#xingdae crack
sjabe · 7 years
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Season 1: HERE!
**If you want just Season 2 posts click HERE! Thank you!**
Previously: Season 2 “Teaser” | S2Ep. #1 | S2Ep. #2 | S2Ep. #3 | S2Ep. #4 | S2Ep. #5 | S2Ep. #6 | S2Ep. #7 PART 1 | Today on Husbands of Changsha Seoul: PART 2 Jongdae helped Minseok with something huge and really important but doesn’t want anyone finding out what he did. Meanwhile, Yixing has a huge secret of his own so he asks for some special help. Special Guest star: Huang ZiTao
Ahhh! I updated, finally. This gif set sucks so much and they don’t even match at all and the dialogue is too long and it WILL NOT make sense at all but hopefully it gets the message across. I know I’m dragging the whole secret son thing but I completely forgot that this was suppose to be a part 2, so I’m sorry. I promise I’ll get to it I just wanted to throw another plot twist sort of thing out. Anyway, sorry it took so long for me to update. Bye! Like always, sorry if I used your video to screencap. Please don’t take this seriously, it’s just a joke that will never ever go away. Have a great day!
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amaxing-daes · 7 years
Who are your favorite Yixing stans/Xingmis here?
Oh man oh man, I seriously love so many xingmi it’s ridiculous. So…maybe expect a bit of a list cause I’m indecisive… Each xingmi is really funny and clever and sweet in their own way! Yixing is very lucky to have them.
@faeryixing : She’s literally a ball of fluff who has so much love for Yixing. She’s so kind and recently did a personalized note follower give away. Cute as hell!She makes beautiful edits too! @holyxingsdick: She’s the sweetest person who will compliment you for days and makes the funniest meme posts about Yixing. Lowkey thirsty af~ @laymerence : Funny as hell and so incredible for translating all this for us! Full of love for Yixing and not afraid to show it, has the best tag to go through for Yixing. @little-giant-yixing : Literally had three blogs dedicated to Yixing and Go fighting. Is a funny, lively person on top of that! Expect many cats and Yixing posts. @fuzzyixing : Always cracks me up with her eyebrow tags and has some beautiful aesthetic reblogs and gifs of Yixing! @xbaek : Constantly nutting over Yixing and Baekhyun, monodrama enthusiast. Always makes me laugh out loud but also regularly proclaims her love for him.@laylienn : Another soft stan~ Lovely as heck and her blog will make you melt. Yixing lowkey makes her struggle with her soft rep 😉 but she’s got it under control. @yixings2017 : Seriously funny and I’d read her Xingdae schism and Stack discourse for a good laugh (or tears). Always has yixings health as a priority. @junyixinqs : Hella soft for Yixing (not so much for junmyeon 😉) but has some beautiful edits and gifs that she makes. She’s always a good laugh and will always support Yixing! @killeryixing : G I F S. I swear I’m in love with her gif work it’s incredible, and she’s funny and always ready to give Yixing that killer role. Seriously gifs are amazing. @xingslove : Makes some amazing gifs and loves Yixing incredibly much, tags makes me laugh a lot and it’s always funny when Yixing post something especially rude.
I honestly probably have to stop now but I could literally go on. These blogs all offer something unique and each person is wonderful and funny! These people are my some of my favourite xingmi completely and I hope you enjoy their blogs!
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xingnini · 7 years
Get To Know Your Writer!
1) Describe your comfort zone — a typical you-fic. TBH I say I like to write angst but lately I’m not feeling so confident in it;;; I would say something that’s a light romance with just a sprinkle of angst. 
2) Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to? SO MANY :((( Military!AU, Angel/Demon!AU, Hanahaki Disease!AU, Gumiho!AU, Harry Potter!AU, High School/College!AU :((( 
3) Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole? sndksndksn probably ABO/Wolf!AU;; I don’t really read that trope and I don’t think I can write it well haha
4) How many fic ideas are you nurturing rn? Care to share one of them? 
Oh my God, I’m not joking when I say 50+ I have a whole google spreadsheet to keep track of them all;; one of them is a Xingdae baking club!AU that I’ve been dying to write for the past two years. 
5) Share one of your strengths. Determination to finish them all!!
