#xanthra philippa mackay
illesecrita · 5 months
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From 1993 to 1995, [Mirha-Soleil] Ross and partner Xanthra Phillippa MacKay published gendertrash from hell, a quarterly zine which "[gave] a voice to gender queers, who've been discouraged from speaking out & communicating with each other". They managed the zine's publisher, genderpress, which also distributed other transsexual pamphlets and literature, corresponded with local organizations and sold buttons. In standard zine format, gendertrash was a combination of art, poetry, resource lists, serialized fiction, calls to action, classified ads, illustrations and collages and movie reviews. By and for transsexual, transgender and transvestite people, it addressed gender experiences at the individual and societal level and prioritized sex workers, low-income queers, trans people of colour and prisoners. Articles frequently addressed the erasure of transsexuals from lesbian, gay, bi and queer communities and the communities' co-opting of trans identities and issues. Four issues of gendertrash were published, and its run ended in 1995.
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(“Dancing Wimmin” by Jeanne B [Mirha-Soleil Ross], from gendertrash issue #1, p. 9)
The Gendertrash from Hell zine issues on archive.org, link also contains the film Gender Troublemakers (1993)
Another link to the first issue (with the others in “related readings”, just below) this time on transreads.org
Wikipedia, genderoutlaws.tumblr.com, lgbtqdigitalcollaboratory.org.
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