empiriic-blog · 9 years
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      SCOWLS harshly and shields himself away from the light that suddenly blinds him as the bathroom door hisses open. 
   “Nn--no-- no. I am not accepting tribute righ- right now. LEAVE ME.”
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spectrewolf · 10 years
xnusquam hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet:[Out of Soda; xnusquam, superstarspectre,...
[ sHit i didnt even see it. I’ll get to it now. my bad ;;
[oH you're totes fine my friend! *u* It happens a lot~ ]
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notasuitrat · 10 years
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"I don't think I've ever had the chance to tell you this, but keelah, I love what you've done with your hair."
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murderxgirl · 10 years
✘ xnusquam
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        “That is quite a collection you have.”
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foraloveofthestars · 11 years
- xnusquam
"... My word that is a large number of tattoos. Theyyyy..." She was quick to add with a strained smile. "Look great!"
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- xnusquam
"... Okay you." Selina pointed a claw at the woman in front of her. "You're hot."
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