heavenbat-gw2 · 6 years
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a lil donation doodle for @neranishin of their schemey chronomancer Xolinn! She was very fun to draw, even with all them details lmao. Went a bit weird with the colors purely because mesmers are perfect for weird trippy colors lol.
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neranishin · 5 years
Xolinn/Zojja and Xekken/Strix, 12, 36, 40
Haha oh wow look what I just found in my drafts from February.
12. What do their dates look like?
Xolinn/Zojja: Probably a lot like Xolinn commandeering a workstation in Zojja’s lab to work on HOPE, occasionally throwing snarky remarks at Zojja about whatever her actual krewe is up to (and getting snarky comments back), and then learning a week later that Zojja thought it was a date. Not that Xolinn is challenging that, of course.
Xekken/Strix: Depends on how you define a date. If they’re just setting aside a block of time to enjoy each others’ company uninterrupted, they’re likely to stay in and just… curl up together to catch up on research journals in their respective fields, because they are nerds, and they enjoy getting to share the cool new things/roast the foolish actions of their colleagues together. And maybe that leads to cuddling or more, but that’s their business.
If a date specifically means Going Out somewhere, Xekken tries to find a restaurant/cafe/whatever where they’re less likely to be recognized and/or approached, and they pretend to normal civilians for a night. They actually end up in the Grove fairly often, because I like to think that the Pale Tree has been healing well, and it still has the peaceful, safe ambiance. Also, saplings may be curious, but I think they would also be fairly good at spreading the gossip that those two particular asura would rather not be bothered, even if they look very interesting to talk to.
36. What would their valentines gifts be to each other?
Xolinn/Zojja: I feel like Zojja would give practical gifts. Or at least that she would be… not great… at Valentine’s Day, which lends itself much more to lovey-dovey people than to grudging-admissions-of-friendship, let alone romance, people.
Xolinn made fancy cookies. And probably other assorted sweets. Actually, you know what? Zojja probably panicked about not knowing what to do, and just got her cookie cutters at the last minute, and Xolinn was thrilled.
Xekken/Strix: First valentine’s day, I think they both work themselves up into terrible stress about not knowing what to do. (Strix specifically not knowing what to do for Xekken in particular, and Xekken just… not knowing what to do in general + trying not to have a panic attack about Ah, Yes, Romance, A Thing I Am Newly Trying To Do.) Then they finally communicate, realize it’s dumb to stress out over the same exact thing, and just agree to ignore that Valentine’s day altogether. Not sure if they ever get into a tradition of celebrating valentine’s day or if they just find a different day to be especially romantic at each other.
40. Who would fight in honor for the other if someone would insult them
Xolinn/Zojja: Both.
Xekken/Strix: Strix is Not Allowed until Xekken is convinced that he knows how to fight without murdering (or egregiously maiming) the other person. Xekken… depends on the situation and if fighting for Strix’s honor would actually solve the problem or just make it worse. Because there are plenty of valid reasons for someone to not like Strix, and Xekken realizes this and knows when to defuse a situation or leave it entirely rather than attack someone for a valid opinion. 
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aldrovanda · 6 years
7 and 12 for Livata and Ausalix, and 21 and 24 for Kaz and Ledni
7) What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? Change for Livata was subtle. Once she realized that she might think of Ausalix as someone that was more than just fun to talk to and spend time with, she took a day to think things over and ask Xolinn for advice. Xolinn did not have helpful advice. So Livata continued mostly as she had been, but now with trying to watch him more closely to see if he might be interested in her. Ausalix, on the other hand, accidentally began sending the wrong signals. They were wrong because he began attempting to gauge her interest and show his own with Charr-style courting. Courting advice he had been given from two conflicting sources in his warband, which might not have been too detrimental, except for the fact that Livata didn’t know anything about charr courting, and didn’t have any charr acquaintances who could have explained it to her.
12) Who initiates kisses? They both initiate kisses pretty much equally, though with slightly different motivators. Livata is much more likely to kiss just because she feels like it, or she’s in a tactile mood, and kisses are such a nice way to be tactile. Ausalix tends to kiss more as greetings and goodbyes, or as a deliberate initiation of more physical intimacy.
21) Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Poor Ledni has two left feet. Even after six instructors all attempting to teach him even the simplest waltz, Ledni is hopeless on any dance floor, and has no desire to ever attempt to dance again. Unfortunately for Ledni, Kazimir does enjoy parties, and dancing is often a part of those, so he’s the one to attempt inviting Ledni to dance. Fortunately for Ledni, Kazimir won’t force him to dance if he adamantly refuses. But if Kazimir asks, and Ledni agrees (likely after many warnings about foot injuries that may occur because even out of his armor Ledni wears steel-toed boots), Kazimir would be content to just stay in place with him and sway in time to the music. (This arrangement probably came after having his feet trodden on several times)
24) Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Kazimir is the reigning champion of the game “Make Ledni Turn as Red as His Hair”. He may have an ‘unfair advantage’ because he’s Ledni’s boyfriend, but all’s fair in love and war. It’s fun to fluster Ledni, because half the time Kazimir can’t predict how he’s going to react, and Kazimir is shameless about what he’ll whisper. 
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kogiopsis · 7 years
neranishin replied to your post “neranishin replied to your post “neranishin replied to your photo ...”
Sigh, asura doesn't look super promising either. Shame. Xolinn needs a good inquest-punching outfit.
I mean, if I were armoring an asura, I might actually just... go for the Tier 3 racial armor.  It looks p cool - dunno if that fits your character’s aesthetic, though.
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neranishin · 6 years
Can I ask for one song per each one of your Asura characters? :D
Xolinn: Ink Slinger - Brooke Waggoner
Xekken: Bow Down - CHVRCHES 
Strix: Severine - Ego Likeness
Trell: Ashes on your Eyes - Deb Talan
I have four more named asura but they’re underdeveloped side characters atm. I feel like I should be able to come up with a song for Lokk and Ky’rii at least, but nothing’s coming to mind immediately so I’m gonna go ahead and post anyway.
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neranishin · 6 years
Xolinn, Tyria!Will, and Strix with 5, 17, 26, 36, 44
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Xolinn: Some interesting plant or fungus that she plans to do something with later. Some form of writing implement (Xekken has definitely made her at least one pen, and I was going to suggest that she might leave them “safely” at the Priory, but lbr they  would disappear there). A small mirror
Will: A leatherworking needle + a bit of cord, a handkerchief (probably at least smudged with grease), tiny pocket versions of tools, spare change
Strix: Sand Data crystal for recording notes, a knife, some trinket that Xekken has given him because Xekken just gives people things. Sand.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
Xolinn: Xayann made the mistake of using illusions to entertain baby Xolinn once, and then Xolinn wouldn’t leave her alone. Xayann taught her to create the pretty lights herself out of self defense. There’s also the general tinkering that I’m pretty sure most asuran progeny do, but I don’t know if Xolinn would have called that “playing” with “toys.”
Will: Mr. Cuddles, a plush griffon. Mr. Cuddles has been patched and refurbished many times through the years. The current Mr. Cuddles probably has none of the same material pieces as the original Mr. Cuddles, but he’s still Mr. Cuddles.
Strix: As a young child, it probably was some kind of tinkering thing. Strix’s parents seem like the type to focus on ~educational toys~ and encouraging any spark of engineering interest they saw. Older child Strix starts to resent this since engineering is not his primary interest and just focuses on books (and then has to learn to hide the content of those books, because terrible awful parents do not approve and make that disapproval Known).
26. How does your character behave around children?
Xolinn: Tries to engage them in conversation, but probably comes across as one of those adults who is only asking about what the child likes to do because they have no other idea what to do with children ({mildly patronizing} “And what  do you want to be when you grow up?”). She can get drawn into roughhousing types of play, but doesn’t default to that.
Will: Tries to join whatever game the kid already has going. Probably gets dragged away before he can get to showing the kid his own toys, because Will’s toys have a tendency to be hazardous (except for Mr. Cuddles, but Mr. Cuddles isn’t as interesting as engineering doodads)
Strix: Awkward silence. Strix doesn’t dislike kids! He just has no idea what to do with nonasuran children, and most asuran progeny will dismiss you, start bossing you around, or start talking about something within 5 minutes, so he usually just goes along with that. Older progeny might get unsolicited advice. It isn’t terrible advice, even considering the source, but what asura wants to hear extra lectures?
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Xolinn: She’s professional, but she’s the asura version of professional, which comes with a good deal more snide snark and condescension than other versions of professional. She’s less snide when the person is above or below her in a hierarchy or when other politics are involved, cause she’s not gonna stab herself in the foot just to get off a satisfying remark.
Will: Will doesn’t generally seek out the company of people he dislikes. He avoids them when he can and tolerates them when he can’t. At something like a party, he just ignores them or joins the people he’s hanging out with in shit talking them if they start that.
