#x. meme respone
walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
Of course you’ve been thinking about our talk because you know you I’m right. (antiware)
Henry chews his tongue in thoughtful protest. Silent, he watches as Antigone pores over - or at least pretends to read - the death certificate. He usually doesn’t wish Rudyard would pick up the corpses from the morgue, but right now, anyone would be preferable. Maybe Miss Crusoe or even Eric Chapman. Henry doesn’t care who. Anybody who is not his girlfriend with an “I told you so” on her lips is welcome. She is right, of course, and Henry was ready to surrender his pride just moments ago, but Antigone holds her head in a haughty and elegant way when she’s on the path of righteous fury and he wants to savor this and remember it: the tight bunching of her shoulders, the flare of her nostrils, the slight curl of her scowl. She is right and she knows it and she is terrifying and beautiful when she takes him to task. He loves her, he realizes, because his thoughts turn from her beauty to the stiffness in her callused hands and the ache of her neck muscles and he is very sorry, not only for what he said during last night’s argument, but for admiring her angry beauty.
“You’re right. You deserve to be wooed.” He walks to the morgue freezer and wrestles with the lock. “And I’m afraid I’ve disappointed you. I’m sorry.”
He wants to blame his schedule. He wants to promise that when they have more doctors, he will be better. He does not think more doctors will come. What good does it do to hope? It’s only that Antigone is the first person to stir hope in him in a very, very long time. Henry sighs. He looks over at Antigone. 
“I’m petitioning NHS again for a second doctor,” he says. “In my letter, I told them that circumstances have changed and that I require more time to be with…”
He sucks in his cheeks. He knows what he told NHS: his wife. He cannot propose to Antigone now, not while she is so angry and hurt. It won’t solve anything. She won’t say yes when he can’t guarantee her every happiness. Still he feels the ring pressed to his heart in the pocket of his lab coat. He thinks of the other hopes he’s disclosed to NHS - dreams of marriage and children and retirement and travel. He waxed poetic about living to see old age with Antigone at his side and he’s sure the letter will get some attention for its desperation and hope. 
“Things will change for the better, Antigone, and when they do, I will woo you so thoroughly, you won’t be able to see straight. In the meantime, can we just lay this argument to rest?”
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hlupdate · 5 years
A hand­shake can quell polit­i­cal unrest and sti­fle impend­ing war. It can, with a bit of spit, val­i­date a gentleman’s agree­ment, end a years-long roman­tic rela­tion­ship or send a young heart rac­ing. But it all depends on the two par­ties involved.
Daisy, 21, felt a seis­mic jolt when Har­ry Styles, 25, wear­ing a striped jumper and rings on three of his five fin­gers, clutched her hand two days after this year’s Met Gala in New York, when she served him gela­to at the shop where she worked.
“He decid­ed on a small mint choco­late gela­to and I made his and the one for his friend and I said, ​‘Can I just say I absolute­ly loved your Met Gala look’ and he said ​‘Thank you very much! What’s your name?’ And I said, ​‘Daisy’ AND HE FUCK­ING EXTEND­ED HISHAND AND REACHED TO SHAKE MY HAND AND I ACTU­AL­LY FUCK­INGSHOOK HIS HAND WHAT THE FUCK,” she wrote on Insta­gram after The Shak­en­ing. ​“Like I didn’t even say any­thing to gas him up besides ​‘I loved your met gala look’ and his fine ass went and shook my hand! WHAT A BEAU­TI­FUL FUCK­ING HUMAN BEINGTHAT HE IS GOD BLESS HIM AND I HOPE HW [sic] LIVES FOREVER.”
For Har­ry Styles, a hand­shake can be a roman­tic ges­ture, con­jur­ing a potent rev­er­ence in its recip­i­ent, like the time he met Gucci’s cre­ative direc­tor Alessan­dro Michele. ​“He was as attrac­tive as James Dean and as per­sua­sive as Gre­ta Gar­bo. He was like a Luchi­no Vis­con­ti char­ac­ter, like an Apol­lo: at the same time sexy as a woman, as a kid, as a man,” Michele told me, has­ten­ing to add: ​“Of course, Har­ry is not aware of this.”
No, Styles has no idea the pow­er he wields. In per­son, he’s tow­er­ing, like some­one who is not that much taller but whose rep­u­ta­tion adds four inch­es. Styles has a seda­tive bari­tone, spo­ken in a rum­my north­ern Eng­lish accent, that tum­bles out so slow­ly you for­get the name of your first born, a swag­ger that has been nursed and per­fect­ed in myth­i­cal places with names like Pais­ley Park, or Abbey Road, or Grace­land. Makes com­plete sense that he would be up for the role of Elvis Pres­ley in Baz Luhrmann’s upcom­ing biopic. He was primed, nay, born to shake his hips, all but one but­ton on his shirt cling­ing for dear life around his tor­so. Then the part was award­ed to anoth­er actor, Austin Butler.
“[Elvis] was such an icon for me grow­ing up,” Styles tells me. ​“There was some­thing almost sacred about him, almost like I didn’t want to touch him. Then I end­ed up get­ting into [his life] a bit and I wasn’t dis­ap­point­ed,” he adds of his ini­tial research and prepa­ra­tions to play The King. He seems relaxed about los­ing the part to But­ler. ​“I feel like if I’m not the right per­son for the thing, then it’s best for both of us that I don’t do it, you know?”
Styles released his self-titled debut solo album in May 2017. The boy­band grad was clear­ly unin­ter­est­ed in hol­low­ing out the charts with more for­mu­la­ic meme pop. Instead, to the sur­prise of many, he dug his heels into retro-fetishist West Coast ​’70s rock. Some of the One Direc­tion fan-hordes might have been con­fused, but no mat­ter: Har­ry Styles sold one mil­lion copies.
Despite its com­mer­cial and crit­i­cal suc­cess, he didn’t tour the album right away. He want­ed to act in the Christo­pher Nolan film Dunkirk. To his cred­it, his por­tray­al of a British sol­dier cow­er­ing in a moored boat on the French beach­es as the Nazis advanced wasn’t skew­ered in the press like the movie debuts of, say, Madon­na or Justin Tim­ber­lake. Per­haps he was fol­low­ing advice giv­en by Elton John, who had urged him to diver­si­fy. ​“He was bril­liant in Dunkirk, which took a lot of peo­ple by sur­prise,” John writes in an email. ​“I love how he takes chances and risks.” Act­ing, unlike music, is a release for Styles; it’s the one time he can be not himself.
“Why do I want to act? It’s so dif­fer­ent to music for me,” he says, sud­den­ly ani­mat­ed. ​“They’re almost oppo­site for me. Music, you try and put so much of your­self into it; act­ing, you’re try­ing to total­ly dis­ap­pear in who­ev­er you’re being.”
Fol­low­ing the news that he missed out on Pres­ley, his name was float­ed for the role of Prince Eric in Disney’s live-action remake of The Lit­tle Mer­maid. How­ev­er, fans will have to wait a bit longer to see Styles on the big screen as that idea, too, has sunk. He won’t be The King or the Prince. ​“It was dis­cussed,” he acknow­ledges before swift­ly chang­ing the sub­ject. ​“I want to put music out and focus on that for a while. But every­one involved in it was amaz­ing, so I think it’s going to be great. I’ll enjoy watch­ing it, I’m sure.”
The new album is wrapped and the sin­gle is decid­ed upon. ​“It’s not like his last album,” his friend, rock ​‘n’ roll leg­end Ste­vie Nicks, told me recent­ly over the phone. ​“It’s not like any­thing One Direc­tion ever did. It’s pure Har­ry, as Har­ry would say. He’s made a very dif­fer­ent record and it’s spectacular.”
Beyond that, Styles is keep­ing his cards close to his chest as to his next musi­cal move. How­ev­er, the air is thick with rumours that his main wing­man for HS2 is Kid Har­poon, aka Tom Hull, who co-wrote debut album track Sweet Crea­ture. No less an author­i­ty than Liam Gal­lagher told us that both big band escapees were in the same stu­dio – RAK in north-west Lon­don – at the same time mak­ing their sec­ond solo albums. Styles played him a cou­ple of tracks, ​“and I tell you what, they’re good,” Gal­lagher enthused. ​“A bit like that Bon Iver. Is that his name?”
Har­ry Styles met Nicks at a Fleet­wood Mac con­cert in Los Ange­les in April 2015. Some­thing about him felt authen­tic to the leg­endary front­woman: ground­ed, like she’d known him for­ev­er, blessed with a win­ning moon­shot grin. A month lat­er, they met back­stage at anoth­er Mac gig, this time at the O2 in Lon­don. Styles brought a car­rot cake for Nicks’ birth­day, her name piped in icing on top. By her own admis­sion, Nicks doesn’t even cel­e­brate birth­days, so this was a sur­prise. ​“He was per­son­al­ly respon­si­ble for me actu­al­ly hav­ing to cel­e­brate my birth­day, which was very sweet,” she says.
Styles’ rela­tion­ship with Nicks is hard to define. Induct­ing her into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in New York as a solo artist ear­li­er this year, his speech hymned her as a ​“mag­i­cal gyp­sy god­moth­er who occu­pies the in-between”. She’s called him her ​“lovechild” with Mick Fleet­wood and the ​“son I nev­er had”. Both have moved past the pre­lim­i­nary chat acknowl­edg­ing each other’s unquan­tifi­able tal­ents and smooth­ly accel­er­at­ed towards play­ful cut-and-thrust ban­ter of a witch mom and her naughty child.
They per­form togeth­er – he sings The Chainand Stop Drag­gin’ My Heart Around; she sings the one alleged­ly writ­ten about Tay­lor Swift, Two Ghosts. One of those per­for­mances was at the Guc­ci Cruise after­par­ty in Rome in May, for ​“a lot of mon­ey”, Nicks tells me, in a ​“big kind of cas­tle place”. She has become his de fac­to men­tor – one phone call is all it takes to reach the Queen of Rock’n’Roll for advice on sequenc­ing (“She is real­ly good at track list­ing,” Styles admits) or just to hear each other’s voic­es… because, well, wouldn’t you?
Fol­low­ing anoth­er Fleet­wood Mac con­cert, at London’s Wem­b­ley Sta­di­um, in June, Nicks met Styles for a late (Indi­an) din­ner. He then invit­ed her back to his semi-detached Geor­gian man­sion in north Lon­don for a lis­ten­ing par­ty at mid­night. The album – HS2or what­ev­er it’ll be called – was fin­ished. Nicks, her assis­tant Karen, her make-up artist and her friends Jess and Mary crammed onto Styles’ liv­ing-room couch. They lis­tened to it once through in silence like a ​“bunch of edu­cat­ed monks or some­thing in this dark room”. Then once again, 15 or 16 tracks, this time each of his guests offer­ing live feed­back. It wrapped at 5am, just as the sun was bleed­ing through the curtains.
Even for a pop star of Styles’ stature, press­ing ​“play” on a deeply per­son­al work for your hero to digest, watch­ing her face react in real time to your new music, must be… what?
“It’s a dou­ble-edged thing,” he replies. ​“You’re always ner­vous when you are play­ing peo­ple music for the first time. You’ve heard it so much by this point, you for­get that peo­ple haven’t heard it before. It’s hard to not feel like you’ve done what you’ve set out to do. You are hap­py with some­thing and then some­one who you respect so much and look up to is, like: ​‘I real­ly like this.’ It feels like a large stamp [of approval]. It’s a big step towards feel­ing very com­fort­able with what­ev­er else hap­pens to it.”
Wad­ing through Styles’ back­ground info is exhaust­ing, since he was spanked by fame in the social media era where every god­dam blink of a kohl-rimmed eye has been doc­u­ment­ed from six angles. (And yes, he does some­times wear guyliner.)
