souortizart · 2 years
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Secret Santa for @/pudumaro
Her character Xiunying ✨
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itsaweirdday · 7 years
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So this actually happened and they didn't ignore each other as we tend to think.
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illuaround · 8 years
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stella-maria7 · 5 years
Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat…
A woman carried a baby who was just a few months old in her arms running into the forest. A group of soldiers in red were chasing after her with no mercy. The sounds of feet stomping the ground were echoing throughout the forest. Though the time had come for the sun to exchange place with the moon, the sky refused to let the moon unleased its power. Though it wasn’t as bright as the day, the sky still vividly illuminating the whole place. It was a special characteristic of this region. So, the woman had no choice but to dash to the forest hoping that the dense forest would be dark enough to help concealing their presence and prayed for something to hide both of them for a short while because her feet were about to give out.
As luck would have it, the woman saw a big, dead tree on the ground. It was hollow inside and the space was big enough. So, the woman crawled inside the tree using its root and held her breath. There were bushes surrounding the entrance, making it invisible to those who didn’t really pay attention.
“Where did they go?” the soldiers came to a stop and one of them shouted out.
“Damn. She was quite fast for a woman. I wished I would have just shot her leg. That would have helped easing things up.” Another solider said.
The tallest soldier smacked the second spoken man and scolded. “Idiot, do you want to die? Master said to bring them both alive and unharmed. You got that? Or do you want your head to fall to the ground before you understand?”
“Sorry.” He rubbed his head at the place where it was hit.
“Now, move your feet. She is just a woman with a child on her. She can’t run very far.” Commanded the tallest guy. The soldiers started moving again.
Although the place was silent, the woman didn’t dare to come out. Even her feet got numbed from squatting down too long, she didn’t care. All she cared about was the baby in her arms.
Time passed by and no one knew for how long. The baby stirred in her arm but didn’t open his tiny eyes. The woman realized she could no longer rely on this hiding place. If her baby were to wake up and cry, the whole forest would be heard and the soldiers would surely find them. She had to move.
Protruding her head just a little bit to survey the surrounding, the woman was relieved to see that it was safe. So she moved out of her hiding place and started running again. This time into the opposite direction.
Knock, knock.
The woman stood in front of a small, isolated yet beautiful house and kept looking back to see if she was being followed. Gladly she saw no one behind. Not even a shadow.
The woman emerging from the house bore a resemblance to the woman standing before the door step. Only younger. “Xiunying jiĕjie” the younger woman was surprised to have a visitor at such late hour. She was even more surprised that it was her own older sister in dishevel.
“A-rong, please, I need your help.” The woman begged.
Xiurong urged her sister to come in and hurried to close the door. Once the deadbolt was securely in place, she turned around to ask. “jiĕjie, what’s going? Why are you-?”
“There is no time A-rong. I can’t explain or you will be dragged into this too. Please. You must promise me one thing.” Xiuying cut her off and took her younger’s sister hand in hers with her free hand.
“If it is within my capabilities, I promise you I’ll do my best.” Xiurong squeezed Xiuying’s hand back as a sigh of assurance.
“Please help taking care of my baby for me. I can’t bring him with me. He will end up in no good if he falls into his father's hand.”
“Your baby?” Xiurong exclaimed in shocked. She hadn’t seen her sister for ages and now her sister was with child. “You're making your son running away from his own father? And who’s the boy’s father jiĕjie?”
“I’m sorry but I really can’t stay long. I don’t want to endanger your family. I really don’t have enough time to explain.” The begging look from her sister’s eyes made her unable to inquire more.
“Jiĕjie, please just tell me one thing. Who’s the father?”
“He is someone who as high as the sun in the sky.” Xiuying looked around the room as if she was afraid the walls have ears before walking closer to her sister and whispered. Xiurong’s face was as pale as snow. “Please Xiurong. Promise me you would take care of him as if he was your own. And no matter what, no one can know about his identity. Especially his father.”
Xiurong nodded her head as she recovered from the shock. Color started to form back on her face. “Jiĕjie, you have my words.”
“Thank you A-rong. I owe you one. I’ll repay you back in my next life.”
Tears started to form in the sisters’ eyes. They knew this was the last time for them to meet each other. Xiuying released her sister’s hand and raised it to caress the sleeping baby’s cheeks. Choking back tears, she placed a soft peck on the boy’s forehead. “You must remember sweetheart... that mother always loves you.”
Xiuying transferred the baby to Xiurong. Without turning back, she opened the door and ran away. Once the door was closed, the baby suddenly jerked awake and started crying. As if he knew he was never going to see his mother again. The cry was like an implore to call his mother back, but it was all in vain. His mother could no longer hear him.
