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sixpillarsofgenesis · 2 years ago
[New Chapter drops with this update: Chapter 10: Shuffling the Deck]
[@thisiswhereikeepdcthings @crying-over-the-batfam]
“B?” Jason asks Bruce the next morning. Bruce gives him a smile over his eggs, though it’s visibly tired.
“Yeah, Jaylad?” He seems softer today, and Jason bumps his foot against B’s, his father looking particularly content with the world at large.
“You happen to know where Dick went?” He asks, and Bruce gives a little hrn. It’s not tired, just thoughtful.
“Probably checking out his old room,” Bruce offers him with a smile. “Why?”
“The Nightwing-themed set I got for him is gone from the tea cabinet,” Jason tells him, and Bruce gives a hum.
“You know your big brother,” Bruce points out fondly. “He probably took it out to take a photo of the set to show off at work or something,” Bruce points out, and Jason gives a little frown at his dad.
“You sure he’s not just moving out?” Jason says suspiciously, and Bruce snorts.
“Please. If he was going to move out, he’d have taken you with him,” Bruce informs Jason tartly, which makes Jason blink. And then stare.
“Seriously?” Jason says, torn between amusement and annoyance, and Bruce chuckles.
“He does love you, Jason. He’d make sure to walk out with you, and then probably snatch up Tim when I’m not paying attention,” Bruce assures him, which makes Jason laugh.
“I have two arms,” Dick says dryly, the man himself coming in to give Jason a quick hair ruffle and then dipping down to kiss the top of his head. “Hey Little Wing. Save me any French toast?” He asks, and Bruce reaches out and lifts up a metal cloche. “Oh. Thanks, B,” Dick says, and instead of running away, the man joins them. Jason stares at him, and Dick gives him a half-grin, and it’s still tired, but none of the bitter, sarcastic edge is present.
“Mm. So what you’re saying is that you’re going to carry four kids out with you. Got it,” Bruce says, and Dick chokes on the cup of coffee that Alfred gives him, coughing violently while Jason laughs at his expression.
“Dick move, B,” Dick groans. “Dick move.”
“You would know,” Bruce agrees, and Jason cracks at the glare Dick sends his father, before it folds into an amused smile, his big brother mopping up his mess.
“I’d be angrier if it hadn’t actually been funny,” Dick concedes, shaking his head fondly. Before he can say anything else, Clark enters, a sleepy Jon dangling from his arms, the boy’s arms extended out and already making grabby arms for Dick. “Heyyyy there, Jon,” Dick softens, and the boy giggles, cuddles up. “... Hey Clark.” Clark bends down and presses a kiss to the top of Dick’s head, murmurs something that makes Dick’s brow rise in amusement, before he shakes his head.
“You two make it hard for a guy to be mad at you,” he informs them, and Clark shrugs his shoulders.
“We’ll probably be stupid again later. Might as well save it.” Clark says absently, and Dick snorts again, but his smile is softer.
“Sure, sure,” Dick sighs. “What’s up?”
“Jordan was able to find someone for you and I to go see, therapy-wise,” Clark says lightly, and Dick pauses from his breakfast.
“Therapy?” He says warily, and Bruce sighs. But it’s Clark who answers, the man stealing a slice of toast.
“I’m going for a better understanding of what being Kryptonian is doing to my sense of family dynamics,” Clark explains.
“I’m… I need a therapist for most of my issues,” Bruce says, sighing as he rubs his forehead. Jason shares a look with Dick, disbelieving.
“Is anyone equipped for that?” Dick says, openly skeptical. Jason snorts his milk out of his nose, and Dick snickers, the two of them distracted for a moment while Bruce gives him a slight scowl. It quickly melts into nothing, Bruce giving a rueful smile.
“Alright, fine,” Bruce sighs. “You get that one,” he agrees. “I just.” A deep sigh, and his hand runs through his hair. “Even if some of my issues can only be addressed, even then it’s still less that other people have to be carrying,” Bruce admits, and Dick props his head up in a hand, Jon trying to sneak off with one of Dick’s slices of French Toast. Dick notices, and he shares a grin with Jason, who snickers at the teasing expression, but lets him sneak it into his mouth.
“Are you seriously committing to this?” Dick wonders, and Bruce gives him a tired smile.
“Once the paperwork comes in, I’ll be legally obligated. Which means I can’t skip an appointment,” Bruce admits, and Jason isn’t the only one staring at him. “Slade hurt you because I failed to be a proper parent,” Bruce reminds Dick, who continues to stare at him in surprise.
“This is more than that, though,” Jason points out. B had never gone this far before for any of them.
“Just because I made jokes about stealing the Devil’s wings back didn’t mean I didn’t evaluate what it meant, that I had to go so far to see justice done, and how far I’m willing to go to not kill someone.”
“Including literal deals with the Devil,” Dick says dryly. Bruce acknowledges the point with a tilt of his head. “Is that why you made the moves on Harvey?” He asks, and either Bruce is either too dense to realize he’s in danger, or was just taking him seriously, as he considers his words before speaking.
“I’d been looking into Harvey for some time for different reasons,” Bruce admits. “After…” Bruce looks at Jon, whose hair fluffs at the sudden attention, before the boy pouts.
“Gonna find Granmama and Granpapa,” Jon says smartly, walking off with Dick’s plate held above his tiny head.
“Wha - my breakfast!” Dick whines, though he doesn’t look like he’s too upset, by his amused smile. Jason offers him a slice of French Toast, and he gives a grateful smile, accepting it with an exasperated air. “Thanks, Little Wing,” Dick says gratefully, before taking a bite and arching an expressive brow at the distracted-looking Bruce. “And…”
“Just a moment,” Bruce tells him. “Elyan? If you and Tim aren’t busy, you should hear this in the same room as it might be relevant.” It doesn’t take long for the two of them to arrive, Elyan arching an expressive brow at them, same as Dick had.
“Hey Papas. Jason. Dick.” Elyan greets, and Dick offers the boy a hug. He gets a narrow-eyed look, and is then given a hug from both Tim and Elyan, before Jason too, is piled with hugs before they take seats, Clark moving to stand behind Bruce. “What’s going on?”
“We’re talking about Harvey,” Bruce explains, and both boys stare at him. “But, Dick asked an important question about why I was only making moves against Harvey now, and since you’re home and not visiting Lois, I might as well tell you all at the same time,” he admits.
“Sounds fair enough, Papa,” Elyan agrees, as does Dick, though his eyes are slightly cool at the sight of them. “So… Harvey?”
“I’ve been looking into Harvey for a while now. After -” Bruce’s voice falters. “After Harvey shot you, I tried to get him convicted - not Arkham Asylum, actually convicted.” Bruce adds when Dick looks like he’s going to open his mouth. “When that failed, I looked into how to stop him from doing what he did to you again.”