Deep breath: born in Red­ditch, Worces­ter­shire, to par­ents Des and Anne, who divorced when he was sev­en. Grew up in Holmes Chapel in Cheshire with his sis­ter Gem­ma, mum and step­dad Robin Twist. Rode hors­es at a near­by sta­ble for free (“I was a bad rid­er, but I was a rid­er”). Stopped rid­ing, ​“got into dif­fer­ent stuff”. Formed a band, White Eski­mo, with school­mates. Aged 16, tried out for the 2010 run of The X Fac­torwith a stir­ring but aver­age ren­di­tion of Ste­vie Wonder’s Isn’t She Love­ly. Cut from the show and put into a boy band with four oth­ers, Louis Tom­lin­son, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik, and called One Direc­tion. Became inter­na­tion­al­ly famous, toured the globe. Zayn quit to go solo. Toured some more. Dat­ed but maybe didn’t date Car­o­line Flack, Rita Ora and Tay­lor Swift – whom he report­ed­ly dumped in the British Vir­gin Islands. (This rela­tion­ship, if noth­ing else, yield­ed an icon­ic, can­did shot of Swift look­ing deject­ed, being motored back to shore on the back of a boat called the Fly­ing Ray.) One Direc­tion dis­cussed dis­band­ing in 2014, actu­al­ly dis­solved in 2015. They remain friend­ly, and Styles offi­cial­ly went solo in 2016.
It’s been two years since his epony­mous debut and lead sin­gle, Sign of the Times, shocked the world and Elton John with its swag­ger­ing, soft rock sound. ​“It came out of left field and I loved it,” John says.
After 89 are­na-packed shows across five con­ti­nents grossed him, the label, whomev­er, over $61 mil­lion, Styles had all but dis­ap­peared. He has emerged only inter­mit­tent­ly for pub­lic-fac­ing events – a Guc­ci after­par­ty per­for­mance here, a Met Gala co-chair­ing there. He relo­cat­ed from Los Ange­les back to Lon­don, sell­ing his Hol­ly­wood Hills house for $6mil­lion and ship­ping his Jaguar E-type across the Atlantic so he could take joyrides on the M25.
“I’m not over LA,” he insists when I ask about the move. ​“My rela­tion­ship with LAchanged a lot. What I want­ed from LA changed.”
A great escape, he would agree, is some­times nec­es­sary. He was in Tokyo for most of Jan­u­ary, hav­ing near­ly fin­ished his album. ​“I need­ed time to get out of that album frame-of-mind of: ​‘Is it fin­ished? Where am I at? What’s hap­pen­ing?’ I real­ly need­ed that time away from every­one. I was kind of just in Tokyo by myself.” His sab­bat­i­cal most­ly involved read­ing Haru­ki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chron­i­cle, singing Nir­vana at karaoke, writ­ing alone in his hotel room, lis­ten­ing to music and eaves­drop­ping on strangers in alien con­ver­sa­tion. ​“It was just a pos­i­tive time for my head and I think that impact­ed the album in a big way.”
Dur­ing this break he watched a lot of films, read a lot of books. Some­times he texts these rec­om­men­da­tions to his pal Michele at Guc­ci. He told Michele to watch the Ali Mac­graw film, Love Sto­ry. ​“We text what friends text about. He is the same [as me] in terms of he lives in his own world and he does his own thing. I love dress­ing up and he loves dress­ing up.”
Because he loves dress­ing up, Michele chose Styles to be the face of three Guc­ci Tai­lor­ing cam­paigns and of its new gen­der­less fra­grance, Mémoire d’une Odeur.
“The moment I met him, I imme­di­ate­ly under­stood there was some­thing strong around him,” Michele tells me. ​“I realised he was much more than a young singer. He was a young man, dressed in a thought­ful way, with uncombed hair and a beau­ti­ful voice. I thought he gath­ered with­in him­self the fem­i­nine and the masculine.”
Fash­ion, for Styles, is a play­ground. Some­thing he doesn’t take too seri­ous­ly. A cou­ple of years ago Har­ry Lam­bert, his styl­ist since 2015, acquired for him a pair of pink metal­lic Saint Lau­rent boots that he has nev­er been pho­tographed wear­ing. They are exceed­ing­ly rare – few pairs exist. Styles wears them ​“to get milk”. They are, in his words, ​“super-fun”. He’s not sure, but he has, ball­park, 50 pairs of shoes, as well as full clos­ets in at least three post­codes. He set­tles on an out­fit fair­ly quick­ly, maybe changes his T-shirt once before head­ing out, but most­ly knows what he likes.
What he may not ful­ly com­pre­hend is that sim­ply by being pho­tographed in a gar­ment he can spur the career of a design­er, as he has with Har­ris Reed, Palo­mo Spain, Charles Jef­frey, Alled-Martínez and a new favourite, Bode. Styles wore a SS16 Guc­ci flo­ral suit to the 2015 Amer­i­can Music Awards. When he was asked who made his suit on the red car­pet, Guc­ci began trend­ing world­wide on Twitter.
“It was one of the first times a male wore Alessandro’s run­way designs and, at the time, men were not tak­ing too many red car­pet risks,” says Lam­bert. ​“Who knows if it influ­enced oth­ers, but it was a spe­cial moment. Plus, it was fun see­ing the fans dress up in suits to come see Harry’s shows.”
Yet tra­di­tion­al gen­der codes of dress still have the minds of mid­dle Amer­i­ca in a choke­hold. Men can’t wear women’s clothes, say the online whingers, who have labelled him ​“trag­ic”, ​“a clown” and a Bowie wannabe. Styles doesn’t care. ​“What’s fem­i­nine and what’s mas­cu­line, what men are wear­ing and what women are wear­ing – it’s like there are no lines any more.”
Elton John agrees: ​“It worked for Marc Bolan, Bowie and Mick. Har­ry has the same qualities.”
Then there is the ques­tion of Styles’ sex­u­al­i­ty, some­thing he has admit­ted­ly ​“nev­er real­ly start­ed to label”, which will plague him until he does. Per­haps it’s part of his allure. He’s bran­dished a pride flag that read ​“Make Amer­i­ca Gay Again” on stage, and plant­ed a stake some­where left of cen­tre on sexuality’s rain­bow spectrum.
“In the posi­tion that he’s in, he can’t real­ly say a lot, but he chose a queer girl band to open for him and I think that speaks vol­umes,” Josette Maskin of the queer band MUNA told The Face ear­li­er this year.
“I get a lot of…” Styles trails off, wheels turn­ing on how he can dis­cuss sex­u­al­i­ty with­out real­ly answer­ing. ​“I’m not always super-out­spo­ken. But I think it’s very clear from choic­es that I make that I feel a cer­tain way about lots of things. I don’t know how to describe it. I guess I’m not…” He paus­es again, piv­ots. ​“I want every­one to feel wel­come at shows and online. They want to be loved and equal, you know? I’m nev­er unsup­port­ed, so it feels weird for me to over­think it for some­one else.”
Sex­u­al­i­ty aside, he must acknowl­edge that he has sex appeal. ​“The word ​‘sexy’ sounds so strange com­ing out of my mouth. So I would say that that’s prob­a­bly why I would not con­sid­er myself sexy.”
Har­ry Styles has emerged ful­ly-formed, an anachro­nis­tic rock star, vague in sen­si­bil­i­ty but des­tined to impress with a dis­arm­ing smile and a warm but firm handshake.
I recite to him a quote from Chrissie Hyn­de of The Pre­tenders about her time atop rock’s throne: ​“I nev­er got into this for the mon­ey or because I want­ed to join in the super­star sex around the swim­ming pools. I did it because the offer of a record con­tract came along and it seemed like it might be more fun than being a wait­ress. Now, I’m not so sure.”
Styles – who worked in a bak­ery in a small north­ern town some time before play­ing to 40,000 scream­ing fans in South Amer­i­can are­nas – must have wit­nessed some shit, been invit­ed to a few pool­side sex par­ties, in his time.
“I’ve seen a cou­ple of things,” he nods in agree­ment. ​“But I’m still young. I feel like there’s still stuff to see.”
37 notes · View notes
stylesnews · 5 years
The Face - Volume 4 . Issue 1
A hand­shake can quell polit­i­cal unrest and sti­fle impend­ing war. It can, with a bit of spit, val­i­date a gentleman’s agree­ment, end a years-long roman­tic rela­tion­ship or send a young heart rac­ing. But it all depends on the two par­ties involved.
Daisy, 21, felt a seis­mic jolt when Har­ry Styles, 25, wear­ing a striped jumper and rings on three of his five fin­gers, clutched her hand two days after this year’s Met Gala in New York, when she served him gela­to at the shop where she worked.
“He decid­ed on a small mint choco­late gela­to and I made his and the one for his friend and I said, ​‘Can I just say I absolute­ly loved your Met Gala look’ and he said ​‘Thank you very much! What’s your name?’ And I said, ​‘Daisy’ AND HE FUCK­ING EXTEND­ED HIS HAND AND REACHEDTO SHAKE MY HAND AND I ACTU­AL­LY FUCK­ING SHOOK HIS HAND WHAT THEFUCK,” she wrote on Insta­gram after The Shak­en­ing. ​“Like I didn’t even say any­thing to gas him up besides ​‘I loved your met gala look’ and his fine ass went and shook my hand! WHATA BEAU­TI­FUL FUCK­ING HUMAN BEING THAT HE IS GOD BLESS HIM AND I HOPE HW[sic] LIVES FOREVER.”
For Har­ry Styles, a hand­shake can be a roman­tic ges­ture, con­jur­ing a potent rev­er­ence in its recip­i­ent, like the time he met Gucci’s cre­ative direc­tor Alessan­dro Michele. ​“He was as attrac­tive as James Dean and as per­sua­sive as Gre­ta Gar­bo. He was like a Luchi­no Vis­con­ti char­ac­ter, like an Apol­lo: at the same time sexy as a woman, as a kid, as a man,” Michele told me, has­ten­ing to add: ​“Of course, Har­ry is not aware of this.”
No, Styles has no idea the pow­er he wields. In per­son, he’s tow­er­ing, like some­one who is not that much taller but whose rep­u­ta­tion adds four inch­es. Styles has a seda­tive bari­tone, spo­ken in a rum­my north­ern Eng­lish accent, that tum­bles out so slow­ly you for­get the name of your first born, a swag­ger that has been nursed and per­fect­ed in myth­i­cal places with names like Pais­ley Park, or Abbey Road, or Grace­land. Makes com­plete sense that he would be up for the role of Elvis Pres­ley in Baz Luhrmann’s upcom­ing biopic. He was primed, nay, born to shake his hips, all but one but­ton on his shirt cling­ing for dear life around his tor­so. Then the part was award­ed to anoth­er actor, Austin Butler.
“[Elvis] was such an icon for me grow­ing up,” Styles tells me. ​“There was some­thing almost sacred about him, almost like I didn’t want to touch him. Then I end­ed up get­ting into [his life] a bit and I wasn’t dis­ap­point­ed,” he adds of his ini­tial research and prepa­ra­tions to play The King. He seems relaxed about los­ing the part to But­ler. ​“I feel like if I’m not the right per­son for the thing, then it’s best for both of us that I don’t do it, you know?”
Styles released his self-titled debut solo album in May 2017. The boy­band grad was clear­ly unin­ter­est­ed in hol­low­ing out the charts with more for­mu­la­ic meme pop. Instead, to the sur­prise of many, he dug his heels into retro-fetishist West Coast ​’70s rock. Some of the One Direc­tion fan-hordes might have been con­fused, but no mat­ter: Har­ry Styles sold one mil­lion copies.