“Ssh ssh. Don’t cry dear, don’t cry.” Though Xiurong tried to console the baby, she herself was crying as well.
“Mother?” a young girl came into the room. Next to her, a boy whose height was just around her waist was clinging onto her arm tightly. “Who is that?”
“Oh, Wen Qing. Come and say hi to your brother.” Xiurong wiped her tears quickly.
“Brother? But how?” the young girl named Wen Qing asked. She didn’t seem to notice that her mother was crying because she was absorbed by the tiny being held next to her mother’s chest.
“Don’t ask Wen Qing. Just know that from now on, you will have another brother to play with. Do you want to hold him?”
Wen Qing took steps forwards. The boy also moved with her. When they reaches the baby, the boy let go of his sister’s arm so the she could hold the baby properly. The wailing stopped once Wen Qing cradled him. “He’s so cute. What’s his name mother?”
After receiving an answer from her mother, Wen Qing rocked the baby gently, her eyes full of affections. “Hello little one. I am your sister Wen Qing and he’s your brother Wen Ning. Welcome to the family, Wen Yuan.”
There was a sound of soil and small rocks sliding downhill towards a waterfall. And there was two white figures on the top of the hills: one was having his foot dangling from the edge and another was holding the former’s arm tightly to catch him. Though shouting was forbidden in Cloud Recess, Jingyi couldn’t stop himself when he saw Sizhui was about to fall off the cliff. “Be careful alright?”
Sizhui resumed his standing and thanked Jingyi for saving him in time. He started walking acting as if there nothing happened and expected his best friend to follow. When Jingyi didn’t, Sizhui stopped and turned around. “Jingyi?”
Jingyi kept looking straight at Sizhui which made Sizhui felt unease and looked away. Then, he approached Sizhui and asked. “Sizhui, I notice that you have been acting strange lately. What’s wrong?”
Putting on a smile, Sizhui turned to look at Jingyi and said. “I am totally alright, Jingyi. What else could go wrong?”
Though he knew Sizhui never lie, Jingyi still couldn't accept this answer. Everyone might not notice it, but Jingyi, who had been best friend with Sizhui for more than two decades, could tell at one glance that something was bothering Sizhui. Ever since their return from Lotus Pier, he started acting strange. In terms of studying or Sect’s related-matter, he was still as flawless as usual. But when it came to his own matter, it had been deteriorating sharply. His usual cheerful smiles were less shown on his beautiful face. Most of the time, his eyes were lifeless and his mind became absent-minded. In some occasions, Jingyi had to repeat what he said twice or sometimes thrice before Sizhui was able to finally listen. This had never happened before and it extremely worried Jingyi to the core. What if he came down with a serious illness? Jingyi thought. He was alarmed in an instant. “Sizhui, are you sick? I mean like really, really, really sick and you…you know…don’t want to tell anyone about it?”
Sizhui shook his head, his face was shock. “No, Jingyi. I am fine. I am not sick at all. Look, I was just being careless for a second that I didn’t see the cliff. It was nothing else, okay?”
Phew. Thanks god he wasn’t sick. Jingyi breathed a sigh of relief. At least he was healthy. That was one good thing. However, he couldn’t resist the feeling that Sizhui was hiding something from him. “Sizhui, you are not hiding anything from me, are you?”
Unexpected by this hard question, Sizhui became pale immediately. Why did Jingyi have to understand him so well? He really did have things hiding. From Jingyi and from Jin Ling too. He couldn’t lie, and he didn’t even want to. Still, he wasn’t ready to disclose it yet. He wasn’t brave enough to deal with the consequences. Imagining a day where his two best friends would turn their backs on him when they learnt of his secret was one of his biggest fears. Sizhui lowered his head to stare at Jingyi’s feet and remained silence. How was he to answer?
Jingyi kept track of Sizhui’s every tiny movement, so now, he had confirmed one thing: Sizhui was hiding something. But at the same time, he also noticed that his question had made him uncomfortable. Of course he was dying to know what was it that Sizhui was hiding. However, if his curiosity left his best friend in a tough place, then he'd rather not curious at all. Sizhui’s welfare was his first priority.
A decision was made. Jingyi grabbed Sizhui by both shoulders and brought him to look into his eyes. “Sizhui” he spoke in a gentle tone, treating as if Sizhui was a fragile porcelain that would be shattered if handled not gently. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer my stupid question.” He gave a slight head shake as an assurance to Sizhui before continue. ”Just remember one thing. No matter how dangerous -or complicated or whatever negative words you can name- things are, you will always have me by your side. I will stick with you to the end. I will always be on your side even if the whole world is against you.”
