#xiaomi redmi note 7
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omgbaldguy · 11 months ago
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inseptember91 · 2 years ago
Nossa, tomei um susto agora. Fui botar um filme pra rodar aqui e não estava saindo som no fone. Já pensei que o dongle que uso com o fone pifou. Ou pior: a entrada USB do celular tinha quebrado.
Então reiniciei o aparelho e voilá. Pegando direitinho. Celular da xiaomi tem uns bugs estranhos. Vamos rever isso dai, dona Xiaomi.
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froggingthyme · 4 months ago
Total Drama phone headcanons!
basically what I hc every member of the TDI cast to have… you’re welcome to ask about any of these!
Ezekiel - no phone
Eva - iPhone 11
Noah - Xiaomi Redmi Note 10
Justin - iPhone 14
Katie - Samsung S10+
Tyler - iPhone 8+
Izzy - not sure, but it would most definitely have a ghost chip
Cody - Samsung S24
Beth - some rendition of a Nokia brick
Sadie - Samsung A12
Courtney - Samsung A72
Harold - Samsung S20+
Trent - iPhone X
Bridgette - Fairphone 5
Lindsay - iPhone 12
DJ - iPhone 6 Plus
Geoff - iPhone 12
LeShawna - iPhone 14
Duncan - no phone
Heather - iPhone 15
Gwen - Samsung Z Flip 4
Owen - iPhone 7
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hotdogmexicano · 6 months ago
Don't think I've seen it listed anywhere, but what do you typically shoot with?
My main camera is a Sony α6000 for which I currently have these lenses:
. Sony FE 50mm f/1.8
. Sigma Contemporary 30mm f/1.4 DC DN
. Helios 44M-6 58mm f/2
. Fujian 35mm f/1.7 CCTV
. And two other 35mm f/2.8 and 28mm f/2.8 generic m42 lenses that I can 't remember the brand
For a while I had a Canon Powershot G10, it's dead now, but a bunch of my pictures where taken with it (I still miss that camera)
Last but no least, my phone, a Xiaomi Redmi Note 7. For the more "serious" photos I take with it, I use the Lightroom app to be able to shoot raw, than I just edit the DNG files on my computer like any of the other photos.
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glyhndzkr · 2 years ago
Tektoknya Cetho Stravanya Engga
Tadi sore kelar tektok Lawu via Cetho, fiuh.
Perjalanan yang memorable adalah perjalanan yang cenderung tidak biasa, ada cerita, dan hikmah. Contohnya kalau saya, salah satunya ya ini.
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Awal perencanaan tektok ini kurang lebih setelah turun slamet (maaf cerita slamet tertunda kawan). Mas Nihri belom pernah ke Lawu, oke gas, tapi via Cetho, soale yg belom pernah saya ya hanya itu saja. Selain itu, katanya Cetho indah, ga kaya yg laen, ini ada sabananya, dan ya, saya pun beberapa kali lihat di story temen dan lainnya.
H-1 malam keberangkatan, jiwa jiwa mager mulai bermunculan, dan bagai kanker, bermetastasis memunculkan berbagai alasan masuk akal, yg dalam kasus ini didominasi oleh keluhan di lutut dan kepentingan untuk jogmar pekan depan, tapi kok, agak kureng sinkron, kalo ahad nya saya long run terakhir dari rumah ke ibas putra yang kurleb 30an km.
Daripada pusing, mending saya tidur. Keesokan paginya entah kenapa, muncul rasa, hmm kok agak gaenak badan ya, ini sebenere antara beneran ada atau engga kalo objektifnya, tapi terus karena rasa mager yg cukup hebat, menghubungkan kejadian kipas angin di kamar dengan masuk angin, oke juga.
Akhirnya kuberanikan diri menge chat nihri, "Nih, kok iki sedikit mager ya" dalam dua balon kata terpisah... pun juga menitnya. Tampak sedikit mencurigakan. Tapi beliau sepertinya tida peka dan malah ijin buang air tidak kecil sebentar. Okelah, karena usaha sekuat tenaga dan keberanian melawan ke pekewuh an membatalkan agenda h-sekian jam telah diberikan, sisanya hanyalah mengikuti alur dan kujawab, oke barkabar.
Menit berlalu tanpa kabar, berbekal asumsi beliau sakit perut begitu dahsyat, tak ada follup, hingga tiba tiba dibalas, "otw" . waduh.
