#xi .   ╱   open starter .
catsdisco · 2 years
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“Man, what a shitty holiday…but hey, at least the chocolate goes on sale tomorrow. That’s an upside, right?”
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scionheart · 1 year
Open RP Starter || Spiral
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With fingers laced around the string of his bow, dark brown eyes shift to the individual next to him for a moment. Soft moonlight stretches across his side, the wind licking at the arc of hair in front of his face. There's a soft rustle of the leaves from the trees all around, grass shimmering at their feet. There's a slight illumination at the male's heels, soft blue in color, just barely unobscured by the greenery. To their left, a tree line followed by where the moonlight cannot reach. Within, a shimmering metal plate. Then another not far from it. The distance out into the empty plains before them contains more scattered about, held up by wooden stakes. Some are dummies that look as scarecrows, their lifeless forms seeming to be guarding the different directions they face towards.
Straightening himself up, Hanzo raises his weapon, it's arrow tip towards the one of the moonlight's reflections ahead. He silently slides one foot back, drawing a soft breath that matches his pull of the bow string. A few short seconds pass before his fingers release, sending the arrow whistling through the crisp air. With clang of the metal plate paired with the hard thud of the arrowhead lodging itself into the wooden support behind it, he lowers his bow. His deep, slightly gruff voice can be heard once again as he addresses the other.
"Show me."
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cantfixyou · 2 years
she’s laying just beside them, but the opposite way - heads close, but bodies running direct opposite to one another. two lines, one meeting point. not quite ear-to-ear, but close. staring at the stars. nothing but SPACE around them. “ i’ve been having this dream recently. ” she’s a little quiet when she says it. vulnerable. she doesn’t know if she needs to talk about it. but she wants to. “ nothing scary or anything, ” is how she continues on, trying for casual, but there’s just too much SOFTNESS in her mouth. everything is a little mushy. “ i... i keep dreaming i have a sister. ” a long moment passes. it hurts her to even think about. a gaping wound has cut open her chest. longing. “ her name is stephanie. ” stephanie and charlotte lee. like a ghost all it’s own. “ weird, i know. ” and she’s immediately trying to play it off, to chuckle, to pretend like she wasn’t aching. “ probably just means i need to call my dad, huh ? ” maybe. she really does miss her mom and dad.
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petri808 · 1 year
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Day 10 @flufftober - “love of my life” Tianshan drabble. MO’s POV
It took distance to make me finally admit just how much Tian meant to me. To think, a relationship that began with a fight and ending up as lovers was not something I could have imagined. Not ever, and certainly not with another man when I’d been simply scrapping by as a loser under the thumb of a heartless gang leader like She Li. Back then I didn’t have much of an opinion about myself other than ending up working some low wage job behind a stove somewhere and living with my mother. No one else but her cared, well, except maybe Buzzcut. It certainly wasn’t enough to make me care about myself. Why should I have? I was no genus at academics, pretty good cook and able to clean, but that just made me a servant, a slave— Big deal.
At first, He Tian wasn’t much different from She Li in that he pushed me around too. Cook for him, clean for him, drug me around on whims, scaring the hell out of me on too many occasions. And yet, it was… different. For starters, Tian paid me which was great for me and my mom since we could use the money. Tian didn’t beat me or use me for illegal stuff like getting into fights with rival gangs. But I have to say the turning point started with standing up for me and refusing to let me take the fall for something I didn’t do. Tian and Jian and Xi, the trio fighting with the school administration and using their connections, took me completely by surprise when I didn’t think I deserved their help. Buying me things and showing me another side of the world I never experienced before slowly pulled me in. Showing me what friendship really meant, well, isn’t that what we all want?
But… it’s when I saw the pain in Tian’s eyes when he found me broken and battered, and the anger he unleashed on She Li for breaking my body and spirit, then the ferocity he showed when they hurt Jian, just wow… how could it not have sucked me in? This man cared so damn much, taught me so much, it felt amazing when I scored that 80 on the test and the glimmer in his eyes of how proud he was for me. Damn, I knew then I was falling in love.