Sizhui was almost moved to tears. Every time since they were little, Jingyi always gave him the utmost care and stood up for him whenever he got bullied. Being just one year older, Jingyi took his role as a big brother seriously. He had never changed. Sizhui started to feel guilty for hiding things from Jingyi. But he just couldn’t say it. Truly, he would tell him one day. Just that it wouldn’t be today. “Thank you so much, Jingyi. I am so glad to have such a good friend as you.”
Jingyi’s expression dropped but it was just in a split second before he plastered a smile on his face to hide it. “Yeah, your good friend... forever and always.” Jingyi felt a twinge of pain when he said those words. Even if he could fake a smile, his eyes couldn’t lie. There were sadness and disappointment in them. However, Sizhui was distracted by his own guilt that he noticed not a single thing.
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jmsrose · 8 years
xiuni is now pinkpj
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the-sa-ra-blog · 6 years
"김성결·유나겸·한현아, 케이스타行..'김정난·이필모와 한솥밥' Watch more https://youtu.be/XIuny-9AU9Y Or Subscribe my channel. Click here https://goo.gl/96jvI7 for Latest news 24h,latest news,breaking news,news today, news emnglish, Latest news today,Latest news today english," https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIuny-9AU9Y&feature=youtu.be
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김성결·유나겸·한현아, 케이스타行..'김정난·이필모와 한솥밥' Watch more https://youtu.be/XIuny-9AU9Y Or Subscribe my channel. Click here https://goo.gl/96jvI7 for Latest news 24h,latest news,breaking news,news today, news emnglish, Latest news today,Latest news today english, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIuny-9AU9Y&feature=youtu.be
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shamelessqueenthing · 6 years
김성결·유나겸·한현아, 케이스타行..'김정난·이필모와 한솥밥' . Help me 1OO OOO Subscribe, please. I really appreciate it! Please Click Subscribe or Click here: https://goo.gl/96jvI7 for Hot news korea channel. Watch Hot video in Korea (Full playlist), click here: https://goo.gl/8KBCUA +I do not own any images. For information on copyright infringement, please contact: [email protected] Source: I will always put your website backlink and recommend them here. https://youtu.be/XIuny-9AU9Y
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"김성결·유나겸·한현아, 케이스타行..'김정난·이필모와 한솥밥' Watch more https://youtu.be/XIuny-9AU9Y Or Subscribe my channel. Click here https://goo.gl/96jvI7 for Latest news 24h,latest news,breaking news,news today, news emnglish, Latest news today,Latest news today english," https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIuny-9AU9Y&feature=youtu.be
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김성결·유나겸·한현아, 케이스타行..'김정난·이필모와 한솥밥' watch more https://youtu.be/XIuny-9AU9Y or Subscribe my channel. Click here https://goo.gl/96jvI7 for Latest news 24h,latest news,breaking news,news today, news emnglish, Latest news today,Latest news today english, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIuny-9AU9Y&feature=youtu.be
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김성결·유나겸·한현아, 케이스타行..'김정난·이필모와 한솥밥' Watch more https://youtu.be/XIuny-9AU9Y Or Subscribe my channel. Click here https://goo.gl/96jvI7 for Latest news 24h,latest news,breaking news,news today, news emnglish, Latest news today,Latest news today english, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIuny-9AU9Y&feature=youtu.be
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김성결·유나겸·한현아, 케이스타行..'김정난·이필모와 한솥밥' . Help me 1OO OOO Subscribe, please. I really appreciate it! Please Click Subscribe or Click here: https://goo.gl/96jvI7 for Hot news korea channel. Watch Hot video in Korea (Full playlist), click here: https://goo.gl/8KBCUA +I do not own any images. For information on copyright infringement, please contact: [email protected] Source: I will always put your website backlink and recommend them here. https://youtu.be/XIuny-9AU9Y
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kthmysunshine · 9 years
hi sorry not sorry
imma ship Xiumin & Hani
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jmsrose · 8 years
i made a peach🍑 account! my username is @/xiunis
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ittybittypyro · 10 years
Xiuni Playlist (( may be updated through time... ))
Bad Dog - Neon Hitch
Bubbly - Colbie Caillat
Get It - SHINee
My First Kiss - 3OH!3 ft. Ke$ha
All The Right Moves - One Republic
Hey There Delilah - Plain White T’s
I Won’t Give Up - Jason Mraz
Kiss the Girl - Disney
You and Me - Lifehouse
Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard & Market Irglova
Worldwide - Big Time Rush
Brown Eyes - Lady GaGa
Lucky - Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat
I Got A Boy - SNSD
Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepson
Just Be Friends - Luka (( i wanna be a bit mean to her ))
**for Yuni**
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vixxmainbitch-blog · 11 years
Blood Lust – Xiuni (Supernatural AU)
Okay, so~ This fic I made for Yuni who's super cool and awesome and is adorable (and some stupid anon sent stupid hate to her whisperes probably because they're jealous of her cuteness and yeah~
Just wanna say something real quick: I'm not experienced with writing fics, so I'm sorry if this sucks. :/ I know there are a lot of people out there waaaaay better than me at it, so I'll learn from them and keep on working to improve if i want to keep writing because to be honest i absolutely loved writing this but idk...