Strix: If he doesn’t need them for anything, he ignores them. He might pointedly ignore them. If he actually has to communicate with them, they get the full force of Disdainful Dignified Strix. If they’re a student, his instincts to actually teach this idiot take precedence over his instincts to obliterate this idiot.If they’re someone with power over him (like, say, a shitty kreweleader), he will absolutely feign politeness and interest while plotting to get out from under them one way or another.
It’s a bit different when he actively hates them, e.g. his parents, but I need to sift through what reactions are revenge fantasies and what reactions are ways he would actually react in person before I can talk about that.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Xolinn: Depends on the person. In most cases, it’s easy, but then there are those people where you don’t know how they’d react to it, so the difficulty comes from wondering if it would be a terrible thing to say. She can absolutely say it without meaning it if she needs to manipulate someone that way. Our usual Xolinn  doesn’t usually go for that, but there is probably at least one Alternate Xolinn who makes very good use of it.
Will: It’s easy. He probably has said it without meaning it beyond a shallow “You aren’t objectionable and just said something delightful.” I don’t think he’d be able to fake loving someone to manipulate them, though. He just doesn’t make a big deal out of the words themselves.
Strix: It’s somewhat difficult due to lack of practice, since he hasn’t had many opportunities to say it. Whatever past romantic relationships he’s had were based more on mutual respect and admiration (or mutual usefulness) than on deep affection.  With a reason to say it, it’s fairly easy, but he still probably keeps it quiet and private. He’d be CAPABLE of saying it without meaning it, but why would he?
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neranishin · 6 years
GW2 childen please~ 6. Will give you the middle finger. 17. Would steal a penguin from the zoo. 26. Acts like they don’t care, but do.
6. Will give you the middle finger.
There are potentially some anatomical/cultural issues here, but Xekken and Ahraminta do the asuran and charr equivalent respectively. (Asura only have 4 fingers, so...) Alastroine says fuck very often and very cheerfully, but I’m not sure she actually does rude gestures.
Actually, if we’re replacing that with “the Asuran cultural equivalent of the middle finger,” we can add Strix.
17. Would steal a penguin from the zoo 
Ranthyr. He’d probably give it back! Unless it was a Bad Zoo. (There is a Bad Zoo in Divinity’s Reach. I’m not sure if he’s gone through with stealing any animals from there, but it makes him upset.) Will and Xolinn might if they needed a penguin for some reason, but they would need a reason.
26.Acts like they don’t care, but do. 
Strix, except in certain very specific cases where he absolutely shows he cares, because he has no dignity left to lose. 
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neranishin · 6 years
How bout 20, 22, and 24 for the headcanon ask!
Send me headcanons to match with OCs!
20. To solve other peoples problems, they say to murder the problem
ROOK. Ahraminta supports punching the problem in the face, but doesn’t immediately go straight to murder. Juniper Oakshadow has a very big sword that she is always happy for an excuse to use as well.
22. Likes dragons
Kashimah Farlong is a dragon, thank you very much. (She’s not. She’s a fire genasi with as many red dragon disciple levels as nwn2 let me give her. But she insists she’s a dragon.) ...Selwyn had a conversation with a random red dragon who wasn’t trying to ruin his life and left it going “...I suddenly understand why people try to seduce dragons,” so TAKE THAT HOW YOU WILL. THANKS SELWYN. I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT UNTIL IT HAPPENED. Hazard is pretty consistently delighted when the party runs across a dragon npc, but tbh I’m not sure how much of that is that she likes dragons, how much is that she’s relieved to see someone who recognizes a motlos, and how much is just that I adore @skeleton-adventurer‘s dragons. 
24. Would bake a cake for a friend who is sad
Xolinn. Donan actually had a whole rp thread that was him... trying to bake a cake for Neeshka. His partner in crime for that was Grobnar though, so it was... an excellent disaster. (It might also have been less to cheer her up than as a bribe, but still, he would.) Alastroine might if she knows that this is a friend who enjoys cake, but it might not be her first idea.
