#xrumon found dead from indigo hands around his neck
trolloled · 2 years
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“/\/Wake up mmmoron, it's timmme to rise and smmmell the ashes."
> Friday had let you into Ullane's recovery room after only a little persuasion. It wasn't like you were planning on committing violence.
> You rolled yourself in, looking around the room for a moment before zeroing in on the doctor herself, still laid up and recovering from surgery.
> Her horns were now tipped a jet black, with violet spots on her cheeks and newly colored eyes to match. White streaks ran through her hair.
> You took all this in as you rolled over to where she lay.
"/\/Ammmazing. I get possessed and all I got was irreversible traummma, you get possessed and now you've got clown paint to mmmatch your lifestyle choices."
"/\/You can hear mmme, right? Should I switch frequencies to sommmething mmmore guttural and mmmenacing?"
> You squint at her, feeling your temper on its usual edge.
"/\/You want to give an explanation, or should I just jummmp to the part where they dragged you back here an inch frommm oblivion?"
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