#y’all i had like 3 different sketches for this 😭😭
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robo-milky · 4 months ago
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“People can sink or swim. All that matters is if I can stay afloat.”
{Unlocked Groovy Voice Lines}
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eclipseberrycake · 1 month ago
Drops this and runs
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I have not drawn digitally in like… months (art block sucks…) so if these look rough that’s totally the reason why 😔
This is hopefully the first of many little like doodle dumps featuring fan art of yours as well as all the wonderful ocs shared on your blog :33
Decided to take this as a chance to experiment so that’s why there’s different labels on each character, it’s mainly just there for me so I can remeber which brush I used for line art. That’s also why each one kinda of looks different from the other </3 consistency fears me ig.
Some creative liberties were took, but also I am so so sorry if colors look off. I’m trying to get better at picking a color with my eyes and applying it on canvas rather than just relying solely on the color dropper tool.
HOWEVER if you are Sky’s and Sweeties creators are not happy with how the coloring (or really anything) turned out for this don��t be afraid to let me know and I’ll totally redo it :333
There wasn’t really any rhyme or reason to why I selected these three to be the first to draw, well Acura was a guaranteed pick considering she’s your oc, but I see Sweetie a bunch and just had to draw em, I love that funky critter bro. And sky is just so effortlessly gorg o h m y g o o d n e s s.
Anyways I rlly hope y’all like this, heres what the sketch’s looked like :>
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Not related but like— I really hope you and your partner are faring well!!! I saw the one ask that related your life to the A03 curse and I was like nodding in agreement because goodness you’ve been put through the wringer 😭😭 so seriously I hope y’all are doing much better now 🫶
Sweetie is honestly so funky and we love them for it and SKY TOO is SO gorgeous fr
Me and my partner are doing much better now thank you! It really truly felt like the Ao3 curse but thank you for asking! We just celebrated our one year actually!
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corviids · 2 years ago
You should know that someone is stirring problems with your art and the latest installments in gilded lilies. You should know in case you get bombarded with hate comments https://twitter.com/litathesissy/status/1672795383196418049?t=uZjfGFALpfuXW_l9DkkmMA&s=19
i drafted this entire thing and then my app refreshed so bear with me 😭 i’m also at dinner with my fam but wanted to say something
1. the art: referencing older artists like claude monet isn’t uncommon (at least in the art circles i’ve ran it) but in hindsight i understand that wasn’t the best choice to do without explicitly stating i did so so i take 100% accountability for that. i honestly wasn’t giving it much thought just because that drawing specifically, i worked on-forgot about-and then saw in my files and was like “hey lemme post that”. if you want insight into how i drew it, i side by sided my canvas and reference and then overlay after doing the sketch to correct the funkiness. i will definitely add an edit stating i referenced it.
2. the fic: another author reached out to me earlier regarding this this morning and we discussed it in private but i think it best to just say something here: the similarities in the specific scene are a complete coincidence. i have had aenys presenting and going feral as a result of luke planned for a while bc i’ve known i wanted aenys to be an alpha since the start. the specific “i’m his mother” “i’m your uncle” was meant to both be kinda hot but also show how different luke and aemond’s mindsets are towards their kids. luke tunnel visions whereas aemond recognizes their natures. i have discussed the aenys-aemond-luke dynamic pretty extensively elsewhere (bc i wanna keep nsfw off here), but there is a through line in my fics that aenys is a protective mamas boy and aemond is jealous of that. as for the setting, i frequently use the training yards in my fics when i want public displays to happen (and the nursery in private). i can only say that the similarities where not at all intentional.
3. as for the specific fic, i have read it in the past but in all honesty, i never retain specific scenes in fics. this isn’t bc an authors works are not being memorable, simply that i struggle to retain info beyond my hyperfixations bc my adhd. this is why i struggle to rec fics when asked. i’ve had numerous scrapped fics bc as i worked on them, something similar popped up and i didn’t wanna create that overlap. i genuinely did not even think about the other fic while writing mine. i went into it wanting to write heat sex but also wanted to build on the world of gilded lilies by giving some info on what the kids are up to as they are older
if the other author would like me to add a note in my fic regarding the similarities, i would be happy to discuss it with them as i don’t want to do it without their permission bc i haven’t seen anything from them and don’t want to involve them if they do not want to be.
to kinda conclude, the similarities were not at all intentional. the ideas in this fic for that scene was mostly based on things i’ve already messed around with and constant rambling with others in discord. as for the art, i once again take accountability for that and apologize for being so careless with it.
also: please do not harass anyone. i want to believe no one will but i just want to say that bc i’ve seen drama unfold before in past fandoms and want to avoid exposing people to that.
lemme know if y’all want me to expand upon anything else :)
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thatsassyhufflepuff · 7 years ago
Let’s talk Shadowhunters.
