#xiaomi redmi note 7
omgbaldguy · 6 months
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inseptember91 · 1 year
Nossa, tomei um susto agora. Fui botar um filme pra rodar aqui e não estava saindo som no fone. Já pensei que o dongle que uso com o fone pifou. Ou pior: a entrada USB do celular tinha quebrado.
Então reiniciei o aparelho e voilá. Pegando direitinho. Celular da xiaomi tem uns bugs estranhos. Vamos rever isso dai, dona Xiaomi.
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okarmon · 2 years
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techfixgrblog · 2 years
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Αλλαγή οθόνης Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 | TheFixers.gr
Αλλαγή οθόνης Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 από τους TheFixers.Μάθετε περισσότερα στο https://thefixers.gr/%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%B1%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B1%CF%83%CE%B7-%CE%BF%CE%B8%CE%BF%CE%BD%CE%B7%CF%82-xiaomi/
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hotdogmexicano · 12 days
Don't think I've seen it listed anywhere, but what do you typically shoot with?
My main camera is a Sony α6000 for which I currently have these lenses:
. Sony FE 50mm f/1.8
. Sigma Contemporary 30mm f/1.4 DC DN
. Helios 44M-6 58mm f/2
. Fujian 35mm f/1.7 CCTV
. And two other 35mm f/2.8 and 28mm f/2.8 generic m42 lenses that I can 't remember the brand
For a while I had a Canon Powershot G10, it's dead now, but a bunch of my pictures where taken with it (I still miss that camera)
Last but no least, my phone, a Xiaomi Redmi Note 7. For the more "serious" photos I take with it, I use the Lightroom app to be able to shoot raw, than I just edit the DNG files on my computer like any of the other photos.
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glyhndzkr · 1 year
Tektoknya Cetho Stravanya Engga
Tadi sore kelar tektok Lawu via Cetho, fiuh.
Perjalanan yang memorable adalah perjalanan yang cenderung tidak biasa, ada cerita, dan hikmah. Contohnya kalau saya, salah satunya ya ini.
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Awal perencanaan tektok ini kurang lebih setelah turun slamet (maaf cerita slamet tertunda kawan). Mas Nihri belom pernah ke Lawu, oke gas, tapi via Cetho, soale yg belom pernah saya ya hanya itu saja. Selain itu, katanya Cetho indah, ga kaya yg laen, ini ada sabananya, dan ya, saya pun beberapa kali lihat di story temen dan lainnya.
H-1 malam keberangkatan, jiwa jiwa mager mulai bermunculan, dan bagai kanker, bermetastasis memunculkan berbagai alasan masuk akal, yg dalam kasus ini didominasi oleh keluhan di lutut dan kepentingan untuk jogmar pekan depan, tapi kok, agak kureng sinkron, kalo ahad nya saya long run terakhir dari rumah ke ibas putra yang kurleb 30an km.
Daripada pusing, mending saya tidur. Keesokan paginya entah kenapa, muncul rasa, hmm kok agak gaenak badan ya, ini sebenere antara beneran ada atau engga kalo objektifnya, tapi terus karena rasa mager yg cukup hebat, menghubungkan kejadian kipas angin di kamar dengan masuk angin, oke juga.
Akhirnya kuberanikan diri menge chat nihri, "Nih, kok iki sedikit mager ya" dalam dua balon kata terpisah... pun juga menitnya. Tampak sedikit mencurigakan. Tapi beliau sepertinya tida peka dan malah ijin buang air tidak kecil sebentar. Okelah, karena usaha sekuat tenaga dan keberanian melawan ke pekewuh an membatalkan agenda h-sekian jam telah diberikan, sisanya hanyalah mengikuti alur dan kujawab, oke barkabar.
Menit berlalu tanpa kabar, berbekal asumsi beliau sakit perut begitu dahsyat, tak ada follup, hingga tiba tiba dibalas, "otw" . waduh.
Dan akhirnya kami berangkat, satu motor, hemat bensin, minimal polusi, cinta lingkungan, go green. Jam 6 rencana sarapan di TW. kami be dua Gaada yang pernah ke Cetho. Tapi kami, cukup optimis, semua pendakian Lawu pasti searah sama pasar tawangmangu dan dengan kami dengan pd nya ga buka maps kalo blom sampe pasar.
