#xveca the alien cat
lightboundhellhound · 7 months
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revamping my 2018 ocs!! they all live in a junkyard and hang out. there are many hijinks :33
mint is the youngest and is half cat half fox, duke is the leader of the group and mints guardian, squiggle is the lookout who watches for approaching humans, clementine and juneberry are the nurse and doctor (respectively), bing is just a bitch all the time, tallulah is. um. idk what she is. xveca (pronounced “ZEE-vic-uh”) is an alien in disguise but only duke knows that, bomb is a sort of guardian and fights anyone that tries to trespass (a sort of… warrior… cat… anyway), bubbles and muffin are just sorta. there. i never gave them a purpose </3
oh and clementine and juneberry are twin sisters. btw
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lightboundhellhound · 6 months
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this is zee’s alien form btw
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lightboundhellhound · 6 months
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my babies <3
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lightboundhellhound · 6 months
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my little intergalactic war criminal 🥰
she blew up some martian colonists on her home planet, promised to destroy mars, and called their queen, in rough translation, a “teat-sucking mamas girl”. to her face, i might add. absolute girlboss <3
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lightboundhellhound · 6 months
half asleep too tired to brain but. uh. idk what to ask just give information about creatures
okokok!!!! under the cut cos this is a lot of words skjdfkk
chip: half cat half fox because thats possible ig. the youngest of the group, she has a lot of energy and always wants to play. she’s determined to befriend bing even though he’s antagonistic af and doesn’t want friends. chip was found by duke when she was like a day old, and ive decided just now that duke has a family, a wife and three kittens, and chip fit right in (even if she’s a bit bigger thanks to her fox genes)
duke: the oldest of the group and the leader. he lost an eye when a dog attacked him :( for a while he wanted nothing to do with dogs until he got to know tyler (a dog i haven’t drawn yet) (well not since 2018, here’s an old drawing)
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duke didn’t trust tyler but jupiter vouched for him, and so he joined the junkyard jaminals. duke and tyler are actually besties now!
bing: so emo. hates everyone 🥰 while duke went through hell and still has hope, bing went through hell and his hope died. he’s pessimistic, kind of a jerk, and is only a junkyard jaminal because duke insists on “fixing him”. he kinda serves as bombs second in command, and they’re both in charge of keeping outsiders away. he’s less enthusiastic about than bomb is lol
jupiter: she’s dukes wife! she’s co-leader of the junkyard jaminals and chips mom :33 she’s incredibly stealthy, having grown up on the streets with her brothers and parents and learning how to survive without being caught by animal control
squiggle: he’s in charge of surveillance, watching from his tower for any incoming enemies or threats. he mostly naps up there though cos nothing ever tends to happen. also he’s lazy ksjdkfk chip likes to visit tho! squiggle takes the opportunity to teach her how to watch for danger so he can nap lmao
clementine: one of jupiter and dukes kids and juneberry’s twin sister! she’s the nurse, helping juneberry take care of injured or sick jaminals. she doesn’t really enjoy it, and would rather be a fighter like bomb or bing. but duke and jupiter won’t let her cos they don’t want her getting hurt
juneberry: the doctor cat, and clementines twin! they call each other twins cos while there are three in their litter, they look way more similar to each other than they do with their other sibling i have yet to design ;^^ juneberry loves being a doctor cat! she’s all about helping her friends and family <3 she’s very silly btw
tallulah: idk what she actually is? i adopted her from another artist cos i loved her design but it didn’t occur to me that. i should have at least some idea of how she fits in the narrative? for now let’s say she’s a lab experiment that wasn’t supposed to be sentient. and now she helps with surveillance cos. she has wings? idk
xveca: she’s from a planet that was taken over by mars (space colonialism smh). she escaped, and was on her way to mars to fight those guys, but as she passed the sun her ship went haywire and she crashed on earth. duke and jupiter are the only ones who know she’s an alien. she’s very confused by earth customs and such. duke and jupiter have taught her a lot tho! she’s in charge of finding food
muffin: idk how she fits in the narrative actually. i never decided. she’s very sweet tho
bubbles: same here. he and muffin were such wasted potential </3 he loves to play!
bomb: she has an explosive temper (haha) but she’s loyal to the very end and very kind. she’s in charge of guarding the junkyard and handling threats however she sees fit (bing helps). she has this cool power where if she wants to she can explode, but it uses up one of her nine lives
now i need to design jupiter and dukes son and im golden! lmao
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