First, I am seeking my own.” You smiled at Luke as he stretched beside you. It had been days since you had truly spoken.
You hated this swamp planet, but you were growing fond of its inhabitants. Aay’han, indeed.
Aay’han: bittersweet
Ad: son
Buir: parent
Mand’alor: Ruler of Mandalore
Jetii: Jedi
Jetii’kad: lightsaber
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mamaredd123 · 7 years
Close Encounters part 6
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PAIRING: Dean x Reader
WARNING: noncon (not rape), oral (reader giving), brief anxiety attack
Missed a chapter or you need to get caught up? Click here for Close Encounters Master List
Mama’s Master List
I could feel Dean’s hand on my hips before my eyes ever opened. That brief moment between sleep letting go and reality taking over is sometimes the best illusion ever. Except for this time; my eyes snapped open as I felt the discomfort blending in with the pleasure of Dean’s embrace as he leans over my back and holds onto me tightly with one arm.
As the fog clears from my brain, I am fully aware that we are having sex. I panic slightly because I am aware that I have had another blackout. Not wanting Dean to notice, I keep my grimacing to myself as he continues to slide in and out of me. How on earth did we get to anal sex? I know Dean would never force the issue, but we had discussed this once and he knew I was against it. I was more grateful when he pulled out and gently rolled me onto my back. Looking up in those green eyes, I knew without a doubt that I had agreed to this, somehow.
“Everything ok?” he asked gently.
“Yes, everything’s good.”
He smiled at me and then leaned down to kiss me softly. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. As his tongue gently prodded it’s way into my mouth, I felt him enter me again. This time I moved with him, meeting him thrust for thrust. Dean’s mouth fell from mine and began to make it’s way down my neck. As he locked onto my nipple, I felt my orgasm explode. My whole body was tingling from the sensations.
I heard Dean chuckle against my skin and then felt his pace quicken. Soon he gave way to his own orgasm and laid down on my stomach, breathing heavily. I lifted my arms, embracing him. Dean’s hands crept their way up to hug me back. As both of our breathing slowed, I leaned down and kissed the top of his head.
“What?” I asked, confused.
“You haven’t done that in a while. I always like it when you hold me like this afterwards.”
“I enjoy it too.”
I hadn’t done that in a while he said. I thought I did that every time after we made love. Did that mean we had been having sex, a lot of sex, that I don’t remember? The questions were killing me but the only way to get any answers was to confess to him the one thing I didn’t want him to know.
--------- It had been a month now since my third episode had happened. To be honest, things weren’t getting any better. In this past month, I have lost fifteen more days that I can count. That means three more episodes because each time I blackout, it always seems to last for five days. The only good thing is that I do seem to still be functioning when they happen and neither of the brothers have noticed anything.
I had begun to try to start keeping little notes in my room. Every night when I would lay down, I pulled the notebook out and make a note of the day and if there was anything in particular about the day. At least in doing this I have been able to figure out how many episodes and how long they were lasting. It was also a place where I kept a list of all the weird things I noticed. For example, after the fifth episode, I woke to find my all my nails painted in a bright red nail polish. I didn’t own anything bolder than a soft pink!
There was a knock at my door so I quickly slid my notebook back under my mattress before answering.
“Come in.”
“Hey sweetheart,” Dean said as he came in and joined me on the bed.
“Hey love.”
“Are you getting ready to call it a night?”
“I don’t know. Sam still seems so upset with me. I just came in here to kind of hide from him. Out of sight, out of mind, ya know?”
“I don’t know what’s going on around here either to be honest. It’s been getting to me a little, too. The other day I went to go get my gun cleaning kit and it’s gone. I can’t find it anywhere in the entire bunker.”
“Dean, I swear to you, it’s not me or at least I don’t think it is,” I told him as a tear slid down my cheek.
“Shh, baby. It will be ok,” he said as he pulled me into his arms. “We will get to the bottom of everything, I promise.”
I leaned into him, letting the frustrated tears fall. Too many times now, I have cried over this and I almost let it slip what was actually going on. I took a deep breath and caught myself before I told him.
“How about we go out? Get out of here for a little bit?” he asked.
“Where do you want to go?” I asked, choking back my tears.
“I don’t know. Anywhere.  We can to a movie, go for a drive, or just get out of here and go get something to eat.”
“Ok. That would be nice. We haven’t done anything like that in a long while now.”