Despite its com­mer­cial and crit­i­cal suc­cess, he didn’t tour the album right away. He want­ed to act in the Christo­pher Nolan film Dunkirk. To his cred­it, his por­tray­al of a British sol­dier cow­er­ing in a moored boat on the French beach­es as the Nazis advanced wasn’t skew­ered in the press like the movie debuts of, say, Madon­na or Justin Tim­ber­lake. Per­haps he was fol­low­ing advice giv­en by Elton John, who had urged him to diver­si­fy. ​“He was bril­liant in Dunkirk, which took a lot of peo­ple by sur­prise,” John writes in an email. ​“I love how he takes chances and risks.” Act­ing, unlike music, is a release for Styles; it’s the one time he can be not himself.
“Why do I want to act? It’s so dif­fer­ent to music for me,” he says, sud­den­ly ani­mat­ed. ​“They’re almost oppo­site for me. Music, you try and put so much of your­self into it; act­ing, you’re try­ing to total­ly dis­ap­pear in who­ev­er you’re being.”
Fol­low­ing the news that he missed out on Pres­ley, his name was float­ed for the role of Prince Eric in Disney’s live-action remake of The Lit­tle Mer­maid. How­ev­er, fans will have to wait a bit longer to see Styles on the big screen as that idea, too, has sunk. He won’t be The King or the Prince. ​“It was dis­cussed,” he acknow­ledges before swift­ly chang­ing the sub­ject. ​“I want to put music out and focus on that for a while. But every­one involved in it was amaz­ing, so I think it’s going to be great. I’ll enjoy watch­ing it, I’m sure.”
The new album is wrapped and the sin­gle is decid­ed upon. ​“It’s not like his last album,” his friend, rock ​‘n’ roll leg­end Ste­vie Nicks, told me recent­ly over the phone. ​“It’s not like any­thing One Direc­tion ever did. It’s pure Har­ry, as Har­ry would say. He’s made a very dif­fer­ent record and it’s spectacular.”
Beyond that, Styles is keep­ing his cards close to his chest as to his next musi­cal move. How­ev­er, the air is thick with rumours that his main wing­man for HS2 is Kid Har­poon, aka Tom Hull, who co-wrote debut album track Sweet Crea­ture. No less an author­i­ty than Liam Gal­lagher told us that both big band escapees were in the same stu­dio – RAK in north-west Lon­don – at the same time mak­ing their sec­ond solo albums. Styles played him a cou­ple of tracks, ​“and I tell you what, they’re good,” Gal­lagher enthused. ​“A bit like that Bon Iver. Is that his name?”
Har­ry Styles met Nicks at a Fleet­wood Mac con­cert in Los Ange­les in April 2015. Some­thing about him felt authen­tic to the leg­endary front­woman: ground­ed, like she’d known him for­ev­er, blessed with a win­ning moon­shot grin. A month lat­er, they met back­stage at anoth­er Mac gig, this time at the O2 in Lon­don. Styles brought a car­rot cake for Nicks’ birth­day, her name piped in icing on top. By her own admis­sion, Nicks doesn’t even cel­e­brate birth­days, so this was a sur­prise. ​“He was per­son­al­ly respon­si­ble for me actu­al­ly hav­ing to cel­e­brate my birth­day, which was very sweet,” she says.
Styles’ rela­tion­ship with Nicks is hard to define. Induct­ing her into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in New York as a solo artist ear­li­er this year, his speech hymned her as a ​“mag­i­cal gyp­sy god­moth­er who occu­pies the in-between”. She’s called him her ​“lovechild” with Mick Fleet­wood and the ​“son I nev­er had”. Both have moved past the pre­lim­i­nary chat acknowl­edg­ing each other’s unquan­tifi­able tal­ents and smooth­ly accel­er­at­ed towards play­ful cut-and-thrust ban­ter of a witch mom and her naughty child.
They per­form togeth­er – he sings The Chain and Stop Drag­gin’ My Heart Around; she sings the one alleged­ly writ­ten about Tay­lor Swift, Two Ghosts. One of those per­for­mances was at the Guc­ci Cruise after­par­ty in Rome in May, for ​“a lot of mon­ey”, Nicks tells me, in a ​“big kind of cas­tle place”. She has become his de fac­to men­tor – one phone call is all it takes to reach the Queen of Rock’n’Roll for advice on sequenc­ing (“She is real­ly good at track list­ing,” Styles admits) or just to hear each other’s voic­es… because, well, wouldn’t you?
Fol­low­ing anoth­er Fleet­wood Mac con­cert, at London’s Wem­b­ley Sta­di­um, in June, Nicks met Styles for a late (Indi­an) din­ner. He then invit­ed her back to his semi-detached Geor­gian man­sion in north Lon­don for a lis­ten­ing par­ty at mid­night. The album – HS2or what­ev­er it’ll be called – was fin­ished. Nicks, her assis­tant Karen, her make-up artist and her friends Jess and Mary crammed onto Styles’ liv­ing-room couch. They lis­tened to it once through in silence like a ​“bunch of edu­cat­ed monks or some­thing in this dark room”. Then once again, 15 or 16 tracks, this time each of his guests offer­ing live feed­back. It wrapped at 5am, just as the sun was bleed­ing through the curtains.
Even for a pop star of Styles’ stature, press­ing ​“play” on a deeply per­son­al work for your hero to digest, watch­ing her face react in real time to your new music, must be… what?
“It’s a dou­ble-edged thing,” he replies. ​“You’re always ner­vous when you are play­ing peo­ple music for the first time. You’ve heard it so much by this point, you for­get that peo­ple haven’t heard it before. It’s hard to not feel like you’ve done what you’ve set out to do. You are hap­py with some­thing and then some­one who you respect so much and look up to is, like: ​‘I real­ly like this.’ It feels like a large stamp [of approval]. It’s a big step towards feel­ing very com­fort­able with what­ev­er else hap­pens to it.”
Wad­ing through Styles’ back­ground info is exhaust­ing, since he was spanked by fame in the social media era where every god­dam blink of a kohl-rimmed eye has been doc­u­ment­ed from six angles. (And yes, he does some­times wear guyliner.)
Deep breath: born in Red­ditch, Worces­ter­shire, to par­ents Des and Anne, who divorced when he was sev­en. Grew up in Holmes Chapel in Cheshire with his sis­ter Gem­ma, mum and step­dad Robin Twist. Rode hors­es at a near­by sta­ble for free (“I was a bad rid­er, but I was a rid­er”). Stopped rid­ing, ​“got into dif­fer­ent stuff”. Formed a band, White Eski­mo, with school­mates. Aged 16, tried out for the 2010 run of The X Fac­torwith a stir­ring but aver­age ren­di­tion of Ste­vie Wonder’s Isn’t She Love­ly. Cut from the show and put into a boy band with four oth­ers, Louis Tom­lin­son, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik, and called One Direc­tion. Became inter­na­tion­al­ly famous, toured the globe. Zayn quit to go solo. Toured some more. Dat­ed but maybe didn’t date Car­o­line Flack, Rita Ora and Tay­lor Swift – whom he report­ed­ly dumped in the British Vir­gin Islands. (This rela­tion­ship, if noth­ing else, yield­ed an icon­ic, can­did shot of Swift look­ing deject­ed, being motored back to shore on the back of a boat called the Fly­ing Ray.) One Direc­tion dis­cussed dis­band­ing in 2014, actu­al­ly dis­solved in 2015. They remain friend­ly, and Styles offi­cial­ly went solo in 2016.
It’s been two years since his epony­mous debut and lead sin­gle, Sign of the Times, shocked the world and Elton John with its swag­ger­ing, soft rock sound. ​“It came out of left field and I loved it,” John says.
After 89 are­na-packed shows across five con­ti­nents grossed him, the label, whomev­er, over $61mil­lion, Styles had all but dis­ap­peared. He has emerged only inter­mit­tent­ly for pub­lic-fac­ing events – a Guc­ci after­par­ty per­for­mance here, a Met Gala co-chair­ing there. He relo­cat­ed from Los Ange­les back to Lon­don, sell­ing his Hol­ly­wood Hills house for $6 mil­lion and ship­ping his Jaguar E-type across the Atlantic so he could take joyrides on the M25.
“I’m not over LA,” he insists when I ask about the move. ​“My rela­tion­ship with LA changed a lot. What I want­ed from LA changed.”
A great escape, he would agree, is some­times nec­es­sary. He was in Tokyo for most of Jan­u­ary, hav­ing near­ly fin­ished his album. ​“I need­ed time to get out of that album frame-of-mind of: ​‘Is it fin­ished? Where am I at? What’s hap­pen­ing?’ I real­ly need­ed that time away from every­one. I was kind of just in Tokyo by myself.” His sab­bat­i­cal most­ly involved read­ing Haru­ki Murakami’s The Wind-Up Bird Chron­i­cle, singing Nir­vana at karaoke, writ­ing alone in his hotel room, lis­ten­ing to music and eaves­drop­ping on strangers in alien con­ver­sa­tion. ​“It was just a pos­i­tive time for my head and I think that impact­ed the album in a big way.”
Dur­ing this break he watched a lot of films, read a lot of books. Some­times he texts these rec­om­men­da­tions to his pal Michele at Guc­ci. He told Michele to watch the Ali Mac­graw film, Love Sto­ry. ​“We text what friends text about. He is the same [as me] in terms of he lives in his own world and he does his own thing. I love dress­ing up and he loves dress­ing up.”
Because he loves dress­ing up, Michele chose Styles to be the face of three Guc­ci Tai­lor­ing cam­paigns and of its new gen­der­less fra­grance, Mémoire d’une Odeur.
“The moment I met him, I imme­di­ate­ly under­stood there was some­thing strong around him,” Michele tells me. ​“I realised he was much more than a young singer. He was a young man, dressed in a thought­ful way, with uncombed hair and a beau­ti­ful voice. I thought he gath­ered with­in him­self the fem­i­nine and the masculine.”
Fash­ion, for Styles, is a play­ground. Some­thing he doesn’t take too seri­ous­ly. A cou­ple of years ago Har­ry Lam­bert, his styl­ist since 2015, acquired for him a pair of pink metal­lic Saint Lau­rent boots that he has nev­er been pho­tographed wear­ing. They are exceed­ing­ly rare – few pairs exist. Styles wears them ​“to get milk”. They are, in his words, ​“super-fun”. He’s not sure, but he has, ball­park, 50 pairs of shoes, as well as full clos­ets in at least three post­codes. He set­tles on an out­fit fair­ly quick­ly, maybe changes his T-shirt once before head­ing out, but most­ly knows what he likes.
What he may not ful­ly com­pre­hend is that sim­ply by being pho­tographed in a gar­ment he can spur the career of a design­er, as he has with Har­ris Reed, Palo­mo Spain, Charles Jef­frey, Alled-Martínez and a new favourite, Bode. Styles wore a SS16 Guc­ci flo­ral suit to the 2015 Amer­i­can Music Awards. When he was asked who made his suit on the red car­pet, Guc­ci began trend­ing world­wide on Twitter.
“It was one of the first times a male wore Alessandro’s run­way designs and, at the time, men were not tak­ing too many red car­pet risks,” says Lam­bert. ​“Who knows if it influ­enced oth­ers, but it was a spe­cial moment. Plus, it was fun see­ing the fans dress up in suits to come see Harry’s shows.”
Yet tra­di­tion­al gen­der codes of dress still have the minds of mid­dle Amer­i­ca in a choke­hold. Men can’t wear women’s clothes, say the online whingers, who have labelled him ​“trag­ic”, ​“a clown” and a Bowie wannabe. Styles doesn’t care. ​“What’s fem­i­nine and what’s mas­cu­line, what men are wear­ing and what women are wear­ing – it’s like there are no lines any more.”
Elton John agrees: ​“It worked for Marc Bolan, Bowie and Mick. Har­ry has the same qualities.”
Then there is the ques­tion of Styles’ sex­u­al­i­ty, some­thing he has admit­ted­ly ​“nev­er real­ly start­ed to label”, which will plague him until he does. Per­haps it’s part of his allure. He’s bran­dished a pride flag that read ​“Make Amer­i­ca Gay Again” on stage, and plant­ed a stake some­where left of cen­tre on sexuality’s rain­bow spectrum.
