#y'all i wrote 10k words in 3 days last week
fateisfiction · 4 months
Woot! Finally got words to my dear friend in our collab. Like 3 weeks late, but I've been more into TF141 than MHA recently, so it took a little bit of encouragement.
Asks are open! Requests are open!
NGL, I've forgotten what I have going on, so if you want me to continue something else, feel free to ask. If you don't want your username to be shown in an ask, just say so.
At some point I'll get a masterlist up and all the things I will/won't write for.
Current Fandoms:
BNHA, JJK, HxH, TF141(CoD)
Feel free to drag me into others, but you'll have to give me time to catch up enough to write.
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aelaer · 5 years
Been sitting on this long enough! Tagged by @dragonnan
Author Name: Aelaer (though it was not my first author name! I changed it because the original had too many connections to my rl name, which is rare to the point that the first and last name combo are the only one in the world. It's that nuts)
Fandoms You Write For: 
MCU (Basically Doctor Strange centric stories)
LOTR (though after writing exclusively for Tolkien in fanfic for 8 years and RP for 7, I'm taking a bit of a much needed break outside of my crossover)
Sherlock (only in a crossover WIP at the moment but I think I could be game for more)
Where You Post: AO3 and fanfiction.net (though the reviews and faves in the Avengers category in the latter are depressingly low considering the amount of hits the fic gets).
Most Popular One-Shot: 
On AO3, based on kudos and hits: The Calm Before the Storm
On fanfiction.net, based on faves and reviews: An Elf-lord's Patience. Oh God, this is a parody about common Mary Sue tropes in the LOTR fandom. FROM 2005. Absolutely no promise regarding the quality of the fic, I was a baby. But it's a neat bit of history to compare my old writing to how I write my comedy now!
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
On AO3, based on kudos, comments, and hits: Strange in a Strange Land. I'm quite fond of this crossover (LOTR/Doctor Strange) and I'm working on the last chapter now.
On fanfiction.net: My magnum opus, Pirates of the Ring. 45 chapters, 200k words, 7 years, and dozens of rewrites as I grew as I writer (especially the first 15 chapters). It was my first fanfic and it will always have a special place in my heart. This story still gets hits, which astounds me. But as you can see I have a thing for crossovers.
Favorite Story You Wrote: Asking me to choose my favorites between my children is horrendous. But for now, I believe that honor will have to go to Within the Shadows (MCU) due to the fact that it just wrote itself. I somehow regurgitated 16,000 words in about a week. I've never written that fast in my life.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Hmm I haven't really been nervous to post anything since I was a teenager posting on a strict Tolkien fanfic site, well over a decade ago. But I've not written non-con, smut, or anything that may be more "nerve wrecking". I'll read most anything but I tend to keep teen and below for my stories.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Usually with great difficulty. It's not uncommon for the title to be one of the last parts I finish in a story. Titles come from lines within a story (A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies), are inspired by songs (Dawn of Red Skies), or are rather straight and to the point (Strange in a Strange Land). One title that came almost immediately was "The Opening" because I knew there was going to be a chess theme throughout the story to match the "Endgame" title. Chapter titles in Dawn of Red Skies were all taken from quotes surrounding red, while in my untitled WIP are all from soundtrack titles of the two pieces being crossed over. So yeah, a lot of variety.
Do You Outline: Depends on the length of the story! For one shots, not usually. My outlines for stories less than 10 chapters long are pretty loose and informal and tend to have chunks of text in between notes. Anything over 10 chapters in the past for me (which was 3 fics, one never completed) were heavily outlined, though not necessarily in chronological order. One reason I know my pseudo!villain Stephen story is going to take for freaking ever is because the outline I have for it right now is 3 pages long and nowhere near complete. I truly have no idea when it will see the light of day. Hopefully before the second DS film :P
How many of your stories are…
Complete: 30 over 16 years (with a hiatus for 6 of those years)
In-Progress: 3; one discontinued, one that will need to be entirely rewritten if I ever want to try an epic for LOTR again, and then the last chapter for the DS/LOTR crossover.
Coming Soon: Uhhhhh.
Strange/Sherlock crossover: About 70% complete.
This two shot dark comedy: Maybe 50% done?
Sequel to Within the Shadows: No idea how many more scenes will demand to be written for this.
Pseudo!villain Stephen: Absolutely no idea but it's 10k words thus far but that includes the outline
Hopefully some one shots?
Do You Accept Prompts: Yeeeeessss but shorter ones please so I have at least a hint of a chance of completing the bingo before the deadline. Give me your one-shot prompts.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: Varies from day to day. Having 4 multi-chapter fics allows me to bounce to the one I want to work on most. I haven't written much this July so we'll see.
