#xanruko <3
jareicanon · 1 year
I don’t know what I’m doing for the record I’ve never tried animating before but I got An Urge to try it bc I have had this silly little idea in my head for over two weeks now…
…and now it’s 4am. What do I have to show for it?
Well, my dear mutuals/friends, I present to you, my wip:
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this is literally 7 frames looped I wanna cry it’s been 6-7 hours :’)
it’s been 6 hours but there was a period where i lost most of the entire thing and something hadn’t connected either so there were no backups and GRAAGGGHDHDHWJJD
basically I am still redoing frames bit by bit, frame by frame bc :) something :) corrupted :)
I :) want :) to :) die :) !!!
annoying! but i’m having fun with it hehe
it’s nowhere close to finished (compared to what I have in my head as The Idea), but yikes. who knows if i will get that done because!!! my attention span is awful LOL
let me know if you like it (?) or if you have any tips or suggestions AT ALL I am desperate and Do Not Know What I Am Doing!!
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apollotronica · 1 year
Art Idea's you say? Butler Teruko. Since everyone keeps looking at David as a cat Maid. Xander needs to have one of each, right? -🌙
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BANGER IDEA AS ALWAYS (shes a foxgirl!)
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terukotime · 1 year
what happened between teruko and xander (wrong answers only)
"How NOT to Find Out if Your Girl is Into Knifeplay"
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librariansrose · 7 months
DRDT Event Announcement!!
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I hereby bring you the dates and promotions for Teruvid week! Both featured banners were drawn for me by @juicewaaa !
Now with any good event, there are some rules to follow! As this is a ship week based on Teruvid, there will also be some prompts to help you along!
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"But Kuro," You ask me, "What are the dates? Because I want to participate!" I'm glad you asked! The dates for Teruvid week will be March 23rd-29th! Here are the prompts and event rules which I'll have for each event that I run this year! I look forward to everyone's hard work!
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"Kuro, you have other events planned this year?" Yes! Several! Many are ship weeks, some are singular ship days. Each one will have an announcement when I'm ready to reveal them. Most are DRDT but a few are Another Series. "Are all the dates planned? Yes! All of them! "That's exciting, can we know how many?" Oh sure, I'll drop a list but block the dates~
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I will still participate in DRDTTober and for Xanruko week I am a participant, not the one leading it <3
Please understand that four of these events are weeks and the rest are singular days.
I planned it this way since some of my events on this list may not have as many participants and I don’t want those events limited by prompts, so that there’s more freedom for creativity 💟
Anyway I look forward to having fun with everyone!
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rachelcommitscrimes · 4 months
Cute Xanruko Headcanon!! <3
Xander stabbed Teruko in a place where she’d have a chance of surviving because he still wanted her to live.
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rulanarinrush · 3 months
incredibly random, baseless, probably wrong thoughts+questions about drdt. like, there's literally no evidence behind any of these thoughts. they're dumb. open to discussion bc i like hearing thoughts. as per usual i didn't rewatch anything bc i'm lazy</3 so if something is wrong sorry and also this is not a theory and also this is not a criticism of the series, if you can somehow think of this as one. also sorry if this is incredibly obvious or has been proven by the series already too lol
Also I went searching a bit to see if there's anything I remembered that's referenced here, but the only theoryposts that I can find that use ideas from them are from @/1moreff-creator (for color theory). if anyone else recognizes ideas that r similar here I in no way mean to plagiarize you and if you want credit or brought up these ideas already just lmk (Or if you want me to take this down that's fine too)
david mv baseless thoughts: color theory+roman numerials here, thank you to 1moreoff
could the "subtract 4 due to tetraphobia" be a reference to arturo's "mind exercises 1 2 3 4?" I think I've seen some thoughts swirling around the fandom that it refers to the roman numerals like Veronika's, Whit's, Arei's, etc., as in literally taking 4 out of them like Whit's XV-IV becomes XI Mai's, but maybe considering it's colored green like in Arturo's section, it's referring to him? What does this mean? i dunno. could it mean he only lives to chapter 3? or chapter 4? either Whit or Veronika is involved with him as either his killer or victim? Or Hu or Teruko are involved(if you buy into that color theory thing, which I wouldn't doubt, there's a lot of visual symbolism in this series.) Could be anything. Everything in this MV is interpretation until the (main) story progresses. probably wrong about this being important to Arturo too! wrong thoughts everywhere.
could J's "do it like that, let's live together" be a reference to her+her family literally living together?(as in, the line is literal with them) not elaborating cuz it's just a guess. i think some of the drdt side characters have colors in this mv too, since although the same colors show up many times, they are usually in different shades of the color. i think the only colors i remember with the same shade showing up a lot is a dark red and black.