“In the posi­tion that he’s in, he can’t real­ly say a lot, but he chose a queer girl band to open for him and I think that speaks vol­umes,” Josette Maskin of the queer band MUNA told The Face ear­li­er this year.
“I get a lot of…” Styles trails off, wheels turn­ing on how he can dis­cuss sex­u­al­i­ty with­out real­ly answer­ing. ​“I’m not always super-out­spo­ken. But I think it’s very clear from choic­es that I make that I feel a cer­tain way about lots of things. I don’t know how to describe it. I guess I’m not…” He paus­es again, piv­ots. ​“I want every­one to feel wel­come at shows and online. They want to be loved and equal, you know? I’m nev­er unsup­port­ed, so it feels weird for me to over­think it for some­one else.”
Sex­u­al­i­ty aside, he must acknowl­edge that he has sex appeal. ​“The word ​‘sexy’ sounds so strange com­ing out of my mouth. So I would say that that’s prob­a­bly why I would not con­sid­er myself sexy.”
Har­ry Styles has emerged ful­ly-formed, an anachro­nis­tic rock star, vague in sen­si­bil­i­ty but des­tined to impress with a dis­arm­ing smile and a warm but firm handshake.
I recite to him a quote from Chrissie Hyn­de of The Pre­tenders about her time atop rock’s throne: ​“I nev­er got into this for the mon­ey or because I want­ed to join in the super­star sex around the swim­ming pools. I did it because the offer of a record con­tract came along and it seemed like it might be more fun than being a wait­ress. Now, I’m not so sure.”
Styles – who worked in a bak­ery in a small north­ern town some time before play­ing to 40,000scream­ing fans in South Amer­i­can are­nas – must have wit­nessed some shit, been invit­ed to a few pool­side sex par­ties, in his time.
“I’ve seen a cou­ple of things,” he nods in agree­ment. ​“But I’m still young. I feel like there’s still stuff to see.”
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tanadidreamer · 6 years
Cedric x Sarna for the OTP Meme!
1. Who is the most affectionate?
They’re both equally affectionate, even if Sarna’s more likely to show in during meetings/social events since Cedric has a reputation and image tobmaintain as the Cab’alor. Be it nicknames, gestures or that sorta thing.
2. Big Spoon/Little Spoon?
Cedric’s Big Spoon while Sarna’s Little Spoon. It defiantly helps that Cedric is built like a tank and a tall fella while Sarna’s smaller and more petite. Plus, Sarna loves using Cedric as a pillow too.
3. Most Common Argument?
Cedric tends to walk off and downplay his injuries more than he should, which tends to annoy Sarna quite a bit. And Sarna tends to scare his younger brother more often than not, as much as he may get a kick out of it they still have to be civil with each other.
4. Favorite Non-Sexual Activity?
They both absolutely love cooking, and took to each other’s culture cuisines quite well, it’s a way for them to spend time together. And despite her size, Sarna is Cedric’s most frequent sparring partner.
5. Who is most likely to carry who?
Defiantly Cedric, but if there’s a situation where Sarna has to carry him, then she’ll do so by the best of her ability, even if Cedric’s being dragged a bit.
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Sarna honestly loves the bravery and compassion that Cedric bares, she grew up with old stories of men with noble hearts that always put others ahead of themselves but never believed those stories until she met Cedric. She also adores the way he blushes when he’s embarrassed.
Cedric loves Sarna’s fierceness and determination, he hadn’t been expecting Sarna to be a fierce countess with a love of adventure and trouble when he first met her. She was determined to prove herself, and ended up earning his adortion as a result. He also loves the way she smiles when she knows she has an advantage or when he’s teasing her.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for each other?
For one, Cedric’s twin brother Conrad makes himself scarce so that he’s not intruding on anything. For the second, they stop acting very snarky at each other and start becoming more open towards each other, Sarna stops acting like an uppity noble and finds ways to catch Cedric in private while Cedric starts to flirt with her a bit. Around each other, they were just Cedric and Sarna, not the next Cab’alor and Countess Thul.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they orignate?
Sarna was actually the one to first to call Cedric by Sid, since Sid sounded nicer to her. She also tends to call him darling quite frequently, with her Alderaanian accent more so than the one she developed once coming to Mandalore.
Cedric calls her Sar’ika or cyare (Mando’a for beloved) for the most part. But he also tends to call “my Lady” or “Princess” quite often, which kinda goes back to when he first met her, the former of which went from teasing to endearment. He’s also called her “Mama Nexu” on a few occasions when somebody’s threatened their wards or children before.
9. Who worries the most?
Sarna, defiantly Sarna. She married the Cab’alor, she has seen Cedric come home with serious injuries that could’ve killed him on a few occasions. She’s scared that one day, he wouldn’t come home at all. She still keeps up hope that he’ll always come home.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Cedric does, since Sarna’s a bit of a picky eater when it comes to eating out. She prefers homecooked meals or something with a little more….class.
11. Who Tops?
Usually Cedric, but there are times when it’s Sarna – or at least physically.
12. Who initiates kisses?
Both of them. Cedric tends to go for a forehead kiss or kissing Sarna’s hand (much to her constant embarrasment), as well as leaning for a quick peck on the lips. Due her height disadvantage, Sarna usually as to pull him down by his collar or stand on her toes a bit to kiss him on the cheek or thecorner of his mouth.
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Both of them, it depends on the situation. Cedric tends to do it as reassurance for Sarna.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Depends, but it’s normally Sarna. Cedric’s tends to joke that she kisses like how most people punch.
15. Who wakes up first?
Due to Sarna handling the day-to-day politics of House Ordo, she’s usually the first one up.
16. Who wants to stay in bed a little longer?
Cedric. Getting up means he has to deal with Jaster’s antics and probably no sleep for the next couple days.
17. Who says “I love you” first?
Sarna. She had said some point when she realized she had actually fallen for Cedric and didn’t want to see him leave.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s lunch? (Bonus: What does it usually say?)
Neither, they do tend to leave notes for each other though. Usually reminders, or poems that Cedric wrote for Sarna.
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship?
It’s not so much as tell as Conrad walking in on the too making out, who then proceeds to tell the rest of Clan Rau.
20. What do their friends/family think of the relationship?
None of Sarna’s family actually knows while most of Clan Rau didn’t approve at first, but they warmed up to her except for Montross who still considers her an outsider. Cedric was in support of them since day one.
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Cedric is, simply because he loves seeing Sarna having fun.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Both are talented cooks, and always make enough for leftovers since they always have unexpected guests.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick-up lines?
Cedric for sure, he loves making Sarna giggle.
24. Who whispers inppropriate things into the other’s ear during inapproriate times?
They both do it, just to see how far they can push each other or embarrass each other. Cedric usually wins though.
25. Who needs the most reassurance?
They both do. Cedric literally has the safety and security of Mandalore resting on his shoulders do his position, which leads to him worrying over rather he’s doing enough, what if he fails and so on. Sarna oversees the day-to-day affairs of Clan Rau and Jaster’s Intelligence advisor, thus has the responability of that, she never knows if she’s successful or not.
26. What could be their theme song?
‘A Thousand Years’ by Christina Perri
27. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Continue on with work as normal, until Cedric disappears.
When Cedric finds a free moment, he’ll call to check up on Sarna. And Sarna will always be ready in case she needs to go back him up.
After Cedric disappears, he spends every moment worrying over her and his clan while Sarna holds out up that he’s still alive.
28. Who would sing their child to sleep?
Both of them, their children had an absolute delight whenever they both did it.
29. One headcanon about this OPT that breaks your heart
Cedric spent years in Republic custody after being framed by Montross for assassination, murder, kidnapping and extortion. After decades, many began to assume that he had long been dead and Sarna suffered from the knowledge that Death Watch had taken nearly everyone she loved from her.
30. One headcanon about this OPT that mends it
When Cedric’s finally free and reunited with Sarna, they both retire from everything and settle down together. And totally enjoy giving the foster son and grandchildren a hard time, and being the default babysitters for the great-grandchildren.
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rangga0411 · 7 years
via Berita Hari Ini http://ift.tt/2wWji1G
Berlokasi di Steve Jobs Theatre, Apple Park Campus, Cupertino, AS, CEO Apple, Tim Cook, memperkenalkan edisi terbaru dari iPhone yakni, iPhone 8 dan 8 Plus. Tak hanya iPhone 8 dan 8 Plus, perusahaan yang identik dengan logo apel kegigit ini juga memperkenalkan iPhone X (dibaca: iPhone Ten), smatrphone premium dengan layar edge to edge yang pastinya beda dari varian iPhone sebelumnya.
Euphoria peluncuran produk baru Apple ini pun dirasakan juga oleh warganet. Menyambut perilisan iPhone 8, 8 Plus dan iPhone X, warganet meresponnya dengan meme kocak yang bisa bikin kita ngakak seperti yang berikut ini.
Sumber : instagram
Salah satu fitur terbaru dari iPhone adalah Face ID, fitur ini berfungsi membuka kunci ponsel kamu dengan membaca sensor wajah. Tidak lagi menggunakan sidik jari Touch ID seperti di seri-seri iPhone sebelumya. Terus kalo muka bonyok macem ini bisa ngebaca gak ya?
Sumber : buzzfeed
Cara untuk mengakali iPhone yang menggunakan Face ID adalah dengan cara memfoto si pemilik ketika tidur. Dijamin smartphone beliau bisa langsung terbuka.
Sumber : instagram
Ketiga varian terbaru dari iPhone ini akan dijual mulai dari harga USD 999 atau setara dengan 13 juta rupiah. Dengan dua pilihan memori yakni 64 GB dan 256 GB. Mahal banget ya? Jual ginjal aja deh kalo gitu demi punya smartphone paling hype abad ini. Hiks.
Sumber : instagram
Tak hanya fitur-fitur yang baru saja dijelaskan tadi, salah dua perubahan yang terlihat dari iPhone terbaru adalah tak adanya tombol home dan lokasi kamera belakang menjadi vertikal. Buat yang penasaran sama proses kreatif perubahan kamera belakang iPhone, nah kira-kira seperti ini prosesnya.
Sumber : twitter @hati2diinternet
Buat yang merasa kemahalan dengan iPhone 8, 8 Plus dan iPhone X, beli lah smatphone yang sesuai dengan dompet kamu aja gengs. Nah salah satunya adalah kayak gambar berikut ini.
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
I mean, I wouldn’t possibly drink the same coffee you drink just in case yours spilled. That would be pathetic. (liesel @ henry)
“Also: exceptionally dangerous,” said Henry, taking a sip of his Energy Drink Latte, with five shots of espresso. “This stuff could send me into cardiac arrest at any moment… but that’s wishful thinking…”
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
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Get to Know Me! | Not Accepting!
I want to start exchanging Real Letters with my friends, even if we talk every day. I don’t trust myself to be diligent about it, so I haven’t asked anyone to do this with me, but I think it would be nice, especially with social distancing. I think it would get me to check my mailbox more often. IDK. There are a lot of really kind and fun things I want to start doing - letters, recipe exchanges, a Zoom murder mystery party - but I haven’t had the time or spoons to propose it or do it. I’m starting to get restless about it, angry at myself. Because if I don’t start doing it, it won’t get done.
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
I’d like to think so. Besides, it’s illegal. (aaron @ eric)
“That’s never stopped you before,” Eric said, continuing to pack the backpack full of cheerfully colored spray paints. He tried not to be too pointed about it, but, really, if Aaron could steal his identity, he could tag the building across the square, which was owned by his rival, who had made Aaron’s life hell for the last year or so. “With your luck, the village will see it as an improvement to the building. C’mon.” 