And, as always, there’s Nikki from my middle/high school years
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neranishin · 7 years
Xolinn for the meme!
full name: Xolinn. (Bless Tyria for having multiple cultures that just don’t bother with surnames)
gender: Female
sexuality: Very Gay
pronouns: she/her
family: Mother, Xayann. Biological father and stepfather, who both still need names. A “sister,” the neuroimaging device her parents were working on when they were in a relationship. Half-brother, Xekken. Dragon daughter, Aurene, and sort-of-adopted-daughter, sort-of-adopted-little-sister Taimi. Taimi is definitely some sort of family at this point, anyway. She’s probably got some extended family but I don’t know them yet.
birthplace: somewhere in Metrica Province. Chances are she was born near a lab somewhere rather than in Rata Sum proper 
job: Commander, World-Saver, unfortunately-lapsed inventor and researcher. Tyria needs to stop being in immediate peril so Xolinn can do scholarship again D:
phobias: She finds corpses deeply unsettling. Especially when they aren’t fresh
guilty pleasures: Do you REALLY THINK Xolinn feels shame about ANYTHING she enjoys. Whatever it is is excellent by association. She’s going to shove 15 cookies in her mouth at once and no one gets to dare judge her for it.
morality alignment?: True neutral. I think she’s restrained enough not to be CN, anyway
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extrovert?
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: mmm Open minded, but like, for an asura. So there are moments that are. Less open.
calm/anxious: Calm, but the trauma is testing that
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable, but again: by asuran standards.
cautious/reckless: What’s the day and who’s the yardstick tho
patient/impatient: Patient
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic, but not necessarily sympathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working
otp: Zojja
ot3: That is an interesting question that I have not considered before. FRIENDS. Are any of your cute asura girls willing to put up with the combined bullshit of Zojja and Xolinn? Because that is a lot of bullshit and i recognize that. (I’m not really sure Xolinn’s poly anyway, but like, hypothetically.)
brotp: Her and Livata, obvs. 
notp: There is probably an alternate reality where she and Shodd were involved. That is not and never will be this reality.
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neranishin · 7 years
how bout 7, 16, and 29 for Xekken, Xolinn and Strix
I already know this is going to be a novel so have a readmore
7. How do they physically engage with other people, inanimate objects, and their environment? What causes the differences between these?
Xekken: Kicks doors in by default, kicks doors down on occasion. Sits on tables. Oh, is this a human sized desk/table? Time to jump on top of it to see what I can read. Has probably fought every golem he’s encountered (except for the small utility ones that are obviously not meant for combat), even the ones that are meant to be on his side. Actually uses lab equipment and delicate instruments in their intended manner. Cleans and oils his armor meticulously, because that helps you sneak up on people when you decide to stop being loud for a few moments. I would say he treats his weapons with respect, except he has absolutely stabbed  things that would have broken lesser blades by now, soooo. He keeps them clean and sharp, and hasn’t made his rifle malfunction yet, so. We’ll give him that. Small details like his jewelry are maintained flawlessly.
He actually stays out of people’s personal spaces for the most part, unless they’re family. He’ll straight up tackle Xolinn, because he has little brother privilege in that regard. He’ll poke Zojja (unwise). He’ll straight up fall asleep on most Whispers agents that he’s worked with if the opportunity comes up. He will punch Zara in the knee if she’s being stupid, because big brother privilege in THAT regard. He hugged Tybalt a lot. He hugs people less now because losing Tybalt hurt, and maybe if he puts up walls, future deaths will hurt less. (He still hugs close family, though. Which includes Zara. And Aurene. Aurene pounced on him once and he was delighted.)
Xolinn: Abuses inanimate objects much less than her brother. Xekken might throw a book. Xolinn would not. She would, however, write copious snarky corrections in the margins, especially if it’s not the original copy. She’s more inclined to stand on a human chair than a human table. She only kicks doors in if they’re too big to open normally, and usually those are norn doors, so kicking them in makes a favorable impression anyway. (She will also kick in doors if she’s raiding a building, but that’s different. And Canach is a bad influence.) Her robes probably have small inkstains and/or bloodstains on them, but she tries to get the worst of them out. Her tools and weapons are in impeccable condition, except for things like scratches on her shield, but that’s what a shield is for, soooooo.
She’s also generally less violent with her physical affection, though she will tackle Xekken in retribution. She’s more likely to tug on Livata’s skirts than poke her if words aren’t sufficing to get her attention. ...She’s also more likely to pat her knee than hug her if Livata’s standing up, because hugging someone’s legs is... undignified. Take that and add a level of reservation for her other tall friends, and then a third level of reservation for tall acquaintances and strangers. 
I feel like she mostly stays out of most other asuras’ spaces as a matter of professionalism? Like, she’ll crowd them to get a better look at the experiment, or do, like, condoling shoulder pats, but that’s mostly it.