Then his brother had to take him away from us— from me, and send him to another school where I couldn’t follow. The bastard, I was so angry at first at Chen. Couldn’t the bastard see how much we meant to each other? Tch. Yeah, okay we kept in touch by phone and Tian would come home to visit during breaks, but for the majority of three years I had to endure without him. Just Jian and Xi as company, it wasn’t the same damn it! I really started to miss the times he would sneak into bed with me or watched me when he thought I was asleep. The kisses he’d sneak in or touching me and grabbing onto me when it was dark… I really, really missed it, him, and counted the days till I’d see him again. But most of all, I just missed the company and his support. Of him pushing me to do better in school and simply be a better man. So, I did what he hoped during our time apart and did my best in school, biding my time till the day we could reunite.
What will he think?
Jian Yi answered the knock on the bedroom door. It was Qi letting us know it was time to head down to the backyard.
“Ya ready?” Jian asked me and I nod yes… nervous, but ready for what was next. So he grins and straightens my tie before patting me on the shoulder. “Let’s go, your man awaits,” he teases.
Tch, I sneer but with a blushing grin. My man? Yeah, that man alright. I follow along as I’m lead then told to wait just inside the door to the backyard. We can hear the music starting to play. Oof, the nerves are kicking in. Excited nervous energy that’s making me grin from ear to ear— Dun, dun da dun, dun da da dun… Jian claps me on the back seconds before they door opens to the crowd of onlookers staring back at us from He Cheng’s backyard adorned with the makings of a garden wedding venue. A swallow hard to drench my parched throat as I see the love of my life standing at the end of the flower-laced aisle waiting for me with the biggest smile I think I’ve ever seen.
I take a deep breath and walk forward with a smile. Thank you, He Tian for choosing me…
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lcxstsouls · 1 year
Starter call and short synopsis for each muse below the cut! Each muse will be capped at 3 starters for now. Please specify who and for whom you'd like a starter!
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Kevin Keller - was pulled in by magic. while kevin is more of a fighter than he appears to be, he will be very nervous still-open to injuries
betty jingnu wirt
Killian Jones - curiosity got the best of him. he has his hook and a small knife on him, ready to fight his way out - open to injuries and possible death
ryan ygritte Open
Klaus Mikaelson - was pulled in by magic. he's ready to do what it takes to make it our alive - open to injuries and possible death
wu xi sharon caroline katherine losdelia davina kol
Peggy Carter - went in on purpose. she knew she shouldn't do it, but she couldn't help herself when she saw the maze appear - open to injuries
daisy loki bucky
Jeremiah Fisher - was pulled in by magic. he'll do what it takes to try and make it out and help anyone - open to injuries and possible death
auden adrien callie
Ragnor Fell - was pulled in by magic. he's sure glad that he has his powers back and is intrigued by the maze - open to injuries
aloth max lightwood-bane jake
Oliver Hampton - was pulled in by magic. he's confused what happened, but what he lacks in fighting, he makes up for in strategy
pete james henry branwen
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mvsicinthedvrk · 1 year
a friendly psa about (some) asian names ✌️
this is not me coming to you as an admin (though this message has been admin-team-approved), this is me coming at you as an ollie, who is tired. and i am going to attempt to kindly educate, because i have been playing wei wuxian for three years, and there are still occasionally people who call him 'wei.' pls believe that i know it's not intentional and that it's definitely not meant maliciously, but it's still tiring. so!! i wrote this nice little guide to (some) asian names, and i am hoping you will read it, and potentially learn something about a different culture, if this is new to you 💕
east asian names are usually (not always! but usually!) structured as surname + given name. (aka family name first, then first name). so for example, my chinese character who is named mo xi, he's from the mo family, and his given name is xi. i mention this bc i have seen so many starter calls, etc, where people request from my characters using their last names, and i would love for this to stop. for my character named feng yu, his family name is feng, yu is his given name. that's why feng yu's brother is feng xin. they have the same surname, and that surname comes first 👍
**however!! this structure is not a broad-strokes rule; it doesn't necessarily apply to all asian characters or all characters from asian countries/fandoms. a lot of people still submit their apps for asian characters and prefer to list them on the taken/ooc pages with "given name + surname" in that order, so it's best not to make general assumptions. for example, sunny is listed on the ooc as playing an anime/manga character named madoka kaname. in this case, the character's given name is 'madoka' with the last name 'kaname.' how can you tell? if you look on the character's wiki page or on sunny's blog, either place will tell you that she does in fact go by 'madoka.' (so: you wouldn't want to assume that it's flip-flopped just because it looks like an asian name).
