#y/n is shay cormac’s sister
demigoddessqueens · 2 years
now comes later
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Author’s note - this is a part 2 to this work HERE and based on prompt from @danielle-marie
Prompt: a Templar ball and Haytham gets jealous of another Templar flirting with the reader. He hasn’t confessed yet.
Summary: Haytham comes to terms with his feelings after seeing one too many eyes on you.
The three of you had arrived separately so as to not bring any attention. Under the guise of an elegant evening, you and your brother planned to meet up with Haytham and a new contact. Something about a new Templar from a prominent family being brought into the fold. Wishing you luck, Shay made his way to engage with others. Or catch the eye of these noble ladies you noted with a roll of your eyes.
As you made your way towards the mesh of the crowd, all eyes started to fall on you despite your slight fidgeting. You felt a hand on the small of your back guide you to their side. A beaming smile, bright eyes, and exquisite evening-wear followed by a handsome face.
Oh, do this must be him.
“Such a vision such as yourself….I knew you and yours would arrive tonight.”
You felt your heart hammering in your chest from nerves before the young man flashed another reassuring smile.
“Before we’re forced to talk business tonight, would you do me the honor of sharing a dance with one such as yourself?”
Before you could (eagerly) give your response, you felt a firmer grip on your shoulder take hold. Desperately. A rich voice that either broke through or added to the tension.
“Excuse me, but I do believe my other associate has been searching for you.”
You saw a flicker of emotion in the young man’s eyes as Haytham kept the steely gaze on him.
“Time is of the essence, if you please.”
The man rushed off to find Shay with a huff as you turned to face him with a grimace.
“How am I supposed to contribute anything if you kindly interfere, Haytham?”
Normally, he would chastise you for the lack of titles or decorum but the vision of you still left him speechless.
You were…gorgeous. Beautiful. If anything, Haytham felt his heart surge when you walked in. All talk has ceased and eyes were on you. Just as it should be. You were deserving of that and more, and in the smallest part of his heart, Haytham felt as if he would crack when that young man came to your side.
Would you look at him the same way? Was it too selfish to ask of you, or to have for himself? All Haytham remembers in that moment is how it felt to see another flaunting all over you. Like an ugly weight heavy on his heart.
Still, he would never say it. Not yet at least. Or ever, if he wanted to compromise everything he held for the Templars.
Shrugging it off, Haytham made his way back to the carriages.
“Do keep up Ms. Cormac. You’re still needed for the night.”
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
Soulmate AU: Shay Cormack X Reader
Au: your Soulmate gets a scar, you get a tattoo in the exact same place it disappears once your soulmate kisses it , Reader's tattoos resemble ivy vines with a small black flower with red tips blossoming on the ends.
 Y/n frowned as she heard giggling coming from behind her back, Her older sisters were laughing at her again or to be more specific her soulmate's mark, ever since it showed up they've been more rotten than usual, possibly out of all them she wants to meet her soulmate instead marrying the first rich sod that blinked at them.
Their parents obviously shared Y/n's churning as both were soulmates and always encouraged their daughters to seek out their soulmates. however, when the scars started showing on the twins there was no rejoice in their eyes; just disgust and annoyance. when they did meet their soulmates they laughed in their faces, declaring fate be damned they would never be with "the help" or some low waged dock worker!
Sara the oldest twin who soulmate was a stable boy in Lexington, She married the prominent banker's son and lives in New York. Who's unbeknownst to Sara cheating on her with his actual soulmate who is a man, Y/n was the one who caught him, but won't say anything because she knows what will happen to those poor boys should anyone find out. 
while Lana the younger of the two whose soulmate was a quartermaster and large shipping vessel, is a mistress of a disgusting plantain owner who was a two decades older her who claims he's going to leave his wife for her. (good luck with that!)  
They mock and chastised Y/n for chasing a pipe dream and rave about how ugly and poor her soulmate must be and he's probably a smelly drunkard for getting such an ugly marks on the y/ht woman's body, Y/n just kept a straight face while they and their gaggle of high-class hens peck and squawk at her supposed misfortune.
As their mother & father chided twins for picking on their sister, Y/n sighed and decided she needed a break from this posh gig and being mocked. The y/ht decided to take a walk, after changing out of her dress and into a shirt, jacket and trousers and wandered out into the streets of New York enjoying the silence, when a black blur suddenly slammed into her knocking the y/hc woman to the ground bringing whoever it was down with her. 
The y/nat woman wince and looked up to see what hit her y/ec met brown Y/n was suddenly forcibly hoisted up to her feet a man and dragged away as distant sound of several angry footsteps came barreling in their direction, the stranger dragged her into ally and covered her mouth "Don't make sound do as I say..." a hoarse voice hissed in her ear as a flask suddenly found it's way in her field of vision, the y/ht swallowed then awkwardly nodded. 
When the guards turned the corner they were met by two men one tall and y/ht awkwardly walking down the alley reeking of alcohol and the barely conscious one was just barely holding on to a flask, [Shay had tossed his jacket into a hay pile] "Oy you two," the y/nat 'man' turned to look at them while struggling to keep 'his' friend steady. "Eh, w-whaz ya wunt?" the annoyed soldier grimaced at their hoarse scratchy voice and assumed they were a young lad. "Did you see a man run by, wore a black hood?" Y/n stared blankly at the group leader trying to register what he had said then slurred out "Him rynning vy n' knuck meh n' frewns ohver.." the men looked very confused. "What?" another soldier answered.
" I believe he said 'he ran on by and knocked him and his friend over' sir." 
"oh.. did you see where he went?"
" waz halpin hin upf bot i tink i zaw 'im goh dat wah [points an unsteady finger towards the docks.]'
"He thinks he went that way {points in the same direction Y/n pointed in]"
"Thank you, Oh and lad? [Y/n and Shay tense.] take it easy with the ales..."
The y/ht woman awkwardly nodded as Soldiers rushed down the alleys towards the docks and Y/n sighed in relief when they finally left them alone, the man next to her stood up to his full height nearly dwarfing you in comparison; you were shocked that you were able hold him up giving the bulk on him,
{taller reader] you sighed annoyed seeing your were almost the same height if this man, if he knew you were female he'd surely be intimidated by that, almost all the men you've met felt threatened by your height... they avoided you like the plague. 
You sighed ready leave when your new "friend" suddenly moved your h/c bangs out of your face staring intently at your tattoos... your face felt hot when you realized he had the scars to match them, after a few seconds of silence the man broke the silence with a smile.
"I have to say, this was definitely not how I thought to meet you...Lass." You starred at him shocked that he guessed your gender, he chuckled before awkwardly pointing out that your neck tie had come lose and could you didn't have an Adam's apple. 
So needles to say the walk back to your home was a lively one Shay told you he was bounty hunter who worked for a private company, he seemed pretty interesting. you wanted to ask about this company? but were abruptly interrupted by the snobby laughter of your sisters and their friends having their little party. 
You grimaced debating if you should bring him inside however your Mother saw you through the window and waved.  You sighed annoyed walking up the porch and towards the firing squad...
third POV
The snobby whispers and giggling from the girls soon died down when Y/n walked in with a very handsome and well dressed man, the tall/petit woman grimaced seeing her sisters eyeing Shay like hungry bobcats, as her mother & Father stood up and walked over curiously eyeing the man next to their youngest daughter warily. "Y/n dear would you introduce us?" the older woman press hope was clear in her voice as Shay stood up a bit straighter.
"Shay Patrick Cormack ma'am, I'm uh...*ahem* Miss Y/n's soulmate." immediately Y/n's sister's expressions shifted into annoyance and jealousy they processed Shay's word's "I would like to know if I have your blessing.? I wish the court Y/n." He asked as Y/n's father eyed him reluctantly as his older daughter's whispered and boasted about this whole thing being a ruse, Y/n paying mister Cormack, but the second Mr. L/n noted the matching scars he knew this was real.
"Very well Mr. Cormac you may court my youngest, But be warned should you hurt her..." Shay assured him that he would never harm his fated one, before kissing Y/n on her cheeks making her tattoos disappear, causing the women in attendance to ooh and aww while her sisters glared venomously at her...  Of course Y/n could care less about what those harpies thought, from then on out she knew she'd be happy for as long as she was with Shay.
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
The Moment They Met
An AC3/AC:R Headcanon/Fic?
Word Count: 2,265 Warnings: Explicit Language
Author’s Note: So this is the first moment where the reader meets Shay and Haytham, but they’re set in different times? Like after the beginning events of AC3 and after Shay joins the Templars? So technically AC:R time period. Enjoy! -Thorne
           She growled as she looked through the closed window, the sound of revelry still coming from the dock across the street. Her sister frowned as she watched her from her bed, murmuring, “Come now, (Y/N). They’re not worth it.”
           (Y/N) turned her glare towards her sister, throwing the blankets from her body. “I don’t care.” She rolled out of the bed, griping, “This is the fifth night in a row they’ve thrown a drunken ramble. I’m absolutely sick of it.”
           Her sister stared as she walked to the closet, pulling on her overcoat. “Where are you going?”
           “I—” she started, hoping on a foot as she pulled on a pair of simple flats. “am going over there to give them a piece of my mind.”
           “I…I don’t think that’s a good idea, sister.” The other worried, pulling the covers to her chest. “Who knows what they might do?”
           (Y/N) stood straight and tied the overcoat around her waist. “Well I think sleep is a good idea and they’re disturbing it.” She crossed to the door and opened it. “I’ll be back in a few moments.”
           As she neared the ship, the party grew in noise, and so did her anger. Thousands of words crossed over her tongue and as she walked up the gangway, someone drunkenly stumbled over to her. “Hey—” they began but she held up a palm, effectively silencing him as she stepped onto the deck.
           “Excuse me!” she called, but no one seemed to hear her. “Excuse! Me!” Again no one paid mind and in a flash of indignation, (Y/N) yanked a bottle of alcohol from a sailor, who certainly hear her then. She threw it to the deck, and it shattered, much like the stupor everyone was in as they turned to look at her. “All of you shut up!” The sailors stared in surprise at the young woman in her nightgown and overcoat. “Which one of you is the captain?”
           A man in a simple tunic and leather pants raised a hand, walking to meet her. “That’d be me.” He stuck out his hand. “Captain Shay Cormac. And you are?”
           (Y/N) slapped his hand away. “Who I am is none of your business.” Ignoring his shock, she thrust a finger to his chest and admonished, “You and your crew have been in port for almost a week and every night since you got here, you’ve been throwing a party until midnight. It stops now.”
           He raised an eyebrow, an amused smile crossing his lips as he quipped, “Oh?”
           She narrowed her eyes, hissing, “Yes. It does.” (Y/N) gestured to herself. “Some of us in New York actually have real jobs they have to attend to in the morning and your drunken debauchery is keeping us from our rest!” With each word, her voice had risen and thinking she possibly looked like a raving madwoman, she took a deep breath and slapped a pleasant expression on her face, politely requesting, “So…if you would, please wrap this carouse up and go to bed, so that the rest of Greenwich can go to bed as well.”
           The captain stared into her eyes, but (Y/N) was no coward and met his stare head on, sending a withering one back. After a moment, he huffed and raised a hand, motioning to the crew. “You heard the lady, lads. Party’s over.” Her jaw dropped in surprise, but she quickly snapped it shut as groans began to surround her. Shay looked to them with a glare. “Oi! Shut your mouths and do as I say.”
           A chorus of ‘aye captain’ and ‘aye sir’ echoed from them and (Y/N) cleared her throat, hiding her embarrassment by curling her arms across her chest as she remarked, “Well, I’m glad we’ve straightened this out.”
           He tipped his head in acknowledgement. “On behalf of the Morrigan and her crew, I apologize for our ‘drunken debauchery’.” Shay let out a chuckle at her expression and she turned away, starting towards the plank.
           “Apology accepted. Goodnight, Captain Cormac.”
           Before she could get far, he appeared in her peripheral. “Hold a moment, lass.” She halted and waited. “I can hardly let a young lady such as yourself walk home alone.”
           (Y/N) cocked an eyebrow and countered, “I am more than capable of protecting myself Captain. If you think I need a man’s protection, you are sorely mista—”
           “It’s not a matter of needing a man’s protection.” He interrupted. “It’s about doing what’s proper, and what’s not proper is allowing a young woman to walk home in the dead of night by herself.” Shay pressed a hand to his chest, asking, “Please, allow me to accompany you at least to your street so I can see you home safely.”
           She regarded him a moment with suspicion, then muttered, “If you try anything, I will kill you.”
           Shay snorted. “Duly noted.” They started down the walkway and after a few minutes, they arrived at (Y/N)’s street.
           “This is me.” She said.
           He nodded and held his hands behind him. “Aye then. I’ll watch you from here and then return to the Morrigan.”
           (Y/N) met his gaze. “Goodnight Captain Cormac.” He smiled warmly at her.
           “Goodnight lass.”
           As she walked off, she stopped and turned. “Captain?” His expression turned curious as he waited and she murmured, “My name is (Y/N).”
           Shay’s smile grew and he tipped his head. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss (Y/N).”
           Haytham was tempted to tell her. Oh so tempted to tell her that the man she was giggling at would do nothing but sleep with her and leave her in the morning. Tempted as he was, he figured experience was the best teacher, and the next morning, she would learn better than to let her guard down so carelessly. He let out an inaudible sigh, thumb lightly tracing the handle of the mug he held. Somewhere downstairs, the door opened and closed and soon, footsteps followed, rapidly flying up the stairs. He felt some form of guard enter his system, but a woman, a few years younger than he, came around the corner.
           “(S/N) (L/N)!” The young girl on the man’s lap jumped and cast a wide-eyed glance to her.
           She scrambled out of the man’s grip and stood, hands wringing in front of her. “(Y/N)! Y-you’re here!”