I got up off the bed and slipped my shoes on. Dean took my hand and I don’t think he let go of it the entire night.
I woke up the next day in Dean’s bed, which is where I remembered asleep. As I stretched and began to make my way to my room, I was hoping that it was a good sign. I went straight for my phone and checked the day. Quickly, I reached under my mattress, grabbing my notebook. Comparing the dates, I saw that I was safe today. I had not missed anything.
As I got dressed my mind wandered around the various reasons that could explain my blackouts. I wasn’t a heavy drinker by any means so I ruled that out. Brain tumor? I doubted that was it. Some strange illness? Well the doctors did run all kinds of tests so I assumed that ruled that one out. As I slipped my shoes on, I gave up trying to figure it out.
I started making my way down the hall, smiling because today was going to be a good day. As i neared the end of the hall, I heard Sam and Dean talking from Sam’s bedroom. I paused at Sam’s door, trying to hear what they were talking about.
“I just don’t know dude,” I heard Dean say.
“Dean, how can you not see that something is going on?”
“But she seems ok.”
“I know man. But just look at this list. Three weeks ago, she cut all her hair off. The flip flopping personality. One minute she’s, I don’t know… normal. Then she’s like all over you, demanding, loud, boisterous.”
“I think you are stretching things, dude.”
I stepped back from the door and turned back to my room. I guess I haven’t hid things as well as I thought I had. As my door closed behind me, I fell against it. A feeling of panic took over me as I stood there. What would Dean do if, no, when he found out the truth? I could feel my heart beating so fast in my chest. It felt like it was going to beat itself right out of my body! I jumped across my bed and grabbed my bottle. Opening it, I almost spilled all the contents. Taking one of the pills, I paused for a half of a second, before putting it in my mouth and swallowing it dry.
I sat there and waited for the medication to kick in, my mind racing the whole time. I couldn't deal with it if Dean was going to hate me over this. Maybe I should just pack up and get out of here before that happened?
But maybe he wouldn't be like that. He did say he loves me. Maybe he would understand how scared I am? My emotions were like a roller coaster until the meds took effect.  Once the calm feeling took over, I was able to look at things a little easier.
Sam mentions mood swings. Well, I AM female so that explained that.  The haircut? That would be easy to do too. New life, new style. With these new thoughts on mind, I decided to stay clear of the brothers for most of the day. I would approach Dean this evening!
It was almost midnight before I heard Dean retire to his room. I had not seen or talked to him since yesterday when I fell asleep.  I gave him a few minutes before creeping across the hall and knocking on his door tentatively.
“Come in,” I heard him say.
Smoothing down the edge of my nightgown, I opened the door as softly as I could and entered. My heart winced as I saw the look on his face. His face was all scowled up, eyebrows pulled towards each other. He was obviously frustrated or aggravated about something.  I didn't know if that look was because of me or because of their case, but it hurt to see him like that.
“I figured you were sleeping. I haven't seen you all day.”
“Well.. umm.. if I am honest with you, when I woke up this morning I passed Sam's room and it sounded as if y'all were arguing. Figured if you were, I would just stay out of the way.”
“We weren't arguing; just discussing some things.”
“Was it about a new case or the thing with Lucifer?”
“Hmm. Yea, something like that.”
I crawled up on his bed and crossed my legs. I sat there, quietly, and watched as he undressed. He was such a marvel to look at. Knowing how huge his heart was, it just made me love him even more than I already did.
“Y/N, how have you been feeling lately?” he asked as he finally turned towards me. “I just worry about you.”
“I've been feeling fine I guess. My emotions have been all over the place lately but I guess that's probably just a hormonal thing.”
Dean looked at me for a few seconds and then his face kind of lit up.
“Hormones, huh?”
“Well I don't know for sure but that would be my guess,” I answered, laughing a little.  That smile of his warmed my very soul.
“Yea, you women sure got the short end of the stick in that area.”
“Baby, come here. Let me try to make that crease on your forehead go away.”
It pleased me greatly to see that huge smile envelope his face. The crease was gone immediately but I was still gonna do my best to make him feel better.
He stepped up to the bed and I took his hand, pulling him down beside me. I gently pushed him over on his back and straddled him. His hands found my thighs and I felt his finger creep under the hem of my gown. I watched as eyes went from that sparkling bright green to the smoky dark emerald as he realized I had nothing on underneath.
