ffxiv-angora · 3 years
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Made unsundered versions of my characters~ I have some proper screenshots of all of them in the works but I wanted to share their appearances ahead of time :>
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coeurlkin · 4 years
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From his vantage point atop the Springs, Wyra'to could see for as far as he wanted - not that there ever WAS much to see beyond the endless expanse of sand and soot. This was the environment in which he had honed his craft, where he'd been broken down and reforged again and again until the result was deemed satisfactory. His former mentor was a forge master, his training regimen the flames. Prayer was the brine with which the weapon was quenched. Typically this place held memories of struggle and suffering, but this day marked a drastic departure from the norm. Off in the horizon was a beacon of sorts. New. Unfamiliar to him, an otherworldly purple light rising from the apex and burning bright enough to cut through daylight itself. Wyra'to did not know what it was, nor did he care to find out. It felt wrong. Even looking upon it filled him with a sense of unease, a lingering dread that pulled at the pit of his stomach. He'd faced foes far stranger than he could ever have imagined. Ahriman, bhoot, spirits and ghosts given form as well as the more usual assortment of lawless sorts. None of them brought him as much discomfort as this. The strangest thing about it was the shape. From this distance it seemed to shift and contort in ungainly jerks of twisted metal and otherworldly corruption, having sprouted from the ground itself rather than having been constructed by the hands of men. Dread soon gave way to disgust, and disgust to contempt. Likely another beastman scheme, he thought. Another desperate ploy by the great enemy in service of their false idols and masters. It was not his place to strike it down, nor would he attempt to. It was too far within Amalj'aa territory, too dangerous. He was not blessed like some others he had heard of, those who could resist whatever dark magics twisted the minds of men within those realms. Instead, all he could do was observe. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
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ala-mhinyan · 5 years
✪ esketit c'arhibo starmix
❖   POSITIVE.I think you’re awesome ║ I like you ║ I want to go on a date with you ║  I love you ║ You’re cute/handsome ║ I want to marry you ║ You’re attractive ║ I wish we could spend more time together! ║ I’d like to get to know you better ║  I admire you ║ You’re someone that I looked up to ║ You’re very kind ║ I consider us friends ║ I secretly have a crush on you ║ I have high respect for you ║ We have common interests ║ I’m happy that I met you
I feel uncomfortable around you ║ You’re bothersome ║ I never want to speak to you again ║ I dislike you ║ I loathe you ║ I’m envious of you ║ I’m worried about you ║ We don’t get along well ║ You’re the worst kind of person ║ You get on my nerves ║ You’re annoying to me ║ We have nothing in common ║ I wish I had never met you ║ I wouldn’t date you if you were the last person alive ║ >>> Not you again
“What the fuck am I going to do about you? You are yet a plague and love among my heart that I know better than to truly grapple hold of. I gave you possession of my heart once before and you took advantage of both me and my feelings toward you. Since then, never have I allowed such vulnerabilities to grace me–never. Never again. And yet–even in my anger, my hatred of you? I long; I long for when I could smile when I heard your name. I long for a time long past when you were a sanctuary and never a poison upon my person. But times have changed and now? Now… Now you can give me nothing but agony, skills of a faith I continue to fail and a fresh perspective on what a man should never be. You will parade around with a name that does not belong to you, a title you have not earned and you will find your way into a dark corner to coil like the snake you are. When you strike–This time? I’ll be ready.”
Thank you @coeurlkin!
[ Send ✪ for my character to reveal how they feel about yours! ]
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desertwildcatte · 6 years
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Coeurlkin vs. The Shifting Dunes
(ง •̀_•́)ง
ft. @coeurlkin @ashura-amariyo
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Kiss + 7 :^)
It was like this, every time, she tried to keep her distance from the man. A respectful distance. Somehow, -somehow- she always ended up drawn close by him, either by his own hand or hers. This time it was his. Their feet had crunched the gravel and grit of Thanalan beneath them, their destination the clinic to see to yet another bit of bruising he’d accrued but she’d had to touch him, just small brushes of her tail or her hand, half lidded gazes cast his way.