therefore, when writing with someone and trying to figure out how to write an asian name appropriately, generally the best thing to do is ask yourself: how is the other person structuring this character's name in their replies and starter calls? and can i look on the character's wiki page to figure it out if i'm unsure? finally, if neither of those help you, you can always just ask your writing partner. personally, i know my dm's are open and i'd rather someone come to me and say 'hey i was wondering how should i write X character's name' rather than see someone call them the wrong name, which makes me sad :((
finally, a note specifically for CHINESE names!!
with chinese names specifically, in mandarin you usually do call someone by their full name, even if it's someone you've known for a while. so whether i was longtime friends with wei wuxian or whether we just became friends recently, i would still call him 'wei wuxian.' this may seem overly formal, but i promise it's not.
now, it is acceptable to call someone by only their given name as long as their given name has more than a single character (syllable). so if i wanted to could call him just 'wuxian' it would be technically fine-- especially if we're talking/writing in english, that's fine. 👍 wen kexing can be called 'kexing.' chu wanning can technically be called 'wanning,' etc. it is odd for strangers, but if you know the person or especially if you're friends/close, it's definitely alright. (there's actually a lot of rules about nicknames/ closeness/ seniority and things like that, but without getting too complicated, you can assume this is generally fine.)
HOWEVER, if someone's chinese given name is one character (usually written with one syllable in pinyin/english), you really shouldn't call them just by that name. it's not technically rude, exactly, but it's awkward and off-putting at the very least. that's not what you call them. xie lian is 谢怜, with both names as one character each, so 'xie lian' can't just be called 'lian.' he can either be 'xie lian' (full name) or something like 'a-lian' if you really want to give him a nickname. likewise, pei ming cannot be called 'ming' even though that's his given name. he needs to be called 'pei ming' all together. mo xi is always called mo xi (never 'xi'), qi yan is always called qi yan (not just 'yan') etc. if you're not sure at a glance whether a chinese muse's given name is one-character or not, simply call them by their full name to be safe.
again, this might sound like a lot of work, but if you just look at my tag for xie lian or read whatever reply of mine you're working off of, you'll see me call him 'xie lian' in the narration, and you can just follow along with that. and once you figure it out one time, then ur good for any later interactions as well.
and that's it !! if you have questions, feel free to ask and i'll try my best to explain! don't feel bad if you've misnamed characters in the past, but i would really appreciate if people keep this in mind moving forward, because it will make my life so much more peaceful and relaxing. thanks for reading; i appreciate your time!!
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vxidlight · 10 months
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"I refuse to be a pawn in your game of fates." Iota Xi, later known as the Visionary, was loomed on Gallifrey, became a doctor, been part of the CIA and the Castellan's Guard, been human, been a mother, been to parallel worlds and back, and fought in the Time War twice. She is a Time Lord who can read timelines as easily as one might read a book. With insanity constantly lurking over her shoulder, the Visionary keeps herself sane through her friendships, her desire to help others, and her duty to protect the timeline.
Short bio ☆ Opens ☆ Wishlist ☆ Starter Call
"The Time Lords? What about them? They tried to destroy the universe so they could survive. I refuse to be a part of that. I refuse to call myself Time Lord."
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mischiefxmuses · 7 months
@mvsicinthedvrk asked: for mo xi & nimona: send  😝  for  a  silly  starter .
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"Okay so my thinking is, I will turn into a mouse and scurry around, I'll go into one of the closed off rooms, open the door and let you in. Then we can properly explored." Her grin wide as they were very proud of their suggestion.
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aetherose · 6 months
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"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ—'Within Me', Albert Camus
#AETHEROSE — An independent, selective, mutuals-only, multiship & multiverse, multifandom multimuse roleplay blog that's OC, crossover, & duplicate-friendly — BLOOMED BY ROSE, your local Queen of Brainrot. Originally established as @/popolaroleplayhub (later renamed @/etherose) on 12/01/2021, re-established on 03/29/2024. Mun began RPing on 10/29/2021. Activity is often sporadic.
Featuring muses from Hoyoverse's games, Project Moon, Baldur's Gate 3, Punishing: Gray Raven, other miscellaneous fandoms, & personal OCs. Also features various verses for many of the muses. Elysia from Honkai Impact 3rd is the muse you'll see most often & is who I usually default to when unsure who to throw at folks.