I leaned over and kissed his lips gently whispering ‘I love you Dean Winchester’. Before he could respond I kissed him again. My tongue probing, seeking his. His fingers gripped my thigh as we kissed, his cock growing and pressing against me.
I rocked gently against him and was rewarded with a little moan. I broke the kiss and gently licked and kissed my way down his muscled chest. As I neared his engorged manhood, I gently took it my hand first. My fingers danced around the head and my grip slid up and down slowly.
I watched his face as I worked him. When his eyes closed and his back arched ever so slightly, I bent down and took him in my mouth. I replaced my fingers with my tongues, swirling around the edge. I heard him moan again. This only served to egg me on.
I quickened my pace and sucked at him a little harder. Dean's hand snaked down and gripped at my shoulder, fingers digging into my flesh. I stepped it up a little more and heard him say my name.
I could taste the salty precum and knew he was almost there. Wanting to give him what he needed I slipped my hand j to continued the pumping. As my fingers gripped and tightened, I sucked at the head, letting my tongue tease him even more.
Suddenly, the taste of him exploded inside my mouth. His grip tightened even harder on my shoulder but still I pulled at him. I sucked until there was nothing left. I didn’t pull away from him though until I felt his cock begin to soften.
“Baby, come up here please,” I heard him whisper.
I eased up and laid beside him, laying my head on his chest.
“I love you too, you know, “ he whispered.
With a smile on my face, I stayed still and listened to his heartbeat. It gradually slowed, as did his breathing. When he was finally asleep, only then did I allow myself to relax and go to sleep myself.
Forever Peeps: @megansescape @madamelibrarian @jayankles @feelmyroarrrr @docharleythegeekqueen @crowleysdemonknight @motleymoose @sumara62 @mrstheorossix3 @evansrogerskitten @waywardjoy   @dwaynii @jensen-jarpad   @deathtonormalcy56 @ruprecht0420 @charliebradbury1104 @relmi-llorrac @wonderange @sandlee44 @tom-is-in-my-tardis @kmb99t @summer-binging-spn @posiemax @ohmychuckitssamanddean @thedevilinthedetails @bohowitch @tmccarney @dragon-tail @suli155 @mrsbatesmotel53 @petrovadixon @thewalkingmombie @mogaruke @spontaneousam @uniquewerewolfsuit @firstlady36 @goldenolaf25 @lunarsaturn88 @spn-hetalian-from-hogwarts  @carribear31  @captainemwinchester’  @watercolor31 @sea040561 @my-favorite-fanfiction67
Random Tags (just tagging a few of you who used to be on my Forever Tags): @babypieandwhiskey @impala-dreamer @frenchybell  @idreamofhazel @nichelle-my-belle @moonlitskinwalker @redlipstickandplaid @taste-of-dean @avasmommy224 @you-are-not-in-my-contacts-list  @p-b-and-cas @supernatural-jackles @treasurecastiel @calicat79 @beccafgs @mysteriouslyme81 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @sis-tafics @benjerry707 @impalaimagining @sdavid09 @meganlpie @whispersandwhiskerburn @authoressskr @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @beccatigger @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @buckysmetallicstump @breeannhausler @sazrahlovesbooks @unfortunately-a @clinicalkayla @maddieburcham1 @ilostmyshoe-79 @roxy-davenport @eve05glee @jensenacklesfuckmeyes @ladyxdezi @catackles16 @wi-deangirl77 @dang-meddling-winchesters   @donnaintx @jdhillons @tiffanycaruso @pureawesomeness001 @notateenbeachmovie @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish @omgspnfanfiction @leonepanda @grimes-ft-winchester @thatshellfiredean @deanandsamsbitch @straitsupernaturalmalefan @farewell--sanity @lauramerrell1 @trustnobodyshootfirst @doro7winchester @mariairwin666 @tankcupcakes @atc74  @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @iwantthedean @paintrider13-blog @d-s-winchester @death2thevirgin @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @ellen-reincarnated1967 @just-another-busy-fangirl @waywardjoy @winchesterprincessbride
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15001700tt · 7 years
The Victorians, they really aren’t tho
There was a flaw in their plan that they didn't notice when planning. How were the other two Stations supposed to inform the last when they arent on the same planet? How did that slip through their mind? But it was already too late for that, so theyre going to wait like patient people that they are not.