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
You’re actually saving me from a weekend of misery. (stefan @ antigone)
“Every weekend is misery if you have the right perspective,” Antigone says softly, massaging the hinge of her jaw. She can’t believe she agreed to help Stefan pet sit his sister’s cat. She thinks of Sylvester, taxidermied and soft and still, tucked away in the attic. She might not be the right person to entrust with pets, not live ones, anyways. “Are you not an animal lover, then?”
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
And he was scared, like a little tiny bird. ( luka @ dealers choice)
“Was he?”
Masha listens to Luka’s heart and lungs - all part of the routine. He breathes normally. His heart beats normally. A little fast. Somehow, she thinks Luka is more scared of vaccines than Stefan is. She wonders, then, what he hopes to accomplish by telling her that Stefan was afraid when he saw Henry for his shots last week. She tries to imagine Stefan afraid of something, anything, but especially of a little needle. She can’t. Stoic, serious, and brave Stefan wouldn’t even flinch. So why  lie? Masha knows the crew is far too interested in who she dates and why. She sighs  and pats Luka’s back. 
“Then you’ll just have to show me how much braver you can be,” she teased. “Roll up your sleeve.”
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
'I want a baby' (liesel at fae percy?? her realizing ohgod i want a full life not just being a fixture in the unseelie court)
He considers being coy - I’m sure we could steal one for you - but while such practices are common amongst the Seelie and Unseelie, the Courtless do not take captives. He knows that isn’t what Liesel means, of course. She is a captive of the Unseelie Court - an “honored guest”, if you were to ask the King - and has nothing of her own, not a home nor a lover nor a child. Her life is passing by in the dark confines of the Underfae and she is only permitted as much as Finnegan will allow her. And Finnegan is a cruel king, one who looks to Liesel as an afterthought, a comfort object for his champion, not quite a counselor or friend and not quite a slave or pet. 
Not quite a person.
She knows this. How could she not? Even if she doesn’t, Percy will not be so cruel as to shed light on her situation. The dark is kind; this he learned when he ventured out of the Unseelie Court and into the bright light of the mortal world, yet he loves the light the way a drowning man loves the surface. They aren’t so different. He cannot tell her that. If he does, what will she think? What will she ask? Percy is a dab hand at rescuing imprisoned damsels, but to free Liesel might be an act of war against the Unseelie Court. It might be a statement of alliance with the Seelie Court. Worse, it might deem his Uncourt, his Wild Hunt, his precious League of the Scarlet Pimpernel as a rival to the Courts. He may start a war. 
It’s been a few years since he’s been in the thick of battle, but somehow, he thinks his legions could tear apart both Courts and call it “sport”. There’s something to be said for continual practice. 
And all because Liesel wants a baby. All because Liesel wants a life. A mortal, a human, a captive. She can’t possibly know what it would take for Percy to be the one who gave her what she craves. 
So he is coy. He presses a delicate hand to his broad chest with a gasp.
“Sink me if that isn’t the most forward proposition I’ve received in a hundred years!” he crowed. “Miss Ivanov, you do flatter me, but… a baby? In this Court? There’s hardly anything interesting for a child here. Even Fae children are loath to go to monthly revels held in the Underfae.”
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
“He’s very dashing, isn’t he? Very heroic.” (fae au: liese abt percy @ finnegan)
Finnegan doesn’t have to say it: disbelief writes itself across his face as he looks at his cousin, dancing with the Seelie Queen as if flourishes and fancy footwork can disguise the political tension bubbling between the former lovers, hotter than desire and twice as deadly. His cousin is welcome at these revels, not least because to snub the Leader of the Wild Hunt is to invite misfortune upon the host, but that doesn’t mean that the Unseelie and Seelie Courts trust him. It’s one of the only things that Finnegan and Masha reliably agree upon: Sir Percy is a host unto himself and more threatening to the Feywild and Underfae than anything to come before him. 
Should Finnegan be concerned that Liesel sees a hero when she looks at Percy? After all, Percy plays the part of a fool in Finnegan’s court when he deigns to visit and when he brings the Faerie’s due from the mortal realm - the lost souls that belong to neither Heaven nor Hell, the offerings of mortals doing them honor, whatever else the Wild Hunt can scoop up in their pursuit. The disguise is thinning. Percy is too canny and anyone who knows his history can surmise the kind of magic he wields. But… heroic? Whispers return to the Unseelie Court about what the Wild Hunt does when not spurring their steeds through the skies. They meddle in human affairs. They rescue those Fae creatures who have chosen to live amongst mortals when they get caught in the crossfires of human war and genocide. They feed the starving, clothe the naked, house the homeless. It’s such a human impulse, Finnegan cannot understand it. He doesn’t know where Percy came by these strange and unnatural desires. Not even the goodliest Seelie faerie godmother does half so much. He hears what the Hunt call themselves during the spring and summer months: The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Such a droll, little name - harmless. They are anything but.  For all Percy works to annoy Finnegan without breaching Courtly manners, he also works to transform his own nature into something benign, something beautiful, something heroic. Can he really become something he isn’t? He is Finnegan’s flesh and blood and bone. No one would mistake Finnegan for a hero. They are Fae, they are meant to be the winds that howl at night, the eyes that glow from darkened tree branches, the ghostly hands that aren’t there. Monsters, not heroes. 
Finnegan scoffs. Liesel always did believe in flights of fancy. She’s too trusting for his tastes, too sweet. Perhaps Percy would like something saccharine. Do the Courtless devour humans or are they too noble for that? They certainly pretend to be. Don’t they know what they are, what they all are? Finnegan glides Liesel across the floor, feinting away from Percy and Masha’s wild movements.
“You can dance with him instead,” he says. “It would be… heroic to rescue Masha from his grasp. Let him spin his stories for you… and then tell me if you truly believe he is all he says.” 
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kabargames · 4 years
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5 Cara untuk Hack WhatsApp yang Paling Sering Dipakai
(function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()[]).push(arguments);e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_1oV9EjXP'); Light Yagami merupakan salah satu tokoh yang berada di manga (baca: komik) Death Note. Bagi kamu yang menyukai tokoh Light Yagami, apakah kamu dapat menemukan perbedaan dalam serial manga dengan karya-karya adaptasi yang telah dirilis? Berikut ini merupakan kumpulan fakta Light Yagami yang hanya dapat ditemukan jika kamu mengikuti serial manga Death Note. Sebelum membahas mengenai fakta Light Yagami, mari kita bahas sekilas mengenai komik Death Note ini. Manga ini tidak langsung debut sebagai komik serial, Death Note pertama kali muncul di majalah manga mingguan bernama Shonen Jump sejak bulan Desember 2003. Baca Juga : Inilah 10 Pengguna Nen Terkuat di Hunter x Hunter? 10 Fakta Hunter x Hunter, yang Bikin Kamu Makin Jatuh Cinta 10 Karakter Terpintar Death Note yang Bisa Membuatmu Terpana 10 Aturan Death Note yang Harus Diikuti Light Yagami 22 Fakta Death Note yang Ada tapi Jarang Dibahas googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Death Note merupakan serial manga yang terkenal baik di Jepang maupun di luar negeri contohnya seperti di Indonesia. Sehingga tidak heran jika serial manga ini sudah mendapat beberapa adaptasi seperti film layar lebar, serial drama dan tentu saja diadaptasi ke serial anime. Serial anime yang tayang, sebenarnya menampilkan cerita dan karakter yang sangat mirip dengan yang ada di serial manga. Mulai dari pergerakan karakter para tokoh dan alur cerita yang disampaikan seperti permainan catur yang brilian. Hal ini membuat Death Note di gadang-gadang sebagai salah satu serial anime atau manga yang memiliki cerita paling cerdas dan menarik. Karena ketenaran serial Death Note ini, Netflix pun turut membuat live action atau adaptasi film. Death Note versi Netflix yang ditayangkan membuat para fans bertanya-tanya karena perbedaan drastis terhadap cerita aslinya. Hal yang berbeda juga ditemukan pada serial anime Death Note. NATIVE CONTENT Kimi Hime: Biodata, Fakta, Meme, Foto & Thumbnail Seksi di YT KameAam: Biodata, Fakta & Foto Cosplay Seksi Mobile Legend Lola Zieta: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Cosplay Seksi Sarah Viloid: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Seksi Akan tetapi serial anime tentunya cukup dekat dengan apa yang tertulis di serial manga. Namun tentu saja terdapat beberapa perbedaan serta hilangnya beberapa detail sehingga membuatnya tidak sama persis dengan cerita di manga. Hal ini terjadi pada Yagami Light yang merupakan salah satu pemeran utama pada cerita tersebut. Berikut fakta Light Yagami yang akan kamu notice jika mengikuti serial manga dan anime-nya! Light Bukanlah Seorang Pendendam Loading… (function()var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:';var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142")[ac](i);tryvar iw=i.contentWindow.document;iw.open();iw.writeln("");iw.close();var c=iw[b];catch(e)var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142");var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=398142;c[ac](dv);var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src=wp+"//jsc.mgid.com/k/a/kabargames.id.398142.js?t="+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);)(); Pada serial anime, Light dibuat menjadi seorang tokoh dengan karakter yang sedikit pendendam. Pada episode pertama serial anime, Light dengan terang-terangan mendengarkan obrolan teman sekelasnya, kemudian ia membuat tatapan penuh kebencian dan juga ekspresi jijik. Bahkan ketika seorang itu memanggil namanya untuk menjawab sebuah pertanyaan, respons pertama yang ia keluarkan adalah mendesah. Sedangkan Light di “dalam” manga, karakternya hampir mendekati jati dirinya namun bukan seperti seseorang yang pendendam. Baca Juga : Game No 1 di Indonesia Apa? Cek Sendiri Jawabannya Disini! Daftar 10 Game Online Terlaris Nomor 1 di Indonesia Inilah 10 Pengguna Nen Terkuat di Hunter x Hunter? 