“And then what? Jason stopped you?” Dick says, a bit sarcastic, but Bruce doesn’t flinch.
“I put the Harvey thing on hold at the time, but not really,” Bruce says. “Willis Todd tipped me off that something else was going on behind the scenes. Not an excuse, but more in line of - where was Harvey getting his money?”
Dick pulls up short. “I just assumed his assets weren’t frozen,” Dick says carefully, and Jason frowns.
“Uh… Not to be clueless, but what do you mean?” Jason asks, and Dick frowns.
“If Harvey was considered insane, legally, the US Government would have had the right to freeze and seize all of his assets, including things like property and the like. The only way really, around it, is if Harvey had a conservatorship, but those are risky, and there’s nothing to say that whoever got their hands on Harvey’s money wouldn’t be more dangerous with it.” Dick says, scowling a bit.
“That’s just a small part of it,” Bruce admits. “I know I personally lobbied to have him disbarred, and it went through when you were eighteen, Dick. But if you look anywhere online, there’s not a single record of any of the news articles. In fact, if you check the records, it’s as if he was never disbarred in the first place, as though it never happened.”
Jason shares a bewildered look with Dick.
“That can’t be possible - I have newspaper clippings of the shit happening -” Dick splutters, and Bruce’s mouth tightens.
“It gets worse,” Clark says quietly. “I had copies of them in my place in Metropolis. So did the Daily Planet. And here. When Bruce told me that his copies in Wayne Tower and Wayne Manor were missing, I checked in my place.”
“Gone,” Dick guesses, the faintest hint of horror bleeding into his tone. “The League?”
“Also gone.” Bruce confirms flatly. “I can’t confirm what - or who - took it. The only thing I found and heard was a nursery rhyme.” Tim straightens, and Jason isn’t the only one who turns to look at him.
“Wait. That one?” Tim asks, looks horrified. His hand clutches at Elyan’s tightly, and the younger Kryptonian looks at him in worry. His head swivels towards Elyan. “Could - could you -”
“Sound dampening, sure. You just say the word,” Elyan says easily, and sparks of purple race around them. “What happened?” Elyan asks, his smile fading at Tim’s horror. “Tim?”
“When I was really small, my parents used to make jokes about a society they wanted me to be part of. There were… parties, late at night. They didn’t ever let me go to them knowingly.” Tim frowns. “I learned really fast not to take photos then, because I would lose the whole camera. This was before I started looking into Batman and Robin more seriously,” he admits when Bruce frowns. “That nursery rhyme was the reason I got interested in looking into Batman and other local legends.” Tim admits. “Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadowy perch, behind granite and lime. They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send the Talon for your head,” Tim recites easily. “They’re… everywhere.” His eyes skitter around them, and Elyan squeezes his hand in fond worry. “I’m scared of them finding us.”
“I don’t know if they know about my powers, but I haven’t felt anyone in range of the house,” Elyan offers, his eyes flashing a darker violet as he checks again. “I’ll keep an eye out from here on,” He promises, and Tim looks at him in soft distress.
Bruce is also frowning, which surprised Jason.
“As good as this is,” Bruce sighs, “That’s not the point of this discussion. The point is why Harvey wasn’t arrested sooner. It seems someone is using their influence to keep Harvey out of jail. Not just him, though. Joker always escaped Arkham by some means, often through police officers, though I still don’t know how they ended up being bought into it.”
“Aside from corruption?” Dick says dryly in response, and Bruce winces.
“No, actually. Most of these people seemed to be normal folks. They’d go through the Academy, finish training, and then immediately free Joker, only to vanish.” Bruce winces, and Dick straightens.
“What?” Dick says faintly.
“Every single one of them just… shows up out of nowhere, frees Joker, or Harvey, or whoever, and then vanishes.”
“Some of the times I’ve been in town as Batman was following up on these leads,” Clark admits, the man reaching to squeeze Bruce’s shoulder. “The problem is, Gotham is ancient. There is a lot of lead, and any lobbying to change that for health and safety reasons tends to vanish, no matter how much money Bruce would throw into it.”
“Fuck,” Dick says.
“That doesn’t mean you weren’t justified in being angry, though,” Bruce says tiredly. Bruce rubs his forehead, looks exhausted and stressed. “You should have been told, but I didn’t want to put the idea of some faceless conspiracy on your head and make you a target without knowing what, if anything, I could do to handle the situation.” Here, Bruce gives Dick a tired look. “And then you went off to Blüdhaven and I started graying rapidly.”
Dick snorts, breaks the rapidly-growing tension in the room, and Jason reaches out, Dick taking his hand easily and without hesitation.
“And now?” Dick says wryly. Bruce looks at Clark, and Clark gives him a faint smile, digging a card out and offering it to Dick.
Jason knew that card. Heck, he knew that name.
“The Devil offered me three favors outside of Joker for finding his wings. I gave one to Diana, another to Barry, and this one’s yours.” Bruce says at last. Dick’s hands freeze before he can turn it over. “You don’t live close to home, Dick. You’re an adult, and no matter how much I want to keep you home and tuck you in bubble wrap, you’d sooner strangle me with your old Robin uniform than let me.”
Dick stares at the card.
“B.” Dick’s voice is very quiet. “How long have you been planning on this? Giving me the card?”
“The week Joker’s trial started and we met up with Lucifer at Joker’s trial. I didn’t… I didn’t want to trust him, but seeing how Jason was safe in his presence, in how willing he was to extend the favor even that far was enough for both Clark and I to agree that when the time was right, we would give the card to you.” Bruce looks sheepish when he admits, “granted, this was supposed to be a birthday present, but a few days before Christmas isn’t too bad either, right?” Dick takes the card in hand, carefully turns it over, and Jason leans over to read the handwriting.
For services rendered.
There’s no signature.
Good morning, please have this thought:
Due to shenanigans that Clark cannot possibly comprehend, let alone understand, Bruce has somehow talked him into being Batman for a week.
He comes out of the experience bewildered and wondering how in fuck's sake Batman ever held onto his no-kill rule.
And then he runs into Dick Grayson who is staring at him with starry eyes.
Clark is ten seconds away from a meltdown can you please help him Bruce -
No, help does not mean lean against the doorframe sipping coffee and hiding laughter dammit Bruce HELP HIM -
Clark thinks it's over.
And then he fills in when Jason is Robin. Ten minutes in, and Clark is infinitely fonder of this Robin. Robin gives him magic? God, so cute.
Tim is entirely too smart and sleep deprived and scares him, but at least he puts his brain towards being a menace on main towards Luther.
Stephanie is a national treasure, he thinks, and they join forces for sassing sessions against Bruce.