what is going on with that broken clock stuck with a fork in it having approximately the same frozen time as Xander stabbing Teruko in like... was it episode 5?(read the clock as 15:31, or some time close to that idr) i think so. considering there's a fork-like object, that might have been the weapon used to play optometry simulator with Xander's eye. it's probably a bit more symbolic than at face value something something xanruko but. more guesses. eden immediately becomes suspicious but like ehhh. funny coincidences. i don't want to think about it, plus it's such an immediate connection that it's almost suspicious in and of itself.
k i think that's it for any weird(and wrong) thoughts on the mv
why did Teruko bump into Xander? i don't mean this in a super deep philosophical way, I just mean that logically, she bumped into his eye, meaning it was a (semi) head-on collision where their faces were both facing each other. It could be that Xander bumped into her head from behind but I'm really trying to envision that and it's not working. maybe i have rocks for brains :( but yeah it sort of implies that Xander was going back to the dorm rooms which... why tho? if she turned the corner and bumped into him, he would have to be going in the direction of the dorms(i think, unless there's some secret passage shenanigans going on). so like. did he already get that note to kill teruko and just sort of went back there to check for stragglers? forget something in his room, even though teruko proved they can't go back inside? if it's the former why didn't he just bare-hand teruko to death in the infirmary?(JOKE) this is another dumb question that honestly needs no explanation i just like thinking about needless things.
I don't think the girl Eden kissed is Mai
ok before I get booed off the stage!!! Like everything else here I'm not opposed to the idea or this being wrong. I'm just thinking that in order for the motive to work, Eden would actually have to like. remember which girl it is. if it is Mai that makes Eden immediately suspicious, because I feel like with how much of an impact she had on the class they would have brought her up at least once if they can remember her, even if she is dead. I mean none of the class seems to remember any maybe past time in East(?) Hope's Peak, so. Anyone even remembering is suspicious. weak argument i know, it just boils down to "you would think Eden would remember which girl it is she kissed" when I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation to untangle that knot, but this entire post is full of weak thoughts for a fittingly weak mind 😔
(cw: description of murder but like ...this show... uh... you know) what is going on with how needlessly complicated Arei's murder method was? Like, what's the motive behind it? obviously it'll be explained in part 2, but why wouldn't the kiler just let her asphyxiate? I know i know human decency, but mercy is a luxury these days. and if the killer accidentally applied too much force her head would snap off like a funko pop and i really doubt any killer wants to deal with that mess so like. why take the risk? there are plenty of easier options that i can immediately think of like suffocation or drowning. i don't really think "quick death" works as an argument here since it probably takes longer to set everything up with the fish than wait for her to die. I have my guesses for this but they contain so many logical leaps that at this point you're better off letting a wheel randomly pick her killer and going with that.
what is with Eden's tendency to get involved in every murder? Ch2 is obvious, but in Ch1, let's assume that plot armor was on Xander's side and Teruko used up all her luck. It's still hypothetically possible for her to have pointed out Xander as the killer and defended Charles due to seeing the wound in the infirmary. from a story-writing perspective, i kind of get why she had to be in the room and be told to leave, but that's still suspicious to me. another weak thought.
what's with the eerie level of sympathy that whoever constructed the motives has for whoever has the entire family died secret Xander? (I'm just going to say this secret is Xander's just to have an easy way to refer to it, but I fully acknowledge it could be someone else's. I just think it's his due to parent(s) and sibling(s). Hypothetically, Teruko would just be kinda :/ at a more than 1 sibling reveal and Levi only brings up having a mom, though I get this is a weak argument too considering that others are unaccounted for.) All the motives are written with some level of blame in it, some being a bit hostile(like the 3 time attempter) but Xander's feels like it barely works as a motive due to how...kindly it's worded. I get why it does work, but kind of like how they say death games say more about their creators than their participants or human nature, I think it's revealing of something about either the audience, the mastermind, or the traitor that his is worded in such a way that it's like "well... okay...so?" like yes Xander absolutely wants to keep it a secret based on the infirmary talk with Teruko, but it really inspires no sense of urgency and it's not anything new to anyone; not the audience(us, I mean), not the mastermind or traitor(assuming they're not amnesiac), not to whomever owns the secret(probably), just the participants and maybe the hypothetical audience in drdt's fourth wall. And it inspires sympathy by specifically absolving the secret owner of guilt, which no other secret does. Sure it works as a gut punch but unless the character was already at a breaking point, it's a very weak motive.(imo, of course) not that weak motives are new, but...