10 Fakta Hunter x Hunter, yang Bikin Kamu Makin Jatuh Cinta 5 Daftar Startup Marketplace Asuransi Terbaik di Indonesia Terdapat satu fakta Light Yagami yang ada pada manga yang mungkin orang-orang lewatkan, yaitu Light bukanlah seseorang yang penuh kebencian, ia hanya bosan. Ia tidak marah pada dunia, ia hanya tidak menemukan kesenangan di dunia ini karena ia tahu bahwa tidak ada orang lain di sekitarnya yang sepintar dia. Light memamerkan kepintarannya dengan membual mengenai nilai-nilainya yang sempurna dan juga kemampuannya yang mencapai Direktur Badan Kepolisian Nasional. Light merupakan anak yang sangat cerdas yang tidak puas dengan dunia. Namun ia tidak pernah digambarkan sebagai seseorang yang penuh dengan kemarahan dan mengatakan sesuatu yang menyakiti orang lain. Ekspresi wajahnya sangat berbeda di dalam manga. Death Note Adalah Sebuah Lelucon Di manga, reaksi yang paling sering di perlihatkan oleh Light ketika menemukan catatan kematian adalah sebuah hiburan murni. Sehingga ia akan tersenyum dan bahkan tertawa beberapa kali karenanya. Saat membaca peraturan Death Note, Light membacanya dengan nada yang ringan dan bahkan tertawa karenanya. Light melihat Death Note sebagai barang yang lucu atau aneh, hal ini membuat kebosanan dalam hidupnya berkurang. Light Ingin Membuang Death Note Setelah menggunakan Death Note kedua kalinya, kali ini untuk memberhentikan geng motor yang berpotensi melakukan pelecehan seksual pada gadis-gadis secara acak. Light berpikir apa yang telah ia lakukan. Ketika ia membunuh pemimpin geng motor tersebut, kemudian secara terang-terangan merasa ngeri dan pikiran pertamanya setelah melakukan hal tersebut adalah dengan menyingkirkan Death Note. Kejadian ini merupakan detail halus yang penting dalam perkembangan karakter Light karena menunjukkan keraguannya yang tulis untuk mengambil tanggung jawab untuk menghakimi. Di serial anime, peristiwa ini tidak ditemukan namun justru menggambarkan Light sebagai seseorang yang siap mengambil nyawa. Death Note Membuat Terluka Pada serial manga, Light menderita beberapa konsekuensi fisik sejak pertama kali menggunakan Death Note. Bahkan Light sempat tidak bisa tidur, kesulitan makan dan kehilangan akal untuk beberapa saat. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan Light kehilangan berat badan karena ia tidak mengkonsumsi apapun. Selain itu, membunuh orang-orang mengakibatkan gangguan mental serius pada Light. Light Bukan Penyendiri Pada serial anime, Light digambarkan sebagai orang yang penuh dengan pengisolasian diri bahkan pada kehidupan kesehariannya. Terdapat banyak visual yang menggambarkan Light sendirian. Contohnya terdapat berbagai adegan di mana Light berangkat sekolah sendirian, makan siang sendirian dan tidak bermain olahraga dengan teman sekelasnya. Padahal di manga, Light tidak ditampilkan seperti itu. Di manga, Light digambarkan sebagai siswa yang populer bahkan menyebutkan bahwa ia adalah bahan pembicaraan dan bagaimana semua siswi menyukainya. Dia terbukti memiliki keterampilan sosial yang sangat tinggi dalam manga. Ia hampir sempurna, semua dapat ia lakukan, Light merupakan seorang yang ramah, cerdas, pilihan para wanita, seorang pekerja keras dan dia memiliki fisik yang atletis. Light adalah manusia sempurna dengan rasa ketidakpuasan yang mengikat karena itu sangat mudah baginya. Ulang Tahun Light Detail yang sedikit diketahui orang mengenai ulang tahun Light. Ia lahir pada 28 Februari 1986. Sebuah teori mengatakan bahwa hari ulang tahunnya memiliki makna simbolis. Hal ini dikarenakan hari ulang tahunnya datang sehari sebelum 29 Februari, di mana hari kabisat hanya terjadi 4 tahun sekali saja. Informasi ini tidak pernah diungkapkan di Anime. Light Lebih Pintar daripada L Sejumlah orang menyatakan bahwa L merupakan karakter yang paling cerdas di series Death Note ini. Pada buku ke-13 “How To Read”, disajikan informasi secara spesifik yang mencantumkan atribut karakter pada berbagai skala yang berbeda. L diberi peringkat untuk hal-hal seperti kecerdasan, penggila hal-hal manis (makanan) dan bermasyarakat. Sedangkan Light dinilai untuk kecerdasan, kemampuan berakting, kreatif dan masih banyak lagi. Light mendapatkan nilai sempurna dalam segi akting, kekuatan emosional dan keterampilan sosial dan satu skor lebih tinggi dalam segi kecerdasan dari L. Perubahan Mata Light Fakta Light Yagami yang satu ini sangat halus sehingga hampir tidak pernah dikatakan di anime seperti yang dilakukan di serial manga. Detail ini ditampilkan paling jelas ketika terdapat scene atau babak kilas balik di akhir ketika Light mengingat percakapan pertamanya dengan Ryuk, serta ketika ia kehilangan ingatannya di penjara. Sebelum Light memiliki Death Note, mata Light Yagami terlihat lebih bulat dan besar serta memiliki tatapan yang polos. Mata miliknya terlihat cerah. Hal ini dibuat untuk menunjukkan transformasi yang terjadi pada Light. Transformasi itu untuk memperlihatkan dari perubahan yang terjadi pada masa yang akan datang dan ketika ia kembali ke masa sekarang. Kalian dapat melihat bagaimana mata Light menjadi lebih sipit sejak saat itu. Hal ini merupakan detail kecil yang memperlihatkan bagaimana Death Note mencuri kepolosannya dan membuatnya semakin tidak mudah percaya, dan pada akhirnya merubahnya menjadi orang yang jahat. Kelemahan Light Dijelaskan dalam manga bahwa Light tidak akan pernah kalah dari Mello dan Near. Disebutkan juga bahwa Mello dan Near tidak akan pernah menang jika mereka tidak bekerja sama dengan sempurna. Mello terpaksa meninggalkan hidupnya dengan sengaja untuk mengalahkan Light, sesuatu yang tidak dapat dicapai oleh pendahulu mereka L. Seperti informasi yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya, bahwa Light merupakan seorang yang sangat pintar. Light tidak pernah memperlihatkan kelemahannya secara terang-terangan. Namun kelemahan Light kemungkinan dapat dilihat dari beberapa kejadian yang pernah dialami. Di dalam manga, mereka menentukan bahwa kelemahan utama Light dan apa yang mengantarkannya kepada kehancuran adalah bahwa ia tidak pernah meragukan dirinya sendiri atau kemampuannya. Terjatuhnya Light Babak atau peristiwa kematian pamungkas Light Yagami sangat berbeda sekali dengan ada yang di anime dan di manga. Terdapat satu detail yang diubah secara drastis yaitu permintaan Light kepada Ryuk. Ini menjadi fakta yang menarik seputar Light Yagami. Di dalam manga, Ryuk berdiri di belakang Light sepanjang waktu ketika pertarungan terakhir. Near bahkan mengatakan “halo” padanya, bukti bahwa Near tahu bahwa dia menang sejak ia menyentuh Death Note yang asli. Setelah seorang tokoh bernama Matsuda menembak Light, Light merangkak ke arah Ryuk kemudian menyentuh kaki Ryuk. Kemudian Light memohon pada Ryuk untuk menuliskan nama Near di Death Note miliknya. Ryuk merespon dengan senyuman, ia menyetujui untuk menuliskan namanya di Death Note tersebut. Setelah mendapatkan konfirmasi tersebut dari Ryuk, Light kemudian mengejek Near. Namun Ryuk mengklarifikasi bahwa nama yang ia tulis pada Death Note adalah nama Light. Light tidak pernah melarikan diri dan mati di tangga daripada menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di sebuah gudang. Ia sadar bahwa Ryuk telah melakukannya. Selain fakta-fakta di atas, terdapat beberapa fakta Light Yagami yang lainnya lho! Light Yagami merupakan salah satu tokoh yang paling diingat sepanjang masa di majalah mingguan Shounen Jump karena kejeniusannya. Mungkin fakta-fakta berikut sudah menjadi rahasia umum. Light Yagami juga pernah digambarkan sebagai penggemar berat Misa Amane, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Yagami Light merupakan seorang wota atau penggemar idola Jepang. Selain itu, Light merupakan lawan tertangguh yang pernah dihadapi oleh L. Mungkin Anda sudah mengetahui tentang hal ini, bahwa Light tidak pernah mengandalkan mata Dewa Kematian. Mata Dewa Kematian yang berfungsi untuk melihat masa hidup dari seorang manusia dengan bayaran separuh usia penggunanya. Hal ini tentu saja membuat Light berhasil menjadi pengguna Death Note paling berbahaya karena selama memegang Death Note, ia hanya berbekal akal dan tipu dua semata. Nantikan terus informasi terupdate seputar game, gadget dan anime hanya di Kabar Games. Supaya kamu tidak ketinggalan berita, kamu bisa follow akun Instagram dan Facebook Kabar Games. Kamu juga bisa bergabung bersama kami di dalam Channel Discord Kabar Games. Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar kalian ya! 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kabargames · 4 years
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Inilah 10 Pengguna Nen Terkuat di Hunter x Hunter?
(function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_1oV9EjXP'); Saat ini kembali santer diberitakan mengenai potensi penyebaran ideologi teroris melalui game online. Hal ini mencuat sejak Gilles de Kerchove, Koordinator Antiterorisme Uni Eropa, mengutarakan pendapatnya. Gilles mengatakan bahwa game online bisa dan sudah digunakan untuk menyebarkan ideologi ekstremis tertentu. Dalam sebuah wawancara, Gilles de Kerchove mendesak AFP untuk menambah aturan mengenai masalah penyebaran ideologi ekstrim. Gilles mengutarakan bahwa tidak semua sektor game bermasalah. Namun ia mengingatkan agar pemerintah dan masyarakat dapat bersikap lebih waspada. Baca Juga : 5 Daftar Startup Marketplace Asuransi Terbaik di Indonesia Tts Santai Gunung Bromo Resmi Dirilis, Ini Update Fitur Football Manager 2021 Mobile Winda Earl: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Seksi googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); “Saya bukan mengatakan semua sektor game bermasalah. Ada 2 miliar orang bermain online, dan itu semua sangat bagus,” kata de Kerchove orang Belgia yang telah menjabat posisi itu 13 tahun. Serangan Terorisme Melalui Siber Lebih jauh Gilles menjelaskan bahwa sudah ada contoh yang mengarah pada kebenaran rumor tersebut. Yang mana ada sebuah game yang menuntut pemainnya menembak orang dari bangsa tertentu dalam game-nya. Game tersebut disebut-sebut dibuat oleh kelompok ekstrem kanan yang ada di Jerman. Namun sayangnya ia tidak menyebutkan nama game yang ia curigai tersebut. Dari contoh tersebut, pria kelahiran Belgia itu berpendapat bahwa melalui game, ideologi tertentu bisa saja disebarkan secara tersirat kepada publik. Selain itu, ada pula beberapa game yang disinyalir mengajarkan cara pencucian uang dan penukaran mata uang game melalui legal tender. NATIVE CONTENT Kimi Hime: Biodata, Fakta, Meme, Foto & Thumbnail Seksi di YT KameAam: Biodata, Fakta & Foto Cosplay Seksi Mobile Legend Lola Zieta: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Cosplay Seksi Sarah Viloid: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Seksi “Anda punya kelompok ekstrem kanan di Jerman yang telah membuat permainan yang untuk menembak orang Arab, atau (George) Soros (miliarder AS kelahiran Hongaria), atau Nyonya (Angela) Merkel untuk migrasi kebijakan, dll. ” “Itu bisa jadi cara alternatif untuk menyebar ideologi, terutama yang ekstrem kanan tapi tidak hanya itu, cara mencuci uang… ada mata uang yang dibuat dalam permainan bisa ditukar dengan legal tender,” terangnya. “Ini bisa jadi bentuk komunikasi. Ini dienkripsi. Bisa juga cara untuk menguji skenario serangan,” lanjutnya. Konten Bermasalah Tidak hanya dalam game, menurut Gilles de Kerchove ia sangat menyayangkan amplifikasi algoritmik yang ada pada platform YouTube dan Facebook. Keduanya dianggap telah memberikan rekomendasi konten-konten bermasalah kepada para penggunanya. Loading… (function()var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:';var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142")[ac](i);tryvar iw=i.contentWindow.document;iw.open();iw.writeln("");iw.close();var c=iw[b];catch(e)var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142");var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=398142;c[ac](dv);var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src=wp+"//jsc.mgid.com/k/a/kabargames.id.398142.js?t="+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);)(); Menurut pendapatnya, hal tersebut sengaja dilakukan oleh raksasa teknologi untuk melihat reaksi serta mempengaruhi emosi para pengguna kedua platform tersebut. Seperti yang sudah nyata terlihat saat ini, isu dan berita-berita yang bersifat sensitif terus direkomendasikan kepada pengguna tidak hanya melalui YouTube dan Facebook, bahkan berbagai aplikasi lainnya juga. Pendapat Gilles dapat dibenarkan bila kita melihat faktanya saat ini. Hal ini juga yang mendorong Eksekutif Uni Eropa meminta perusahaan-perusahaan raksasa digital agar lebih transparan dalam permasalahan semacam ini. Baca Juga : Inilah 10 Pengguna Nen Terkuat di Hunter x Hunter? 