Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least eight peoples asks who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen but it's nice to know that someone thinks you're beautiful :) you deserve it!
{ awe baby you're so lovely what are you doing?       stop being such a freaking angel you silly        i adore you okay, you're a lovely angel.       i'm sorry i've been taking forever by the way.        -clings- }
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"I'm busy so speak."
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    "Now these are some faces I'm not particularly familiar with."
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[ the moment when i've been waiting for a reply..only to realize that i've had it in my likes like a fucking idiot and it's been buried under my shit. i'm sorry! ]
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[❥] the creatures bound to the dark
The bark of the tree scratches through the ruined fabric of his shirt, prickling into the skin of his back but it's nothing compared to the burning in his blood, wolfsbane coursing through his body. The bullet wound covers a small spot just long the side of his abdomen, veins coloring black and the air of the woods does nothing to soothe the fever over his skin. He's dying    it's a thought that extrudes from his inner fears and bleeds from the wound itself, lupine eyes trying to find the bullet in the dark earth but his limbs can't move.
        [It's like drowning, nostalgia of forgotten asthma attacks with lungs heaving for air and cold sweat dampening over his flesh. Breathe, he tells himself, breathe, breathebreathebreathe.]
A twig snaps somewhere in the dark gaps of the trees, a incense of another body but he keeps his voice lodge in his throat, harsh breathing hitching through his nose. Waiting, he feels pathetically small as his trembling limbs stay limp but the thought of moving only makes the wolfsbane burn hotter, lacing along veins that tread closer to the pounding organ in his chest.
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selunesdream · 11 years
⊙﹏⊙ .... I'll go run off now.
[ loves on
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inseguitosangue · 11 years
~ xasktheunknownoriginalx
"Can I do something for you?", the doppelganger asked, as she heard someone approaching. She didn´t look up, she took a sip from her coffee, instead.
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Leave Me Alone
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The taste was still on her lips as she looked around and then back down to the body on the ground beside her. It was a good thing that Caroline was in an alley way because she wasn't in too much of a mood to pick up after herself. Brows furrowed as she looked at the near dear human at her feet and with a kick, moved him behind a dumpster to rot. She's drained him enough and he wouldn't live to tell who had attacked him tonight.
A sigh left her stained lips as she turned from the body and walked to the end of the alley way. Eyes searched for any signs of the scooby gang and when she didn't see them, a smirk played across tinted lips. Looking down, she licked the last remaining bit of blood from her fingertips before she noticed a presence near her and looked up quickly. "Oh great, you. What do you want?" Caroline asked, eyebrows raising quickly. There was no one else around so she had to have come for her.
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bloodysaviour · 11 years
"Scarlett is an Original vampire, over 1000 years old but forever 16. She is the youngest out of all the originals, but don’t let her pretty face fool you. She is deadly. People may say she’s a mixture of Klaus and Rebekah but they’re wrong. Scarlett has a personality of her own which involves being a kind girl or a straight up bitch so she’s suggests to stay on her good side." (Very interesting OC <3)
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askelenamgilbert · 11 years
Send me “☑” if you think that I get my character correctly
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Dear Diary,
Mikaelsons are a freaking pain! Have I told you that? I mean I think I have but you have no idea. 
Okay so I met another one today..yes..another one. I wanted to like scream. They all have their heads up their asses or something because I just cannot with them right now. I just can't. Like, why do you have to be so freaking annoying just because you are like old as dirt. 
Anyways, the funny this is I think I could actually like get used to one. Just like, don't tell okay? I mean, I know you won't because you're like a diary but whatever. You know what I'm talking about. 
I actually kinda like her. Just a bit and I may be a little jealous because she's like crazy pretty but I'll handle that. I mean I dealt with Elena jealousy feels. I don't know. I just, I kind of want to get to know her more. Something about her tells me she's not that much like her siblings. 
I think I could make a friend.
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undeadxbarbie · 12 years
People started to follow you ( +4 )
'' I'm Rebekah, and you are? '' she asked.
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