caro-bug · 3 years
Xiaovenaether but Zhongli witnessess both Aether and Venti exchange kisses and loving words with Xiao and instead of seeing a possibility that they might be poly, he takes Xiao on the side and scolds him for being such a playboy.
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caro-bug · 3 years
Out of touch
Zhongli is a supportive dad, just... A little out of touch.
Xiao tries to explain to his adoptive father that no, he's not a heartbreaker. And actually, he doesn't know how did he end up with two boyfriends either.
Contents: Modern au; polyamory; Zhongli is trying his best; Xiao is bad at feelings; His boyfriends are being supportive and cute as always; kissing
Zhongli hasn't been able to see his son for a while now.
You see, Xiao had moved out from him as soon as he started college. Which was understandable. Every bird has to leave its nest someday, to find its own and learn to fend for itself.
Still, Zhongli really did miss his adoptive son.
So when an old friend of his informed him that she saw Xiao working in a nearby Cafe, he thought that It wouldn't hurt to play him a surprise visit.
"Thank you for driving me here so early, Childe." The man said, stepping out of the certain redhead's car. "Hopefully they won't be too many guests at this hour, so I can engage him in small talk while he works"
"It's my pleasure, Mr. Zhongli" the redhead gave him a charming smile, before catching something interesting with the corner of his eye. "Ah, but he seems... Quite engaged in talking to someone else already."
With his eyesight not as good as it used to be, Zhongli had to say goodbye to his friend and approach the coffee shop in order to see what he was talking about.
Xiao - his quiet, antisocial son, was deeply engaged in a conversation. He was completely focused on the young, blonde customer before him. And so, he wasn't aware of the fact that he was being watched, as he leaned in towards the other boy, to give him a quick, sweet peck on the lips before going back to work.
"He... He didn't tell me that he had a boyfriend"
Not that Zhongli minded of course. The expression on the blonde's face was definitely loving as he and Xiao parted ways. It's just that... Zhongli would prefer if his son kept him updated about on kind of stuff.
... No, he shouldn't worry about that.
Reassuring himself that everything's alright, Zhongli decided to enter The coffee shop.
Xiao's boyfriend (Aether, as Zhongli, has learned from their little conversation) left the cafe sometime later, claiming that he had an important meeting with his sister. Thanks to that, Zhongli had some time to chat with his adoptive son during his work. However, none ever brought up the subject of Xiao's new partner.
Zhongli stayed up until the end of Xiao's shift. It's not like he had anything better to do.
When his son mentioned that he has a ride home, he was expecting a familiar face. Aether's face, to be exact.
Well, he wasn't totally wrong.
"Hi Xiaooo~" a cheerful voice called, as a familiar, green-eyed young man wrapped his arms around Xiao's neck.
And although clearly embarrassed by their audience, the other man actually leaned in for a kiss.
And thus, Zhongli's entire world shattered into million pieces.
Was his son...
... A player?
"Xiao" Zhongli stood up from his coffee table, his voice stern, and eyebrows furrowed. "Come with me for a moment."
"Ahh, Zhongli, long time no see... Hehe..." Venti visibly regretted his public display of affection, as a drop of sweat rolled down his face when the other two made their way to the exit.
"... Do you have a problem with me dating Venti?" Xiao asked, surprisingly confident as he confirmed their relationship status. "I know that you don't like him, but I'm not about to-"
"I might not understand your choice, Xiao, but as your father, I can't let you play with everyone's heart. Even his." Zhongli exclaimed, his voice calm, yet stern. It almost felt like the last minutes of silence before an earthquake.
"... What?"
"I saw you kissing that boy named Aether before I entered the cafe. I don't mind you dating anyone as long as they're not a dangerous individual, but this..."
"I did not raise you to play with others' hearts like that. So as your father I demand you to come clean to them and-"
"Father!" Xiao raised his voice to get the other man's attention. However, as soon as he achieved that, he turned quiet again, a tint of red spreading across his cheeks. "They already know, and they're close with each other too. We agreed for it to be like that."
Zhongli's stern expression softened slightly.
"So... You are in a polyamorous relationship?"
Xiao nodded.
"Yes, a closed one. Only me, Aether, and Venti." He explained, looking away in a sudden feeling of shyness. "I didn't know how to tell you."
"... And how did that happen, If I may ask?"
"We... All were really confused with our multiple crushes. When Venti confessed to both of us, we decided to talk it out and come up with a solution." Even when his son's gaze was averted, Zhongli could see a sparkle of happiness in his eyes. "I still can't comprehend how lucky I got"
"And Aether?"
"He... Also likes both me and Venti. Actually, Venti has introduced me to him."
"I see...?"
Zhongli closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts. Xiao finally dared to look at him.
"Do you disapprove?"
"No, I don't mind" Zhongli reassured, shaking his head slightly. "It's just that these kinds of relationships were quite a taboo back in my days. You also don't seem like the type..."
"... Well, it's not as uncommon these days, actually." A familiar voice said. To Zhongli's surprise, the young man with golden hair emerged from what he assumed was Venti's car. He placed his palm on Xiao's arm, and Zhongli could see his son's muscles relaxing.
The older man nodded.
"That's probably the case. It just seems like I'm a little... Out of touch."
"Well, if you don't understand something about our relationship, feel free to ask! Everyone needs to broaden their horizons sometimes" said Venti, who just gathered up the courage to join them in front of the cafe. "Now you'll have to tolerate me as one of your two sons in law~"
Zhongli hid his face in his hands, sighing deeply, although a small smile still managed to creep upon his face.
"This is the only bad part, actually."
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