#wynonna Earp cast panel
ferrarer17 · 2 months
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How getting Wynonna Earp back for a 90 minute tv movie feels.
How getting it back for more series would feel:
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mayasdeluca · 2 months
I wanted to write this up and send it to you sooner because I wanted to get the wording right and now that the Jay news broke, it kind of aligns with what I had wanted to say.It's never a good look when the lead(s) of a show get ignored for more fan favorite people especially at conventions. No fault to the actors, it's just who the fans gravitate toward.
I remember when Wynonna Earp was at their first SDCC I think, almost every question from the audience was for Kat. Obviously frustrating to the others on the panel (again not Kat's fault) to where Shamier (I think) joked that he could leave. But I think Mel felt more slighted as she was the lead of the show and might have resented Kat early on (all water under the bridge now). And you even see how Mel didn't participate in those early Earp cons probably because of being an after thought to fans. I mean even now, since the cons seem to lean toward the queer community, the male cast members like Tim, Varun, and Greg are treated like they don't matter and it annoys me so much the way some fans disrespect them.
I see it happening similarly with these Station 19 cons. They saw the pull of Danielle and Stefania (similar to Dom and Kat) and booked them as the con headliners, but then had random additions like Grey and Alberto and Brett. Why not Jaina or Jason the supposed leads of the show? Possibly because there is some "resentment" (for lack of a better word) to the Marina popularity overshadowing the show as a whole. Granted these are European cons so they tend to be a little different but Jaina and Jason and Jay are doing Epic cons so they're not opposed to the whole con scene like say Barrett but maybe they just didn't want to deal with being an afterthought among the predominately Marina/queer fans that show up to these cons. And I'm not including whatever BTS drama has happened or like I mentioned above it is not the actors fault that people gravitate toward them but it could be off putting in any profession when someone gets love and praise and you have to be like um, I was there too. (Which is why I also think the Marina Spinoff hashtag is kind of in poor taste but that's a discussion for another thread).
As for Jay, I was actually surprised when he was announced for the UK con since no one else from the current cast except Grey (who marches to the beat of his own drum) ever went to a con. They kept teasing another guest was going to be announced and I am very curious of who that would have been; I doubt it was Alex all along. They probably invited him cause he was cheap and it made sense since he was part of Jake and Jaicy's intern class and they made a point to add he was part of the queer community.
Anyway back to Jay, unless the mystery guest was Lachlan or Jaina or someone else at 19, it didn't make sense pairing Jay with Jake and Jaicy for Friday as they never worked together. Which is probably why his sales suffered and in turn they couldnt afford to bring him. I feel like some of these cons see the popularity in guests going to other cons but don't actually know the show(s) to know who to put together. I mean for all the BTS drama the cast seem to stick together, if they dicked Jay over like this, do they really think they'll have a chance to get him (or others for that matter) for their 2.0 version they're already planning. And that might even include Stefania saying no even though she had a good time this year.
I have rambled on this enough but my final thought is that we know the fans can be extreme but they really do border on disrespectful when they make it all about Danielle and Stefania or Marina (which granted they were the main couple of the show) and disregard anyone else which even may have been the cause of some of that BTS drama which would be petty but these are actors who need their who's stroked constantly LOL.
I totally see what you're saying with this and have seen it happening with both fandoms you mentioned considering I was in both but I think it's partly unfair to put all the blame on the fans for doing this for a few reasons.
I think the reason that fans of a wlw ship end up getting so invested in a show because of the ship is due to the extreme lack of representation on tv to begin with so we are literally grasping at straws to find any and every kind of representation and sinking into it in every way possible. Of course there should be limits to this when it ends up being invasive to the actresses and boundaries are being crossed but from a strictly on screen perspective, while it may be unfair to said main actress/character who isn't part of the wlw ship that people are watching for, it also isn't fair or right that our community is barely shown on television while you can turn on any channel and any show at any given moment and see a female lead and male lead who inevitably end up getting together at some point in time.
And from a con standpoint specifically, I even saw people start to say after the Jay situation that this should be a reason that people start to buy other guests extras and not just Danielle and Stefania's...but who is someone to say how someone else should spend their money? And I know that there are now a lot of con 'regulars' (I really cringe saying that but don't know how else to describe it) who make it a habit of going at least every year so clearly they are financially able to do so and maybe could buy other guests things to make sure they are able to stay a guest but also if someone is going just to meet the actresses of the ship they like, that should also be okay. It's not really the fan's responsibility to make sure the actor is represented and situated for a con once a con decides to invite them.
Yes it's awkward and uncomfortable when it's not the 'main' who is the favorite or if it's very obvious that there's certain cast members who are more popular than others but I'm not sure how you fix or change that. I also think a lot of is has to do with fan interaction and how interaction the actors are with their own fans. Just as an example, how much of the Station 19 cast really interacted with the fans to build up a connection with them? And I know they can now say they wanted to stay away from the drama and everything but what about before Marina was even a thing? Live tweeting and posting BTS and all that standard promo stuff really goes a long way with people (we've seen it with the Earp cast). But yeah I don't really think there's a real good solution to making it work for everyone.
