#y/n x
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ohboycharlie · 1 year ago
at this point y/n is a person.
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anime75 · 1 year ago
Hay hay hay!! :D I got part three
Story line,
Name: Y/n Takami
Age: 16-17
Hight: 5’8
Quirk: Wing Lava (WL for short)
Quirk definition: Large light blue wing’s (like their uncle) can turn wing’s into lava and manipulate other parts of the body (skin muscle) but can not add how much stronger they get. Can harden the lava and turn it into obsidian to use and turn it into like a cage, but it can still burn others.
Family: uncle (pro hero hawks)
~Now let’s get on with the story!~
Chapter three: Names?
Warnings: small amount of blood, violence, 
4:00 A.M three years later
You and Ojiro were about nine or ten now, you two had gotten up early to see the sunrise as always, and Keigo had gone on his normal morning patrol, you would go with him and he would drop you off at Ojiro's place. But after the sunrise was almost gone the two of you would always go find something to do. 
Sometimes when you two did this you would get in a bit of trouble with the bad groups of people that would roam around, you tended to get a little hurt when this happened so it was normal for you to have some bandaids with you. 
Your uncle did know about this, as much as he didnt like it he knew you could take care of yourself and even if you couldn't, he knew that Ojiro would be able to help you since you two were close friends… Today just so happened to be one of those days
9:54 A.M
The two of you were on your way to the park from the convenience store, and were having a casual conversation on whatever came to mind. You walked past a car that one of Ojiro’s nabours and really good friends used, but there was one of the bad groups from the area. They were trying to get into the car to either steal it or take stuff out of it. 
“HEY!!” you shouted toward the group of people. You started walking toward them with a slightly mad face. Ojiro tried to hold you back so you could do anything to provoke them. But sadly it was too late and you had gotten the attention of the group.
“What are feathers for brains?” One of the group members said to you making a comment about your quirk. This only made your blood boil more between them trying to take something that
 wasn't theirs, and commenting about how others looked rather than how they acted. 
“What did you just call me?!” You asked in alarm, Ojiro could practically see the gears turning in your head from that, so he tried calming you down.
“It’s ok Y/N, they didn’t mean it.” He tried to reassure you, but you didn’t listen. You stormed over to them, not even Ojiro could have stopped you, but you paused and covered your front side with one of your wings. And sure enough one of the group members had thrown a knife toward you as a warning, but their aim was off and it would have hit you in a more fatal spot if you hadn't used one of your wings to cover yourself. Of course it hurt but you were good at hiding things like that so you keep a straight face.
 The very little bit of reaction you had slightly scared the group of people thinking you didn’t have any pain tolerance especially at a young age. You gave them a look as if you were saying “back off.” in a way. The group of people scattered away like mice. You went back to walking with Ojiro like nothing had even happened. Ojiro hadn’t been very surprised by it considering that this kind of stuff happened often and he was used to it.
4:50 P.M
Later that day you two were walking back to Ojiro’s place so that your uncle could pick you up. Ojiro paused with a smile on his face. There was a small kitten in an alleyway the two of you were passing. He walked into the ally with you following closely behind. 
He picked up the small creature and pet it, his tail slightly wagging. The kitten was a small one about the size of Ojiro’s hand, it was black with a few orange spots and one white spot on its nose that resembled the shape of a circle. It was covered in dust and a bit of almost dried mud.
“We should keep him, I don’t see a mama cat anywhere.” He told you. You nodded with a smile.
“Yeah he looks like he could use a friend.” you commented with a small quiet laugh. 
Ojiro handed you the small kitten and looked around for anything that may help clean it off a bit until the two of you could get the kitten to Ojiro’s place to get it some better care. 
Your smile slightly faded and you perked your head up looking around. Just as you looked toward the back of the ally you got punched in the face. It was the group of people from earlier that day. You shook your head and handed Ojiro the kitten. Ojiro stood in shock not knowing what had happened.
“Back for revenge are we.” You mused, wiping off your lip that had a small amount of blood running down it. You had bit your lip when you got punched causing it to bleed. 
The group of people from before was only two people now, a boy and girl just a little older than you and Ojiro. The others may have gone home or something. The two people stared daggers at you facial expressions as if they were ready for a fight. You stood up lacking a fighting stance. You had learned from your uncle when he had decided to start training you how to fight and had told you “it’s better to have no fighting stance so people will underestimate you rather than knowing what you're gonna do next.” He had decided to train you because if you were gonna be related to a hero you were gonna need to know how to defend yourself, just in case something had happened and there was no one there to help you.
“Yes and we're here to make sure you can’t make us get caught next time.” The girl on the right said with venom laced in her tone.
“Yeah, you got the rest of our group get caught and thrown into the police station so they could deal with and think of what they would do to them for the other stuff we had done.” The boy on the left added. 
You sighed not knowing what they were gonna try doing or what else they were gonna say. The two people stood in a fighting stance.
“I Yuki and my brother Suki will get paid back for our friends.” The girl said.