CURRENT LOUDEST MUSES: Eden, Zero, Layla, Robin, Radiata, Nimue, Luna, Vera. (Last updated 9/15/2024)
I do not claim ownership of anything I utilized for my graphics or icons besides my own art and the work I put in editing the images used. Most of the images are from official media. However, if any fanart used is your own & you are uncomfortable regarding its usage, message me and I will stop using it immediately.
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WARNINGS FOR: Spoilers for all media featured on this blog, muses being heavily headcanon-based & sometimes canon-divergent, violence, death, murder, grey morality, unhealthy coping mechanisms, mentions of various types of abuse, mentions of human experimentation, childhood trauma, self-worth issues, & general existential & philosophical ponderings & horrors. This list isn't exhaustive; each muse has warnings of their own on their bios, and I could have always missed something.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"To we, who always chased the flame—"
I. CARRD​​       II. OPEN STARTERS​​​​​​       III. PATCH NOTES​​       IV. PROMOS​​       V. ASKS VI. THREADS​​       VII. HEADCANONS​​       VIII. OC LORE​​​       IX. WISHLIST​​       X. MEMES XI. DASH GAMES​​​ ​​       XII. GALLERY​​       XIII. MUN ART​​        XIV. EDITS​​       XV. DRABBLES
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A STUDY IN: The meaning of existence and life; what makes someone human & the nature of humanity; whether ends justify the means; the weight of self-sacrifice; the cost and value of freedom; the suffocating nature of loneliness; the cycle of abuse; horrible truths; new beginnings; pushing onward despite everything; absurdism; & no matter what ending lies ahead, what matters is that the journey there is unforgettable.
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sleepydross · 8 months
Chapter 2, Route_A: Ascent
A Chapter of the 'SEER' or 'Spontaneous Edifice Emergence / Reification' Storyline. This is Route_A. For Route_B, and previous chapters, see my previous posts. CW: Gore, Disturbing Content, Body Horror, Mutation, MURICA (Mocking it tho), General Horror and Surreal Content
Song Title: Jim's Favorite Sweets (I am not fucking kidding)
Lyrics: Started off kind of slow and annoying, like 'Oh Jim was a good lad, but he loved himself some sweets, and he'd do damn near anything to get himself some treats.' Not a joke, that was the opening lyric. It was like, country western sounding, sort of, but sterile and super… poppy, you know? Like shit designed by a fuckin' algorithm. Also, there were… like jingle bells? Like, it was country-western, but like, country western Christmas music.
Anyway, the lyrics went on to describe Jim's love of sweet shit some more, but gradually it took on a darker cast when Jim discovered 'sweet meat.' It wasn't really immediately clear what this meat was, but it was revealed in the next verse that this meat was first found on a kid named 'Jamie.' It was… the meat was Jamie. Jim ate him for days, apparently, slowly, and it went into really… extreme detail on how he kept him alive, and it compared him to a cow, like Jim was farming it, feeding him to make the meat sweeter.
It was… really fucking gross. Finally, Jim was too big???? And he had to eat a lot more. There was a ton of detail about all of it, about him finding more… meat, and like, raising all of it and stuff, it was. I don't know. It sounded, it kept comparing it to, it was… fuck. It was like factory farms, it sounded like.
The last line was about how Jim was like, going to expand, how he'd found his calling, selling the sweetest meat to other meat eaters.
I don't know. This place is already fucking getting to me.
J woke with a start as a rhythmic pounding rattled the doors. It took some time for xim to get xis head on straight, to get a handle on where xe even was. Ultimart, but in the nightmare that somehow was actual real life. Xis neck hurt, for starters, and sitting up sent a few packs of cigarettes tumbling off of the cig wall and-
"Right. Great," xe muttered. Xe was still there indeed, still at the store, and the horrible throbbing from xis left hand told xim that none of it had been a nightmare, despite that all of it had felt like one.
Sighing, xe stood up slowly and rolled xis head, neck cracking enough times to be medically concerning. Tiredly, xe looked to the door, and saw that someone was standing there, pounding repeatedly on the glass - headbutting it, actually.