Damien... He's totally not helping this kid sneak in a tiger, Bruce, just look the other way.
This is perfect
Thank you for the thought
I am enjoying it immensely
I will probably spend a significant portion of the day ruminating on this idea
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fitnessbeautyarts · 1 year ago
What is Eyebrow Threading? History of Eyebrow Threading For centuries, across South Asia and the Middle East, eyebrow threading has stood as a prominent hair removal technique. This ancient practice has woven itself into the fabric of beauty routines, offering precise and intricate results. How Eyebrow Threading Works Eyebrow threading is an artful process that involves using a cotton thread to meticulously remove unwanted hair. The technique revolves around wrapping the thread around undesired hairs and then artfully twisting it, resulting in the removal of hair from its root. This procedure offers precision that surpasses other hair removal methods like waxing or tweezing. Benefits of Eyebrow Threading This technique not only offers effective hair removal but also doubles as an eyebrow shaping and defining method. The result? A set of eyebrows that appear natural and polished, complementing your facial features seamlessly. Risks of Eyebrow Threading While the procedure is relatively painless, there are risks to consider. Skin irritation and infection are potential pitfalls that should not be overlooked. However, when done by skilled hands and followed by proper aftercare, the risks can be minimized. Click here for information about How Get Thick Eyebrows XX1 How to Find a Good Eyebrow Threader What to Look for in an Eyebrow Threader When in search of an eyebrow threader, experience and qualifications should be your guiding lights. Seek out someone with a reputable background in the art of eyebrow threading, someone capable of tailoring their craft to meet your desired outcome. Questions to Ask an Eyebrow Threader Before sealing the deal on an appointment, it's wise to inquire about their experience, qualifications, and pricing. Ask about their aftercare instructions to ensure you are well-prepared for the post-threading phase. How to Book an Appointment with an Eyebrow Threader Booking an appointment with an eyebrow threader is a breeze. Reach out, discuss your preferences, and lock in a time that suits you. Be sure to communicate your desired eyebrow shape and ensure both parties are on the same page before the threading begins. XX2 How to Prepare for Eyebrow Threading What to Do Before Your Appointment Preparing for eyebrow threading involves a few key steps. First, cleanse your face and eyebrows with a gentle cleanser. Avoid the use of oil-based products on your brows as this can hinder the threading process. What to Expect During Your Appointment Upon arrival, relax and entrust the eyebrow threader with their skill. While you might experience some discomfort, the process should not be painful. Trust the expertise of your chosen professional and let them work their magic. What to Do After Your Appointment Once the threading is complete, apply a cold compress to soothe any redness or swelling. Refrain from using makeup on your eyebrows for a few hours to allow your skin to recover. XX3 Aftercare for Eyebrow Threading What to Do After Your Appointment Post-appointment care is pivotal. After threading, continue to apply a cold compress to alleviate any lingering redness or swelling. Steer clear of makeup application for a few hours to allow your skin to recuperate fully. How to Avoid Infection To avoid infection, prioritize hand hygiene and refrain from touching your eyebrows unnecessarily. In the days following the procedure, avoid swimming or excessive sweating to prevent any potential complications. How to Maintain Your Eyebrows Maintaining your eyebrows post-threading is relatively simple. Regularly pluck stray hairs that may emerge, ensuring your brows remain well-groomed. Additionally, trim your eyebrows as needed to preserve their defined shape. XX4 Frequently Asked Questions About Eyebrow Threading How Often Should I Get My Eyebrows Threaded? The frequency of eyebrow threading depends on your hair growth rate. Some may require threading every two weeks, while others might only need it every four weeks. How Much Does Eyebrow Threading Cost?
The cost of eyebrow threading varies based on the location and the skill level of the threader. Research local options to find a price that aligns with your budget. Is Eyebrow Threading Safe? Generally, eyebrow threading is considered safe. However, like any beauty procedure, there are potential risks, such as skin irritation or infection. Ensuring you choose a qualified professional can help mitigate these risks. What Are the Risks of Eyebrow Threading? Though eyebrow threading is relatively safe, there are inherent risks, including skin irritation and infection. Prioritize aftercare and communication with your chosen threader to minimize these risks. With a thorough understanding of what eyebrow threading entails, as well as how to find a skilled practitioner, prepare for the procedure, and ensure proper aftercare, you're well-equipped to embark on your journey towards perfectly sculpted eyebrows. In the upcoming section, we'll delve into the world of eyebrow shaping techniques and trends that can complement your threaded brows seamlessly. XX3
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sixpillarsofgenesis · 3 years ago
Someone please remind me later: Enchantress taking over Janet Drake and baby Tim learning magic. The vague plot being the Drakes on an archeological dig, sinkhole opens up, and an unscrupulous archeologist tries to sacrifice Tim to Enchantress who is looking for June, but ends up taking Janet's body instead because she's there. Feat. Mom Enchantress, disciple Tim (possibly also missing a leg, not sure yet), and Tim meeting Jason while he's Robin.
I swear I'm going somewhere on this.
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sixpillarsofgenesis · 2 years ago
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Side-by-side comparison of old vs. new from someone who never closes their Tumblr finding out the hard way.
'can i copy your homework?'