6) Share one of your weaknesses. Speed with writing them ;^; I write as fast as a sloth wanting to sleep!! Also description skdnfskdnf my stories are all dialogue and that’s bad
7) Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. It was 3 in the morning. It was dark outside, and the lights were dimmed down. Chanyeol held Baekhyun’s hand and sat beside his bed. He laid his head next to Baekhyun’s and could hear his labored breathing. With each breath, Chanyeol felt his heart crumbling; Baekhyun was still battling his hardest, but he didn’t have much strength or time to fight any longer. 
Chanyeol just wanted Baekhyun to rest. 
In 10 minutes, he was stroking Baekhyun’s hair and looking lovingly at him. Even if Baekhyun’s hair wasn’t as healthy, or his face was too sharp and bony from all the weight he had lost, he thought Baekhyun was still beautiful. He admired how strong he was, no matter how scared he was. If Chanyeol was terrified, he couldn’t imagine how Baekhyun felt through this whole ordeal.
ALSDFJLAKDJ i’m proud of this because it doesn’t even sound like I’m the one who wrote it. It actually made me cry when I read it LMAO I think it’s something that has the capability of tapping into the readers’ emotions and I think I’ll never be able to write something like this again
8) Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.  Yifan: Kim Jongdae. Jongdae: Huh? What? Yifan: /hands over Shakespeare’s Macbeth/ Here. Proofread this for me! Jongdae: What.  Yifan: I said proofread it!  Jongdae: Yifan... it’s been proofread and published already... Yifan: Then why can’t I understand a single word that’s being said?! It’s complete gibberish! 
tbh Yifan in The Little Wingman is probably my favorite character to have ever written in terms of comedic relief skndfksndf there were scenes with him that were funnier than this but this is the longest dialogue I think
9) Which fic has been the hardest to write? 256 Feet or Magnolia ://
10) Which fic has been the easiest to write?  The Land of Idea or The Little Wingman!! 
11) Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby? :/// good question,,, i invest way too much time for it to be a fun hobby, but I’m not good enough for it to be a passion. 
12) Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more? Episode?? Of feelings or TV?? 😅😅😅
13) What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across? Take a break when you need it, even if it lasts a few days.
14) What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across? UHHHH I don’t really talk to enough people to get advice :// so I haven’t really heard any bad pieces of advice yet
15) If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose? Damn, good question?! Probably Knocked Out! 
16) If you could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?  Chansoo!! KDNSFKSDN I’M JOKING I’m probably going to choose Xingdae over Kaisoo :c I think I’m more comfortable writing them!! 
17) Do you finish your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? KSNDFKSDNF I write so out of order, that’s probably why my transitions are shit and it feels choppy 
18) Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines? I can’t do anything without outlines tbh I have a whole document of outline for each and every single fic
19) Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse? No, I don’t think so :/
20) Describe your perfect writing conditions. The people who know me might think it’s on my bed, but it’s not ksdnfksnd probably my high school library’s private computer room (which I don’t have access to anymore) :c it’s because I’m sitting upright in a comfortable space with a computer that isn’t my own (for some odd reason skdnfnsd)
21) How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? I usually revise while I’m writing, so countless times,,,,
22) Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit into your current writing style.  Shameful, but I don’t think my writing style has changed skdnfsdnk
23) If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why? Knocked Out bc that shit it wack af
24) Have you ever deleted one of your published fics? I’ve taken them down for a while, but they’re up again.
25) What do you look for in a beta?  I really want a beta who only reads my stories (a beta who doesn’t take on multiple writers all at once) and focuses their attention on me and bugs me to write and is a really close friend but skdnfksdnf if it’s a temporary beta, then mostly someone with a sharp eye for grammar and plot holes
26) Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?  A personal one skjfksjdf I personally beta for 2, maybe now 3, people. My main writer likes me to bug her especially when a deadline is approaching, but I give space to my other writer. 
27) How do you feel about collaborations?  Something I would like to try one day!! But not to confident about it rn
28) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.  OK LISTEN,,,, adorableprince, kei17, and naomi24 — adorableprince is my favorite kaisoo writer, kei17 is my favorite chanbaek writer, and naomi24 is my favorite xingdae writer even though she is very flexible with ships. They all know how to hit the feels the right way, but they’ve also made me laugh a lot! 
29) If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?  omg there was this Kaisoo drabble called Protector where Kyungsoo was left in the forest as a baby and the Kai was a gumiho who saved Kyungsoo and marks him with a brand and returns him to the village skndksnd
30) Do you accept prompts? Nope! I have too many ideas of my own I need to belt out
31) Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant? Nah, not strict at all. 