Piled up around the feet of this 'person' were dozens of other 'people' who looked to have bashed their heads on the doors until their skulls split open and their brains all spilled out, grotesque and gray and smashed under feet into a thick sort of paste splattered low down on the doors.
Sighing, xe stood up and looked around the store. There wasn't much different, really, except that it was-
"Oh, great," xe muttered, stepping slowly out from behind the counters. The isles used to run a good twelve feet back, with at least ten feet between them and the main counter. This open space was broken up by the presence of the island in the middle, coffee makers present on it, alongside creamer dispensers and the various accouterments used by tired construction workers.
They always looked around, furtively, as they put pumps of sweet flavored syrup, or ice, or sugar and cream or all of the above in their cups. J was used to meeting those gazes with a patient smile, one that xe tried to make sure gave off 'I'm not going to judge you for wanting a coffee flavored milkshake, dude' energy. After all, xe didn't give a shit what they wanted or didn't want, but masculinity amongst the red of neck was fragile and they seemed to fear little more than people seeing them not take their coffee black as ink.
J was of the opinion people should just get the fuck over it and drink their sweet tasty coffee. Xe sold it with a smile and not an ounce of comment. There was a fragile, tenuous trust between early morning patrons and the night worker, one J already missed in this fucking nightmare.
Walking, slowly, xe made xis way towards the back, past two brand new coffee islands largely similar to the first but with significant variation in coffee flavors and syrup varieties.
At the third island, xe stopped and stared at one of the flavors, trying to process the fact that the space between main counter and isles was now at least fifty feet.
Blonde roast, dark chocolate… and the creamers…
Sighing, xe set to work making a cup. Breakfast needed to happen. While the coffee brewed, xe walked into the overlong isles, glancing at the 'pastry' section. It used to occupy only two shelves, albeit with them stocked absolutely full to the gills.
Now, it stretched on for ten feet, with products, flavors and variations that xe had never seen stocked before. Bizarrely, some of the packaging had a smudged, unnatural sort of look that made the brand names, product names or other information unreadable.
Curious, J tugged a package off the shelf that was about a foot wide, three inches tall, and four inches deep. It was all brown cardboard, unadorned and with no wrapping to speak of. One word was emblazoned on it, in filigreed script.
Uncertain, xe sat down crosslegged and opened the box gingerly, in case it bit. Instead of biting, the inside surfaces of the cardboard were coated in a white plastic without seams, as if the box had been built around it. The entire thing was divided into compartments, one full of yellow business labelled as eggs, another with small pancakes, another with hashbrowns, and a final one, bizarrely, with a small piece of chocolate cake - small, as if a tiny cake had been made, and then sliced.
With a sigh, xe took the breakfast into the back room, and shoved it in the microwave, following the instructions and removing the tiny cake slice first. In a mere few minutes, xe was sitting at the chair set up near the storage room's desk, wondering if the internet still worked on the training computer.
It did not, so xe just ate passable eggs and adequate pancakes in silence, staring at the screensaver. It made xim feel marginally more human to be fed, and a few snagged-on-the-way sports drinks took care of hydration. All told, it had been thoroughly acceptable.
The cake, however, xe had to admit, was the unquestionable star of the show - soft, moist, rich and with high quality frosting and little crunchy bits between the layers of cake. Tiny though it was, it was ridiculously filling.
Satisfied, xe returned to the main store, wandering the isles in vague confusion before stopping by the coffee bar and making another cup. Xe sipped it slowly, trying to decide what to do.
The answer was obvious.
"So, I have to get out of here," J murmured, quietly, to no one in particular, glancing to the doors. The glass was vibrating with each impact of the customer's head, and as xe watched, two more stumbled up. These newcomers were distorted, disquieting people-shaped shitshows. The one on the left had a brow ridge so overgrown and intense that there were no eyes beneath it just lumpy, blistered flesh.
The other one just ended at the neck, in terms of meat, the rest of its upper body being entirely fused bone. All told, it looked like a half-melted candle in the shape of a neck and skull. When they started bashing their heads against the door, the slams were hard and clacky. It only took a few impacts for J to be certain this sanctuary was safe no more.
Worse yet, beyond them, sluggishly stumbling past the gas pumps, were more deformed, distorted… 'customers.'