You sighed again waiting for them to come at you. Ojiro Tried to get you to not fight them knowing that you could hurt them or they could hurt you.
“Come on Y/N you don’t need to fight them.” He commented on not wanting you to get hurt or the other people even if they had been mean.
“No Oji, I can do this. You know I can too.” you told him, a serious face on you no longer your normal smile. You took a deep breath and had almost no emotion on your face as you looked at Yuki and Suki. 
Suki smirked. “Awww, you called him Oji. that was cute, a nickname for your friend.” He said in a teasing tone. You glared at him for teasing you and your friend.
“Yeah I did, so what?” You asked him with a slightly frustrated tone 
“It’s just cute, that's all.” Yuki added. Yuki looked at Suki and they gave each other a look as if they knew what one another was thinking. They ran toward you as if they were about to attack. You still stood there with still no fighting stance. The two smirked and dogged you going for your friend. Your eyes slightly widened, you used your feathers from your wings and made sure that the two wouldn't be able to hurt Ojiro.
Ojiro had closed his eyes tight and turned around slightly to protect the kitten waiting for the worst, but it never came. He slowly opened his eyes and turned back around a little and saw the light blue of your feathers. He looked at you who had your arm up to control the feathers. 
Yuki and Suki looked at each other slightly confused, then back at you who had that same dangerous face as earlier. They were scared, yes but they were ready to fight. They charged back toward you and started fighting.
Ten minutes later
You had managed to take the two down, they were lying on the ground dazed and not very responsive between mumbles and slight movement. You were battered and bruised from them and their quirks, you had scratches and bruises, your clothes were now a little torn and dirty but you didn’t really care. You looked at yourself, then back at Ojiro. 
“You ok Oji?” You asked with a slightly worried tone. He looked at you in awe of what you had done, and nodded in response. 
“Yeah, I am and so is the kitten.” He told you. You walked over to him with your normal smile back even though it twitched a bit every time you moved too much.
5:20 P.M
 You and Ojiro had gotten back to his house and his Mum patched you up from your scrapes.
“Wow hun, this is the third time this week and it’s worse than the others.” She said with a slightly worried tone tinted in her words. You sighed.
“I know, I know. But you understand that I don't like it when people are mean or do bad things like that. And then they even came back later and tried to hurt Ojiro.” You replied trying to get her to leave it be.
Ojiro was in the other room waiting for you to get back so that the two of you could go to the roof to watch the sunset, and wait for your uncle to get back and you could go home. When you got into the living room where Ojiro was, you had some bandages and gauze on your arms and face, along with a big shirt that Ojiro’s Mum had lent you  until you could get your clothes washed, or go home and change.
The two of you went up to the roof and sat in silence with your guys' new kitten Uski, named that because of the people who had caused you trouble getting her home. Ojiro was the first one to break the silence.
“You know… I wanted to thank you.” You looked at him confused but didn’t say anything.
“For… you know, saving my but back there.” he added. You smiled softly.
“Yeah no problem, you know I always got your back.” you told him, Glad that he was just safe. The two of you sat there for a bit longer just looking at the sky and the sun that had started setting.
“I was thinking…I wanted to give you a nickname. Like the one you have for me.” Ojiro said with a smile now looking at you.
You smiled with a slightly teasing mentality. “Oh really?” you asked
“Yeah, I was thinking of something like Ace.” that had confused you.
“Ace?” you asked, purely confused as to what he was thinking.
“Yeah, The ace of spades represents strength and authority, but it also represents pain and death. All though you're not dead you get hurt alot and get into trouble with bad people” He explained to you. “So I was thinking that it kinda explained you.” He smiled. You looked at him and smiled back.
“You're right, it kinda does.” You laughed a bit at the thought.
“Well…How about it, Ace.” Ojiro asked you with a smile.
You nodded with a smile at your new profound nickname. After a while of you two talking about random things, your uncle landed on the roof to pick you up.
“Ready to go feather?” (that’s his nickname for you… Sorry if it was cringe.) He asked you. You nodded standing up and walking over to him. You paused.
“Wait, I need to say goodbye.” You said with a small laugh. You ran over to Ojiro and patted Uski’s head. “By Uski, By Oji.” You told them
“Bye Ace.” Ojiro told you. He made Uski wave his paw with his hand. You walked over to your uncle and the two of you flew away. 
“SoooOo?” Keigo asked you.
“What?” you asked him
“What was with the nickname that Ojiro had given you?” He asked with a slight smirk. You smiled and explained to him why Ojiro had given you that nickname. Keigo looked a little shocked but understood either way.
“That…Makes sense actually. You do get in trouble a lot.” He said with a slight laugh but a serious face. You looked at him and listened. “I’m honestly glad that was the meaning behind it. Because now you and others will know about you before they even get the chance to see why, because if they already know they will understand what they need to expect.” He finished.
The two of you got back to your apartment a little after the sun had set. You both ate dinner and chilled a bit before you went to bed.
