#x lord el-melloi II : headcanon
cantillat · 8 months
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lemonadehtwooh · 1 year
just curious, if you were to ship Hector with anyone in FGO (as in...not Andromache or your Mastersona obviously), who would it be and why?
Oh! You wound me with eliminating two of my finest options! XD okay so I actually had to go through the list of Servants in FGO because I actually have no idea! So I have made a list of what I think would be suitable options for shipping him with.
They're are mostly men because FGO seems to not have a lot of women characters who I could even possibly headcanon to be around his age, unfortunately (which being at least around his age, or being able to be headcanoned as such, was one of the traits that was a must to be added to the list). Welcome to Bisexual Hektor Time and also the fact I spent over an hour trying to make a list for this XD
Also anyone and everyone in this list, I can see being friendshiped with Hektor more than anything XD
First, we have Boudica. Reasoning being that they have similar vibes in backstory, also I think they both would enjoy some peace. I think they would have that domestic fluff dynamic. A very peaceful dynamic. Honestly she has the most potential for shipping with him imo, if I had to choose someone
Next is Benki. They both give that moment of wanting to get out of training. I feel like they would have a bromance XD I don't think they would even talk about it, just one day they both sorta realize they're in a relationship and both are fine with it. That's the vibes I think they would give
Lord El-Melloi II (the older one with long hair and smokes). Honestly they give more of "smoking buddies" vibe but ig I could work off of that. With Hektor's carefree attitude, they could probably give that "opposites attract" dynamic XD
I was going to add Saint Martha to this list but I genuinely can't remember why. Maybe someone else can do the thinking for me XD Same with Leonidas? Idk why he's on the list. Someone else can do the thinking for me on that
Next, Georgios. Honestly I just think they would chill. Honestly I'm personally a slight Georgios simp, so that may perhaps be skewing my perception on this XD. Dynamic wise, I think they would have a peaceful life type dynamic, sorta similar to Boudica. Georgios could use Hektor as a model for pictures XD
We have Hassan of the Cursed Arm, but honestly I think they would just be bros more than a bromance. They have that "uncle" vibe ig, which makes me think they would get along. But honestly they're giving a friendship vibe
Out of a joke, I added Miss Crane to the list PURELY out of the idea that she could make him hats. Because he's "Hektor of the Gleaming Helm". XD I rate this crackship: hats/10
Another purely friendship I have with him is Francis Drake. I think they would be buddies. My brain just doesn't have the capacity to romance them, imo. They're friends uwu
Now, here are some ships I personally don't ship and also don't understand the ship for:
Hektor X Achilles. I can see the liking for enemies to lovers, but they lack too much of the respect that is essential for enemies to lovers. I also like their pettiness towards each other too much XD they're so funny to me. Definitely not a ship I personally would enjoy, though. Also it ignores that Achilles already has a boyfriend: Patroclus (lol). Fate give Achilles his boyfriend When
Hektor X Mandricardo. Look, I know in my head that Mandricardo is an adult. But. He gives me too much of an edgy kid vibe XD he reminds me of myself in middle school a little too much XD. He just seems emotionally/mentally too much like a teenager for me to see the appeal, it just feels wrong to ship him with Hektor due to that. But I also can somewhat see why people would ship it. He's one of Hektor's top simps. I can respect him for that frfr XD
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naussensei · 5 years
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A day in Ancient Greece when Waver attended Alexander’s coronation and swore allegiance, once again
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agent-yolk-writes · 5 years
Year in Writing - 2019
With a blink of an eye, 2020 will soon be upon us and the year begins anew! It was certainly quite a time for me at least, starting new stories and jumping into new fandoms without a single care in the world. There are of course the highs and lows considering I’m at the tail-end of my college life, but it happens. 
So without further ado, let’s look back at my writing accomplishments among all the asks memes that went unasked.
We start the year with the start of Friends Like You and Us which is the Into the Spiderverse reader insert with a guest appearance by Venom. It’s such a fun story to start and I’m just absolutely blown away with the ideas I had for this. Maybe I’ll write a sequel, maybe I won’t who knows? School gave me the energy I need to type the superhero shenanigans but now that I’m on break...who knows? At the time of writing, there are about 7 chapters so far and plenty more to come as we’re about around the halfway point. 
Because of which I got requested a bunch of Eddie/Venom headcanons and plenty more that still need to get worked on. Not to mention the Spiderverse headcanon requests I got. I’m sure I won’t get as many notes on them if I work on it now, but I’ll feel a sense of accomplishment if I post them. I need to make a proper tag to round the headcanons in its proper tag. Maybe I’ll label it ‘My Headcanons’. 
On the other end of that, with this headcanon introduced my own Symbiote OC Error! She’s...special, to put it nicely. I thought about writing a fic of her (can’t you can’t get enough symbiote & reader) so that’s in the workshop somewhere. 
Moving on from Sony MCU we also got more FGO x reader fics out like Warmth of Cold Ashes (Jalter), More One Night (Bedivere), and Lord, He Needs a Break! (Lord El-Melloi II, set during Case Files). I have plenty more in the woodwork too ranging from servants i already featured (bedivere and asterios) to new ones im willing to create the niche for (leonidas, hijikata). Regardless, I’m here to stay in the FGO fandom. Always happy to do FGO headcanons too!
Oh yeah, I created a Patreon too! Hopefully 2020 will give me...at least 1 patron. But I have a ko-fi too! One day I can get...some monetization support. I’m even considering starting doing commissions. 
September rolls around and I finally got a piece in a zine and stepping into the zine scene in general. The Pokemon Nameless NPC zine featuring my OC Riida and my friend’s OC/Riida’s twin sister Yuna, which I’ll gladly write anything for them, AU or not. I can’t wait to write for more zines once I stop getting rejections. Buuut you’ll most likely see me modding zines than contributing haha.
Aaaand that’s about it for me! I thought I made a 2018 year in writing but I can’t seem to find it. Oh well. But already off the bat, I’ve improved so much writing-wise from last year that I’m really proud to look back on when writing this. 2020 will be more hectic as I will be (hopefully) graduating college and have to support myself as a Functional Adult but i would love to write for a living so...who knows? Thank you everyone who has supported me this year and I hope that you will continue to support me in the new year. To anyone who is a recent fan, I thank you too for stumbling upon my stories and staying for me. I pray that next year I can provide the entertainment you came for as well as a few surprises here and there. Thank you thank you THANK YOU! <3
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