Tiwas munggah tekan pasar, pas ngecek maps, lha kok, belok kiri, terus kiri lagi. Udah ikutin, lha kok turunnya sampe Isyka, belok dan masih beberapa km. Dari situlah kami mengerti bahwa, Tawangmangu ga cuma dari pasar sampe cemoro sewu, ternyata Kemuning itu beda lokasi dan itu ga searah sama pasar TW. catat itu atau sarapan anda dan teman anda akan dikorbankan.
Sampe beskem sekitar pukul 7. Baru kali ini, liat tempat regis tu agak jauhan sama beskemnya. wow unik. Sampe tempat regis, petugas e gaada. Okelah istirahat dulu gapapa, tapi sebenere agak panik, karena khawatir larut malam kelarnya kalo petugas e dateng telat.
Sambil menunggu, eh ada anjing, bentuknya kaya anjing anjing film yang di salju salju. Keren, tapi mager mau foto sampe nihri omong, ra mbok foto? oke gas kita keluarkan sony a6000 yg sudah melalang buana ke alam bebas, dari tingginya puncak hingga dalamnya goa. Kamera dikeluarkan dan cekrek
asem, tiwas ngisi 2 batre full semalaman. Bawa jauh jauh ke Cetho. Ternyata memori cardnya ketinggalan. Sampai jumpa foto kamera, assalaamualaikum xiaomi redmi note 9.
Singkat cerita, kami memulai langkah dengan penuh semangat mengejar sabana indah nan luas di sana. Candi Kethek terlewati, santai ga mungkin secepat itu Ferguso. Pos warung bukak terlewati, kalem. Pos satu lewat, weh udah pos satu aja, 4 lagi dan summit. Pos 2 lewat, sabana nya mungkin di pos 3, sabana i am coming. Pos 4, buset iki sabane ngendi toh! Sambil makin berharap ketemu karena makin dekat, alhamdulillah akhirnya ketemu
Ternyata emang sabana lumayan indah, kalo kata Nihri, dadi pengen turu ng rumput e. Tapi emang iya, kalo dibandingin sama cemoro cemoro, wah, ini nilai plus besar si. Tapi ya itu
Berbekal hanya lihat story, reels, dan sebagainya tanpa diimbangi membaca caption dan catper serta vlog pendaki sebelumnya. Kukira Sabana tuh kek yang, baru naik nih, eh, Sabana! soalnya pada bikin srory disana jadi kukira itu kek yang mudah terjangkau ternyata realita cukup berbeda tapi alhamdulillah, masih dipertemukan dan tentunya dengan cuaca yang cerah. fiuh.
Oiya, selama perjalanan menuju pos 3 dari awal, kami rasa, penggunaan sepatu running cukup merepotkan. Karena walau kami suka berseluncur tapi entah kenapa yang satu ini seluncurnya, engga dulu. Licin sekali sodara. Apalagi setelah dilanda hujan. Maka dari itu, kami sarankan bagi siapapun yang mendaki jalur dan gunung yang sama, harap menggunakan sepatu yang sol nya cukup menggigit dan tidak sehalus 910 kanzaki dan geist ekiden serta jalan masa depan kita semua, aamiin.
Lanjut, pendakian Pos 4-5 cukup indah namun lebih indah 5-puncak. Kalau di 4-5 ada sabana, di 5-puncak, sabananya lebih luas, dan bertebaran bunga kuning. Kalau di 4-5 ada sesi berjalan di antara dua bukit, di 5-puncak? gaada, adanya nyasar ke makam. Ya semua ada plus minusnya. Alhamdulillah di 5-puncak ada puncaknya. Jelas.
Kelar sampai puncak pukul 12.03 berangkat sekitar pukul 8 kurang dikit. Dan disinilah ujian selnajutnya dimulai.
