#y'all know i can't stay serious the whole time lmfao
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sgtlucychen · 2 months ago
wherefore art thou, small doses?
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coming out of retirement inactivity to say it’s reductionistic to contextualize the current disrespect towards miss chen (in chenford) as racist. when actual racism appears on screen, it’ll be harder for those unfamiliar with dog whistles to recognize and address them because everything under the sun concerning lucy has been previously labeled as ‘racist.’
but! while racism may be an infinitesimal factor for chenford right now, internalized misogyny certainly is not. it’s disappointing, but not surprising, to see so many make excuses for tim’s head-scratching behavior towards lucy because of it. the GP will always fawn over mid white men. it’s the reason why nathan fillion stays employed playing boring as fuck nolan.
it’s insulting, though, for creatives like alexi hawley and eric winter to parrot PR talking points supplementing what isn’t actually depicted on the show. we’re not stupid. we don’t need commentary to interpret source material. we need to see what constitutes as tim ‘working on himself’ to make our own judgments about the viability of chenford’s path forward.
with the information we currently have, it would behoove lucy to cut her losses now before she gets more hurt and disrespected. wdym this man’s FORTY and still playing these mf games?! this is supposed to be the behavior of a man who’s tryna spin the block?! 
tim’s quips at lucy weren’t landing in 702 because they made him look good at her expense. the contrast is jarring between lucy giving tim lingering looks that suggest their romance isn't dead and tim opting for (maybe even relishing in?) hitting lucy where it hurts using condescension, oftentimes in front of others!
is pulling her pigtails how you rebuild a relationship you fractured after she saw and accepted your ooc baggage? after she begged you to let her in? this approach doesn’t even help the show's bottomline, i.e. keeping the show on air as long as possible by keeping its core audience engaged, when their social strategy is dependent on using chenford as clickbait.
personally, i have no doubt there will be new chenford moments coming down the pipe to keep the flame of hope alive for us. those will be cute, but they won’t be enough to offset their wasted potential.
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imaginespazzi · 3 months ago
Ok bestie, I got thoughts and feelings so here's my initial reaction - which is that I'm a liiiitle (maybe a lot) mad at Paige!
Like i know she has reason to be guarded and scared, i get it. BUT she's also being a bit selfish. Like if it was just btwn her and Azzi, i understand her hesitance. But, there is a whole ass kid involved. And of course P has never been in such a situation before where she's had to also consider a child, but well that's the reality and she should have already been thinking about that even before. Like how are you gonna look at a heartbroken, devastated, crying-her-eyes-out Stephie-bean and still not be able to decide if you're staying.
Like they had the whole ass manifestation of how much their decisions can hurt others right there in Drew, and yet P's essentially doing the same with Stephie.
And yes i know i know, we just need to give her some time and like i do get it and get her. I'm just being a little overprotective of Stephie rn 😭
And I'm also mad that she didn't "hold on" to Azzi/their relationship. Ugh i can't wait (even though i know i'll be shattered) to see that dreaded day Azzi said no. And i've always wondered if Paige fought to keep them tg and i guess not? BUT i'm gonna reserve my final judgement until I see the scene play out and see what exactly Azzi said when she said no. Because again, if all Azzi needed was a little bit more time (which Azzi is so graciously giving her now) and yet it was marriage or nothing for P right then and there, hmmm well, i'm definitely side-eyeing blondie a little.
I may or may not have more thoughts but i'll leave it there for now!
Hope you've been doing well, Nivi!
P.S: gutted that we won't get to see Azzi against ND tomorrow, was really looking forward to that matchup (but hopefully we play them again in March cause I need to see a full-strength ND and UConn team play each other!). BUT, just relieved that Azzi seems like she's ok and it was nothing serious cause my heart must have plummeted to the earth's core when she went down in that Louisville game. She looked so happy in that photo today with P though so that really put a smile on my face!
Catch you later, bestie! 💗
Much love,
LMFAO you went AWF on Paige didn't you?
