#y’all I want to write 100k of this 😂😂😂
solohux · 1 year
When Ben leaves Exegol with Rey and returns to the Resistance, he’s told that General Hux is dead. The pain and the grief are so strong that Ben runs into the forest before he can hurt someone, throwing his head back and screaming to the sky when he’s alone. A massive burst of his powers explode from him, knocking down trees for miles.
If a man falls and no one is around to hear him, does he make a sound?
He falls to his knees, sobbing. He begs Hux for forgiveness, for letting this happen. Hux is gone, and that means their unborn baby is too.
But Ben carries on. He tags along with the Resistance, taking more of a backseat than anything whilst they clear up the Final Order’s mess. He tattoos himself, writing Hux’s name in native Arkanis letters on his wrist, wanting a piece of Hux with him forever.
It’s 16 years later when Ben feels a disturbance in the Force. Nothing has happened for years; there are still tiny factions of the First Order dotted around but the New Republic reigns, and Ben is happy as a traveller across worlds, appreciating life.
He’s on a space station in the Inner Rim when he sees the news reports.
There are photos of a figure who looks remarkable like him from his past life, with long flowing black robes and a red, cross-guarded lightsaber. The holoreport freezes on the person’s face, and Ben feels his knees grow weak. The person is a young man, no older than 16 years, with mid-length dark hair and pale eyes, sharp cheekbones and a glare that could kill. There’s no doubt in Ben’s mind that this kid is the son of Armitage Hux…& Kylo Ren.
Ben has to find him and talk to him, find out the truth of where he comes from. If Hux is alive and this boy is their son then…then it changes everything. Ben sets off to the planet where the ‘Kylo Ren’ was spotted, hoping with every fibre of his body that he’s going to find Hux there.
Meanwhile, on a little planet in the far Outer Rim, 16 year old Elias is getting a telling off from his mother about going out dressed like his deceased father wielding his old lightsaber for everyone to see when they’re supposed to be in hiding. Oops.
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authenticcadence18 · 3 years
Two years ago, I was just a normal girl with a normal life……
I watched cartoons, wrote fanfic in my notes app on occasion, was currently obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug……
As I said. Normal. For me, at least! 😂
And then…the season 3 finale of Miraculous Ladybug aired. And I realized I wanted to do something I’d been ruminating on for awhile at that point: I wanted to make a Tumblr and an AO3 and start participating in fandom.
I’d wanted to do this for ages (and had been lurking on Tumblr for awhile at this point). But growing up, I was always hesitant. NOW, however, I was a Certified Adult and thus figured there wasn’t anything stopping me!
SO! I pondered over what my username could be and came up with AuthenticCadence18, which was music pun, reflected my desire to be authentic, contained a great nickname I could go by, AND had the number 18 (which is just my favorite number, lol!). I made my accounts and posted my first fic—an alternate take on the infamous Adrienette “Statue Scene” I’d written for myself over the summer.
I had no idea then just how much I would grow and learn as a person because of this fan account.
In the past two years, I’ve had the honor of interacting with so many incredible people. I’ve made so many amazing friends, including with people who I looked up to before even making this account!! And I’ve found a place where I can truly be myself and not worry about masking my enthusiasm for the things I love.
And I made this account in November of 2019….right before the world changed radically. Having this blog as a creative and social outlet really and truly did wonders for me. I am not sure how I would have gotten through the past year and a half without it.
It’s also been, just SUCH an honor and a privilege to give back to the Phineas and Ferb fandom/community after being on the outskirts of it and loving the show for so long. I’ve loved Phineas and Ferb for ten years, it is one of my dearest sources of comfort. And though I was scared at first, my friends gave me the courage to post more about Phineas and Ferb and write content for it for the first time in years. And let me tell y’all, writing and posting self-indulgent Phinbella fic has led me to make SO MANY FRIENDS and touch so many hearts, I had no idea that “Can’t Help Falling in Love” would make the impact it has🥺. 11 year old Cadence would be SO SO THRILLED to see her Phineas and Ferb artwork and writing bringing joy to other people, it really is such a gift and i never want to take it for granted.
In the past two years, I’ve posted over 100k words of fanfic, drawn and posted numerous pieces of art, and improved SO MUCH as an artist and writer in that time. I’ve also gotten to collaborate with so many amazing artists, including @bethiebunnie , @sketchy-panda, and the cast of Musical Without a Cool Acronym! I hosted a DTIYS and over 40 incredible artists have participated thus far! I wrote a SONG (which I have yet to make a finished version of, oops! That’ll happen eventually, lol!) VINCENT MARTELLA acknowledged my Phinbella fanfic’s existence, which is just, bonkers🤣.
But the best part of the past two years has been making friends and realizing just how not alone I am. I get lonely sometimes, especially in the times we live in…..but i have this amazing support system i simply did not have two years ago. And I am so, so incredibly thankful for that.
If it’s us against the universe, we win💕
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hypaalicious · 3 years
Hypaa~ :D
I randomly booted up this dusty app to clear a notification and I noticed your icon…and promptly fell into a rabbit hole since I realized you were active again and wanted to catch up!
I am so happy to see you out and about again! That alone is making me seriously consider dipping my own toes back into the Tumblrscape.
Your writing is phenomenal and I genuinely enjoy your commentary and reblogs. I’m very intrigued by the novel you’ve mentioned as well as well as the possibility for MORE CHOCOBRO SMUT?! I am here for it!
Tumblr for what it is now was a space that helped me realize so much about myself and my sexuality, especially when I was going through a very dark time in my life. You are one of the wonderful souls I met and I’m glad to see you’re active again <3
Tumblr media
Now that I’m done getting my ass whooped on Elden Ring I can catch up on some ish here… DAWG y’all really be making me tear up with these heartfelt kind messages 😭
Honestly, Tumblr helped me be more open with my sexuality too, through the power of thirst and my insatiable need to write about it 😂 I’m so happy that it helped others too in whatever way, because if it leads to self growth and realization then that’s honestly the most blessed thing I can think of.
I’m nervous about my book tbh LOL Like, right now it’s some abstract manuscript in limbo until the publish date drops and then shit gets real. 😱 I highly doubt that anything I write will reach critical acclaim or anything, but it’s still such a wild concept to me that my ass wrote an 100k novel and someone picked it up. My imposter syndrome is CRAZY rn LOL!
As for the Chocobro smut… I really want to finish that series. I stopped a few years ago because my muse was just exhausted from FFXV fandom stuff and writing each sentence felt so stale to me, so I gave up and said I’d come back to it later. And then I went and wrote a novel instead LOL! I’m hoping that in the near future I’ll have had enough distance to recharge my brain just to have one last hurrah. Fingers crossed!
Please continue to kick ass in your life and stay Thotty! May what is trash never die!
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