xuethms · 2 months
npf polls (all thms) + sodium + boron + future updates
TLDR: NPF polls update for all themes to match the styling better, sodium updates, boron bug fix, and a rambly list of things I'm working on.
As usual, to update your theme, please re-visit the link sent to you when you first purchased the theme from my ko-fi. The same link should have been sent to the email you registered with too.
NPF polls update (all themes)
NPF polls have been updated across all current releases (with the exception of magnesium) so the styling matches the theme better.
Sodium [v1.01] updates
New "Main font size" option: Choose between 12px or 14px body text font size
New "Navigation section username" option: Choose to hide or show your username + Additional fix to truncate long usernames
Fix for incorrect asker link colour in answer posts
Boron [v1.09] updates
Fix for mismatched tag background and font colours
What's Next
A quick list of things I would like to work on in the coming weeks, in no particular order:
Revamps (v2.00!) of a couple of my earlier themes; namely Hydrogen and Helium. These are the most in need of updating and refining... My latest magnesium theme actually started out as a revamp of Hydrogen, but it digressed far enough in style that it became its own thing.
An "Interphase" remake. Yep. I'm still proud of some of my older yukoki designs and am considering revamping some of them... I've actually gotten started on this remake but halfway through I got second thoughts about the direction it was going. Here's a sneak peek of what I've got so far:
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New layout for xuethms, which also means a public release of my current theme!
Another big gaming database-related Notion template. This one's been in the works for many months, but I haven't had the energy to polish it up for final release. My motivation to work on this fluctuates with my interest in the game -- and (hint) now it's summer, which is a great time to get back into the thick of things and make big bells off of beetles...
A couple of pages. I wanted to try my hand at some uncommon page types, such as media review pages. I'm open to funky suggestions too, shoot away in the comments or in my inbox!
What's Next... but irl
If you've made it to the far end of this post, thank you for your time! 💕 For sticking it to the end, I'll treat you to a non-coding related life update: I'll be starting grad school in September, studying bugs (the non-programming kind) ! I expect things will get pretty busy in the next couple of months as I move my entire life overseas and settle into my new position. I'm nervous about the big changes, but excited all the same too. :) Fingers crossed everything goes well, and I won't end up abandoning my coding hobby in the chaos... T_T
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xuethms · 3 years
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◍ hydrogen theme.
Links: preview | install | features
Hydrogen is a windows-inspired theme that features a strong accent colour along with grid patterns and flashy elements. This theme has been revamped to v2.0 on 6 Aug 2024, from its original release on 4 Jun 2021.
Credits: cappuccicons, feather icons, NPF images fix v3.0, NPF audio player, photosets.css, customaudio.js, Style-my-Tooltips, Truncate note counts
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xuethms · 2 years
hii, i'm currently using ur hydrogen theme and i was wondering abt how to style (as in italicize or bold) certain pieces of text in the sidebar description,,, srry if this is a stupid question lol,,,, btw love ur themes sm they're so cute!
Hello, and thank you so much! You can refer to this w3schools article on text formatting, and this one for links.
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xuethms · 3 years
tumblr colour text updates + nitrogen [v1.01]
All currently-released themes now support tumblr's custom "NPF" colours, i.e, these built-in text colours. Thank you @unwrapping for the fix!
In nitrogen [v1.01], you can also look forward to:
An option to "Show Tags". The styling has also changed from its initial release in [v1.00], and is no longer limited to a single line in the side float permalink style.
To update your theme, please re-visit the link sent to you when you first purchased the theme from my ko-fi. The same link should have been sent to the email you registered with too.
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xuethms · 3 years
photo/set lightbox updates!
Not sure why I didn’t do this sooner, but all published themes now have the following features:
Lightbox for single photos in photo posts
Option for light/dark photo/set lightboxes
Hydrogen also had a bug where photoset images couldn’t be enlarged at all -- it’s been fixed in the latest v1.01 update. 
To update your theme, please re-visit the link sent to you when you first purchased the theme from my ko-fi. The same link should have been sent to the email you registered with too.
Credits 💕 shythemes (lightbox tutorial), annasthms & eggdesign (photoset.css)
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xuethms · 3 years
hi! im really not good at coding or editing themes, so sorry if this question sounds a little dumb :<< but for the hydrogen theme (which is really very pretty btw), how do i edit the "index" and "past" buttons on the sidebar to have different text and links? thanks so much!
Hi there! You'll have to open up the theme code and find this block of code (You can use ctrl+f to search for it):
Tumblr media
You can change the text underlined in red with whatever you'd like them to say on your theme.
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