She’s pretty much as physically affectionate with Zojja, Taimi, and Aurene as she feels like she can get away with. She would not be as delighted to have a young dragon pounce on her, so she doesn’t push it there.
Strix: HMM. Hmm. I mean. There’s no reason to go around breaking or disrespecting things, so he doesn’t? There are very good reasons not to break or disrespect things in an inquest lab, in fact, so he definitely doesn’t. Unless someone needs a bit of sabotage, but, you know. That’s its own special case.
He doesn’t necessarily sit in chairs properly all the time, but he also doesn’t necessarily sit in them in egregiously strange ways either, y’know? 
He’s fond of being seen as Aloof and Dignified, so he generally leaves people alone. But this does mean he can suddenly stop leaving people alone and get in their personal space and make them more inclined to do as he asks so he’ll get back to leaving them alone. This could range from just being uncomfortably close to suddenly throwing an arm around their shoulders depending on what he’s going for. And because I’ve had the image in my head: he has absolutely literally climbed onto Xekken to get a better look at something, but that’s an extreme case of WELL he’s ALREADY seen me straight out of Awakened Hell so really fuck dignity around him anyway. 
also the bored staff-twirling animation is canon you’re welcome
16. Do they dream? What are those dreams like?
HAHAHA nightmares all of them nightmares, they have all been through trauma.
If Xekken wakes up from a claw island nightmare he just doesn’t bother going back to sleep, that’s it, he’s done for the night, time to meditate, too bad. When hes in Elona, he can generally get back to sleep after a Maguuma nightmare, because it’s just so dry. It’s a palpable difference he can use to tie himself back to reality. The reverse might be true about Balthazar nightmares, depending on what kind of Balthazar nightmare.
Xolinn dreams about Bitter Harvest and wakes up and it takes her an hour to get out of fuck shit I need to hurry i need to Get There anxiety mode. She’s probably gonna just. Try not to sleep for a week after Daybreak. She probably also gets weird trippy kaleido dreams from Aurene sometimes. Sometimes it’s just mind-bendingly weird. Sometimes she wakes up with a migraine.
Strix doesn’t sleep what is sleep he’s gonna just try to kill rats and subsist on life force for a few more days, he can’t afford to sleep, Awakened don’t Sleep they’ll Know
and then someone finds him wedged unconscious in a small, dark hiding place and they have to decide if making sure he’s semi-okay is worth the very real chance of him waking up and immediately pulling a dagger on them. SO THERE’S THAT.
29. What kind of activities, interests, and hobbies do they have? What significance and impact do these have in their lives, both positive and negative?
Xekken likes making small intricate things. It’s calming. And it’s hilarious to see people’s faces when they try to reconcile kicks-doors-in, blows-shit-up Xekken with just-handcrafted-himself-an-elaborately-jeweled-pen Xekken. I feel like he also likes to make and solve those twisty metal puzzles where you have to figure out how to take the ring off. Twisty little puzzles are good for fidgeting while you clear your mind. It’s good. He learns how to make them out of wood in Maguuma.
Xolinn is a Hylek Sociologist, but at this point the scholarship is mostly just an excuse for learning how to do cool things that she wouldn’t get to learn if she was a Properly Superior Asura. Properly Superior Asura don’t get to learn how to make firebreathing potions, which is honestly the best proof she’s found so far that Asuran Supremacy is complete and utter bunk. Ok yes she poisoned herself a little bit that one time and there was that very interesting afternoon while she was learning about mushrooms, but she can also navigate the Maguuma jungle better than you and is working on a VERY cool gun so shut up. She has to go make chemistry puns with her BFF (Big Frog Friend) now. She doesn’t have time for your negativity. Learn to enjoy life. She’s still better than you in every conceivable way, it’s just not because of her race.
Strix is a Properly Superior Asura and he’s going to prove it by being better at Joko’s necromancy than Joko is. He’s also going to look better than Joko while he does it, but that’s secondary. God I’m trying to come up with something that isn’t necromancy or fashion but I still haven’t figured out enough about him pre Awakened Hell so it’s. difficult. Cause after Awakened Hell he throws himself even more into Gotta Scourge And Analyze Rituals so he can. y’know. thwart Joko as thoroughly as possible for daring to do That.
Though honestly he gets better about the Asuran Supremacy in this, cause he’s at least viewing Xekken’s allies as useful beings in their own right, and not just research experiments that he might potentially snag an improvable necromancy idea from. Progress????