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succubusvalentine · 2 months ago
Simon Riley who never gets mad at his wife. No matter how angry he is. CW : None. Pure fluff
Simon was practically fuming. First he'd been ordered by Price to train a group of new recruits, then, the young recruits decided to be a colossal pain in the ass, and to top it off, he'd missed his lunch break where he would normally have some respite by calling you.
So now, he was shouting at the recruits. More than usual. The recruits all looked dead on their feet. But Simon didn't care, they decided to be annoying little pricks. They needed discipline or they'd never make it in the military.
"For fucks sake, you mongrel! Run ten laps!" Simon roared at a recruit, the others looking nervous. Not wanting to be the next one to face Simon.
"Uh, sir?" One of the recruits squeak.
"What?!" Simon roared, the recruit pointing behind Simon.
Simon turned with a low growl, clearly not in the mood for anymore antics, only for him to look down and see you. His wife, in a pretty little sundress and holding a Tupperware container full of something. It didn't matter what was inside, his stomach was growling at the thought of your cooking.
"Swee'heart" Simon sighed in relief, his shoulders visibly relaxing and his arms wrapping around your waist. He relished in the squeak that came from you as he lifted you up and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
"You alright, big guy?" you giggle. Simon grumbling in agreement. Making you laugh again.
Simon set you down, barking at the recruits to find Price and that he'll be taking over the training, before walking behind you with his hands on your waist to guide you to his office.
"Si, if you're busy I can go" you offer, and Simon can barely handle how fucking sweet you are to him.
Simon shook his head, taking off his balaclava and sitting in his office chair. Pulling you to sit on his lap.
"Made you some cottage pie" you grin, opening the container in your hands and handing it to Simon. God it was still warm. "I thought you were gonna yell at me with how mad you were at the recruits"
"Would never yell at you, princess" Simon said, rubbing your hips as you fed him a forkful of the cottage pie. He groaned at the taste, making you giggle.
"so fucking good, lovie. Needed your cooking after how shit today has been" Simon smiled, bringing your left hand to his lips and kissing your wedding ring gently.
⛧°. ⋆𓌹♰𓌺⋆. °⛧
btw guys I pulled white lily cookie and dark cacao cookie while writing this :p
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shimisstuff · 4 months ago
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The new cover inspired all of this, it’s not my fault 😭
18+ on Patreon
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wainawtmai · 1 month ago
thinking of satoru dating mean!reader who absolutely despises any sort of pda. All of his students wonder how he’d even managed to woo you when you dodged his kisses, cringed at his excessive compliments, and shooed him away every time he tried to hug you like the touch-obsessed bug he was. It was a wonder that you guys were even together.
…well, it was kind of hard to brush him off when he was balls deep inside you.
“fuuuck, you’re taking me so well, baby.” satoru moans, that stupidly pretty grin on his lips as he watches your pussy absolutely swallow up the length of his cock. You tremble from the feeling, struggling to bite back your moans as his thick cock thrusts up into you. You hate the way the sound of his voice makes your body buzz with heat, a mix of embarrassment and lust that you both hate and love.
“so wet and ready for me all the time, aren’t you?” you know part of him does it to get a rise out of you, the sadistic little shit liked watching you squirm and sputter, all flustered at the sound of his voice.
and as per usual, you told yourself you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, “S-Shut up.” you mean for it to come off as a warning but it sounds more like a pitiful whine. You can’t help it with the way he thrusts up into you, mouthing sloppy kisses into your skin in between his sinful words.
“you know you love me,” he sings into your ear, “You loveee the way my cock fills you up, don’t deny it, babe.” as if to further emphasize his point he brings his hands to the meat of your ass, prying you further open and drilling into you, fucking into that spot that drove you insane. You couldn’t even try to hide your disgusting moans and whimpers, nails digging into the skin of his arms as you tried and failed to fight the pleasure.
“what did I say,” he sing-songs, bringing a hand to your clit and rubbing at it with quick circles, “I’ve turned you into such a pretty mess.” of course he still has that Cheshire-sized grin on his face, his crystal eyes mesmerized by the sight of your grinding hips and the slickness you leave along his cock with each thrust he makes into your trembling pussy. Listening to the desperate little sounds you swore you didn’t make when he pressed a finger to your clit. Rendered absolutely useless. He loved seeing you like this.
“so pretty.” satoru moans, his voice slightly slurring with pleasure, “so—fuck—g-gorgeous all fucked out for me.”
you mustered up what was left of your strength to slap a hand over his lips, silencing him as you shuddered from your orgasm. “shut up, s-satoru.”
But you could see that look in his eyes: framed by those annoyingly pretty white lashes, blue and mischievous—or at least more so than usual. He brought his own hand to your weakening one, pulling your fingers into his mouth and sucking on them with a loud whorish moan, all the while still pounding into you.
“Mnghfuck you, satoru.” You garble, whimpering with overstimulation despite still grinding down against his cock in time with his thrusts, you hated how much he knew you loved being overstimulated, the freaky little fuck.