Sebagai remaja yang alhamdulillah suka berlari, kami berdua mempunyai nyeri dengkul. Oke, sebagai informasi, tak selamanya berlari itu indah kawan, terutama bagi yang mungkin, bisa dibilang porsi latihannya cukup sangat progresif dari sisi kecepatan dan jarak tanpa diimbangi latihan form dan strength dengan baik, mampu menyebabkan cedera, dan bisa jadi ini salah satunya. Dan seringkali kambuh ketika dengkul menahan beban, seperti contohnya turun tangga dan gunung.
Yak cerita selanjutnya yang cukup terkenang adalah bagaimana kami, eh saya lebih tepatnya, menuruni gunung dengan berputar kanan dan kiri, membelakangi jalur, berusaha semaksimal mungkin mengurangi beban pada dengkul yang suka berteriak. Dari puncak, sampai beskem sekitar 3 jam. Lanjut motoran ke Rumah
Ada pepatah bilang, No Pap Hoax.
Bukanlah sebuah perjalanan, apabila tak terekam oleh strava. Kurang lebih itu motto penulis. maka dari itu full naik turun terekam, naik pake strava karena masih cukuo batrenya, turun pake jam tangan. Namun, apalah daya, terkadang bahkan strava pun bisa salah, seperti pria.
Mungkin kesalahan ini terdengar positif tapi sebagai manusia berintegrias yang sesungguhnya, maka kebohongan tetaplah kebohongan! apa yang 4 jam tetaplah 4jam, bukan satu! yak dan ini cukup disesalkan.
Apakah ini sebuah teguran untuk berhenti posting story wa dan insta berlari? wallaahu a'lan bishhowaab. Insyaa allah tetep mau berusaha mengajak temen temen untuk berlari atau setidaknya berolahraga. Semoga kita dimudahkan untuk meluruskan niat kita dalam beramal, aamiin
Oiya bekal selama pendakian beng beng, cokicoki, yupi, jajanan isi marsmelo yg terkenal, 2 botol 600ml air, dan 2 pocari 500ml, jas hujan, hedlem, tas, jaket, dan barang penting lainnya. Kamera dan tasnya ditinggal di pos. Semoga membantu, Jangan lupa pamit ortu kalo mau daki. Gas tektok aja, ngapain nge camp, habisin duit, waktu, tenaga, dan waktu nonton wanpis.
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amberfaber40 · 2 years
Porsche 911 GT3 RS, 2019, 720x1280 wallpaper
Porsche 911 GT3 RS, 2019, 720x1280 wallpaper
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wallpaper 720x1280 Porsche 911 GT3 RS, 2019Porsche 911 Wallpapers Porsche Wallpapers Cars WallpapersOriginal Resolution : 3215x2880 | Original size : 3.45 MBviews : 5107Download [720x1280]Popular Resolutions1366x768 1920x1080 360x640 1024x768 1600x900 1280x900 1440x900 1280x1024 800x600 1680x1050 2560x1440 320x480 1920x1200 480x800 720x1280Advertisement Full ScreenStandard 4:3 - 1600x1200 1400x1050 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768Standard 5:4 - 1280x1024WidescreenDual Wide - 2048x1152 2560x1080 2560x1024Wide 21:9 - 2560x1024Widescreen 16:10 - 2880x1800 2560x1600 1920x1200 1680x1050 1440x900 1280x800Widescreen 16:9 - 2560x1440 1600x900Full HD, HDTV, FHD, 1080p - 1920x1080HD, HDV, 720p - 1280x720Mobile / AndroidQHD Samsung Galaxy S6, S7, Edge, Note, LG G4, HTC U11 - 1440x2560Samsung Galaxy Note 8 - 1440x2630LG V30, LG G6 - 1440x2880Tablet, laptop - 1366x768Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Note, Sony Xperia Z, Z1, Z2, Z3, HTC One, Lenovo Vibe, Google Pixel 2, OnePlus 5, Honor 9, Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, Lenovo P2, Lenovo K8 Note, Lenovo K8 - 1080x1920Honor 7X, Honor 9 Lite, Honor View 10 - 1080x2160Netbook, Tablet, Playbook - 1024x600PlayStation PS Vita - 960x544Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000, Meizu MX 2 - 800x1280Pocket PC, PDA - 800x600Samsung Galaxy mini S3, S5, Neo, Alpha, Sony Xperia Compact Z1, Z2, Z3, ASUS Zenfone, Xiaomi Redmi 4 - 720x1280Samsung Galaxy S4 mini, Microsoft Lumia 535, Philips Xenium, LG L90, HTC Sensation - 540x960Nokia Lumia 630, Sony Ericsson XPERIA - 480x854Nokia X, X2, XL, 520, 620, 820, Samsung Galaxy Star, Ace, ASUS Zenfone 4 - 480x800Nokia N8, C5, C6, C7, E7, X6 Nokia 5800, 5230, 5228, Sony Ericsson Vivaz - 360x640Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S5830, Sony Xperia E, Miro, HTC Wildfire S, C, LG Optimus - 320x480Nokia E72, E71, Asha, Alcatel OneTouch 320x240Nokia Asha 311, Samsung Galaxy 580, Omnia, LG KP500 - 240x400Old Mobile, Cell Phone, Smartphone - 240x320AppleiPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3 - 2248x2248iPhone X - 1125x2436iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus Plus - 1080x1920iphone 7, iPhone 8 - 750x1334iPhone 6 Plus - 1280x2120iPad, iPad 2, iPad mini - 1224x1224iPhone - 950x1534iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPod Touch - 840x1336iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch - 840x1160iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS - 320x480