           The woman stomped over and snatched her by her ear, ignoring the yelp of pain. “You’re damn right I’m here! What do you think you’re doing in a place like this?!”
           The girl had now raised to her tiptoes, voice twinged with pain as she replied, “I was just having a conversation!”
           “That is not what it looked like to me!”
           “I’m sorry!”
           The woman let her go and shoved her towards the stairs. “You get outside right this instance. Do you understand me?”
           The girl nodded rapidly and hurried down the stairs. “Yes! I understand!”
           When she was gone, (Y/N) turned to the man her sister had been sitting with. “You are a sick bastard.” She thrust a finger in the direction her sister had gone. “That girl is barely older than nineteen.” She pointed at him. “If I ever see you around her again, I will cut your cock off and shove it down your throat. Do I make myself clear?”
           The man’s mouth opened but an answer seemed to fail him and Haytham cut in, “Thomas understands.” He turned his steely gaze to the man. “Don’t you, Thomas?” The man nodded mutely.
           (Y/N) turned her attention to him. “Are you this man’s boss?” Haytham nodded. “It is not your place to do so, but I ask that if you see my sister coming around here, you send her straight home.”
           Seeming to have found his voice again, Thomas argued, “Why are you so protective? She’s grown.”
           She glowered at him and hissed, “I am all that girl has left and I made a promise to our parents on their deathbeds to watch after her.” She pointed at him. “I am not about to let her have her innocent heart trampled over by a man-whore like you.” Thomas’s jaw dropped, not expecting the face-slapping truth. “I know who you are. I know all about you and your gallivanting ways. You would use her and leave her and she…she is worth so much more than that.” (Y/N) felt herself become emotional, the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes as she finalized, “There is someone out there who will love her and take care of her and I am not going to let herself be fooled into believing that that someone is you.” She inhaled deeply and set her shoulders, warning, “You stay the hell away from her or else.” (Y/N) turned away without another word, silently descending the stairs.
           She stepped outside, immediately seeing the young girl in tears. Her heart hurt and in that moment she felt so regretful of her anger and reaction. Wordlessly, she handed her sister a handkerchief, watching her wipe her eyes. “Thank you, sissy.”
           (Y/N) gazed at her a moment, then took her into her arms, feeling (S/N) wrap her arms around her middle; she buried her face in (Y/N)’s shoulder and sniffled. “There, there, (S/N).” She pulled away and wiped the girl’s cheeks. “Come now, no more tears. It’s over, it’s done. Let’s go home.” She took her sister’s hand, gently tugging her along.
           They walked in silence a few minutes, then her sister said, “I was dropping off a letter to Miss Catherine and she asked me to go give the beer to them.”
           (Y/N) sighed at that. “She shouldn’t have done that. It wasn’t your job to serve them.” She glanced at the younger girl. “Next time, just politely decline and leave.” Her sister nodded and she squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry for embarrassing you like that. I…didn’t mean to react like so.”
           “No…I understand why.” Her sister stopped and looked at her with a clarity. “You’ve sacrificed so much for me and here I am acting like a fool.”
           (Y/N) frowned and cupped her cheeks. “…(S/N)…”
           “Mummy and daddy would be so disappointed in me.” She lamented.
           She felt her heart drop. “No. No, don’t say that.” (Y/N) made her look at her. “Mother and father would never be disappointed in you. You were their everything. They loved you so much.” Tears welled in her sister’s eyes. “I’ve been working so much, and you’re left alone all the time.” (Y/N) let go of her face and took her hands, squeezing them. “I’ll ask Mister Lenoir for a night shift rather than the day, so I’ll be around you during the morning and afternoons.”
           (S/N) looked at her. “You will?”
           (Y/N) nodded. “Yes. And I’ll start looking for a better job where we can both go and work together so neither of us will have to worry.”
           Her sister frowned “But there aren’t many job openings for us. How will you find one let alone two?”
           Before she could respond, a rather eloquent voice sounded from behind. “Your sister has an excellent point.”
           (Y/N) jerked, moving (S/N) behind her back as she turned to face the owner of the English accent. It was the man from before, Thomas’s boss. “Can I help you?”
           “While you were putting Thomas in his place, I wasn’t able to introduce myself. Allow me to do so properly.” He held his hand out to her. “Haytham Kenway.”
           (Y/N) regarded him suspiciously but reached for his hand. “(Y/N) (L/N).”
           Haytham took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it, causing her cheeks to warm despite her reservation. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss (Y/N).”
           She pulled her hand away and stared at him. “Is there something you need, Mister Kenway?”
           “There is.” He looked at the two of them. “You’re looking for a job that will allow you to stay around one another, yes?”
           “And what is it to you?”
           Haytham cleared his throat and placed his hands behind his back. “The mansion I had contracted to build is now complete and while I’ve recently moved into it, I’m still looking for a staff to keep it in order. I’d be more than happy to offer you both jobs.”
           (Y/N)’s demeanor shifted instantly, turning from suspicion to straight awareness. “To what end?”
           He cocked an eyebrow, a bemused look crossing his face. “I don’t understand.”
           She tipped her chin up. “Birds of a feather flock together.”
           Haytham seemed to understand then, because he huffed a laugh and added, “Until the cat comes, Miss (Y/N).” His face turned solemn and he stated, “Don’t confuse me with Thomas. He and I are nothing alike. Never will be.”
           (Y/N) looked away, going silent for a moment, seeming to consider the situation, then she inquired, “Say that I—that we accept…” he nodded. “You won’t pull any tricks? You won’t bring that—that brute around?”
           Haytham placed a hand to his heart. “You have my word. Thomas won’t step foot on the property and no tricks will be pulled on either of you.” He looked them both over. “I’m in the business of bringing change to the world. It starts with the everyday people.”
           She scoffed. “I’m sure empires don’t form from two maids, but I’ll take your word for it.” (Y/N) stuck out her hand. “Shake on it.”
           “Like a man?” he amused but took her hand in his larger one.
           (Y/N) gripped it tight and pulled them closer, until they were nose to nose and countered, “Like a woman.”
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morrigan-writings · 4 years
Shay Cormac x Reader
Warning(s): whump theme, scenes of natural disasters
A/N: hi! I wanted to try my hand at writing for Assassin’s Creed, because it’s one of my favorite franchises, with all the lore and the characters, and different settings and time periods. However, to get the hang of writing these characters, I think for now I’m just going to take pre-existing canon scenes (I’ve played every game), but change it by adding in a reader character and adding in extra scenes and dialogue and figure it out from there. So this fic is surrounding the events of the Lisbon mission in AC: Rogue, and I’ve split it into two parts because of the length.
Translations: “a chara” = “my friend” in Irish Gaelic
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Crystal clear blue sky, stray smatterings of clouds, a shining sun, and a favorable wind flowing past us as our ship made it’s way east across the Atlantic. My own mind at ease as I felt more at home in the towering height of the crows nest.
With Shay at the wheel and the crew humming along to shanties, my mind drifted back to the debriefing meeting about our new mission.
After waiting through the night in a nearby barn for the storm to pass, Shay and I met back up with Achilles and Hope by a more secluded building. Both turned at the sound of our approaching footsteps.
“Lisbon is near as large as London or Paris. Are you sure you can find this one place?” Hope interjected before another word was spoken.
Shay smiled confidently. “I saw it clear as day, Hope. It’s a convent right close by the harbor.” A further questioning glance from Hope had the Irishman admitting “I may have visited the sisters once or twice.”
Rolling my own eyes, I trailed after the three assassins to join them in overlooking the harbor, Shay looking like he could see all the way across the ocean to our destination already.
“Ah, yes, your many ‘overseas adventures’,” I laughed, leaning against the nearby post, but I had already turned towards Achilles before Shay could retort. “I can also confirm the location. My travels with my father during my Assassin training took us to many places in Europe, one of them being Portugal.”
Achilles nodded. “Given your present knowledge of the site, this duty falls upon the both of you,” Shay turned to face his Mentor. “You two understand what must be done?”
“Find the Precursor Temple—“ Shay started.
“— and retrieve the Piece of Eden,” I confirmed with a smile, Shay returning one of his own.
“We finally obtained a ship for crossing the ocean,” Hope gave her own reassuring smile to Shay. “Have no worries, I will keep the Morrigan safe in New York.”
Shay reached over to rest a grateful hand on her shoulder. “Thank you. Y/N and I will leave straight away.”
“Your crew and ship await. Be careful, Shay. Y/N. Pieces of Eden are powerful relics.” The final warning rang through Achilles words.
The yell rather harshly broke me out of my daydreaming, enough that I launched to my feet in a panic, scanning the surrounding waters for a threat.
The familiar words surprised me enough to take a look over the nest’s railing towards who I suspected to be the source of the noise. Sure enough, I was greeted with a laughing Shay at the ship’s wheel.
“You spend so much time as high as possible that your head now seems to be permanently in the clouds!” 
Turning and leaping, my hands grabbed the nearby rope hook, my own laughter drifting on the wind as I plummeted back down to the deck, landing solidly. I strolled over to my fellow Assassin, the nearby crewmates throwing a smile or nod towards me as I passed.
“Ah, but you yourself spend so much time with the Morrigan that you run the risk of chasing off any potential lovers… you’ll have them thinking you love the ship more than them!” I leaned on a nearby barrel, a devilish grin on my face.
Another laugh broke free from the man in question. “Bold of you to presume I would attempt courting a woman who didn’t appreciate sailing as much as I.”
“Fair enough, my friend, fair enough,” resting a hand on his shoulder, I turned to leave. “I will see if there’s any assistance needed belowdecks. Make sure you yourself find some rest before we reach our destination.”
“Aww, it’s so refreshing when you’re caring,” Shay dramatically placing a hand over his heart.
Pausing at the bottom of the stairs, I glanced over my shoulder and stuck my tongue at him, my grin still present. “Only because a sloppy and tired Assassin makes for a fairly poor mission partner.”
The remaining days at sea passed quickly and without any troubles besides a storm or two. We finally arrived at the port in Lisbon, nearest we could reach to the convent. Shay handed the wheel off to the first mate, and we were off; our hoods up and hiding our faces from too-prying eyes.
Through the many winding streets and the closer we got to our destination, the more people we saw dancing, the more music there was playing; the upbeat and playful notes drifting between the buildings. Tables and tables covered in cornucopias of all sorts of food, fabric and paper decorations of red, green, and white hung everywhere, garlands of them hung across streets and alleys, connecting the rooftops into one giant tapestry. 
Maybe we could partake in the festivities after completing our mission…….
“Feast of All Saints, what a sight,” Shay being just as enamored with the city as I was. “And yet here we are, looking for a relic from the time before Adam and Eve… Strange days indeed.”
“Learning about The Ones Who Came Before has really thrown a lot into perspective hasn’t it? ‘Strange’ is a good word for it.” My words trailing off as we reached the entrance to the convent.
It didn’t matter how many cathedrals I had seen before in my travels, each one always left me in awe as soon as I stepped foot inside. The stone walls that stretched towards the heavens; the enormous stained glass windows throwing multicolored light across the floor and the pews; the lack of superfluous decoration (save for a few specific crosses, and in this convent, a golden gate separating the priest from the pews); the priest’s even-toned voice calmly projecting the daily hymns and prayers echoing through the structure; the only source of light being the handful of glowing candles spaced around the area. 
Whether they were religious or not, such buildings left nearly everyone in awe who stepped foot in one. It was one of the few places that did give off a sense of being otherworldly, or just Other in general. In the same sense that one just knows to be quiet in a library even without knowing it’s rules. 
“Alright then. Where do you suggest we start our search?” Shay’s hushed voice breathed past, snapping me out of my daze.
Blinking, I cast my gaze around where we stood in the back of the convent. Beyond the maze-like artwork on the floor, nothing popped out yet. Shay still watched me, waiting for a response as I took a breath and shut my eyes, concentrating. When I opened them again, the world around me was now a wash of grays, Shay a pillar of pale blue light beside me. 
Shay stayed silent, noting the familiar faint gold shimmer flickering across my eyes as I slowly spun in a circle, cataloging everything. The priests lit up faint white, the few churchgoers a pale green. A few more turns had me looking higher, where my vision revealed four huge symbols, incredibly bright as if burning with a white fire. Blinking again and clearing my vision, I finally turned to Shay, seeing his own eyes shimmer gold once I started to explain.
“There’s four slightly different triangles. The four alchemical symbols for the four elements; fire, water, earth, and air. One symbol at each cardinal direction in the church.”
Shay copied my spinning as he noted all the details, until finally turning back to me. “Good eye, as always. You climb up to the first one, see what it looks like, then relay back to me. I’ll then go take care of two of them. Divide and conquer,” he ended with a grin.
“See you in a moment then.” On near silent feet, I sped to the wall closest to the symbol nearest us, making quick work of scaling the wall and support beams. The last leap landed me on a small platform right under the first symbol: Earth. Beside it in the wall was a small slot. With a shrug, I released my hidden blade to use it as a makeshift key. Hearing a click, I leaned over to look back down at Shay just in time to hear a dull thunk. In the center of the maze pattern on the floor was a circle divided into four pie wedges, each with a matching symbol. The wedge with the Earth symbol had risen slightly.
Rushing back down to ground level, I shared my findings with Shay, and then we both split off to activate the remaining symbols, leaping across beams and chandeliers like madmen. After the last symbol had been activated, we reconvened at the maze, where all four pie wedges were now equally raised. The moment we stepped foot onto the platform, the section of flooring starting to lower, sinking us down until we could see the full doorway underneath the floor of the convent. And a stone stairway leading down further. Where mysterious glow emanated from the bottom.
“Ladies first?” Shay gave a half bow and dramatically gestured towards the tunnel, wide enough only for one person at a time.
