#xianzhou craftsman
draconicfool · 2 months
It's the middle of the night. That's the first thing that goes through his mind at the knock. That it's the middle of the night and he's tired.
But he's told people before to bother him if they need him. Even at this late hour. But what greets him isn't a familiar face but a stranger.
The small doctor standing in the door on his fluffy robe. Staring for a moment. Processing. The planet has opened so recently it's only natural some ships just weren't ready for the weather. But all the same it's like a prickle on the back of his neck. A warning. Not that he knows why. It just feels off. Adjusting his tone a bit, he'd look the other over before turning his head for a moment. Back towards his room.
"Oh- hang on a tick, sugar-. Let me go get dressed and I'll come, okay?" And he shuts the door for a moment. Actually intending to get dressed. But along with that, he stows his mask into his jacket and goes back to the door. A soft smile plastered on his features. "Lead th' way~."
@xianzhou-craftsman || c.
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malumae · 1 month
A week later, Yingxing sends a link to a news story about a very unpleasant, old money millionaire's private collection being broken into, supposedly by the infamous Stellaron Hunter Ren. A single, priceless, seven-hundred year old Xianzhou-make sword was stolen. The heist was successful! He will purposefully not think about that favor he now owes.
"Y I N G X I N G ."
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maskednihilism · 14 days
@xianzhou-craftsman || eheheheheheh not plotted, all schemed by ME!!!
It's quiet in the blacksmith's workshop. Well quiet except for the clanging said blacksmith was doing. And the occasional hiss whenever he placed the hot metal in some oil or whatever else. Sampo's not the blacksmith, so how would he know?
That being said, he was in the workshop too. Quietly watching the man do his work. As expected, Yingxing was in deep concentration. Eyes solely focused on the metal he would soon make into a fine weapon. Small sparks fly with each swing of the hammer. Sweat glistening on the blacksmith's forehead.
It was a tranquil time. In those times… Sampo felt vulnerable. As a Masked Fool, his heart should be closed off to people like him. He's supposed to play playful pranks and get under people's skin. Which he does do, both things really. But sometimes he wondered…
Could he be an earnest man like Yingxing? Crafting something people need? Live a simple, peaceful life without real regrets or despair of searching for the next thrill?
Sampo wondered that as he stared at the other. Emerald hues intently staring at him as he continued his work.
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lxckblessed · 3 months
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"I suppose that makes two of us then, friend." He responded with a laugh, taking a seat across the man as he rested his chin in his hand. Certainly there was more than natural talent at work. Nobody knew that better than Aventurine. Even if luck was on one's side, there was always so much more to a successful gamble.
"You might just be right about that. Though I'd have to say in this game, I'd probably be hopeless. After all, you might just be the only person here who knows how to play."
@xianzhou-craftsman || c.
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lunarslice · 3 months
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iceswords · 3 months
[ high five ] sender gives receiver a congratulatory high five (Cool Uncle strikes again)
( meme source. )
the young lieutenant had recently started to take sword crafting lessons from yingxing and as promised he gave it his full attention and focus, very eager to learn more about his special interest and even more eager to put the things he learned into practice. having to dress somewhat lighter as the heat from the furnace was a lot for anyone to handle for long periods of time. he also was quite the impatient boy which led to a lot of frustration and failed attempts.
despite the fact that yingxing hadn’t had high expectations for him, yanqing still wanted to make him proud or for the most part at least impressed and thus wouldn’t quit until he could manage to successfully make one thing.
“ uncle yingxing! I finally did it!” covered in sweat and this black dust, yanqing ran over to show off the knife he had been able to make. it was simple in design and nothing about it was special in any sense but the lieutenant was quite proud of himself on being able to make it and have it be functional or at least not break upon the first strike. he would only be made even more proud when the older then shared in his excitement, giving the boy a high five to congratulate him on a job well done.
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fwuffcat · 2 months
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I was just making a graphic and it resized and moved everything :')
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arbitergeneraljy · 4 months
*snaps a picture of the kitty general* "I'm not to be held accountable for any of this, by the way. I didn't instigate anything."
The sound of the shutter immediately caught his attention , head snapping in the direction of him holding the phone up , no doubt pointed his way . Jing Yuan had to bite back a groan of embarrassment , heat spreading from his ears to his neck and cheeks . ❞ Is that so , gege ? ❝
❞ Because I can somewhat recall the very specific words of ‘ Jingliu had a very badly behaved kitten ’ , I wonder where I heard it from . ❝ With the way he crossed his arms over his chest — aureate eyes narrowed , one could almost see the figurative tail flicking behind him , fully embodying an annoyed cat now .
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reallyrandomtj · 2 months
reallyrandomtj said HERE: My Jing Yuan: feels called out @xianzhou-craftsman replied: as he should!
Pretend Jing Yuan is holding up a piece of tomato ~
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"Hey Yingxing ~ Pspspspsps!"