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movilines · 8 hours
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 PRO+ 5G 6,67'' 512GB Aurora Purple Nuevo
Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro: Rendimiento Potente con Elegante Diseño 🚀 Descubre el impresionante Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro en Movilines.com! Con una puntuación Ki de 8.8 en calidad-precio, este smartphone se destaca por su potencia y hardware excepcionales, obteniendo una nota de 7.7 en estas categorías. Los usuarios lo califican con un sobresaliente 9.0, respaldado por 7 opiniones que respaldan su…
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electronicshopping · 12 days
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Original Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 S ... Price 64.35$ CLICK TO BUY
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itruckstuff · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: USB Charger Quick Charge 3.0 For Phone Tablet EU Plug.
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bizonmark · 2 months
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 PRO Smartphone 6GB 128GB Snapdragon 660AIE Android Mobile Phone 48.0MP+5.0MP Rear Camera cellphone
Description Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 PRO Smartphone 6GB 128GB Snapdragon 660AIE Android Mobile Phone 48.0MP+5.0MP Rear Camera cellphone This Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 is 99% New and we replaced the new original battery, display screen and back cover. We tested all functions before delivery, provided one-year warranty service and equipped with EU / Au / UK plug Global ROM with multi-language and google…
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govindhtech · 3 months
Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro: A Game-Changer in Budget Tablets
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Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro
Xiaomi’s Redmi Pad Pro has raised the bar for tablets and strengthened its product lineup. It has dual-purpose design for entertainment and productivity combines great design, software, and technology at a low price. The Redmi Pad Pro’s characteristics, capabilities, and value proposition are detailed in this page.
Design and Construction Quality The stylish, modern Redmi Pad Pro is useful and beautiful. Its unibody metal build makes the tablet durable and luxurious. It is tiny and light at 445 grammes and 7 mm thick. Portable for business or leisure.
The device’s 11-inch IPS LCD display with reduced bezels is immersive. Power and volume controls are ergonomically placed. MicroSD card slot and USB Type-C for charging and data transfer.
Display The Redmi Pad Pro’s display stands out. A 2560 x 1600 pixel resolution gives the 11-inch IPS LCD panel 274 PPI. Clear and colourful pictures make it ideal for work, gaming, and media.
Display refresh rate is 120Hz, improving touch and scrolling. Gaming and watching videos benefit from this higher refresh rate, which eliminates lag. The screen also supports HDR10 for better contrast and colour accuracy.
Achievement Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 powers the Redmi Pad Pro. The Adreno 650 GPU of this eight-core chipset helps a lot of apps. It can stream HD movies, play graphics-intensive games, and multitask.
A tablet might feature 4GB RAM and 64GB storage, 8GB RAM and 256GB storage, etc. Clients can choose a model according to their financial constraints. MicroSD cards add storage for files, media, and apps.
MIUI for Pad powers the Redmi Pad Pro. Based on Android, this OS has improved productivity tools, split-screen multitasking, and floating windows for larger screens.