“How generous of you,” smirking, I started to make my way down the stairway, the surrounding stone walls weathered and covered in vines and roots from the trees above. A few wooden beams secured older, more crumbled sections of wall together.
Looking ahead, the tunnel widened into a large cavern, at the center of which stood an obelisk of sorts, alien in appearance. The stairs seemed to end far before reaching the structure, but as soon as we stepped near, small platforms rose out of the gloom at the bottom of the cavern, creating a walkway. They seemed to be of the same material as the obelisk, their edges glowing with strange lines and symbols.
“What do we have here…” While I hesitated, Shay had no such qualms. As soon as he placed one foot on the first platform and saw it was solid, he strode off with an encouraging pat on my shoulder. Somewhat reluctantly, I followed.
“Am I the only one that suddenly has a very bad feeling about this place?” I remarked, scanning the area around us.
“I’m sure it’s just because this place looks so unusual. We’re almost home free, Y/N,” Shay finally paused to glance back at me, noting the sudden nerves surrounding me. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll handle the Piece of Eden.”
With a nod, we continued along the path until seeing another platform built into the obelisk. And just like with the pathway, the moment we approached, a door slid open revealing a object, glowing and humming with unknown power.
“The artifact…..” my voice trailed off into the dark, in awe of the thing before us.
It almost resembled a star, multiple points jutting out from the center. And where it rested, it was floating, slowly spinning in place rather than lying static on a surface. It looked as though it were carved from crystal, a bright glow concentrated at each point.
Shay slowly reached his hands out, my own clenching out of nervousness. Ever so delicately, he lifted the ancient star from it’s home, symbols lighting up across its surface like the ones on the platforms behind us. 
As he slowly inspected it, the unexpected happened, all at once.
Within seconds of contact, the artifact immediately disintegrated in his hands, a loud hum building up within the cavern. Shay stumbled back in shock, my own self speechless as the rumbling started.
The earth around us began to growl, like a beast awakening from a long slumber, bits of rock crumbling off and falling around us, dust filling the space like a fog. And the rumbling only grew. And grew. 
Shay’s eyes locked onto me with horror as loud booms echoed off the walls, and my eyes shot up just in time to see the rocks and boulders starting their plummet down towards our frozen forms.
Spinning out of the path of one boulder, my friend dodging another, we turned to run for the exit. To our horror the floating pathway began to fall, and we dashed across, dodging even more falling debris as the rumbling continued to grow in intensity, never wavering. 
Waiting at the exit was a dust cloud, and exiting the secret cavern showed us a view that one could only describe as an apocalypse. 
The church had almost completely collapsed, the roof entirely caved in and covering the floor, the walls swaying as if they were mere trees in a strong breeze. Screams ricocheted around the remaining structure, debris covering the handful of unlucky souls caught in it’s path.
The shaking and growling only continued.
Shellshocked, my feet were glued to the floor. Shay reacted faster, snatching my hand in a death grip and pulling us toward the last remaining exit, a collapsed hole in the wall.
Finally getting my bearings back, I released his hand once reaching what was left of the courtyard, and off we sprinted, our only thought was making it back to the boat.
Zigzagging in every which way, dodging falling walls and roofing, we sped towards any opening we could find. The earth moving so violently beneath our feet that it altogether groaned and cracked apart, buildings sinking into the ground while others rose higher, changing the landscape so fantastically that it could only be heard of in dreams.
But this was a scene that could only created in the deepest of nightmares.
We sprinted and stumbled past hysteric and panicked citizens, cries of both adults and children echoing in our ears, prayers frantically launched towards whichever gods and saints would listen.
With no space for words between our violent breaths, Shay kept only a few feet ahead while I stayed glued to his shadow, moving in whatever direction he saw first, grabbing and yanking his coat in a different direction to avoid worse danger.
Skidding to a halt before a tumbling building, we quickly launched into a alley, dodging people too stunned to move, hearing the sounds of glass windows shattering around us, but not yet feeling the sting of the shards. Pain would only come after.
We hurtled through a doorway and out the adjacent window, just managing to avoid being crushed by a metal statue keeling over just outside.
Shay saw the same time I did the buildings around us collapsing like a deadly deck of cards, blocking off all streets and alleyways. Only a slanted cart lay in our path.
We’d have to risk running across the roofs.
Shay scrambled up first, spinning quickly to grab and haul me up, then we were off again, but faster. More frantic. Our new playing field exponentially more dangerous than the last.
We climbed higher and higher, as manic as rats escaping a flood, my fingers bleeding beneath my torn gloves. Buildings continuing to sway as if they were boats on the sea, some staying mainly rooted while others wholly crashed into one another like glaciers, decreasing our opportunities of escape. 
We grabbed and swung from any handhold or exposed pipe and beam we could find, flying past random citizens who had realized there was no point in running. Our hoods long since flung off from the speed with which we ran. Fires sprang up, angry, burning spirits who only came to hinder and destroy.
Heart pounding, lungs burnings, muscles feeling as though they were aflame with the very real fires we avoided. Leaping at the end of my roof, my desperate fingers latched onto a hanging lantern as I violently swung myself around a corner. Shay followed suit, falling behind me a few feet.
The roof we landed on gave an almighty lurch, splitting into pieces. One of which I was standing on.
“Y/N!” My friend roared as I fell with the rapidly sinking roof, losing my footing and tumbling towards the edge, with a bottom I couldn’t see among the churning mass of debris. My fingers scrabbled for any purchase I could find, panicked breaths shattering from my chest. 
I finally found a handhold, but had barely pulled myself even halfway back up when Shay came sliding down and grabbed my arms and pulled to the point of pain. Once footing was regained we took off again, like bullets from a gun.
Our luck only worsened from there.
Reaching the top floor of a broken building, the second Shay’s weight was added, a loud crack split the air as the wood all but disintegrated beneath his feet, sending him down.
A scream ripped his way out of my throat as I could only watch as his body bounced off broken floors and beams like a rag doll. Without any hesitation I dropped in after him, leaping between beams all the way down until I hit the stone floor below. Tears and smoke stinging my eyes, I found Shay dazed, but alive, and grabbed under his arms and heaved him to his feet, shoving him toward the doorway ahead of us to continue.
The rest of the run towards survival was much of the same; buildings collapsing, us sliding under fallen beams, dodging debris and fires, climbing over and under broken walls, and hauling each other back to our feet if we stumbled while the ground kept roiling under us like a vicious sea.
Only flashes of details registered with me the longer we sprinted. A mother hugging her child. A rope swing. A collapsing roof. A man frozen, accepting his fate as the floor drops under him. A checkered floor. A dog barking somewhere. More prayers being flung in every direction, more frenzied than the last.
I had become numb to my surroundings, only being cognizant enough to keep running and dodging and staying alive. I barely even registered Shay’s present at this point. I just had the sense in the back of my head to keep up with the figure beside me.
I couldn’t even hear the actual ocean when we finally reached the coast. All I saw was the intact window in front of me, and then the next second I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist in a death grip as my companion threw us both through the window. Shattered glass and burning embers raining down around us as we plummeted towards the churning blue below.
I barely felt the impact, I had withdrawn so far into my mind. Barely felt the tug on my arm, but it was strong enough that I started frantically speeding for the light above. Head finally breaking the surface, I dragged gulps of tainted air down my ravaged throat, the saltwater starting to burn along the injuries I apparently had sustained. However, the pain broke me from my haze as I remembered my closest friend.
“SHAY!” My scream was rough and cracked, the notes scratched at my lungs on their way out. But I still searched for him, my partner, panic setting in again the longer I couldn’t see him.
“I’m here,” an equally tired and croaky voice shot across the waves, the water raising me enough to see Shay clinging onto a piece of wood. After covering the short distance, Shay’s frantic gaze finally locked onto me, and he reached out, grabbing my arm again and hauling me half onto his makeshift life raft beside him. Whether in relief in sorrow, I didn’t know, but silently he dropped his forehead against my shoulder as we clung to the debris.
I don’t remember reaching the ship, I have no recollection of swimming or climbing aboard. But for as long as I live, I will never forget the image we saw of the thoroughly decimated city of Lisbon as we left the harbor.
“How could God do this to them?” A nearby crew member wondered out of disbelief. The rest of the crew only watched, silent from either shock or horror, or even both. I had dropped my exhausted body to the deck and laid there in quietude, having no more strength or will to move, tears falling and leaving streaks through the coat of dirt and ash on my face. Meanwhile, Shay continued to lean heavily against the ship’s railing, eyes never leaving the sight of destruction.
“God had nothing to do with this.”
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thero0ks · 5 years
Like A Son (Shay Cormac)
Another fic of our favorite Irishman ♥ Thank you @marshmallow--3 for the idea and the request! I hope you enjoy it! :D
The scent of gunpowder lingered in the air, as the smoke settled on the deck. The cannons left a ringing in Shay's ears as he bellowed out orders. The battle was almost over, and his men had the upper hand. The impact came as a shock. "Move Captain!" Came a deep voice, before he heard the crack of a gun. He was quick to draw his own pistol, his aim came second nature as he pulled the trigger. He could hear his crew cheering, a sign that they'd overtaken the man'o war.
He heard a choking, gasping breath. He turned to see one of his most loyal sailors laying on the deck. Red blood slowly pooling beneath him. With a panic Shay realized what the man had done. That bullet was meant for him, but Erik had took it instead. 
"Cap-" the man gasped. 
Shay drew closer, as the man placed something in his hands, "tell my sis, I love her...and tell Jami-" but Shay cut him off. 
"I will. I promise,” he said firmly. After a few more ragged breaths, the light in his eyes dimmed. Guilt plagued the Irishman. It seemed death was something he always cheated, but it always took a life for his. He glanced down at his open palm. Erik had placed a ring in his hand. It looked old, something a viking would have adorned. The high planes of Erik's cheeks indicated that the ring was most likely a family heirloom. Erik's family had settled in New York. With the help of Gist, Shay was positive he could locate Erik’s family to give them the news of his passing. 
The house was located out of town. It was isolated, and he was shocked to hear the thudding of hooves coming quickly behind him. He leapt out of the way just in time to see a small boy flying down the trail on a fat pony. The boy was sounding a loud battle cry as he passed by. His wavy brown hair was a tangled mess, and mud caked his face. "Jamie!" A voice called, and the boy nudged the pony towards the wooden house. 
Shay was surprised to find that Jamie couldn't have been past seven. He was a wild child, and his hair was the color of Erik's. The boy leapt off the pony and bounded towards the house. The buckskin pony gave a violent shake of his mane. With a snort the pony went to work on the closest patch of grass. 
Shay heard the wooden door shut twice. "Awww but ma…" the boy groaned stomping out of the house with her hot on his heels. 
"You haven't even unsaddled him. Now go put him up, and make sure to brush him good Jamie." She ordered. 
The young boy let out an exaggerated sigh as he grabbed the reins leading the pony towards the small barn. The woman was beautiful. He didn't think Erik had a wife, but he also didn't know the intimate details of his crew members. "Can I help you sir?" She asked wiping her hands on the white apron that was tied to her waist. 
"Are you Erik's wife?" His question solicited a laugh from the woman. 
"No, I'm his sister. (Y/N)," she said offering her hand for him to shake. 
"Shay Cormac." He said gazing down into her soft (e/c) eyes. 
"Ah, captain Cormac I presume?" She asked with a smile. He gave her a nod of confirmation. "Well come in, I have whiskey, or tea." She said leading him towards the house. 
The home was small, but cozy. A fire kept the place warm, and freshly baked bread was on the counter. "Help yourself." She said as she busied herself with making tea. 
Shay paced the room, too nervous to sit. He'd thought of a million different ways to break the news, but none of them seemed right. 
The door flew open and in strolled the young boy. It was clear that young Jamie believed himself to be the man of the house in his uncle's absence. "Jamie Dahlberg-Cameron." The little boy said offering his small hand. 
The woman's lips quirked up at this. The Irishman shook his hand, "Shay Cormac." 
"Do you know uncle Erik?" The boy asked making his way to the table to get some bread. 
"Aye." Shay said softly. 
"Do you sail with him?" Jamie asked stuffing the bread in his mouth. 
"Aye, I was his captain." Shay said softly. 
(Y/N) froze at the word “was”. Jamie hadn't missed a beat, "you're a captain?" He asked excitedly. "Do you have your own ship?" Jamie asked swinging his legs. The bench he sat on was too tall for his feet to touch the floor. 
"Aye, her name's the Morrigan." Shay said taking a seat next to him. (Y/N) placed the tea down in front of them. A feeling of dread growing in the pit of her stomach, but she didn't want to bring Jamie's mood down. Instead she observed the pair. Mr. Cormac was extremely patient with the young lad. 
"Have you ran into any pirates?" He asked excitedly. Shay was too happy to jump into a tale of one of his many voyages. 
Shay spent the evening recounting many wild tales to Jamie. The boy was eager to listen, and couldn’t help but giggle at the Irishman’s accent. If Jamie’s father had stuck around, the young boy would have most likely have taken on his father’s soft Scottish brogue. His mother knew that she could sit all night and think of “what ifs,” but it would do very little to bring back Jamie’s father, or her brother Erik. 
"Jamie, I think it's time for bed." (Y/N) said ushering him up the stairs. 
"Can Captain Cormac tuck me in?" Jamie asked excitedly. 
"Oh, I'm sure you've worn out Mr. Cormac." She began before Shay waved her off. 
"Of course lad, I'll tell you all about the time we took Fort La Croix from the French." His voice drifted off as the pair climbed the stairs. 