Dan akhirnya kami berangkat, satu motor, hemat bensin, minimal polusi, cinta lingkungan, go green. Jam 6 rencana sarapan di TW. kami be dua Gaada yang pernah ke Cetho. Tapi kami, cukup optimis, semua pendakian Lawu pasti searah sama pasar tawangmangu dan dengan kami dengan pd nya ga buka maps kalo blom sampe pasar.
Tiwas munggah tekan pasar, pas ngecek maps, lha kok, belok kiri, terus kiri lagi. Udah ikutin, lha kok turunnya sampe Isyka, belok dan masih beberapa km. Dari situlah kami mengerti bahwa, Tawangmangu ga cuma dari pasar sampe cemoro sewu, ternyata Kemuning itu beda lokasi dan itu ga searah sama pasar TW. catat itu atau sarapan anda dan teman anda akan dikorbankan.
Sampe beskem sekitar pukul 7. Baru kali ini, liat tempat regis tu agak jauhan sama beskemnya. wow unik. Sampe tempat regis, petugas e gaada. Okelah istirahat dulu gapapa, tapi sebenere agak panik, karena khawatir larut malam kelarnya kalo petugas e dateng telat.
Sambil menunggu, eh ada anjing, bentuknya kaya anjing anjing film yang di salju salju. Keren, tapi mager mau foto sampe nihri omong, ra mbok foto? oke gas kita keluarkan sony a6000 yg sudah melalang buana ke alam bebas, dari tingginya puncak hingga dalamnya goa. Kamera dikeluarkan dan cekrek
asem, tiwas ngisi 2 batre full semalaman. Bawa jauh jauh ke Cetho. Ternyata memori cardnya ketinggalan. Sampai jumpa foto kamera, assalaamualaikum xiaomi redmi note 9.
Singkat cerita, kami memulai langkah dengan penuh semangat mengejar sabana indah nan luas di sana. Candi Kethek terlewati, santai ga mungkin secepat itu Ferguso. Pos warung bukak terlewati, kalem. Pos satu lewat, weh udah pos satu aja, 4 lagi dan summit. Pos 2 lewat, sabana nya mungkin di pos 3, sabana i am coming. Pos 4, buset iki sabane ngendi toh! Sambil makin berharap ketemu karena makin dekat, alhamdulillah akhirnya ketemu
Ternyata emang sabana lumayan indah, kalo kata Nihri, dadi pengen turu ng rumput e. Tapi emang iya, kalo dibandingin sama cemoro cemoro, wah, ini nilai plus besar si. Tapi ya itu
Berbekal hanya lihat story, reels, dan sebagainya tanpa diimbangi membaca caption dan catper serta vlog pendaki sebelumnya. Kukira Sabana tuh kek yang, baru naik nih, eh, Sabana! soalnya pada bikin srory disana jadi kukira itu kek yang mudah terjangkau ternyata realita cukup berbeda tapi alhamdulillah, masih dipertemukan dan tentunya dengan cuaca yang cerah. fiuh.
Oiya, selama perjalanan menuju pos 3 dari awal, kami rasa, penggunaan sepatu running cukup merepotkan. Karena walau kami suka berseluncur tapi entah kenapa yang satu ini seluncurnya, engga dulu. Licin sekali sodara. Apalagi setelah dilanda hujan. Maka dari itu, kami sarankan bagi siapapun yang mendaki jalur dan gunung yang sama, harap menggunakan sepatu yang sol nya cukup menggigit dan tidak sehalus 910 kanzaki dan geist ekiden serta jalan masa depan kita semua, aamiin.
Lanjut, pendakian Pos 4-5 cukup indah namun lebih indah 5-puncak. Kalau di 4-5 ada sabana, di 5-puncak, sabananya lebih luas, dan bertebaran bunga kuning. Kalau di 4-5 ada sesi berjalan di antara dua bukit, di 5-puncak? gaada, adanya nyasar ke makam. Ya semua ada plus minusnya. Alhamdulillah di 5-puncak ada puncaknya. Jelas.
Kelar sampai puncak pukul 12.03 berangkat sekitar pukul 8 kurang dikit. Dan disinilah ujian selnajutnya dimulai.
Sebagai remaja yang alhamdulillah suka berlari, kami berdua mempunyai nyeri dengkul. Oke, sebagai informasi, tak selamanya berlari itu indah kawan, terutama bagi yang mungkin, bisa dibilang porsi latihannya cukup sangat progresif dari sisi kecepatan dan jarak tanpa diimbangi latihan form dan strength dengan baik, mampu menyebabkan cedera, dan bisa jadi ini salah satunya. Dan seringkali kambuh ketika dengkul menahan beban, seperti contohnya turun tangga dan gunung.