Life of a Battery Another area where the Redmi Pad Pro shines is in battery life. An 8600mAh battery within the tablet gives it an incredible amount of life. Up to 10 hours of movie playback may be expected on a single charge, making it a dependable travel or workmate. Additionally, the gadget supports 33W rapid charging, which makes it possible to swiftly recharge the battery when needed.
Snapshot Tablets don’t normally have good cameras, but it does. The 13MP rear sensor produces decent photos and videos for casual shooting and document scanning. The front 8MP camera is great for selfies and video calls. The camera app’s AI scene detection, panoramic, and HDR settings improve shooting.
Sound Quad speakers enhance the Redmi Pad Pro’s sound. Adjusting the tablet’s four speakers produces a balanced, captivating sound. Play games, watch films, or listen to music with rich, clear audio. A more immersive sound is enhanced with Dolby Atmos compatibility.
Interaction Redmi Pad Pro has many connectivity options. Internet connectivity is reliable and fast with dual-band Wi-Fi. Bluetooth 5.1 lets the tablet pair with mice, keyboards, and headphones. Mobile users can use 4G LTE to access the internet.
Features, Software The Redmi Pad Pro’s MIUI for Pad optimises hardware. Many elements boost usability and efficiency. Split-screen multitasking lets users run two apps at once. With floating windows, you may quickly access frequently used programmes without interrupting other work. A variety of peripherals, like the Xiaomi Smart Pen and a detachable keyboard, are also compatible with the Redmi Pad Pro. The keyboard converts the tablet into a more conventional laptop-like arrangement, which is perfect for typing and productivity work. The Smart Pen is especially helpful for taking notes, drawing, and other creative chores.
Availability One of the Redmi Pad Pro’s selling factors is its cost. Due to its high-end features and mid-range price, Xiaomi’s tablet targets a wider market. The pricing depends on region and setup, but it usually beats comparable competitors.
The tablet is available through Xiaomi’s networks, online retailers, and a few storefronts. Due to the many options, customers can choose the model that meets their needs and budget.
Redmi Pad pro cost A good price for a great device, the Redmi Pad Pro. Approximately CNY 1,499, or USD 220, is how much the model with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage costs in China. The type with 128GB of storage and 8GB of RAM costs about 998 Chinese yuan, or 260 US dollars. Pricing differences between countries are caused by taxes and levies on imports. Within the mid-range tablet market, the Redmi Pad Pro is a popular choice thanks to its strong performance and lovely design, all at a fair price.
In summary Due to its durability and adaptability, Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro is a great value tablet. Its excellent display, long battery life, low pricing, and powerful performance appeal to a wide spectrum of clients. The Redmi Pad Pro meets your productivity, entertainment, and both needs.
Xiaomi’s Redmi Pad Pro demonstrates its commitment to inexpensive, high-quality gadgets. The Redmi Pad Pro’s feature-rich OS, powerful internals, and stylish design make it one of the best tablets in its category at a low price.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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issoimporta · 3 months
Modelo: Suporte Games"Gamepad Joystick para Smartphones Android e IOS - modelo UNIVERSAL. Encaixe retrátil: Tamanho MÁXIMO do Smartphone 17,0 cm Tamanho MÍNIMO do Smartphone 12,5 cm Caso o celular seja menor que o tamanho mínimo, poderá ser encaixado no Gamepad juntamente com uma capinha protetora, para que de o tamanho e fique seguro. A forma mais fácil, divertida e agradável de jogar em um celular. Compatível com todos os Celulares e Smartphones Android ou IOS que possuam de 4.5"" até 6.5"" (polegadas). Ideal para quem sente desconforto e dores na hora de jogar. O mal posicionamento das mãos na hora de segurar um Smartphone por um longo período de tempo, podem causar um grande incômodo e prejudicar o desempenho durante jogos e partidas que requerem o máximo de concentração. O Gamepad da marca MBTech tem formato anatômico, e foi desenvolvido para o máximo de conforto para as mãos e dedos. Desenvolvido com