They had another thing to deal with that they dont know how. They had finally found out that Sang Hee is back and they dont know how to react. Some are still walking on eggshells with her and some are confused. Including Sang Hee, she can barely remember everything. She can remember being in her home, playing around with other kids, but she doesnt remember ever using her powers, or meeting any of the guys. Chen had tried to help by giving her books, documenting their lives, which she thought was creepy. They explained that its normal, the books talked about things she didn't understand, so she gave up and set the book down.
"I dont understand anything in this book. Who the hell are Victorians?" She said running a hand through her hair. She went and sat down next to Je Ki. They were now in china where the two royals lay on their beds looking peaceful.
"They are our enemies, they have been trying to take over our planet for years. They almost did a decade ago." Chen said.
"What about me? Where do I come in in all of this" she asked.
"I dont think you fully understand how powerful you are, you are not just limited to healing animals, plants and humans, you can heal bigger organisms such as a planet" Minseok explained.
"What?" She snapped, Yixing was sitting next to her, tensed.
"They didn't realise this because they only wanted to use you as bait. They never got the chance anyways" Yixing added.
"The only reason why they keep on invading us is because their planet, Barron Planet is dead. They want to revive it using our core. But in order for the core to be used by non-Exonians it destroys itself." Chen had opened the book and recited to the group.
The two remaining girls sat quietly and watched, as they figured out how to recover Sang Hee's memories.
"Jongdae Oppa, dont you think its a bit weird how they they never asked nicely?" Je Ki stated, causing a humorless chuckle to ring out.
"Victorians have fought with us for the longest time, but it was our parents generation that received the most damage. The Victorians have elected a new leader from their noble family, Zoya Khan" Xiumin started off.
"Hold up? Noble family?" Sang Hee questioned.
"Yeah they dont have a king" Jongdae responded. She nodded and Minseok continued.
"His second in command was Zack Lock. They were so powerful they had almost gotten what they wanted. They were skilled fighters and masters of their art; spirits." He paused, "If you had noticed while you were getting us, you were informed to get us to Barcelona as soon as possible because of this reason, the spirits are everywhere, and if the spirits are controlled by the Khans, he would find out where you are and you wouldn't survive."
"Barely able to capture him they put him in prison for years. Although the couldn't find Lock, they thought that he wouldn't come back. They were wrong."
"Lock had came back after a few years and helped Khan escape. They had been planning to use of the noble's daughter as bait."
"His plan didn't work, but the daughter had vanished before he could touch her"
"He also didn't realise that his plan had been flawed, because that daughter was the most powerful Healer known to their kind." Minseok gave a pointed look towards Sang Hee.
"Youre talking about me?" She was stunned, all of this happened and she didn't even remember. Soo Mi listened as she sat comfortably next to Jongdae who had his arm around her shoulder. In such a short amount of time they had gotten super close.
"The planet is powerful no doubt but the Healer was better. In a sense where she doesn't destroy everything around her."
"How powerful are we talking? Cuz like you keep on mentioning the stones and the core but i dont get it" Je Ki protested.
"When the twelve in rule die they are buried with their Nonas, so imagine how powerful the ground is when the most powerful warriors and royals are embedded in your core." Minseok responded.
"After recapturing both Lock and Khan they are both thrown in jail. The Victorians hid on their planet unsure what to do without a leader."
"On the day of the decrowning of the older generation..." Minseok paused, drawing in a heavy breath. He hated that memory, watching everyone around him die. The most dearest people slipping through his fingers.
"They attacked...Khan killed almost all of the older generation...the younger generation had to flee somewhere they wouldn't look and fast."
"You chose earth." Soo Mi stated.
"Yeah, Sehun was 17 when he lost his parents, he was devastated. Could barely move" Yixing remembered, he had to do a lot of healing those first few month.
Soo Mi was listening but also looking around the room, there wasnt much. Kris and Tao lay motionless as if not bothered by the cruelness of the story. They couldn't even finish the story because the air twitched and three people landed in the middle of the room, Jongin, Jae Eun, and Ji Hee.
The room had already been pulsing with silent energy, now that four of the royals are here it was pumping. The girls haven't said anything since they were recovering from the teleportation.
"God, i hate doing that" Jae Eun groaned holding her head.
"Oh believe me you dont want to do it the other way." Soo Mi muttered casting a small glare to Jongdae that was laughing quite behind his teeth.
"Oh, hi, i am Jae Eun, this is Ji Hee" the beautiful girl introduced.
"Y'all know me" Kai smirked as the girls shook their heads at his annoyingness, the two royal's attention got turned to the two figures laying down on the beds. They got closer and their gemstones glowed.