Alright so, writing about AwaE inspired me to write my reactions to Shadowhunters. Don’t quote me on which things happened in every season, my memory can be faulty.
Alrighty then!
Season 1:
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I have to admit, at first I was worried I wouldn’t like the show. I’m usually pretty scared of demonic elements in general. HOWEVER, as I continued to watch, I was like: “Oh. Okay. Yes, I like this.” So I kept watching.
And Clary being Valentine’s daughter? Talk about a dysfunctional family!
I had different first impressions of each character.
Alec: oh my gosh he’s hot.
Isabelle: She’s gorgeous too. But why is she such a flirt?
Jace: oh wow this kid is savage.
Clary: aww she’s so sweet, I just wanna give her a huge hug.
Simon: haha aw, he’s funny.
Maureen: irrelevant
Valentine: King Henry, is that you?? #reign You play an excellent villain, Your Majesty.
Jocelyn: yo she’s hiding something from clary.
Luke: tbh I thought he was one of the bad guys at first. Kinda sketch.
Dot: She’s pretty. Why is she just called Dot?
Raphael: well he’s creepy.
Things I loved:
1. Simon’s interactions with pretty much everyone.
2. Clary sassing Jace when he tried to flirt.
3. Raphael Santiago. He’s such a sweet guy on the inside.
Moments that made me cry?
None in this season tbh.
Moving right along!
Season 2:
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Okay, I hated Jace’s character this season. First of all, he left with VALENTINE bc he thought he was like him. Then there’s the whole issue of Clary and Jace being brother and sister. That was so messed up. LIKE NO THEY ARE MEANT TO BE, STOP THIS NONSENSE. I did think Clary and Simon had a cute relationship, in a way — but no. Clace all the way. Meanwhioe, Simon literally had a glow-up overnight, becoming a vampire & all.
Moments that made me cry?
1. When Alec almost died, and Jace was crying and reciting the words of the parabatai oath. Umm, that broke me. Like you can do this Alec, PULL THROUGH DUDE! 😭
2. Clary’s mothers funeral. 😭
3. After the kiss between Clary and Jace at the Seelie court, when Clary tries to tell Simon it meant nothing, and Simon was like: look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have any feelings for him. That was very emotional 😭😭😭
4. When Max almost died.
5. And FINALLY, episode 20, when Jace “died” in Clary’s arms. I kid you not, I got home from classes, did my homework, was watching this episode. I was crying so hard that I had a mascara streak down my cheeks. I cried when he was okay.
Yeah that was an emotional roller coaster. THANKS FREEFORM.
Season 3:
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Alright, so Jace was acting weird. I KNEW something was gonna happen. Him being the owl? HOLD UP Y’ALL, I wasn’t expecting this. When that was revealed, I sat there like: o-m-g. Honestly, possessed Jace made me laugh so hard. I was like dang boy, it’s so obvious you’re possessed but why is it this funny 😂.
I would also like to add, ummm JEM CARSTAIRS MADE AN APPEARANCE ON EPISODE 6!!!!!!!!! *screams* ILY JEM❤️
Okay, now that I got that out of my system...
I half-expected Alec to rip Clary to shreds when he found out the truth about what happened at Lake Lyn. When he hugged her instead, I was like: YAS YAS YAS YAS YAS. BONDING MOMENT👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Moments that made me cry so far?
1. Maia and Jordan’s scenes. Oh my gosh, it killed me. “Why can’t you just let me hate you?!” Just the despair in her voice, along with Jordan’s sorrow, and those flashbacks... *sobs*
2. When Izzy and Alec were in Jace’s mind: oh my gosh, this entire scene BROKE MY HEART! Seeing Jace crying, thinking he’d killed Clary all those times bc of Lillith’s torture. Him begging Alec and Izzy to kill him. When he was crying like a little kid 😭😭😭😭😭dang it freeform.
3. Okay, I was crying the most at this scene: when Simon has to compel his mother so that she won’t kill him, since she found out he’s a vampire. Simon was crying, telling her that he loved her so much, and that he felt no pain. OMG I WAS CRYING SO. HARD. And then when Simon’s mom started sobbing I cried even harder... *sobs brokenly* who needs a heart anymore honestly.
ALSO WHEN SIMON VISITED REBECCA IN THE HOSPITAL 😭😭😭😭I. Had. Chills. “I’m your big sister... and I’m always gonna love you: warts, fangs, and all.” excuse me while I go cry in the corner.
And don’t even get me started.... on that mid-season finale!!!!!!
Excuse me, Clary can’t be dead.
Alec can’t be dead. Is he??
What about Magnus?!!!!
And Magnus giving up his magic for Alec. Okay 😭😭😭😭😍.
I think that’s everything. Until shadowhunters returns!
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