"Fuck," xe muttered, dropping the bottle of water. Leaving via the front was not an option, and leaving at all seemed really fucking bad. The dreamlike state brought on by what xe assumed was a mixture of trauma and sleeping sitting against a fucking wall of cigarettes was absolutely gone. Adrenaline and a bit of brekkie really was a hell of a drug. "Okay. Okay, supplies."
With the store extended, and strange shit all over, xe set to work. The first thing recovered was from the extended housewares isle. Past the usual flour and salt, sugar, pepper and salt, there was… merchandise. This section had, for an inexplicable reason, extended further than the others, all the way to the very back where the coolers took an architecturally unnerving right angle instead of remaining a flat wall of glass doors - it was as if someone had built the store just to accommodate this one impossible set of shelves.
All that mattered was the heavy duty backpacks, all heavily branded and ugly as fucking sin, but beggers couldn't be choosers and J wasn't in the mood to go slow with a fucking caveman with no eyes and Mr. Bonehead at the entry.
Bag in hand, xe took a left, feeling deeply unwilling to venture into the corridor of coolers forcibly (presumably) created by the hyperextension of the merchandise and housewares. This annoyance of a nonsensical floorplan meant that, at the far end of the store from the counter, xe was cut off totally from the front of the store to the right of xim, but…
That freaky old lady had brought a fully barcoded, priced knife to the register, and a knife sounded pretty damned...
"What the shit?" xe asked, softly. Apparently, the store had extended front to back when xe wasn't looking, but only in the isles area. Previously, front to back, there had been four isles. Now, it was six, and the remaining sections had strange labels.
J started in the one labelled 'Knives and Survival Gear.'
Yeah, the store had a life bait cooler and some deer attractant and predator repellent, a bit of fishing shit, but… this…
Ten minutes of stuffing shit into the backpack later, J rushed to the end of the isle and watched the Bonehead slam its cranium into the glass again. A crack appeared. Those doors were old, and heavy, but they weren't going to hold much longer.
"Shit, shit, shit," xe muttered, a renewed sense of urgency leading xim down the isle marked 'America, Y'all' which was… out of place, to say the least, even if it was in the utterly unoffensive, completely plain font that the rest of the clear, high contrast signs in the damned place were. This isle didn't travel straight, but instead curved back and forth in shallow waves, every single product emblazoned with an American flag, or some heinous cartoonish depiction of a dead president, or Uncle Sam.
First, there were fireworks, which actually made a lot of sense, and then all manner of hot sauces, barbecue sauces, several sauces that insisted (in loud fonts, right on their front labels) that they were largely made of butter and corn syrup, and then several unrefrigerated bottles of 'Patriot Punch,' whose ingredients list-
"Really?" xe asked, staring. All one ingredient was, as far as the bottle said, pure red dye number three.
The cancer one.
Red dye number three, J was pretty sure, was the seriously dangerous cancer one.
Amused and not, at once, xe rushed onward down the wavy isle until reaching a section covered in weapons, all emblazoned in flags and expected bullshit. This section ended just past the crossbows in heavy stacks of bone extending from the ends, looking an awful lot like spinal columns. Meat grew from the ragged, jagged metal edges, twitching and slick, fibrous and shiny white in places with tendon and ligament.
J slipped trying to take a step, and landed in thick, sticky white liquid. For a moment, xe just laid there, trying very hard not to think about what, precisely, that thick liquid could be.
It also made some very uncomfortable suggestions about the wavy isle - and upon looking back, J noted that it curved the other direction, as if it had shifted smoothly and silently.
"Yeah, no, fuck this," xe muttered, returning to the crossbows and grabbing a garish sort of thing, a terrifically ugly flag pattern crossbow that looked pretty sturdy and modern, a quiver that had an actual cartoon George Washington on it, which didn't make any fucking sense.
What made even LESS sense was stupid American flag suit he wore. It wasn't even the CORRECT damned flag for when George 'Brutal Racist' Washington was fucking president.
It didn't matter. The telltale sound of glass cracking told xim that it was time to go. The isle ending in flesh, blood and spines was, at a glance, undulating fast enough for it to be visible now, and in a distinctly… crushing and mashing pattern, bringing the isle to narrow points and wider points that flowed from the counter side of the store to the drink coolers. The word 'intestinal' rose bizarrely to mind.
It'd turn xim to paste, digestive style, and that was not J's idea of a good time.