10 Fakta Hunter x Hunter, yang Bikin Kamu Makin Jatuh Cinta Loops Esports Didiskualifikasi PMGC 2020, Ini Kronologinya 5 Daftar Startup Marketplace Asuransi Terbaik di Indonesia Airship Jadi Peta Baru Eksklusif Among Us, Ini Istimewanya Privasi dalam Aplikasi Chat Tampak jelas Uni Eropa tengah meningkatkan aturan dan tindakan untuk menghapus segala bentuk penyebaran ideologi teroris, terutama dalam dunia Siber. Pembahasan mengenai proposal untuk meminta penghapusan konten dengan karakter teroris segera dihapus maksimal satu jam sudah dimulai oleh Parlemen Eropa. Salah satu media yang juga menjadi kekhawatiran Eropa ialah aplikasi pesan online. Penegak hukum di negara-negara Uni Eropa dikabarkan sudah mendesak agar pihak berwenang diperbolehkan membaca pesan WhatsApp yang sudah terenkripsi, dengan membawa surat perintah. Namun tentu saja hal ini mendapat tentangan dari berbagai pihak dengan alasan privasi dan kemungkinan penyalahgunaan. Kendati demikian, Gilles de Kerchove tetap berusaha meyakinkan bahwa keamanan privasi pengguna akan tetap terjaga. Hal ini dilakukan juga untuk menjaga keamanan masyarakat secara umum. Tidak hanya Uni Eropa, Amerika Serikat bersama keempat negara aliansinya juga menuntut perusahaan-perusahaan digital memberikan akses terhadap pesan terenkripsi kepada penegak hukum jika dibutuhkan. Fenomena Penyebaran Ideologi Teroris Melalui Game Isu penyebaran ideologi tertentu melalui game sebenarnya sudah cukup sering kita dengar. Seperti yang kita tahu, dalam sebuah game online, pemain bebas memilih berbagai karakter yang telah disediakan, salah satunya agen teroris. Tentu saja pemain akan diberikan ruang bebas untuk memainkan perannya. Hal ini secara tersirat menjelaskan tentang peranan teroris dalam kehidupan nyata. Hal yang demikian ini tentu mengundang banyak respon positif maupun negatif dari masyarakat. Ada yang setuju bahwa ideologi teroris dari pihak-pihak tertentu dapat dengan mudah disebarkan melalui game online, namun ada juga yang menolak pendapat itu dengan berbagai alasan. Bagi sebagian orang, propaganda tersirat semacam ini tidak akan berpengaruh sama sekali dalam kehidupan. Namun kalangan usia anak-anak adalah target yang paling rentan tercekoki ideologis. Dampaknya berisiko membuat mereka beranggapan kejadian teroris di kehidupan nyata adalah hal yang biasa, sama seperti di dunia game. Hal inilah yang ditakutkan oleh berbagai pihak. Perlu diingat, beberapa waktu lalu sempat heboh isu dan dugaan bahwa game online Clash of Clan menyisipkan unsur pemujaan setan di salah satu pojok arena permainan. Bahkan tuduhan-tuduhan negatif juga pernah diterima game online kekinian dengan jumlah peminat hingga puluhan juta orang, PUBG. Media Lain yang Potensial Seperti yang diutarakan Gilles de Kerchove, selain game online, ada pula media lain yang berpotensi menyebarkan ideologis-ideologis terorisme. Dengan mudah penyebarannya dapat dilakukan siapapun melalui media aplikasi pesan dan media sosial juga. Untuk itu, tidak hanya tugas pemerintah dalam melakukan pengawasan terhadap segala tindak terorisme, masyarakat juga harus berperan aktif dalam mencegah penyebaran ideologis negatif dan melaporkannya ke pihak yang berwenang. Keberadaan game online menjadi angin segar bagi orang-orang yang sedang dirundung kebosanan. Variasi genre yang sudah ada sampai sekarang menyita perhatian masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan usia, mulai dari anak-anak, remaja, sampai dewasa. Targetnya terbilang sangat luas. Sering dikambinghitamkan sebagai media yang tepat untuk promosi, sering terdengar juga di kalangan masyarakat bahwa game online berpotensi sebarkan ideologi teroris tertentu. Nantikan terus informasi terupdate seputar game, gadget dan anime hanya di Kabar Games. Supaya kamu tidak ketinggalan berita, kamu bisa follow akun Instagram dan Facebook Kabar Games. Kamu juga bisa bergabung bersama kami di dalam Channel Discord Kabar Games. Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar kalian ya! (function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_KoEP9KXB');
#Fakta #Anime
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kabargames · 4 years
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Kolaborasi Free Fire x One Punch Man Resmi Segera Dirilis
(function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function();e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_1oV9EjXP'); Free Fire memang tidak pernah bosan membawa gebrakan dalam dunia Gaming. Bagaimana tidak? Pengembang game mobile Free Fire (FF) mengumumkan berita mengejutkan dengan mengadakan kolaborasi bersama salah seorang mega bintang sepak bola yaitu Cristiano Ronaldo atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan CR7. Dalam pengumumannya beberapa waktu lalu, Garena telah memamerkan sang mega bintang berpakaian futuristik lengkap dengan senjata yang digunakan. Kabarnya, dalam kolaborasinya kali ini, superstar sepak bola dunia ini akan diberi nama Chrono. Lantas, apa itu Operation Chrono pada tanggal 19 Desember yang di pamerkan Garena? Berikut informasi selengkapnya. Baca Juga : Kolaborasi Free Fire x One Punch Man Resmi Segera Dirilis Bocoran Elite Pass Free Fire Season 32 Bertema Ghost Cloak Daftar Terbaru Update Free Fire (FF) Desember 2020 FF Advance Server November: Download & Dapatkan 3K Diamond Kode Redeem Free Fire (FF) Terbaru Desember 2020, Gratis! googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Sekilas Operation Chrono Sebelumnya, Free Fire sempat membuat gebrakan baru ketika berkolaborasi dengan Ragnarok Online. Tidak puas sampai disitu ternyata, saat ini Garena selaku pengembang kembali menghadirkan kejutan kolaborasinya dengan Kerjasama yang akan diumumkan secara resmi pada 7 Desember 2020 mendatang ini mengusung tema “Operation Chrono”. Christian Wihananto selaku Produser Garena Free Fire Indonesia, mengungkapkan jika pihaknya ingin menciptakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan untuk komunitas Free Fire. Pihaknya pun lantas berusaha mewujudkannya lewat kerja sama dengan salah satu super star sepak bola yang paling populer yaitu Cristiano Ronaldo (CR7). Christian menambahkan, bahwa tak sedikit dari survivor yang juga menjadi penggemar serial Kapten Timnas Portugal tersebut. Harapannya selanjutnya adalah kolaborasi ini bisa membawa perubahan yang menyenangkan para pemainnya. NATIVE CONTENT Kimi Hime: Biodata, Fakta, Meme, Foto & Thumbnail Seksi di YT KameAam: Biodata, Fakta & Foto Cosplay Seksi Mobile Legend Lola Zieta: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Cosplay Seksi Sarah Viloid: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Seksi Skill Chrono Free Fire Di dalam Free Fire (FF), Cristiano Ronaldo (CR7) yang memiliki nama Chrono akan dibekali dengan beberapa skill yang dapat menunjang permainan. Dan salah satu skill tersebut yakni “Tuned Shield”. Dimana skill ini memungkinkan Chrono untuk memblokir kerusakan dari lawan. Loading… (function()var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:';var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142")[ac](i);tryvar iw=i.contentWindow.document;iw.open();iw.writeln("");iw.close();var c=iw[b];catch(e)var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142");var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=398142;c[ac](dv);var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src=wp+"//jsc.mgid.com/k/a/kabargames.id.398142.js?t="+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);)(); Setiap kali Chrono naik level, maka kemampuan skill yang dimilikinya juga akan ikut berubah. Ketika berada level 1, skill Chrono akan membuat medan gaya yang mampu memblokir 500 kerusakan dari lawan. Selain itu, kecepatan gerakan akan meningkat 15% dengan waktu Cooldown mencapai 55 detik. Pada level berikutnya, yakni level 2, kecepatan gerakan Chrono akan meningkat 20% selama 10 detik. Dengan waktu Cooldown menjadi lebih cepat yakni 54 detik. Baik dari level dasar sampai level teratas kemampuan Chrono membuat medan magnet tidak akan bertambah, yakni masih tetap berada di angka 500. Baca Juga : Kolaborasi Free Fire x One Punch Man Resmi Segera Dirilis Bocoran Elite Pass Free Fire Season 32 Bertema Ghost Cloak Loops Esports Didiskualifikasi PMGC 2020, Ini Kronologinya Daftar Terbaru Update Free Fire (FF) Desember 2020 Karakter Cristiano Ronaldo Hadir di Free Fire (FF) Bernama Chrono! Hanya kecepatan gerakan dan waktu cooldown saja yang berubah. Saat mencapai level 3 kecepatan gerakan Chrono akan meningkat menjadi 25% dan 30% pada level 4. Sedangkan pada level tertinggi yakni level 6 kecepatan gerakan maksimum Chrono meningkat 40% yang akan berlangsung selama 10 detik. Dengan waktu cooldown selama 40 detik. “Operation Chrono bertemakan alam semesta futuristik yang berantakan dan kacau. Di dunia yang penuh dengan teknologi canggih tersebut, hadirlah seorang pahlawan yang dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi banyak orang untuk tetap hidup dan bersemangat,” jelas sinopsis dari Operation Chrono. Respon Survivor Jelas, keberadaan sang superstar sepakbola mengundang perhatian dari para pemain game tersebut, apalagi kalau ia berkemungkinan besar menjadi karakter yang bisa dimainkan di dalam permainan battle royale ini! Seraya ingin meminta pendapat dari para penggemar, dalam postingannya Garena Free Fire (FF) meminta kepada para survivor untuk memberikan komentar atas kolaborasi tersebut. Tak sedikit pemain yang merespon kolabs tersebut dengan respon positif. Kendati demikian, ada juga pemain yang meminta Cristiano Ronaldo (CR7) untuk lebih fokus ke Juventus sebagai clubnya yang baru daripada tampil di Free Fire (FF). “Mantap Idola gw collab sama game kesukaan gw haha🤣🤣, fiks bakal beli nih karakter” “Gokil,,sekalian rilis emot khas CR7😂” “Muka char nya jangan sampe mengecewakan kaya Jai,sama K” “Gk setuju,mending ronaldo fokus ke juve aja jngn free fire” “Wah topup lagi😁” Pembaruan Free Fire Atas kerjasama ini, sebagaimana bocoran pada Advence Server, rumornya Free Fire bakal menghadirkan banyak pembaruan, misalnya saja dengan menghadirkan konten baru. Konten tersebut ialah masih berkaitan dengan hadirnya karakter baru Chrono. Nah, konten baru ini kabarnya akan hadir bulan Desember ini gengs! Ngomong-ngomong soal kostum , ternyata kostum baru yang digunakan Chrono terinspirasi dengan kondisi alam semesta saat ini yang berantakan dan kacau. Nantinya, karakter Free Fire akan tampil dengan kostum futuristik. Warna yang diusung adalah warna gelap yang di dominasi warna hitam dengan sedikit aksen warna biru langit. Selebihnya, belum ada informasi lain terkait kerjasama antara Garena Free Fire (FF) dengan Cristiano Ronaldo (CR7). Tentu saja kolabs ini bakal jadi momen yang ditunggu-tunggu, pasalnya tak sedikit survivor yang juga mengidolakan bintan Juventus tersebut. Diketahui, sebelum dengan Garena Free Fire telah beberapa kali melakukan kerjasama dengan menggandeng beberapa super star ternama. Seperti, kolaborasi dengan game RPG Ragnarok. Tidak hanya itu, Free Fire juga sempat lho berkolaborasi dengan DJ asal Brazil, DJ Alok, Niles Hollowell-Dhar alias DJ KSHMR yang berganti nama menjadi K, Hrithik Roshan, hingga aktor laga Joe Taslim atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Jota. Gimana? Apa kurang mantap apa sih pengembang game Free Fire (FF) dengan ada nya karakter Cristiano Ronaldo yang bernama Chrono! Nantikan terus informasi terupdate seputar game, gadget dan anime hanya di Kabar Games. Supaya kamu tidak ketinggalan berita, kamu bisa follow akun Instagram dan Facebook Kabar Games. Kamu juga bisa bergabung bersama kami di dalam Channel Discord Kabar Games. Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar kalian ya! (function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function();e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_KoEP9KXB');