'yeah just don't make it obvious'
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years ago
27′ Verbal Selfies’ That Perfectly Explain What Ogling At Instagram Is Really Like
“sometimes I simply want to get by and write. this nature moves too fast sometimes, and I merely want everything to slow down so I can breathe in this Pacific Northwest air, seem the sun on my appearance, and find some peace and quiet for formerly. make sure you check out my Flickr for dozens of other slides just like this one except they’re in different cafs #latergram” #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #vscocam #peoplescreatives #wanderfolk #thecreatorclass #lookslikefilm #visualauthority #letsgosomewhere #thisboldview #liveauthentic #peoplescreative #livethelittlethings #meetthemoment #lifeofadventure #visualsgang #folkmagazine #postthepeople #freedomthinkers
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Mar 9, 2016 at 9:34 pm PST
work, act, labor, run, drive, handiwork, hesemihaffi wur, wur, wur, wur, wur, wur, hhhheemmniwiukak dur, dir, dur, duurrudj hemsomevladimirputin employment wurjj bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh whahnhgunab ler ler ler na naan chicken curry #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #monday #workflow #work #rihanna #drake #commute #needcoffee #ugh #grind #goodmorning #motivation @champagnefoggy
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Mar 7, 2016 at 8: 24 am PST
“this the lituation, come on we out here ” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture # weekend # booze # squad # violet # codeine # slomocup # liquor # drank # wino # toasttothereal #cocktails #whiskey #friday #party #vodka #fridaynight #turnup #liquor #shots #420 #turnt #outhere
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 26, 2016 at 6:28 pm PST
“my new recipe for a simple omelette employing organic, locally sourced, farm-to-table, sustainable, pastured, farm-raised, hand-selected eggs and foraged organic herbs& natural spices from my private property. relation in bio to my Vimeo channel to learn how to cook this easy and delicious dish” #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #omelette #eggs #recipe #foodporn #eatclean #homemade #foodphotography #cleaneating #healthyrecipes #instafood #foodstagram #organic
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 28, 2016 at 8: 43 am PST
“my “cat-o-nine-tail” Larry” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #catsofinstagram #cat #lookatmycat #larry #petsagram #catstagram @jackdouglas
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 19, 2016 at 1:53 pm PST
I went red-hot sauce in my handbag, swag #twirlonthemhaters #Beyonc #islay #redlobster #formation #lobsterformation #blackbillgates
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 9, 2016 at 7:24 pm PST
“date with bae rn ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture # movieticket #movies #movie #movietheater #deadpool #zoolander #regalcinemas @regalmovies transmit me a movie ticket #movietime
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 12, 2016 at 3:30 pm PST
“smoothie time! ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #cleaneating #fruit #foodie #smoothie #healthy #fitness #foodporn #snack #delicious #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyeating
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 18, 2016 at 2:20 pm PST
“really necessary this rn omg ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #friday #drank #drink #party #drunk #friendsforever #liquor #weekend #thirsty #nightout #nightclub #thirst #nightlife
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 22, 2016 at 9:13 pm PST
“” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #fit #namaste #yogi #instayoga #strikeapose #yogaeveryday #yogalife #igyoga #yogapose #yoga #vinyasa #suryanamaskaraa #ashtanga #manduka #vinyasaflow #instafitness #benddontbreak #asana #onebreathatatime #flow #namaste #mantra #fitspiration
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 6, 2016 at 9:24 pm PST
“I love a hotshot conflict !! ” #satire #satiregram #counterculture #meta #starwars #theforceawakens #luke #omg #dougvader #midnight #movie
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 17, 2015 at 8: 05 pm PST
“happy 2 monthversary !!! from now until forever……or until we go to college and go to different schools and gradually drift apart due to happenings out of our dominance and then finish up resenting each other and then one year later one of us contacts the other out of the blue with a’ you up ?’ verse at 2am and then a reply comes weeks later with’ hey stranger’ and then we try again for a few weeks to attempt to reignite the passion but it succumbs down again because of lifestyle differences. but it’s bae or bye-bye you know? ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #cute #romantic #sweetheart #relationshipgoals #happycouple #behappy #iloveyou #instagood #love #couple #cuddles #forever #powercouple #mylove #couplegoals #photooftheday
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 8, 2015 at 9:55 am PST
“where buds bloom, so does hope.” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture #macro #blossom #love #flowerstagram #flowerporn #nature #vsco #petals #beautiful #floral #instagood #floweroftheday #vscocam #garden #naturelovers #flower
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Nov 16, 2015 at 6:15 pm PST
“look at this cat” #satiregram #catsofinstagram #cat #lookatthis #catstagram #petstagram #photooftheday #petsofinstagram #kittensofinstagram #meow #kitty #pet #instagood
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Oct 27, 2015 at 4:47 pm PDT
“and that’s only the half of it, you heard the half of it.” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #selfie #justanotherday #thisisme #justme #nomakeup #nofilter #sigh #rihanna #halfofme
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Oct 21, 2015 at 12:23 pm PDT
“ROSE GAAAAHLD” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #whatdoyoumean #teamiphone #relationshipgoals #photooftheday #apple #appleiphone #lifeisbeautiful #iphone6s #instagood #6splus #rosegold #tryna #isitnewtho #hmm #mmmohmygawd #whytfyoulyin
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Sep 26, 2015 at 9:39 am PDT
“my pup ” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture #dogsofinstagram #dogday #dog #instadog #nationaldogday #dogstagram #puppylove #thisisntevenmydog
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Aug 26, 2015 at 3:53 pm PDT
“from my garden ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #healthy #healthyeating #food #foodie #eatclean #instagood #vegan #avocado #fresh #cleaneating #instafood #justgonnacoveritinsugarnow
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jul 30, 2015 at 3:30 pm PDT
“summer is here” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #sweettea #icedtea #masonjar #masonjars #drink #summer #summerishere #refreshing #readyforthebeach #love
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jul 1, 2015 at 1:14 pm PDT
“i love donut ” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture #donut #nationaldonutday #donutday #donutporn #food #foodporn #yum #krispykreme #timhortons #dunkindonuts #bobsdonuts #sfdynamodonut @dynamodonut #sf #maplebacon #maplebacondonut
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jun 5, 2015 at 1:17 pm PDT
“size 11 retro high og xi galaxy low custom-made breeze yeezy red-faced october ii elephant print alligator pitch-black chrome colorway db q54 doernbecher miro eastbay pe flint gray-headed xx2 foamposite #hmu” #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #kicksonfire #solesociety #jordans #jumpman #igsneakerheads #kicks #igsneakers #kotd #heatonfeet #hotkicks #retros #sneakerhead #jumpman23 #flightclub
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 29, 2015 at 9:17 pm PST
“food is my life” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #food #foodporn #poutine #omg #yass #ineedthis #lookatmyfood #athousandlikes #justlookatit #haveyoueverevenseenfood #icanteven
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 21, 2014 at 2:50 pm PST
“driver roll up the separate please” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #imbad #thisisme #selfie #feelinglikebeyonce #beyonce #partition #hmu #textme #bae #myface #lookatme #modelstatus #butthatsnoneofmybusiness
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 7, 2014 at 7:33 pm PST
“oh Bae ” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #pizza #food #foodporn @hercampus #hercampus #bae #hey #ayyy #lookatthispizza
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 4, 2014 at 1:33 pm PST
“I involved this! ” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #starbucks #myname #mynameismyname #ayy #pushat #coffee #caffeine #needthis #fix #yum #longday #addicted #instadaily #instagood #instacoffee
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Sep 16, 2014 at 2:33 pm PDT
“Sometimes parties don’t understand me.” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #selfie #justanotherday #thisisme #justme #nomakeup #nofilter #sigh #missingyou #lonely
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Aug 25, 2014 at 5:13 pm PDT
The post 27′ Verbal Selfies’ That Perfectly Explain What Ogling At Instagram Is Really Like appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years ago