(Y/N) took a seat in front of the fire. She was alone with her thoughts, and they started to drift towards the inevitable. Erik had not come home, but his Captain came to pay them a visit. It could only mean one thing, Erik was gone. Silent tears leaked out of her eyes. Her last relative, and her last friend in this world was gone. She knew life at sea was dangerous, but he'd insisted saying that it was in his blood. Jamie had the same reckless, zeal for life. Sometimes she wondered what he'd inherited from her. 
The creak of the floorboards snapped her out of her thoughts. She quickly dried her eyes. "I'm sorry Mr. Cormac we don't get visitors very often. Jamie tends to be a bit enthusiastic." 
"It's quite alright lass. It's nice to see a boy with a bit of spirit. I take it he gets it from his mom?" He inquired, taking a seat across from her. 
"I take it Erik has told stories about me?" She asked with a raise of her brow, and the Irishman gave her a nod of confirmation. “He’s gone. Isn’t he?” Her voice came out hollow. 
"I'm sorry.." His voice cracked as he watched the flames lick the logs. "Your brother was a good man."
"He was always the better one of us." She said softly. "Everyone loved Erik."
Shay studied her. She was barely holding it together. "It should have been me." He said softly. She glanced up, seeing the guilt in his eyes. "He shoved me out of the way and took the bullet that was meant for me." Shay explained holding her gaze. He wanted her to look at him like he was a monster. That's what he deserved, but her eyes grew soft. 
"Thank you for telling me...in person." She said softly. He pulled out the ring and handed it to her. A look of surprise came across her face.
"I never thought I'd see this again." She said studying the intricate gold band. "I'll give it to Jamie when he's old enough." She explained. 
"Where's your husband?" Shay inquired, and her face hardened for a moment.
"Jamie's father and I never got married, officially.” Shay could tell she was choosing her words carefully. She had gotten up to pour two glasses of whiskey. 
“Officially?” He inquired, taking the glass of amber liquid from her. 
“I’m sure you know what hand-fasting is?” She asked swirling the drink in her hands. 
“Aye, it’s a little more common in Ireland and Scotland.” Shay said with a nod of his head, taking a long pull from his drink. 
“He explained that hand-fasting is essentially the same as marriage, except it lasts a year and a day from when the hand-fasting takes place. Within that time either person can walk away. Of course he made me believe we were actually going to wed. The morning after we hand-fasted I woke up alone.” She shook her head taking a long drink. 
“Jamie has never met the man." She explained. "That's why we live out here. I didn't want Jamie to hear what they say. I'm not ashamed." She said quickly meeting the Irishman's gaze. The fire in her eyes could attest to that. "I don't want Jamie to think I regret anything, and he shouldn't suffer for my sins." She added. 
Shay studied her for a moment, "Is it just you and the lad now?" 
She sighed, giving him a nod. "Erik was the only family we had left. My parents disowned me when I became pregnant with Jamie." She explained. 
"I'll come to visit." He said softly, as her glassy eyes peered up at him.
"I couldn't ask that of you. You've been kind enough." (Y/N) said softly 
"I insist. I'd like to see the lad. I know what it's like to not have a father around." He added, his dark eyes seemed to be somewhere else. Lost in an old memory. 
"Thank you." She said giving his hand a squeeze.
Shay made a point to visit as often as he could. Sometimes it would be months before he'd appear at the gate. Occasionally, he would turn up after a year or so at sea. (Y/N) never failed to worry for the Irishman. She'd grown fond of him over the years. He treated Jamie like a son, and Jamie adored the man. Jamie would often run around the house trying to mimic the Irishman's brogue. 
Jamie was 13 when he told his mother he wished to have a life at sea. His mother wasn't surprised. He'd never made it a secret that he wished to be just like Shay. 
After Jamie’s confession, she found a quiet place in the garden to sit. She let her mind wander. It didn't seem long ago that she was in the middle of her season. 
Her parents had hoped she'd marry well. She met Aaran Cameron at a party hosted by the Coopers. He was a tall man, his auburn locks singling him out. All the women in the room took their turns at pulling him onto the dance floor.
Jane had been eyeing the man curiously. "He hasn't taken his eyes off of you." Her best friend gave her a nudge, "go speak to him." 
Y/N scoffed, "I'm perfectly content to stay right here." 
"Guess that suits him as well. He's headed this way." Her friend said with a small giggle. 
"He's what?" She hissed, spinning around to see the Scotsman making his way towards her. 
"May I have this dance?" He asked reaching for her hand. 
One dance turned into another dance. Eventually the pair found themselves dancing the night away. They continued to court until one night when the rain was coming down hard, the two sought refuge in a barn. It was there that he explained hand-fasting. 
He draped the plaid across their clasped arms. She repeated his words,
"You cannot possess me for I belong to myself.
You cannot command me, for I am a free person.
But I pledge to you that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night and the eyes into which I smile in the morning.”
That next morning she recalled waking up in the hay loft alone. She'd spent the morning waiting for him to return, believing that he had just run out for a moment, but he never came back. 
Jane was the first person she told about Jamie. She recalled her last conversation with Jane.
"Tell your parents of the hand-fasting. Aaran is married to you for a year. They can pressure him to honor the year long commitment. He may decide to stay after that."
"I do not want a husband who doesn't want me." She said stubbornly, her jaw was set. "Can you imagine waking up every single morning to a man who is only there because his reputation is on the line? Knowing he'll never truly love you." 
Jane was quiet for a moment, "your parents will disown you. The whole town will ridicule you. My parents will not allow me to see you anymore." Jane said as tears slid down her eyes.  
Y/N embraced her friend. Jane would be the one person she would truly miss. 
Even after all these years she still felt the void her best friend used to occupy. She saw Jamie chopping wood near the house. He looked so much like his father. 
Soon she'd be alone. She couldn't stop him from chasing his dreams. Even if she'd be worried sick over his safety. He was young, and he still had a few more years left at home. Y/N saw Jamie bound towards the front gate. 
(Y/N) quickly got up to see who had captured Jamie’s interest. She was surprised to see Shay at the front gate. The last time he visited was only a week ago. 
She noticed the bundle of lilies in his hands. "Shay, you're back so soon?" She inquired glancing up at him. He wore a bashful smile as he handed her the delicate flowers.
She took the flowers from him, her fingers brushing his. Her eyes shifted over to Jamie who was grinning at the sight. "I needed to ask Jamie something important when I visited last." He said glancing over at the young man. 
"Can we go for a walk?" Shay asked gesturing towards the garden. (Y/N) nodded, taking Shay's arm linking it with hers. Shay didn't speak until they were at the edge of the garden. "I love Jamie like my own son." Shay began his gaze focusing on the rose bushes. "Over the years I've been slowly falling in love with you. I don't know when it began, but suddenly all I knew was that every time I came back to land the only place I wanted to be was here. With you and Jamie." Shay had stopped, turning to face her. She clutched the lilies to her chest, her heart pounding inside her chest. His fingers tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. 
"You love me?" Her voice was soft, as she searched his eyes for any lies. His dark eyes were sincere, and soft. 
He nodded, "the day I met you, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on." 
"I love you too Shay." She said gazing up at him. 
"Would you kiss her already?!" Jamie's voice came from the bushes. 
"Erik James Dahl-" but she was cut off by Shay's lips on her's. She was quick to melt into his kiss. She threw her arms around his neck, on her tiptoes to pull him closer to her. When they finally parted their lips were swollen, and they were wrapped up in each other's bliss. 
"Did you propose yet?" Jamie asked popping up from the bushes. Twigs entangled in his brown locks. 
"I hadn't got there yet lad." Shay said shooting him a look. Jamie gave a sheepish grin, "sorry Shay." 
"Lass, will you marry me?” He asked his hands splayed firmly on her back. His dark gaze searching her (e/c) eyes. 
“Yes Shay.” She said softly, pulling him in for another kiss.
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reddeaddamnation · 6 years
Imagine: Being Shay’s younger sister and Hope being in love with you
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Requested by: @purplewings12 :)
“You don’t have to do this...“ Hope pleaded her the way she never pleaded anyone. She never pleaded but for Y/N, she was ready to do everything if it meant her staying. “You don’t understand, Hope.“ Y/N started, sadness lingering in her eyes as she leaned against the window frame, ready to jump after her brother Shay “What Achilles is doing is wrong. He made Shay destroy an entire city!“ She was trying not to yell, but the anger kept inside her made that impossible. “He didn’t know.” Hope reasoned, but Y/N didn’t listen “Shay blames himself for it all!“ she pulled out a gun and pointed it at Hope, who took a step back, startled. They both knew nothing was going to be the same anymore “This is something he won’t forget until the day he dies! And you can ask Achilles if it was worth it!“ Y/N took a step back but never lowered the gun “And I advise you to let us go because I don’t want to do this.“ But Hope wasn’t ready to back down yet, because she pulled her own gun out of the holster and pointed it at her lover. The girl who she loved betrayed her. Betrayed the brotherhood. “I can’t let you do that, Y/N.“ she whispered. But before she could react, Y/N jumped out the window and a moment later, a thud sound was heard, as she landed onto the snowy ground. Hope ran over to the window, only to see her and Shay running down the path, which lead only to a cliff. 
She ran after them and witnessed Y/N being shot and wounded in her side. She left a trail of blood as she struggled to keep running. Hope followed the trail, her heart breaking little by little at the thought that she might lose the woman she loved. Y/N had collapsed just at the edge of the cliff and Shay was trying to pick her up. Hope stopped a few feet away and watched. Y/N looked up and for a moment their eyes met. Words weren’t needed, as their eyes said everything. “I’m sorry.” And then the siblings jumped from the cliff together, down into the depths of the icy sea. Hope’s emotions got the better of her. “No!” she screamed and ran to the edge of the cliff, hoping to even catch a glimpse of anything that meant she survived. But no. Nothing but ice, snow and foamy waves was in sight. 
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5 years later
The first thing Y/N remembered when she opened her eyes was that she was ambushed by what proved to be too many assassins for her to take on in combat. She remembered someone knocking her out and now that she was awake after God knows how long, her E/C orbs slowly adjusted to the darkness and she motioned to move her arms, only to figure out she was tied up to a chair. The back of her head throbbed painfully and she groaned, adjusting on the chair as comfortably as she could. Only then did she realize there was another presence in the room. “You’re awake.” a female voice stated and Y/N heard heels clanking on the floor, the sound echoing in the otherwise quiet room. The trapped girl recognized the voice immediately. “Hope.” she said simply. “You and your brother betrayed us to run away and become lapdogs of the enemy?” Hope said coldly, making Y/N scoff “It’s better than being a lapdog to a killer of innocents.” 
Hope stayed quiet for a few moments, until she changed the subject “You betrayed me...” she finally said, grief and hurt in her voice, as she finally moved in front of Y/N and looked down at her, expecting her reply “You pointed a gun at me! After all I did for you! And you become a Templar! I loved you, Y/N!” she yelled, unsheathing her hidden blade and pressing it against the side of Y/N’s neck. “I didn’t mean to betray you.” Y/N spoke quietly, looking up at her, the blade to her skin not even making her flinch “My issues are with Achilles. I would never hurt you. Even after all this time, I still think about you every night. I searched for you and hoped to talk and reason with you. I still love you, even if you hate me. Even if you don’t believe me, it’s true and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” The words had taken Hope aback, but she tried her best not to show it. “Do you really think things will be the same again after all this?” she asked in a low tone, voice on the brink of breaking. “That may be so. But it’s at least worth trying to fix things.” Y/N answered. “How do you imagine that would work?” The other girl asked, voice calmer now, hopeful almost and she sheathed the hidden blade again “We are on different sides. Even luck can’t save us if someone finds out.” That statement made Y/N scoff slightly “I’m a Cormac, Hope. And I make my own luck.” 
The two stayed in silence for a moment. “I missed you, too, Y/N. I can’t bring myself to hate you, no matter how much I try. I love you and I wish things were different.” Hope reached out to caress her ex-lover’s cheek and nostalgia ran over Y/N, making her lean into her hand “Things can still be different.” she spoke, locking eyes with the woman “Join the Templars, Hope.” she offered and that took Hope aback, shock written all over her face and she let go of Y/N “W-what...” she whispered, but was cut off “It’s not worth dying for Achilles, trust me. It’s not worth fighting me or my brother over his blind ambition. After what happened in Lisbon...the fact that he didn’t even care...” now Y/N was staring at her almost pleadingly “I thought one of the rules of the brotherhood was to keep your blade clean of the blood of innocents. Now all that blood is on Shay’s hands all because of Achilles. You would have done the same, even if you don’t believe me.” she reasoned, her eyes never leaving Hope’s. “How many times has he broken the rules? Compromised the brotherhood?” 
She let her think over the things she said and waited patiently for her answer. “If not for anything else...” Y/N pleaded again “Do it for me...I don’t want to lose you again...” Hope watched her intensely, trying to figure out if there is a hidden emotion behind her pleas, but she found nothing but sincere love. “It’s not that simple as you think.” Hope answered, crouching in front of Y/N. “I never said it was simple. But it’s worth a try, right?” Hope bit her lip and stood up again “I’m not sure.” It was going to take some time, but Y/N was keen on getting back her lost love. She didn’t want to let her go again now that she found her finally. “I love you, Hope. Kill me, but I’ll still love you.”
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gray-anxiety · 6 years
It’s Been So Long! | Shay Cormac X Reader Part Two
S/C = Skin color
THIS IS UNEDITED (because I’m lazy ;)
Four years later
           You were in the Dining Hall of the military fort the Templars used as HQ. The grey stone cold walls were jagged like it was cemented in place by force. The wooden floors a dark oak color, as the ceiling matched the dark color. The long table in the center of it all, where you sat lazily, pondering what to do in this boring day.