Yak cerita selanjutnya yang cukup terkenang adalah bagaimana kami, eh saya lebih tepatnya, menuruni gunung dengan berputar kanan dan kiri, membelakangi jalur, berusaha semaksimal mungkin mengurangi beban pada dengkul yang suka berteriak. Dari puncak, sampai beskem sekitar 3 jam. Lanjut motoran ke Rumah
Ada pepatah bilang, No Pap Hoax.
Bukanlah sebuah perjalanan, apabila tak terekam oleh strava. Kurang lebih itu motto penulis. maka dari itu full naik turun terekam, naik pake strava karena masih cukuo batrenya, turun pake jam tangan. Namun, apalah daya, terkadang bahkan strava pun bisa salah, seperti pria.
Mungkin kesalahan ini terdengar positif tapi sebagai manusia berintegrias yang sesungguhnya, maka kebohongan tetaplah kebohongan! apa yang 4 jam tetaplah 4jam, bukan satu! yak dan ini cukup disesalkan.
Apakah ini sebuah teguran untuk berhenti posting story wa dan insta berlari? wallaahu a'lan bishhowaab. Insyaa allah tetep mau berusaha mengajak temen temen untuk berlari atau setidaknya berolahraga. Semoga kita dimudahkan untuk meluruskan niat kita dalam beramal, aamiin
Oiya bekal selama pendakian beng beng, cokicoki, yupi, jajanan isi marsmelo yg terkenal, 2 botol 600ml air, dan 2 pocari 500ml, jas hujan, hedlem, tas, jaket, dan barang penting lainnya. Kamera dan tasnya ditinggal di pos. Semoga membantu, Jangan lupa pamit ortu kalo mau daki. Gas tektok aja, ngapain nge camp, habisin duit, waktu, tenaga, dan waktu nonton wanpis.
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amberfaber40 · 2 years ago
Porsche 911 GT3 RS, 2019, 720x1280 wallpaper
Porsche 911 GT3 RS, 2019, 720x1280 wallpaper
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wallpaper 720x1280 Porsche 911 GT3 RS, 2019Porsche 911 Wallpapers Porsche Wallpapers Cars WallpapersOriginal Resolution : 3215x2880 | Original size : 3.45 MBviews : 5107Download [720x1280]Popular Resolutions1366x768 1920x1080 360x640 1024x768 1600x900 1280x900 1440x900 1280x1024 800x600 1680x1050 2560x1440 320x480 1920x1200 480x800 720x1280Advertisement Full ScreenStandard 4:3 - 1600x1200 1400x1050 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768Standard 5:4 - 1280x1024WidescreenDual Wide - 2048x1152 2560x1080 2560x1024Wide 21:9 - 2560x1024Widescreen 16:10 - 2880x1800 2560x1600 1920x1200 1680x1050 1440x900 1280x800Widescreen 16:9 - 2560x1440 1600x900Full HD, HDTV, FHD, 1080p - 1920x1080HD, HDV, 720p - 1280x720Mobile / AndroidQHD Samsung Galaxy S6, S7, Edge, Note, LG G4, HTC U11 - 1440x2560Samsung Galaxy Note 8 - 1440x2630LG V30, LG G6 - 1440x2880Tablet, laptop - 1366x768Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Note, Sony Xperia Z, Z1, Z2, Z3, HTC One, Lenovo Vibe, Google Pixel 2, OnePlus 5, Honor 9, Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, Lenovo P2, Lenovo K8 Note, Lenovo K8 - 1080x1920Honor 7X, Honor 9 Lite, Honor View 10 - 1080x2160Netbook, Tablet, Playbook - 1024x600PlayStation PS Vita - 960x544Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000, Meizu MX 2 - 800x1280Pocket PC, PDA - 800x600Samsung Galaxy mini S3, S5, Neo, Alpha, Sony Xperia Compact Z1, Z2, Z3, ASUS Zenfone, Xiaomi Redmi 4 - 720x1280Samsung Galaxy S4 mini, Microsoft Lumia 535, Philips Xenium, LG L90, HTC Sensation - 540x960Nokia Lumia 630, Sony Ericsson XPERIA - 480x854Nokia X, X2, XL, 520, 620, 820, Samsung Galaxy Star, Ace, ASUS Zenfone 4 - 480x800Nokia N8, C5, C6, C7, E7, X6 Nokia 5800, 5230, 5228, Sony Ericsson Vivaz - 360x640Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830, Sony Xperia E, Miro, HTC Wildfire S, C, LG Optimus - 320x480Nokia E72, E71, Asha, Alcatel OneTouch 320x240Nokia Asha 311, Samsung Galaxy 580, Omnia, LG KP500 - 240x400Old Mobile, Cell Phone, Smartphone - 240x320AppleiPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3 - 2248x2248iPhone X - 1125x2436iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus Plus - 1080x1920iphone 7, iPhone 8 - 750x1334iPhone 6 Plus - 1280x2120iPad, iPad 2, iPad mini - 1224x1224iPhone - 950x1534iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPod Touch - 840x1336iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch - 840x1160iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS - 320x480