#BattleRoyale #FreeFire
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kabargames · 4 years
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Kelly Free Fire (FF): Review, Skills, Tips & Kombo Terbaik
(function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function();e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_1oV9EjXP'); Selalu ada hal menarik jika membahas fakta menarik tentang One Piece. Serial manga yang dirilis pertama kali di tahun 1997 ini memiliki jumlah pembaca yang faktanya terus bertambah dan melintasi beberapa generasi. Terutama ketika sejak tahun 1999 disusul penayangan serial anime One Piece oleh TOEI Animation, yaitu rumah produksi animasi dari Jepang yang sukses melahirkan karya-karya besar seperti Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, dan lain-lain. Serial karya Eiichiro Oda ini selama dua dekade lebih telah menemani para penggemarnya. Bahkan, banyak juga yang telah mengikuti serial ini dari usianya masih kanak-kanak hingga usia kini telah dewasa, mungkin kamu adalah salah satunya. Baca Juga : Berapa Umur Goku yang Sebenarnya? Ini Jawabannya Transformasi Vegeta Super Saiyan God yang Tak Diketahui Gak Guna! Ini 16 Karakter Petarung Terlemah di Dragon Ball Z Alasan Garou Lebih Menarik Daripada Saitama di One Punch Man Dragon Ball Super Broly Dianggap Lelucon, Benarkah Seburuk Itu? googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Serial one piece telah mendapat banyak pujian dari para pembaca manga atau penonton animenya, setiap fakta One Piece terbaru selalu menjadi sesuatu yang dinanti. Dari berbagai kisah tentang One Piece di bawah ini akan dijelaskan beberapa fakta tentang One Piece yang mungkin belum kamu ketahui. Yuk, langsung cek! Mendapat Rekor Guinness World Record Fakta One Piece yang pertama adalah, serial manga ini berhasil menembus rekor Guinness World Record untuk kategori jumlah salinan terbesar komik yang ditulis satu orang. Di tahun 2018, jumlah produksi manganya mencapai 440 juta eksemplar. Sehingga dapat dikatakan One Piece merupakan serial manga terlaris dalam sejarah! NATIVE CONTENT Kimi Hime: Biodata, Fakta, Meme, Foto & Thumbnail Seksi di YT KameAam: Biodata, Fakta & Foto Cosplay Seksi Mobile Legend Lola Zieta: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Cosplay Seksi Sarah Viloid: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Seksi Pengarangnya Cuma Tidur 3 Jam Setiap Hari Perjuangan Eiichiro Oda atau Oda-sensei dalam memuaskan para pembaca setia one piece sungguh luar biasa. Betapa tidak, kenyataan bahwa serial manga dan animenya yang meledak di berbagai belahan dunia ternyata harus dibayar dengan waktu bersantai sang pengarang. Loading… (function()var D=new Date(),d=document,b='body',ce='createElement',ac='appendChild',st='style',ds='display',n='none',gi='getElementById',lp=d.location.protocol,wp=lp.indexOf('http')==0?lp:'https:';var i=d[ce]('iframe');i[st][ds]=n;d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142")[ac](i);tryvar iw=i.contentWindow.document;iw.open();iw.writeln("");iw.close();var c=iw[b];catch(e)var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M450849ScriptRootC398142");var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=398142;c[ac](dv);var s=iw[ce]('script');s.async='async';s.defer='defer';s.charset='utf-8';s.src=wp+"//jsc.mgid.com/k/a/kabargames.id.398142.js?t="+D.getYear()+D.getMonth()+D.getUTCDate()+D.getUTCHours();c[ac](s);)(); Diketahui, Oda-sensei setiap hari bangun jam 5 pagi dan mulai menggambar sampai jam 2 dini hari. Sehingga, ia hanya tidur 3 jam setiap hari! Semua itu dikerjakan demi kejar tayang seri terbaru manga yang dimuat di majalah Shonen Jump. Oda-Sensei Ternyata Pengagum Akira Toriyama Baca Juga : Berapa Umur Goku yang Sebenarnya? Ini Jawabannya Transformasi Vegeta Super Saiyan God yang Tak Diketahui Gak Guna! Ini 16 Karakter Petarung Terlemah di Dragon Ball Z 15 Fakta Menarik One Piece yang Belum Terungkap Winda Earl: Biodata, Fakta & Kumpulan Foto Seksi Pecinta manga atau anime mana yang tidak mengenal Akira Toriyama? Dia adalah “arsitek” di balik karakter-karakter kuat di saga Dragon Ball. Rupanya masa kecil Oda-sensei sangat dipengaruhi oleh karya-karya Akira Toriyama hingga akhirnya ia mengambil keputusan menjadi seorang komikus yang akhirnya juga menciptakan manga paling laris sejagad ini. Barangkali fakta One Piece ini tidak mengherankan sebab pengarang Dragon Ball juga telah menginspirasi banyak komikus di berbagai belahan dunia. Romance Dawn, Cikal Bakal One Piece Jika kamu adalah salah satu penggemar fanatik one piece, pasti kamu telah mengetahui fakta One Piece yang satu ini. Sebelum manga dan animenya terkenal seperti sekarang, Oda-sensei rupanya sudah lebih dulu membuat purwarupanya dengan judul Romance Dawn. Tentunya, ada banyak perbedaan dari segi cerita dari versi yang sekarang. Salah satunya adalah kehadiran dua karakter bernama Anne dan Silk yang semuanya mirip dengan Nami. Perubahan Besar di Gambar Karakter Fakta unik One Piece yang dapat dikatakan sangat wajar dalam dunia komik. Selama masih dalam proses rancangan, Oda-sensei kerap melakukan banyak perombakan dari bentuk karakter-karakternya. Salah satunya adalah Nami yang semula digambarkan memiliki tangan dan kaki robot serta menggunakan senjata kapak raksasa. Raih Pendapatan 372 Miliar Bukan hal aneh jika Jumlah pendapatan yang sangat luar biasa diperoleh sang pengarang. Hal tersebut layak masuk dalam daftar fakta unik One Piece ini atas kerja keras Oda-sensei. Sebuah pencapaian yang jarang dicapai komikus tunggal lainnya ini sangat sensasional. Total pendapatan selama setahun ini bersumber dari seluruh penjualan manga, royalti dari anime, game, dan berbagai produk merchandise lainnya. Tapi, tentu semua itu butuh perjuangan dan pengorbanan yang sangat besar. Tiap Negara Punya Nama Karakter Berbeda Mungkin fakta One Piece yang ini bukan lagi hal baru yang sudah lama menonton anime atau membaca manganya. Tapi jika kamu perhatikan di serial anime khususnya yang berbahasa selain Jepang atau Indonesia, ada beberapa perbedaan nama-nama dari tiap karakternya. Misalkan Luffy ada yang diubah menjadi Rufy, Roronoa Zoro menjadi Lorenor Zoro, Usopp menjadi Lysop dan kadang Liar Bo, dan lain-lain. Silakan kamu cari dan buktikan sendiri. Ada Karakter Bajak Laut dari Dunia Nyata Satu fakta tentang One Piece yang mungkin akan membuat kamu terheran-heran adalah ada sejumlah karakter yang nyatanya terinspirasi dari dunia nyata. Beberapa tokoh diantaranya adalah bajak laut sungguhan. Misalnya, Whitebeard alias Edward yang ternyata berasal dari tokoh bajak laut bernama Edward Newgate dan bahkan sosok legenda Blackbeard. Logo Tim Bajak Laut Luffy di Samurai X! Ini adalah fakta tentang One Piece yang kerap ramai jadi bahan perbincangan. Bagi kamu yang mengikuti manga Samurai X, kamu bisa cari adegan di mana logo khas Topi Jerami milik Luffy dan kawan-kawan itu disematkan. Faktanya, Oda-sensei ternyata pernah menjadi asisten dari Nobuhiro Watsuki yang merupakan pengarang Rurouni Kenshin atau Samurai X. Kabarnya, terdapat banyak hal selama pembuatan serial manga batosai itu yang menginspirasi proses kreatif penggarapan One Piece. Usopp Tetap Menjadi yang Terlemah Dari seluruh anggota team bajak laut Topi Jerami, Usopp menjadi karakter yang paling lemah. Bahkan misal pun ada penambahan anggota baru, Usopp tetap menjadi crew dengan skill bertarung paling rendah. Tapi walau demikian, ia merupakan karakter yang menciptakan logo Topi Jerami. Ada Hubungan antara Sanji dan Naruto Rupanya ada hubungan unik antara karakter Sanji dan Naruto. Jika kamu perhatikan bentuk alis Sanji dan membandingkannya dengan tanda punggungnya Naruto keduanya akan terlihat sama. Di Jepang, Naruto adalah nama makanan yang memiliki bentuk melingkar dan bentuknya seperti alis Sanji. Selain itu awalnya, karakter Sanji ini memang akan diberi nama Naruto, namun berhubung nama naruto sudah digunakan dalam manga yang menggunakan judul dan nama itu, Oda-sensei mengubahnya jadi Sanji. Terinspirasi dari Lokasi di Indonesia Di salah satu seasons one piece ada yang berjudul Sky Island. Kemungkinan besar 90 persen tempat itu terinspirasi dari wilayah yang ada di Indonesia. Contohnya, ada sebuah pulau bernama Jaya yang diceritakan punya banyak emas tapi tidak bisa menikmatinya sendiri. Kemungkinan besar itu adalah pulau Papua atau Irian Jaya. Dalam episode tersebut ada burung bernama Southbird yang tak lain merupakan jenis cendrawasih, bahkan kain batik yang disebut enel. Kesuksesan Besar Stampede Film anime berjudul One Piece: Stampede dirilis pada tahun 2019 berhasil mendapat sambutan penonton yang sangat meriah. Pada hari perdana penayangannya di Jepang sukses dihadiri sekitar 356.052 orang dan berhasil memecahkan rekor di sana. Empat hari setelahnya, keuntungan yang diraih berhasil mencapai 1,6 miliar yen. Bahkan, respons positif juga berdatangan dari berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk rating tinggi di IMDb. Karakter-karakter Terkuat Tanpa Buah Iblis Tidak semua karakter dalam One Piece akan punya kekuatan setelah memakan buah iblis. Faktanya, beberapa karakter diantaranya memang punya bakat bertarung dan ketangkasan yang murni dimilikinya. Sebut saja misalkan Ada Shanks, Monkey D. Garp, Roronoa Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe, Dracule Mihawk, dan Silvers Rayleigh. Bakal Menjadi Serial Live Action di Netflix Akun twitter Netflix Jepang berkicau tentang akan ditayangkannya serial drama One Piece yang diadaptasi dari anime dan manganya. Bahkan, Oda-sensei sendiri menyatakan ia telah mengamati persiapan di balik layar rencana produksi tersebut. Rencananya, akan dirilis 10 episode untuk season pertama. Oda-sensei juga berharap agar semua penggemar One Piece sedikit bersabar. Itulah dia beberapa Fakta menarik One Piece yang akan membuat obrolan kamu bersama teman semakin seru. Nantikan terus informasi terupdate seputar game, gadget dan anime hanya di Kabar Games. Supaya kamu tidak ketinggalan berita, kamu bisa follow akun Instagram dan Facebook Kabar Games. Kamu juga bisa bergabung bersama kami di dalam Channel Discord Kabar Games. Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar kalian ya! 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