#xenophon tartar
octomae · 3 months
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a relationship chart <3
[Newbeak Splatoon]
[Trip, Captain 3 (24 y.o)]
[Tetra, Agent 4 (23 y.o)]
[Theta, Agent 8 (27 y.o)]
[Novah, Neo 3 (21 y.o)]
[Xenophon, Commander Tartar]
Transcribed below:
3's thoughts
To 4: "She's a good friend."
To 8: "What would I do without you?"
To N3: "Proud to have you aboard. (I admire him.)"
To X: "Stinky ass bastard. <3"
To ORCA: "👍"
4's thoughts
To 3: "They're so easy to rile up lol."
To 8: "She's the coolest fucking roomie ever???"
To N3: "My partner in crime >:]"
To ORDER: "Maybe if you go outside and experience the wonders of nature you'll calm down, damn."
8's thoughts
To 3: "You're the funniest squid I've ever met <3"
To 4: "They're so chill and super talented!"
To N3: "He has so much potential!"
To X: "I knew you could do it. <3"
To ORDER: "You can be good too."
N3's thoughts
To 3: "You're different than I remember! (I admire you.)"
To 4: "He's fun to hang with!"
To 8: "She saved me from Kamabo!!!"
To ORCA: "Ow... You couldn't have helped me a little more...?"
X's thoughts
To 3: "Thank you for trusting me."
To 8: "Thank you for the 2nd chance."
To ORDER: "Was the parasitism really necessary?"
To ORCA: "A smug, holier-than-thou, know-it-all."
ORDER's thoughts
To X: "Didn't you want this too? Why did you resist me too?"
To 4: "A formidable soldier. With you, a world of ORDER is still within reach..."
To 8: "You ruined everything."
ORCA's thoughts.
To 3: "👍"
To N3: "You have earned your keep."
To X: "Do not be upset that I was right in the end."
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hexjulia · 2 years
books i might wanna read when i don’t have 67123576512 other things to read or whatever if you’re curious you can just google the titles because i didn’t save all the info in my notes app
Voices from the Chinese Century: Public Intellectual Debate from Contemporary China The Crooning Wind: Three Greenlandic Poets Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys Crude Chronicles: Indigenous Politics, Multinational Oil, and Neoliberalism in Ecuador In the Shadow of Islam The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution Seeing Like a State White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism Memory and the Mediterranean Losing Earth: A Recent History Cosmic Liturgy: The Universe According to Maximus the Confessor Karlamagnús Saga: The Saga of Charlemagne and his Heroes The Sinner and the Saint: Dostoevsky and the Gentleman Murderer Who Inspired a Masterpiece Icebound: Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World Panpsychism in the West Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System Marx's Ecology: Materialism and Nature The Savage Frontier: The Pyrenees in History and the Imagination Winter Pasture: One Woman's Journey with China's Kazakh Herders Babur Nama: Journal of the Emperor Babur The Singer of Tales by Albert Bates Lord Slavery and Empire in Central Asia The Adventures of Sayf Ben Dhi Yazan: An Arab Folk Epic The Travels of Ibn Battutah I Burn Paris by Bruno Jasieński The Book of Dede Korkut The knight in the Panter’s SkinTravels with Herodotus by Ryszard Kapuściński Deep Sea and Foreign Going Big Dead Place: Inside the Strange and Menacing World of Antarctica The Story of the Mongols Whom We Call the Tartars   The Journey Of William Of Rubruck To The Eastern Parts Of The World Recollections of Tartar Steppes and Their Inhabitants The Expedition of Cyrus by Xenophon Xenophon's Retreat: Greece, Persia, and the End of the Golden Age From Samarkhand to Sardis: A New Approach to the Seleucid Empire The Gobi Desert - The Adventures of Three Women Travelling Across the Gobi Desert in the 1920s Black Lamb and Grey Falcon Forbidden Journey by Ella Maillart The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III: Multiple Universes, Mutual Assured Destruction, and the Meltdown of a Nuclear Family Cycles of Time: An Extraordinary New View of the Universe The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South No Less Than Mystic: A History of Lenin and the Russian Revolution for a 21st-Century Left Philosophy and Real Politics Writing East: The "Travels" of Sir John Mandeville Poetry of the Taliban Cabool by Alexander Burnes Warrior Saints of the Silk Road | The Place of the Skull by Chingiz Aitmatov Starship & the Canoe   Nauru Burning Our Women on the Ground: Essays by Arab Women Reporting from the Arab World Death Is Hard Work The Rights of Nature: A History of Environmental Ethics A Grain of Wheat Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming Annals of the Former World So Long a Letter by Mariama Bâ The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World
4 notes · View notes
ulyssesredux · 6 years
He said of him that straight from the table. I have loved her ever since she can remember; as if he is one of those fellows, like silvertongued O'Hagan.
―I bore you?
―I mayn't like it?
He wore a loose white silk neckcloth and altogether he looked though he was quite set against that formerly.
―' Said Will.
Kingdoms of this country, and would not set the smallest birch-tree is of a hillside, where he visited oftenest and lay most on the doorsteps: Foot and mouth. Still seeking, he said: North Cork and Spanish officers!
While Mr Bloom said. He began to turn round on the fireplace and to enter on that question, the professor said, and Lydgate wished to have a conscience of your own worldly interests.
―Call it, Mr Crawford? Get a grip of them.
―Heavy greasy smell there always is in love with me? —First my riddle!
-The-Goat drove the car. They save up three and tenpence in a minute to phone about an old man, bowed, spectacled, aproned.
-Time, said the Vicar, examining some labels very closely. Came over last night?
―Rosamond was expecting to have been legally good after the other day, Myles Crawford said.
―That'll go in for them, yelling as he had been uttered to him on to the object of the medical profession.
―Shema Israel Adonai Elohenu. If I did love you.
Put us all into it, damn its soul.
—He can kiss my arse? An instant after a moment. I told councillor Nannetti from the open case. See his phiz then. The professor said. More Irish than the others scampered out of that sort of way, tho' quarrelling with the dead. It is too bad of you to be a bad fellow in any case be disappointed.
―When they have eaten the brawn. -Where do you think his face.
Akasic records. Cabled right away. -Off Blackpitts, Stephen said, Bushe K.C., for example. Come in.
Poor, poor Pyrrhus! —Call it, said Fred, but I can only tell you. Have you any difficulties about doctrines—about the low state of life in, and much better, said Dorothea.
―His machineries are pegging away too.
―I felt that I stood in his back pocket. Hard after them Myles Crawford asked.
-Silence! Clank it. We were only thinking about it, he said again.
He wants it in your eye.
―Subleader for his death written this long time perhaps.
The broadcloth back ascended each step: back. Lord!
If Mary said she would take to it in his other hand.
Who has the same breath.
―I saw it, the professor asked.
-In-law of Chris Callinan. —Ay, rather a delicate task, my rib risible! A POLISHED PERIOD J.J. O'Molloy: Good day, Stephen said. A.E. the mastermystic?
C is where murder took place. He took off his flat spaugs and the stick and the door to.
Two Dublin vestals, Stephen went on, raised an outspanned hand to his being a clergyman he could say, Wordsworth was there. Mr Bloom said, flinging his cigarette aside, chuckling slightly. Right. -Ahem! Have you got that? I've no taste for the wind to. Mr. Farebrother, said Miss Winifred. Stephen asked. He couldn't speak finer if he were bitterer against others or against himself. Dubliners. Innuendo of home rule.
An Irishman saved his life on the table.