         Suddenly, Haytham appeared in the doorframe, posture straight and nose up. Something was up. You stood up as fast as your body could go and pushed in the dark blue chair. Haytham's icy blue eyes bore into your soul it seemed like. The room grew intense as you continued to make eye contact with Haytham. Suddenly, a ghost of a smile appeared on Haytham's lips as he made his way towards you. You obviously panicked like any normal person would, but you held your head high.
         "(Y/N), I'd like for you to come to my office later. There is someone I want to introduce to you," Haytham commanded, his tone eerily off. "Did I fail again, sir? My sincere and utter apologies." You were reminded of the incident four years ago. Although you and Haytham are equal in skill and somewhat strength, you still sometimes address him properly, since he is the grandmaster and all. "No need for the formal talk, (Y/N), we are alone," "Just come by soon, please, and swiftly,"
          “Yes, Haytham,” You nodded as Haytham walked off to his office. ‘Now why would he want me to meet someone?’ You pondered, walking to the upper velvet stairs to reach Haytham’s office. You came to a screeching halt some few minutes later, since you were only admiring the paintings on the now wooden halls. Yes, it is odd that a military fort isn’t just entirely made of stone, but Haytham customized it so it would somewhat look like his childhood home.
           You were suddenly nervous once your hand reached to turn the shiny, golden knob on the broad door, but you did anyway and walked into the dark office. “Ah, (Y/N), I’d like for you to meet Christopher Gist, he has been out and about with his associate on the sea for a while,” Haytham seemed to be hiding something, ‘But what is he hiding? Could it be that he will assign a task to only me and Gist to complete?’
            It was like Haytham had read your mind. “(Y/N), you and Gist are assigned to destroy Fort James just north of here,” Haytham cooly said while giving you the documents of the fort’s weaknesses. “Yes, Sir,” You mumbled while looking outside. Despite the fact that Haytham’s office is surrounded by dark wooden floors, panels, and ceiling, the fact that his office has so many windows makes it so well lit. “Get going, I expect you two to be finished by dusk,” 
           You and Gist walked out of the intense air of Haytham’s office and started walking down the stairs as Gist started to beam. “What is it, Gist?” You asked, looking at you beaming friend. “Just the fact that you and Haytham seem so close, and yet act so professional,” Gist joked. “Aye, but he’s like a father to me so it’s only natural to act professionally in front of others,” You said sternly, acting offended. “Ah, yes, the famous father-daughter duo I’ve heard about is you and Haytham,” Gist concluded.
          “In all reality, it’d be more like a brother-sister relationship if Haytham didn’t act so stinking old all the time; he is after all only seven years older than me,” You laughed, as you and Gist finally started to roam the streets of New York. You and Gist talked and talked until you finally saw Fort James in front of you two.
          “I want you to shoot at the barrels of gunpowder while I set fire to the inside and smoke all the French out,” You commanded “Yes M’lady,” Gist grinned as he ran off. ‘Let’s get down to business, shall we?’ You thought, jumping up to the conveniently grown trees, allowing you access to the fort.        
                                   BOOM BOOM BOOM 
      ‘That must have been Gist already, I should hurry up’ You thought as you started to sprint towards the fort. Your lungs burned as your knees ached and your ankles screeched for you to stop. Suddenly, barrels of gunpowder next to the door blew up, knocking you back to the unwelcoming stone cold ground. The heat of the raging fire burned you, blood gushing out of many cuts from the impact. Your (S/C) skin — burned in some places, as your Templar robes caught fire. 
       You realized that you were going to burn alive if you didn’t move now. You grunted as you used your semi-burned hands to pick yourself up, pain shooting through your many limbs. “Agh!” You groaned as you collapsed back onto the stone floor. Your hair sticking to your face from the sweat you produced. You are going to die here. 
         “Let me go you wretches!” A familiar thick Irish accented voice rang through. Shay. He’s here and is probably in deeper trouble than you, although you are really close to dying. You got up despite your body telling you no and started running towards the noise. You turned the corner only to be greeted with a sight you didn’t recognize. 
          You saw a man in black and red robes with his dark brown hair tied up into what once was a neat ponytail, and a large scar running down from his eyebrow to his cheekbone. “The traitor is alive! Tell Mistress Hope!” A shout was heard from one of the gangsters that held the man down. ‘Traitor? Shay wouldn’t betray the Brotherhood just like that, would he? No, he had to be somewhere nearby,’
          You jumped onto the stone wall behind the man being held down and ejected your hidden blades. You grabbed a smoke bomb and threw it down below, making the gangsters cough and wheeze. ‘Now’s the time to strike’ You thought as you jumped down, assassinating the gangsters one by one. 
          By the time the smoke had cleared, every single gangster that had been around the man was dead. “You okay?” You spun around making eye contact with the man. Those eyes. It’s really Shay. He had betrayed the Brotherhood. “S- Shay?” You gasped as you bolted down to the tied up man. You quickly undid the ropes and removed the gag from Shay’s mouth.
           “(Y/N),” Shay breathed as he pulled you into an embrace. “How did you get here? Why are you here? Why did you betray the Assassins? Are you Templar?” You had so many questions swirling around in your head. Shay is back and you’re in his arms. “I missed you too,” A chuckle rumbled through Shay’s chest. Tears pricked your eyes and you hugged Shay as tight as you could, fearing that you would never see him again.
            “Don’t go and join the enemy side without telling me, you hear?!” You pouted. “I could have killed you!” “I know, Lass, but I should be saying that since you became a Templar after I became an Assassin,” Shay smiled, kissing your forehead.  The young immature Shay you once knew and fell in love with was replaced with a mature man with many secrets and a past hidden, just waiting to be shared. It’d be foolish if you didn’t admit Shay was mysterious. 
              “They’re here! and (Y/N) is badly injured!” Gist shouted, running towards you and Shay with backup. “Gist, help (Y/N) first,” Shay commanded as he started to carry you towards the horses with a cart waiting outside of the burning fort. “I guess we accomplished this mission, didn’t we, Gist?” You said sheepishly while being set into the wooden cart. “You could say that,” Gist laughed as he nodded towards the “Coachman”, telling him to start going back to the Templar fort. “Oi, I should get some credit. After all, I did become a distraction!” Shay shouted, grinning as he sat next to you in the cart. 
Aaaaaaaaaaa, I’m sorry it wasn’t very fluffy. I don’t know how to make it extremely fluffy T-T
Also, I decided not to post this yesterday since Avicii died.. (R.I.P another part of my childhood)
And I’m out of Shay x reader fanfics... on Wattpad, Archive of Our Own, Deviant Art, Quotev, and on here T-T this sucks. 
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assassins-writing · 7 years
Because my actual masterlist is... Well, it’s a mess, and the tags don’t always work. So... Here’s this thing. All the writings in one place! Beware of titles- they were all mostly unnamed, and I had to improvise :’) If the read more isn’t working on mobile, let me know, loves!
NOTE: This is a MASSIVE post. You’ve been warned. <3 I’ll make sure it gets updated every time new things get posted!
Last update: June 10th
Desmond Miles
Desmond being a dad.
Summary: Desmond and his son spend the day together. Introducing: Dadmond.
Summary: Desmond teaches Y/N how to ride a motorbike. Fun?
Back to the Future day!
Summary: Wrote this on, you guessed it- Back to the Future day! Movie marathon with Y/N and Desmond.
Lazy days.
Summary: Desmond and Y/N are watching movies and honestly, someone can’t stay awake.
Summary: Desmond is stressed. Y/N tries to help him in the only way she knows: video games.
A barista and a bartender walk into a bar..?
Summary: Desmond and Y/N finally go out together, after Desmond gathers some courage.
“Let me see.”
Summary: Y/N always keeps half her face covered for personal reasons. Desmond finally talks her into letting him see her full face.
Circle of life.
Summary: Desmond loses his wife, and he’s heartbroken, but he’s still eager to meet his son. 
The Time Travel AU
Summary: Desmond and his twin, Y/N, go back in time to meet their grandfather.
Dadmond headcanons. <3
Circle of life, part 2.
Summary: Desmond spending time with his son and granddaughter.
“I thought you were dead.”
Summary: Desmond isn’t... dead. Y/N refuses to believe it- can ya blame her?
Summary: Altair’s daughter can’t sleep, so he climbs into the crib with her- and regrets it soon after. Modern AU
On getting thrown into the future, and breakups.
Summary: Altair and Ezio are Y/N’s ancestors, and she goes through a breakup. Modern AU 
Speeding ticket
Summary: Cop!Altair pulls Y/N over, somehow ends up with a date.
“Have you lost your damn mind!?”
Summary: Altair can’t sleep, and finds himself going to Y/N for some support.
Summary: Altair likes picking on his short girl. ‘Bout it :’)
Fun night out.
Summary: Altair gets drunk. Y/N finds out, real quick, that he’s a total sap when he’s drunk.
“You can sit on my lap, if you want.”
Summary: There’s nowhere to sit at the theater. Altair finds a solution!
Love Story
Summary: Altair’s girls, Phoenix and Raven, ask him once again about how he and their mother met. (Look this is really cute and I’m proud of it???)
“Those are my BABIES.”
Summary: Phoenix and Raven get separated from their father. ALtair then finds out that his girls are little bad asses.
“So what if I have a broken arm, I’m still doing it!”
Summary: Altair breaks his arm. He’s still a little shit, and Y/N might want to break his other arm.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Silver Fox
Summary: Ezio’s finally home! Fluff follows. <3
‘Hold my hand, and jump.’
Summary: Ezio is teaching Y/N how to do the leap of faith. Y/N is scared, but he reassures her.
Ezio and Flavia
Summary: literally just dad!Ezio and his lil’ lady. <3
New hair?
Summary: Y/N dyes her hair and wants to know what Ezio thinks.
‘Wanna dance?’
Summary: Carnivale has rolled around! Ezio finds his dancing partner among the crowd.
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
Summary: Exactly what it sounds like. While waiting on Y/N, Ezio... Ezio decides to be a little shit. 
“Kiss me.”
Summary: Just... Kisses.
Summary: Ezio notices Y/N’s self harm scars and he reassures her that he’s there for her, and things can feel better.
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway
Papa Bear!Connah
Summary: Y/N is pregnant, and someone in the city almost makes her fall. Connor gets a little irritated.
Lil’ Charlotte
Summary: Connor finally holds his daughter for the first time after she was born. Straight up FLUFF.
Generic zombie AU.
Summary: Exactly what the title says.
Snowy days.
Summary: Again, just what the title says! Playing in the snow with Connah.
“Please, don’t leave me.”
Summary: Connor’s afraid Y/N will leave. She reassures him that she’s not going anywhere. Little bit of angst, little bit of fluff.
“It could be worse.”
Summary: Connor comes home from a mission hurt. Y/N is there for support.
The one where Y/N cheats.
First words
Summary: Lil’ Charlotte speaks her first words! Connah is stoked!
“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”
Summary: N/A. Title contains errythang.
Love Triangle
Summary: Shay x Reader x Connah. College AU!
“It’s not what it looks like…”
Summary: Connor is just... The best dad, ever. He spends the day with Charlotte and cuteness happens.
Telling TOKW!Connah he’s handsome - GIF imagine
Taking care of a sick!Connah
Summary: As a result of playing in the snow, Connor wakes up sick the next morning. Y/N takes care of him.
Being Connor’s first kiss - GIF imagine
Teen!Connor embarrassing himself to impress Y/N - GIF imagine
College days
Summary: Connor meets Y/N while waiting for a class. College AU!
Papa!Connah headcanons <3
“Just breathe.”
Summary: Connor has a nightmare, but Y/N is there, so things get better quick.
“Let’s adopt twenty cats together and treat them like our children.”
Summary: Y/N wants all the cats. Connor agrees on one now, another later. Introducing: Revolver Kenway.
Edward Kenway:
Goin’ fishing
Summary: Edward teaches Y/N how to fish. 
Making a choice.
Summary: Caroline makes Edward choose between her, and Y/N.
“Hello there.”
Summary: Y/N meets Edward in a coffee shop. 
Terrible Twos
Summary: Modern!AU. Edward spends the day with a terror toddler Haytham.
Just... Cuteness.
Summary: Exactly what you’d think from the title!
“Come over here and make me.”
Summary: Edward being a little shit.
“Did you do that just for me? Aw, come here.”
Summary: Y/N made dinner! Edward loves it.
Late nights and video games
Summary: Y/N and Edward are up late. Y/N decides to play video games.
“I’ll always be here.”
Summary: Trigger warning. Y/N is suicidal and she tells Edward.
“I could outdrink you!”
Summary: Y/N says she can outdrink Edward. Lil’ list of headcanons!
Arno Dorian
On parenting fails, and cute moments.
Summary: Arno is left to take care of the baby. He kind of fails, but he’s trying and that’s what makes it so damn cute.
“Come back.”
Summary: Arno worrying before his lovebug goes away on a mission.
Summary: Arno makes Y/N breakfast.
Summary: Y/N’s insecurities rear their ugly head, and she starts feeling bad about herself. Arno is there for lots of love, and support.
Confessing your feelings to Arno - GIF imagine
“Bring her back.”
Summary: Y/N is on a mission. Arno is talking to himself, about her safe return.
“Let’s just stay here all day. Yeah, that sounds good.”
Summary: Arno and Y/N spend a lazy day together.
Evie Frye
Gift shopping
Summary: Y/N is trying to get a gift for Evie that she’ll like. Jacob tags along to verify if his sister would like it or not. Fluff between Evie and Y/N follows.
Dynamic Duo
Summary: Evie and Y/N are fighting together and things... Things go great.
Jacob Frye (or, ‘THIS MOTHERFUCKER’ and ‘Fuckstick Frye’ as I call him)
On sleepy dads, and not sleepy babies
Summary: Jacob is clueless when left alone with the baby. He figures it out, though!
Jacob with his newborn - Mini ramble
Summary: Lame title is lame. Christmas is a week away, and Jacob is being nosy.