27′ Verbal Selfies’ That Perfectly Explain What Ogling At Instagram Is Really Like
“sometimes I simply want to get by and write. this nature moves too fast sometimes, and I merely want everything to slow down so I can breathe in this Pacific Northwest air, seem the sun on my appearance, and find some peace and quiet for formerly. make sure you check out my Flickr for dozens of other slides just like this one except they’re in different cafs #latergram” #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #vscocam #peoplescreatives #wanderfolk #thecreatorclass #lookslikefilm #visualauthority #letsgosomewhere #thisboldview #liveauthentic #peoplescreative #livethelittlethings #meetthemoment #lifeofadventure #visualsgang #folkmagazine #postthepeople #freedomthinkers
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Mar 9, 2016 at 9:34 pm PST
work, act, labor, run, drive, handiwork, hesemihaffi wur, wur, wur, wur, wur, wur, hhhheemmniwiukak dur, dir, dur, duurrudj hemsomevladimirputin employment wurjj bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh whahnhgunab ler ler ler na naan chicken curry #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #monday #workflow #work #rihanna #drake #commute #needcoffee #ugh #grind #goodmorning #motivation @champagnefoggy
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Mar 7, 2016 at 8: 24 am PST
“this the lituation, come on we out here ” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture # weekend # booze # squad # violet # codeine # slomocup # liquor # drank # wino # toasttothereal #cocktails #whiskey #friday #party #vodka #fridaynight #turnup #liquor #shots #420 #turnt #outhere
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 26, 2016 at 6:28 pm PST
“my new recipe for a simple omelette employing organic, locally sourced, farm-to-table, sustainable, pastured, farm-raised, hand-selected eggs and foraged organic herbs& natural spices from my private property. relation in bio to my Vimeo channel to learn how to cook this easy and delicious dish” #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #omelette #eggs #recipe #foodporn #eatclean #homemade #foodphotography #cleaneating #healthyrecipes #instafood #foodstagram #organic
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 28, 2016 at 8: 43 am PST
“my “cat-o-nine-tail” Larry” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #catsofinstagram #cat #lookatmycat #larry #petsagram #catstagram @jackdouglas
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 19, 2016 at 1:53 pm PST
I went red-hot sauce in my handbag, swag #twirlonthemhaters #Beyonc #islay #redlobster #formation #lobsterformation #blackbillgates
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 9, 2016 at 7:24 pm PST
“date with bae rn ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture # movieticket #movies #movie #movietheater #deadpool #zoolander #regalcinemas @regalmovies transmit me a movie ticket #movietime
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 12, 2016 at 3:30 pm PST
“smoothie time! ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #cleaneating #fruit #foodie #smoothie #healthy #fitness #foodporn #snack #delicious #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyeating
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 18, 2016 at 2:20 pm PST
“really necessary this rn omg ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #friday #drank #drink #party #drunk #friendsforever #liquor #weekend #thirsty #nightout #nightclub #thirst #nightlife
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 22, 2016 at 9:13 pm PST
“” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #fit #namaste #yogi #instayoga #strikeapose #yogaeveryday #yogalife #igyoga #yogapose #yoga #vinyasa #suryanamaskaraa #ashtanga #manduka #vinyasaflow #instafitness #benddontbreak #asana #onebreathatatime #flow #namaste #mantra #fitspiration
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 6, 2016 at 9:24 pm PST
“I love a hotshot conflict !! ” #satire #satiregram #counterculture #meta #starwars #theforceawakens #luke #omg #dougvader #midnight #movie
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 17, 2015 at 8: 05 pm PST
“happy 2 monthversary !!! from now until forever……or until we go to college and go to different schools and gradually drift apart due to happenings out of our dominance and then finish up resenting each other and then one year later one of us contacts the other out of the blue with a’ you up ?’ verse at 2am and then a reply comes weeks later with’ hey stranger’ and then we try again for a few weeks to attempt to reignite the passion but it succumbs down again because of lifestyle differences. but it’s bae or bye-bye you know? ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #cute #romantic #sweetheart #relationshipgoals #happycouple #behappy #iloveyou #instagood #love #couple #cuddles #forever #powercouple #mylove #couplegoals #photooftheday
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 8, 2015 at 9:55 am PST
“where buds bloom, so does hope.” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture #macro #blossom #love #flowerstagram #flowerporn #nature #vsco #petals #beautiful #floral #instagood #floweroftheday #vscocam #garden #naturelovers #flower
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Nov 16, 2015 at 6:15 pm PST
“look at this cat” #satiregram #catsofinstagram #cat #lookatthis #catstagram #petstagram #photooftheday #petsofinstagram #kittensofinstagram #meow #kitty #pet #instagood
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Oct 27, 2015 at 4:47 pm PDT
“and that’s only the half of it, you heard the half of it.” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #selfie #justanotherday #thisisme #justme #nomakeup #nofilter #sigh #rihanna #halfofme
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Oct 21, 2015 at 12:23 pm PDT
“ROSE GAAAAHLD” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #whatdoyoumean #teamiphone #relationshipgoals #photooftheday #apple #appleiphone #lifeisbeautiful #iphone6s #instagood #6splus #rosegold #tryna #isitnewtho #hmm #mmmohmygawd #whytfyoulyin
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Sep 26, 2015 at 9:39 am PDT
“my pup ” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture #dogsofinstagram #dogday #dog #instadog #nationaldogday #dogstagram #puppylove #thisisntevenmydog
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Aug 26, 2015 at 3:53 pm PDT
“from my garden ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #healthy #healthyeating #food #foodie #eatclean #instagood #vegan #avocado #fresh #cleaneating #instafood #justgonnacoveritinsugarnow
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jul 30, 2015 at 3:30 pm PDT
“summer is here” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #sweettea #icedtea #masonjar #masonjars #drink #summer #summerishere #refreshing #readyforthebeach #love
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jul 1, 2015 at 1:14 pm PDT
“i love donut ” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture #donut #nationaldonutday #donutday #donutporn #food #foodporn #yum #krispykreme #timhortons #dunkindonuts #bobsdonuts #sfdynamodonut @dynamodonut #sf #maplebacon #maplebacondonut
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jun 5, 2015 at 1:17 pm PDT
“size 11 retro high og xi galaxy low custom-made breeze yeezy red-faced october ii elephant print alligator pitch-black chrome colorway db q54 doernbecher miro eastbay pe flint gray-headed xx2 foamposite #hmu” #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #kicksonfire #solesociety #jordans #jumpman #igsneakerheads #kicks #igsneakers #kotd #heatonfeet #hotkicks #retros #sneakerhead #jumpman23 #flightclub
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 29, 2015 at 9:17 pm PST
“food is my life” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #food #foodporn #poutine #omg #yass #ineedthis #lookatmyfood #athousandlikes #justlookatit #haveyoueverevenseenfood #icanteven
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 21, 2014 at 2:50 pm PST
“driver roll up the separate please” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #imbad #thisisme #selfie #feelinglikebeyonce #beyonce #partition #hmu #textme #bae #myface #lookatme #modelstatus #butthatsnoneofmybusiness
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 7, 2014 at 7:33 pm PST
“oh Bae ” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #pizza #food #foodporn @hercampus #hercampus #bae #hey #ayyy #lookatthispizza
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 4, 2014 at 1:33 pm PST
“I involved this! ” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #starbucks #myname #mynameismyname #ayy #pushat #coffee #caffeine #needthis #fix #yum #longday #addicted #instadaily #instagood #instacoffee
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Sep 16, 2014 at 2:33 pm PDT
“Sometimes parties don’t understand me.” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #selfie #justanotherday #thisisme #justme #nomakeup #nofilter #sigh #missingyou #lonely
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Aug 25, 2014 at 5:13 pm PDT
The post 27′ Verbal Selfies’ That Perfectly Explain What Ogling At Instagram Is Really Like appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2xh2J02 via IFTTT
0 notes
sixpillarsofgenesis · 3 years ago
No, no. The true comedy would be if he just turns and points, and BOOM.