base no formato dos melhores Joysticks do mercado, este Gamepad oferece o melhor em segurança para o seu dispositivo celular e para o bem estar do seu corpo. Por NÃO conter peças pequenas, o Gamepad é destinado a todas as idades. Modelo com compatibilidade UNIVERSAL com encaixe retrátil. Alguns dos modelos compatíveis com o Gamepad: - Xiaomi Mi A2 - Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 - One Plus 5T - Moto G5 / G6 Plus - Zenfone 3 Max - Galaxy J5 / J6 / J7 (Duos / Prime / Pro) - Moto Z Play - Moto G5S Plus - Moto C Plus - LG K10 - iPhone X / 7 / 8 Plus /XsMax/ 11 Pro Max Entre outros. Ideal para jogos Online, Mobas e jogos de tiro, entre muitos outros. Jogue confortavelmente: - Crossfire - PUBG Mobile - Arena of Valor - Brawl Stars - Fortnite - Call of Champions - Heroes Evolved - Heroes of Order and Chaos - Iron League - Mobile Legends - Planet of Heroes - Paladins Strike - Vainglory - ARK: Survival Evolved - Asphalt Embalagem contém: 01 unidade do Gamepad Joystick para Smartphones Android e IOS"
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vyoming · 3 months
The top 10 smartphones priced under 15000
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In today's digital era, finding a smartphone that delivers high performance without being overly expensive is crucial. You've landed in the right spot if you're searching for the top 10 best smartphones under 15000. This article will highlight some of the best smartphones available in this price range, balancing features like performance, camera quality, battery life, and more.
1.Xiaomi Redmi Note 10
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 is notable for its Super AMOLED display and powerful Snapdragon 678 processor. Its quad-camera setup is perfect for photography lovers.
Display: 6.43-inch Super AMOLED Processor: Snapdragon 678 RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 48MP + 8MP + 2MP + 2MP Battery: 5000mAh
2. Realme Narzo 30
Realme Narzo 30 features a MediaTek Helio G95 processor, ideal for gaming and multitasking. Its large battery ensures prolonged usage without frequent recharges.
Display: 6.5-inch IPS LCD Processor: MediaTek Helio G95 RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 48MP + 2MP + 2MP Battery: 5000mAh
3. Samsung Galaxy M32
The Samsung Galaxy M32 comes with a vibrant display and a substantial battery. It is an excellent option for users prioritizing media consumption and long battery life.
Display: 6.4-inch Super AMOLED Processor: MediaTek Helio G80 RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 64MP + 8MP + 2MP + 2MP Battery: 6000mAh
4. Poco M3 Pro
The Poco M3 Pro offers affordable 5G connectivity and impressive battery life. The Dimensity 700 processor ensures smooth performance for everyday tasks.
Display: 6.5-inch IPS LCD Processor: MediaTek Dimensity 700 RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 48MP + 2MP + 2MP Battery: 5000mAh
5. Moto G40 Fusion
Moto G40 Fusion provides a near-stock Android experience with the powerful Snapdragon 732G processor, making it ideal for users who prefer a clean and responsive interface.
Display: 6.8-inch IPS LCD Processor: Snapdragon 732G RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 64MP + 8MP + 2MP Battery: 6000mAh
6. Infinix Note 10
Infinix Note 10 features a large display and a capable MediaTek Helio G85 processor. Its triple-camera setup captures quality photos in various lighting conditions.
Display: 6.95-inch IPS LCD Processor: MediaTek Helio G85 RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 48MP + 2MP + 2MP Battery: 5000mAh
7. Vivo Y20G
Vivo Y20G offers balanced performance with its Helio G80 processor and a long-lasting battery. Its stylish design is a plus for fashion-conscious users.
Display: 6.51-inch IPS LCD Processor: MediaTek Helio G80 RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 13MP + 2MP + 2MP Battery: 5000mAh
8. OPPO A53
OPPO A53 features a sleek design and a smooth 90Hz display. The Snapdragon 460 processor provides reliable performance for daily activities.
Display: 6.5-inch IPS LCD Processor: Snapdragon 460 RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 13MP + 2MP + 2MP Battery: 5000mAh
9. Micromax IN Note 1
Micromax IN Note 1 is an excellent budget-friendly smartphone with a stock Android experience. It also features a large display and a capable MediaTek Helio G85 processor.