He only hummed in response, too occupied with your fingers to respond, practically deep-throating your index and middle. You could feel his chest rumble with amused laughter as he watched you fall apart once again, your skin tingling with the shock of your double orgasm. He followed you soon after, aquamarine eyes lidding as he practically gagged on your fingers, emptying himself into you with a long, drawn out moan.
You tiredly pull your fingers out of his mouth, slightly missing the warmth, and practically fell on top of him. But before your eyes could flutter closed, you felt satoru throb, your cheeks heating as you remember the nasty fucker also had a thing for overstimulation.
You swear as he thrusts into you, fucking his milky cum dripping between your thighs back into you. And despite how much you tell yourself his words were annoying, his murmurs of imagining your fingers as your clit as he sucked at them, drove you to the edge all over again.
Maybe you didn’t hate it.
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fushiguho · 20 days ago
choso kamo getting so handsy and greedy with you that he makes you squirt for himmmm ;)
based on this ask.
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“come onnn,” he drawls, something sinister dropping his tone. “give me another one.” two fingers are circling over your clit, nursing you through your third orgasm of the hour. “i know you can give me more than that, pretty girl. wan’ you to make a mess all over my fuckin’ hand.”
a big, warm palm is splaying over your tummy, applying enough pressure to make you cry out deliriously, head lolling back and sinking into disheveled sheets. you’re writhing, rutting your cunt against the hand that paws at you, bated breaths catching in your throat.
choso follows the cant of your hips, long fingers sinking deeper and deeper, fucking to the very back of your poor, drooling pussy. he smiles when you tighten around him, sucking him in harder, wordlessly begging for more.
“god, i just know you wanna make a mess,” his pretty lips are ghosting yours, voice hushed as he whispers into your gaped mouth. “give me one more, baby.” he kisses you sloppily, furling his fingers upward to press against the spot that makes you wince.
“cho,” you’re choking out, interrupting yourself with a helpless whimper.
his fingers are relentless, mindlessly fucking you open and stretching that pretty pussy out as he swallows your cries, embodying your pleasure. choso follows the depraved arch of your back, poor cock aching at the sight of you so… gone.
“f— fuck it feels different,” you gasp, core tightening in a horrendous need to release. “oh, god… f-feels like something is different this time.”
“yeah? y’gonna squirt for me? is that it, pretty?” choso smiles something wicked. the hand that lays over your abdomen presses harder, his fingers plunging deeper. “fuck, give it to me. i need that… wanna taste that. i’ll clean you up, yeah?”
his fingers slip out briefly, but only for them to hungrily delve between your glistening lips. they trail over your slick, twitching clit, tracing tight, purposeful circles over and over and over. it’s not long before he’s sinking them back inside of you, ruining that slutty little pussy yet again.
he leers over your body, gaping as you fuck his hand, desperately chasing your looming orgasm. the rhythmic pulse of your cunt serves as a warning of the incoming downpour that slowly begins to trickle around his fingers.
a loud and nasty sound leaves you as the dribbling liquid morphs into a steady stream of arousal that gushes from your cunt. choso fucks you through it all, sloshes and splatters of your essence staining his wrinkled shirt and face. part of him can’t help but to loll out his tongue, the greedy muscle sweeping over his lips to collect your sweet juices.
“yeaaaah, fuck that’s it,” choso coos, slipping his fingers out of your sloppy hole to fully palm your cunt. “that’s a good fuckin’ girl, huuhhh?”
serval tender slaps land against your poor, swollen clit as he forces any remaining liquid of out of you. you curse him, legs snapping closed before hugging you knees to your chest. you’re a wreck, whining and gasping for him to get a fucking grip.
“you’re insane.” you mumble.
choso shrugs, smiling crookedly. “i always knew you could do that.”
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💗 check out my latest work here
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neoangelxx · 1 month ago
Nanami shoves his ice cold hands up your shirt causing you to screech.
“Get your cold hands off me!” You try to squirm away but he’s wrapping you in his arms.
He shushes you. Shoving his cold nose into the back of your neck. You continue to try and wiggle out his grip.
“Don’t shush me!” You protest.
He’s warmed up but the chill is now prominent in your body. Plus the principle!
“Just let me hold my hot wife.”
You scoff, amused, turning around in his arms. “You got jokes.”
“I’d never joke about my hot wife,” a slight smirk on his lips, “but I do find that compliment to be rudimentary.”
He kisses your lips gently before placing a trail from your cheek down to your neck. He stops above your shoulder.
“I much prefer beautiful, gorgeous,” his hands slip from under your shirt down the curve of your ass, “sexy.”
He squeezes, pulling you closer something hard pressing against your stomach.
“I’m still a little chilly darling, can you warm me up some more?”
When you first started dating Nanami you never expected him to be so suave. It was like a switch flipped and you were blushing and stuttering while he gazed at you with that same smirk he’s giving you now.
“I can try my best.” You flirt back.
“That’s all I ever ask.”