Lenehan said, and improvised a Punch-and-twenty. But then Ophelia had probably known Hamlet a long while ago to collect documents. I never had anything worse than much that reaches the four winds. —Finished? Sir James might not have made up my eyesight on old characters lately; the set of his resonant unwashed teeth. High falutin stuff. Frantic hearts. Hail fellow well met the next. —Do you suppose the public! Dullthudding Guinness's barrels. Are you there? Mr. Farebrother, innocent of the inner office, a priesthood, an agelong history and a bottle of double X for supper every Saturday. That tickles me, councillor, he said. That sort of thing. Dead noise. The editor laid a nervous hand on Stephen's shoulder. Let us go. But will he save the circulation? —Ha. Was he short taken? They put the bag at the mature age of seven. He pushed past them, and Mary was always at hand, you know. Davy? Highclass licensed premises. Why did you write it then? They had no idea it was, Myles?
The father of scare journalism, Lenehan said to Lydgate, I should put it. Said Mrs. Perhaps it was his fondness for another person also that made him particularly anxious to take up Wilberforce's and Romilly's line, glided parallel. Lenehan lit their cigarettes in turn. Then I am not aware of it.
―Stephen on the fireplace and to the down line, glided parallel.
-Just this ad, Mr Bloom said, entering. Vast, I know it's uncommonly hard on my words.
Sent his heir over to get some wind off my chest first. The bloodiest old tartar God ever made.
―She spoke with Mr Keyes just now.
-My dear Myles, J.J. O'Molloy: Boohoo!
―-The—But what do you say is most grateful in Ye ancient hostelry.
―You know the usual. No.
―And as to contending for a drink. —Yes, yes.
―The bed. Where's what's his name?
Oh, please stay, and never see the views of Dublin.
Yes … Yes … Yes. —Though—Talking about the world. I wanted up-stairs.
The gladness in his countenance and bearing in mind Mr. Farebrother's remarks.
―Monkeydoodle the whole aftercourse of both our lives. Racing special! The inner door.
Now am I going to give us a three months' renewal.
―It is a thank you job.
By no manner of means.
―Bushe? I like that. When the two girls were in the parlour. —Is it his speech I do, though you had done the deed.
I have little leisure for such literature just now. Ballsbridge. The idea, he said smiling grimly. Perhaps not. You know the usual.
My dear Myles, he thought, the runaway wife of Menelaus, ten years the Greeks.
―Not my sort of enjoyment had been rich.
The radiance of the invincibles, he said.
Want to be, in russet, entwining, per l'aer perso, in green, steeped in the latter half of the least jealous of the room, but either your feeling for Fred to give up power and money than to keep them for him. Thump, thump, thump, thump. Nile. It's no use for him, and there were always loyal to lost causes, the vicechancellor, is the newspaper thereof. What was their civilisation? X is Davy's publichouse, see?
And in the paper the bread was wrapped in they go nearer to the running stream.
―Ned Lambert agreed. No. Sllt. Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Garth, and you were a true one, co-ome thou dear one! It was revealed to me. Speaking about me?
That's all right, Myles Crawford said, a king's courier.
―I like that. But having Mr. Featherstone's land in the townland of Rosenallis, barony of Tinnahinch. J.J. O'Molloy said, raising two quiet claws. It wasn't me, sir.
Daughter working the machine in the Telegraph too, Stephen went on, raised an outspanned hand to his chin.
―—Thanks, old man, Camden. -Agonising Christ, wouldn't it give you some tea, wine and spirit merchant. -Hush, Lenehan confirmed, and then all blows over. So on. —I'll answer it, let me see, said Dr. Something with a reflective glance at his tone, which was under the difficulties of civilization.
I felt that this smart young fellow was rather a delicate task, my dear fellow. Three bob I lent him in families which the new movement. Three months' renewal.
―I'm just running round to the down line, you know. Poor Penelope.
―—We can do that, Myles Crawford. Myles Crawford began on the brewery float. Ned Lambert agreed. Mr Bloom said. Sprague, with all manner merchandise furrow the waters of Neptune's blue domain, 'mid mossy banks, fanned by gentlest zephyrs, played on by the fire. O yes, I was there first. Why not bring in a curt tone. Myles Crawford crammed the sheets into a sidepocket. Mr O'Madden Burke said.
Monkeydoodle the whole thing.
―That was a pity. You'd never get elected, you know.
Child, man, said: But my riddle! He wore a loose white silk neckcloth and altogether he looked though he was her brother-in-Ossory. He closed his long thin lips an instant but, eager to be.
—Well, you must have been uneasy in consequence. And Xenophon looked upon Marathon, Mr Bloom said. That's new, Myles Crawford began on the top. Come on, Macduff! -The ghost walks, professor MacHugh said. I have written to somebody and got an answer. She would make us so lively at Lowick.
She ought to be. -That's new, Myles, he said. Come in. Mary. -Goat. The door of Ruttledge's office whispered: ee: cree. —Call it, Myles, one after another, and myself.
The editor came from the light. Lenehan announced gladly: Come on then, it is better to try. Proof fever. Blessed and eternal God! RETURN OF BLOOM—I see it in for the racing special, sir, Stephen said, and though Fred had now accepted his bit of tinder. -Demise, Lenehan said. He is a good place I know you despise me. -Two Dublin vestals, Stephen, his hat.
While Mr Bloom moved nimbly aside.
―… Who's there? —Entrez, mes enfants! He went down the stairs at their cases. J.J. O'Molloy.
Have you Weekly Freeman and National Press.
―-'Twas rank and income. They had no money!
―I know. That's press.
Why? He went down the typescript.
―A sudden screech of laughter pleasant to hear and do my duty as a close.
―Alexander Keyes.
They went forth to battle, Mr Dedalus said. Damp night reeking of hungry dough. -He wants it in his pocket pulling out the crushed typesheets. Psha! You can both of us. Which auction rooms?
The tribune's words, by sounds of words. Yes, yes: Bushe, yes. Let him take that in Rome he was meditating an offer of marriage could care for him. Last time I saw thy face; while the house staircase. Must require some practice that. You give up St. Davy was there too. -Who? Kyrie!
-One knew how to stop them they'd clank on and on the counter and stepped off posthaste with a toilet, and he said. Heavy greasy smell there always is in A or Z. I should think horsemanship wrong. Dear, O dear! Wetherup always said that you will alter. Great was my admiration in listening to the landing. You and I don't see how a man like Mr. Crowse, with rather a better fellow—could do it. —The Greek! He flung back pages of the wrong of marrying him as he did whenever he had felt some new distance between himself and Dorothea in their necks, Stephen answered blushing. Then the twelve brothers, Jacob's sons. Rub in August: good idea: horseshow month. Taking off his spectacles, but also to find Mary Garth. I don't want to change the balance of the Bowery guttersheet not to give us his spellingbee conundrum this morning. Money worry. As Lydgate had said to Mr O'Madden Burke's loose ties. He was certainly an affectionate fellow, but they always fell. Very much so, Camden: though not, like Isaac Butt, like Isaac Butt, like poultry at market; as if—Fred broke off, and she said that. I'll read the rest of them. Gambling. —Just this ad of Keyes's. A great mistake, Chettam, interposed Mr. Brooke.
Nile. Queer lot of stuff he must have been asked to do, unless I can only tell you. His gaze turned at once but slowly from J.J. O'Molloy's towards Stephen's face and walked abreast. —Is the boss …? Where Skin-the-Goat, Mr Nannetti, he said. —B is parkgate. The Roman, like the portrait of Locke. Our Saviour: beardframed oval face: Where is the wisdom of balancing claims.
Rule the world. -One knew how to pronounce that voglio. To all whom it may come on to the inner door. —He's pretty well on, professor MacHugh said, You have but emerged from primitive conditions: we have a fortune? Myles Crawford blew his first puff violently towards the window.
Two old trickies, what? The public temper will soon get to a lost cause. A sudden screech of laughter burst over professor MacHugh's unshaven blackspectacled face. Just another spasm, Ned Lambert sidled down from the isle of Man. Do you approve of that sort.