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions As Well:
Ugh this dumb thing erased who I tagged. @amethyst-noir @babywarg @calamityskies @cairistiona7 @xxgwenstacyxx if y'all want
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arofili · 6 years
1, 3, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 27, 28, 30? only if u want tho
river OF COURSE i want to, thank youuuu
links are all bolded so you can find them easily and go READ ALL THE AMAZING FICS LINKED! (including mine!)
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
Not to toot my own horn so much, but...I really like all the fics I wrote this year!! I'm gonna split it into two categories :)
For longer fics: Maybe it's because that's where my head is right now, but "Roads Go On" takes the cake here! This fic is just so fun, and I see connections to it everywhere on tumblr, which is delightful.
For oneshots: Oof, this is hard, considering oneshots are the main thing I write... In the end I'm tied between two of them, and neither are Tolkien! I'm very proud of my Barricade Day 2018 fic, "A Witch's Gift" - I pretty much only write one Les Mis fic a year, even though Les Mis means a lot to me, and I think I achieved what I was going for and more with this fic. Also, I just love Musichetta!
The other one is frankly a surprise to me because I almost forgot I wrote it this year: "meant to be", a TAZ hurloane fic. That one didn't get a ton of response but I've had that concept in my head literally ever since I first listened to Petals to the Metal, and I'm really happy with how it turned out!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
do you know how hard this is to answer?? do you know how little I remember from january 2018?? a whole fucking year ago??
okay, this is 100% cheating, cuz I didn't go back and reread any of my other fics to find That Perfect Line, but I'm just proud of my poetry in "The Lay of Maedhros", another fic that y'all slept on. my dudes, I wrote in Tolkien's Very Own Poetic Style for this!! my favorite scene from this fic is Sauron's conversation with Maedhros.
(Oh, I am also pretty damn pleased with the philosomancy blabbering that goes on in "Gravity" between Gandalf and Fili!)
10. shortest wip of the year
Okay, this fic started out as a oneshot but I couldn't keep it down... I swear i'm working on the final chapter, ok?? I am??
It's "Wedding Blues" my qp!Domadry fic for @buffintruda's birthday that was... uh... 6 months ago.... oops. It's 9.6k, which isn't nothing! But it's shorter than the other two WIPs I've got going, which are both in the 20k range.
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
i legit just listen to my spotify saved albums on repeat all year long with no particular soundtrack for writing... That being said, I've got a "Study Tunes" playlist on spotify that I use (on shuffle) for studying and sometimes writing! it's almost entirely instrumental with a focus on piano, and that really helps me get into The Zone while working!
15. something you learned this year
i swear i'm going to write a longer post on this later, but COMMENTING IS CREATING. this is something i've always believed, but i've been fleshing out the concept in my head and i believe it even more now.
Comments DIRECTLY influence the creation of more fic, and not only that, they are an integral part of the fic itself! Every time you or I leave a comment on a fic, you are creating fandom!
18. current number of wips
I try to keep myself to 2 long fics at a time, with oneshots here and there, but right now i'm at 3! "Roads Go On" + "Wedding Blues" i've already mentioned, but there's also my botfa fix-it "Moonlight" (that i will be turning my attention to asap, i promise!! it's only been uh... 5 months since the last update...yikes.)
19. any new fics to start next year
Honestly, I'll be astounded if I conclude "Roads Go On" and "Moonlight" this year. Especially now that I'm in college! So no, I'm not planning on it, except for oneshots (which I'm sure I will write several of).
Although if I can get around to it .... i have had a Legolas-as-Merida Brave AU floating around in my head since FOREVER... maybe I'll bust that out for Arospec Awareness Week...but probably not, oops.
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
@milesofkeeffe is the obvious answer! all your kiliel stuff is so so lovely :) but I also really enjoyed @waitineedaname's taz fics, and of course my homie @buffintruda always knocks it out of the park!
28. longest fic you read this year
it's got to be @milesofkeeffe‘s "Spring After Winter and Sun On the Leaves" coming in at 123k words! of course I've been reading that fic since it began in 2017, so for a fic that i read in its entirety in 2018... that would be this blupjeans fic, "The Last Days of the Legato Conservatory" by goldfishoflove. (warning: it gets nsfw) That one is only 10k words.... can you tell I prefer shorter fics? (Long fics intimidate me! so much time commitment!)
  30. favorite fandom to read fic from this year
probably TAZ! I mean, the past few weeks i've been drowning in Tolkien fic (esp Silm fic) but for the overall year I've got to go with TAZ, this fandom's got so many talented writers! 
ask me about my 2018 fics!
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