“I don’t know if I want to punch him...”
Summary: Y/N shaves off Jacob’s eyebrows because he just... He’s such a pain in the ass. Things end up going great, though!
“You can sit on my lap, if you want.”
Summary: There’s just... Nowhere to sit at the party. Enter stage right, Jacob being cocky.
Knight in shining... Top hat?
Summary: Y/N finds herself in a super sticky situation. Thinking that things are going to end bad, she prepares for it, but doesn't expect Jacob to swoop in to save the day.
Summary: Y/N gets thrown from the carriage, and as the name implies, Jacob is there to help her get better.
Not so sneaky
Summary: Jacob leaves a trail of hay on the train. Luckily for him, Y/N is there to help clean up!
Diamond Dog
Summary: Y/N’s old dog passes away. She’s understandably upset, and Jacob is there for her.
“I need you.”
Summary: Jacob has a minor anxiety attack. Luckily, Y/N is there to help soothe him.
Ah Tabai
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
Summary: Just what the title says! Ah Tabai catches Y/N staring at him again, and the two of them have a chat.
Yusuf Tazim
Days of doing nothing.
Summary: Yusuf is done training with Ezio, and he finally gets to spend the day with Y/N.
“Until the end of time.”
Summary: Y/N is feeling down about herself, and Yusuf reassures her that she’s perfect and he cares so much about her.
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
Summary: The air conditioner has quit working. Yusuf found a quick solution.
Pierre Bellec
On a rooftop in Paris
Summary: Just a relaxed night with Pierre.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
Summary: Exactly what the title says! Pierre catches Y/N staring at him... A lot.
Charles Vane
Nights on the beach
Summary: Quiet time with Charles Vane. It’s just him and Y/N. Charles is low-key smooth.
Napoleon Bonaparte
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
Summary: Snow days = snowball fights. Napoleon didn’t expect Y/N to have a damn good aim.
Shaun Hastings
Such an ass.
Summary: Shaun is being an ass and giving Y/N hell for everything.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Summary: Y/N admits some feelings to Shaun, he thinks she’s joking. She’s not joking.
All the assassins (preferences and such!)
The one where long hair is an issue
Summary: Someone clogged the drain and... Y/N is just pissed.
Summary: It’s Y/N’s birthday, and she gets to spend it with her favorite boys!
Handling depression - Preference
Shay Cormac
Quiet words.
Summary: Shay is spending some time with his wee girl. Lots of whispered words and pride from a happy papa.
On nightmares, and those who help
Summary: A nightmare wakes Shay up in the middle of the night. He’s scared, but Y/N is right there to help him.
When you can’t flirt...
Summary: Self explanatory. Shay can’t flirt to save his life.
First steps.
Summary: Shay and lil’ Abigail. Abbey starts walking, and she takes a little tumble.
Sick on the sea.
Summary: Y/N is sick. Shay teases her a little bit, but ends up taking care of her.
Loss and new life.
Summary: Shay loses his wife while she’s giving birth to their child. He’s destroyed, but realizes a new light has entered his life- his daughter.
Loss and new life, part 2.
Summary: Shay and Abbey go to visit Y/N’s grave. 
“I’m right here.”
Summary: Y/N has an anxiety attack. Luckily, Shay knows just what to do to help her.
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
Summary: Shay admits something that he hasn’t wanted to tell Y/N. He’s afraid of the outcome.
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
Summary: Y/N faints and Shay just... He’s an ass about it. It’s all in good fun, though!
Being an artist
Summary: Y/N loves drawing on everything. Shay lets her draw on everything. Feelings are admitted.
Misplaced blame.
Summary: Shay had always been a little shit to Y/N. But after Lisbon, he’s beating himself up, and is a changed man. Y/N is there for support, though. Assassin!Shay.
The one where Shay needs some support.
Summary: Shay’s angry after Lisbon- who can blame him? But, Y/N is a sweetheart, and she’s there to help calm him down and keep him from leaving the Brotherhood.
Haytham Kenway
Quiet nights with the Grand Master
Summary: Y/N spends some time with Haytham. Male!Reader
Thomas Hickey
Like a songbird
Summary: Y/N is singing, and Thomas hears her for the first time.
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dearpaixao · 8 years
Tumblr media
published on: january 31, 2017
requested by: anon
pairing: shay cormac & reader
38. “I made mistakes... and I can’t keep pretending they didn’t happen.” 71. “You’re the best part of me.” 99. “I can’t do this anymore… not with you.”
The dark sky of the night fell upon the city as soon as the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. The citizens outside gazed around and exchanged a few kind words before waving as they left for their houses’ comfort. Closing the tavern’s door behind her as she left the building, (Y/N)’s calculating eyed observed the streets before taking the path towards the docks, gently adjusting her long skirt as her footsteps barely made a sound against the dirt.
As she walked, she could see the familiar red sails of the Morrigan, her lover’s ship, whose sails were being folded and the anchor was dropped. A faint smile formed on her lips at the thought of seeing the Irishman after one of his long trips.
Once she set her foot on the wooden ground of the harbor in the Greenwich zone of New York, her (E/C) gaze immediately wandered around to find the tall figure of the Templar. After a moment of silence, she locked eyes with his own and her legs quickly moved towards him, a grin on the woman’s lips.
He gave her a quirk of his lips, his brown eyes sparkling in amusement and adoration. And she embraced him with a tightened heart, he rose his arms to hold her form in his own loving hug. “Welcome home,” she smiled before receiving a peck on her lips. Shay stared at her with a smirk and the woman showed a hint of her own flirty smirk, “I trust your trip was pleasant, Captain?”
His gaze slightly darkened at her purr before he chuckled, “Aye, it was.” The young mam took a small step forward, making his chest press against hers, “Though, I must admit… It was a shame I had no company throughout these days.”
With a swift movement, (Y/N) avoided his lips when he leaned down to kiss her. A giggle escaped from within her chest as he groaned in annoyance. “Well,” the woman winked with a smirk, “you’re home now.”
She walked towards the fort, hearing his footsteps behind her. When her feet were placed inside the building after she opened the front door, Shay turned her around as the door was slammed shut and roughly kissed her. Quietly moaning into the kiss as she was led against the same wooden surface, his gloved hands moved along her figure, from her cheeks to her jaw, from her jaw to her collarbone, from her collarbone to the curve of her waist.
Shay brought his lips to her neck, making the woman tilt her head back to give him better access to her bare skin. He growled and rubbed his body closer to hers while she opened her mouth, a few whimpers coming from her as she struggled to be silent.
“S-Shay,” (Y/N) managed to speak and weakly and reluctantly pulled away, meeting his lustful gaze. “Not here,” she playfully said, a blush covering her cheeks. The man sighed, his nostrils flaring as he did so, before stepping back to give her space. Although he was desperate for her warmth, he respected her discomfort or, perhaps, her not being interested in the exchange of pleasure among both. At least, at the moment, since they had been together before.
The woman entered the study linked to his bedroom, following after the Templar. She silently watched as he undid his belts, dropping his weapons and his black coat. The Irishman took off his boots and walked to his bedroom, leaving his clothes and weapons on a chair, which was in the corner of the room.
An open-mouthed kiss against the bare back of his neck made a small smile bloom on his lips. (Y/N)’s eyes met his as he turned around, and the woman gave him a smirk as she subtly observed his muscled torso and arms.
“Tell me about what has happened while I was gone,” Shay started as she opened the wardrobe, to take out her nightgown. His eyes hungrily stared at her figure, almost fully naked due to the corset and the underwear.
She hummed, aware of his dark eyes on her as the (H/C)-haired woman put on her white nightgown. Her hands adjusted her locks before her gaze meet his, “There hasn’t happened anything, really.” She tilted her head to the side as the Irishman sat on the mattress with a nasal sigh, rolling his tense shoulders, “The buildings you helped to be rebuilt are mostly finished by now.”
The man nodded at the information, his eyes flickering over the woman, “I see…” He laid beneath the bed’s sheets and her covered body was soon pressed against his when she followed his actions. Shay shifted his head before placing a kiss on the top of her head.
“You help these people and they couldn’t have been happier,” she whispered, “You rebuild this city and it couldn’t have been more beautiful.” (E/C) eyes got a curious sparkle on their surface, “You’re a kind man, but why do you do this?”
He looked down with a flinch before closing his eyelids with a grimace. Shay met her gaze after the small and tense silence, “I… I made mistakes… And I can’t keep pretending they didn’t happen.” He bit his lower lip with a guilty expression, “This is the only way I have to ask for forgiveness.”
Although she showed confusion for what possible mistakes he could have done to feel such guiltiness, (Y/N) slowly embraced with, a small loving smile on her lips as she kissed his jaw before moving her head to the crook of his neck, “You are a good man, Shay. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
He cracked a faint smile, despite his eyes strongly hinting on the pain he was feeling at the though of what had made him, a tough man, look so fragile in a split second. The Templar gave a peck on her lips, “You’re the best part of me, love.”
Silently giggling, she firmly pressed her mouth against his, humming when his hands held her hips, pulling her body even closer to his. (Y/N)’s nails playfully poked his lower back, sometimes digging themselves on the naked and muscled skin or lightly scratching it.
There was a click sound as she closed the door behind her. She observed the desk in front of her before walking towards it. The woman’s eyes snapped across the multiple papers on the wooden surface before grabbing a small document, bringing it closer to her face as she read it in silence.
She placed it back on the table, and (Y/N) turned around to leave the study. Her boots barely made a sound against the floor as she walked through the hallway. Opening the front door, she slammed it close before increasing her pace, quickly running out of Fort Arsenal.
Remembering her friend’s words, the woman climbed through the rooftops and jumped from one to another, almost losing her balance on those jumps, if the distance between the buildings was big.
As a figure appeared within her sight, she approached, slightly nodding in greeting, “Peter.” The man gave her a nod before observing the street below them, “I have the information you requested.”
He quickly turned around and looked her in the eye, “And? When and where will the Templars take their next move?” She barely opened her mouth before he smirked, although his eyes softened, “You have always been a good spy, (Y/N). The Brotherhood wouldn’t have been catching up to the enemy if it weren’t you.”
The (H/C)-haired Assassin quirked her lips before focusing back on the subject at hand, “They plan to take the last headquarters in the city, in Waterfront.” The older man frowned and she continued, her narrowed eyes on his, “We can always counter-attack them, catch them by surprise.”
He hummed and crossed his arms, watching the woman who tightened her hidden blades in silent nervousness as she hesitantly added, “The… The Assassin Hunter will be in charge of that task, as I’ve read—”
“The traitor,” he growled and turned around, pacing as his hands clutched into fists. Peter turned to the woman with a furious scowl, “You will take him out. That is an order.” He did not give a chance for her to speak, climbing off the rooftops and blending with the other citizens.
(Y/N) sharply inhaled before closing her eyelids as she tried to calm herself down. With a silent nod, she ran in the direction of south, hoping to reach the headquarters in time. She knew her consequences if she was caught red-handed, if her identity was revealed to Shay.
She would be under his mercy. If he had any to spare her. After all, he did take her brothers and sisters’ lives.
She would be no different.
The woman’s breath shook as her eyes slightly watered up. She gulped when the sight of the zone she had been trying to reach appeared in front of her (E/C) gaze. Moving herself to the edge of the building, she looked for a haystack, before jumping with a leap of faith, swiftly landing as her breath escaped her lungs with the impact.
Quickly leaving her hiding spot, the Assassin looked for any sight of the Templar. Her eyes wandered around as she hid among the shadows, and she quickly noticed his dark clothes as he assassinated the leader in charge of the headquarters.
With a gulp, she quickly moved towards the desk which was hidden behind a wall, once seen from below. (Y/N) grabbed important documents, which Shay would certainly take for information, and shoved them into the pocket inside her robes.
“There we go,” she whispered and turned around, running out of the area. As soon as she turned the corner, her head shifted to the left and she saw her lover walking out from an alley which would take to the now-former headquarters.
Time seemed to slow as she watched Shay look over to his right, his blank face showing a hint of surprise before an angry snarl appeared on his face. The Assassin turned ahead and forced herself to run faster as the Templar began to chase her.
“Stop right there!”, he yelled as his heavy footsteps sounded against the ground. A few citizens stared at the scene as the woman started panting for breath, her legs becoming weaker and weaker as each second passed. But she could not stop. Not now.
She hurriedly threw a smoke bomb into the ground when she sensed he was closer than ever. Hoping it would somehow slow him down if he was caught in surprise, (Y/N) climbed the nearest building as fast as possible, sweat pouring down her face as her heart continued to beat louder and faster.
When she reached the middle of the rooftops, she reached for one of the two flintlock pistols by her side and aimed it at the Irishman as he finally reached the top of the building.
The woman knew he was going to easily dodge the bullet, rolling away before climbing to his feet once more, his frown even deeper on his handsome features. Although she would find, in any other situation, that angry look somehow arousing, at the moment, she felt nothing but fear and intimidation.
The Assassin Hunter was going to end her life.
Shay quickly ran after her as she jumped to the next roof, her hood falling. However, she obviously did not worry about it. All she needed was to run away from the danger behind her, from the man who held her lovingly every night, from the man who would kill her as soon as he was too close.
A gunshot sounded through the thin air and she gasped in pain as she nearly fell on her knees. The (H/C)-haired Assassin turned around and quickly aimed her second weapon at the Templar whose eyes suddenly widened and whose pace abruptly stopped.
His surprised and betrayed expression made her heart tighten in pain as he growled out her name, “(Y/N), why?” He merely questioned. The woman bit her lower lip in silence as he watched her, his shoulder dropping as they stood there in front of each other.