32) How do you feel about smut? I read it, but I probably will never ever write it!! 
33) How do you feel about crack? I LOVE CRACK, but I don’t have the confidence to write it.
34) What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con? It’s a very sensitive topic to many people, but tbh not to me. I can read it and be completely fine, though I do think it should only be written if it’s use to facilitate the plot, a character’s characterization, or backstory. 
35) Would you ever kill off a canon character? Uhhhhhhh idk what canon character means, but I’ve killed off my main characters multiple times and will continue to do so skndfksdnf
36) Which is your favorite site to post fic? I’m most comfortable with AFF but the feedback I get is (wornout kaomoji)
37) Talk about your current wips.  AHHHHHH ok so I’m writing 3 for Golden EXO fest — crown prince/arranged marriage!AU, castle in the sky!AU, and time travel!AU!! I’m finishing up a sci-fi self-prompt for EXOgeddon, and a gift fic for a friend whose zombie!AU prompt in EXOgeddon didn’t get claimed. 
38) Talk about a review that made your day. All comments make my day!! One super recent one was a comment left by my EXO Free Love AU Fest fic’s prompter!! 
39) Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them? I don’t think I’ve ever considered any of them rude, because I’m grateful for any and all comments I get!
40) Write an alternative ending to --- (or just the summary of one). AHHH in my author’s note for A Heart of Gold — an alternate ending would have gone like this: Jongdae goes into the forest and finds the house, but Yixing is nowhere to be seen. Jongdae explores the cabin a little and concludes he could go through the hospital’s records. He rushes to the hospital and asks the head of the hospital if he can identify the result of Yixing’s surgery. Jongdae is left devastated when he’s told that Yixing didn’t make it.
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anitakumarigrewal · 4 years
Landscape of Global Steel Tire Cord Market Outlook: Ken Research
According to the report analysis, ‘Global Steel Tire Cord Market Status (2015-2019) and Forecast (2020-2024) by Region, Product Type & End-Use’ states that in the worldwide market of steel tire cord there are several companies which presently performing more significantly for leading the fastest market growth and registering the great value of market share around the globe during the coming years while developing the applications of steel tire cord, increasing the applications and productivity of the steel tire cord, spreading the awareness related to the benefits of such, decreasing the price of such, and employing the young workforce includes Bekaert, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd, Xingda International Holdings, Tokusen, Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd., Kolon Industries, Inc, SRF Ltd, Kordsa Global, Saarstahl and several others.
In addition, the worldwide market of steel tire cord are presently implementing the policies of joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, amalgamation, collaborations and new product development for generating the effective percentage of revenue, obtaining the competitive edge and registering the great amount of share.
The steel cord is a fine strand of the numerous steel wires, which are made of greater, high-carbon steel along the surface plated with the brass. The usage of steel cords in the tires enables greater rubber penetration and the adhesion as well as great resistance and resilience that simplify a charming and safer ride. Moreover, with the present research and development activities, the industry is predicted to witness the introduction of the fresh designs and procedures, which would ensure the improved performance of the tires. Efforts are aimed not only on decreasing the rolling friction but also on guaranteeing that the tire controls a firm grip on the minced.
Incidences of the road accidents too play an essential role in the growth of the steel cords market. Leading tire manufacturers are looking for the design solutions to meet the protection and comfort demands of the vehicles. Based on the type, the market of steel tire cord globally is divided into different sectors such as Normal Tensile Cord, High Tensile Cord and Ultra High Tensile Cord. Whereas, based on the applications, the market of steel tire cord is divided into different segments such as passenger car, truck, off road vehicles and several others.
With the effective growth in the innovative technologies, the steel cord can be recycled from the tires and utilized in the concrete as it holds crack propagation and has better robustness. Furthermore, based on the geography, the market of steel tire cord is spread around the globe which majorly involves Asia Pacific region, Europe, North America, Middle East and Africa and South America. Owing to the effective increase in the passenger car, increase in the population, significant growth in the personal disposable income and positive augment in the automobile industries the Asia Pacific region register the significant value of market share. Not only has this, the North America region also dominates the growth of global steel tire cord across the globe. Therefore, in the coming years, it is anticipated that the market of steel tire cord will increase around the globe over the inflowing years more significantly.