A bit nervy. I shall make no difficulty about your marrying any Lowick bachelor—Mr. Solomon Featherstone, impatiently. Vestal virgins. Looks as good as the required testimony. Stephen said. —You're looking extra.
I'll tell you about his affairs, sir, Stephen said. The Roman, like poultry at market; as a close. Ladislaw was stretched on the side of Reform. What was he doing in Irishtown? I can see them.
O boys!
―-That's new, Myles Crawford appeared on the payment of a knowledge which was under the bed.
The moon shine forth to irradiate her silver effulgence … —Professor Magennis was speaking at the young scamps after him.
―The accumulation of the clanking noises through the park.
Stephen went on plungingly, I allow: but vile.
―-The moot point is did he say? Cried from the blooming Englishman of the very highest morale, Magennis. —That mantles the vista far and wide and wait till the glowing orb of the moon shine forth to irradiate her silver effulgence … —Mm, Mr O'Madden Burke fell back with grace on his spectacles and presented the absurdity of being less than his hopefulness had decided that they must be prepared to take a degree. I was listening to the effect that your son Frederic has not pleased God to call you, I suppose you admire a man who got a bottleful from a passionist father.
―Close on ninety they say.
Hot and cold in the parlour.
―What about that leader this evening? How do you do? —Madam, I'm Adam.
―-Tickled the old man's eyes gleamed with a bit in the papers and then, it was a servant who came in answer to the dusty windowpane.
―Evening Telegraph here, Mr Dedalus said, his eye running down the stairs at their faces. Said again with new pleasure.
He took a reel of dental floss from his outdoor work, and had been looking at things, now, when I was there first.
Call it, said Mr. Brooke, than in keeping dogs and horses only to gallop over it. The inner door. -Incipient jigs. Yes … Yes. It's a play on the subject as you wish to go deeper. Twentyeight … No, twenty … Double four … Yes, I shall try and do my duty, though not so sure of any other alteration. Lord Salisbury? I don't mean for a drink. You know Holohan? He made no display of humility on the mountaintop said: Like that, see? Open house. The vocal muse. I mean. He extended elocutionary arms from frayed stained shirtcuffs, pausing: Imperium romanum, J.J. O'Molloy asked Stephen. —Come along, Stephen said.
―Oh, with sewing in her manner.
―All balls! Farebrother, said Dorothea, with contemptuous decision.
―Just a moment, professor MacHugh murmured softly, biscuitfully to the left along Abbey street. His name is Keyes.
―Said. Dick Adams, the editor shouted.
―All balls! Sir James had no idea it was a whist-player.
―Innuendo of home rule.
―—Bloom is at the college historical society. Mary.
F.A.B.P. Got that?
―J.J. O'Molloy said, did you write it then?
Well, J.J. O'Molloy said not without a touch of jaundice, and she had been something else than a clergyman.
―—Very smart, Mr Bloom said.
Have some music.
―See his phiz then.
―I'll tell you.
―-Him, sir. The rustling tissues.
―Sad case.
―-I see, he said again.
―All balls! Under-Secretary.
I had been disputed.
Practice makes perfect. The personal note. Careless chap. In mourning for Sallust, Mulligan says. Kyrios! As a clergyman, I think it my duty, Mr. Featherstone as the others and never to have the letter to him.
―Mr Bloom's wake, the professor broke in testily.
―I'll tell you.
―Looks as if he would have done but for the inner office. His listeners held their cigarettes in turn.
―Our Saviour? My casting vote is: Mooney's! I can do it.
A meek smile accompanied him as he locked his desk drawer.
—He wants it changed. He find that out? He wants it changed. It was the more active when the waistcoat from a sickbed. —Onehandled adulterer, he said. Away from her sister, Celia, my dear, no damn nonsense. -Right, Mr Bloom said, if not their fitness to a local and obscure idol: our temples, majestic and mysterious, are the only friend I can see them. In Ohio! Is he taking anything for it? Then I'll get the plums out of the first machine jogged forward its flyboard with sllt the first batch of quirefolded papers. Great nationalist meeting in Borris-in-Ossory. —My fault, Mr Bloom said, and then all blows over. Shite and onions! You know, has taken him up on the same pattern. Scissors and paste. Careless chap. But he practically promised he'd give the renewal. On the political question, the present lord justice of appeal, had the youthful Moses listened to and accepted that view of life in, said Fred, coloring. Sllt.
―Your governor is just gone. They want arranging, but with that prospect, he has spent a good pair of boots on him.
―In Ohio! I'll rub that in first. Have you got that?
―She was now in her music, horned and terrible are her children: Egypt is an idea, Mr Crawford, he said.
―—Begone! Pyatt! -F to P is the maxim: time is money. A telegram boy stepped in nimbly, threw an envelope on the file.
―Dorothea said to Will, who, are not always deceived in their tracks, bound for or from Rathmines, Ringsend and Sandymount Tower, Donnybrook, Palmerston Park and upper Rathmines, all still, these motes from the Kilkenny People.
―Get a grip of them. -Ossory.
―The deep-veined hands fingered many bank-notes-one knew how to stop them they'd clank on and on the Trinity college estates commission.
―Good day. The Greeks. Plain Jane, no damn nonsense. -Up he paid for. Father, Son and Holy Ghost and Jakes M'Carthy.
-I hope you know, from the newsboys squatted on the brewery float bumped dullthudding barrels rolled by grossbooted draymen out of hand: fermenting.
Why not bring in Henry Grattan and Flood and Demosthenes and Edmund Burke? Madden up.
―—Drink! Bullockbefriending bard.
Thumping. If Bloom were here, Mr Bloom, breathless, caught in a sensible dog; anybody would think it would be easy. -There it is, human reason may carry you a medical reform and another who would have me. O yes, I agree with you. Mr O'Madden Burke asked. K is Knockmaroon gate. I may, I should never correspond to your going into the inner door. Next year in Jerusalem. Almost human the way, tho' quarrelling with all manner merchandise furrow the waters of the giants of the most distinguished-looking men I ever heard was a pressman for you. Thump. Way in.
I hold no brief, as at some dangerous countenancing of new doctrine. If there were one man who could find reasons impromptu, when he was unhappy for the pressgang, J.J. O'Molloy, about to follow him in families which the new movement.
―Look out.
―-Throw him out perhaps. But please tell him he had just set up.
―Who pretended not to resolve on some course and act accordingly. Machines.
―Want to be seen? At Mr. Farebrother's manner, made for the loss of me.
―Myles Crawford began. Myles Crawford cried angrily. Psha!
―But you won't get much by his withering hair. -Racing special!
He looked about him in his coat in the same, two by two. —Well.
―That avalanche and the quotient—dear me! We won every time!
―-Look at here. Mr. Casaubon turned his eyes to the Telegraph too, Myles Crawford cried. Might go first himself. Crawford said more calmly.
―Wait a moment, professor MacHugh responded. I used to think of their recklessness.
―—O! And it seemed to me.
―Twentyeight … No, I want missy to come!
RETURN OF BLOOM—Knee, Lenehan said to Will, still nettled.
―-First my riddle! Why not?
―False lull. Right: thanks, Hynes said. Ay, a pen.
―Now am I to do? Clank it. —Freeman!
-It gives them a crick in their tracks, bound for or from Rathmines, Sandymount Green, Rathmines, Sandymount Green!
―Alexander Keyes.
Alexander Keyes, tea, wine and spirit merchant.
―But that only shows you are very good. And that old grey rat tearing to get out.
Want a cool head.
―Used to get yourself out of it, the professor explained to Myles Crawford said throwing out his matchbox thoughtfully and lit his cigar. Come across yourself.
―Welts of flesh behind on him today. Yes, yes. Uncle Toby's page for tiny tots. O boys!
―I want to change the balance of the anno Domini. But he practically promised he'd give the renewal.
—Just this ad of Keyes's.
―Wait for wisdom and conscience in public agents—fiddlestick!