Red Hood is perched on the rafters, cackling menacingly.
okay but Bruce plans a contingency for every League member in case they go rogue and after they all get over being butt hurt about that someone asks “what about you?” and Bruce is just like “oh I’d just have Clark kill me” and everyone turns to Clark like 😟
8K notes · View notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years ago
27′ Verbal Selfies’ That Perfectly Explain What Ogling At Instagram Is Really Like
“sometimes I simply want to get by and write. this nature moves too fast sometimes, and I merely want everything to slow down so I can breathe in this Pacific Northwest air, seem the sun on my appearance, and find some peace and quiet for formerly. make sure you check out my Flickr for dozens of other slides just like this one except they’re in different cafs #latergram” #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #vscocam #peoplescreatives #wanderfolk #thecreatorclass #lookslikefilm #visualauthority #letsgosomewhere #thisboldview #liveauthentic #peoplescreative #livethelittlethings #meetthemoment #lifeofadventure #visualsgang #folkmagazine #postthepeople #freedomthinkers
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Mar 9, 2016 at 9:34 pm PST
work, act, labor, run, drive, handiwork, hesemihaffi wur, wur, wur, wur, wur, wur, hhhheemmniwiukak dur, dir, dur, duurrudj hemsomevladimirputin employment wurjj bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh whahnhgunab ler ler ler na naan chicken curry #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #monday #workflow #work #rihanna #drake #commute #needcoffee #ugh #grind #goodmorning #motivation @champagnefoggy
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Mar 7, 2016 at 8: 24 am PST
“this the lituation, come on we out here ” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture # weekend # booze # squad # violet # codeine # slomocup # liquor # drank # wino # toasttothereal #cocktails #whiskey #friday #party #vodka #fridaynight #turnup #liquor #shots #420 #turnt #outhere
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 26, 2016 at 6:28 pm PST
“my new recipe for a simple omelette employing organic, locally sourced, farm-to-table, sustainable, pastured, farm-raised, hand-selected eggs and foraged organic herbs& natural spices from my private property. relation in bio to my Vimeo channel to learn how to cook this easy and delicious dish” #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #omelette #eggs #recipe #foodporn #eatclean #homemade #foodphotography #cleaneating #healthyrecipes #instafood #foodstagram #organic
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 28, 2016 at 8: 43 am PST
“my “cat-o-nine-tail” Larry” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #catsofinstagram #cat #lookatmycat #larry #petsagram #catstagram @jackdouglas
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 19, 2016 at 1:53 pm PST
I went red-hot sauce in my handbag, swag #twirlonthemhaters #Beyonc #islay #redlobster #formation #lobsterformation #blackbillgates
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 9, 2016 at 7:24 pm PST
“date with bae rn ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture # movieticket #movies #movie #movietheater #deadpool #zoolander #regalcinemas @regalmovies transmit me a movie ticket #movietime
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Feb 12, 2016 at 3:30 pm PST
“smoothie time! ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #cleaneating #fruit #foodie #smoothie #healthy #fitness #foodporn #snack #delicious #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyeating
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 18, 2016 at 2:20 pm PST
“really necessary this rn omg ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #friday #drank #drink #party #drunk #friendsforever #liquor #weekend #thirsty #nightout #nightclub #thirst #nightlife
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 22, 2016 at 9:13 pm PST
“” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #fit #namaste #yogi #instayoga #strikeapose #yogaeveryday #yogalife #igyoga #yogapose #yoga #vinyasa #suryanamaskaraa #ashtanga #manduka #vinyasaflow #instafitness #benddontbreak #asana #onebreathatatime #flow #namaste #mantra #fitspiration
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 6, 2016 at 9:24 pm PST
“I love a hotshot conflict !! ” #satire #satiregram #counterculture #meta #starwars #theforceawakens #luke #omg #dougvader #midnight #movie
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 17, 2015 at 8: 05 pm PST
“happy 2 monthversary !!! from now until forever……or until we go to college and go to different schools and gradually drift apart due to happenings out of our dominance and then finish up resenting each other and then one year later one of us contacts the other out of the blue with a’ you up ?’ verse at 2am and then a reply comes weeks later with’ hey stranger’ and then we try again for a few weeks to attempt to reignite the passion but it succumbs down again because of lifestyle differences. but it’s bae or bye-bye you know? ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #cute #romantic #sweetheart #relationshipgoals #happycouple #behappy #iloveyou #instagood #love #couple #cuddles #forever #powercouple #mylove #couplegoals #photooftheday
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 8, 2015 at 9:55 am PST
“where buds bloom, so does hope.” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture #macro #blossom #love #flowerstagram #flowerporn #nature #vsco #petals #beautiful #floral #instagood #floweroftheday #vscocam #garden #naturelovers #flower
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Nov 16, 2015 at 6:15 pm PST
“look at this cat” #satiregram #catsofinstagram #cat #lookatthis #catstagram #petstagram #photooftheday #petsofinstagram #kittensofinstagram #meow #kitty #pet #instagood
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Oct 27, 2015 at 4:47 pm PDT
“and that’s only the half of it, you heard the half of it.” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #selfie #justanotherday #thisisme #justme #nomakeup #nofilter #sigh #rihanna #halfofme
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Oct 21, 2015 at 12:23 pm PDT
“ROSE GAAAAHLD” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #whatdoyoumean #teamiphone #relationshipgoals #photooftheday #apple #appleiphone #lifeisbeautiful #iphone6s #instagood #6splus #rosegold #tryna #isitnewtho #hmm #mmmohmygawd #whytfyoulyin
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Sep 26, 2015 at 9:39 am PDT
“my pup ” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture #dogsofinstagram #dogday #dog #instadog #nationaldogday #dogstagram #puppylove #thisisntevenmydog
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Aug 26, 2015 at 3:53 pm PDT
“from my garden ” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #healthy #healthyeating #food #foodie #eatclean #instagood #vegan #avocado #fresh #cleaneating #instafood #justgonnacoveritinsugarnow
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jul 30, 2015 at 3:30 pm PDT