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neranishin · 7 years
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listen... everyone deserves a chance to see Cute Priory Magister Xolinn.....
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neranishin · 7 years
1, 11, 13 and 15 for Xolinn
My Daughter
1. Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC? 
 HONESTLY I JUST MADE THE CUTEST ASURA I COULD AND CHOSE HER PROFESSION BASED ENTIRELY ON AESTHETIC AND THEN SHE JUST KEPT BEING WONDERFUL EVERY TIME SHE OPENED HER MOUTH and now here we are. Also important to her development is @aldrovanda‘s lovely plant Livata, who is her best (non-asuran) friend, and who puts up with her even though she insulted her wyld hunt back in the early days of their friendship. (But listen, Xolinn hadn’t actually fought any dragon minions at that point, so the science fair Snaff Prize totally registered as a higher priority than some dream Livata had)
11. Is there a place they go to in order to escape the world, the stresses of life? What’s their favourite place?
I figure Mesmers are probably pretty good at meditating, so honestly, she can probably take a break whenever she isn’t in Immediate Mortal Peril to get her thoughts in line and calm down the stress for a bit. As for actual physical places, hopefully Ikniu’s tribe has settled down in a new home by now, so she can go visit them and just be a Hylek Champion for a few days. Annihilate whatever poor misguided wildlife tries to threaten them while she’s there. Cook and eat a bunch of bugs with her frog friends. Develop new shapeshifting potions to prank her little brother with sometime. That sort of thing.
If Mordremoth hadn’t been so awful I’d say she could go hang out with the Itzel or the Nuhoch too, but I’m not sure she’s had enough space yet for the Heart of Maguuma to be any sort of relaxing.
13. Do they have any favourite foods? Would they eat it all the time if they had the chance? What do they hate to eat? 
Someday I need to commission Ronan to draw Xolinn just shoving like 10 cookies into her mouth at once. Which is less because she has any particular affinity for cookies, and more because there was absolutely a night where Xolinn just experimented with every part of her basic cookie recipe and then had like 100 batches of cookies she had to get rid of somehow.
So to actually answer your question: I don’t think Xolinn has a favorite food, because she just madly experiments with every weird ingredient she finds. Including insect larvae, because she possibly spends too much time with Hylek. Also including mushrooms that you have to train yourself to be able to eat, thank you Jaka Itzel. So I don’t think there’s anything she especially hates to eat, because she’ll try just about anything in the name of scientific curiosity, and then will try it again paired with different ingredients even if she disliked it the first time.
I think she’s a bit burned out on candy corn at this point, though.
15. Does your OC have any awful fears? Do they get paralyzed with fear or can they work through their fears?
I’m heading into Path of Fire soon and Xolinn isn’t thrilled about bringing her brain with its connection to Aurene that close to Kralkatorrik but, uh, hopefully that won’t come up, maybe, if anet is merciful,
I think Xolinn mostly gets terrified when people she loves are in danger. So, see all of Heart of Thorns pretty much, hahahaaa (Mordremoth was awful). I don’t think she gets paralyzed by fear so much as she just... makes awful decisions sometimes. Or looks back afterward and wonders if she was making awful decisions. Or both.
Might have to get back to you re: how much the infinity ball quest scared her.
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neranishin · 6 years
♫ for Ahraminta, Xolinn, and Rogue!Will (Bonus ♫ for Xolinn+Zojja)
Ahraminta: Believer - Imagine Dragons (No specific lines stand out, just the whole [gestures] everything
Xolinn: Language - Porter Robinson (that particular delivery of I’ll Be Okay, be warned that the video is flashy)
Rogue!Will: Team - Lorde (We’ve not yet lost all our graces)
Bonus: Light Me Up - Ingrid Michaelson (and you don’t look back so I won’t look back / and you don’t hold back so I won’t hold back)
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neranishin · 5 years
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@likemesomesalads If you’re still accepting characters to draw chibis, would you consider this dadsura?
And for the rest of my followers: Happy Father’s Day, and please enjoy these old screenshots of Xekken’s dad, Lokk!
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neranishin · 6 years
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A post full of Very Good Boys
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neranishin · 7 years
slowlymychaos replied to your post: Friends!!! Rejoice with me!!! It Happened Again I...
Prof. Tenebris is v proud and happy for u :3
holy shit that is extremely flattering, thank you. It’s doubly flattering because my own Academia Daughter is kind of rolling her eyes at me right now like “Well duh”
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