Also, I don't know if this is necessarily a trigger warning, but if you don't like blood or the thought of drinking blood you may not want to read.
And yeah.
Don’t you dare.
  Don’t you fucking dare.
  I swear to god if I get sent to voicemail I--
  “Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messaging sys—”
  Before he knew it, Xiumin’s phone had left his hand and was flying across the room. The loud shattering sound told him that his phone had been smashed against the wall, pieces of glass bouncing everywhere on the carpet.
  Shit. Was that insured?
  Oh well. Too late now. In all honesty, Xiumin didn’t care. All he knew was if he didn’t get his “fix” in at least ten minutes, he was going to go crazy.
  He glanced down at his watch. 11:46 p.m.
  She’s over a half an hour late… Xiumin thought angrily to himself. His cravings have never been this strong before. Against his sides he felt his hands trembling uncontrollably in anticipation. His head throbbed in pain, and his stomach started to twist. Sweat dribbled down the temples of his head.
  He knew he should stop. He knew this addiction, what he was doing, wasn’t good for him.
So, why does he still do it? His self-control is usually pretty good—he’s never acted this way before. He’s never been as nervous as he is now. Even that one encounter with a whole nest of vampires he and his partner met up with unexpectedly last month in Little Rock was nothing compared to the anxiety he was feeling now.
  Just then, a soft, subtle knock came from the door.
  Xiumin’s hand was pulling against the doorknob before the visitor could even announce themselves. He pulled the door open swiftly, so hard that he accidentally made the door slam against the wall, leaving a hole in the wallpaper where the doorknob collided with the wall.
  “Wow. Miss me?”
  Xiumin scowled. “You’re late, Yuni.”
  Yuni smiled coyly, pleased with herself at the sight of Xiumin’s sanity completely draining from him. “Sorry. Traffic.”
  “Don’t you know how to pick up a damn phone?”
  Yuni’s dark, demon eyes shimmered. “A simple, “Nice to see you, Yuni,” would be nice.”
  Xiumin rolled his eyes. He threw his hand out and gripped it tightly against Yuni’s wrist. He tried to tug her inside, but Yuni’s pulled her arm back.
  “Um, forgetting something?” she asked. Her eyes flickered down to the floor below, where a white line of salt was laid in front of the door.
  Xiumin kicked the salt away and grabbed Yuni’s arm once again, this time successfully pulling her inside.
“You have no idea how crazy you’ve made me.”
  Yuni smiled. “Good.”
  Xiumin dragged her to the bedroom, where he forcefully pushed her down onto the bed. He ripped off her buttoned up shirt, revealing her in a black tank top. He smiled to himself.
  Yuni pulled the pocket knife out of her back pocket and handed it to Xiumin. “Would you like to do the honors?”
  She chuckled when his trembling hands took the knife from hers. Her chuckles broke into laughter as she watched him trying to open the pocket knife, but failing due to his shaking hands.
  Although, once she felt the sharp, cold metal pull against her skin, she became quite. Yuni closed her eyes and just laid still, feeling her (or, should I say, her vessel’s) hot blood roll down her skin. A soft moan escaped her lips as Xiumin’s lips met her skin and started to suck the liquid off her body.
  Xiumin started to moan along with her as the hot, satisfying taste coursed down his throat. His headache started to fade, his stomach began to settle, and his anxious shakes came to a halt.
  After a few minutes, Xiumin pulled away and looked down at Yuni. Her gaze caught his, and he smirked.
  “What?” she asked, defensively.
  He didn’t say anything. Yuni opened her mouth again to speak, but was instead met with Xiumin’s hot, moist lips against hers.
  His kiss was rough, but passionate, making Yuni close her eyes and kiss him back just as rough. Her hands instinctively rose up and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down to her.
  “Next time, I’ll take my time even longer.”
  Xiumin smirked again. “I don’t think so.”
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