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atplblog · 3 days ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Charging Cable Set with Universal Compatibility - Perfect for On the Go Charging Needs The All-in-One 60W USB Fast Charging Travel Cable Set is the perfect solution for durable charging. With versatile compatibility, including iPhone, Samsung, and more, the cable set is suitable for Travel Aspirants, Tech Savvy, and other common needs. Made of High Quality and Durable PVC + ABS Material the USB Cable Set can be beneficial for multi-purpose usage and multi-functional features. The advanced technology and design provide uniqueness, ensuring fast Charging/Data Transfer and additional benefits. Easy to Use/Maintain with a Built-in Mobile Stand, it solves all charging and data transfer needs very effectively. Crafted for High-End needs, this travel cable is perfect for Durable Charging Solutions and caters to the needs of Travel aspirants for on-the-go charging. Compatibility: Samsung Galaxy S23, S22, S21, S20, S10, Note 20, Note10, A, S, M, F Series, iPhone 14, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 14 Plus, 13, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, 13 Mini, 12, 12 Mini, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 11, 11 Plus, 11 Pro Max, X, XR, XS, XS Max, 8, 7, 6, 5, SE Series, Nothing Phone (2), Nothing Phone (1), Xiaomi Redmi Note 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 7 Series, Google Pixel 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite, CE 2 Lite, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 Series, iQOO Z7, Z6, Z5, Z3 Series Included Components: Round Pocket-Sized Storage Box with the below-mentioned componentsType C to USB A PortSim Ejector PinType C to Micro60W Type C to Type C CableType C to iOSNano Sim SlotMicro Sim SlotMobile Stand ⚡ TRU TOYS Data Cable Set: We guarantee a highly reliable and durable All-in-One Charging Cable Set. Ideal for fast charging, our Universal Charging Cable is the perfect solution for travel and on-the-go charging needs. It solves user needs effectively in their comfort zone. ⚡ Multi-Port Functionality: With 60W Charging and Data Transfer capacity the Multi-Port Cable includes 3 ports (Type C, and Micro USB) with multi-functionality ports Type C to USB A, Type C to Micro, Type C to C Cable, Type C to iOS Light port, Sim Ejector Pin and also Mobile Stand Functionality is included. ⚡ User-Friendly Application: Our All-in-One Charger is made of High-Quality PVC and ABS material and is Easy to Use/Maintain with a unique mobile stand design. Perfectly Designed to solve user applications with multi-interface conversion cables stored perfectly in a special storage box. Portable and Universal Compatibility solution! ⚡ Enhanced Features: Our Innovative Solution for seamless connectivity and charging the Data Cable provides fast charging and high-speed data transfer of 60W power and transfer data at high speed allowing to sharing of files, photos, and videos effortlessly at 480 Mbps depending on data. ⚡ Compatibility: Designed for unique purposes our Durable cable set is compatible with all Android and iOS devices that support Type C Cable, Micro, and Lightning Cable. Also Compatible with devices like iPhone, iPad, Samsung, OnePlus, Mi, Oppo, Vivo, and charge/data transfer devices like Keyboard, Mouse, Laptop, and other tech devices. ⚡ Portable Device: Ideal for on-the-go charging the Fast-Charging Cable Set is best suitable to use while travelling, on business trips, daily commuting, and other versatile charging needs. Portable and Pocket Sized, the organized Cable Set packed in a storage box can be taken anywhere and used for multi-purpose tech needs. [ad_2]
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eclecticreviewpeace · 5 days ago
INFINIX BL-5ABX Excellent quality Battery Replacement
Find the right Cell Phone Battery for Infinix PHONE to solve your power issues. Our INFINIX BL-5ABX battery are manufactured to precisely fit just as your original battery. Shopping in uk-online.co.uk is safe and secure! 100% Guarantee Quality and Fully Test!