"disowned" and "doing the laundry" are incredibly funny euphemisms Levi. No context, moving on
Lastly, I did some thinking about what Teruko's plan is in ch2 ep 7. No clue what that is! But I was thinking about Veronikas(? sorry idr) hypothetical plan where they just bore the audience out like a certain mainline dr title. Even though it's not entertained as something practical, I do think that the hidden text in the about page implies that it wouldn't work due to the fact that they can just starve to death according to timelooper. Is the hidden text even talking about this specific killing game and not one that's happened in the past or future with completely unrelated characters? who knows lol. but the pronoun "we" in it during the segment at the end of "i wish i could feel something" paragraph is kind of weird if this looper is not with the killing game participants, or at the very least watching, with different scenarios playing out each time. It's weird to just plop this on the page and have it not be relevant to the story in some way. Anyway, even if starvation is simply an entire chapter motive on its own, the fact that they all collectively starve to death without a murder means this is something that mastermind is chill with. So, despite the comforts that the mastermind/broadcasters provide the students with, there is some kind of soft time limit in this game, though I'm sure that can be artificially messed with at will. Regardless, I think it implies boring people just doesn't work.
why was this so long uh thanks for reading all of this random nonsense ig. it helps me get my thoughts out. idk what it does for you but i hope you found it. mildly ok. thanks to this fandom for always coming up with new ideas it's always interesting, and of course if i accidentally referenced an idea you had and forgot it like i said at the beginning just tell me
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drdtships · 6 days
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So sorry for the delay in posts! Take this Xanruko drawing for the meantime :3 I wonder what Teruko is so surprised about! ^^
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mystiquedrops · 2 months
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Oh yeah, did I ever mention I love Xanruko? :3
Well, now I did !
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fatherfigurefusion · 6 months
Randomly generating Ultimate Talents for the DRDT cast and ranking them on how fitting they are (DRDT Edition):
Teruko Tawaki- Ultimate Pet Therapist
6/10: I can kind of see this. She probably would have a particular attachment to black alley cats.
Xander Matthews- Ultimate Jockey
8/10: I can easily see Xander's aggressively-British self as a jockey! Also, animal-lovers Xanruko? Yes please!
Eden Tobisa- Ultimate Student
10/10: She's already a massive goody-two-shoes (/pos), so this talent would be perfect for her!
Hu Jing- Ultimate Lucky Student
7/10: I swear to god, Hu always seems to get the protagonist's talents in these wheel swaps! Hu with Teruko's luck would also lead to some delicious ANGST!
J Moreno- Ultimate Matchmaker
5/10: J with Whit's wardrobe is a VERY cursed image! But I can't really see J concerning themselves with romance.
Veronika Grebenschikova- Ultimate Clockmaker
9/10: Steampunk Veronika would be an awesome design concept!
David Chiem- Ultimate Special Effects Artist
4/10: While David may have the theatre kid energy, I feel like David's angst comes from him being thrust into the spotlight, so I can't really see him managing the stage tech.
Arturo Giles- Ultimate Personal Stylist
10/10: Possibly the most fitting talent for Arturo apart from Plastic Surgeon!
Levi Fontana- Ultimate Inspirational Speaker
6/10: As much as Levi is more of an actions guy than a words guy, the opportunity for Huvi as TeruVid is the concept ever! He would look dapper in a suit that he would unbutton when his secret inevitably comes out!
Ace Markey- Ultimate Zither Player
3/10: Ace doesn't really give me "music" vibes, let alone "zither player" vibes.
Min Jeung- Ultimate Rebel
9/10: Xander/Min talentswaps are freaking awesome, and character parallels real!
Whit Young- Ultimate Chemist
8/10: I'm just picturing Whit in one of those punny graphic tees with periodic elements spelling out a phrase!
Charles Cuevas- Ultimate Horror Fanatic
6/10: While Charles' hemophobia would be a massive handicap in this talent, I'd imagine that he would be a particular snobbish critic who'd look down on all other genres.
Arei Nageishi- Ultimate Art Forger
9/10: Arei's personality and backstory owes very well to a criminal talent!
Nico Hakobyan- Ultimate Bowler
7/10: All I can think about is @weightedblankettt's talentswapped Nico with Arei's personality and talent!
Rose Lacroix- Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
9/10: I can easily picture Rose working as a back-alley plastic surgeon to help support her family, with her photographic memory making her a surgery master.