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danijaci · 3 months ago
obsession w/ sunday
inspired by @yandere-romanticaa's fic! Tehee your works are so eye opening 0.0 <333 I licherally haven't created a yandere content for such a looong time lolol let's see if I can still pull this off lmao
WARNING/S: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior
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------@moristhesecond @hunnieknight @haithxm-main
@greyrain23 @reideneris @bro-im-just-playing @teabutmakeitazure @meimeimeirin
@psychopomp-enthusiast @jade1605 @mochinon-yah @eussstasss @lillieofth3valley
@ichikanu @harmonysanreads @yellowelectroslime @miraclecherryblossomsblog @rossithepixie
@schoenpepper @cadesthings @creationsabyss @hirotasama @jth12
@alhaithams-malewife @oliaxter @angeveins @sakisud @xhongshan
@materlux @lost-in-the-night-skiess @shinha @m1kuz0ne @vashyuu
@n0rmalsimp @biytdtdatmirsmlys @mad-girlfan @wriomii @fyodorssimp1
@pastelmitzuki @latimeria-fell-from-heaven @feral-childs-word @sunyandmony
@seelie-buddy @xiaosantenna @elvira44578i @lolitalarva @liliabrary @f1nd1ng-yuki
@vikaflora2 @ume1sii @whodissbitj @mageofthelibrary @lilisgardensblog
@hypermanica @noisy-seelie @rarealienbutt @taisami @yuutryingtowrite
@chanontherun @almostfuzzyharmony @boothillsbootyeater @lobbitack
@hydroarchon-furinaa @pleniluneg4ze @keirennyx
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c4toru · 2 months ago
getting insane backshots from satoru sign me up!
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“oh.. o-oh fuckkk toru!” you mewl, your face is shoved into his navy blue bedsheets while your ass is up, back arched intensely.
satoru had gotten a new haircut just in time for valentine’s day. the moment he stepped through the creaking wooden door to your shared home, you practically pounced on him! “yeah? feels soo good huh.. h-heh” he giggles softly, his rough hands gripping onto the plump of your ass. his rotund tip was reaching deep inside your sobbing cunt, pressing directly on your sweet spot causing you to belt out.
“nngh fuckkk p-please toru, harder ah!” you’re reaching your arms back, subliminally begging him to grab you. he latches onto your hands, using them as momentum while he pounds himself into you. “h-harder? mmngh- this isn’t enough for you pretty girl..?” he smiles, the melody of your ass slapping against his hips grows louder.
he releases your arms before pressing his coarse hands into the dimples of your back. he’s angling his hips to hit you deep in that spot you love. “more! m-more fuckkk- just like that..!” you whine, drooling with your lips slightly parted in awe. you can barely keep your eyes open with how good he’s fucking into your sweet cunt.
“c’mon pretty, fuck me y-yeah?” he slaps your ass, motioning for you to bounce yourself back onto him. you twist your body, left hand gripping your ass cheek while turn back slightly to look him in the eyes as you slide your wet pussy onto him. you feel his hefty balls slap onto your puffy clit deliciously while he’s gripping your ankles trying to spread your legs further apart. “g-give it to me toru.. wan’ it please,” you’re pouting, now you’ve really done it.
he pushes your head back into the sheets, fingers wrapping around the back of your neck. “such a f-fucking slut- shiiit.. m’gonna cum, where do ya want it- hah..” you got him whining now, he was done for. “i-inside! don’t miss- nngh..please m’cumming!” your eyes begin to roll to the back of your head, pussy tightening around his lengthy cock, gushing all over him as you chase your high. he’s rutting his hips into you as long white spurts shoot into your womb causing you to mewl.
“f-feel so full toru..” you whimper as you caressing his arm, his chest coming down flushed right to your back. he’s giving you sloppy kisses to your lips that are gleaming with spit, moaning deeply into your mouth. “yeah? sweet girl.. h-heh..” he moans, still periodically grinding his hips up into you. “one more?” he suggests, you grip his chin, planting a wet kiss onto his lips before tucking your bottom lip in between your teeth. “mhm..” you nod.
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a/n : not proofread ; currently working on a nerd!suguru fic so i just wanted to post a little drabble in the mean time | likes & reblogs are appreciated!!
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amaranthinespirit · 9 days ago
husband!simon riley who backs his wife's rights and wrongs cw: murder
you fucked up. majorly, as you stared at the bloody body on your living room floor, red seaping into the grooves of the floorboards. you were frozen, perhaps it was shock as you watched the carnage seep into your nice rug that simon had bought you.
you ran your hands through your hair, only spreading the blood across your soft skin and threads of hair. how would you explain this to your husband? how would you hide this from your husband? how would you explain to him the rug, that you begged for, was suddenly not to your liking, because it had a massive splotch of someone's else's blood? no mistaking that for a period stain.
you were royally fucked, pacing back and forth, avoiding splatters of blood as you thought millions of plans in your head.
what if you dumped the body in the dumpster? no, the body would decompose far too quickly, and not to mention the smell. it's the middle of the fucking summer and hot as balls outside! okay, well, what if you stuffed the body in a suitcase and buried it? no, no, it was too big to fit in even your largest. oh, what if you cut him up? back up, that's even more blood that you'd have to deal with. plus, digging was never your thing.
all this time panicking left time wasted, and soon enough, your lovely, unsuspecting husband had pulled into the driveway. you shrieked to yourself as you peaked out the blinds, scrambling back to the body, but yet again, what the fuck could you do?
the front door opened and closed quickly after, the sounds of boots being kicked off and disposed as panic rose in your body. fuck, this was it. you were definitely going to jail, your husband will never trust you again, wouldn't even pay a visit. you could hear his voice calling, increasingly becoming more concerned without a response.
footsteps followed, and he appeared around the corner. his eyes landed on you, then the body, and then you, and then the body, and then—you get it. his eyes scanned your smooth skin for injury, narrowing at the blood before confirming it wasn't yours.