Brand New INFINIX BL-5ABX replacement battery for INFINIX Mobile Phone 5000mAh/19.35Wh 3.87V
Other online shop for INFINIX BL-5ABX
JP: INFINIX BL-5ABX 携帯電��のバッテリー FR: INFINIX BL-5ABX Batterie Smartphone ES: INFINIX BL-5ABX Batería del celular IT: INFINIX BL-5ABX Batteria del cellulare PL: INFINIX BL-5ABX Bateria Telefonu Komórkowego US: INFINIX BL-5ABX Cell Phone Battery
Description for INFINIX BL-5ABX Battery :
1. Try to use the original charger. Compared with the original charger, the non-original charger has a certain gap between the output current and the voltage. The long-term use of the non-original charger can not only reduce the service life of the mobile phone battery, but also cause the battery of the mobile phone to explode and catch fire.
2. Lithium-ion batteries should be protected from full discharge during use (use a black screen to power down).
3. Do not place the phone in a high temperature environment. When the mobile phone is exposed to the sun for a long time, it will cause the battery temperature to suddenly increase or even explode.
4. Should try to keep the phone away from the water source, in case the battery is short-circuited by moisture.
5. If the battery has abnormal conditions such as drum belly and damaged casing, stop using it immediately and replace it with a new one.UK-online.co.uk is the home of British most comprehensive laptop batteries,dell Laptop Battery,and ac adapters website. Wholesale or retail laptop batteries and laptop adapters with high quality & low price. Just enjoy your digital life with a new laptop battery.
Related Products:
HISENSE Li38390A Cellphone Battery for HISENSE E613M, M20-M, Rating: 3900mAh/14.82WH 3.8V
XIAOMI BN5P Cellphone Battery for XIAOMI Redmi Note 13 5G, Rating: 5000mAh/19.45WH 3.89V
VIVO B-T3 Cellphone Battery for VIVO S12, Rating: 4200mAh/16.33WH 3.89V
BlackBerry BAT-30615-006 Cellphone Battery for BlackBerry 9900 9930 9790 9981 9380 9850 9860, Rating: 1230mAh/4.6WH 3.7V
Oukitel K7000 Cellphone Battery for OUKITEL G12 P7 telphone, Rating: 2000mAh/6.8Wh 3.8V
Sony LIS1624ERPC Cellphone Battery for Sony Xperia X Prestaties F8132, Rating: 2700mAh/10.3WH 3.8V
SAMSUNG EB-BJ700CBE Cellphone Battery for SAMSUNG Galaxy J4/J7 Neo 2015/J7009, Rating: 3000mAh/11.55WH 3.85V
HTC B2Q72100 Cellphone Battery for HTC Desire 12s(HTC D 12S), Rating: 3075mAh/11.83Wh 3.85V
Xiaomi BM31 Cellphone Battery for Xiaomi MIUI/M3, Rating: 3050MAH/11.5WH 3.8V
Apple 616-00255 Cellphone Battery for Apple iPhone 7 4.7inch+Tools, Rating: 1960mAh/7.45WH 3.8v
Why Buy BL-5ABX Battery From Here?
With the international Standard Control from R&D, Manufacturing and test, Our battery for BL-5ABX have passed CE, UL, ROHS, ISO9001,QS9000 and TS16949. At least Save up to 30% from our site battery shopping. We can provide cheap and high quality BL-5ABX batteries to benefit our customers. We provide timely delivery to our customers. We will shipping the battery immediately after got your payment. It is usually take 7-15 business days for you get the replacement BL-5ABX battery.
INFINIX Battery (Our Popular Products )
INFINIX BL-AW878 Cellphone Battery for INFINIX X5010/Smart, Rating: 3000mAh/11.4WH 3.85V, SKU: 20IV1272_Te
INFINIX BL-49MX Cellphone Battery for INFINIX PHONE, Rating: 5000mAh/19.35WH 3.87V, SKU: 23BA0030_Te
INFINIX BL-3FX Cellphone Battery for INFINIX PHONE, Rating: 2100mAh/7.77WH 3.7V, SKU: 23BA0105_Te
INFINIX BL-5ABX Cellphone Battery for Infinix PHONE, Rating: 5000mAh/19.35Wh 3.87V, SKU: 25BA02110713_Te
INFINIX BL-49HX Cellphone Battery for INFINIX PHONE, Rating: 5000mAh/19.35WH 3.85V, SKU: 22LK886_Te
INFINIX BL-49TX Cellphone Battery for Infinix Note 30 5G, Rating: 5000mAh/19.35WH 3.87V, SKU: 24BA06100428_Te
INFINIX BL-30VX Cellphone Battery for INFINIX X5514/Smart2 Pro/X5515, Rating: 3000mAh/11.55WH 3.85V, SKU: 20IV1273_Te
INFINIX BL-39KX Cellphone Battery for Infinix X624/HOT7, Rating: 3900MAH/15.01WH 3.85V, SKU: 20IV981_Te
INFINIX BL-48BT Cellphone Battery for INFINIX PHONE, Rating: 5000mAh/19.25WH 3.85V, SKU: 23BA0141_Te
INFINIX BL-22BX Cellphone Battery for INFINIX X510 HOT2, Rating: 1450mAh/4.365WH 3.7V, SKU: 20IV1121_Te
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digitalmore · 21 days ago
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ind-abd · 26 days ago
Best Phones for Students: Affordable and Feature-Packed Picks for 2025
In today’s fast-paced world, smartphones have become an essential tool for students, not just for communication, but for learning, research, productivity, and entertainment. However, as a student, it’s essential to find a device that strikes the perfect balance between performance and affordability. With the wide variety of phones available in the market, it can be challenging to choose the best one that meets both your academic and personal needs without breaking the bank.