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 3 months
continued from [x] @xianzhou-craftsman
"That's always the excuse, isn't it?" She retorted, her sad and upset tone slightly muffled by the blankets. "Losing track of time doesn't mean that you push yourself to the point that your friend finds you unresponsive on the floor and can't wake you up, Yingxing."
His touch on her ear was so warm. So gentle. Yingxing had always been like this towards her, ever since they first met so many months ago. So why, she thought... why couldn't he ever be gentle with himself, too? Chenhua knew of his past, of how he had grown up when the war against the Abundance was at its most severe, and of how everything he had ever known and cherished had been ripped from him all those centuries ago. If anyone deserved to find peace in this life, it was Yingxing, and it pained her to see that he was still hurting himself in this way.
Slowly, Chenhua pushed herself off to sit upright in her seat, shuffling the chair to be right up against the bed, and both of her hands moving to grasp Yingxing's as if afraid it would slip away from her. Her gaze was desperate and pleading, her emotions on full display before him as hot tears continued their descent down her sweet face.
"I... I hate seeing you like this, Yingxing. Overworking yourself like this? It's not normal." She took in a shaky breath, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment. So many emotions had boiled up to the surface, including ones Chenhua had been too bashful to admit. But right now, at this present moment, she felt like she had no choice. Yingxing needed to know exactly how she felt. Marigold eyes opened once again, and her next words were spoken softly.
"I... I love you too much to see you destroy yourself like this..."
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draconicfool · 2 months
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@xianzhou-craftsman asked: "you're the prettiest thing i've ever seen." but hear me out: it's Yingxing meeting Emanator Eros
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There's silence for a moment. Unsettling silence as the Emanator stops what they're doing. Claws releasing the throat of the now long dead man in front of them. And they would stand up. Almost as if they were a puppet on strings being lifted from the ground. Those bright purple eyes staring at the man that had made...the mistake of coming into this part of the city. The man that had unfortunately wandered close enough to the Emanator of Voracity while they were eating. And a shaky step was taken forward. And then another. Tail flicking back...and forth.
And as soon as they were close enough, they'd reach up. Surprisingly gentle as they ran a blood-soaked claw along the other's chin. Grinning up at the other. That moment of terrifying pressure changed seemingly so instantly- albeit it was still there. Just...less so, it seemed.
"...s'that so..~? Y'think that 'm th' prettiest thing...y'er eyes have ever come upon..~?" Their voice comes out a purr, really. Those teeth on full display as they look the other over. Up...and down. As if any moment he, too, would be swallowed up.
"...Hah...I like ya~. 'm gonna keep ya."
the prettiest thing I've seen || accepting
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malumae · 14 hours
Hands him a plastic bag full of small metal bits. "I had these left over. Figured you might want them to throw at people or something."
takes the bag and immediately rummages through it to pull out one of the smaller pieces and put it in his own mouth. really, it's no different from chewing on the tab of a soda can and he does that fairly often so.
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maskednihilism · 19 days
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"... let's just not talk about the Aha issue." Aside from that, it's a pretty pleasing result in his opinion.
@xianzhou-craftsman || prompt! || From Yingxing!
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"I'd love to but it is an unfortunate eventually. THEY will come and you need to be ready when THEY do."
But hey that's four bingos.
"I guess we are meant to be! Take me Yingxing! Take me now before Jing Yuan does!" Where is he taking him? Probably to jail for those explosives he planted near the Divine Seat.
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wentian · 1 year
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lunarslice · 3 months
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Peonies, carnations, and chrysanthemums, an arrangement that held a lot of deep meaning. Jingliu had worked hard to pick the freshest and best that she could find. She wanted the gift to be the most beautiful and the kindest thing she had ever given. As her hands worked diligently to pack them together, she realized how difficult it was to make something look heavenly and artistic. She resigned and sought help from her closest friend. After hours of relentless teasing, her foxian friend gave in and helped her arrange the flowers into something truly magical. Jingliu was almost blown away at the creativity; how it made the bouquet something more. Now it laid in her hands, properly wrapped and with a large blue bow in tow. Nervousness prevailed in her stomach as she finally set off to do the hardest part of her overture.
She had to hand them in.
Her steps were determined, but every now and then -- hesitation. Was this rushed? Were these the right color, the right size? Oh, so many burning questions made her want to turn back and leave the ensemble at Baiheng's. Then as she's rambling in her mind, she bumps into something solid. Jingliu looks up and her head screams. She's bumped into the man the flowers need to go to. Actually, did she accidentally bruise them?
❝ O-oh, um. Hello! I-uh. I'm on a bit of a mission. Here. ❞
The flowers are abruptly shoved towards @xianzhou-craftsman, her face is looking at the ground. This is not the smooth gifting that she had, had in mind.
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traincarsandstars · 2 months
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@xianzhou-craftsman @draconicfool
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