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sunriseindigo · 1 year
can i request xander and teruko? :3
it doesn't anyway have to be ship art! i just want them to be happy ... *cries in the bg bc ep.5 ch1*
anyways, your artstyle is sooo nice it looks so good oh my god
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they’re in a heat wave but they’re going thru it together :p
platonic xanruko is one of my favorite dynamics! they’re roommates they’re friends that kiss they set a building on fire and scamper off like idiots. i love them
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(Replycons by @minorinrinz)
SOURCES: Fanganronpas (project: edens garden, heartless deceit, despair time, the another series, shattered hope, brave dr, will be writing for lapse soon too, mauve, burdens of change.), canonronpa, project sekai, jojos bizarre adventure (right now I'm finishing part 3, so up until there), Persona (3-5), Romantic Killer, MILGRAM, Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
-CHARACTERS: Ace Markey, Levi Fontana, Eden Tobisa, Charles Cuevas, Teruko Tawaki, Xander Matthews, Damon Maitsu, Eva Tsunaka, Tomoya Morita, otome Hanayama (I keep forgetting her last name), Bani, Pocket, Enigma, Hiroto Akagi, Hibiki Kotobuki, Honoka Onizaki, Daisuke Shiriaki, Kazuichi Souda, Caesar Zeppeli, Jonathan Joestar, Ichika Hoshino, Kanade Yoisaki, Tsukasa Tenma, Kotone Shiomi, Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker, Ryuuji Sakamoto, Anzu Hoshino, Junta Hayami, Byleth Eisner, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Shez, Fuuta Kajiyama.
-AUS: Coffee shop AU, Non-Despair AU, Fantasy AU and my own aus so far.
-SHIPS: Acevi, Xanruko, Xanvid, Xandvi/Xanvi, Areden, Charuko, Charwhit, Maitsunaka, Akimoya, Hirosuke, Kazuroto, Honobiki, Pocket x Enigma, Fuuta x Mahiru, Shez x Sylvain, Dimitri x Claude, selfshipping and character x reader. Also platonic ships too.
-CHARACTERS: Arturo Giles (my own writing of him), AI!Mikado, Mitsuhiro Higa, Hifumi Yamada, Mikoto Kayano, Es.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Kanade x Iroha, Kazuichi x Sonia (unless platonic, I can do that), Hifumi x anyone, Jonathan x Dio, Es x anyone, Miklan x anyone (unless platonic or familial) Flayn x anyone
-CHARACTERS: Haiji Towa, the Warriors of Hope, Junko Enoshima, Yukana Kishi, Matthias Raoul Gautier, Rhea.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Haiji x anyone, the WOH x anyone, Junkan, Mukuro x Junko, Tsukasa x Saki and Shiho x Shizuku and Akito x Ena (although idk why I should put these here because anyone knows shipping siblings is gross, same with adults x minors), any main hd cast x side cast ship (unless Denshi and Ryuuji, as the creator said that the HD main cast and Denshi and Ryuuji are young adults), romantic Misa x anyone, Rhea x anyone.
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jareicanon · 5 months
Xanruko Week Day 3: Heartache
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they cant tell me how you put the stars back in my sky (its your sweet words keepin me alive)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L2frhy1
by delightfullydiscordant
With a sigh, Xander shifts his body, turning to the other side. His gaze falls upon a shoulder and a head adorned with disheveled brown locks strewn in all directions, facing away from him.
Yet, he reassures himself that it is alright. He knows she is prone to feeling cold during the night, and he believes she won't mind his presence.
Words: 1646, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of perfect reflective imperfections; shattered glass, Part 16 of the history books forgot about us
Fandoms: Danganronpa: Despair Time
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Xander Matthews, Teruko Tawaki
Relationships: Xander Matthews/Teruko Tawaki, Teruko Tawaki/Xander Matthews
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Implied Relationships, Falling In Love, Idiots in Love, Dorks in Love, Declarations Of Love, Xanruko, I Ship It, Lazy Mornings, Morning Cuddles, Early Mornings, Morning Kisses, Happy Birthday Xander Matthews
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L2frhy1
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shiozoku · 3 years
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truly xanruko is my favourite ship <3
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jareicanon · 1 year
day 3: vampires/werewolves
but (get this) it’S XANRUKO
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so close (and yet so far away)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/s5onmyH
by delightfullydiscordant
Hopeless infatuation. David knew what this was.
Words: 623, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of are you satisfied with an average life? (do I need to lie to make my way in life?)
Fandoms: Danganronpa: Despair Time
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: David Chiem, Xander Matthews
Relationships: Xander Matthews/Teruko Tawaki, David Chiem/Xander Matthews, David Chiem (One-sided)/Xander Matthews
Additional Tags: Unrequited Love, Unrequited Crush, Angst, One-Sided Attraction, Gay Male Character, David Chiem is Bad at Feelings, Hurt No Comfort, Brief mention of J, Hinting towards Xanruko, Xanruko as an already established relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/s5onmyH
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