#xi loves fashion!! she loves getting to express herself in any way! she loves it!
sunhalf · 10 months
xion definitely makes a few fashion missteps (  nothing as bad as the onesie, thank you  ) as she gets more comfortable with fashion and assured of her own style — once she moves out of her intial ‘i’m just imitating the girls around me because it's important to me that i be read as a girl at all times’ thing and into ‘i’m confident enough to try my own styles and take risks.’  that being said, her looks are by and large pretty solid! she has 3.5 main ‘styles’ for the most part.  the first is a pretty feminine / soft goth thing that’s fairly close to her post - kh3 style.  (  this is the look that gets the .5 when she shifts from fem goth to fem punky; fewer skirts, more ripped jeans.  considers getting her nose pierced, hasn’t decided yet.  )  the second is a more beachy cute look, favours a lot of whites and pale blues, off - shoulder blouses, etc.  third is very 90s esque colour blocks, crop top hoodies, high waisted jeans, et cetera. there’s plenty of less 'styled' looks too, obviously, when she’s just throwing clothes on; t - shirts and shorts, sweatshirts and straight - cut mom jeans, printed gay button - ups, etc.  if she’s dating someone her size or larger, she probably steals their clothes, too.
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fayewonglibrary · 4 years
Leah Dou, Faye Wong, Dou Wei: They are the most beautiful individuals in music (2016)
Leah Dou’s new album was officially released on April 22. The fresh psychedelic rock style is perfectly fused with her whole temperament: low-key, comfortable, a little cool, but not cold.
The release of the album was also a hot search topic online. But maybe because her music career is still in its early stages, it did not cause a spectacle of Leah Dou being overhyped all over the place for most netizens. Those who like her are low-key about it and repost it in their circle of friends. After all, this music style follows closely between Dou Wei's "Black Dreams" and the music literacy of most Faye Wong fans.
Fans who simply like Leah Dou's music are still "in reserve". After all, she is still a newcomer in the music industry who has just debuted.
Faye Wong's influence?
Leah Dou made her debut and the media and onlookers are all gearing up. Everyone always thinks that you can get Faye Wong related stories from her. Therefore, regardless of whether it is during Taiwan or Hong Kong promotions, after the veteran reporters and hosts ask two or three questions, they will still talk about Faye Wong. The traditional safe topic is generally: "Does Mom have any input about your music?"
The answer is naturally no. According to Faye Wong’s natural character (type O blood loves freedom), she never guided her daughter to listen to any particular type of music. But during her touring years, she often brought Tong Tong by her side. Leah grew up listening to Faye’s songs since she was a child, so even if Faye didn’t provide a playlist for Leah, her preferences are in the same line as Faye's music.
Leah Dou’s pure English album seems to be different from Faye Wong’s music style, but in fact her creations are still influenced. In an interview, she talked about two Faye Wong songs she likes:  "Only Loves Strangers" and "The Flower on the Other Shore".
The former was released in 1999 on the album of the same name. While the latter was the fifth song on "Fable" in 2000. Around 2000, Faye Wong's music production quality was quite high and classic songs multiplied. At that time, she had broken up with Dou Wei and fell in love with Nicholas Tse. Her emotional life was spread out in front of the public and became the hot news of the times. It also gave the media and songwriters many stories and pictures to play with. The lyrics of "Only Love Strangers" reveal a deep sense of sadness but not misery. The melody and arrangement are in a psychedelic pop electronic style that was avant-garde and fashionable at the time. This album is a classic. Except for the three lyrics written by Taiwanese manager Sister Kwan and Yuan Wenren, the rest of the lyrics were written by Lin Xi. The whole album focuses on broken love. Faye Wong’s attitude towards these feelings gave Lin Xi a lot of inspiration and creative space. By using music to treat people who are broken in love, Lin Xi had a lot of fun in this album. He made the broken relationship less shameful. 
Faye Wong’s love affairs combined with Lin Xi’s words and Zhang Yadong’s psychedelic ambiguity, made this album a classic in the hearts of fans. But in fact, "Fable" from 2000 might be a better reflection of Faye’s music preferences and taste. This was a concept album in which she composed five songs by herself:  "Cambrian Era", "New Tenant", "Chanel", "Asura", "The Flower on the Other Shore". In fact, you can hear the influence in Leah’s music today.
Looking back at Faye Wong's music itself, you will find that Leah Dou’s music is quite similar. Faye has many love songs, but this is the "bundle of love" by Lin Xi and other writers, or in other words, the bundling of the market. After all, her era is different from the era in which Leah made her debut. In Leah’s time, Chinese pop music has no commercial power, so her creative space is actually very large. In the 90s and 2000s, as a representative of mainstream singers, Faye Wong didn’t have many opportunities to be herself in music. "Fable" is one piece and "Di-Dar" is another. The rest of her perception and understanding of music and preferences are scattered in various mainstream albums aimed at the commercial market.