Display: 6.67-inch IPS LCD Processor: MediaTek Helio G85 RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 48MP + 5MP + 2MP + 2MP Battery: 5000mAh
10. Tecno Pova 2
Tecno Pova 2 offers a massive battery and a large display, making it perfect for multimedia consumption and extended usage.
Display: 6.95-inch IPS LCD Processor: MediaTek Helio G85 RAM: 4GB/6GB Storage: 64GB/128GB Camera: 48MP + 2MP + 2MP + 2MP
Choosing the top 10 best smartphones under 15000 can be challenging given the numerous options available. However, the models above offer excellent value for money, balancing performance, camera quality, battery life, and design. Whether you prioritize gaming, or photography, or simply need a reliable device for everyday use, there’s a smartphone on this list for you.
For more blogs visit our website – vyoming.com
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ronnybetatester · 6 months
Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G HyperOS Update
#Werbung aus #FreudeAmTesten Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G HyperOS Update #ronnybetatester #hyperos #redmi #xiaomi
Vor ein paar Wochen konnte man sich für die Beta des HyperOS Updates des Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G anmelden. Das habe ich natürlich auch gemacht und mich schon gefreut, das Update testen zu dürfen. Nach dem honor 7 wäre das mal wieder schön gewesen. Es ist schon sehr lange her, seit ich die letzte Beta Version eines Smartphone Updates testen durfte. Keine Beta Leider musste ich feststellen, dass…
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newtechworld · 7 months
Samsung Galaxy Book4 Pro 360 Laptop 16" - Novità 2024: Prestazioni AI Avanzate e Creatività Senza Limiti
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Recensione del Samsung Galaxy Book4 Pro 360: Un Laptop All'Avanguardia per il 2024
Il Samsung Galaxy Book4 Pro 360 è una vera e propria meraviglia tecnologica che si distingue per le sue prestazioni all'avanguardia e la sua versatilità.
Questo laptop, lanciato come novità nel 2024, promette di soddisfare le esigenze degli utenti più esigenti con un mix perfetto di potenza, portabilità e funzionalità creative.
Prestazioni Potenziate dall'Intelligenza Artificiale:
Dotato di un potente processore Intel Core Ultra, il Galaxy Book4 Pro 360 offre prestazioni AI avanzate che permettono di gestire senza sforzo anche i compiti più impegnativi.
La generazione di immagini dettagliate e la velocità di elaborazione sono solo alcuni degli aspetti che rendono questo laptop un vero campione di potenza computazionale.
Creatività Senza Limiti con Touchscreen e S Pen:
Grazie al touchscreen integrato e alla S Pen inclusa, esprimere la propria creatività diventa un gioco da ragazzi.
Scrivere, disegnare e navigare diventano esperienze fluide e intuitive, consentendo agli utenti di portare le proprie idee alla vita con precisione e facilità.
Display Vision Booster per un'Esperienza Visiva Immersiva:
Il display da 16 pollici con tecnologia Vision Booster offre una chiarezza visiva sorprendente, anche sotto la luce diretta del sole.
I colori vividi e il contrasto impeccabile permettono di godere appieno di contenuti multimediali e di lavorare con maggiore precisione in qualsiasi ambiente.
Connettività Avanzata e Funzionalità Innovative:
Le porte multifunzionali, l'HDMI migliorato e le porte Thunderbolt 4 consentono di collegare e navigare rapidamente tra dispositivi esterni. Inoltre, la possibilità di utilizzare il telefono come fotocamera connessa offre una flessibilità senza precedenti per catturare immagini di alta qualità.
In definitiva, il Samsung Galaxy Book4 Pro 360 si distingue come un laptop all'avanguardia che unisce prestazioni potenti, funzionalità innovative e design elegante.
Se sei alla ricerca di un dispositivo in grado di soddisfare le tue esigenze creative e lavorative, questo laptop è sicuramente una scelta da prendere in considerazione. Con il Galaxy Book4 Pro 360, il futuro della tecnologia è già qui.
Scopri il nuovo Galaxy Book4 Pro tamite il nostro link di affiliazione amazon.
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