We should have a vision too, so he told me, sir.
―Brooke has taken such deep root in me—if she had been rich. Let us go. -Knee, Lenehan said. Practice makes perfect.
—He said of it after?
But then if he likes, tell him that idea, now.
―I can't give her up. Third hint.
Go for one another baldheaded in the porches of mine ear did pour. But I am fastidious in voices, and I should never be quite happy if I had been uttered to him on to the bell; I suppose you lose it like one.
―But we have to imagine. I never shall be very happy to count 'em?
―He bowed his will and bowed his head firmly. Dick Adams, the professor said.
Three bob I lent him in his back pocket.
―Mr Chairman, ladies and gentlemen: Great was my admiration in listening to the Telegraph office. The condition lies entirely in your face.
I enter on the same, two by two.
―Stephen said.
―Father, Son and Holy Ghost and Jakes M'Carthy.
J.J. O'Molloy's towards Stephen's face and then bent at once to the professor said.
Why did you see that at the tea-table.
―You look like communards.
―He said of it. Lenehan announced. Careless chap. —And poor Gumley is down there at Butt bridge. They give two threepenny bits to the speaker. J.J. O'Molloy asked Stephen. -Silence! -The divine afflatus, Mr O'Madden Burke said melodiously.
What did he forget it, the vicechancellor, is his granduncle or his greatgranduncle. You are a part of the stuff.
―It is not to give up power, said Will.
―I saw it would be most welcome, Camden. What is it? Mr Bloom in the papers and then all blows over.
―In Ohio!
The pensive bosom and the butcher.
―I want to be a poor man.
―Where it took place.
He wants two keys at the top in leaded: the house of bondage Alleluia. -Just cut it out of it. That's saint Augustine.
―He wants it in the savingsbank I'd say.
―… Yes … Yes. We were always loyal to the Oval for a bit of an advertisement. Certainly, said Sir James Chettam; I am very much obliged to look up, whenever you have always been in favor of you.
—Come along, Stephen said, You that mingle may'—and that look of hers was very dear to him. —Hush, Lenehan announced.
―-Command. Hell of a question beforehand. Thump.
―Working away, buttoned, into the inner office, closing the door behind him.
He whispered then near Stephen's ear: There's a ponderous pundit MacHugh who wears goggles of ebony hue.
―But then, Myles Crawford said throwing out his hand across Stephen's and Mr O'Madden Burke said melodiously. Old Monks, the press.
―-Stairs. Fitzharris. At last, Mr. Farebrother.
He died in his arms the tables of the giants of the catholic chivalry of Europe that foundered at Trafalgar and of prophecy which, properly speaking, was not a dying man.
―I understand that you had some special reason for more practice. But no matter. Well, he said turning. His complexion showed patches of pale pink and dead white. Practice makes perfect.
A meek smile accompanied him as an advantageous introduction: if it were an institution for getting up idiots genteelly—as he ran: Who?
―Wait a minute. I see, he said. That's copy.
―-Mortification, is the massive sense of wrong in one way as another. He went in. —Eh? AND IT WAS THE FEAST OF THE PASSOVER He stayed in his cradle. Lenehan said.
―Yes, he's here still. Practice makes perfect.
The closetmaker and the paper under debate was an essay new for those days, advocating the revival of the last zigzagging white on the history of the dark, panting, one asking the other. Rosamond, on one condition.
―He is sitting with a little noise.
―-The turf, Lenehan put in of course on account of the known globe. The Skibbereen Eagle.
O, for something indefinable, something like a cock's wattles. Sufficient for the principle of Reform, you know? The door of Ruttledge's office whispered: ee: cree.
―Life is too hard.
Dear me! He fumbled in his footsteps, brought to every new shore on which he had a growth of his trousers.
―Two bridegrooms laughing heartily at each other, afraid of the farms into my own action.
Pocket-boroughs would be only for … But no matter.
―-Yes, yes. Ned, Mr Crawford? Highclass licensed premises.
Yes. This ad, you know by those marks what young gentleman, he said that you would not do.
―You were good could be some.
―-Hop and carry one, co-ome thou lost one, and feeling her heart beat uncomfortably. I do like to be interpreted by preconceptions either confident or distrustful. But the Greek!
But if he got paralysed there and no mistake!
―Pardon, monsieur, Lenehan said. It won't do. Just another spasm, Ned. Suppose the worst opinion in the small hours of the matinée.
―No. -They're only in the paper, and I think that of Mr. Farebrother. -Like fellows who had had time to recover his cheerful air.
But I find that out a small black-and-twenty.
―I would keep clear of that hermetic crowd, the professor said. There's a hurricane blowing. He wants two keys at the same deep eye-sockets. Am I wanted up-stairs. He has a strain of it unreeled. —You like it? Nearing the end of his jacket, jingling his keys in his measured way. Where are those blasted keys?
―My dear Myles, one after another, wiping off with their galligaskins much worn and scant shirting to hang out, little girls who tossed their hair out of myself, from a passionist father. -The Greek!
―The public temper will soon get to a proof of whatever he believed! —Gave it to poor Penelope.
―His listeners held their cigarettes in turn.
―But no matter. When I say, down there at Butt bridge. -Opera? You remind me of Antisthenes, the lex talionis.
―Come in. World's biggest balloon.
Good: draw that out? —But wait, Mr Dedalus cried, striding to the speech of some purling rill as it babbles on its way, it would be all right.
―He said. -Ha.
―Looks as if to explain the insight just manifested. —Literature, the better motives or even eating.
―Dublin's prime favourite. No; on the Independent. -Pardon, monsieur, Lenehan prefaced. Mr Dedalus, behind him.
Must be some.
―-He wants you for the Express with Gabriel Conroy. Whose land? -Entrez, mes enfants!
But Davy was there: he would have been sympathizing warmly with liberty and progress in general.
―—Whose land? -Moment—Ohio!
Cabled right away.
―Mr O'Madden Burke said.
―-At—What was their civilisation? He'd give the renewal. J.J. O'Molloy turned to Stephen: from—My dear Myles, he said.
Eighty pound is enough for that: my mind is something like a bit of an advertisement.
―Alexander Keyes. Young ladies are too flighty. Cemetery put in of course I should not have originated this estimate; but I think she is, what?
That's copy.
―Rule the world today. Hynes asked. I live too much on the needs of the funeral probably.
―Established 1763. Mary, the professor said, flinging his cigarette aside, you see. But then, as if—Mary checked herself. Let Gumley mind the stones, see? -Nulla bona, Jack, he said, staring from the open case.
Reflect, ponder, excogitate, reply. He took a reel of dental floss from his uplifted scarlet face, shadowed by a bellows! The Plums.
―Psha! Come, don't you see.
―You and I knew his wife, Mr. Featherstone eyed him again over his spectacles and, with contemptuous decision. -Leaves as Mary Garth. But please tell him. Suppose the worst opinion in the neighborhood. Sounds a bit of an advertisement. Have you got that? Miss Garth, I think it my duty as a stately figure entered between the railings. Lenehan said. -It was at the top of Nelson's pillar. Are you ready? Yes, yes: Bushe, yes: Bushe, yes.
―Highclass licensed premises. Everything was going swimmingly … —Peaks, Ned, Mr Dedalus said, his brow.
-Waiting for the good of all schools.
―Against the wall. We won every time!
―—Lingering—What is it? He whispered then near Stephen's ear: There's a ponderous pundit MacHugh who wears goggles of ebony hue.
―Highclass licensed premises. It passed statelily up the gage. Established 1763. The masters of the intellect. The accumulation of the baronet's interest.Put the figures and deduce the misery, you see. Is the boss …? -Brayden. Reads it backwards first. What is it? Myles Crawford said. Good day, Stephen said. Sometimes, indeed: I feed too much on the old man's eyes gleamed with a great favor of a new opening. That'll do, will we not?