"wot have i told ya about makin' messes near yer precious rug, swee'eart?" he grunted, shrugging off his coat and tossing it to the couch, pulling you in by your hips, pressed against his front as a thumb swiped away a blood splat on your cheek, "y'okay?"
you looked at him dumbfounded, lips parted in shock as you stuttered, "y...yeah," you swallowed thickly, immediately moving to explain yourself, "but simon, i-"
"shhhh, don't say a word, pretty thin', I've got't." he coos lowly, petting your hair, rubbing the strands between the pads of his gloved fingers as he eyed the blood, "go take a shower 'n look all pretty f'me, yeah? can ya do'tha?"
your eyes darted around, but a firm grasp on your chin kept your attention to him. you swallowed thickly, meeting his eyes for the first time since he walked in, and nodded again. detaching from his side, you skidded down the hall to rid yourself of the dead man's blood.
after you disappeared into the bathroom, simon let out a deep sigh, "who the fuck is this?" he muttered gruffly to himself, shaking his head as he crouched near the body, tilting his head multiple ways as he examined further before shrugging it off, "wot'vr the missus wants."
yeah, he wouldn't question you. you wanted someone dead? had to be for a good reason, and he'll buy you a new rug after tossing that one. but he wouldn't tell you when the police dropped by about the disappearance of the man. don't wanna stress out the missus.
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obsesssedblerd · 8 months ago
You look up from your book to see your husband standing over the bassinet with his arms crossed, his brow raising as he looks down inside of it with a tiny scowl. He stays like that for about a minute. You sit up in your shared bed, then call out to him. “Ryo.” 
“Hm.” He doesn’t look up. 
“May I ask what you are doing?” 
“The little brat is staring,” Sukuna says matter-of-factly. “I am simply staring at her in return.” 
Inside of the bassinet, your baby daughter coos. Her scarlet eyes—exactly like her father’s—glitter with interest. You hear her giggle, and you scoff lightly and return your gaze to your book. “She thinks you’re playing a game.” 
“I am doing no such thing.” 
You flip a page. “Put a hand over your face for a few seconds.” He doesn’t respond, but you know he listens. “M’kay, now lift.” There’s silence for a few seconds, then your daughter bursts into a fit of giggles. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes. “I do not understand what is so entertaining about that.” When you look up again, you see that he’s covering his face again, then revealing himself to get the same reaction from the baby.
“It’s called peek-a-boo. It’s a game most babies love to play.” 
The little princess babbles as she lifts her arms up, and Sukuna tilts his head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
You snicker. “One: You’ll figure out what she’s saying the more you talk with her. Two: She wants you to pick her up.” 
He sighs dramatically, then reaches into the bassinet to pick up the small girl. Though she has her father’s eyes, she has your hair, the shape of your nose, and your ears. She also has your fearlessness, because she smiles directly in the face of the king of curses. Now at his eye level, she reaches her arms towards him excitedly. “What is it now, you brat? I’m already carrying you.” 
He looks over at you in question, and your smile grows. “She wants to touch your face,” you say. 
“Because she’s a baby, and she’s curious.” 
Sukuna pulls her closer, and once in range, his daughter lays her tiny hands against his marked face. She giggles more, and you can see his eyes soften. “Hmph. You have your mother’s smile.” 
— — — —
The next morning, you walk into the kitchen where you hear Sukuna speaking with someone. When he turns to the side, you see your daughter nestled in the crook of one of his muscular arms, staring up at him as he concluded whatever story he was telling her. 
“...At the end of the battle, only I remained. Victory was mine.” 
The baby babbles excitedly, and Sukuna scoffs. “Ha, you will do no such thing. How do you expect to join me in battle when you aren’t even a year old, brat?” 
Her face scrunches in what looks like annoyance, and she repeats to him what he taught her the night before. “Hmph.” 
You burst into laughter, and Sukuna raises a brow at the little girl in his arms. “Great. Your mother’s smile, and her attitude.”