I think the thing with Paige is that she didn't expect to be feeling the way she is right now. She'd pretty much forgotten all her issues and I think was pretty committed to Stephie and Azzi until Drew lays it all out in front of her. That coupled with Azzi's unintentional little taunt about Stephie only being Azzi's daughter has pretty much sent Paige into overthinking self-protect mode and she isn't really thinking much beyond that, which is definitely selfish but in her head, she's just tryna not get hurt again.
I think Paige, in this fic, just has a hard time seeing everything together. Before, she could only really see how much she loved Azzi and Stephie and being with them and was completely disregarding the past. Now, she can only really focus on the past and what could happen in the future, instead of focusing on the present.
Ah the break-up scene! I'm equal parts excited and really nervous for y'all to read it whenever it does come up just cause I think everyone's really waiting for it and I'm scared it won't be ass effective as y'all are thinking. But mainly, I'm really excited to write it because there's so much material and I'm excited for y'all reactions!
The ND game.....sigh bestie SIGH. Would love your thoughts on that if you have any! I'm just waiting to see her back and trying not to nitpick little details and doomsday but I fear the woman I'll become if we don't see her playing this week.
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iamselfmade · 3 years ago
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 47
(From here, accepting!)
This got insanely long so it's under the cut
1. Top 3 favorite female characters?
(Oh I have SO MANY OPINIONS I'm glad I was asked this twice because I love so many trek women.
1. Beverly Crusher. She's awesome. She's so fun on screen, she doesn't take shit, and she's just... so goodhearted. I remember her getting absolutely boosted to top five favorite characters because of how she was with Hugh the first time I saw I Borg. She's a mom friend in the best ways.
2. Janeway. She just cracks me up. There's coffee in that nebula? Lmfao get it girl, you get your coffee. She's blunt and tough and still very kind. She's also just hilarious in general.
3. Seven of Nine. She also cracks me up. What are you doing, Seven? Honey. Honey. I'd die for you. I'd die for you, Seven. In a heartbeat. She's also just unintentionally very funny. You know for a fact she does not mean to be hilarious. But she is.)
2. Top 3 favorite male characters?
(Again omg I have so many opinions. I love so many of the characters for different reasons.
1. Hugh. I think y'all expected this. He's so endearing and sweet, y'know? I love him so much. I'd also die for him in a heartbeat. He's an absolute darling.
2. Data. Data my boy. Data my beloved. I like how well rounded and not grating he is despite the whole 'no emotions' thing which I'll touch on later. He's fun. He's got such a good soul.
3. Will Riker. I love this man. He's so good hearted and fun loving. I feel like he's the kind of person I'd want to have as a boss. Not too serious, unless the situation calls for it, fantastic, his facial hair single handedly saved the series... Okay I'm kidding on that last one.)
3. Top 3 least favorite characters?
(BUH. I apologize, but this is going to get extremely specific, because I have really bad memory about what characters I don't like. Narissa. Whoever it was that started that whole campaign against Simon Tarses because he's a quarter Romulan. And this is REALLY stupid but I had a stress dream that Kes was breaking all of my breakable items and now when I see her I'm like 'I can't fucking believe you broke all my stuff. AROUND MY CATS. BITCH YOU OWE ME PLATES.')
5. Episode plot you wish they had handled differently?
(I maintain that Hugh should have stayed on the Enterprise.)
6. Character you feel a show could have done without?
(Why is Sela even here? What does she add? I don't understand. Why are you here, ma'am. I keep forgetting she exists and when I'm reminded I'm like... Why are you here? She had potential but I think she was handled poorly.)
47. An unpopular opinion you have?
(Y'all are gonna hate me for this lmfao. I don't like Vulcans. Specific Vulcans? Yes! Half Vulcans? Yes!!! Vulcans in general? I find them boring and not very compelling.
Now, I am a very emotional person. I laugh too loud in public places. I cry at zales commercials. I love that about me! It's an important part of who I am. I'm emotional, but I'm honest. So, thus, having an entire culture's thing be "suppress emotions" is just... silly to me. And it reminds me of the snobby people I knew in high school that were 'super above it all' and I just don't care for it.
As a concept, I just find them... uninteresting. And ngl if someone was like 'you need to suppress and tightly control your emotions' I'd be like 'hilarious, I'm not gonna do that.')
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