For More Information, click on the link below:-
Global Steel Tire Cord Market Research Report
Related Reports:-
Steel Tire Cord Market Research: Global Status & Forecast by Geography, Type & Application (2015-2025)
Global Steel Tire Cord Market Analysis 2013-2018 and Forecast 2019-2024
Contact Us:-
Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications
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sjabe · 7 years
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Season 1: HERE! If you want just Season 2 posts click HERE! Thank you!**
Previously: Season 2 “Teaser” | S2Ep. #1 | S2Ep. #2 | S2Ep. #3 | Today on Husbands of Changsha Seoul: It’s not often that the Zhang/Kim family get a day off together, but when they do, they sometimes fight and start arguments on “who’s fault was it to have children.” Truth is, it’s no one’s. It just happened.
Have a more Yixing centric “episode”, I’m sorry it’s so short though. This lack of Yixing and Exo is just hard, so I can’t come up with anything. Sorry. As always, sorry if I used your video to screencap. Please don’t take this seriously, it’s just a joke that will never ever go away. And parenting is a two person thing and not a “they’re your kids” kind of thing. I just did it like that because true story. OK thank you! Have a great day! Bye!
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sjabe · 8 years
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Season 1: HERE! If you want just Season 2 posts click HERE! Thank you!**
Today on Husbands of Changsha Seoul: SEASON 2 PREMIERE Husbands of Changsha Seoul is back with a whole new season, but both Jongdae and Yixing have claimed that they won’t do much this season. They did request for Luhan not to be part of the show anymore and he didn’t take it so well. We’ll see how things go this coming season. Stay tuned! ^^
OMG I don’t know what I’m doing lol. I seriously couldn’t come up with anything but I was feeling bad because I haven’t posted anything and I just… ugh sorry. Someone leaked footage of “Yixing” threatening someone and that’s what the last scene is in case it doesnt make sense. I guess I’ll stick to it. Sorry if I used your video to screencap. Please don’t take this seriously, it’s just a joke that will never ever go away. OK thank you bye!
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sjabe · 8 years
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HUSBANDS OF CHANGSHA SEOUL IS BACK FOR SEASON TWO!!! Check out other episodes or “Season 1″ on the tag here! or by episodes:
Ep. #1 | Ep. #2 | Ep. #3 | Ep. #4 (Part 1) | Ep. #4 (Part 2) | Ep. #5 (Special) | Ep. #6 | Ep. #7 | Ep. #8 (Halloween Special) | Ep. #9 | Ep. #10 | Mama Special (Part One) | Mama Special (Part Two) | Holiday Special
Originally this was going to be a video, but I couldn’t download a video editing program so it became gif sets instead, but my computer is too slow and keeps dying every time, plus I suck at making gifs so it took me forever. I’m sorry about saying that I may not do these last time but hopefully I’ll start again I just won’t do them in gifs. Lol sorry. Stay tuned for “Season 2” ^^ Time to bug and annoy with my dumb posts again. This should never be taken seriously. It’s official that this will never ever go away. Bye!!! ^^
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sjabe · 6 years
HOCS Announcement
Hello everyone who followed the ridiculous story that is Husbands of Changsha Seoul starring Xingdae and NCT China line (This feels weird to write not gonna lie) I have good news and bad news and the bad news is that due to Tumblr's new policy I may have to stop the series altogether due to some of them getting flagged? I honestly tried to keep the whole series clean which is why it's not that funny, but yet some of them were getting flagged. I don't know if they still are flagged or not but I've noticed that in some of the hocs tags some of the posts don't show up at all or the tag itself is empty. If you did follow the series, it seems unfair for me to post only for it to get flagged and not allow you guys to see it so this may be the end.
The good news though, if you guys are interested, instead of doing a fake subs, fake show thing like I was doing before, will you prefer if I just post the rest as one shots on AO3 or AFF? The thing will be though that the concept will change completely. Instead of turning everything into crack it will just be a series of fluff and perhaps some angst, who knows, but it will no longer be like they're in a reality show but more on what goes on in their lives. Also the good news is that my horrible hocs joke will finally go away so there's that, but if you're interested in the one shots, let me know.
I'm sorry for doing this but yeah. If after the 17th I can still post and not get them flagged I'll continue the series but if you're interested in the one shots let me know. Thank you!!! And have a nice day!!!
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