They’d made it near the bridge of the Wash when he caught her wrist and spun her around grinning. His toothy smile glinting with flashes of gold and even more so full of unbridled and untamed emotion, unfathomable and enticing. Sometimes it frightened her but more often than not she was drawn toward him like a moth to a flame, for truly he was a being of destruction, if not of body then of will. This time was one of the latter. He pulled and she followed on fleet feet until they splashed into the waters of the river that flowed beneath the bridge.
Her back met the stone with a practiced delicacy that somehow still managed to be firm, his hands roaming the ambit of her figure until they found her hips and her own smoothing beneath his vest and over his shoulders. One of his own pulled her close, hip to hip, while the other coaxed her chin to stare up at him until he filled her vision with burning gold and crimson. Soft lips met hard and even the coppery taste that lingered on his lips couldn’t make her pull away. His tongue pushed forward eagerly until her own lips parted to allow him entrance and their tongues tangled in a dance of dominance that the man was fated to win.
She liked it best that way. And his grip was only tightening.
[Thank you for the ask. ;P She’s really developing a weakness for him, how deplorable!]
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yzareenxiv · 6 years
Prompt: “Take off your shirt.”
A few moons ago…
Zareen’s chin lifted in pride as the Keeper challenged her. They were both sweat-streaked and winded, yet another spar between them having lasted long enough that they had exhausted one another before either had submitted. Stuck in a stalemate and standing a spear-length apart, Zareen faced off with Wyra'to and considered the only miqo'te she’d ever met that was just as stubborn as herself. He was red-faced, frustrated, but the fight wasn’t over yet. Looking into his eyes, the Jaguar slowly smiled as an idea came to her.
“Wyra'to! Let’s place a wageh! If I am winning, you ah having to buy me a new necklace. Gold. A propeh one!”
“I ain’ losin’!” He protested. “Whaddya gon’ give me fer winnin’ den?”
Zareen spread her arms wide, swinging her spear out as she does so that her body is displayed, the simple wrap around her chests and long skirt falling to her feet dusty in the Thanalanian sun. “One piece of clothing. Aneh one you ah choosing.”
The young man’s eyes went round as saucers before he cracked his fists together and moved into a fighting stance once more. “Fine!”
The two began to circle one another, the huntress gliding smooth and predatory, the monk bouncing full of energy. When they leapt at one another it was a flurry of motion and kicked up dust and the sharp sound of wood against skin and fist against muscle. Snarls erupted from the both of them, sharp hisses, an angry shout from Wyra and a furious growl from Zareen.
Then there was a thud and a surprised grunt and the dust began to settle. Zareen lay on her back with Wyra'to straddling her hips, one fist pulled back and her spear flung to the side and -just- out of reach. Fair is fair and though she attempted to twist out from under him, the monk sat heavier on her hips and leaned in to pin her shoulders.
“Nuh! I win!”
Though she huffed, a slow smile bloomed on her lips as the tension between the two shifted from one kind of struggle to something entirely different and no less likely to leave them both bleeding.
“You win, Wyra'to. So, what piece of clothing ah you claiming…?”
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jancisstuff · 7 years
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The Fractured Man
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Greetings one and all, the Proving Grounds, the talk of the town and gladiatorial arena tournament will be taking place once more, this time on February 10th 2018 at 8 PM EST. Join us to see veritable warriors take to the sands with blade in hand for your entertainment! All of this brought to you by the Game Mistress herself, the generous, kind and humble Lady Owuwu Owu. For the glory of Ul’dah!!!
The fighters that will take to the sands?!
D'atlas Lhex VS  Xandaria Morgana
Burkegan Iriq VS  Z'ro Fallharbor
C'xhori Fisher VS O'kori Kett
Wyra'to Coeurlkin VS  Cyneburg 'Hailstorm' Hayle
Who will be the one to be awarded the second Ivory Dagger?! Come to the Proving Grounds arena in Ward 1 of the Goblet, head to this location:
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Ask around, these are not your regular fights! The fights are predetermined, and planned by the fighters in advance? Why? To make the best spectacle, to entertain the crowd, and to keep you on the edge of your seat. No, as a spectator you will not have to wait for every turn to follow a roll of dice. Instead, the fighters will be using prose to wow you and take your breath away, to keep you at the very edge of your seat! Mateus’s RP community truly has no greater spectacle!