Faye Wong is quite smart. After many years, when we look back, we found that she is actually a musician who combined the best of business and art. She had enough talent and expressiveness to do this. When she needed to cater to the demands of the market, she did it with her personal style. The market wanted love songs, so she had Lin Xi help her write the most out-of-the-world love songs. The market wanted melodies, so she sang the most basic pop songs with a distinct flavor.
Old music fans also know that her singing voice did not take shape in one day. Her understanding, expressive ability and excellent musical taste makes her music enduring.  By making popular music avant-garde and fashionable, this is the absolute reason why she can stand firm in the Chinese music industry. Psychedelic, rock, pop, rap, the concepts and styling... The music she produced brought too much content to the Chinese pop music industry. Classic lyrics that influenced fans. Concerts that made the music beautiful and visual.
But now that there is no such icon anymore, the music world is really lonely. So we must cherish Leah Dou because even as a newcomer, we are greedy for her potential.
Dou Wei accompanied?
This is what the gossip reported. For Leah Dou’s debut, Faye Wong accompanied the rehearsal and Dou Wei accompanied the recording. If it is indeed true, it is also very pleasant to hear.
The public still has a lot of misunderstandings about this talented family, both good and bad. Aside from their ordinary life, just talk about their connection in music. Dou Wei and Faye Wong are actually very similar to the two poles in the same dimension. They have a certain degree of similarity, such as artistic talent, musical taste, aesthetics, and spirituality. So they were attracted and fell in love with each other, and they also influenced each other musically.
Of course they have many differences too. Different living environments and attitudes towards life, different values, different personalities, so they will eventually part ways. However, their short marriage created the most precious treasures for the music industry. They produced great music and they had great live performances. In the classic Faye Wong concert “Scenic Tour”, when the drum beats and the music sounds, the two rose from the darkness on stage together, which was the most beautiful moment in the world.
The world's supreme illusion of love is not like this: we are together, we like each other, imitate each other, worship each other, we collaborate, and we appear in the most perfect and beautiful way.
Dou Wei also did not give his daughter any so-called detailed guidance. He is a genius. His parenting to her comes in the form of exchanging talents. Needless to say, it is teaching by example. Dou Wei also doesn't need to provide a playlist for his daughter because as she grows older, she will naturally listen to her father's classics whether it was in the Hei Bao era or after flying solo. Of course, the reclusive music road that he eventually went on, only playing instrumentals in the later period, may not be understood by everyone. But she has grown up to an age when she can thoroughly understand the inner peace of her genius father.  Ordinary music lovers may only interpret Dou Wei in the three albums of "Black Dream", "Sunny Days", and "Mountain River", but they cannot understand the position he expressed in later periods. If we limit the criteria for success to the commercial scope, it can be said that as a non-commercial musician who has not gained benefits in proportion to fame and respect in the music industry, Dou Wei has suffered from the great changes of the times. Faye Wong was lucky enough to step on the right point each time, while Dou Wei finally chose to withdraw and not participate. Of course, such an independent position is consistent with his music, unique aesthetic, independent thinking, and independent walking outside the circle. This is actually very good, he has not become a grandson and veteran of the times. He still became the only Dou Wei in his own way.
In 1998, Faye Wong's "Sing and Play" album included the song "Child" written for her daughter. Faye Wong is not very good at expressing love face-to-face, but the lyrics are extremely loving. Leah Dou was not obedient and dropped out of school at age 16 but she did not learn bad behavior. She is humble, polite, bright and confident. She did illuminate the darkness of Faye Wong's heart and became her dependence.
Why is the saying "the whole Chinese music industry is waiting for her to grow up" a bit annoying? Because in those years when we grew up, there was always music related to her to accompany us, whether it is the song “Child”, "You're Happy So I’m Happy", or the babblings recorded by Faye Wong in various singles. For music fans who loved Faye Wong, Leah Dou seems to have verified our youth. But now she has grown up and created her own album, her voice is slightly low but also in the shadow of Faye Wong’s voice. Her raised eyebrows and surprised look is exactly like Faye Wong. She is languid with a slightly shy look. She accidentally pulled people into their memories, but you snap out of it in three seconds. She is the most independent individual. She is like Faye Wong but is completely different from Faye Wong. Her thoughts are systemic rather than sentimental and fragmented like Faye Wong. She said that she does not rely on inspiration to write songs. “Inspiration has no continuity. It just comes and goes for a while.” She just loves to write. When inspiration comes, write faster. When there is no inspiration, she is still willing to do it.  She likes Radiohead's "Creep", it feels very bare and the music sounds honest. She also likes psychology, philosophy, and language...
She is rational and calm. She is a very independent individual. She came from her parents, but she is very different from them. She is Leah Dou, the most anticipated newcomer in the Chinese music industry in 2016.
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