#xingshen ☕️ answer
sugaryapplepie · 7 months
☕️ and 🔸 For all three ladies?
☕️: Xingshen loves sweet tea and herbal tea that help with her chronic pains, as well as coffee. Girl is a fiend for either a white flat, a frappuccino, or a latte.
🔸: Being a sea princess means she absolutely knows CPR, and actually is well-versed in using defibrillators and otherwise stabilizing collapsed people. When humans often were stung by or attacked by sea life, or in some cases outright collapsed for no reason, she'd get them to shore and safety as quickly as she could.
☕️: Coffee. Girl is a coffee fiend, she had to drink so many fancy foreign teas she's a bit sick of it. Adventuring doesn't give you much by way of coffee options, but when she can she's partial to black, affogato, or straight up iced coffee. Café au lait is also her SHIT!!
🔸: Like Xingshen she is a sea princess and therefore is trained in CPR and otherwise assisting those attacked by dangerous animals...but only for other sea elves. It was the philosophy of her kingdom that any attacked or drowned ships were out of Umberlee's favor, and it was by her design they met such misfortune. To intervene would be to directly challenge the goddess.
☕️: Normally a tea drinker, she likes her herbal teas to set the mood for the day. She keeps it in a thermos that she drinks throughout the work day. However she does appreciate iced coffees and pumpkin spice lattes.
🔸: Sylvia is trained in CPR, yes! As a safety hotline responder she's well trained in a variety of emergency situations, owing to her undergoing 911 operator training in a high school course and college.
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