#xiao gen1
garbagedad95 · 2 years
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Emerson excels at parenting, by the way, and seems to adore every second of it. Morgan does not excel at makeup-doing, though.
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kingsandbastardz · 4 months
So I've been a weirdo that's tracked the growth of Xiao Shunyao's hair ever since the Shen Langhun wig gave him a boost in confidence and I guuuuesssss he decided to let it grow out natural for once? Cuz like with all his preening selfies and videos, I think he realized he could look legitimately hot with it longer?
He's been either straightening it or cropping it short for the majority of his career. Anyway the following images are all from various fan photographers - many of whom have followed XSY for several years and he's comfortable enough with them that he chats with them when he's awake enough to. (And I think possibly may have some access to his schedule or at least coordinates with his fanclub/etc)
01 Here's where it grew out enough that I was like oh hey there's a bit of curl??
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02 the point where I was like ...this is more than a bit of curl *yells into the void* HEY DOES ANYONE KNOW IF HE'S NATURALLY CURLY? (But that one childhood photo that's floating around has straight hair??)
discord answering back: Someone on weibo said yes curly~~
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03 @ahfeiandhisdao dubbed the bit of hair sticking out the back loop of his baseball cap as "the sprout". I start checking for updates on the growth status of the sprout. The lower part is looking distinctly like a duck-butt.
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04 Sprout gets bigger until it merges with the duck butt (pre-injury) - everyone tried to maintain a distance or at least manage the crowd while he was injured so no shots of the back of his head then. Esp not once the wheelchair got brought out. (And good thing too. It got waaaay too rowdy whenever there were other actors' fans there at the same time.)
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05 Hengdian Airport after SLY finished shooting. The duck butt is a full duck. He's not taken the hat off once. Fans are slavering and clawing at their screens daily and begging on weibo for a curly selfie. (none have materialized yet)
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06 Here's an image of a duck.
No reason.
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Have some vintage gen1 boyband-era Xiao Shunyao with curly hair that's half-fried between bouts of straightening: I think he's in his very early 20s?? Over 10 years ago, at any rate.
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I hope he's learned how to care for his curl pattern and/or finds a stylist that does. His past stylists had noooo idea what to do with it.
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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I didn't mean to do a baby cliffhanger, but babies are just so uninteresting that I literally didn't take any pictures until post-toddler-ification. Morgan is happy to have a new sibling! But he is not happy to get a hug from mommy :( I have a ton of mods to maximize autonomy and make sims as individual as possible, and Sara is a shining example of those working because I have never had a sim who seems so strangely ambivalent about being a parent! She doesn't (and didn't) have a fear of pregnancy or anything, she just... doesn't click very well with the tots? And she doesn't actually try very often, so when she does it is often rejected. On the contrary, I'm not sure I've ever had a sim so immediately enamored of parenting as Emerson, who seems to adore every second of it and wants to spend all his time with the kids. I feel a little bad for Sara, but am fascinated by the dichotomy.
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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I can't help it and I'm not even sorry, I just love this little booger. LOOK at him! He is pretending he is a kitty cat! Loki looks so sad to not have a toddler clapping in his face, but don't worry Loki he loves you, too.
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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Meet Morgan!!! He is fussy and absolutely precious. Emerson looks like he might faint. He loves fatherhood, but much like myself is thinking, "YOU JUST GAVE BIRTH!" There's no time to dwell on that though, because Sara has to go to an impromptu expecting mom's club in the city center in the dead of winter. But hey, look! Marisol is pregnant too!
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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I'm planning to just summarize Emerson's first while since it was mostly just grinding for a bit of cash (especially with my weird, ever changing and increasingly masochistic rules) and trying to save Strangerville, which I know we've all seen done a thousand times!
(And yes, we went to the romance festival solely to steal plants which, fun fact, is also what my fully grown, little old lady mother does at stores that sell plants, and then when she sees me she will cackle and say, "look what I stole today!!!" and it will just be a tiny plant cutting)
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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don't let him fool you, he only does a few seconds of yoga at a time. it cracks me up.
it took longer in game, but these are basically all the pics i have before Em moved to a bigger house! also, look at Loki, he is such a good boy I love him.
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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Sick pic, bro.
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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SHE'S HERE. Welcome to the land of mobility, Frances Xiao! She rolled charmer, which is very fitting (whereas fussy doesn't actually suit Morgan that well). Emerson is writing and hanging out with the babies. And he got a haircut! And peep his sick ass collectibles that I finally put up! Technically it's just the landing, but it serves as Em's office space so he can work and still be with the kiddos :))
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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Birthday date birthday date birthday date! Sara just gave birth so they had a nice little at-home date and Emerson made some ~gourmet pasta~ which Sara absolutely inhaled because she is a glutton (very annoying trait when you want to make food for the household in advance, let me tell you). It was cute and slightly awkward because they are still a kind of mismatched couple.
Welcome to Adulthood, babies! Also, how good does Emerson look?
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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Sara has the nurturing trait, but is surprisingly not-very-nurturing in practice. And also not particularly inclined towards motherhood.
Oh, and yes. Yes, these pictures are in the correct order, she immediately got pregnant again. You just gave birth Sara!!! Classic family sim behavior though- want a million babies, be weirdly indifferent to said babies, ignore them to go do a sexy growl at your best friend.
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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I just think that top pic feels so cozy. Sara was teaching Loki to sit when she went into labor! She seems mildly uncomfortable, but mostly pretty chill. Emerson is losing it, but Sara is just like "hold on, I have to finish teaching him sit"
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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The baby room is too small to take good pics in, apologies.
Sara moved in! And the house got some kid-friendly additions :)
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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Sara and Marisol invited Emerson over to meet their new dog, Hazley. Hazley sucks and gained a festering grudge against Emerson for introducing himself. Fuck you too, Hazley. Jerk (genuinely, I don't think anyone had a positive interaction with him. Is he really a dog, even? CAUSE HE SEEMS LIKE A JERK. Ahem).
I think there was maybe a more important being Sara wanted to introduce Emerson to, in the form of XIAO BABY NUMBER ONE!!! Looks like Emerson's getting a couple new roommates!
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garbagedad95 · 2 years
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Welcome wagon! They didn't really click too well, so it was sort of awkward. Ironically, Emerson is actually friendly with Savannah, but she slept through the whole visit!
Then he went to the gym, publicly confessed his love for Sara, which she did not appreciate, and met Sara's best friend/roommate Marisol! I definitely wasn't kind of hoping they might get on well since he and Sara seem a little mismatched. Also, Savannah is asleep again but here now. I love her.
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