In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best smartphones for students in India, focusing on affordability, essential features, and performance.
1. Realme Narzo 60 5G
Realme’s Narzo series is popular for offering solid performance at affordable prices, and the Narzo 60 5G is no exception. It is equipped with a MediaTek Dimensity 6020 processor, a large 6.72-inch display, and a 50MP primary camera — perfect for both studies and social media. The phone is great for multitasking and provides long-lasting battery life, making it ideal for a student’s day-to-day usage.
Key Features:
6.72-inch FHD+ display
50MP dual camera
MediaTek Dimensity 6020 chip
5000mAh battery with 33W fast charging
5G connectivity
2. Xiaomi Redmi Note 13
Xiaomi’s Redmi Note series has long been a favorite among students for its performance and affordability. The Redmi Note 13 offers an excellent balance between performance and price, featuring a 6.67-inch AMOLED display, a 50MP primary camera, and a large 5000mAh battery. It’s powered by the reliable MediaTek Dimensity 700 processor, offering smooth performance for studies, streaming, and light gaming.
Key Features:
6.67-inch AMOLED display
50MP AI camera
MediaTek Dimensity 700 processor
5000mAh battery with 33W fast charging
5G support
3. Samsung Galaxy M14 5G
Samsung offers excellent value for money with its M series, and the Galaxy M14 5G is no exception. With a massive 6000mAh battery, this phone can easily last you through a full day of classes, online sessions, and study hours. It comes with a 50MP primary camera, a 6.6-inch display, and a reliable Exynos 1330 chipset, ensuring smooth performance for all your needs.
Key Features:
6.6-inch FHD+ display
50MP primary camera
Exynos 1330 chipset
6000mAh battery with 25W fast charging
5G support
4. Moto G73 5G
Motorola’s Moto G series has become increasingly popular for offering good performance at budget-friendly prices. The Moto G73 5G is an excellent choice for students who need a smartphone with a powerful performance but don’t want to spend too much. The phone is equipped with a 6.5-inch Full HD+ display, MediaTek Dimensity 930 chip, and a 50MP camera, which ensures both performance and quality without compromise.
Key Features:
6.5-inch Full HD+ display
MediaTek Dimensity 930 chipset
50MP camera system
5000mAh battery with 30W fast charging
5G support
5. iQOO Z7 5G
If you are a student looking for a phone with excellent performance at an affordable price, the iQOO Z7 5G should be on your radar. It comes with a powerful MediaTek Dimensity 920 processor, a 90Hz AMOLED display, and a 64MP primary camera. It’s a great choice for multitasking, studying, and entertainment without any noticeable lag.
Key Features:
6.38-inch AMOLED display (90Hz)
64MP primary camera
MediaTek Dimensity 920 chipset
4500mAh battery with 44W fast charging
5G connectivity
6. POCO X5 Pro 5G
POCO has built a solid reputation for providing great smartphones at competitive prices, and the POCO X5 Pro 5G continues that tradition. With a Snapdragon 778G chipset, a 6.67-inch AMOLED display, and a 64MP camera, this phone is designed to deliver excellent performance and visuals for a reasonable price, making it ideal for students.
Key Features:
6.67-inch AMOLED display (120Hz)
64MP camera with AI features
Snapdragon 778G chipset
5000mAh battery with 67W fast charging
5G support
7. Vivo T2 5G
The Vivo T2 5G offers a fantastic display, camera, and performance in an affordable package. It features a 6.38-inch AMOLED display, Snapdragon 695 chipset, and a 64MP camera. The phone’s fast charging support and solid battery life make it a reliable option for students who are constantly on the go.