The girls were amazed by their Nonas, they weren't like the Lightsticks or even the necklaces that Hyun Jin and Nat made. The gemstones were embedded into their wedding rings.
As the two Royals approached the boys. Seemed to start moving. Not waking up completely but the actions of waking up from deep slumber. As they stood over the two men, with their rings close to their hearts. The action seemed to awake the male heirs.
"I dont think you're pregnant" Chen said to Jae Eun, as he eyes her flat stomach.
"I am going to beat you so hard that you aint gonna have babies. Is that what you want?" she asked him sweetly. He shook his head not smiling anymore. Soo Mi giggled, diverting Chen attention to her joyful face. He raised an eyebrow in question. She shook her head with an apologetic face.
"You're here" it wasnt a question more a statement, but came from the oldest heir. He was looking around in confusion.'What had happened?' He thought. He could barely remember anything.
"Hey babe, you might want to get to the castle now to get crowned, but you know you can take your time." Ji Hee told Kris as he looked around the room.
Tao was still shaking off the haziness when he focused in on his pissed off wife. Almost instantly it was like his memory was jogged and fear struck him. For those around him and are watching it was amusing to see such a tall fearful man be the epitome of being scared from his pissed off, very not pregnant wife.
"You stupid shit! I wasnt pregnant and yet you still froze yourself because of the stupidest reason known to man" she screeched causing Je Ki to curl into Minseok.
"I was taking precautions." He tried to excuse himself, but instead got hit by his very angry and emotional wife. Also there were a lot of kisses in there too but mostly hitting.
"Are you sure youre not pregnant cuz i think i see some hormones churning" Jongdae commented, but got pinched by Soo Mi that was pushing his luck. Minseok saw this as his opportunity to divert attention and ask a question he had.
"Where's Luhan?" Kai's head turned towards the oldest member and tilted his head and smiled a bit.
"Getting yelled at by his wife back at the castle."
"Did we win the war?" Sang Hee asked halting all the side conversations that were happening. They haven't thought of that yet. They tried to push it back to the back of their Minds.
"Yes, Khan was killed" Kai stated into the silence.Sang Hee and Yixing sighed in relief. Sang Hee felt light headed, then the ground was uneven.
Yixing had caught her before she hit the ground. He looked at the shocked faces of his teammates.
"She's been worried this whole time" he sighed, "i felt it but i thought it was just nerves from the stories we've told her"
"It's better if we just take her to the castle and let her rest there." Ji Hee said. Everyone huddled together and Lay carried her passed out form.
As they landed everyone groaned, the Royals were all not used it but the other girls got used it. The groans of discomfort were drowned out by the agreement that Kai's teleportation is way better than the Nonagons. Almost immediately of landing Jongin was attacked by medium sized girl that had a bandaged on her arm.
"Youre late"
"We didn't really set a time for me to come back"
"Shut up" she mumbled. Before meeting the eyes of two amused girls. She waved and they waved back. She introduced herself as Alex. She lead the way back to the group. Almost everyone came out with at least one bruise. Chanyeol was getting stitches on the back of his right shoulder by a girl that looked half his height. As they passed people Kai and Alex introduced people to them. The girl was Nat, the list goes on.
"So what had happened?" Kris asks when he gets in close perimeter of Suho who was putting gauze on who he know knows as R.J.'s legs.
"I killed him."
"There not much, i didn't really give him a chance to say anything. I kinda just stabbed him and whispered 'revenge!'" He tried to sound serious, but in reality he felt no remorse. He did just kill a person maybe more but these are the people that killed his parents infront of his eyes with 'no remorse'.
"Nice man, didn't think you would do that, but hey life is full of surprises" Kris pats his back before smiling politely at the girl sitting down.
"Has anyone seen Luhan?" Sehun asks.
"Probably getting busy" immediately Jongdae responds, thus earning a slap on the back of his head from Soo Mi.
"Every time you make an appropriate comment you'll get hit." She simply stated.
"You go girl!" Mi Na appeared. Luhan following shortly behind her.
"For your information, we were helping Ji Mi and Kyungsoo and Baek and Hyun Jin with their wounds, so no there wasnt any funny business" Luhan cleared his throat, "yet" that earned a laugh from Jongdae.
With no hesitation Mi Na and Soo Mi smacked their boyfriends heads to get their heads out of the gutter.
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