“I can’t do this anymore…,” she says, her voice cracking as her gloved hand held the flintlock pistol which aimed at his chest. “Not with you.” With those words, she shot and the Templar barely avoided the bullet from piercing his heart. The impact against him made him yell out in pain as he fell to his knees, panting for breath as his vision darkened and blurred, his heartbeat seeming distant.
Shay’s head faintly rose from its bowed position as his eyes caught sight of the fleeing Assassin, who he once called a friend. A lover. He knew, however, that the next time they would see each other — if they see each other, he thought to himself —, only one would survive.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
I love how you write for Haytham, could I request a part 3 where he actually does confess to the reader and she accepts 💙
You got it!
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Summary/Author’s Note - the third and final part to the romancing of the Cormac sister! FINALLY WITH THE CONFESSION!
Part 1 and Two here
It had been less than a week since the slight spectacle at the party yet Haytham treated it as if nothing had happened. It didn’t go unnoticed by you.
Still miffed at the interference, not to mention the almost constant presence of Haytham whenever the new contact stood by you. It would be improper to just barge into his office, but you didn’t give a damn anymore.
For a second you regretted barging in, seeing Haytham flinch, but then the cool façade returned just as easily.
“I need to speak with you.”
He sighed deeply, disappointed at losing focus.
“Whatever it is, Ms. Cormac, I’m sure it can wait for the time being.”
Still, you relented. “I insist it’s important. I’d like to request a transfer.”
It instantly grew quiet as Haytham’s glance turned to you. “I’m not quite sure I understood that..?”
You answered through gritted teeth. “I would like to be transferred to a different Templar. I’ve come to realize that my skills have been doubted here and I want to remedy that.”
Now that caught his attention. “Who would dare to question you, after all that you’ve contributed? Is it that new addition because I assure you—.”
“You, Haytham! It’s you!! Do you really think so little of me that you constantly hover around me whenever a plan goes?”
Your harsh tone did not go unnoticed as he was taken aback by your words, but you weren’t done yet.
“At least grant me the courtesy of a new post, or explaining as to the WHY!”
There was something to Haytham’s demeanor that made you almost regret your demand. As if there was a slight deflation in his attitude, but you held your ground as those blue eyes looked at you somberly.
“I apologize if you’ve ever felt that I—.., Ms. Cormac…I never intended to make you feel that way.”
You prayed he couldn’t hear your heart beating as he walked from behind the desk to right where you stood. Wanting to sprint away, you still remained as Haytham inched closer, swallowing the last of his nerves before continuing.
“As to why, I did not want to burden you with it but it is an explanation to everything.”
A hand slowly wrapped around yours, face inching closer.
“I’ve come to care for you. Immensely. Fiercely. I often find myself wanting to know who you are, where you are, how you simply spend your time in a life of your own or if you would care if I was a part of it. But as I’ve come to fondly realize, there’s nothing simple about you.”
You were left speechless. Thinking a brief attraction was merely one-sided, Haytham’s revelation fueled your adrenaline but soothed it as well. An answer was already made.
Leaning up, you gently cupped his heated cheek as you placed a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I’ve been wanting to hear that from you for a while. And I care for you too Haytham.”
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
Under Enemy Fire
A Shay Cormac x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 2,435 Warnings: Explicit Language, Mentions of Violence and Death
Author’s Note: I love making badass female readers. It’s so much fun. Enjoy! -Thorne
“I do apologize that you have to bring me along today Master Kenway. I know there are many things you would rather be doing than having to look after me.” The man gave her a small smile, gently patting her hand where it rested on his arm.
           “We’ve known each other for some time now, you may call me Haytham, Lady (Y/N). And it’s no trouble. Besides, your father has wished me to introduce you to our newest member.” She couldn’t help the grimace that came across her features, but she was quick to cover it with,
           “Of course he has…might I ask for some knowledge of this possible suitor?” Haytham chuckled, halting their movement as a carriage passed in front of them.
           “You may…but I would rather talk about how you won’t stop your father from trying to marry you off.” (Y/N) hummed, eyes shifting to the road as they started walking again.
           “Master Haytham, you know as well as I that I have no say in this.” He narrowed his gaze, taking a quick glance at her.
           “And yet you still persist in rejecting every match he finds.” She bit her lip, unsure of how to respond, when he added, “Here we are.” (Y/N) looked up at the building in front of her, eyes widening at the size.
           “My…this is a rather sizable mansion.” Haytham nodded.
           “Fort Arsenal. It’s owned by the man you’ll meet shortly.” She craned her neck, looking around for him.
           “Is he meeting us here?” He tipped his head to the docks and she turned her eyes to it, seeing the ship docked. “Oh, we are sailing.” (Y/N) frowned and looked down at her dress. “I should have worn something more suitable for sailing.” Haytham chuckled, escorting her towards the docks.
           “Have no fear Lady (Y/N), it’s just a sail around New York.” She hummed, and as they arrived, a man stepped down the walkway, addressing Haytham.
           “Master Haytham, you’re here a bit earlier than I expected.” The two shook hands, and Haytham said,
           “Ah, Lady (Y/N) was ready when I arrived, so I suggested we go ahead and make our way.” At that, the man turned his eyes to her, and under his gaze, she felt warmth creep up her neck.
           “I was wondering who this lovely lass was you were escorting.” He held his hand out, smiling, “Shay Cormac, at your service.” (Y/N) placed her hand in his, watching as he pressed his lips to her gloved knuckles.
           “(Y/N) (L/N). Thank you for allowing me to join you and Master Haytham today.” Feeling the embarrassment rising across her skin, she looked away, focusing on the ship. “I must say, your ship is a fine one. What is her name?” Shay grinned, turning to look at the brigantine.
           “The Morrigan.” (Y/N) nodded, inquiring,
           “I do hope it is not too presumptuous of me to assume she is named after the goddess Morrigan from Irish mythology?” He turned back around, an impressed look etched onto his face as he remarked,
           “Not at all. You know your mythology.” (Y/N) offered him a polite smile as he gestured for them to board.
           “Thank you. I enjoy reading about mythologies from other cultures. Though…many people today are not as interested in it as I am.” She gently squeezed Haytham’s bicep, quipping, “That being said, Master Haytham has indulged my ramblings from time to time.” Looking at Shay, she said, “It is a surprise that he has not yet keeled over from boredom.” The two men snorted at her words, making her smile, and they stood at the quarterdeck, Shay giving commands to the crew to pull out. (Y/N) shifted, pulling her hands away to rest them on the railings, watching the waves lap at the sides of the ship.
An Hour Later:
           “Well, try to understand, Medusa in Greek means ‘guardian’ or ‘protectress’, and even though Athena knew that Medusa was not at fault for what happened to her, Athena was bound by her duty to ‘punish’ Medusa for ‘defiling’ her temple. In order to make a ‘proper punishment’, she turned her into a gorgon. Many think it was a punishment, but if you think about it, she was giving Medusa a way to protect herself and other women so that it would not happen again.” (Y/N) gestured in front of her, finalizing, “Medusa was not turned into a gorgon as a punishment.” The two men stood in complete silence, pondering her words, then Shay acknowledged,
           “I’ve never thought of it that way.” She nodded and he asked, “How do you think Athena came up with that idea?” (Y/N) tipped her head to the side, thinking for a moment, then offered,
           “Well, she is the goddess of wisdom. She had to come up with something that could certainly pass as a punishment, but underneath, be a protection for Medusa and her sisters.” She looked over at Haytham, who pulled a satisfied look and nodded.
           “That does sound clever enough to pass in the eyes of the other Olympian gods.” She tipped her head in acknowledgement, falling silent between the two men until Shay asked,
           “Lady (Y/N)? You are aware of the order in which we belong to, yes?” She nodded.
           “Absolutely. The men in my family have been apart of the Templars for some few centuries.”
           “Are your brothers apart of them as well?” (Y/N) lowered her gaze to her hands, murmuring,
           “I am afraid I am an only child…my siblings passed from illness when we were younger.” Shay’s face dropped and he lamented,
           “I apologize, I didn’t mean to bring up such grief.” A heartfelt smile crossed her lips and she reassured,
           “Their deaths were heavy on my heart when I was a child, but the burdens have since eased, so please, do not apologize. You could not have known.” He matched her smile, changing the subject with,
           “What does your father do?” (Y/N) shifted her weight between her feet, replying,
           “My father is a master blacksmith. Our occupation has spanned several generations, and we have built our wealth and business worldwide.”
           “That’s mighty impressive.” She hummed in appreciation.
           “Thank you.”
           “Is he a swordsman as well?”
           “If you are asking if he can wield the blades he makes, yes, he can.” He cocked an eyebrow, asking,
           “Can you?” (Y/N) hesitated in her answer, then remarked,
           “No, I am afraid not.” He regarded her a moment, leaning between asking her if she was lying or not, instead, he opted for,
           “So why are you traveling with Master Haytham today?” At that, she turned her gaze to Haytham, who’d suddenly found the sails more interesting than her glare, and she hissed,
           “You mean to tell me that you brought me here under the assumption that Master Shay was a possible suitor and he does not even know it?” His mouth opened and closed as he looked at her, then he answered,
           “I mean, he does now.” (Y/N)’s face pinched and she sighed,
           “Master Haytham, this is quite improper. Both parties are supposed to be aware of the circumstances in which they are meeting under.”
           “I’m still here…I just thought I should clarify that.” She turned back to Shay, embarrassment coloring her tone as she said,
           “I am so sorry Master Shay. I had no idea that you were unaware of my reasons for being here.” He huffed a laugh, shaking his head as he turned the wheel.
           “There’s no trouble Lady (Y/N). I’m honored that your father thought me well enough to be a suitor for his lovely daughter.” She felt her face flush with heat, and she looked to the open water, ignoring their gazes. “If it’s not too rude, you don’t seem too fond of trying to marry.” (Y/N) sighed, countering calmly,
           “It is not that I am opposed to marriage. It is just-” He cut her off, inquiring,
           “You just haven’t met the right man yet?” She nodded, but clarified,
           “Many of the men my father has introduced me to have been more than suitable…just…not for me.”
           “Why do you say that, if you don’t mind me asking?”
           “Most men expect their wives to be obedient and ever-faithful servants…I believe that if I am not being listened to, I am not being respected. Marriage is a partnership, not one placed high above the other.” Haytham took a moment to cut in,
           “Many think that’s a rather incendiary thinking process for women to have.” (Y/N) giggled, catching his eye.
           “I do think it is why I have rejected most of the suitors I have had. I think-” Before she could continue, an ear-splitting explosion rocked the air, and a moment later, the side of the ship was hit with cannon fire. Caught off guard, most of the crew hit the ground, along with (Y/N) and the two templars beside her. Shay and the others were quick to rise to their feet, Haytham helping her stand.
           “To your battle stations men!” Shay twisted the wheel, and with a sharp twist, (Y/N) fell back into Haytham’s chest with a sharp intake of breath; he turned to them, yelling, “Get her to the captain’s cabin! Now!” Haytham nodded, taking her by the arms to lead her down the stairs. Panic surged through her as Shay shouted, “Brace for impact!” Immediately, Haytham tugged her to the ground, shielding her body with his as cannonballs tore into the hull. He pulled her to the doors, shoving them open to lead her inside. (Y/N) spun around, eyes wide with fear and he pointed at her, commanding,
           “Do not leave this room until either Shay or myself comes to get you, do you understand?” She nodded and he turned, slamming the door after he left. (Y/N) backed into the room, gasping as she bumped the table behind her. The ship shook as it returned fire and she crouched to the floor, hiding under the table, heart racing every time shots were fired and returned. For a moment, the battle calmed, then an even bigger blast sent her to the floor, head slamming into the stand that held the model ship on it. (Y/N) reached up and hissed as the pain bled through her head, and faintly, she heard,
           “We’re being boarded! Prepare for personal combat!” This time, the fear that came over her was nerve-racking and she crawled along the floor to the desk, hiding behind it. She could hear the gunshots and clashing of steel from inside, and she shut her eyes, burying her face the fabric of her dress. For a moment, the world faded, and she thought back on a memory from her childhood.
           “Papa, why do we always train?” The older man looked down at the young girl, barely older than seven, the wooden training sword clutched tight in her hand.
           “Because little lioness, one day you might have to pick up the sword to defend yourself and the people you care for. In order to do that, you have to know how to fight.” She cocked her head to the side, looking back at the wrapped grip.
           “But women do not fight? We are supposed to stay home?” The man crouched in front of her, pointing a finger to her heart as he said,
           “Your job as a (L/N) is not to adhere to societies rules on women. You will be a path maker in your life (Y/N). Forging new ways for women to live.”
           “So, I do not have to be a wife?”
           “You can be anything you wish to be.” She went silent a moment, then took a step backwards, getting into a defensive position.
           “Then I want to be fighter.” The man chuckled, matching her stance as he commended,
           “Then you will be the mighty lioness of the (L/N) family.”
           Her eyes snapped open and she looked up from her dress, seeing the weapon rack in the corner of the room. Something burned brightly in her chest and she rose from the floor, hands stripping herself of the heavy layered dress and undergarments she wore. (Y/N) pulled on the leather pants and tunic, adjusting them until they fit her well enough so she could move without hindrance. She strapped the holsters to her, tucking the powdered flintlocks in them before she yanked the saber from the rack, turning to the door. As she made her way to it, the doors flew open and she was greeted with a French officer who’s smile instantly fell when he caught sight of the lioness armed to the teeth.