Key Features:
6.38-inch AMOLED display
64MP camera
Snapdragon 695 chipset
4500mAh battery with 44W fast charging
5G connectivity
8. Realme 11 5G
Realme has become a popular choice among students for its affordable yet feature-packed smartphones. The Realme 11 5G offers a large 6.72-inch display, a 64MP camera, and the powerful MediaTek Dimensity 7050 chipset. With a 5000mAh battery and 33W fast charging, it’s perfect for students who need an all-rounder phone for studying, streaming, and staying connected.
Key Features:
6.72-inch FHD+ AMOLED display
64MP camera with AI features
MediaTek Dimensity 7050 chipset
5000mAh battery with 33W fast charging
5G support
9. Samsung Galaxy A14 5G
For students on a budget who still want a reliable and feature-rich smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy A14 5G is a great pick. It features a 6.6-inch FHD+ display, a 50MP camera, and an Exynos 1330 chipset, offering solid performance and camera quality at an affordable price.
Key Features:
6.6-inch FHD+ display
50MP main camera
Exynos 1330 chipset
5000mAh battery with 15W fast charging
5G support
10. Infinix Zero 30 5G
Infinix has been making waves in the affordable smartphone market, and the Zero 30 5G is one of its best offerings for students. It comes with a 6.78-inch AMOLED display, MediaTek Dimensity 8020 chipset, and a 108MP camera. It’s a solid option for students who need a great camera phone for projects, notes, and more.
Key Features:
6.78-inch AMOLED display
108MP primary camera
MediaTek Dimensity 8020 chip
5000mAh battery with 68W fast charging
5G support
Conclusion: Shop for the Best Student Phones at GoGizmo!
There you have it! These are some of the best smartphones for students in India in 2024 that combine affordability with the features you need for studies, social media, gaming, and more. Whether you need a device with a powerful camera, long battery life, or a large display for online classes, there’s something for everyone.
When it comes to finding the perfect student phone, GoGizmo is your go-to platform. At GoGizmo, we offer a wide range of affordable smartphones with the best deals, expert recommendations, and hassle-free delivery. With easy payment options and the best customer service, GoGizmo ensures that you get the right phone at the right price.
So, why wait? Visit GoGizmo today and find the perfect smartphone that suits your needs and budget!
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earnow · 1 month ago
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buymobilebd · 2 months ago
Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 5G price bd
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The Xiaomi Redmi Note 14 5G is a mid-range smartphone that typically comes with a range of impressive specifications. Here’s a general overview of its full specifications:**Design:**- Dimensions: Approx. 159.9 x 73.9 x 8.1 mm- Weight: Around 190g- Build: Glass front, plastic back and frame- Colors: Available in multiple color options**Display:**- Type: IPS LCD- Size: 6.67 inches- Resolution: 2400 x 1080 pixels (FHD+)- Refresh Rate: 120Hz- Protection: Corning Gorilla Glass**Performance:**- Processor: MediaTek Dimensity 1080 / Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 (depending on the variant)- GPU: Mali-G68 MC4 / Adreno 644 (depending on the variant)- RAM: Options typically available from 6GB to 8GB- Storage: Options typically from 128GB to 256GB, expandable via microSD**Camera:**- Rear Camera: - Main Sensor: 108 MP (wide) - Ultra-wide: 8 MP - Macro: 2 MP - Depth Sensor: 2 MP- Front Camera: 16 MP- Video Recording: Capable of recording up to 4K (30fps) and Full HD (60fps)**Battery:**- Capacity: 5000 mAh- Charging: Fast charging support (67W or similar)**Operating System:**- MIUI based on Android 12/13 (depending on release)**Connectivity:**- 5G support- Wi-Fi 6- Bluetooth 5.2- USB Type-C**Other Features:**- Fingerprint sensor (side-mounted)- Dual stereo speakers- IR Blaster- 3.5mm headphone jackPlease note that specifications can vary by region and model, so it's always good to check the latest details from official sources or authorized retailers.