“summer is here” # satire # satiregram # meta # counterculture #sweettea #icedtea #masonjar #masonjars #drink #summer #summerishere #refreshing #readyforthebeach #love
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jul 1, 2015 at 1:14 pm PDT
“i love donut ” # irony # satiregram # meta # counterculture #donut #nationaldonutday #donutday #donutporn #food #foodporn #yum #krispykreme #timhortons #dunkindonuts #bobsdonuts #sfdynamodonut @dynamodonut #sf #maplebacon #maplebacondonut
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jun 5, 2015 at 1:17 pm PDT
“size 11 retro high og xi galaxy low custom-made breeze yeezy red-faced october ii elephant print alligator pitch-black chrome colorway db q54 doernbecher miro eastbay pe flint gray-headed xx2 foamposite #hmu” #satire #satiregram #meta #counterculture #kicksonfire #solesociety #jordans #jumpman #igsneakerheads #kicks #igsneakers #kotd #heatonfeet #hotkicks #retros #sneakerhead #jumpman23 #flightclub
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Jan 29, 2015 at 9:17 pm PST
“food is my life” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #food #foodporn #poutine #omg #yass #ineedthis #lookatmyfood #athousandlikes #justlookatit #haveyoueverevenseenfood #icanteven
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 21, 2014 at 2:50 pm PST
“driver roll up the separate please” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #imbad #thisisme #selfie #feelinglikebeyonce #beyonce #partition #hmu #textme #bae #myface #lookatme #modelstatus #butthatsnoneofmybusiness
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 7, 2014 at 7:33 pm PST
“oh Bae ” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #pizza #food #foodporn @hercampus #hercampus #bae #hey #ayyy #lookatthispizza
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Dec 4, 2014 at 1:33 pm PST
“I involved this! ” # parody # satiregram # meta # counterculture #starbucks #myname #mynameismyname #ayy #pushat #coffee #caffeine #needthis #fix #yum #longday #addicted #instadaily #instagood #instacoffee
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Sep 16, 2014 at 2:33 pm PDT
“Sometimes parties don’t understand me.” # wit # satiregram # meta # counterculture #selfie #justanotherday #thisisme #justme #nomakeup #nofilter #sigh #missingyou #lonely
A photo posted by euzcil castaneto (@ satiregram) on Aug 25, 2014 at 5:13 pm PDT
The post 27′ Verbal Selfies’ That Perfectly Explain What Ogling At Instagram Is Really Like appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2xh2J02 via IFTTT
0 notes
sixpillarsofgenesis · 2 years ago
@starrytect - it's your boy!!
Tumblr media
I regret not drawing more of Astral Chain, it’s honestly amazing and I love it!
140 notes · View notes
sixpillarsofgenesis · 5 years ago
259K notes · View notes
sixpillarsofgenesis · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
@dearly, here you go. :)
42K notes · View notes
sixpillarsofgenesis · 5 years ago
@wolfsrainrules​, @blackkatmagic​, @north-peach​
What is the Final Getsuga Tensho?
I was thinking about Bleach just now, and I realized something that might be just an oversight on Kubo’s part, might be something actually big.
When Ichigo used the Final Getsuga Tensho against Aizen, our resident substitute was still using the powers available to him from Quincy Zangetsu. It’s really important to note that NO ONE was aware that Ichigo wasn’t using his real zanpakuto. NO ONE was aware that he was using Quincy powers that were pretending to be Shinigami powers.
Starting off, the Final Getsuga Tensho that was used looks and acts eerily similar to Uryu’s Letzt Stil. In terms of what the ability did, (let’s shorten it to make it easier on me) the FGT gave the user ludicrous amounts of power for a short period of time, and the user lost their powers afterwards as a drawback. What did Letzt Stil do? Give the user ludicrous amounts of power for a short period of time, and make said user lose their powers after as a drawback. How does one activate Letzt Stil? By having something that restricts their power use, then removing that restriction once the user is accustomed to it. What happened when Ichigo used the FGT? His sword and Bankai coat, both of which having been confirmed to be something QuincyGetsu manifested to further the illusion that Ichigo was using shinigami powers, disappeared. Phrasing it in another way, he removed his restriction by no longer needlessly diverting power elsewhere. Hell, even in both instances, the ability gave the user a badass outfit while the ability was active. So, the FGT was essentially Ichigo’s makeshift Letzt Stil.
With that in mind, and bringing back the very important note that NO ONE knew Ichigo was using Quincy powers, Isshin told Ichigo that the FGT was a thing. He even knew how one went about learning how to use it, and knew that the zanpakuto would put up a fight. He even knew the drawback from using the FGT. So, the FGT actually exists, and we have never actually seen it be used.
So what the fuck is it?
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sixpillarsofgenesis · 3 years ago
If you asked the Justice League which Robin scared them the most, many of them would say the newest. After all, the newest Robin was the one with knives and no compunctions on using them (or his teeth). In comparison, everyone else was fucking chill.
If you asked Superman, he'd say, without fail, the second Robin. But Clark, the other JL members say, bewildered, Isn't the first Robin a fan?
Yes. Yes he was. That's why he was not the favorite. He'd mellowed throughout the years, but what ended up happening was that particular Robin had -
Well. Clark would cough right before he finished the statement, shake his head, and wander away, often before Nightwing would come by and greet them all with his typical good cheer.
Nobody knew where Nightwing came from either. Was he from Gotham too? As far as anyone could tell, he'd popped up in Bludhaven but god forbid they knew what the fuck was going on.
When Wonder Woman was asked, her eyes would crinkle and she would declare the original Boy Wonder to be her favorite. He had been sweet, she says, and given that the second Robin had idolized her, she'd never quite made much headway getting to know him.
(People wonder then, why she always seemed to have a ball talking to Red Hood, who seemed to admire her himself, but then again, two minutes into their discussion on literary classics had most people bored to tears, so they didn't tend to stick around.)
The third Robin is when people started getting curious.
"Oi... What's going on there, with..." Hal gestures to Batman's cloak, the black fabric rippling in an unseen wind while he sits on the communal couch following up on a few reports. Clark bites down on his laughter and stuffs a bar of chocolate into his mouth, muffling the noise. Diana stands up and immediately excuses herself so she can laugh privately because she knows what is coming.
Batman doesn't bother looking up, but he takes the cloak in hand and gently tugs it up.
Hal stares at the little boy curled up near Bruce on the comfortable couch, his dark hair a tousled mess, dressed in mostly reds with only the slightest hint of green on him.