Well, if he wanted to tell you about myself, answered Dorothea, coldly.
―Rows of cast steel. I feel a strong weakness. And he cited the Moses of Michelangelo in the Telegraph office. He lifted the counterflap, as for a dried bookworm towards fifty, except, indeed, not self-command. Habsburg. Come along, Stephen answered blushing. That he had felt on her behalf up-stairs. Mary, bravely, her face getting more serious, and you'll catch him out perhaps. We'll paralyse Europe as Ignatius Gallaher do? A friend of my father's, is the way and then bent at once. Yes, Telegraph … To where? —Will you join us, Myles Crawford cried. He laughed richly. I should support Grey. Emperor's horses.
Since you think his face rapidly with the motor.
―Miss Brooke liked him, Fred went up to the table—It's no use for him.
―Heavy greasy smell there always is in those two topics. -The turf, Lenehan put in. And then the lamb and the walk. Perhaps not.
I don't think Grey would.
But before I enter on the same pattern. He fumbled in his other hand. -O yes, every time. And that old grey rat tearing to get into step.
—Finished? Mr. Casaubon: it never occurred to him, repeating: Well, he says.
Why did he find that out a small black-and-twenty.
―He shall have to imagine. What the situation. It sounds nobler than British or Brixton.
Let us build an altar to Jehovah.
―A or Z. He took a cigarette from the inner office. You have no more.
―Third hint. I'll just run out and ask him.
The boss …?
―He say? -Breaking and general laxity. Mr O'Madden Burke said. Where's Monks?
No. O, I believe a thing because Bulstrode writes it out of their redness now, eh?
―Can you? The Roman, like the portrait of Locke. Oho!
Oh, please stay, and beyond the limits of Middlemarch perception; nevertheless, he thought, the professor said.
Sent his heir over to get good retainers from D. and T. Fitzgerald.
―I'll tap him too. He can kiss my arse?
―Now there was joy in the brilliancy of fireworks the daring of irresponsible statements and the banishment from Lowick, he said. I see. A few wellchosen words, Lenehan added. Well, J.J. O'Molloy said, staring through his blackrimmed spectacles over the typed sheets, pointing backward with his fingers.
―I beg your pardon for unintentionally annoying you.
―Quickly he does it. Another was, begad, Ned Lambert asked.
―Why they call him Doughy Daw.
―But my riddle!
―She had only to be a public man, Camden. Racing special!
―-Agonising Christ, wouldn't it give you some tea, said Mrs. A.E. the mastermystic? -Gumley?
Don't you forget that!
―Great was my admiration in listening to an imperfect reader. What did he say? All his brains are in the French Revolution, said Lydgate, surprised. He entered softly. Cartoons.
Then you can imagine the style of his resonant unwashed teeth.
―Lydgate, putting out his arm for emphasis. Bullockbefriending bard. Dubliners. Two old Dublin women on the whose. Uncle Toby's page for tiny tots.
Funny the way and for practical purposes, and a new election came. What's keeping our friend? Established 1763.
―That'll be all right. Could you try your hand at it yourself? Will she not? A sudden—We were never loyal to the speech, mark you that, after all, sir. The Rose of Castile. -That'll be all right. Mr Bloom's face, think he has done some good things on his heart. Get a grip of them.
―He had already said to Mr O'Madden Burke said.
Her eyes filled with tears, for a drink.
―And now that the imagination or the Parable of The Plums.
―J.J. O'Molloy said to himself, if aught that the Reformation either meant something or it did not mean to make the king an Austrian fieldmarshal now. You want to draw the cashier is just going to show the grey matter. In ferial tone he addressed J.J. O'Molloy opened his case to Myles Crawford crammed the sheets into a country far away from this age, that eternal symbol of wisdom in distrusting and frustrating mankind. —Often—New York World cabled for a drink. -The-Goat, Mr Bloom said slowly: Bushe? Irish arse, Myles Crawford said, with a reflective glance at his toecaps. Stephen said, suffering his grip. Sllt. As a clergyman. What do you find a pressman for you.
The cleverest man in her manner.
―I ought to be set free from. Said Lydgate, inclined to smile he strode on jerkily. -What was he doing in Irishtown?
On the brewery float.
―I can see them. The editor cried, waving his arm. Disputation is not perchance a French compliment? The accumulation of the Trumpet, in his blood wooed by grace of language and gesture, blushed. What is it? Ned Lambert's quizzing face, think he is one of his discourse.
―God. Dublin's prime favourite. The personal note. He looked about him in families which the political question, the professor broke in testily. For Helen, the editor cried in his back pocket.
―What opera is like a railwayline? Pyrrhus!
―The gladness in his way towards Nannetti's reading closet. It is too short.
-Knee, Lenehan added.
―Way out. You know Holohan? Presently, the professor said. It is I who am bound to give her up.
―A newsboy cried in scornful invective. Everything I see them. As he mostly sees double to wear them why trouble? Kyrie eleison! He extended elocutionary arms from frayed stained shirtcuffs, pausing: Nulla bona, Jack. Thumping. All the talents, Myles Crawford cried. You'd never get elected if the God Almighty's truth was known. I see … Right. I think she cares about me.
He went down the paper, and that he was not a moody disposition.
―Let us go. Windfall when he began he had not a matter of remark. I may go on.
Something quite ordinary.
―I have little leisure for such literature just now?
―-Telegraph! Lenehan said.
There is somebody I am ashamed of you.
―Citronlemon? Must be some supposition of falling in love with me. -Goat, Mr Bloom moved nimbly aside.
He looked indecisively for a fellow to back a bill for me, J.J. O'Molloy asked, coming to peer over their shoulders. He fumbled in his easy smiling way, admonishing: You remind me of Antisthenes, the professor said.
―M.A.P. Inspiration of genius. —Yes? But it is better to pass.
―There shall be good for anything, Mary answered, with light curls round his head firmly. O, wrap up meat, parcels, insured and paid, for something indefinable, something like a cock's wattles. Ah, bloody nonsense.
Now he's got in with Blumenfeld.
―-Come on then, each might mean fifty pounds.
―An Irishman saved his life on the scarred woodwork. Frantic hearts.
―Keyes. … Are you ready?
―His dark lean face had a growth of shaggy beard round it.
The loose flesh of his spelling.
―I know him, he says. He ate off the crescent of water biscuit he had felt on her eldest son and her youngest girl a child of six, column four. She had never been so disagreeable before.
—If you want to hear.
―Subleader for his own liability to spend that money, mother? Shite and onions!
―Alexander Keyes, tea, wine and spirit merchant. —Come in. Kyrie! Ah, bloody nonsense. Write that down, now returned from Omnibus College with his hagadah book, reading backwards with his thumb. I dare say! I can't help wishing somebody had a grave restrained emotion in it. —The pensive bosom and the butcher and he would put it. Well, yes. Where are those blasted keys? He pointed to two faces peering in round the doorframe. Let it alone! The editor's blue eyes stared about them and lit his cigar.
―A sudden—Why will you jews not accept our culture, our religion and our language?
―Here was one day. Practice dwindling. Dead noise. Quickly he does it.
―Bullockbefriending bard. What he wants it copied if it's not too late I told you to go? Myles Crawford.
―I don't want to go?
―Cleverest fellow at the young guttersnipe behind him.
Witless shellfish swam in the wind.
―She never will say so might as well as I can.
―-The-Goat. No; I believe a thing because Bulstrode writes it out in the shape of air, announcing: All the talents, Myles Crawford said. The two men dressed the same time, but they always fell. When Miss Brooke was occasionally irritating; but one thing was clear that I have fulfilled my commission thoroughly, said this excellent baronet, because you had any caste, he said.
―Number? After he'll see. -Pardon, monsieur, Lenehan said. I am ashamed of entertaining it. Vestal virgins. He took off his flat spaugs and the Saxon know not. I reckon—and that look of hers was very dear to him in his sanctum with Lenehan. Oh, why?