Join us on February 10th and be part of history!
The Proving Grounds are not responsible for the loss of wealth following debts, the Proving Grounds is also not responsible for any racist commentary made by its game mistress. The Proving Grounds are not responsible if a stray blade lodges itself within your sternum. The Proving Grounds are responsible for a good time!
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the-mateus-minute · 7 years
Champion’s Call
Dear Readers,
I would like to apologize for not getting this article out sooner, I have been very busy these past few days and it threw my schedule into disarray. With that said, for my final interview about the third round of the Proving Grounds, I once again had the pleasure of meeting with O’kori Kett and her patron Nikulas Pierce. Miss Kett now has two wins under her belt, and is only one away from being crowned the first champion of the revived Proving Grounds.
C: Miss Kett, It would seem you a rather close to becoming the first champion of the Proving Grounds. How does that make you feel? O: It feels amazing, honestly. Though I barely managed to get this second one, it still counts, and I know I'll be the first champion. Just wait for the next tournament.
C: Yes, the matches this week were much different from previous matches. How did you feel about the team match aspect of the most recent fights? O: At first I wasn't thrilled about being teamed with Fisher. I thrashed him so soundly the first time and I thought for sure he'd hold me back, but...honestly he saved my life out there. He's got more mettle than I first thought, and if we hadn't been in a team fight, then I would've lost to Wyra'to and that would have been the end of it, possibly permanently in my case. All told, though, I still prefer single combat. N: I'm sure most patrons would have agreed that a bit of warning would have been appreciated. It's our job to prepare and outfit our fighters so they are most ready for the challenge ahead. It would have been interesting to see what we all could have come up with to better fit this type of combat. Regardless, The Lady Owu does like to make a show, and I can say she succeeded spectacularly this time around in that, whether we like it or not.
C: Indeed, she seems rather determined to keep us all on our toes; even releasing a beast on the fighters so soon after a match. Miss Kett, how did you feel about having to fight a behemoth? O: I thought I was hallucinating, I was certain it was just my mind reacting poorly to all the blows I'd taken, but no, it was real. And then...a shot of terror at the sheer size of the thing as it circled us. It was a burst of adrenaline, that's for sure. I knew I had to be the one to focus its attention since I had the shield, that way Fisher could poke it and we could keep it occupied, away from the crowd. [...] I'm proud I was able to do it. I might have collapsed once the beast was dead, but dammit, I gave it all I had before I did.
C: I suppose I might have thought the same thing if I had been in your shoes Miss Kett. [Mr. Pierce,] I was there with you for most of the fight, but could you state, in your own words, how you felt when Miss Kett had to fight that behemoth? N: Ah, yes. Well. She had just avoided near death from the Savage and pronounced victor, so you have to understand at first there was relief, if not a bit of elation. Of course, then Lady Owu made her announcement and it was all I could do not to commit one of the greatest Ul'dah social faux pas by punting her off the balcony. MY fighter, with only a handful of ticks on the clock to recover, was now to fight this ridiculously named behemoth?! I was outraged, but with the creature already in the ring, there was nothing I could do. I hadn't come equipped for much of a fight myself, and even if I did try to intervene I'd be sabotaging Kett's arena career. So...I had to watch. It is not an experience I wish to repeat.
C: It was a rather dire moment. The tension was almost palpable. Thankfully, Miss Kett and her partner, Mr. Fisher, were able to pull through and defeat the beast. Well, I can't say I have too many questions for you tonight, but one last question before we conclude the interview [...] Miss Kett, if you become champion, do you have any idea what sort of boon you might ask of Lady Owu? O: Nope! But I originally came to the Proving Grounds to earn gil, so I might end up just going with that. I'm still undecided, though. And no one said you have to ask the boon as soon as you win; I might hold onto my daggers for a bit to figure it out. They're pretty, you know. Probably worth a bit just on their own. N: I'm sure we'll win over the hearts and minds with that one. To help out some, we' go back a bit, and the arena started shortly after I officially opened Pierce Labs to the public. The endeavor was a dream of mine but left me completely broke. While Kett was already interested in the prospect of the fight, this gave her the final push to take to the sands. In turn, I put the remaining materials I had into shape for her and put my trust and the future of the Lab in her fighting capabilities. My faith was not misplaced.