So, xe ran, sprinting down the farthest isle and past the open dairy cooler before-
Xe stopped, turning to stare at the open, cold shelves and the jugs of milk and water, the cans of cold coffee, and the various familiar human heads set up in neat rows beneath plastic cloches. Coworkers.
They were all coworkers.
And each one of the coworker heads were represented multiple times, stacked back on an extra shelf that was forced in between the bottom one where the milk sat and the shelf above that where the packaged sandwiches still sat, pristine and overpriced. Smoothly, the sandwich shelf had been pushed upwards, stretching the entire open case right up to the drop-ceiling tiles.
A crash, the doors breaking, made xim pause, glancing that way. Bonehead staggered in. Flakes of oss drifted off of its jaw as it opened a mouth that had, previously, been fused shut.
"I WANT… SODA!" it howled, in a 'woodchipper being fed sheet metal and nearing total mechanical failure' sort of voice.
"Nah," xe muttered, rushing to the back door and finding it had been replaced with a solid brick wall.
Sparing ximself the second to mutter 'oh fuck,' xe silently turned and pushed into the back room, taking note of nothing save for the fact that xe couldn't see the wall to the right, which upon entering that room, would have previously been two feet away, roughly.
Grunting with the effort, xe dragged the nearest shelving unit in front of the door and then turned, facing the then distant far wall. Baffled, but panic-fuelled and unwilling to be pulled apart by freak fucking zombies…
Xe unplugged the standing freezer and dragged it out from the wall, watching the shelf covered in bottles of chemicals and drain cleaner tablets shudder under the impact of the 'customers' beyond. Thankfully, the standing freezer was on decent wheels, and it drifted smoothly ahead, until its enormous bulk was pressed against the chemical shelf. A few wheel-locks later, and at minimum, J had a few minutes to take stock.
There, xe found ximself walking behind the rolling racks of backstock, staring up into the darkness overhead. Every single shelf vanished into that black obscurity, some things far above in the black glowing softly in oddly organic patches…
And then, xe saw down the length of the shelves...
A potential route out of that hellhole.
Thump after thump set the impression of a timer in xis head, so xe ran to salvation and started climbing the red painted rungs of a roof access ladder that xe had never fucking seen before. All of the rolling racks were far away, far enough away that xe was able to, at very least, largely ignore the implications of shifting grub-like things nestled bio-luminescently alongside the stocking boxes.
Xe just had to hope Bonehad and Caveman, and their mutant compatriots, couldn't fucking climb.
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tragcdysewn · 1 year
closed starter for mo xi!! ( @mvsicinthedvrk )
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downing an aspirin before she chugs half her coffee in one go, bryce half collapses in the first open seat she finds, giving the person nearby an exhausted grin. "would not recommend tequila shots on a tuesday night, just because your boss gave you wednesday off. gets you into bad habits." it had not just been tequila shots, but she wasn't sharing those details with a stranger.
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catsdisco · 2 years
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“Fucking annoying brats, sticking their noses where they don’t belong…” his voice is but a soft murmur as he fishes around his pockets for his car keys—which he seemed to have dropped somewhere, a frustrated grunt leaving Adachi. It was just one annoying thing after the other…
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benevolentgodloki · 7 months
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Psst, to my current writing partners.
Please consider this an interest tracker for writing with my AU 11th Doctor (with a super rich backstory that is not required to read up on). He is chronologically locked so everything he has done and everyone he has met is canon to him. He's married but it's an open sexual relationship. He's also glad to make new friends.
Liking this post gives me permission, if I have ideas or interest myself, to come and plot with you or lob a starter at your muse(s).
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cantfixyou · 2 years
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“ you eaten yet ? ” she doesn't wait for an answer. she’s already moving to the kitchen. she hasn’t eaten yet. “ c’mon. i’ll make you something. ” it’s her way of saying ( I LOVE YOU ), her passed-down love language, her mother and her father in her voice and in her hands and in her heart.
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unitedbydevils · 1 year
Match Review: Manchester United 1-3 Brighton & Hove Albion
Well fuck. There goes the home game record.
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Following the Arsenal defeat, matches against Brighton and Bayern Munich weren't exactly upcoming points of optimism for United fans. We're in an injury crisis off the back of a busy (perhaps too busy) pre-season and looking laggy and disjointed.