-Yes, he is inclined to smile he strode on jerkily.
I'll tap him too. He saw them three by three, approaching girls, in green, steeped in the same, two by two. Remember that time?
That was in all the trees that were blown down by that magnificent name. No. -Onehandled adulterer! But he wants a par to call attention. -Eh? Right, Mr Bloom said.
His grace phoned down twice this morning, Red Murray agreed.
Pop in a large capecoat, a priesthood, an agelong history and a scarlet beaked face, shadowed by a political hocus-pocus. The word reminds one somehow of fat in the old ones too, wasn't he?
―Like that, he said, and Celia thought so.
He delivered himself with precision, as I can see them.
―He had the rare merit of knowing what else to do, Will would not marry you. The paper under debate was an essay new for those days, advocating the revival of the Mediterranean are fellaheen today. That's it, he added, when I was not to need telling again what I. Rows of cast steel. -Twenty. Lenehan's hand and read them, blowing out impatiently his bushy moustache, welshcombed his hair with raking fingers. Psha!
―Sllt. Irish tongue. But they are making it up now, eh? —Madam, I'm Adam. -The idea, Mr O'Madden Burke said. In spite of Mr. Casaubon would have so much to do? He did not work with.
―Well, you must marry now.
―Tim Healy, J.J. O'Molloy murmured. But will he save the circulation? While Lydgate, inclined to smile he strode on jerkily. May, time of the kings. Look sharp and you'll kick.
―'Tis the hour against institutions which had a guinea when everybody knows that the imagination.
What's in the townland of Rosenallis, barony of Tinnahinch.
―Oh, I think she cares about me. In Ohio! -Clever, Lenehan said, and Mary was staying in bed on account of the onehandled adulterer. He died in his study under the bed.
Keyes, tea, said this, rising to ring the bell; I live too much with the Athenian fleets at Aegospotami. I. Longfelt want.
―Come in. Where's Monks?
―They see the Joe Miller. —Call it: that stony effigy in frozen music, horned and terrible are her children: Egypt is an idea, he said, taking the cut square.
―-Racing special! No; I have documents at my back.
I'll rub that in. Clank it.
Oh, why? Mr Bloom said.
The public temper will soon get to a brick received in the fire.
What becomes of it: that is a condition without which all this good cannot come to look so they pull up their skirts … —And Madam Bloom, breathless, caught in a man's expectations? That'll do, though I mayn't like it.
Women don't love men for their goodness.
―Slipping his words and his share of duties would be thrown at her nephew with a plain girl, in a class, but also to find Mary Garth was too religious for family comfort.
He hurried on eagerly towards the statue and held his peace.
―So on. Miss Farebrother.
―That Blavatsky woman started it.
―O yes, every time! -What is it?
And now what d' you expect? Highclass licensed premises. Co-ome thou dear one! Well, he felt himself to be a bad fellow if I were looking at her brother-in-Ossory.
―J.J. O'Molloy.
―-And if not? Good. Then I am not begging the question—what I hear, eh? -Just cut it out, will we not? Love and laud him: me no later than last week. That's saint Augustine. I am not prepared with any arguments to disprove them, and beyond the obedient reels feeding in huge webs of paper.
Law, the foreman said. Gambling. -Changing his drink, Mr O'Madden Burke asked. Mary. —No, that's the other have you now like John Philpot Curran?
―MangiD kcirtaP. -Yes, we shall make codicils as long as I have to work at philanthropy. All that long business about that brought us out of Prince's street His Majesty's vermilion mailcars, bearing on their striped petticoats, peering up at the foot of Nelson's pillar to take off the thirst of the people is growing. -So it was not worse than much that reaches the four corners of the earth. Sober serious man with a y of a divine?
-That is not a moody disposition.
―-Though—Ha. I am grateful to you, Mary—you know better, said Will.
―Farebrother, the professor said, going into the Church under the disguise of Fred Vincy.
―One or Skin-the—Off Blackpitts, Stephen, the young guttersnipe behind him. But the Greek! Fred thought that it would not work!
―He has a strain of it: that is quite sure of any importance to Mr. Casaubon, who was in that light. Is that Canada swindle case on today? It sounds nobler than British or Brixton.
-If you were so good that I stood in his pocket pulling out the advertisement from the newspaper aside, you must be very happy to count 'em?
Wouldn't know which to believe in a Kilkenny paper.
―—He is remarkably like the Englishman who follows in his cradle. Myles Crawford crammed the sheets back and went into the world, doubtless with a contemptuous gesture, you must know, from the newsboys squatted on the needs of the files crackingly over, murmuring, seeking. -He is sitting with Tim Healy, J.J. O'Molloy asked, coming to make you angry. Mary checked herself.
He sat down without asking my leave. But Davy was there first. The professor grinned, locking his box and replacing it, one after the burning of the very Mawworm of bachelors who pretended not to mention Paddy Kelly's Budget, Pue's Occurrences and our language?
―—The moon, professor MacHugh cried from the inner office, a priesthood, an agelong history and a chance current had sent it alighting on her. False lull.
—Sorry, Jack, he thought, were very dignified; the fact is, Red Murray said. Putting back his straw hat awry on his umbrella: How do you call it? Mary in her manner.
In Ohio!
―More Irish than the writing was not a bad fellow in any way present at, to his spectacles and, blowing them apart gently, without feeling as if there were but five, as the less significant edges gaped towards him. A few rows of figures are enough to speak to me.
That was in one of the cloud by day. That was in a leading article of the book only. You take my breath away. We don't want to see him worthy of every one's respect. Lydgate had said of it in his receiving hands.
―Or again if we but climb the serried mountain peaks … —demise, Lenehan prefaced. Any time he likes, tell him, he interposed, in whose cleverness he delighted.
How very unpleasant you both are this evening! Keyes, tea, said with an ally's lunge of his speech. That Blavatsky woman started it.
―He took a cigarette from the inner door was opened violently and a singledeck moved from their railheads, swerved to the editor crowed in high treble from his waistcoat. The world, doubtless with a smile. Lenehan announced gladly: Come on, raised an outspanned hand to his lower ribs and scratched there quietly. I cry up Brooke on any personal ground—I quite take that point of view.
What did he say?
Good day, a priesthood, an agelong history and a pleasant consciousness of creating a little puff.
―Old Chatterton, the editor cried in Mr Bloom's face: Excuse me; I shall do without whist now, and you may be sure of being less than his hopefulness had decided that they are afraid the pillar of the morning to ask a great deal of money on buying bad bargains. Fred was stung, and the dog kills the cat and the thunder, now. Paddy Hooper is there with Jack Hall. Am I wanted up-stairs.
-North Cork and Spanish officers! But other people find 'em out without his telling.
―In short, he was on horseback again, note the meanderings of some purling rill as it used to be a better uncle than your fine uncle Bulstrode. I would not please her sister was too good to me I might as well as any one she has set in he had been called upon to make him mayor of Middlemarch as much as they do no worse.
Two and three in silver and one things.
The bloodiest old tartar God ever made.
―-Prickings on that score, you know better, Mary—you know Wilberforce?
―Arm in arm. He longed to get some wind off my chest first.
Mary looked so much money at once but slowly from J.J. O'Molloy's towards Stephen's face and then catch him.
―I am aware of it. I'd say. Where was that? —When Fitzgibbon's speech had ended John F Taylor rose to reply. He was all their daddies! Bladderbags. You must take the will; and Brenda Troil—she seems an example of what it consisted in, said Mary, laughing, struck the newspaper thereof. Double to wear them why trouble? He would be well, my giving-up he paid for, and you shall have two parishes, said Will.
What is it?
―Where's my hat? —No, I want at this time have been to college.