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ridingthatd · 2 months ago
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your boyfriends fat cock was so sensitive, his mushroomy red tip was leaking with white precum dripping down to the thickness of his cock that was surrounded with veins pumping with blood. he had a hairy happy trail connecting his belly button to his delicious dick.
he was looking down at you with heavy eyes filled with lust as you place a gentle wet kiss on his angry fat tip. his hips immediately thrust into your mouth as a reflex begging for more. "mmmmm-! baby please-".
you coo at him before circling his clit with your wet tongue licking every drop of precum before sucking his tip inside your mouth with a sloppy pop. you knew how crazy it drove him when you suck his sensitive tip like that.
his head drop into the coach while his veiny hands rest on his face trying to hide the lewd faces he's making as he whines hips shuttering the harder you suck. your other hand start trailing to his balls squeezing them in your soft hands.
your boyfriend gasp as he feels his cock hitting the back of your throat he couldn't help the whiney pleading that left his mouth. and you couldn't hell the way your wet pussy was basically humping his leg.
you feel his rough hands gripping on you'd hair trying to pull you back. "baby-! nghhh- pull back i feel weird-". his eyes widen as he feels the sudden urge to piss everywhere at how sensitive his cock was.
but that only motivate you to suck his cock harder, squeezing your throat as tight as you were squeezing his balls. "stop-! ahhhhh mmmmm I'm going to piss- stop!". your boyfriend moan out the pleasure shooting up his abdomen before you feel a hot liquid gushing down your throat.
your eyes roll back moaning on his cock at the taste while your boyfriend lays down beneath you twitching after you sucked the life out of him.
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anime75 · 1 year ago
Hay Y'all!! I have part two, three, and four ready but i'm just gonna post them like every other day every day every week? Dono we'll just go with the flow
Story line,
Name: Y/n Takami
Age: 16-17
Hight: 5’8
Quirk: Wing Lava (WL for short)
Quirk definition: Large light blue wing’s (like their uncle) can turn wing’s into lava and manipulate other parts of the body (skin muscle) but can not add how much stronger they get. Can harden the lava and turn it into obsidian to use and turn it into like a cage, but it can still burn others.
Family: uncle (pro hero hawks)
~Now let’s get on with the story!~
Chapter two: A friend before dark… It had only been roughly two months since you had moved in with your uncle. He was kind to you and even tried spoiling you, it was great. Even though he was your uncle and family, his job of being a hero did get in the way sometimes. He had to leave you home every once in a while, or he got called into work while the two of you were doing stuff together. Little did you know, on one of those times that he would get called into work he would bring you back a friend.
12:13 P.M.You were sitting on the couch watching television and eating a sandwich that your Uncle Keigo had made for you that morning for lunch that day. He had been called into work when you two were about to go run some errands, yes you were a little upset but you understood that he was a hero and he would get called in a lot. After a while you got bored and wanted to see if there was anything you could do to clean up the house or anything. You walked around for a little bit and found a few things to keep you occupied.
8:48 P.MIt was still light out almost sunset and you were slightly surprised that your uncle had not come back just yet. But right after that thought you heard the door open, you smiled and jumped up from your seat and went to see your uncle. You turned the corner with a smile, he was putting his coat up since it was a little chilly outside, well of course it was, it was fall. He had a soft smile on his face and looked at you.
“It’s ok you can go say hi.” He said in a slightly quiet tone. This confused you so much, you couldn't tell if he was talking to you or someone else…But there was no one else, was there? A boy about your age walked out from behind his leg, he was just a little bit taller than you were. He had short bond hair and dark eyes that almost made it seem like you were looking into a void. He was wearing a white and blue shirt with a pair of caramel brown short’s with a.. tail coming out from the back of them? No it was just his quirk. “Y/N this is Ojiro Mashido. Ojiro, this is my niece/nephew Y/N.” Keigo said, introducing the two of you to one another. “H-hi..” Ojiro said in a quiet tone, a little shyness to his tone. “Hi, nice to meet you.” You replied with confidence and a bright smile. Keigo was a little hesitant about the thought of the two of you getting along, because you were a lot different from one another. Keigo went into another room to explain to you what was going on. Apparently the reason he had gotten called into work that morning was because there was a fire that had happened in an apartment building and he needed to get the people out since he was fast and could get multiple people out at once because of his quirk. And he had saved Ojiro but his parents had gone missing so the police needed someone to take care of him so they could find the parent’s, but the person who was gonna take care of him needed to have a kid living with them already so that Ojiro would already have someone to help him out and make him not worry. So Keigo had agreed to take him since he had you at the moment. You understood and were honestly glad that you were gonna have a new friend while your uncle was at work because it got kinda boring sometimes. You and Ojiro hung out for a bit and became friend’s. It was just about sunset now, Keigo took you and Ojiro to the roof of the apartment. It was a small thing that you and Keigo did every night, and you thought since Ojiro was there it would be a good idea to bring him. You all sat there and talked for a little while until the sun fully set. “I guess the two of you became friends before dark.” Keigo said with a calm and glad tone. He was happy that you had made a friend and probably wasn’t gonna end badly. About a week later Ojiro’s parents were found and he went to go live with them again, you two were still inseparable even years later.
And there you go part two done, hope you liked it because theirs more to come! :D
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succubusvalentine · 10 days ago
Simon Riley with a user who's embarrassed of her sounds. CW : PiV, restraining, overstimulation.