Contrast that with Roberto De Zerbi's Brighton sitting high up in the league, with only a shock counter-attack defeat to West Ham besmirching their name. Today, 5 starters were missing from the first XI and they sold MacAllister and Caicedo in the summer. Surely United could capitalise, right?
The first half started well for United, with a good opening 15 minutes where the Reds could have put themselves ahead. Hojlund looked promising, Rashford was finding space out left, and the midfield was compact and holding possession well, with a generally strong pressing game high up the field.
De Zerbi understood Ten Hag's pressing approach though, and started to drop Pascal Groß deeper and let Veltman push up at RB. This worked and let Brighton break through United for an easy Danny Welbeck goal to make things 1-0. Notably poor marking and tracking from both Casemiro and McTominay on this goal.
United were unlucky not to equalise, with Hojlund slotting home from a Rashford pass, but the assist was judged by VAR to have crossed the goal line and was ultimately ruled out. HT 0-1.
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If the first half was an unfortunate scoreline, the second half was not.
Brighton came out the more positive in the second half and United failed to regain control of the possession, and looked timid on the counter. The lack of a proper RW (not that I miss Antony) meant United saw heavy pressure on Rashford and Hojlund which ultimately stifled their chances.
Rashford perhaps could have done more, and there were a few occasions where fans deemed him greedy rather than servicing his striker, but the lack of a trusted CF will take time to unlearn for Marcus. That relationship with Rasmus will come good.
Unfortunately, it's not good yet, unlike Pascal Groß who decided to send all of our defenders to the shops with a great feint on the edge of the box before burying a 2nd goal for Brighton.
From here the game felt all Brighton, and this is where I put blame on the manager. Hannibal came on for the lacklustre Casemiro, which was a solid move, but Eriksen was left on (for the full match) despite being a slow, heart risk 31 year old, and so too was Scott "I don't like to play possession football" McTominay. This is a big part of why I personally wanted McSauce sold in the summer - he does not suit Ten Hag Ball and it's a big issue. He is a talented player, and shining for Scotland, but like Maguire he needs to move to a club that plays a system which suits his skill set and style.
Unfortunately Brighton's subs also paid off and saw João Pedro score a 3rd and Barcelona loanee Ansu Fati almost bag a 4th. Confidence at 0-2 amongst defenders was not high, and it felt like United missed Aaron Wan Bissaka at RB today vs Mitoma and Lamptey.
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Props to Hannibal Mejbri who, bar a clumsy yellow card, had a very solid performance and scored United's consolation goal, but it's a game where it's very difficult to find players to praise.
Ten Hag's late substitutions of Pellistri and Garnacho for McTominay and Reguilon felt like too little, too late. They also meant that for the last 5 minutes (+ 6 stoppage too) Bruno Fernandes had moved from RW to CB. Madness.
I won't blame ETH for resting Hojlund, despite the crowd's protestations and boos, because ultimately the lad's returning from an injury and trying to find match fitness. Steady as it goes on that front, and especially with so much promise and the Bayern game coming up. It's just a shame, because Martial as his replacement was pretty useless - as per usual.
Had United capitalised on the early pressure, maybe the game is different. If Ten Hag responded to De Zerbi's tactical tweaks, maybe the game is different. If Ten Hag made the winger substitutions earlier, maybe the game is different. If Mount/Amrabat/Mainoo were fit then the game is definitely different. This is the problem though: there's so many ifs, buts and maybes, but the cold hard fact is that United were outplayed and deservedly beaten at home.
Next up: Bayern Munich away. We can only pray that their draw with Leverkusen in the Bundesliga has hit morale a bit and that United turn up eager to make amends / prove a point against a fellow big club. Defeat isn't awful, but we have to show improvement, desire, and cohesion. Today looked like 11 individuals thrown together, and our best player was a loanee LB from Spurs, closely followed by the youngest player on the pitch. Hardly awe-inspiring stuff.
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lcxstsouls · 11 months
closed starter for @coreofgold (wu xi)
A dead end leads to an open coffin in the ground. In order to progress at least one character must get in and close the lid.
"well this is suspicious at all," klaus said, looking at the end of what he had thought may have been a never ending hallway. "you think there's something in it?" opening it, they would have to be prepared for anything, but it was the only thing there--it had to be part of the maze.
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