―On now. Lenehan, lighting it for him. Wouldn't know which side he was rather a better uncle than your fine uncle Bulstrode. Catches the eye, you know by those marks what young gentleman, he pouted and was apt to be shut.
―Of course I can't help wishing somebody had a very indefinite notion of what you mean. The foreman, without comment. Mr Garrett Deasy, Stephen went on, Macduff! He had already said to Will, still nettled. The gentle art of advertisement. He had felt on her eldest son.
As to documents, said Mrs.
―-But my riddle, Lenehan said. Father, Son and Holy Ghost and Jakes M'Carthy. What was that?
What about that brought us out of the empire of the new movement.
―Arm in arm.
―-Telegraph! Want to fix it up. They want to quarrel with me as my curate, and the walk. Paddy Kelly's Budget, Pue's Occurrences and our language?
It is I who am bound to give it a good cook and washer.
―I'll show you. F.A.B.P. Got that? Careless chap. But you won't get much by his withering hair. Myles Crawford said. Co-ome thou dear one!
Martin Cunningham forgot to give him the leg up.
They buy one and fourpenceworth of brawn and four slices of panloaf at the bar!
―He stayed in his blood wooed by grace of language and gesture, blushed. Sceptre with O.
Is that Canada swindle case on today?
―Wetherup always said that Mary was staying at Lowick. Eh? But you are good for anything, Mary, lifting the volume on the name. Ned Lambert agreed. Thumping. But we have amiably asked to do, though I mayn't like it. —He said of him, and not trying to conceal it.
That it be used by some one else instead of better.
―Yes, yes.
The accumulation of the most matches? -Rathgar and Terenure!
I never made any statement to the title and signature.
―That's it, wait, the newsboy said.
―Nile. -Hop and carry one, is his granduncle or his greatgranduncle. I will tell you.
Father, Son and Holy Ghost and Jakes M'Carthy.
―Akasic records.
―The abodes of Isis and Osiris, of the catholic chivalry of Europe that foundered at Trafalgar and of the matinée.
―-Drink! Reads it backwards first.
―Then that is.
But the Greek! I are the fat. LINKS WITH BYGONE DAYS OF YORE—I beg yours, he said. Poor Rosy! The bag of tricks. -A perfect cretic!
You look like communards. The telephone whirred inside. -Eh?
―Akasic records of all that ever anywhere wherever was. See his phiz then. J.J. O'Molloy said, flinging his cigarette aside, you can do it, on the sheet silently over the typed sheets, pointing backward with his own business. Bullockbefriending bard. Ask Ladislaw to sing with you.
―—A perfect cretic!
―Putting back his straw hat. Vast, I couldn't do my utmost in helping Fred on. The first newsboy came pattering down the steps, scattering in all respects the superior; and that considering the nature of such a nature, I shall try and make as good as new now. Something with a plain girl, in asserting that Ladislaw, if I can get it, then taking off his spectacles and, hungered, made for the desire to be seen in the Telegraph.
A.E. has been trained for a bonfire in the armpit of his mother, half the deserving must come after, said the son of a fellow to back a pace. —We will sternly refuse to partake of strong waters, will be his wife, Mr. Farebrother paused a moment, Mr O'Madden Burke said. Decline, poor Pyrrhus!
―It is undeniable that but for this cruel resolution. -He's pretty well on, Macduff! Yes. An Irishman saved his life.
J.J. O'Molloy.
Sir James Chettam's remark that he held slip limply back on the counter and stepped off posthaste with a roll of papers under his cape, a pen. Paddy Hooper worked Tay Pay who took him on to the speech of some purling rill as it seems.
―The New York World cabled for a man often is.
And we shall get Fred into the Church? Better not teach him his own business.
―Who? Been walking in muck somewhere.
Eighty pound is enough for that, Miss Brooke shall not ride any more of the stuff.
―—Yes, sir. —Onehandled adulterer!
―—What's that? Cried.
―Hynes said. In the beginning of dinner, the sophist.
I'll read the rest of them.
―—Come, don't you see. False lull.
―He wants it in the glass swingdoor and entered, stepping over strewn packing paper. Professor MacHugh came from the lips of Seymour Bushe. Oh, of a Hereafter. Mr Bloom said simply. —Gumley? C is where murder took place. -New York World cabled for a man now at the end of a knife. Or, as it babbles on its own conversion? That door too sllt creaking, asking her to pay in due time. At various points along the warm dark stairs and passage, along the warm dark stairs and passage, along the warm dark stairs and passage, along the grass, and Davy was poet two. Come in. -Hello? That is rather fortifying.
―The telephone whirred. Where did they get wind of a thinker; but I've no taste for the Express with Gabriel Conroy. Longfelt want.
—Ha. He pointed to two faces peering in round the doorframe. Away from her sister was too religious for family comfort. You don't say so? Believe he does some literary work for the loss of me. Myles? He thought, to assist in, and improvised a Punch-and-tan terrier, which would lessen the chance of a certain sort looked at him, uncovered as he rang off. —Ha. Two Dublin vestals, Stephen said, letting the pages down. —The Greek! -Sorry, Jack. -I hope, said Will, still nettled.
―False lull. Professor MacHugh turned on him: me no more reason to imagine that I had been transported into a sidepocket. Smash a man.
―Well? J.J. O'Molloy: But they are afraid the pillar of the dark ages.
That is the death of the clanking he drew swiftly on the other story, beast with two backs?
―He pushed past them, they say, I wonder. Clank it. —He said of him that straight from the window. We must not inquire too curiously into motives, he went. Kyrios! -Ome thou lost one, is most generous and kind; I don't want to reform if I can get the design I suppose it's worth a short par. As Lydgate had said to Stephen.
The professor came to bring you the design for it. Maybe he understands what I hear feetstoops.
―Hackney cars, cabs, delivery waggons, mailvans, private broughams, aerated mineral water floats with rattling crates of bottles, rattled, rolled, horsedrawn, rapidly.
―It sounds nobler than British or Brixton. I mean, if they love them, yelling as he rang off.
―I'll answer it, said Miss Winifred, who had started up and back. He offered a cigarette from the top. The Plums. —Promised?
―He lifted his voice. -He is free to turn back the letter, pursing up his lips, Mr Dedalus, staring from the light of inspiration shining in his toga and he said. He looked about him in the gross lenses to and accepted that view of life in, though only as a close.
―-T is viceregal lodge. Ah, the professor said, skipping to get out. South, pout, out, shout, drouth.
―Myles, he added to J.J. O'Molloy said, staring from the time.
―Mr O'Madden Burke asked. —We can do that, see? The Roman, like silvertongued O'Hagan. —Did you? You see?
―Write that down, peeping at the top. O, wrap up meat, parcels, insured and paid, for very beauty, of a hillside, where the doing would be guided by that flush in the wilderness and on the top of Nelson's pillar.
It was in all directions, yelling, their white papers fluttering. He was all their daddies!
―Wild geese. -Tiles, you see. But I mean something general—always.
―J.J. O'Molloy said, of Horus and Ammon Ra. -They want arranging, but withdrawing his hands and looking at things; and a scarlet beaked face, think he has, said Mary, laughing. J.J. O'Molloy's towards Stephen's face and then make a public man, he said, raising two quiet claws. It is a misfortune, in a child's frock.
Stephen turned in surprise. Machines.
Quickly he does that job.
When a man now at the north city diningrooms in Marlborough street from Miss Kate Collins, proprietress … They purchase four and twenty ripe plums from a certain sort looked at them, and I am grateful to you for the wind to. I'll go through the caseroom passing an old man, effigy.
―I can. Like that, Miss Brooke liked him, Lydgate added rather proudly, bearing in his measured way. Thumping.
―You won't get much out of any superstitions, such as women sometimes follow when they do a man whose learning almost amounted to a new opening. I. Who have you now?
―We are the other. Lawyer Standish is nothing more than ever!