C: It would seem you made a smart bet Mr. Pierce. And very true, Lady Owu did not say that you had to request your boon right away, so holding onto the daggers while you decide would be a smart call. Any final comments before we conclude the interview? N: We can't properly end the interview without a bit of self-promotion, can we? To you, dear readers, if you wish to be more like the current champion-to-be, please stop by Pierce Labs and make your custom commission today, and I'll do my best to get you outfitted in time to see O'kori take to sands and claim her final dagger. O: I just want people to know that I may have sat out this tournament, but I'm not gone yet. Like Nik said, I'll be coming back at the next one, and I'll win my third dagger when I do.
Miss Kett certainly has her eyes set on that final dagger, it is good to see a fighter such as herself knowing when to sit out and take time to heal though. I’m sure, win or lose, she will be thankful she took this time when she faces her next opponent.
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ffxiv-angora · 3 years
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FFXIVWrite Info || My Characters || Daily Prompts
Week 1 -
1. Foster - Wyra'to
2. Aberrant - Wyra'to
3. Scale - Angora (with mentions of Shria)
4. Baleful - Angora
5. Adamantine (Free day) - Wyra'to
6. Avatar - Altani
7. Speculate - Shria + Angora
Week 2 -
8. Adroit - Altani
9. Friable - Angora
10. Heady - Shria
11. Preaching to the Choir - Angora + Wyra'to
12. Free/Makeup Day - Used to submit #9
13. Oneirophrenia - Shria
14. Commend - Idk man lol
Week 3 -
15. Thunderous - Angora
16. Crane - Wyra'to
17. Destruct - Shria
18. Devil's Advocate - Altani
19. Temptation (Free day) - Wyra'to
20. Petrichor - Shria
21. Feckless - skipped for now since I was sick RIP
Week 4 -
22. Fluster - Angora
23. Soul - Angora
24. Illustrious - Wyra'to + Angora
25. Silver Lining - Shria
26. Perfection (Free day) - Angora
27. Benthos - Altani
28. Bow - Shria
Week 5 -
29. Debonair - Shria
30. Abstracted - Angora
31. Yearning (Bonus free day!) - Shria + Angora
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coeurlkin · 7 years
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"Folks always ask me why me face is so dirty mosta th' time... Well, when yer out fightin' in th' desert every day, or fightin' in an arena, ye' tend ta get a little bit scruffy fer yer troubles. Not that I've 'ad any problems cause of it, mind! Only thing I wish is that these Corpse Brigade fellas'd stop tryna smash me best asset, I'd probably clean it more otherwise!" (photo credit Pepper :3 ty so much)
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home-halone · 7 years
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Pahja'a set his quill down and took a moment to compose himself. "My Toto. My Wyra'to. I wonder where he is now. I-" He slowly removed his glasses, and smiled weakly. "For a long while I thought he might've... perished. But I've heard rumors. I wouldn't think-- I don't think... he wasn't that kind of boy. But if he's alive... like I, he was shorter than his brothers, but I made up for that. It was endearing. His soft hair, the slightest curls. Not as much as Lee, but I remember them bright as day." He sighed. "Oh, my son. I pray the gods watch over him."
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tiergan-vashir · 8 years
After being the Wyra'a out of a moon cat family that has Wyra (the mom), Wyra'to, Wyra'li, Pahja'a (dad), and Pahja'to (uncle) - I deeply question how the heck moon keeper families don’t get confused, because I regularly get confused ALL THE TIME.
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ffxiv-angora · 3 years
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The unsundered versions of my characters at the various jobs they would have had ;v;
(Continuation from this post )
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ffxiv-angora · 3 years
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Angora Khilo (**Main**)
Character info
Character Tag
Wyra'to Polaali
Character info
Character Tag
Shria Noykin
Character info
Character Tag
Altani Khargal
Character info
Character Tag
FFXIVWrite 2021 Masterpost
Screenshot tag
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ffxiv-angora · 3 years
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Halloween costumes for the whole gang! 🎃
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