"Robin the third," Batman says, as though that explained anything. Hal opens his mouth, but the child-Robin (who seriously, looked two seconds away from passing out for good) lifts a gloved hand, grasps the fabric of the cloak, and lowers it, hiding himself back from view again.
"Five more minutes..." the boy's voice wafts up from under the cloak, and Batman seems to soften, patting the top of his cloak where the little boy's head would be with a gentle touch he would forever deny.
"I've still got an hour," he says soothingly, and a tired grumble answers him.
An hour later, Hal watches the little boy chew out some of their lead analysts to tears, before huffing and turning to face an amused Batman.
"I want to go home now," the boy tells him firmly, and Batman smiles at the little boy, sweeps open his cloak. The child marches towards it, and to everyone's astonishment, grasps his fingers around the edge where Batman's arm is, and climbs into the inky black cape. "G'night B," the boy says, and then he's gone.
"... What. The hell. WAS THAT?" Wally screeches, and Batman drops his cape.
"I already said. Robin the third," Batman's expression might as well be fucking carved from stone, his smile long gone, and the caped vigilante strides away. "I'm heading home. Good night."
Somewhere, Hal thinks, Hell might be getting a little frosty...
The Fourth Robin is the kicker.
She's all frizzy blond hair and attitude for days, the oldest by a fair margin and also - fucking adorable. Seriously. She has dimples.
(Most people try not to think of Robin the second, who also had dimples.)
Anyways. Robin the Fourth is a ball of sassy sunshine, some bad jokes, and an incredible beef with Green Arrow's outfit choices. This girl's entire default was the slow roast.
Clark loves watching her go to town on everyone. Robin the Fourth also is the one who actually bothers to say goodbye.
"I'm gone after this week," she explains to a bewildered Hal, and he stares.
(Most of the cafeteria stares.)
"You guys actually leave?" He asks, and Robin IV shrugs, sends frizzy curls everywhere.
"We get too tall, yeah. Midget-size is good for undercover work," Robin IV says cheerfully. Clark chokes on his drink, and Diana gently slaps his back to help him out. Batman is dutifully ignoring them all. "Anywho, goodbye!" she chirps, and Batman oh-so-casually opens his cloak, the girl diving into it and poofing away in a burst of black sparkles.
"Okay, I'm done, this is it," Wally says, stomping closer to Batman's table and sitting himself down. "Holy shit Batman. Are your kids fae? Seriously, do you just have an army of brownies waiting to be your sidekick?"
Batman doesn't look up from his food. Every second he didn't speak was another second everyone could feel the tension growing, until finally, he looked up.
"No." And that's it. Everyone's left to stare after him.
"What do you mean, no?" Wally wails after him.
Robin the Fifth was terrible. Everyone agreed on that. He was the least common visitor, but everyone remembered the day when Hal had been bothering Batman, and the boy had flown out of the cape despite his mentor's half-hearted attempts to stop him simply to bite Hal's arm and stay there like a limpet while Jordan had wailed and shaken his arm like a man possessed.
"Get him off get him off -"
"New Robin?" Clark says conversationally, and Batman sighs.
"A little more feral than the rest, yes."
"-Get him off get him off get him-"
"Only a little?" J'onn says faintly. Batman doesn't look up when Hal finally uses his power ring to peel the tiny demon in Robin's clothing off of him.
"He's a changeling," Batman says without missing a beat.
(Behind them, Clark's coffee goes out through his nose, and Diana's popcorn goes down the wrong way)
Robin the Fifth bounces to his feet, and then -
"That's a sword," J'onn says dumbly. Batman nods along. "He has a sword."
"As most Robins do."
"Are you telling me the first Robins also had swords?" Batman finally looks up from his reports.
"No... but every Robin has always had access to sharp objects. They're Robins."
Clark clearly decides it's a lost cause when he slides straight to the floor, all but cackling, and Diana too, is giggling violently.
In front of them, the demon Robin bears his sword.
"Robin." Batman addresses the boy, and the little demon skids to a stop mid-lunge, looks at him attentively. "Go spar with your brothers." The boy blinks, salutes, and then sheathed his sword, hurrying back through the cape without further ado.
"He has brothers?" Someone whispers, horrified.
"Oh yes. He has several." The mute horror lasts until Batman is gone, and then everyone's pulled into a huddle.
"We don't need any more Robins."
"Yeah, no shit. Can we stop them from manifesting?"
snrk. Is all Clark is willing to contribute.
J'onn wonders at what point Clark and Diana had decided to cease being helpful.
Hello! I have been consumed by the idea of nobody but Wonder Woman and Superman knowing the Batfam's identities because I want these exchanges:
Hal: "What's that under your cape?" Robin: *pokes his head out* "Hi!" Hal: "What the fuck. When did you get a kid?" Clark: *quietly wheezing in the corner* Batman: "Maybe you should have read the briefings."
Robin the second: *also poking his head out* Barry: *jumps* "Jesus Christ, Batman. How did you get this one?" Batman: "He tried to steal the tires off of my batmobile." Robin: "I'm Robin the second!" Clark: *snickering at everyone*
Green Arrow: "You're a dick, kid." Nightwing, stirring his coffee: "You're not the first person to call me that today." Diana: *spits out her tea* Batman: *vibrating with badly hidden laughter*
I just want the whole of the JL to be out of the loop and losing it... slowly while Clark and Diana just watch them try to figure it out.
And of course neither of them would ever say anything or give hints because this is free entertainment of the best sort
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sixpillarsofgenesis · 5 years ago
Astral Chain AU where Max did survive, and comes back from the Astral Plane just in time to find out that his daughter is missing, possibly dead, and a wanted fugitive accused of treason if alive; his son is isolated from everyone but Yoseph and has been made captain of a super shady Black Ops unit; and Neuron has been all but disbanded, with Jin and Alicia reassigned to remote positions where they can do nothing to help either twin.
Yoseph wouldn't just be catching Max's hands; he'd be obliterated by them.
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sixpillarsofgenesis · 3 years ago
Okay I see you this and I raise you this: Tim knows full well his “diet” horrifies people, but it's not his actual diet. He was just doing that for a single day, Damian overreacted, and now he's playing this bit out to see how long it takes people to realize he's not actually allergic to spice.
He's on month five. Help him.
I see your Tim-lives-off-of-coffee-and-spite HC and raise you a Tim who has a perfectly balanced diet that perfectly meets all of his nutritional needs and is perfectly adjusted as needed.
Except it’s done in the most horrible, bland, boring way possible, causing a great deal of offense to be taken by both Alfred and Jason
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sixpillarsofgenesis · 3 years ago
As requested.
I hope you and all 116 people who reblogged this enjoy my continued suffering.
Trade my Tomorrows (For One Yesterday)
Oh we do. We enjoy it immensely, thank you.
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