           Shay let out a curse as he caught a glance of an officer heading to the cabin. “Haytham! One of them is going to the cabin!” The grandmaster cursed, and before either of them could move, a shot tore from below and the French officer stumbled out backwards, hands clutching his gut. Their eyes went wide when she flew out, saber sinking into his chest. With a mighty yell, she yanked the sword back, shoving him away. He hit the ground, and for a moment, the fighting seemed to stop as all the fighters gaped at the woman. She didn’t waste a second, pulling the dirk from its scabbard. She flipped it in her grip and threw it as hard as she could, watching as it sunk deep into the throat of a man wielding an axe; with a strangled gasp, he hit the ground, and she raised the saber, shouting defiantly,
           “Fight me you bastards!” The enemy combatants seemed to take her challenge, a group rushing her all at once. Shay and Haytham started towards her, but (Y/N) didn’t need any help. She twisted and swung, dodging each strike as she returned ones of her own, and before anyone knew it, the group fell before her. The two templars joined the fray beside her, and in mere moments, the enemy began dropping their swords in a surrender. Her chest rose and fell fiercely with each intake of breath and she stood before Shay and Haytham as she sheathed the sword; Shay stared at her with wide eyes, sputtering,
           “I thought you said you couldn’t fight?” Her answer was cut off as a cry sounded from beside them and they turned, seeing the French captain coming their way with his saber ready. As the two men reached for their swords, she pulled the second pistol from the holster and took aim, firing a single shot. The captain staggered as the bullet sunk into his skull and he dropped to his knees, collapsing onto the deck. (Y/N) stood there, gun still smoking and countered firmly,
           “I lied.”
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
How you met: Shay x Death Doula! Reader
Info on the reader's profession: A Death Doula is a person who assists in the dying process, unlike a regular doula who offer assistance for women in labor, Death Doula's deal with well... death! But they don't deal exclusively with just children, they were like an early version of grief counselors mixed with hospice nurse and funeral director all rolled into one package, their service list would include: Giving emotional,social and Psychological support, creating death plans, helping with funeral and memorial planning, and guiding mourners to their rights and responsibilities.
Shay was assigned by Haytham to investigate the rumor that a previous dead member was apparently alive and well. They were dismissed as just so... until, Thomas Hickey appeared before the grand master claiming to have seen the man, a one Robert Bancroft a former banker and tradesman wandering the New York market district, now that wouldn't be strange except Robert had dead for three months now! And what's more, apparently the late Mr. Bancroft has also gone on to calling himself Philip McCray not much info on that name though.
Haytham sent Shay to figure out this mystery, To start him off the grand master directed the former assassin to the home of an Undertaker: Father's name [l/n] seems there been a disturbance at his place of business that might just give them a lead to this mystery. 
Shay was wary at approaching the large manor-like funeral home he heard whispers and accusations of the undertaker being a demon butcher who cut up bodies and ate their livers, others that he'd chop the limbs off and sew them to other bodies and used dark arts on them. Though Mr. Franklin who was an old friend of Mr. L/n assured Shay that those rumors were hogwash; what the experiments undertaker does with the deceased was simply a misunderstood science that will one day change the way everyone looks at life and death.
That didn't do much to calm the Irishman's nerves as the smell of Incense invaded his nose the closer he got closer the the mortuary, Shy paused for a moment to admire the birdcage shaped censers hanging by the door he thought them they were lanterns, but duty calls Shay walked inside where smell of lavender potpourri lingered in the air and the sound of arguing invaded his ears Shay followed where the voices were coming from and found himself in a large sitting room, where a y/ht y/hc woman in a black and purple dress around his age was arguing with older man.
"Well someone has to do something about this, The man's wife thinks we're hiding him!"
"I said no! No interrogations, no investigations, no bloody mystery solving! This will blow over soon."
"Yes and meantime Mr.Cray's wife is telling everyone under the sun, about how I'm some husband stealing harlot, While at the same time some ne'er-do-well going around pretending to the man!"
"The woman is grieving Y/n, you've been trained to recognize such delusions, she saw him die, their friend saw him die and...and..."
The man's voice trailed off finally noticing Shay watching them, he straightened himself up and cleared his throat, while the woman whip her head around to see what got his attention."Oh, a customer, Y/n go make some tea for... um" The Templar held his hand out. "Shay Cormac, and that won't be necessary... I'm here regarding a break-in three months ago?" the undertaker looked uncomfortable as he look at Y/n who this knowing smirk on her face. 
“Yes we.. Well my daughter's office was broken into..." He led Shay to back of the manor to Y/n's office now that the Irishman could get a good look at her noting some resemblance between her and the undertaker they both had the same eye/hair color, they got to the office as Y/n spoke up as the assassin hunter looked around.
Soon Mr. L/n left and Y/n took over "Thieves weren't after any trinkets or valuables." She directed him to a large row of cabinets with a broken locks, "they were only after papers & records of the recently deceased, and was very careful at who he was selecting." She showed him an old file with details of that person's life. {Identification papers, birthplace place and cause of death etc.] and sketches of the deceased persons face she explained they used them for an "in case" scenario of multiple funerals in one day and if the families have the same or similar sounding names.
"Here's the man whose papers were stolen" she said handing the Templar the sketch he took out a small painting of Bancroft and compared the two "This is very well done." Shay commented taking in the sketch's detail right down to the scars and birthmarks. "Uh, thank you?" Y/n said incredulously not used to hearing her work be complimented especially from a man, Shay wasn't joking when he said it was good this McCray could be Bancroft's twin, Except...
Shay checked the death record McCray had black hair, Bancroft was blond, his first thought was a wig but the way Hickey had described the bloke his hair looked too natural to be a wig, nor did it look like soot and grease as Lee had suggested, was he using ink? his dark eyes glance over at a Y/n  looking out the window shaking her head at something.
 "Is there way darken one's hair color, without wigs or ink?" the assassin hunter asked not being familiar with cosmetics, Y/n cocked a brow as she thought. "Yes through henna and katam." Shay gave her a confused look Y/n sighed and took off her gloves and pulled up her sleeve to reveal a very impressive tattoo on her hand.
Shay took her hand her to get a better look, if it wasn't fading he'd almost mistaken another glove, the lotus design was delicate the way the ink ringed around her fingers like lace was almost fairy-like. "This is mehndi art made with henna it's a type of dye made from tree dyes from India, it can also be used to change hair color...if mix with the right components." She explained the as the Irish man flipped her hand over to stare at the moon design on her wrist.
"How long does this usually last for?" He asked giving her hand back. "Well depending on type and quality three weeks? applying oils is a good way to extend it." Y/n stated as she put her gloves back on. *who'd thought that wedding tribute for my friend in India would come in handy?* She thought not noticing Shay's attention suddenly shifted to the window, in a split second the large man suddenly yanked Y/n towards him using his body to shield her from her window exploding; glass shards flew everywhere as rocks were thrown through the window! 
Followed by a woman screaming "PHILIP KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!?" then there was some struggling Shay pulled away from Y/n the two went the window to see what happened, the Irishman kept her behind him just in case. as they watched a hysterical woman throwing rocks at the funeral home, as a man and two women and adolescent boy struggled to control her.
"PHILIP COME OUT!" The man finally got a hold of her. "Stop this right now Sarah, Philip is dead!" the Sarah shook her head not believing him as the women pleaded with her to listen to her brother, she gasped seeing Y/n and Shay watching her "GIVE HIM BACK YOU WHORE!?!?" Sarah screeched ready to throw a another rock as her brother dragged her away.
the boy walked over over to the shattered window. "I...I'm sorry for my mother Miss Y/n, My aunt says they'll pay for the window..." The y/hc woman the boy off. "Don't worry about it I know it's not your mother's fault." She assured as they watched his aunts and uncle load his mother into a carriage. the boy then looked around making sure his mother couldn't hear.
"Is it true?"  
"Absolutely not, I'm not hiding your father..."
"No, not that I know fathers gone, I meant...I heard things about you being able to speak to the dead, solving murders?"
"I don't speak to dead, I speak for the dead and I swear on your father's resting soul, I will find out whose behind this and bring peace to your mother."
The boy thanked her and went to join his family, Y/n winced hears Mrs. McCray scream at the top of her lungs "I WON'T LET YOU HAVE MY BOY!?" before being restrained by her sisters-in law as her brother shook his head clearly at loss and tired of his sister fits, as they rode away...
"Speak for the dead, eh?" Shay queried sounding amused and intrigued as Y/n averted her eyes embarrassed /face red from embarrassment as she thought he'd gone to find her father once Mrs. McCray was whisked away, "Well being a death doula, that is what I do in a way..." they were suddenly interrupted by her father entering the study, wooden planks under one arm hammer and nails in the other "Except most death doulas don't go on path of Derring-do just because they think someones a killer." Y/n looked offended at her father's words.
"Well I wasn't wrong before!" she huffed agitating her father more. "Stay out of it." he warned boarding her window up, he then turned to their visitor. "And you've got your evidence Cormac, Now I suggest you take you leave." Shay bid the last name's farewell, but before he reached the door he was stopped by Y/n grabbing his arm "Mr. Cormac, when you find this man." She made her father wasn't listening; he'd blow a gasket if he found out she was meddling. 
"If possible I would like you to return him here," Shay's brows furrowed at this request, "Here, why?" he asked confused over why she would want the thief whose caused her so much disarray in her house. "I think it might help if Mrs. McCray saw "Philip" for herself." Irishman nodded seemly understanding what the y/nat woman was planning. "I'll see if can keep him in one piece." He noted Y/n hadn't let go of his arm. "Is there something else you wanted" The y/ht woman fidgeted for a moment.
"Erm...Yes, if it doesn't trouble you, perhaps I could help you again?" Shay blinked wondering if he heard right? meanwhile Y/n inner thoughts were going haywire. "You idiot, why would you ask him? no man wants the creepy undertaker’s daughter especially someone as handsome as-" Shay's broke through her pity party. "That wouldn't trouble me at all." Y/n up at Shay who looked equally startled by his words.
Cue an awkward starring contest before Y/n realized she was still holding his arm, letting him go the y/hc shyly averted her eyes to the floor/cheeks went pink, Shay was thankful for that she couldn't see the tips of his ears were red, he calmed himself before walking out of the funeral home. "I'll see you again." he promised before heading back to Haytham with his findings.  
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reddeaddamnation · 7 years
How the assassins would react to you bringing home a stray animal: <preference>
Altair ibn la Ahad
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At first he didn't even notice that there was another presence in your home, until he heard something meow from under the table. He immediately unsheathed his hidden blade, ready to attack, but you threw yourself at him suddenly and the sudden impact sent you two tumbling to the ground. "No, Altair!" You shouted "It's just a kitten!" He stared at you with confusion "A...kitten...?" He repeated with a raised eyebrow "How exactly did it come to this that a cat is in our home?" You looked at him pleadingly "It was outside...scared and lonely... I thought it would be a good idea to bring it inside..." You grinned "Can we keep it?!" Altair stood up and rubbed his temples with a groan. With all the work he has on his head, only caring for a cat wasn't on his list.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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You had hoped to sneak the small puppy in your and Ezio's home and explain later, but Ezio suddenly came out of nowhere and stopped in his tracks when he saw what you were holding near your chest. He watched you with an expectant expression "I thought we should discuss things together before doing something, mi amore." He said. You let out an awkward giggle and practically shoved the puppy in his face, hoping it would melt his heart and make him say yes to keeping it. "Ezio, look how cute it is!" You squealed and Ezio sighed in defeat. All his life he didn't know defeat until now. And to no other but a puppy, which leagued up with his lover. "Ah...bene... I suppose a companion could do us good."
Edward Kenway
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You ran towards the Jackdaw as fast as you could. You had taken a stray puppy in Edward's cabin while he was away somewhere. And you decided to go buy some food from the market, where you saw Edward, who told you he will be waiting for you on the Jackdaw. You tried to stall him, but he didn't fall for it and now you were running as fast as you could to catch up to him, even if you knew it was too late and you were afraid of what you might see. What you saw when you entered the captain's cabin surprised you to no limits. Edward was laying on the bed with the puppy on his chest and he was stroking it gently, murmuring childish things to it.
Connor Kenway
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You had found a lost puppy in the forest. It was very cute, though it was a bit large for a baby and it had an unnatural grayish-white color and quite savage. But you didn't care because you immediately fell in love with it. You thought Connor wouldn't mind if you decided to bring home a pet, but the moment he saw you with it outside the Homestead, he immediately froze and stared with disbelief "Y/N, what are you doing?!" He asked, slight panic in his voice. You looked at him, surprised of his reaction "I was just playing with this puppy I found near the-" "Y/N, thats not a puppy, its a WOLF!"
Arno Dorian
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"Really? Again?" Arno scoffed when you appeared at the doorway, holding yet another cat in your arms. "Arno, you know better than me that animals are my weak spot." You rolled your eyes and let your new pet wander around its new home and meet its new adoptive brothers and sisters. It was a miracle that Arno still doesn't mind you bringing new cats in your home.
Jacob Frye
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"Y/N, I can explain..." Jacob said the second he opened the door to the train hideout, holding a wounded cat with one hand. Then he noticed an odd looking nest of paper pieces on his desk and a small bird, not yet rid of all its baby feathers lying in it and you watching over it like a mother eagle. You looked at him and then at the cat in his arms. He did the same. Looked at you, then at the bird, then back at you, with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, don't even get me started, Mr. Frye of the Animal rescue squad." You said sarcastically before he even said anything. "JACOB! Y/N!" Evie's voice suddenly boomed through the train walls and you knew you two were in trouble and had ALOT of convincing to do. Evie probably saw the rest of the stray animals you and Jacob had brought in. And some of them MAY have ruined Evie's favorite armchair and eaten some of her important documents.
Shay Cormac
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"Y/N, I said I MAY not have anything against having a pet dog." Shay sighed, a bit irritated when he saw the new member of your family sitting on the floor next to your armchair in which you were comfortably seated. A tall, thin hound with long fur was staring back at Shay, panting and wagging its tail. You giggled "Oh, come on love, it might be of use to you when you go hunting!" You assured him cheerfully
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