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thai02h51 · 2 months ago
Redmi Note 14 Pro Plus – Sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho những ai yêu công nghệ! #RedmiNote14ProPlus # QueenMobile #Smartphone #HiệuNăngMạnhMẽ #CameraĐỉnhCao #Snapdragon7Gen3 #KhuyếnMãi Redmi Note 14 Pro Plus l à chiếc smartphone mới nhất từ Xiaomi, mang đến trải nghiệm vượt trội với thiết kế tinh tế, cấu hình mạnh mẽ và giá cả phải chăng. Đây chính là sản phẩm mà bạn không thể bỏ lỡ tro ng năm nay. Cấu hình và tính năng nổi bật: Màn hình: Công nghệ AMOLED 6.7 inch, độ phân giải Full HD+ (2400 x 1080 pixel). Tần số quét 120Hz, mang lại trải nghiệm mượt mà khi xem phim, chơi game. Độ sáng tối đa 1200 nits, hỗ trợ HDR10+, hiển thị sắc nét trong mọi điều kiện ánh sáng. Hiệu năn g: Bộ vi xử lý Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 mạnh mẽ, đảm bảo hiệu suất vượt trội cho mọi tác vụ. RAM 8 GB hoặc 12GB, bộ nhớ trong 12
Redmi Note 14 Pro Plus – Sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho những ai yêu công nghệ! #RedmiNote14ProPlus #QueenMobile #Smartphone #HiệuNăngMạnhMẽ #CameraĐỉnhCao #Snapdragon7Gen3 #KhuyếnMãi #SảnPhẩmMới #ChấtLượngCao Redmi Note 14 Pro Plus là chiếc smartphone mới nhất từ Xiaomi, mang đến trải nghiệm vượt trội với thiết kế tinh tế, cấu hình mạnh mẽ và giá cả phải chăng. Đây chính là sản phẩm mà bạn không thể…
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gianhovn · 2 months ago
Khắc phục mọi vấn đề về sim và phần cứng trên Samsung S21 Ultra và Xiaomi Redmi Note 7!
🔧 Bạn đang gặp phải các vấn đề liên quan đến điện thoại của mình và không biết phải làm sao? Hãy đến ngay Queen Mobile – nơi chuyên sửa chữa điện thoại uy tín và chất lượng! 📞 Liên hệ ngay hotline 0906849968 để được tư vấn và hỗ trợ sửa chữa các lỗi phổ biến trên điện thoại Samsung S21 Ultra và Xiaomi Redmi Note 7. Chúng tôi có thể thay khay sim, sửa lỗi không nhận sim, mất sóng hay thay màn…
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gelblasters56 · 2 months ago
Xiaomi Redmi Note 11E 5G price in Bangladesh 2024
Moble Phone's, Redmi Note, Redmi Note 15 Pro, Redmi Phones-Xiaomi / Leave a Comment
Below are the Xiaomi Redmi Note 11E 5G pricing in Bangladesh, complete specs, reviews, and ratings for each feature.
Model: Xiaomi Redmi Note 11E 5G
BD Price: 18,000 Taka (Expected)
Colors: Gray, Silver & Atlantic Blue
Display: 6.58-inch IPS LCD display (1080 x 2408 pixels)
Camera: Back: 50MP+2MP & Front: 5MP
Variant: 4GB/128GB & 6GB/128GB
Processor: Octa-core 2.2 GHz Cortex
Battery: Li-Po 5000 mAh
Full specifications:
This item was released on March 18, 2022, after the business made the announcement on March 02, 2022.
6.58-inch IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen with capability for 16 million colors The Type-V Notch Display phone features a PPI of 401 and a pixel resolution of 1080 x 2408.
Body and sensors:
The mobile phone comes in three different colors and is made of glass on the front and plastic on the back and frame. Gray, silver, and Atlantic blue are the hues. being a proximity sensor, compass, and accelerometer. The fingerprint scanner on the side operates quickly and correctly. Face unlock is nearly accurate.
The phone operates with networks that are 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G. On the phone, GPRS and EDGE HSPA, LTE-A (CA), and 5G speed.
Android 11 operating system and Mediatek MT6833 Dimensity 700 (7 nm), Octa-core (2×2.2 GHz Cortex-A76 & 6×2.0 GHz Cortex-A55) processor on the phone.
RAM and ROM:
The phone was introduced by the firm in two different versions: 4GB/128GB and 6GB/128GB. Graphics and RAM are sufficiently good for gaming. Games with full HD visuals can be played effortlessly and with ease.
The Back of the phone has a 50MP+2MP camera with which you can record beautiful quality pictures and a maximum of 1080p@30fps video.
You can snap stunning photos and selfies with the 5MP selfie camera on the front. The front camera can capture up to 1080p video at 30 frames per second.
The smartphone is powered by a 5000 mAh non-removable Li-Po battery, which allows you to standby for up to 110 hours on average and browse the internet for 13:30 hours. You can converse on 3G for about 30 hours when fully charged. When using 18W fast charging, the phone will take roughly two hours to fully charge.
The cost of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 11e 5g in Bangladesh:
The beginning price of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 11e 5g in Bangladesh is 18,000 Taka (estimated).
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