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zonetrente-trois · 2 months
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metahomo · 7 years
‪Someone just asked how gay season three was going to be and Tim Rozon kissed Micheal Eklund and everyone started screaming.‬
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taste-my-rainbow · 4 years
“Next thing you know we’re doing positions on the sofa...” - our sweet Dominique Provost-Chalkley talking about preparing for 4.02 with Kat Barrell and probably not realising she’s just murdered us all
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sapphiresea · 5 years
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earpangel · 5 years
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melanie continuing to let dom believe she really had spinach in her teeth throughout the audition is the most sisterly moment the earp sisters have ever had
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thebigdog14 · 5 years
Full Wynonna Earp Panel at San Diego Comic Con 2019. Please reblog so other Earpers can find it.
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The cast talking about Mama Earp back in 2016
Melanie: I’m always a sucker for the family stuff.
Dominique: Aw, me too.
Melanie: And like, why we’re so messed up.
Dominique: Yeah
Bridget: We’ve heard a lot about Papa Earp, any info, are we going to look into Mama Earp?
Emily: *shrugs* it’s possible... 
Melanie: Where is that bitch?
Emily: Sigourney-
Melanie: Like is she a bitch?
Emily: Is she Sigourney Weaver ?? If you say that on a panel it just happens right?
Tim: Is she Juan Carlos?
Emily: I think it’s interesting, she left-What is she?
Shamier: *can’t stop laughing at Tim*
Tim: Juan Carlos.
Emily: Oh Juan Carlos. I love Juan Carlos
Dominique: He actually said  is she Juan Carlos
Emily: Is she Juan Carlos...It is that type of show for sure!
Tim: No one cares! Guys, who is Juan Carlos?!
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ferrarer17 · 2 months
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mayasdeluca · 1 month
I don’t really like to compare them but the Wynonna Earp panels are so much better than the Marina / Shondaland ones. I love that everyone is there to celebrate the show and not just their favourite ship. The questions and answers are better too. Maybe it’s because the WE cast have been doing them for longer or maybe it’s because they never took for granted that they got a new season and now a new show. I think being part of the Greys verse made everyone at Station feel too safe - and us fans probably felt too safe too, you know? That’s why the cancellation came like such a surprise. I can’t believe D&S don’t remember the last scene they filmed together, you’d think it was even more special knowing it was the last time. Anyway, I can’t wait for Vengeance!! I hope you’ll feel inspired to do some gifs when it finally airs.
Yeah I think it's hard to compare because it's pretty much two completely different situations. Even if both shows have a strong and popular wlw couple that a lot of people started to watch the show for, the casts and their dynamics with each other are completely different and were from the start. And Wynonna Earp was pretty much always fighting to stay on the air while Station 19 never had that issue until all of a sudden ABC decided to get rid of it.
And I believe the fandoms are completely different with a different vibe even if there are people who watch both and are involved in both so that affects how the cons are too. I'll definitely be making gifs of Vengeance and can't wait for it! Hopefully we get a date soon.
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fyeahwynonnaearp · 7 years
Dragon Con 2017: Wynonna Earp Panel (Day 2); Sat. 2 September 2017. (x)
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wayhaughtprompts · 2 years
At Earp Expo, at one panel the cast was asked by an anonymous Earper how to spice up their love life. Kat said "Put all the rooms in your house in a hat and randomly pick one. Do it in that room." Can you write a prompt based on that? Wayhaught eventually does it in all the rooms using this idea.
ok this is probably Waverly's idea tbh
like I feel like she found this idea online
or that she gets this idea bc Wynonna joked that the pair "did it in every room"
anyways one day when everyone was out of the house besides Wayhaught
Waverly goes up to Nicole and suggests that they: "put all the rooms in a hat and randomly pick one, then do it in that room."
Nicole looks at Waverly for a moment, thinks about it, and agrees
bc lbr that's a pretty good idea and was surprised that they didn't think about it earlier
so Nicole gets her stenton as Waverly writes all the rooms done
they both get super excited and can't wait to pull out the room
after they get everything set up and mix up the rooms in the hat
they pick out the room and they were kinda surprised bc they realized they had never done it in the room before
somehow they picked something random the home office or the laundry room
which you would think they had done it before but they did not
so without missing a heartbeat, Waverly pulls Nicole to that room
and they start taking off each other's clothes
before they knew it they were in that room, already on the floor
lbr they get pretty rough and they spend hours, soon day turn to night
finally, when they are done, they were both covered in marks and scratches
they just spend time on the floor giggling and smiling, they realized how much fun they had and they were glad that Waverly had the idea
Bonus: Wynonna comes home and hears the pair, and in the most Wynonna way she interrupts them
which cause Wayhaught to be mad but they were used to this
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disabilityhealth · 7 years
So last week I started watching Wynonna Earp and it’s honestly such a refreshing show. You can tell that there are a lot of talented, thoughtful women working on it and that feminine influence is totally badass.
Anyway I’m all caught up now and I need more. 
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sapphiresea · 5 years
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Emily: Please clarify what this embryo is. Kat: [...] I’ve been on a journey to find my first feature because directors are really held to their first features and if it’s shit, then it kind of haunts you. And so I just have, I think, found what it’s going to be, so now it just needs to grow and massage. Not inside of my body!
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earpangel · 5 years
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