thesheepthewolf · 7 years
xithildinsx replied to your post “Your hair!!!!!!!!!!!!! ��”
the sass is strong with this one - so happy to follow!
Welcome to the dark side. I have cookies.
Well, sometimes, anyway.
(Full disclosure: I’ve probably already eaten the cookies.)
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xithildinsx replied to your post “xithildinsx replied to your post “I think my project for today is...”
lucky - i had about 4500 TBR to go through
Oh wow. I’m always afraid of mine getting too bad, so I try to go through it every year or two and remove stuff :/ If you’re still working through it, good luck. If you’ve finished, congratulations. That had to be a huge pain.
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caitsbooks · 7 years
Library: What is one book that changed your views on a topic?
This is a tough one!I think I’ll have to go with Before She Ignites by Jodi Meadows. I loved that theres a fantasy novel where the main character has OCD. Especially since she has a lot of compulsions and obsessions that I have with my OCD. I used to think that my mental illnesses defined me and held me back, but seeing the protagonist still be a badass while compulsively counting made me think that you don’t need to be magically cured of your mental illnesses to make a difference.
Send me some bookish asks!
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shipcestuous · 6 years
I'm watching Arrested Development and there is so much incest . . . I'm screaming because I can't decide if I want Michael/Lindsay together, George Michael/Maeby together, Michael/Maeby together, or George Michael/Lindsay together - also, it seems kind of incestuous how much touching there is between Michael and George Michael (and kissing). I LOVE this show! I've watched all of season one and half of season two in three days.
I’m so happy that you’ve discovered MY FAVORITE SHOW EVER. I love how adventurous it is with incest, and no relationship on the show is safe! I ship almost everything in one way or another, but Michael/Lindsay the most. 
Have you caught all the way up yet? There is another season coming, that much has been confirmed. I can’t wait. I’ve heard it’ll be more like the earlier seasons and less like the 4th, which was still hilarious but didn’t have the same family heart to it. I just want my family back together, inappropriately touching each other and having awkward feelings. 
Also, if George Michael/Maeby isn’t endgame, we riot. 
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shipcestuous · 7 years
This would go under the father/daughter ship, but there's a book that came out last year called "The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley" and the synopsis makes it seem like their is a beautiful connection between them, but I don't know if they take to an incestuous level or not. I haven't read the book, but the father/daughter aspect in it made me think of this site, so I thought I'd pass it on in case others would like to read the book.
We always hope for canon but non-canon recs are just as welcome!
After years spent living on the run, Samuel Hawley moves with his teenage daughter, Loo, to Olympus, Massachusetts. There, in his late wife’s hometown, Hawley finds work as a fisherman, while Loo struggles to fit in at school and grows curious about her mother’s mysterious death. Haunting them both are twelve scars Hawley carries on his body, from twelve bullets in his criminal past; a past that eventually spills over into his daughter’s present, until together they must face a reckoning yet to come. This father-daughter epic weaves back and forth through time and across America, from Alaska to the Adirondacks.
That sounds very promising!
I also like this snippet of a review I caught in my google search:
A roller-coaster father-daughter road trip for fans of PULP FICTION or THE GIRLS: ‘Pacy and violent, poignant and sensitive’ Daily Mail, Best Reads for the Beach 2017
Thank you for mentioning this!
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xithildinsx replied to your post “I think my project for today is going to be going through all of my...”
good luck - I've just spent the past three days organising my GR shelves - managing physical books would be a nightmare
Thank you :) I tackled my GR tbr and some shelf organization last year, and honestly that was way worse than my physical books haha. I started with 1,800-2,000 books on my tbr on there, and got it down to about 850 and promised myself I’d be way more cautious about adding books in the future.
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Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I totally missed the notification for this ask >.
Words: What book made you love reading?
I’m actually not sure. I remember I had this awesome Grimm’s fairytale books that weren’t the Disney/sweet and cute versions, and they were illustrated and so cool. I think they were hand-me-downs from the ‘70s, maybe. I also had a bind-up of E.B. White’s Stuart Little, The Trumpet of the Swan, and Charlotte’s Web around the same time, and I loved it as well. 
So, one of those, or all of them, I guess.
Thank you! :)
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