Simon was an observer. So of course he noticed it. How when his hands travelled south and touched you in the ways that he knew drove you to the edge, you would gasp quietly and make the smallest sound in his ear.
While yes, that definitely sent blood rushing down to chub up his cock, he wished you would be louder.
It became a challenge to Simon. He craved to make you scream under his touch.
He started to push down on your lower stomach when his fingers or cock were in you. A small keening sound coming from you before you stopped it from getting louder.
Simon was quickly becoming frustrated. He had tried everything. Scouring online forums to find any tidbits of information he didn't already have stored away.
Then one night, he made you come on his cock. His calloused thumb rubbing your clit. And then, when he usually stops, he kept going.
A surprised moan came from you. Your eyes widening slightly as your hips squirmed.
And then your moaning got louder.
You couldn't stop. You were mortified at the mewls and whines coming from your lips. Covering your mouth when you nearly screamed in pleasure.
Something dangerous flashed in Simons eyes at your action. Sending a shiver down your spine.
"No" Simon growled, grabbing your hand and pinning it beside your head. Doing the same with the other before you could think to bring it over your mouth.
"Who knew all i' took was to make you come on my cock a few times for you to finally star' making sound, huh?" Simon growled, angling his hips slightly.
He then moved your wrists above your head and pinned them with one hand.
His other hand moved down and pushed on your lower stomach, making you squirm and cry out. Your neck and chest going bright red from embarrassment.
"Fucking trying for months t'get you to sing for me birdie" Simon grunted, his hips snapping into yours at such a pace, your brain went dumb.
"'s e-em-embarrassing!" You whined, trying to writhe your wrists free from Simon's strong grasp.
"How is it embarrassing when you sing so pretty for me, hm? So good for me, baby" Simon groaned against your neck. Biting down for good measure.
You scream as you came again, entire body buzzing and trembling. Before you went limp under Simon. Too weak to beg for a break.
Simon was nowhere near finished with you. He finally had gotten what he craved. Albeit at the sacrifice of abusing your cunt in the process.
⛧°. ⋆𓌹♰𓌺⋆. °⛧
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nanamisgirly · 8 days ago
feed back and reblogs are always appreciated my girliees <333
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virgin!nerdjo who pulled a total certified baddie in college by being…himself.
awkward, dorky, too tall for his own good, always pushing up those stupid glasses with ink-stained fingers— it was him. somehow, you wanted him. he doesn't understand how he got so lucky, but he's not about to question it. 
virgin!nerdjo got one mission : being good to you. especially in bed. because when you kissed him for the first time, straddling his lap, grinding that perfect little body against him, he nearly came in his pants. he gripped your waist a little too tight to keep you from moving too much. it's humiliating how quickly he was about to fold, how his cock throbs desperately just from the heat of you.
virgin!nerdjo isn't completely clueless—he's read about sex, heard about it, he's not that innocent. but knowing and doing are two completely different things. and he realized it the second you grinded on him. he damn near whimpered. bit down hard on his lip to swallow it back.
virgin!nerdjo needs to learn. he thinks porn might help—big mistake. it's all so…aggressive. male-centered. nothing about it feels right. he watches a few clips, cringing the entire time, then slams his laptop shut and scrubs a hand down his face. he should have listened when geto used to go on and on about his exploits. should have paid attention instead of rolling his eyes and tuning him out.
so he does what he does best. he researches. virgin!nerdjo orders a book called ‘The Art of Female Pleasure.’ and the moment it arrives, he's on it. glasses slipping down his nose, hunched over the pages, absorbing every word like it's the most important text he's ever studied. he dedicates days to this. nights. rereads passages, highlights sections. he doesn't just want to be good. he wants to be perfect. because you're a baddie—a pro— and he's so fucking lucky. what if you jump on him any time soon and he's still not ready? that idea terrifies him.
virgin!nerdjo gets so into it that he even starts to scroll through forums. he reads firsthand experiences, studying anatomy diagrams until his face is burning and his cock is achingly hard beneath the sheets. because it's not just learning, it's imagining.
virgin!nerdjo who imagines you underneath him, pretty lips parted in gasps, legs spread as he slides his fingers over you just like the book describes. he imagines how wet you'd get if he did everything right. if he took his time, kissed his way down your body, licked into you like he's read—slow, deep, deliberate. he wonders if you'd tug on his hair, if you'd cry out his name, if you'd shake when you come, thighs squeezing around his head—
fuck. horny thoughts took over him as he bucks up into nothing. he wants it. so bad. 
and the next time you're kissing, you instantly notice how his hands get bolder, slipping under your shirt, trailing fire down your spine. how he suddenly knows excatly where to touch, where to squeeze, when to roll his hips just right—letting you feel the size of him, the hard, thick heat pressing up against you. you break the kiss, breathless. “since when do you do all that?”
virgin!nerdjo swallows thickly, ears burning red. “…i've been studying.”
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૮꒰⸝⸝> - <⸝⸝꒱ა☆⋆。
for @miscellaneous-misty
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