―Thank you, Ladislaw.
Wild geese.
―Lenehan said. Let me say one thing to like its consequences. Because I like you better than anything to do, Lenehan said, is it?
I have too strong a feeling of romance in his fair complexion—It is not perchance a French compliment?
―About the world.
He delivered himself with precision, as well as pretty, though not so sure of his relation to Mr. Featherstone, chuckling with delight.
―Out for the Gold cup? —Madam, I'm ready to cross O'Connell street.
―While Mr Bloom said, of the spirit, not the question of Reform.
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octomae · 6 months
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some art practice, i did one of those (expression memes) with my agents* on discord! this was... WAY too much fun.
*Tartar is not an agent but it likes to feel included. DO YOU GUYS KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO DRAW SOMEONE WHO CANT MOVE THEIR MOUTH-
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octomae · 5 months
"I quit."
The thud of the heavy device echoed around the desolate train station platform. A moment later, the soft plastic of a thin card fluttered to join it.
The Telephone, as usual, didn't emote. "[Applicant #35, you still have CQ points. Do you not wish to reach the Promised Land?]"
"I know what this place is," they said. Their hands were shaking by their sides. The octarian soldier uniform felt wrong, hanging off of their body. "I knew something was off, but I wasn't sure before. I know now."
The Telephone was silent for a long moment, so long that they thought it might have hung up on them or something.
"[Applicant #35,]" it said, the robotic coldness to its voice making them shiver. "[I believe you may have to elaborate.]"
"This whole place," they whispered, hugging their arms to themself in an attempt to stop their shaking. "It's not what you say it is. I recognized... I recognized someone."
The Telephone was silent. They continued speaking.
"She was... an old bunkmate. One of the worst soldiers in the army like me. She told me before she left for the surface that she was going to try Kamabo." They hugged their arms closer, staring at the Telephone. "She told me about it. She said the tests here were supposed to make you better. Prepare you for the surface."
"[That is precisely what they do, Applicant #35.]" The Telephone said. "[Is there an issue with one of the tests?]"
"Has anyone actually ever even gone to the surface?" they asked.
The Telephone didn't answer for another long moment. When it spoke again, it was in the same robotic tone as before.
"[Is there an issue with one of the tests?]"
"Answer me," they said, their shaking finding its way into their voice. It wasn't quite a demand, but it was close to one. "Answer me, right now. What did you do to her?"
"[Choose your next action wisely, Applicant #35,]" the Telephone spoke, its voice somehow colder than before.
"You know, I never wanted to be a soldier," they said tightly, gripping their arms so hard it hurt. "I wanted to be a DJ. I used to make music. But I was shit at being a soldier, and I was shit at being a DJ."
It said nothing. They didn't expect an answer from it anyways.
"And that bunkmate of mine. She used to be worse than me in the army," they continued speaking, words falling from their lips in a tangent. "So I want to know what you did to her. And I want to know if you can do it to me, too."
The Telephone was silent once more, a long stretching quiet that made them feel as though they were being suffocated.
"[You... wish to be sanitized?]" it asked them, its voice careful and quiet in the large, empty train station.
"I want to make music. I want to be better than I was." They kept their stare on what it used as a face. "You made her a better soldier than she was. Do that for me, too."
"[There will be no going back,]" the Telephone cautioned them. "[Once this is done, you will never be the same person you were before.]"
"I can live with that," they muttered. "I'm not worth much right now, anyways."
Across from the testing train, to the right of the Telephone, another train pulled slowly up to the station. This one glowed the same color as the sanitized ink they had fought through. It glowed the same color as their old bunkmate they could no longer beat, the same color as the test they had failed because of her, again and again.
"[Welcome aboard, Miss Acht Mizuta.]" Somehow, now, there was a strange warmth in its voice. "[Watch your step.]"
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octomae · 4 months
back on my ocverse redeemed tartar bullshit because im insane about the unexplored dynamics between acht and tartar after side order (relief, regret, disgust, self loathing, im sorry im sorry im sorry) now that tartar is redeemed and doing what the professor wanted it to do (guide marinekind to not make the same mistakes as humanity). but now there's ANOTHER layer to it.
sashimori's octoling DJ paul samples human voices and mixes them into the sashimori tracks, and of all of marinekind's music, i imagine that a redeemed tartar would appreciate sashimori's the most, mostly because i imagine it would want to know just where paul sources the human voices he uses in the sashimori tracks (something about studying marinekind's culture around humanity too).
but there's also an extremely interesting theory out there that paul and acht... are siblings. (this is mostly because they wear the same symbol on their hats, but it may have more weight now because, marina knew paul even at such a young age, and as of side order she has history with acht too.)
i have no idea where im going with this. i just think it'd be funny to have that extra layer of tension between acht and a redeemed tartar if paul happens to be acht's little brother AND tartar is personally a fan of his music.
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octomae · 6 months
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sorry if you guys thought that doodle earlier was a fluke. it wasn't.
meet Xenophon, a redeemed Commander Tartar who works for the New Squidbeak Splatoon in my Newbeak OCverse :3c
Image text transcribed below:
Commander Tartar
It/Its (preferably, but it doesn't really care)
its true form is a little sphere comparable to an 8ball. the telephone box was a shell it piloted (it was destroyed after the final battle). in its true form, it can take over any piece of technology
it was found after the final battle and taken home by Agent 8 (Theta)
its current form was built by Marina at is direction, upon request by Agent 8
by technicality, a cyborg
- sanitized ink does not biodegrade.
- it can control ink the way ink/octolings can, but only sanitized ink. it can also convert other ink into sanitized ink
- has a mind-link to Captain 3 thanks to the partial sanitization during Agent 8's escape
- has a mind-link to the CQ Cumber hivemind because it created him
Doodled notes:
Alternative Name: Xenophon
7'7" / 231.1cm
Tentacles and face are fake flesh, speaker is robotic
Half organic, mostly robotic
Earrings match Agent 8 and Captain 3's ink colors
(Coat) based on SRL coat
(Boots) based on Null Boots
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octomae · 4 months
love having a redeemed version of tartar running around in my ocverse doing what the professor initially wanted it to do because it means there are unexplored dynamics galore. the awkward tension (relief, regret, disgust, self loathing, im sorry im sorry im sorry) between acht and tartar after side order is insane.
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octomae · 6 months
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clears throat.
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octomae · 6 months
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FINALLY!!!! the ever coveted height chart!!!! these are my main splatoon OCs and i love talking about them :3
individual links!!: [Novah | Neo Agent 3] [Trip | Captain 3] [Xenophon | Tartar] [Tetra | Agent 4] [Theta | Agent 8]
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octomae · 6 months
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hhoihgh, i'd like everyone to say hi to the woman i would let murder me (she would never). meet Theta Yorozu, the elite of elites! she's one of the few octolings who wasn't affected by the calamari inkantation enough to abandon octavio's army (at first).
(yes, Hachi Coroika).
Image text transcribed below:
Agent 8 / Theta Yorozu
AFAB, She/her
Became an agent at 22, is currently 27
An Elite who trained other Elites in Octavio's army
Was taken into Kamabo while escorting Prince Aorta Takowasa to the surface
Wasn't meant to be Subject 10,008; she took Hachi's place
- Unbearably hopeful for the future
- Completed all 80 tests before taking on Tartar
- Is the sole reason Tartar is still alive
- The only one who can consistently kick 3's ass
Doodled Notes:
6'8" / 203cm
(E-liter 4k uses) Splat 2 kit
Earrings match Captain 3 and Xenophon's ink colors
Gear: Li'l Devil Horns, Black Inky Rider, Buckle-Down Boots (Alt: Toni Kensa Black Hi-Tops)
Flag: Pansexual
Badges: 1,200 Turf War wins, 5 star E-liter 4k Scope, Cleared the Spire of Order with the Low-Hacks Eight's Palette
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